Narmaya (Grand)/Lore

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Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain)! Happy birthday!
Ooh, I'm so happy it's your birthday... I really, really am...
It's like it was my birthday! Hee hee... Anyway, (Captain)...
You mean a lot to me, you know.
Happy birthday... And best wishes, okay?


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
Hehe... I'm so glad we get to celebrate your birthday again this year, (Captain).
Oh, I know! I'll give you one wish, just for today!
Your wish is my command, (Captain)! Hehe!


(Captain)! (Captain)! Happy birthday!
You just rest and relax today!
Leave all your duties and chores to me! I'll wash your clothes, cook your meals, tuck you into bed! Everything!
Mm... But if I do that, I won't be able to talk to you much apart from sleepy time together.
Ohh... What am I going to do... I want to take care of you, but... It sounds so lonely...
Hm? I-I don't need push myself? Hehe, that's so sweet of you, (Captain).
We'll spend the day together then! C'mon, (Captain)!


(Captain)! (Captain)! Happy birthday!
Let's have a party today!
Fif and Eahta said they'd come over too!
We can chat while munching on yummy birthday cake!
I'm going to tell them all about why I like you so much, (Captain)!
Teehee, it's going to be so much fun!


(Captain)! Happy birthday!
Fif and I worked hard to plan your party again this year. There will be plenty of cake and other tasty treats!
Eahta will be stopping by too, so we can all celebrate together. Isn't that wonderful?
But actually, there's still a little while before the party.
Do you think we can spend that time talking, just the two of us?
It's nice to celebrate as a group...
But I'd like the chance to celebrate alone with you too.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year!
Say, (Captain)... Wanna go watch the sunrise together?
It's a little far from here, but the mountain I used to be cooped up in had the prettiest sunrises.
When I think about the possibility of watching a sunrise like that with you, (Captain), I... well...
It fills my heart with glee, honestly. So, (Captain)? Looking forward to watching the sunrise with me?
Hee hee! Then let's go!


I'm making New Year's mochi!
Which kind do you want, (Captain?) How would you like it to be cooked?
Whatever I like? Aw, you're so nice, (Captain).
In that case, you'll have a full course of mochi! I'll be back with them in a second, so just sit tight.


(Captain)... Will you listen to your big sister's little problem?
See, I'm a fair bit shorter than you aren't I? Even though I'm supposed to be the big sister here...
Because of that, I can't cuddle you right when it's cozy time...
So... do you think it would be weird if my resolution this year is to get taller?
Or... do you think I could ask you to crouch down for me when we cuddle?
Ehehe. Well, problem solved, then!
All right! Time to give your big sister a hug!


There's a good-luck katana known as the goshintou...
That cleaves through misfortune for a path to prosperity.
The katana I use isn't meant for such a feat, but...
Maybe I can be your good-luck charm for the year if you don't mind, (Captain).
I'll be sure to safeguard you from anything and everything.
Here's to another fantastic year of skyfaring, (Captain)!


(Captain), look! It's the first sunrise of the new year!
The light is so warm and kind. It reminds me of you, (Captain).
You're here by my side, and the sun feels so nice...
Maybe we ought to stay here and bask in the sun together.
But all this sun bathing has made me sleepy all of a sudden... How about you, (Captain)?
If you're tired, feel free to take a nap. I'll make sure you don't catch a cold.
So don't worry... Okay? (Captain)...

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain), (Captain)! Happy Valentine's!
These are chocolates I made just for you!
I hope you like them... Say, (Captain), are you okay eating them by yourself?
How about you sit next to me and I feed them to you?
There you go. Now then, say aah!
Well? How's it taste?
Hee hee... I'll make another batch for you next year.
Until then, my dearest (Captain).


(Captain), I made chocolates!
Open wide, now! Say aahh! Do you like them? I'm so glad!
But we could be doing more to enjoy them, don't you think?
Wanna try feeding them to me instead, as a change of pace? I mean, if you don't mind...
Just let me know how you want to eat them, (Captain).


(Captain)! Oh, (Captain)! Guess what?
I just learned how to make my chocolates even tastier!
First let's start with how we always do it. Say aaah!
Hehe, do you like it?
Next we'll try it while you rest your head on my lap.
Then finally I'll feed you while running my hands through your hair. Trust me, you're going to like it!
Now come here, little (Captain)!


Don't think this chocolate will taste the same as the last year's. I learned some new techniques from the chocolatier.
He really liked my work.
He even invited me to work with him.
I turned him down though.
Because my chocolate is meant exclusively for you, (Captain).
Ehehe... I almost feel embarrassed just saying this, but...
I hope you enjoy every bite of my very special chocolate...
Bon appetit!


Oh, there you are! (Captain)!
You want to know why I'm in such a hurry? Ehehe... Well, I tried making a new type of chocolate this year!
I decided to go with fresh chocolate ganache! It's soft, sweet, and filled with nutrients.
Apparently you're really supposed to put it on baked goods and eat it that way...
But all I could think about was how much I wanted you to try it, so I ended up forgetting to make the treats to put it on...
So it's just chocolate... Is that okay?
It would be a big mess if it fell on the floor, so I'll feed it to you.
Now say "ahh"...
That kind of tickles my fingertips. Ehehehe...

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

So today's the day when boys thank girls... for everything they do, right?
I wonder... Did you get me anything, (Captain)? But...
I'm always gloomy... and too close... and you probably don't like me.
Oh, (Captain)... What should I do?
Hm? Is this to thank me for helping out onboard?
Heheheh... Thanks. I'm happy to know you feel that way.
But you know, someone to fawn over me would be the best present I could ask for.
Or something like that. Heheh.


Th-these are for me, (Captain)? Why, thank you...
So I, ah... have a little request.
Will you feed me those chocolates yourself?
You will? Really? Hehe, thank you so much!


R-really? All day today you'll do whatever I want?
B-but I should be like a big sister to you. I should be the one taking care of you.
I-it's not that I don't want to... It's just that I wonder if it's really okay...
I... I really won't hold back—are you sure?
Well, in that case... I... want to rest my head on your lap.
Hehe. You're the best, (Captain)!


Whew... Haah... Erm... Ahem!
(Captain)! Can I... ask you for a favor?
I want to feel closer to you...
So if you don't mind...
C-could you give me a hug? And a head pat? And if you could also give me access to your mouth...
Y-yes? Oh, and I don't mean just today either. But every day...
Ehehe... It's nice to act like a spoiled child sometimes.


(Captain), it's so good to see you! What brings you here? Do you perhaps have a White Day gift for me?
I've really let you spoil me since last year, so you don't need to make a fuss over me.
What? I haven't been spoiled enough yet?
A-are you sure? I felt pretty spoiled...
(Captain)... Does that mean you want to spoil me more?
O-okay. But I'm not sure how you can possibly spoil me any more than you already have...
I-I know! In that case, you can tell me!
How do you want to spoil me next?

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Everything okay, (Captain)? Finding plenty of candy?
Wanna go trick-or-treating together, (Captain)?
Or maybe I should just make you some candy myself? Would that be okay?
Hey, (Captain), I made you a lot of candy.
But you'd better do something really scary if you want some of it.
Huh? That's not how Halloween works? And here I thought I knew what I was doing...


Trick or treat? Now that's a difficult question.
On the one hand, I want to give you treats. On the other, I really have some good tricks in mind.
Is it okay if I indulge a little bit, (Captain)?
It is? In that case, let me give you some treats... And you can play some tricks on me.


Aren't the children from town simply adorable? Makes me want to give up all my candy on the spot!
Mmm, they're so cute... I'm sure their little tricks are even cuter. Ohh, I want them to trick me so badly.
But I want to see their happy faces when I give them candy too. But if I do that they won't play any tricks on me... Ohh, what do I do...
Huh? Give them the candy after they trick me?
Y-you're a genius, (Captain)!
Time to put the plan into action! Come on, let's go together!


Rooster stance!
Haha, this is the ultimate defensive stance, capable of withstanding any attack!
Go ahead and play your trick on me, (Captain)! I'm ready for it!
(Captain)? What's wrong?
Hm? Y-you don't hear me? Or are you just ignoring me?
No, that can't be...
Oh, so this is your trick?
Whew... Glad to hear it... You sure had me scared for a second.
Hahaha... You beat my rooster stance so easily...
You're too much for me, (Captain)... Teehee.


Are you heading into town, (Captain)?
If so, would you mind if I tagged along?
You beat my ultimate defensive stance last year, so I thought I'd use this year to train myself.
I'll observe how you play tricks on people and what you do to scare them.
Then I'll put that knowledge to use next year. Would that be... all right?
Ehehe. Thank you! I can't wait to stroll through town with you!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
It's freezing today. Maybe we should huddle up together for warmth?
Hee hee... Come on, I don't bite! Hee hee...


Happy holidays!
(Captain)! (Captain)! It's the most magical time of the year!
We just sat in front of the fireplace last year, so...
Wanna go into town this year as a change of pace? Hehe, here! Take my hand!
Hehe, we're gonna have so much fun today, (Captain)!


You know, there was a time when I went away to train all alone on a remote snowy mountain.
Back then snow was nothing to me, but something that was cold and white.
But not anymore. Now I think it looks absolutely beautiful. Makes my heart flutter when I see those little flakes falling.
I bet it's because I'm not all by my lonesome self anymore. Because I'm with a special someone.
Psst, (Captain). Mind if we... cuddle a little?
Hehe. Let's just stay like this for a while.


Happy holidays, (Captain)! What a beautiful night this is.
Teehee, this is the fourth time I've been able to spend this special day with you. It makes me so happy...
What sort of present do you want? I'm ready to give you anything...
Hm? You just want me by your side?
Ehehe... It's the same with me. Just having you nearby fills me with endless satisfaction.
I guess we make the perfect holiday gifts for each other. Ehehe.


Happy holidays, (Captain)!
It makes me so happy to wish you season's greetings like this every year.
Just seeing your face warms my heart right up.
The cold doesn't stand a... Ah... Achoo!
Oh my! I'm sorry, (Captain)! Don't worry, I'm fine...
Oh... Your hands are so warm...
Ehehe... Now you're warming me up, inside and out.
I'm somehow even happier than I was before. Can we stay like this a little while longer?

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Concealed Origins

Narmaya worries she can't improve her combat skills any further, so (Captain) suggests she return home to find inspiration. After many years without even writing home, Narmaya finally reunites with her father, Gamshira, and mother, Laruna. Things are going well until Narmaya is ambushed by a katana-wielding woman in the dojo. Narmaya's parents come to check on the commotion and find their daughter at the mercy of this intruder, her body in its childhood state.

Once upon a time, (Captain) and the crew caught wind of a sword master named Narmaya who blended magic with swordplay.
An intrigued (Captain) went to meet this woman to see if the rumors were true.
Narmaya: Hey, (Captain)! How are you feeling? Is that your stomach rumbling? Can I get you some fruit?
Narmaya: Ah, (Captain)! You're not feeling chilly, are you? I'd be more than glad to lend you my jacket.
A few compliments paid her way was enough for the young lady to grow attached to the crew.
(Captain) was more than happy to have the earnest woman join their adventure.
They traveled the skies, and eventually, Narmaya reconnected with a distant relative.
Known in the Sky Realm as Eahta of the Eternals, the man is referred to by the young swordswoman as Zanba—a man she has long admired.
She continued to hone her sword skills like a woman possessed, hell-bent on chasing his shadow. When they finally met, a misunderstanding led to a duel rather than a conversation.
Fif: Talking with swords? What the heck's that supposed to mean!
Fif: A fight's a fight! It's not talking at all!
Fif: So did you two actually learn anything from that fight just now? If you did, I'm all ears!
Narmaya: ...!
Fif: You have to talk to each other. With words.
Fif: What do you really want from Grampy, Narmaya? If you don't tell him, he's never gonna know!
Narmaya: I... I...
Narmaya: I've always wanted to be like you, Zanba!
Narmaya: I've been chasing after you ever since I was little!
Narmaya: I wanted you to acknowledge me...
Eahta: ...
Narmaya: That's why I decided to become stronger. I wanted to be strong so you'd notice me.
Narmaya: But now I realize that's not what I wanted at all.
Narmaya: I just... wanted you to call for me; to say my name. I wanted to spend time with you.
Eahta: I see.
Eahta: So you wanted to exchange words, not blows.
Eahta: You seek out words on your quest to better yourself. Very well.
Luckily, Fif of the Eternals intervened, and Narmaya was able to have a heartfelt talk with Eahta to clear the air.
Her twisted adulation of him had been her chains, but now she's finally broken free.
However, not all of her problems are solved.
On a cold, overcast day, Narmaya and (Captain) face each other with their weapons drawn.
Neither fighter moves a muscle, their skin nipped by the wind as they wait for the opportune time to strike.
Narmaya: ...
Then (Captain) blinks, and Narmaya disappears from sight.
The captain manages to catch a glimpse of a pink blur and readies for the incoming attack.
Narmaya stops her katana right before it clangs against (Captain)'s sword.
Although the two blades never touch, the force generated when she suddenly halts her swing roils a fearsome gale.
(Captain) hunkers down, trying desperately to keep from being blown away.
When the volatile winds subside and the gray clouds overhead disperse, the skies are clear blue once more.
Narmaya: Well done.
  1. No, that was all you.
  2. You can still do better.

Choose: No, that was all you.
Narmaya: Hahaha, it's a coincidence. Of course I can't part the clouds simply by stopping my blade.
Yet in the past, (Captain) had witnessed the woman cleave scattered clouds in the sky.
Based on that precedence and the phenomenon the captain had just experienced, it wouldn't be a stretch to say it was her doing.
However, (Captain) sensed hesitation in her strike.
Narmaya: Heehee... I know that face. My anxiety is showing, isn't it?

Choose: You can still do better.
Narmaya: Wow, (Captain). I can't hide anything from you.
Narmaya: I just don't know how to climb higher anymore.
Continue 1
Narmaya: You and the crew helped me recognize my own strength.
Narmaya: But that's pretty much it. I don't know where to go from here.
Narmaya: After meeting Zanba, I lost my prime reason for reaching even greater heights.
Narmaya: Now how am I supposed to get stronger going forward?
Revisiting Zinkenstill, the place where everything started for (Captain), proved beneficial to the captain's quest for more power.
(Captain) suggests to Narmaya that returning to where she grew up might give her the boost she needs.
Narmaya: Where I grew up...
The captain goes on to add that seeing old faces back home can become a source of inspiration.
To (Captain)'s surprise, Narmaya hangs her head in shame.
Narmaya: Ever since I ran away from home, I never went back—not even once... I don't know if I can show my face again...
  1. All the more reason to do it now.

Choose: All the more reason to do it now.
In (Captain)'s opinion, if Narmaya still has the chance to see her family, she should take it.
Narmaya: Y-yeah, I think you're right... If I do go home, will you come with me?
  1. Of course.

Choose: Of course.
(Captain) nods, earning a hug from Narmaya.
Narmaya: Oh, my cute (Captain)! Thank you for being my rock!
(Captain) takes Narmaya's fawning in stride, and the pair head for her home.
Narmaya: ...
They arrive in front of a large, antiquated dwelling. Narmaya slides open the door with apprehension.
A woman watering the houseplants in the foyer drops her watering can when she sees who walks in.
???: Gasp... It can't be...
???: What's wrong, Laruna?
A tall, lean man comes out to investigate the woman's distress.
His eyes bulge when he sees Narmaya.
???: You came home.
Narmaya: Yeah... Um, it's been a while, Mom, Dad...
Narmaya's Mother: "It's been a while"? Is that all you have to say after vanishing for all these years?
Narmaya's Mother: Oh, whatever. It doesn't matter. Come here!
The woman Narmaya calls Mom cries tears of joy as she warmly wraps her arms around her daughter.
Narmaya's Mother: Welcome home. I'm glad you're safe.
Narmaya: Mom...
Narmaya's Father: I was resigned to the fact that we'd lost our little girl to her fanatical hero worship. Yet here you are...
Narmaya's Father: So many days and nights have passed since I last got to see your face.
Narmaya: Dad...
Narmaya's Father: And you.
The man Narmaya calls Dad turns his attention to (Captain).
Gamshira: My name is Gamshira. This is my wife, Laruna.
(Captain) politely bows and gives a brief self-introduction.
Gamshira: We owe you a great deal for rescuing our daughter from her personal conflict.
Laruna: Yes, thank you from the bottom of our hearts, (Captain).
The grateful mother continues to squeeze her long-lost daughter.
Laruna: Though I'm curious why you chose to come see us out of the blue. Were you bitten by the homesick bug?
Narmaya: Actually, not a day went by that I didn't want to visit, but because I left without saying a word, I couldn't bring myself to do it...
Gamshira: In the end, I'm thrilled you put your concerns aside and chose to come home.
Gamshira: Still...
Laruna: That's not the whole story, is it?
Narmaya: Is it that obvious?
Gamshira: We are your parents. We can tell when something is eating away at our child.
Gamshira: Whatever's on your mind, speak freely.
Gamshira: I look forward to hearing from (Captain) as well.
Laruna: Yes. Tell us everything about you and Narmaya.
(Captain) agrees to do so and follows the family into their home.
Once everyone is comfortably situated, (Captain) recounts past experiences shared with Narmaya.
It's a thorough retelling of what they've been through, starting from how they first met to Narmaya's reunion with Zanba.
The conversation lingers briefly on Fif when the young Eternal is brought up.
Laruna: Zanba's looking after a little girl now? That Zanba?
Laruna: Hahaha, what a world. I guess even he's mellowed a bit.
Narmaya: We often have tea together. Me, (Captain), Fif, and him.
Gamshira: Interesting. Picturing you all gathered together and drinking tea with Zanba makes for a good chuckle.
Gamshira: Returning to the original matter at hand, I can see why you feel lost about what to do next, Narmaya.
Gamshira: Stay here with us for a bit. I'm sure you'll find a way to proceed if you do.
Laruna: Oh, I'll take it from here!
Laruna gets up and quickly leaves the room.
Soon she comes back carrying a folded black garment.
Laruna: This is a family heirloom. Have I shown it to you before?
Laruna: I wanted you to wear this if you ever came home, so I altered it just in case!
Narmaya: But it's a family heirloom! You altered it just for me?
Gamshira: Why is that surprising? You're the strongest in the family, Narmaya. It's only fitting that it be passed down to you.
Gamshira: It makes sense to add a few modifications to it here and there.
Narmaya: I-I guess so...
Laruna: Well, don't just stand there! Go try it on!
Narmaya leaves the room to go change, still dumbfounded from receiving such a precious gift.
She comes back moments later wearing the heirloom.
Narmaya: How do I look?
Laruna: Aw, it's perfect! Doesn't she look perfect, Gamshira?
Gamshira: Yes. Long have I waited to see our little one don the family treasure.
  1. Looks cute.
  2. Looks cool.

Choose: Looks cute.
Narmaya: Y-you think so? Ehehe...
Narmaya: Now I'm even more delighted to be wearing this.
Gamshira: As beautiful as a full moon on a crystal clear night. Ah, that reminds me of the first time I met Laruna.
Laruna: Gamshira... Need I remind you we're entertaining a guest?

Choose: Looks cool.
Narmaya: I guess you could say that, huh?
Laruna: Not to mention brave and gallant, just like her father when he was a strapping young man. Hehe, I couldn't take my eyes off of him.
Gamshira: Laruna, don't make our guest feel uncomfortable.
Continue 2
Narmaya: Geez, you two haven't changed a bit.
(Captain) can only smile at the close-knit family.
Narmaya: Thanks, Mom and Dad. I feel like I'm ready for a fresh start.
Narmaya: Like I can do anything if I set my mind to it. Dad, I'm going to need the dojo!
Laruna: Oh, off to train already? Why don't we talk some more—
Laruna: Haha...
Gamshira: That girl could never sit still. Something tells me we won't see her again until nightfall.
Laruna: Thankfully we have the next best thing, if I may say so.
Laruna: Well, (Captain)? I'm sure you have plenty more stories that are dying to be told.
With a nod, (Captain) settles in for some storytelling.
Meanwhile, Narmaya is brushing up on her fundamentals in the dojo.
After several rounds of sweeps and flourishes, she stops and inhales deeply.
Narmaya: This smell brings back memories.
Narmaya: How many hours did I spend swinging my wooden practice sword in this room? I even tried my hand at naginatas and greatswords...
Narmaya trails off. Something about what she just said doesn't sound right to her.
Narmaya: Wait, I do remember training constantly...
Narmaya: But was that all I did?
She purposefully skips over to a weapon rack to check something.
It holds the weapons she'd once swung in the past.
Narmaya: That's weird.
Narmaya: Every single one is damaged. They shouldn't be though, if all I ever did was take practice swings and polish my footwork.
Narmaya: Which means I must've sparred with someone. But who?
Narmaya: I don't remember practicing with anyone other than myself...
???: Pardon me.
Narmaya spins around to face the voice and sees a woman dressed in a samurai-like fashion.
Narmaya: Are you here to see my father? I can go get him for you—
Mysterious Woman: A little bird told me you had come home. Lo and behold, they were right.
Mysterious Woman: Hello, Narmaya.
Narmaya: How do you know my name?
Mysterious Woman: Hahaha. Of course, of course.
Mysterious Woman: I expected nothing less from one who views me as worthless.
The woman's voice drips with contempt, and a thin trickle of blood leaks from her eye.
Narmaya: You're bleeding...
Mysterious Woman: Why do you care?
Narmaya: ...!
Mysterious Woman: Worry about yourself.
The woman unsheathes her blade in one fluid motion and unleashes a merciless flurry of cuts.
Narmaya instinctively blocks the attacks, and she instantly deduces what she's up against the moment their blades collide.
Narmaya: (She's powerful! And there's something unsettling about her blade. Just looking at it gives me goosebumps.)
Narmaya: (However, she's far from unbeatable.)
Narmaya: ...
Mysterious Woman: Ah, there they are—the eyes that stare back at me and haunt my dreams.
Narmaya: I'm guessing we've met before.
Mysterious Woman: Hahaha.
Mysterious Woman: Suits me fine if you've forgotten who I am. All I ask...
Mysterious Woman: Is that you atone by dying where you stand!
Narmaya: ...!
The commotion draws (Captain) and Narmaya's parents to the dojo.
Laruna: Narmaya, is everything all right—
Gamshira: What in the world...
Narmaya: Nnh...
Mysterious Woman: Tch... Look at you.
An unbelievable scene assaults (Captain)'s eyes.
A mysterious attacker clutches Narmaya by the neck and is poised to kill her at any moment.
But the most astonishing aspect of this affair lies elsewhere.
Narmaya: Ugh...
Gamshira: Narmaya... You're a child again?
The sword master's body has reverted to her childhood state.

Fated Intervention

Gamshira identifies the fleeing attacker as a woman named Azusa who has a past with the family, but he must see to Narmaya's wounds instead of giving pursuit. Narmaya explains she was overpowered by Azusa and suffered a single shallow cut. Hearing this, Gamshira thinks there might be something twisted about Azusa's blade.

Mysterious Woman: Hmph.
The woman lifts Narmaya by her neck and tosses her at the bystanders.
(Captain) catches her before she hits the ground.
Narmaya: Whimper... (Captain)...
Laruna: Narmaya!
Mysterious Woman: We'll settle this another day.
Mysterious Woman: Assuming you can swing a katana with those scrawny arms, that is.
Gamshira: Stop, Azusa!
The woman named Azusa pays no heed to Gamshira's angry demand and leaves.
Narmaya: Azu... sa?
Narmaya struggles to speak and faints.
Laruna: Leave her be, Gamshira! Right now we have to take care of Narmaya!
Gamshira: You're right. She needs immediate medical attention!
With Gamshira's help, (Captain) carries Narmaya into the dojo's infirmary.
A physician on staff provides Narmaya with urgent care.
Narmaya: Nnh...
Laruna: Narmaya! Thank goodness you've regained consciousness.
Narmaya: Mom... Dad... (Captain)...
Narmaya: I'm sorry for worrying you.
Gamshira: Never mind that. You've done nothing wrong. Parents are supposed to worry about their children.
Laruna: I never thought you'd be overpowered though...
  1. What happened?

Choose: What happened?
Narmaya: ...
Narmaya: That woman cut me, but it was shallow.
Narmaya: Her spirit was intense, but the strike felt incredibly warped.
Narmaya: It was as if she only wanted to make surface-level cuts... She was filled with vindictiveness...
Narmaya: I can't believe I let her get the best of me. I guess I didn't take her seriously enough.
Gamshira: You wouldn't have been that careless were you still on the ruthless path for power. How ironic.
Narmaya: ...
Laruna: Don't take that the wrong way. We don't ever want you going back to that.
Narmaya: Huh?
Gamshira: I blurted that out without thinking. We must focus on restoring your body. That's all that matters.
(Captain) nods in agreement.
Gamshira: Although, for a single katana stroke to induce such a transformation... Hmm...
Gamshira: It's probably still hard for her to walk. Will you take her, Laruna?
Laruna: No, not me. I think Narmaya would much rather prefer (Captain).
Gamshira: Oh, I see. I was never good at picking up on those things.
Narmaya: Wh-what?
Gamshira: (Captain), help Narmaya up. There's something I want to show you both. Follow me.
(Captain) gets the hint and hefts Narmaya onto their back.
Narmaya: Eeep! (Captain)!
Narmaya: I'm the big sister here. Giving piggyback rides is my—
  1. You're the little sister this time.
  2. You're not the boss of me.

Choose: You're the little sister this time.
Narmaya: Well, if that's how it's going to be, you should be more pampering...
Narmaya: No, never mind. I'll always be the big sister, but I'll put up with this change just this once.

Choose: You're not the boss of me.
Narmaya: Meanie.
Continue 1
Narmaya blushes and buries her face in the small of (Captain)'s back.
With the little ball of warmth secured, (Captain) follows Gamshira.

Fated Intervention: Scene 2

Gamshira determines that Azusa used an enchanted blade to curse Narmaya. As a youth, Narmaya's adulation of Zanba caused her to train obsessively and tune out everything else, including Azusa's own admiration for Narmaya. While Narmaya sleeps, her parents tell (Captain) about Narmaya and Azusa's past as fellow students and request the captain to keep this a secret, claiming Narmaya needs to remember her past on her own.

Narmaya: Isn't this Dad's collection room?
Laruna: He's filled it out since the last time you came in here when you were little.
Laruna: Your father never passes up the chance to add a new weapon or piece of armor to the shelves.
Gamshira: Any self-respecting martial artist has a healthy interest in armaments.
Despite feeling somewhat awkward over justifying his hobby, Gamshira retrieves a katana that is tucked tightly in its scabbard.
Gamshira: I'm going to draw it.
He unsheathes the blade.
Narmaya: ...!
Narmaya and (Captain) instantly feel as if they've been plunged into a cold sea.
The katana's blade is exposed for a scant second before Gamshira sheathes it, but Narmaya's and (Captain)'s clothes are already damp with cold sweat.
Narmaya: That felt exactly like that woman's blade...
Gamshira: Just as I thought. Narmaya, you've been cursed by an enchanted blade.
Gamshira: The skies are home to numerous ominous blades harboring powerful curses.
Gamshira: These weapons bare their fangs at everyone, including their masters.
Laruna: That's how your father got the scar on his face. He paid a price for the blade's services.
Narmaya: Is that how it happened?
Gamshira: In my youth, when I was still wet behind the ears, I wore this weapon on my hip. I'll never make that mistake again.
Gamshira: Azusa is probably paying her own price to her blade in exchange for laying the curse on you.
Narmaya: ...
Azusa: Of course, of course.
Azusa: I expected nothing less from one who views me as worthless.
The woman's voice drips with contempt, and a thin trickle of blood leaks from her eye.
Narmaya: You're bleeding...
Narmaya: (Was that why she was bleeding?)
  1. What should we do now?

Choose: What should we do now?
Gamshira: If the source of the curse is destroyed, that should dispel the blade's power.
Gamshira: Whether or not the price paid will be refunded is anyone's guess.
Laruna: I can't believe that girl used such a terrifying blade against our Narmaya.
Gamshira: The day she left the dojo, I thought something like this might crop up. I'm sorry, Narmaya, this was my responsibility.
Laruna: Poor Narmaya was shocked too back then.
Narmaya: ...
Narmaya: You know who she is?
Laruna: Hm?
Gamshira: You don't remember her?
Narmaya: Er, you mean I've met her before?
Gamshira: How much of the past do you remember, Narmaya?
Narmaya: Well... I remember chasing after Zanba... I spent every waking hour practicing my sword craft.
Narmaya: Swing after swing, I never stopped. But at that level of training, I thought I'd never amount to anything and left home for better results...
Narmaya: ...
Gamshira: I'm shocked that's the extent of your memory...
Laruna: Yes... It seems by that time, Narmaya had already become lost to her obsession.
Gamshira: And now that our daughter has returned, she looks exactly as she did when things were set in motion. Fate works in mysterious ways.
Narmaya: What do you mean?
Gamshira: Try to remember, Narmaya. Lift the veil that shrouds your childhood.
Gamshira: That's the key to lifting the curse that plagues your body.
Her parents leave the room without expounding more about Azusa.
Narmaya: Snore...
It's been arduous for the young sword master, and she falls asleep the moment her head hits the pillow.
Gamshira and Laruna use this opportunity to call for (Captain).
Gamshira: My apologies. You must be completely lost as to what's going on. Allow me to clear up a few things.
Gamshira: Azusa and Narmaya were fellow students at the dojo.
Laruna: Azusa idolized Narmaya the same way Narmaya idolized Zanba.
Gamshira: In time, Narmaya became possessed by her endless pursuit for recognition from Zanba.
Gamshira: She was blinded by obsession, blocking out everything else around her.
Gamshira: Everything outside of Zanba was viewed as insignificant. Even I was in awe of her zeal.
Laruna: Despite Narmaya's disinterest, Azusa tried so hard to follow in her footsteps.
Laruna: But after many practice sessions with Narmaya, Azusa ultimately left the dojo.
  1. Because she lost to Narmaya?
  2. Why won't you tell her?

Choose: Because she lost to Narmaya?
Gamshira: Yes, and we haven't seen her since until now.
Gamshira: I never would've imagined she'd return bearing an enchanted blade.
Laruna: It would be easy for us to simply tell Narmaya this.
Laruna: But it won't mean much if she can't remember it on her own. That's what I think at least.
Gamshira: In the meantime, (Captain), please keep this information to yourself.

Choose: Why won't you tell her?
Gamshira: We could very easily do so. But it won't mean a thing if she can't rediscover it for herself.
Gamshira: However, if for some reason she's unable to find the answer, we'll provide her with guidance.
Gamshira: In the meantime, (Captain), please keep this information to yourself.
Continue 1
Gamshira: This isn't necessarily about recalling her ties to Azusa.
Gamshira: It's about grasping why her memory is closed off. She needs to face her issues and overcome them.
Gamshira: But, by all means, do continue supporting her. Of course we'll help our daughter as well.
(Captain) responds with a small nod.
Now that (Captain) knows the history between Azusa and Narmaya, the captain is conflicted about how to proceed.

Fated Intervention: Scene 3

Azusa's enchanted blade exacts a toll on her body as she waits for Narmaya to come face her. Meanwhile, Narmaya has gotten used to moving around in her new body, though she still can't remember much of her childhood at the dojo. After receiving a pep talk from her parents, she goes to confront Azusa.

Azusa: Narmaya... She uttered those words as she stood over a slain foe.
Narmaya: Farewell, worthless creature.
Azusa: Those cold eyes of hers should have been filled with disdain, but the fact is, she didn't even register whom it was she cut down.
Azusa: Those were the same eyes that greeted me whenever we sparred.
Azusa: So icy... So empty... Her eyes said it all—Azusa is worthless.
Azusa: Narmaya...
In a deserted forest, Azusa weeps from the pain wracking her entire body.
Azusa: Wheeze... Guh...
Azusa: I didn't even cut her that deeply, yet this is what I have to endure as compensation...
Azusa: Sigh... My visions blurry... But... Haha...
Azusa: Hahaha! Doesn't she look so adorable now! What does she hope to do against me! Hahaha!
Azusa: Don't keep me waiting. Let's settle this once and for all.
Azusa: I'm not worthless anymore. Am I, Narmaya? Hahahaha...
Blood leaks from her eyes, mouth, and nose.
She may be laughing, but her face is strained.
Meanwhile, Narmaya feels rested and practices her fundamentals in order to face Azusa.
Training in the dojo should feel nostalgic, but Narmaya's memories are still sealed away.
Gamshira: Hm.
Laruna: Point: Narmaya.
Gamshira: Amazing. You landed a hit on me even in your childlike state.
Narmaya: I think I've gotten used to moving around. My body feels pretty nimble.
Gamshira: ...
Gamshira: And what about your memory?
Narmaya: It's no good. I can't remember anyone who used to be at this dojo, not just Azusa.
Narmaya: How did the weapons I once practiced with get so banged up?
Narmaya: Just who did I practice with day after day?
Narmaya: I see myself swinging my katana and chasing after Zanba... But nothing else comes to mind...
Laruna: Narmaya...
Narmaya: Hey, Dad. Mom. (Captain).
Narmaya: Can you still see the faces of everyone you've ever fought against?
  1. Of course.
  2. Depends on the situation.

Choose: Of course.
"And they've all provided me with valuable experience," adds the captain.
Gamshira: Yes, that's a good way of putting it. Well said, (Captain).
Laruna: Your father and I also remember fighters from rival dojos who came to challenge our students.
Narmaya: So you remember every fight?
Gamshira: Every fight provides a lesson that becomes ingrained in my body.
Gamshira: Compared to you and Zanba, we are merely ordinary individuals.
Gamshira: Though I suppose it's because we're ordinary that we see things that way.
Narmaya: No, it's not like that. It never crossed my mind.

Choose: Depends on the situation.
Gamshira: Yes, it would truly be difficult to recall every single encounter ever faced.
Gamshira: Though I'm sure (Captain) has benefitted greatly from the fights endured.
Laruna: The same goes for you, Narmaya, even if you never realized it. It's just that you're too strong.
Gamshira: Which is why your opponents didn't create a lasting impression in your mind. Or at least that's how I see it.
Narmaya: You might be right about that...
Continue 1
Laruna: Narmaya.
Laruna: If you're troubled by the actions you've taken and decisions you've made until now, don't be.
Laruna: I'd be sad to see you go back to being so mercilessly focused, but if that's what you want, then it's not wrong.
Laruna: Or you can always stay as you are now.
Laruna: And then there's the code of honor your father and I follow. You have options—that's all we're saying.
Laruna: So take a firm stand and do what you believe is right.
Narmaya: Mom...
Gamshira: Just because the memories won't come back doesn't mean you're in the wrong. Don't condemn yourself. What's important is what you do from here.
Narmaya: Yeah...
Narmaya: Do what I think is right... I think I understand.
Narmaya: I'm going to go see Azusa.
  1. You're going alone?
  2. Good luck.

Choose: You're going alone?
Narmaya: I think this is something that needs to be worked out between me and her.
Narmaya: We'll have a heart-to-heart talk. Don't worry. I won't push my luck.
Seeing her encouraging smile, (Captain) agrees to see her off.
Gamshira: If you're ready, then you should settle this sooner rather than later. Azusa is suffering too.

Choose: Good luck.
Narmaya: Our pasts, Azusa's and mine, will be resolved.
Narmaya: I'll definitely come back, (Captain).
Gamshira: If you're ready, then you should settle this sooner rather than later. Azusa is suffering too.
Continue 2
Narmaya nods and hurries off to meet the woman.
Narmaya: (Nothing's coming back to me about Azusa.)
Narmaya: (But somehow I know she's waiting for me not too far away.)
Narmaya: (At a place where fate will play out.)
Narmaya makes a last-minute effort to dredge up old memories as she nears the spot where Azusa is waiting.

Fated Intervention: Scene 4

Narmaya tries to talk things out with Azusa, but the jilted young woman unleashes a flurry of attacks that pushes Narmaya to the brink. Suddenly, her past memories come back, including how to perform a technique she'd devised to overcome Zanba. However, fearing its failure, she'd repressed it until now. Narmaya shatters Azusa's enchanted blade with her new move, lifting the curse, and reconciles with Azusa.

Narmaya: Azusa.
Azusa: There you are. Have you finally remembered me?
Narmaya: I'm sorry. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to recall...
Azusa: Fine. That's perfectly fine.
Azusa: It doesn't matter. I didn't get my hopes up. All I want...
Azusa: Is to take your head!
Azusa sprints across the ground and swings at Narmaya.
Narmaya unsheathes her katana and parries the swarming blows.
Azusa: Well, well.
Narmaya: Guh...
Narmaya: (As I feared, with my current level of strength, I won't be able break her blade only by parrying...)
Narmaya: (No! That's beside the point!)
Narmaya: Azusa, please talk to me! I want us to have an open conversation!
Azusa: Shut up. If you call yourself a swordswoman, then let your blade do the talking!
Narmaya: ...!
Azusa: Hahahaha!
Narmaya: Ngh!
Narmaya's defensive stance collapses multiple times under the storm of slashes.
But despite being thrown off balance, she deftly deflects each of Azusa's attacks.
Azusa: Tch... Insolence. So you've learned how to use that body, cursed brat.
Azusa: But don't you dare call me worthless anymore! The difference in my strength is as clear as night and day!
Azusa: Hahaha! Die, Narmaya!
A strike powerful enough to stop the wind from blowing knocks Narmaya down to the ground.
Narmaya: No—
Without delay, Azusa straddles her fallen opponent, aiming her katana at Narmaya.
Azusa: Hahaha, how I've longed for this moment.
Azusa: I've had enough of your unfeeling eyes! The ones that acknowledge no one—you don't even care enough to show scorn!
Azusa: Finally I'll be released from that haunting stare! Oh, the joy! Hahahaha!
Narmaya: Then why aren't you smiling?
Azusa stops laughing. Her expression hardens at the audacity that the wounded Narmaya would ask her such a question.
Azusa: Huh?
Narmaya: Clashing swords isn't going to solve anything.
Narmaya: That's what a dear friend once told Zanba and me.
Azusa: ...
Narmaya: I'm sorry. It must've been hard for you.
Narmaya: The pain of not being acknowledged... I of all people should've known better...
Azusa: Shut up! Shut up! Bemoan your regret from the other side.
Azusa brings her blade down on Narmaya.
(Captain) agreed to let Narmaya go meet Azusa alone, but lingering fears eventually win out.
(Captain) attempts to leave to go help her, but Gamshira stops the captain.
Gamshira: Have faith in Narmaya.
  1. A child can't win against an adult.
  2. It won't matter if she dies!

Choose: A child can't win against an adult.
Gamshira: Narmaya is... different.
Gamshira: If she can dig up the past, victory will follow.

Choose: It won't matter if she dies!
Gamshira: Yes, I know. One needs to survive in order to make use of their experiences.
Gamshira: However, Narmaya won't lose. Especially not while she's in her current state.
Continue 1
Gamshira: She surpassed Zanba.
Gamshira: It might be hard to believe, but she already reached that accomplishment by the time she ran away from home.
(Captain) does find this hard to believe, glaring incredulously at Gamshira.
Gamshira: She's a generational talent. When backed into a corner, that technique will resurface.
Gamshira: A technique she abandoned because she felt it wouldn't be enough to get through to Zanba.
The air starts to burn.
Azusa: ...!
With the smallest flicker of movement, Narmaya drives her katana upward at an explosive speed.
Azusa, who had been pinning Narmaya down, is flung into the air.
Azusa: Wh-what? Could this be...
Completely disoriented from the sudden reversal of fortune, Azusa hangs in midair, paralyzed with confusion.
She hasn't realized that Narmaya had jumped above her, and now the sword master is hurtling toward her like a meteor.
Narmaya: Dragonsbane.
Azusa: Gaaah!
The tables have turned. Now Narmaya is straddling Azusa.
The furious blow from above shatters the enchanted blade, restoring Narmaya to her former self.
Narmaya: Dragonsbane... I was so convinced it was no match for Zanba that I sealed it away in my memories.
Azusa: I only saw it a few times as a kid. No, I didn't just see it, I—
Narmaya: I used it against you back then too, didn't I? Right where we stand now, as I recall.
Narmaya: In fact, that's what started it all.
Azusa: ...
Narmaya: I remember now, Azusa. I remember you and this technique.
Narmaya: You were always at my side, and we'd practice together. You never turned down the chance to spar with me.
Azusa: Yeah...
Narmaya: I'm so sorry for forgetting about you after everything you had done for me.
Narmaya: I was so focused on chasing after Zanba that I severed an irreplaceable connection.
Azusa: ...
Narmaya: You're not worthless in the slightest. When your blade cut me, that was your true strength, not the enchanted blade.
Azusa: ...!
Azusa: I only got a shallow cut in. I'm still an amateur.
Narmaya: That's not true. The moment I felt your ferocity, I understood one thing.
Narmaya: You're strong, Azusa.
Azusa: Sob...
Tears fall from Azusa's eyes. Not blood but genuine tears.
Azusa: I became twisted. I lost sight of everything.
Azusa: My wish was for you to look at me. To notice me. I began to wonder what I could I do.
Azusa: Before I knew it, this strange weapon had taken ahold of my heart, and... that was it. That was how my wish could come true.
Narmaya: Ah, I see. No wonder you weren't acting like yourself. But it's okay now.
Narmaya: I admit I didn't look at what was around me in the past... but I never thought you were worthless. Not for a second.
Azusa: Yeah, now that I think about it, I never actually heard you call me worthless.
Azusa: It's just that your eyes were terrifying... They were carved into my psyche, and I couldn't get away from them.
Azusa: So I must've imagined in my head that you felt that way about me... I drove myself crazy over nothing...
Azusa: Sob... So I'm not worthless to you, am I?
Narmaya: Of course not. I'm sorry I made you feel that way, Azusa.
Azusa bawls like a child, to which Narmaya gently soothes her.
Narmaya: Let me say this.
Narmaya: If we could start over, I'd like you to be my friend again.
Narmaya: Let's make up for lost time, and I guarantee you, it'll be worthwhile.
Azusa: Waaah!
Azusa nods over and over again while clutching onto Narmaya.
Narmaya strokes her hair, like a big sister calming a little sister.
After a while, the pair return to the dojo.
(Captain), seeing that Narmaya has returned to normal, immediately runs over to her.
Narmaya: I'm back, (Captain).
  1. Glad you're okay.
  2. It's over, huh?

Choose: Glad you're okay.
Narmaya: Sorry for all the trouble I've caused.
Narmaya: But everything's under control now! I've completely recovered!
Narmaya: And to top it all off, me and Azusa have reconciled!

Choose: It's over, huh?
Narmaya: Yes. Azusa and I patched things up.
Continue 2
Azusa: I have no excuse for the nuisance I've been. Teacher Gamshira and Laruna, I apologize.
Gamshira: No, if anyone is to apologize, it should be me. I failed to fully understand the distress you were going through. Not just you, but Narmaya as well.
Azusa: Surely you can't take any of the blame. Everything was my fault.
Laruna: Did the enchanted blade demand much from you?
Azusa: Sometimes my eyes bled, but the pain and bloody tears are gone now. Perhaps because Narmaya destroyed the blade.
Gamshira: I see. That's a good way to end it. I expect you'll be back to full health in no time.
Laruna: Azusa. Why don't you stay with us? You can rest here to your heart's content.
Azusa: Huh?
Narmaya: I agree!
Narmaya: If she stays with you guys, I can't wait to visit home again.
Gamshira: Your mom and I aren't enough fun for you?
Narmaya: Erm, what? I didn't say that—
Gamshira: I'm joking.
Narmaya: That's not nice, Dad...
Azusa: Is it really okay for me to stay here?
Gamshira: Why not? Your name is still on the student register. Yours and Narmaya's.
Azusa: Ah, is that so? I was sure I'd been expelled...
Azusa: I guess it was all in my head...
Narmaya: That means we can spar again sometime, Azusa.
Azusa: Y-yeah...
Azusa is bewildered by the show of compassion, but gradually her expression softens.
She nods again, more firmly this time. Narmaya's words have clearly touched her heart.
Azusa: Yeah.
  1. Say, who's up for some tea?
  2. Let's hit the dojo for some training.

Choose: Say, who's up for some tea?
Azusa: What?
Laruna: That's a splendid idea, especially since we're all gathered together.
Narmaya: Guess what, (Captain)? My memories of Azusa came back! I'll tell you all about her!
Azusa: H-hey, keep the embarrassing stories to yourself.
Narmaya: Heehee. You can tell stories about me, and we'll call it even.

Choose: Let's hit the dojo for some training.
Gamshira: Good idea. We'll step in for a few rounds too.
Gamshira: Were you able to recall that one technique?
Narmaya: Yes, thanks to Azusa, but I still have to learn how to use it properly.
Narmaya: I'd like her and (Captain) to help me.
Azusa: Very well. I'd be delighted to.
Continue 3
Narmaya has managed to confront her past and recalls many forgotten memories in the process.
Chief among them are how to perform the strongest technique from her childhood, as well as the times she had spent with a precious friend. Who knows what limits this sword master will go on to break.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
お父さんとお母さん元気そうでよかった Mom and Dad are doing well. That's a weight off my mind.
(主人公)ちゃんを甘やかしたいなぁ… Oh, I wish I was spoiling (Captain) right now...
あなたのこときちんと糧にするわ The experience you provide me with will be used wisely.
お姉さんもっともっとお姉さんにならなきゃ! I have to become even kinder and more caring than I am now!
斬り伏せる Fall by my blade.
基礎の瞑想をきちんと…できるようにならなきゃ… I must learn to harness the power of meditation.
忘れてきたこと全部思い出したいな It'd be nice to remember all that I've forgotten.
(主人公)ちゃんお姉さんずっと一緒だよ I'll always be with you, (Captain).
いちから修行をやり直さなきゃね I'll have to start training from scratch, it seems.
(主人公)ちゃん、もっとお姉さんに甘えて? Come here, (Captain), let me spoil you a little.
