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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 24
Height 91 cm
Race Harvin
Hobbies Sewing, maintaining her crossbows
Likes Working, helping people
Dislikes Chit-chat
Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 24歳
Height 91cm
Race ハーヴィン
Hobbies 裁縫、機械弓のメンテナンス
Likes 仕事、人助け
Dislikes 世間話
Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Today's your birthday? Congratulations.
Here, I got this for you. Why? Well, why not.
Look. I've been working for you for a while now. I'm just making sure I stay on my employer's good side, okay?
In this line of work, making it to another birthday is something worth celebrating. Believe me.
Whatever. Forget I said anything. See you later.


Happy birthday. Here's your present.
We've had our fair share of crises this past year.
Which just makes it all the more important that we made it here safe and sound.
And that's why we're celebrating.
With any luck we'll be here next year, celebrating just the way we are now.


It's your birthday today, isn't it?
Why? Well, this is the third time I've celebrated your birthday with you.
It's bad enough to use the same strategy twice, and thrice is just out of the question.
So this year we're doing something different. There's a good cafe two blocks down; I'll treat you.
What's with the face? That's not a very mercenary thing to do?
Well, you're right. I guess I'd be doing this less as your hired hand and more as a...
What should I call it...
Huh? A friend? Well, if you want to see it that way, I can't stop you.
Enough talk. Let's get moving, (Captain).
Ah, I almost forgot. Happy birthday, (Captain).


You certainly eat a lot. I'm glad this restaurant was the sort you like.
Don't get me wrong—I didn't choose the location just for you.
I picked it while doing some pre-battle research of the town.
I'll pick up the check. For your smile...
No, as an investment for the future of my work.
How's the flavor? Oh? That's wonderful.
Happy birthday.


You've gotten cream all around your mouth. There's no need to gorge, (Captain)—no one's gonna steal your cake.
I made a reservation as soon as I heard about this famous patisserie.
Hm? The parfait looks good too? It's on me, so feel free to order anything you'd like.
I mean, today's your birthday after all.
Make sure to leave some room in your tummy though.
Because I'm sure everyone's waiting for you with birthday cake back on the ship.
This might be a bit early to say, but happy birthday, (Captain).
I wasn't sure I'd be able to say that to you in front of everyone.
You're wondering if I invited you out just to say that? Hm, I'm not gonna answer that.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Another year gone by, eh?
I've never stayed in one place for this long before. Can't say I don't like it around here.
Well, here's to another year, (Captain).


Happy New Year! Another one for the record books.
I wonder if they're doing the same thing right now... Hm? It's nothing. Just some personal stuff.
I've probably talked about them before. My best friend. And I just suddenly remembered them...
We always spent the new year together, so watching the sunrise really brought back memories.
Next year I'll probably end up thinking of you, (Captain).
You... and memories of watching the sunrise like this. Together. Let's make this a good one.


Happy New Year.
It's funny... I used to think I'd be just fine being alone, but now I can't imagine spending the new year without you.
The times I've seen with my best friend, the times I've seen with you...
I'm collecting more and more precious memories all the time.
There may be a day I'll have to part with you and the crew...
But even then, I'll still remember the times we shared.
Nothing. Just talking to myself. Here's to another good year.


Happy New Year.
Is something wrong? What's that scowl for?
Are you concerned about what I said last year? That there will come a day when I leave this crew? I might've said something like that.
But I have no intention of departing anytime soon. I'm satisfied with my pay, and our relationship isn't bad.
So we're not about to become enemies. You can relax about that.
To put it a bit differently, I like you.
Let's make this year a good one, (Captain).


Happy New Year, (Captain).
It's amazing how this is the fifth New Year's we're celebrating together.
If you told me five years ago that I'd be sticking around in the crew for this long, I'm not sure I'd have believed it.
Back in the day, I changed employers more times over the course of a year than I could count with my fingers.
I'd gotten so used to that as an agent. It felt like a given.
But now, the thought of leaving the crew wouldn't even cross my mind.
So you can bet I'll be around to greet you when the next New Year's rolls around. Hope you'll be all smiles when the time comes.
Me? Nah, an agent's gotta have their deadpan face on. Anyway, here's to an awesome new year to both of us, (Captain).

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

So it's Valentine's again.
I got this for you. It brought back memories from the old days.
We used to give each other chocolates on Valentine's, my buddy and I. She was one of the best Harvin archers I knew.


Here. Chocolates for you.
Why? Valentine's Day is the day you show your appreciation, and I wanted to thank my boss for looking out for me.
It's fine. You don't have to do anything. I just wanted to show you how I feel.
N-no, I'm not blushing.


(Captain), I was just looking for you.
Happy Valentine's.
Here. Chocolates. A famous chocolatier's on this island; I got these from him.
What? N-no, it wasn't any trouble... I was on my way back from something and bought these on the way.
I said it wasn't any trouble! It's not like I woke up early in the morning just to line up and get these!
It was... on the way.
What? You going to stand there or take them?


(Captain), I'm giving these to you.
They might be a bit unsightly, but don't let that concern you. Lyria stopped me and prodded me to make chocolates with everyone else.
Well, she didn't exactly prod me. I suppose she invited me, saying that that there were plenty of ingredients. That didn't bother me much though.
She asked me to imagine the face of the person who'd be eating them. And my hands started trembling because I was so embarrassed...
Er, no, not embarrassed!
At any rate, these are nice every once in a while, don't you think? Try one out if you don't mind.
I made some others for a close friend. I'm going to hand those over to her now. Goodbye.


(Captain), what are you doing up at this hour?
Lyria and the others have already retreated to their rooms for some shut eye.
This latest assignment really kicked our butts. Why don't you go hit the sack yourself? You look like you could really use the rest.
Oh, I see. You're so tired that you actually feel wide awake, huh.
Gimme a minute.
Here's some chocolate. Careful though—it's hot.
A bit of sugary goodness during times of fatigue can help you rest.
Oh, look, the date's changed.
Happy Valentine's, (Captain).

White Chocolate Cake
5th year: Rich Hot Chocolate
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

You remembered what I did on Valentine's? Thoughtful, aren't you?
I'm not blushing. Just surprised. I always remain calm.
I am not blushing!


This is for me? Thanks, I appreciate it.
You didn't need to get me anything in return. I just wanted to show you how I felt is all. This is really nice of you.
Y-you wanted to show me how you felt as well? Th-that's some mouth you have on you.
F-fine. I get it, thanks for the gift. I-I'll be going now.


What? These are for me? Fine, I'll take them.
You really don't have to though.
Huh? Well, how else am I supposed to react?
I... I don't know what else to say.
I'm, uhh... glad... Thanks.
But... as a professional soldier, I have to remain calm and collected at all times.
Blushing? I'm not blushing. No, I said I'm not.
C-cute? Y-you got some nerve.
Poking fun at a hired hand who might just stab you in the back one day... You're playing with fire here.


(Captain)... Did you make these for me?
I see. I guess I don't need to feel competitive just because of how I handled Valentine's Day.
I'm a soldier of fortune, and anyone could become my enemy at any time. When it comes to handmade food, I have to be a bit cautious.
I'm not skeptical about your gift to me though. You don't seem like you'd betray me, (Captain).
But unless I truly trust someone, I can't just put whatever they give me into my mouth and...
Never mind! I'll just express my thanks. It will be a pleasure to eat these.


That's a really pleasant smell... Herb tea? You blended it yourself?
Huh? The bags under my eyes tell you I could really use some? Is it that bad?
Sorry for making you worry, but I feel fine actually. Just a case of bad dreams lately.
An agent's job isn't always nice and clean. More often than not, it involves bloodshed.
Maybe that's why as much as I want to forget some of it, I still recall certain events in my dreams.
Why am I suddenly coming out with all this? Wonder if it's the tea...
So this is to pay me back for Valentine's? Oh right, I almost forgot about that.
Wow, I feel so much more relaxed now. I'm ready for a really long nap.
Thanks, (Captain).

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Trick or treat.
Surprised to hear me say that? I do possess the basic ideas of socializing, you know.


Hand over the candy or I'm taking everything you have.
What? I'm just giving Halloween a personal touch. You got a problem with that?
I'm just not good with pranks, okay? I can't come up with any ideas on what I'm supposed to do.
I know, I know. Halloween's tough for me.


All right, the treats are all set. Quite a bit, isn't it? I have to be prepared. Your crew has a lot of young members, after all.
So what will you have? I've got cookies, candy, even—
Put me down! Wh-what do think you're doing!
Don't treat you like a child? Fine, fine. I understand. Just put me down.
Sigh... You ever try that again and I'll...
Hm? Trick successful? Humph. You win this time.


Pick me up, (Captain).
W-w-w-were you embarrassed? This is payback for last year.
I put together my strategy by asking Vyrn and Lyria what would surprise you, (Captain)...
Hehehe... Looks like I tricked you this year.
(But somehow...)
(I feel like I lost!)


(Captain)? Didn't you say you'd be going out to town for treats?
Huh? What do you have your hands out for?
You were so surprised last year that you couldn't play your trick? What about it—
Pick me up, (Captain).
B-but all I really wanted at the time was to surprise you!
Fine, you win. I'll even give you a treat.
So that's enough of your trick! You can put me down now!
Sigh... I guess I should refrain from playing pranks I'm not sure about...

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

It's been a while since I've gone out celebrating for the holidays.
I'm usually working around this time of year. Plenty of money to be made!
Oh, I almost forgot! I have this for you. It's nothing really. Just a little something.


The city sure is lively. Everyone looks so happy out there.
I look happy too? You might be right.
Huh? Is that really so surprising?
I've had a few happy moments as of late, you know.
Spending so much time on the ship is probably responsible. Nothing wrong with that.


There you are. Right on time.
I know. You're here to invite me to the holiday party, aren't you?
Thinking about it, this is the third time I've spent the holidays with you, isn't it?
All right. I'll go to the party with you. I kind of like spending this time of the year with you.
What? Don't get used to it, I'm not always in this mood.


(Captain), the holiday party is about to begin.
Is it strange for me to be the one telling you? I'm sure you were planning to invite me anyway.
I wasn't looking forward to it, particularly. Predicting what your client will want is part of a hired hand's bag of tricks.
This year's cake? I'm not especially looking forward to that either. I simply need to understand the power of the people I'm dealing with.
Why are you smiling? We need to get to the party right away.


You're late, (Captain). Everyone's been waiting for you.
Well, you look awfully surprised. Is it such a shocker that I got here before you?
Oh, it's just a coincidence that someone in the crew got to me and had me join the party before you had a chance to speak to me.
Though I'll admit I'm a bit startled to be invited by someone other than you.
I suppose I should just be glad I get to see that reaction on your face.
But enough talk—let's get inside already.
The party's not gonna get started without a toast from you, (Captain).

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Little Commando

(Captain) and the crew undertake a mission to guard an important person. They end up working with a Harvin agent named Milleore, whose hit-and-run attacks on the enemy help the mission go smoothly. They invite her to join the crew in hopes of learning from her combat experience.

(Captain) and the crew undertake a mission from the Knickknack Shack to guard an important person.
They arrive at the strategy session along with various others deemed to be especially trustworthy.
Sierokarte: Looks like everyone's here. Let's get started with the meeting.
Lyria: Wow! I can't believe how many people showed up!
Katalina: I didn't know Siero had so many connections.
The people gathered there are from all walks of life, but one of them is especially eye-catching.
Milleore: ...
Katalina: Oh? So you're a Harvin warrior? You don't see that every day.
Milleore: Really? They weren't at all rare in my hometown.
Milleore: I'm sure you know what they say about having the right person for the right job. Harvin fighters were among the most important troops in my hometown's mobile unit.
Katalina: I apologize... I certainly didn't mean to imply that I doubt your ability. I actually pride myself on my eye for skill.
Milleore: There's no need to apologize. I don't let things like that get to me anyway. I'm not big on interpersonal interaction as it is.
Milleore: If you trust me and I trust you, that's good enough. Given that Sierokarte introduced you, I don't expect any problems.
Katalina: I'm with you there. I look forward to working with you. I'm Katalina, and this is (Captain).
Milleore: I'm Milleore. Pleased to meet you.
Thus the operation to protect their client begins. As they enter a deep ravine, Milleore vanishes to launch a hit-and-run attack.
It isn't long before they find themselves under attack by the enemy.
Ruffian 1: Huff... Huff...
Ruffian 2: Damn you...
Katalina: All these enemies seem to be wounded... Is this Milleore's doing?
Skyfarer: Impressive... She seems to be utilizing the terrain to her advantage.
Katalina: With Milleore diminishing the opposition's ability to fight, there's hope for us yet.
Katalina: Keep pushing forward! Our destination is just up ahead!
Although (Captain) and company are outnumbered, Milleore's repeated attacks throw the enemy's command into disarray.
Ruffian 1: Ugh!
Milleore: Looks like it's all over.
Katalina: That it does... You were a real help.
Milleore: So what did you think? Selective use of armaments and terrain can make a Harvin's physique an asset. Have I convinced you?
Milleore: Even so, there are probably few Harvins who could match you lot in hand-to-hand combat.
Skyfarer: Maybe... But if it weren't for your support, I'm not sure I would have made it through that.
Katalina: I'm still shocked that you managed to wound so many enemies.
Milleore: My crossbows were designed for facing multiple opponents at once.
Milleore: That said, their complexity reduces the damage they inflict, and just maintaining them is quite a chore.
Skyfarer: Fascinating... Oof!
Katalina: Hm? What's wrong? Are you hurt?
Milleore: Show me.
After examining the skyfarer, Milleore washes his wounds and bandages him with an experienced hand.
Milleore: That should do. Can you walk?
Skyfarer: I must apologize... I thought you cold at first, but it turns out you're surprisingly kind.
Milleore: Don't get the wrong idea. I'll be charging extra for this.
With the mission complete, the crew starts heading back. But (Captain) notices that Katalina seems troubled and calls out to her.
Katalina: Hm? Oh, I was just thinking about Milleore taking on so many enemies by herself...
Milleore: It wasn't a big deal.
Milleore: Didn't I say I'm not a fan of interaction? Even if you praise me, I won't be able to come up with a response that pleases you. That's just the way I am.
Katalina: That may be, but I was only giving you my honest assessment of your abilities. Your combat skills differ from those of Albion or the Erste Empire.
Milleore: I do indeed fight differently than the imperial military. But that's because I focus on excelling in certain situations instead of generalizing my style too much.
Katalina: Where did you learn to fight like that?
Milleore: I was taught in my hometown. Why do you ask?
Katalina: Is that something that we could learn too?
Milleore: I don't see why not... At least assuming you can lure your foes to terrain that's advantageous to you.
Katalina: I see... I'll keep that in mind.
Katalina: I think your method of fighting would help us a lot, since it allows for victory in battles against a great number of opponents.
Katalina: What do you say? Don't you think your style would be useful against the imperial military?
Milleore: You mean the Erste Empire? But aren't you all just an ordinary crew? Why would you care about fighting them?
Seeing Milleore's brow furrow, Katalina explains the crew's situation to the Harvin.
She mentions that Lyria and (Captain) are being hunted by the imperial military, and that the crew is traveling to escape them.
Milleore: I see. So that girl is...
And that's why you want to learn to fight like me. I suppose that could be arranged.
Milleore: But I won't teach it for free, considering the personal risk.
Katalina: I see... Thanks. It will be hugely beneficial to learn what you know.
Katalina: Right, (Captain)? Why don't we try inviting Milleore into our crew?
  1. Sure! She'd be a great asset!
  2. I doubt she'd be too thrilled about that.

Choose: Sure! She'd be a great asset!
Milleore: Not as great as you think.
Milleore: Flattery will get you nowhere. Don't try to get too friendly with me.
Milleore: I don't mind going with you. But it will be as a soldier of fortune... not as a friend.

Choose: I doubt she'd be too thrilled about that.
Milleore: True. It's hard for me to relate to others.
Milleore: But I suppose going with you wouldn't be so bad. You do seem to have deep ties with Sierokarte.
Milleore: And if my fighting techniques acquire a reputation as useful, it should be good for business. I don't mind. I'll go with you.
Milleore: But still... you guys are a crew, correct?
Katalina: Is that a problem?
Milleore: I just don't care for warm and fuzzy stuff.
Milleore: So I'll only be going with you as a hired gun. I don't like being seen as someone's buddy.
Continue 1
Katalina: Thank you, Milleore. I'm sure there's a lot we can learn from you.
Milleore: Thank you for your business, Katalina. (Captain).
Thus the adventurer Milleore joins (Captain)'s crew.
And Katalina's intensive studies of Milleore's fighting techniques continue to this day.

A Heavy Reward

(Captain) and company decide to take a break by touring a town, surprisingly with Milleore as their guide. But a group of ruffians who are after Lyria interrupt their respite.

(Captain) and the crew are visiting a certain island. They relax when they hear that the Erste Empire has no presence there.
Since it's their first break in a while, they set out to tour the town.
Lyria: Hehe. It's been so long since we had the chance to shop like this!
Katalina: Yeah. Just buying necessities is hard enough with the imperials breathing down our necks.
Katalina: Haha. But now that we're free to walk around town, it's hard to decide where to go.
Milleore: The north side of town is a residential area. If you're interested in shops, it'd be better to stay on the south side where we are now.
Milleore: And I believe there are a lot of food places in this area.
Milleore: On that note... the cake shop three doors down is supposedly very popular.
Milleore: If I'm not mistaken, I think you might really enjoy the place, Lyria.
Lyria: Really? That's where I want to go then, Katalina!
Katalina: Sure. I mean, I don't mind, but... Milleore, did you perhaps research this town for Lyria?
Milleore: Not really... I just noticed the cake shop while I was looking for places that might sell anything I could use to service my crossbows.
Milleore: And things like this are necessary for building a trusting relationship with a person you're guarding, right?
Milleore: Just because I'm not interested in making friends doesn't mean I object to the minimum level of communication.
Lyria: Hehe... I'm happy you thought of me anyway. Thank you, Milleore.
Milleore: ...
Thanks to Milleore's guidance, the crew enjoys a break at the cake shop. But the breather is all too short-lived.
Katalina: You know... If you eat too much now, you won't have an appetite left for dinner.
Lyria: Mph?
Katalina: Haha... You have some on your cheek. Now come on. You can eat the rest later.
Lyria: Hehe. These sweets are just so yummy...
Ruffian 1: Well, well... Look what we have here. You must be Lyria.
Ruffian 2: Heh! If we turn you in, we won't have to work for a month! Talk about easy money!
Katalina: Watch out, Lyria!
What do you scoundrels think you're doing?
Ruffian 2: Heh heh! All we gotta do is shut you guys up and we're done here! What a joke!
Milleore: Stop right there. Turn and walk away, or you'll regret this.
Ruffian 1: Oh? And what's a little runt like you gonna do?
Ruffian 2: Heh! Look at her! She's even got a weapon! She must be pretendin' to be a soldier!
Milleore: Look down on me all you want. It just makes my job easier.
Ruffian 1: Is that so? You're the one who's gonna regret this, toy soldier!
Milleore: Fighting is my job. I won't let you lay a finger on Lyria.

A Heavy Reward: Scene 2

(Captain) and company beat the ruffians but soon find themselves surrounded by imperial soldiers. Luckily Milleore manages to slip past them. Just as the crew is about to be imprisoned, she unleashes a rain of arrows on the soldiers.

Ruffian 1: I can't believe it...
Milleore: I hope you've learned your lesson about the strength of Harvin warriors.
Milleore: Do they not teach you on this island? If you ever see a Harvin bowman, duck first.
Imperial Soldier 1: Heh... Thanks for the warning.
Milleore: ...!
Katalina: Imperial soldiers! But there aren't supposed to be any on this island!
Imperial Soldier 2: Hah! You fell for our trap! We've been spreading false information here!
Katalina: Ugh... We're completely surrounded!
Katalina: Hm? Where did Milleore go?
Milleore has somehow managed to slip through the group of imperial soldiers. She stares coldly at (Captain) and company.
Milleore: I worked hard enough for my pay during the last battle, so this is where I get off. It's nothing personal.
Lyria: But... Milleore...
Imperial Soldier 1: Haha! What a dependable ally you have, Lieutenant Katalina!
Imperial Soldier 1: Now go! Capture the test subject and Lieutenant Katalina, and don't forget to take (Captain)!
Unable to do anything, (Captain)'s crew is captured and taken to a large castle.
Imperial Soldier 3: Oh right... I almost forgot! General Furias would like to speak to you directly after this, Lieutenant Katalina.
Imperial Soldier 1: Heh. He's probably going to part your head from your shoulders. Your time is finally up!
Katalina: ...!
Imperial Soldier 2: Hah! Seems like a waste, but it's not like I care!
Imperial Soldier 3: Come on! Get in your cell!
Katalina: Ugh!
Just as the soldier is about to kick Katalina into the cell, something whizzes through the air.
Imperial Soldier 3: Whoa!
Distracted by Milleore's rain of arrows, the imperial soldiers lose their formation. Milleore rushes in and quickly retrieves the key to the shackles.
Lyria: What? Milleore?
Imperial Soldier 1: Why, you little! What are you doing here?
Milleore: You really want to know?
Milleore: It was a mistake for you to ask. You should've called for help instead.

A Heavy Reward: Scene 3

Milleore defeats the soldiers and saves the crew. She seems embarrassed by their display of gratitude, and Katalina wonders if she's just shy. She walks away without a word, but the crew now know that they can trust her.

Imperial Soldier 2: Huff... Huff...
But aren't you... an agent? This won't make you... any money...
Milleore: I just forgot to bill these guys. You know, for expenses for that battle in town.
Imperial Soldier 2: Grr... Expenses? Do you really charge that much?
Milleore: I received my compensation in advance... but I charge separately for the cost of arrows.
Imperial Soldier 2: Seriously? But arrows cost nothing but chump change... You're crazy.
Milleore: What? The imperial army doesn't teach you the worth of chump change?
Milleore: Keeping track of the little things is how trust is established between client and agent.
Imperial Soldier 2: And why would I care? You're seriously crazy...
Lyria: Um... Milleore?
Katalina: Did you really come here just to get paid for your arrows?
Milleore: We don't have time to chat about that now. Let's get out of here.
Katalina: Thank you, Milleore. You really saved us. And you even endangered yourself to do it...
Lyria: Thank you. If anything had happened to (Captain) or Katalina, I...
Milleore: ...
Milleore: I only did it because I was confident I could win. I knew I could get in there without anyone noticing.
Milleore: And no one can escape the rapid fire of my crossbows in tight spaces like those castle corridors. I could take on any number of foes.
Milleore: Didn't I tell you before? As long as the weapon and the terrain match, I can fight.
Milleore: I mean, if you had been trapped somewhere else, then I wouldn't have gone out of my way to ask you for my arrow costs. So just remember that.
Katalina: I'll keep that in mind.
Milleore: And also... I had to give this to Lyria.
Lyria: Huh? Aren't these the sweets from that cake shop?
Milleore: The imperial soldiers took away the ones you bought, right? So I replaced them.
Milleore: I had time to kill while waiting for the soldiers to lower their guard. This was just something to do on the side.
Lyria: Wow! Thank you!
Milleore: All I did was fulfill my responsibilities as the one who introduced you to the shop.
Lyria: Hehe. I'm still really happy!
Milleore: I wasn't trying to make you happy or anything. It was just... my duty as an agent.
Katalina: Um... Milleore. I've been wanting to ask, but are you actually just shy?
Milleore: ...!
Milleore: Let's get going. We don't have time to chat. We should leave the island as soon as we can.
Lyria: Hey! Wait, Milleore!
The crew rushes after the speedily walking Milleore. A gust of wind nudges her hood to the side, revealing a pair of bright red ears.
Even though Milleore has trouble expressing her true feelings, the crew now know that they can trust her.

Twin Arrows

The crew has picked up two Harvin archers, Milleore and Sahli Lao, who, it turns out, were once very close. Lyria asks if they are romantically involved, only to be told that Sahli Lao is in fact a woman, and that the two archers are merely old army comrades. The crew retains some skepticism on that point, seeing as Lao seems able to thaw Milleore's perfectly cool facade.

At one time there were two Harvin archers in (Captain)'s crew.
The crew has quickly come to depend on the unparalleled skill born of their natural agility.
They came to the crew independently, but upon meeting each other, it became clear that they had a history.
Sahli Lao: Milly? What are you doing here?
Milleore: Good to see you, Lao. How long has it been?
Sahli Lao: Ever since you left without so much as a goodbye. To find you on this airship, of all places...
Vyrn: Oh, do you two know each other?
Sahli Lao: Yes, we used to be very close. Milly, maybe now you can tell me—why did you leave the army?
Milleore: Soldierly camaraderie just wasn't my speed.
Milleore: More to the point, what are you doing here? What about the army?
Sahli Lao: Well... I took a break from the army. I'm on a journey of self-improvement, to rid myself of all my weaknesses.
Milleore: But you were doing so well in the army. And you're so sociable. Why would you decide to strike out on your own?
Sahli Lao: Um... Well...
Sahli Lao fills Milleore in on what has happened since Milleore left the army.
It turns out Sahli Lao cracked under pressure and failed the officer's exam, losing a chance for promotion.
Milleore: I see. That is a shame indeed.
Sahli Lao: And that's why I took the time off, to rid myself of this stage fright... But I'll cut this short. I know how much you hate long stories.
Milleore: I don't mind, at least this once. Anyway, it's nearly time to eat. Lao, what would you like?
Sahli Lao: Hehe, it's been a long time since you've asked me that. It really takes me back.
Milleore: I'm just trying to be efficient.
Milleore: A mercenary's life is a busy one. If you're going to spend the time listening to a long story, you might as well eat while you do.
Milleore: Speaking of which, I've heard of a place nearby that does excellent seafood. You like prawns, don't you?
Sahli Lao: Haha, you haven't changed a bit.
The two leave. Once installed on the terrace at the restaurant with their prawn platter, they lose themselves in conversation.
Sahli Lao: And that's how your quick decision saved the whole unit. I was so impressed.
Milleore: Hee hee, I'd almost forgotten about that.
Milleore breaks into a rare smile. Watching the pair from the shadows, the rest of the crew starts to speculate.
Vyrn: Hmm! I smell a romance brewing!
Lyria: You really think so?
Katalina: Hmm, I agree. Milleore doesn't smile like that at just anyone...
Vyrn: Ohh? I didn't think you were interested in love stories, Katalina.
Katalina: I merely thought we should be considerate of them, if that truly is the nature of their relationship.
(Captain) and the others are unable to come to a conclusion regarding their two crewmates' relationship. That night, Lyria decides to take the direct approach.
Lyria: Um, excuse me, Sahli Lao? Are you... um... Are you Milleore's boyfriend?
Milleore: Excuse me?
Sahli Lao: Wait... What?
Lyria: It's just, well... you parted ways so long ago, and found each other again on this airship...
Lyria: Hee hee. It's just so romantic!
Milleore: I think you've misunderstood. You do know that Lao is a woman, don't you?
Katalina: Oh... Oh! My apologies. We meant no offense.
Vyrn: Hey, don't you think you coulda told us earlier? It would've made things a lot less awkward now.
Sahli Lao: Well... It happens all the time, so I gave up correcting people after a while.
Sahli Lao: And you know, there are benefits to being mistaken for a man.
Milleore: Yes, I imagine that helps avoid quite a few hassles. Especially on the battlefield.
Milleore: But I think it would wear on me, personally. Doesn't it bother you to be thought of as a man?
Sahli Lao: Hmm... Lots of people have asked me that, but it's never bothered me at all.
Milleore: Good grief... You really haven't changed a bit.
Sahli Lao: Haha. That makes two of us.
Vyrn: So, wait. If you're not a couple, what's going on between you?
Milleore: We were born and raised on the same island. Nothing more.
Sahli Lao: Haha. We met in boot camp, and often trained together.
Sahli Lao: The whole time we were in the army, we worked well together and supported each other.
Sahli Lao: She did have a tendency to run off on her own and make me worry, but still, there's no one I'd rather have guarding my back.
Milleore: Please, you're making me blush.
Katalina: I never knew you had such a well-suited partner, Milleore.
Sahli Lao: We were inseparable and unbeatable. Milly would pin down the target with covering fire, and I'd pick them off.
Sahli Lao: Haha, no one could take out an enemy encampment like us. We were renowned in the army.
Vyrn: Uh-huh... You're both pretty tough on your own, but I guess three bows are better than one—or two!
Milleore: There just wasn't anyone else around strong enough to put my trust in, that's all.
Vyrn: So does that mean you guys are gonna join forces again?
Sahli Lao: What a good idea! I'd kinda hit a wall training on my own. Maybe this is what I've been missing!
Milleore: Agreed. I've been coming up against tougher and tougher monsters of late. I could use you by my side again.
Milleore: There's no one else I'd trust to be my partner. Glad to have you back, Lao.
Sahli Lao: Right back at you, Milly. I'm sure glad we bumped into each other like this.
With a firm handshake, Milleore and Sahli Lao renew their old partnership.
One person, however, seems to have lingering doubts.
Lyria: Errr...
Vyrn: What's wrong, Lyria?
Lyria: Well, um... You said you smelled a romance brewing, but Lao turned out to be a woman...
Lyria: So... Can she still be Milleore's boyfriend? I think I'm missing something...
Milleore: Lyria, weren't you listening? I said earlier that there was nothing romantic between us.
Lyria: Oh! That's right, you did! I guess I just... sort of wanted there to be.
Katalina: Agreed. If there's something more going on, you needn't hide it. You're among friends.
Milleore: Katalina, surely you of all people can see that we're just comrades in arms, nothing more?
Vyrn: Hm? Did you say something, Milleore?
Milleore: I said, Lao's nothing but my comrade in arms.
Vyrn: What? I didn't quite catch that.
Sahli Lao: Haha, Milly's always had a problem talking about mushy stuff like relationships—even soldierly ones. Look, she's blushing!
Milleore: Grrr...
Katalina: I see...
Milleore: Lao, do you want me to tell them more about your little "stage fright" problem?
Sahli Lao: What! N-no, there's no need to bring up ancient history like that!
Vyrn: Now I want to know what happened! Spill, spill!
Vyrn: I like this new, chatty Milleore!
They spend some time trying to silence each other's dirt-dishing, but eventually they move the conversation to a tavern, and later head back to their rooms on the Grandcypher side by side.
Though their differing personalities once separated them, this reunion gives the two archers a chance to reforge their bond even stronger than before.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
馴れ合いは好かないの Don't get too friendly.
ハーヴィンの弓兵は優秀よ。侮らないで Harvin archers are some of the best. Just watch!
私は遊撃に出るあとで合流するわ I'll catch up once I've taken them out.
このクロスボウは手入れが難しいわ Caring for this crossbow is rather hard work.
この地形なら有利に戦えるわ We have terrain advantage here.
私の親友も優秀な弓兵よ I've a close friend who's also a magnificent archer.
怪我はない?…戦力の低下を気にしただけよ I'm glad you're unhurt. What, I just didn't want to lose one of our fighters.
条件が揃えば、多勢に無勢も怖くはないわ If the conditions are right, their numbers advantage won't matter.
(主人公)なら私の武器を扱えそうね You look like you could handle my weapon, (Captain).
(主人公)、遊撃は私に任せて Leave the scouting to me, (Captain).
