Narmaya (Holiday)/Lore

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Official Profile

Age 24
Height 134 cm
Race Draph
Hobbies Training, basking in the sun
Likes Children
Dislikes Meditation (she ends up falling asleep)
Final Uncap
Character Release

Character Release
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 24歳
Height 134cm
Race ドラフ
Hobbies 鍛練、ひなたぼっこ
Likes 子供
Dislikes 瞑想(寝てしまうため)
Final Uncap
Character Release

Character Release
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain)! Happy birthday!
Ooh, I'm so happy it's your birthday... I really, really am...
It's like it was my birthday! Hee hee... Anyway, (Captain)...
You mean a lot to me, you know.
Happy birthday... And best wishes, okay?


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
Hehe... I'm so glad we get to celebrate your birthday again this year, (Captain).
Oh, I know! I'll give you one wish, just for today!
Your wish is my command, (Captain)! Hehe!


(Captain)! (Captain)! Happy birthday!
You just rest and relax today!
Leave all your duties and chores to me! I'll wash your clothes, cook your meals, tuck you into bed! Everything!
Mm... But if I do that, I won't be able to talk to you much apart from sleepy time together.
Ohh... What am I going to do... I want to take care of you, but... It sounds so lonely...
Hm? I-I don't need push myself? Hehe, that's so sweet of you, (Captain).
We'll spend the day together then! C'mon, (Captain)!


(Captain)! (Captain)! Happy birthday!
Let's have a party today!
Fif and Eahta said they'd come over too!
We can chat while munching on yummy birthday cake!
I'm going to tell them all about why I like you so much, (Captain)!
Teehee, it's going to be so much fun!


(Captain)! Happy birthday!
Fif and I worked hard to plan your party again this year. There will be plenty of cake and other tasty treats!
Eahta will be stopping by too, so we can all celebrate together. Isn't that wonderful?
But actually, there's still a little while before the party.
Do you think we can spend that time talking, just the two of us?
It's nice to celebrate as a group...
But I'd like the chance to celebrate alone with you too.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year!
Say, (Captain)... Wanna go watch the sunrise together?
It's a little far from here, but the mountain I used to be cooped up in had the prettiest sunrises.
When I think about the possibility of watching a sunrise like that with you, (Captain), I... well...
It fills my heart with glee, honestly. So, (Captain)? Looking forward to watching the sunrise with me?
Hee hee! Then let's go!


I'm making New Year's mochi!
Which kind do you want, (Captain?) How would you like it to be cooked?
Whatever I like? Aw, you're so nice, (Captain).
In that case, you'll have a full course of mochi! I'll be back with them in a second, so just sit tight.


(Captain)... Will you listen to your big sister's little problem?
See, I'm a fair bit shorter than you aren't I? Even though I'm supposed to be the big sister here...
Because of that, I can't cuddle you right when it's cozy time...
So... do you think it would be weird if my resolution this year is to get taller?
Or... do you think I could ask you to crouch down for me when we cuddle?
Ehehe. Well, problem solved, then!
All right! Time to give your big sister a hug!


There's a good-luck katana known as the goshintou...
That cleaves through misfortune for a path to prosperity.
The katana I use isn't meant for such a feat, but...
Maybe I can be your good-luck charm for the year if you don't mind, (Captain).
I'll be sure to safeguard you from anything and everything.
Here's to another fantastic year of skyfaring, (Captain)!


(Captain), look! It's the first sunrise of the new year!
The light is so warm and kind. It reminds me of you, (Captain).
You're here by my side, and the sun feels so nice...
Maybe we ought to stay here and bask in the sun together.
But all this sun bathing has made me sleepy all of a sudden... How about you, (Captain)?
If you're tired, feel free to take a nap. I'll make sure you don't catch a cold.
So don't worry... Okay? (Captain)...

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain), (Captain)! Happy Valentine's!
These are chocolates I made just for you!
I hope you like them... Say, (Captain), are you okay eating them by yourself?
How about you sit next to me and I feed them to you?
There you go. Now then, say aah!
Well? How's it taste?
Hee hee... I'll make another batch for you next year.
Until then, my dearest (Captain).


(Captain), I made chocolates!
Open wide, now! Say aahh! Do you like them? I'm so glad!
But we could be doing more to enjoy them, don't you think?
Wanna try feeding them to me instead, as a change of pace? I mean, if you don't mind...
Just let me know how you want to eat them, (Captain).


(Captain)! Oh, (Captain)! Guess what?
I just learned how to make my chocolates even tastier!
First let's start with how we always do it. Say aaah!
Hehe, do you like it?
Next we'll try it while you rest your head on my lap.
Then finally I'll feed you while running my hands through your hair. Trust me, you're going to like it!
Now come here, little (Captain)!


Don't think this chocolate will taste the same as the last year's. I learned some new techniques from the chocolatier.
He really liked my work.
He even invited me to work with him.
I turned him down though.
Because my chocolate is meant exclusively for you, (Captain).
Ehehe... I almost feel embarrassed just saying this, but ...
I hope you enjoy every bite of my very special chocolate...
Bon appetit!


Oh, there you are! (Captain)!
You want to know why I'm in such a hurry? Ehehe... Well, I tried making a new type of chocolate this year!
I decided to go with fresh chocolate ganache! It's soft, sweet, and filled with nutrients.
Apparently you're really supposed to put it on baked goods and eat it that way...
But all I could think about was how much I wanted you to try it, so I ended up forgetting to make the treats to put it on...
So it's just chocolate... Is that okay?
It would be a big mess if it fell on the floor, so I'll feed it to you.
Now say "ahh"...
That kind of tickles my fingertips. Ehehehe...

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

So today's the day when boys thank girls... for everything they do, right?
I wonder... Did you get me anything, (Captain)? But...
I'm always gloomy... and too close... and you probably don't like me.
Oh, (Captain)... What should I do?
Hm? Is this to thank me for helping out onboard?
Heheheh... Thanks. I'm happy to know you feel that way.
But you know, someone to fawn over me would be the best present I could ask for.
Or something like that. Heheh.


Th-these are for me, (Captain)? Why, thank you...
So I, ah... have a little request.
Will you feed me those chocolates yourself?
You will? Really? Hehe, thank you so much!


R-really? All day today you'll do whatever I want?
B-but I should be like a big sister to you. I should be the one taking care of you.
I-it's not that I don't want to... It's just that I wonder if it's really okay...
I... I really won't hold back—are you sure?
Well, in that case... I... want to rest my head on your lap.
Hehe. You're the best, (Captain)!


Whew... Haah... Erm... Ahem!
(Captain)! Can I... ask you for a favor?
I want to feel closer to you...
So if you don't mind...
C-could you give me a hug? And a head pat? And if you could also give me access to your mouth...
Y-yes? Oh, and I don't mean just today either. But every day...
Ehehe... It's nice to act like a spoiled child sometimes.


(Captain), it's so good to see you! What brings you here? Do you perhaps have a White Day gift for me?
I've really let you spoil me since last year, so you don't need to make a fuss over me.
What? I haven't been spoiled enough yet?
A-are you sure? I felt pretty spoiled...
(Captain)... Does that mean you want to spoil me more?
O-okay. But I'm not sure how you can possibly spoil me any more than you already have...
I-I know! In that case, you can tell me!
How do you want to spoil me next?

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Everything okay, (Captain)? Finding plenty of candy?
Wanna go trick-or-treating together, (Captain)?
Or maybe I should just make you some candy myself? Would that be okay?
Hey, (Captain), I made you a lot of candy.
SBut you'd better do something really scary if you want some of it.
Huh? That's not how Halloween works? And here I thought I knew what I was doing...


Trick or treat? Now that's a difficult question.
On the one hand, I want to give you treats. On the other, I really have some good tricks in mind.
Is it okay if I indulge a little bit, (Captain)?
It is? In that case, let me give you some treats... And you can play some tricks on me.


Aren't the children from town simply adorable? Makes me want to give up all my candy on the spot!
Mmm, they're so cute... I'm sure their little tricks are even cuter. Ohh, I want them to trick me so badly.
But I want to see their happy faces when I give them candy too. But if I do that they won't play any tricks on me... Ohh, what do I do...
Huh? Give them the candy after they trick me?
Y-you're a genius, (Captain)!
Time to put the plan into action! Come on, let's go together!


Rooster stance!
Haha, this is the ultimate defensive stance, capable of withstanding any attack!
Go ahead and play your trick on me, (Captain)! I'm ready for it!
(Captain)? What's wrong?
Hm? Y-you don't hear me? Or are you just ignoring me?
No, that can't be...
Oh, so this is your trick?
Whew... Glad to hear it... You sure had me scared for a second.
Hahaha... You beat my rooster stance so easily...
You're too much for me, (Captain)... Teehee.


Are you heading into town, (Captain)?
If so, would you mind if I tagged along?
You beat my ultimate defensive stance last year, so I thought I'd use this year to train myself.
I'll observe how you play tricks on people and what you do to scare them.
Then I'll put that knowledge to use next year. Would that be... all right?
Ehehe. Thank you! I can't wait to stroll through town with you!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays, (Captain)!
It's freezing today. Maybe we should huddle up together for warmth?
Hee hee... Come on, I don't bite! Hee hee...


Happy holidays!
(Captain)! (Captain)! It's the most magical time of the year!
We just sat in front of the fireplace last year, so...
Wanna go into town this year as a change of pace? Hehe, here! Take my hand!
Hehe, we're gonna have so much fun today, (Captain)!


You know, there was a time when I went away to train all alone on a remote snowy mountain.
Back then snow was nothing to me, but something that was cold and white.
But not anymore. Now I think it looks absolutely beautiful. Makes my heart flutter when I see those little flakes falling.
I bet it's because I'm not all by my lonesome self anymore. Because I'm with a special someone.
Psst, (Captain). Mind if we... cuddle a little?
Hehe. Let's just stay like this for a while.


Happy holidays, (Captain)! What a beautiful night this is.
Teehee, this is the fourth time I've been able to spend this special day with you. It makes me so happy...
What sort of present do you want? I'm ready to give you anything...
Hm? You just want me by your side?
Ehehe... It's the same with me. Just having you nearby fills me with endless satisfaction.
I guess we make the perfect holiday gifts for each other. Ehehe.


Happy holidays, (Captain)!
It makes me so happy to wish you season's greetings like this every year.
Just seeing your face warms my heart right up.
The cold doesn't stand a... Ah... Achoo!
Oh my! I'm sorry, (Captain)! Don't worry, I'm fine...
Oh... Your hands are so warm...
Ehehe... Now you're warming me up, inside and out.
I'm somehow even happier than I was before. Can we stay like this a little while longer?

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Most Dangerous Baker

Ferry catches Narmaya baking a cake in the kitchen and requests her help with making and selling holiday cakes for a local bakery. Thanks to Narmaya, business seems to be booming, but something strange happens—all of the customers who ate Narmaya's cake are found collapsed in a euphoric stupor.

Narmaya not in crew

Narmaya is a sword master who combines both magic and swordplay.
After retreating to mountain solitude and single-mindedly devoting herself to her training, she achieved an unparalleled level of skill.
However, she does possess a gentler side.
Narmaya: Hey, (Captain)! How are you feeling? Is that your stomach rumbling? Can I get you some fruit?
Narmaya: Ah, (Captain)! You're not feeling chilly, are you? I'd be more than glad to lend you my jacket.
An unexpected turn of events led to Narmaya growing attached to (Captain) and joining the crew.
She has gotten along rather well with everyone since.
Narmaya (Valentine) not in crew

For Valentine's, Narmaya baked a chocolate cake all by herself for her dear (Captain).
But lacking confidence in her creation, she headed to Chocolae Island in search of special ingredients.
Finally satisfied with the taste after returning from her little trip, she proudly presented the cake to (Captain).
Some months have passed since then.
With the holy eve fast approaching, Narmaya is busy in the kitchen making something special to celebrate.
Narmaya takes an adorable-looking cake out of the oven and tries a bite.
Narmaya: Hmnn... Mm! This spongy and fluffy delight is sure to please! And the whipped cream gives it that mellow touch!
Narmaya: I can already imagine (Captain) full of smiles while munching on my cake... Teehee!
???: Cake!
Narmaya: Eep!
Ferry: Huff... Huff... I heard someone say cake—
Narmaya: Ferry?
Ferry: Oh, it's you, Narmaya. Sorry for startling you.
No version of Ferry in crew

Ferry runs into the room out of breath.
She is a ghostly member of the crew who commands her own small legion of beastly apparitions.
Having completed numerous assignments together, Ferry and Narmaya have come to be acquainted.
Narmaya: No, no, it's fine. What's all this fuss about cake though?
Narmaya: Oh, I know—you must be hungry. Let me feed you! I have a new cake right here ready for taste-testing!
Ferry: You made this yourself?
Ferry: It looks so fancy I almost thought it was store-bought. I wonder if...
Narmaya: Wonder what, Ferry?
Ferry: Please, Narmaya! I need your help. If I don't—
Narmaya: Ferry.
Narmaya pats her distraught, ghostly companion on the head.
Narmaya: Now, now... That's a good girl.
Ferry: Wha! Mm... Hm?
Narmaya: I don't know what happened, but we can start by calming down! Because your favorite big sis is ready to give you all the head pats you need!
Narmaya: I'm on your side, Ferry.
Ferry: Narmaya... Haha, this is a bit embarrassing, but I feel much better now. Thanks.
Narmaya: I'm glad to hear that. We can take this nice and easy, so why don't you tell me what this is about?
Ferry: Okay... It all started last year.
Ferry: Metera and I helped out a patissier as part of an assignment.
Narmaya: I remember hearing from (Captain) about how you sold out of cakes.
Ferry: That was mostly thanks to Metera. The patissier was really happy about it.
Ferry: In fact, he was so happy that he asked us to help him again this year. The problem is...
Narmaya: Mm-hm?
Ferry: He wants us to help for a few days not just with sales, but also with baking the cakes.
Ferry: I wasn't too sure about accepting the job, but I didn't want to refuse either since he asked for us specifically...
Narmaya: So you took him up on it. You're such a kind girl, Ferry.
Ferry: Haha, I wonder if it's more like I was being too naive.
Ferry: I figured even if things got a little tricky, I'd be okay with Metera beside me. That's why I accepted.
Ferry: But Metera ended up canceling because something urgent came up.
Narmaya: So that means... you'll have to help both in and out of the kitchen all by yourself?
Beppo: ...!
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Ferry: My pets are saying they'll gladly assist, but...
Ferry: It doesn't seem feasible... I'll have my hands full just taking care of the customers...
Ferry: I couldn't stop worrying about it, and that's when I heard your voice.
Narmaya: I'm sorry to hear that... But at least you have the best pets anyone could ever ask for!
Geegee & Momo: ...!
Narmaya: Okay, I get it now. You can stop worrying, because I'm going to take care of everything.
Narmaya: I may not look it, but I've been scouted by bona fide chocolatiers before!
Narmaya: You'll see—we're going to get through this together!
Ferry: R-really? It'd be a tremendous relief to have your help, Narmaya!
Narmaya: Ehehe... For you, Ferry, I'm going to give it my all!
Ferry: Thank you so much... You don't know how happy this makes me... Sniff...
Narmaya: Huh? Are you not feeling well?
Ferry: Oh, I'm fine... It's just, now that I have a second to slow down, my exhaustion finally caught up with me... I'll be okay as soon as I lie down for a bit.
Narmaya: Okay, let me take you to your room then!
Narmaya: We can hold hands along the way! Better yet, I can carry you there! Or I can even piggyback you if you prefer!
Ferry: Er, I really appreciate it, but I can make it to my room okay. Thanks, Narmaya.
Ferry: I'm looking forward to selling cake with you.
Narmaya: Me too! Good night, Ferry!
Narmaya: Ehehe... She's counting on me.
Narmaya: All right! I'm going to show what a wonderful and reliable big sis I can be!
Narmaya: I can start by practicing how to really bring out the flavor in a yummy cake!
Narmaya: Maybe I can take this chance to get myself a cute new outfit! Teehee, it's going to be so much fun...
The big day finally arrives.
Narmaya, clad in a new outfit, is helping to draw in customers.
Narmaya: Why, hello there! Feel free to come right over and browse our latest cakes! Perfect for the holidays!
Customer 1: I love cake! Can I have one, miss?
Narmaya: Sure! Just give me a second to wrap it up nice and pretty for you!
Customer 2: I'll have one too—actually, make it three! I've got a big family!
Narmaya: Three cakes coming right up!
Thank you!
Ferry: Narmaya's cakes are going so fast...
Ferry: And she's so good at striking up a conversation with customers too... Ahaha, she could probably do this all alone...
Narmaya: Ferry!
Ferry: Eep! Wh-what's wrong?
Narmaya: Am I being helpful?
Ferry: Of course you are. You're being so helpful, it's almost scary.
Ferry: I wouldn't be surprised if we sell out soon—
Patissier: Aiiee! My dear customers! Are you well?
Ferry: That voice... It's the patissier!
Narmaya: It came from outside... I wonder what happened...
Ferry: Let's go check it out, Narmaya!
Ferry: Is everything okay? What happened?
Patissier: It's awful! Just take a look at this!
Ferry: What on...
Narmaya: They've all collapsed... Every one of these people bought cake from us...
Customer 1: Narmaya... Ehehe...
Customer 2: Narmaya's cake... Narmaya's cake... Yum... I want more...
Customer 3: I... I don't think I can live without Narmaya...
Ferry: Narmaya, what did you do to them?
Narmaya: Huh? Wh-what...
Narmaya breaks into a cold sweat, unable to respond.
What could have caused this mysterious outbreak?

Remember: Customer First

Word of customers collapsing due to Narmaya's cakes sends the bakery's revenue into the red for that day. Narmaya's unorthodox method of baking cakes—with her sisterly love as the secret ingredient—seems to have been the cause. Ferry consoles the depressed Narmaya by saying that last year's sales turned out well despite a rough start; they strategize for the next day's sales.

Early in the day, the confectionery had been packed to the brim with cake-hungry customers.
But after they are seen passed out on the ground outside, no one else dares to visit the shop, putting the patissier in the red.
That night, Narmaya has her head down on a desk in a drawing room aboard the Grandcypher.
Narmaya: Sniff...
Narmaya: My wrapping was ugly... My greetings were awful...
Narmaya: I was too pushy with the customers... I was too slow in handing out the cake...
Narmaya: And worst of all... They all collapsed in the end...
Narmaya: I'm just lucky they came to their senses by closing time...
Narmaya: Sigh... Why did things turn out this way...
Ferry: (I'd heard stories about this from (Captain)... She really does scold herself when something goes wrong...)
Ferry: (She hasn't been so down ever since the confidence boost she got from coming to terms with her past... This must be so hard for her.)
Ferry: Um, Narmaya?
Narmaya: Ferry... I'm sorry about what happened today... I messed it all up...
Ferry: No, no, you did great. You should be proud.
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Narmaya: Fugee, Nicola, it's nice to have you cheering me up too. I really appreciate it, everyone...
Ferry: What I don't understand is how that could have happened to the customers when you did such a fantastic job, Narmaya.
Narmaya: Erm, well... I put in so much preparation just for today.
Narmaya: But helping out at a shop was something I'd never done before...
Narmaya: So I thought I'd try to act like I always do with (Captain).
Ferry: How do you act with (Captain)...
Narmaya: I guess... like this. Ferry, say "ahh."
Narmaya transports a forkful of leftover cake into Ferry's mouth.
Ferry: Ah! Mmph...
Ferry: Nom... Nom...
Ferry: Mng! Ahhh!
Ferry covers her mouth as she buckles onto the ground.
Ferry: (I don't even have to chew. A gentle flick of my tongue is enough to make the spongy cake melt in my mouth...)
Ferry: (The irresistibly soft cream tickles the insides of my mouth...)
Ferry: Pure bliss...
As an indescribable joy racks her very being, a change begins to take place in her body.
Narmaya: So how do you like it?
Ferry: (Wh-what is this I'm feeling... My heart's beating really fast... My face is all hot...)
Narmaya: Oh, you got some cream on your mouth, Ferry. Here, let me wipe it off for you!
Ferry: O-okay...
Narmaya: Oh, why don't you drink some of this water too! There, that's a good girl!
Ferry: (I-I can't resist... Narmaya's too strong...)
Ferry continues to be pampered to the core, until she eventually regains her senses.
Ferry: Ngh... Wheeze... Narmaya... You did this for the customers too?
Narmaya: Only for you and (Captain), since you two are special. I wouldn't go this far for a typical customer.
Ferry: Whew, that's a relief... The cake was definitely delicious, but something seemed strange about it—as if there's a secret ingredient.
Narmaya: Ehehe, so you noticed? It uses special chocolate I picked up from Chocolae Island.
Narmaya: The more you think about the person you're giving it to, the tastier it gets! It's even called satyrion chocolate.
Ferry: Satyrion chocolate? It gets tastier if you think about the other person? That's so weird...
Narmaya: This past Valentine's, I made a cake for (Captain) using similar ingredients.
Narmaya: (Captain) loved it and complimented me so much.
Narmaya: So I kept our captain in my thoughts the entire time while making today's batch.
Narmaya: But I spoiled it all...
Ferry: More like you spoiled the customers...
Narmaya: Sigh... I'm no good at this. I need to figure out where I went wrong...
Ferry: Wait, wait, there's no need for you to do this alone.
Narmaya: Huh?
Ferry: You see, I had tons of trouble selling cake last year.
Ferry: But thanks to Metera, I managed to pull through okay.
Ferry: Two heads are always better than one. Let's think of a solution together, Narmaya.
Narmaya: Ferry... You're such a dear little sister!
The pair stay up until the wee hours of the night, discussing how they might do things better for the following day.

Remember: Customer First: Scene 2

After the previous day's cake fiasco, Narmaya plays it safe by baking regular cakes, but that only results in more poor sales. As Ferry and Narmaya wallow in disappointment, Ferry's ghostly pets choose this time to drag their master into a play session. Narmaya comes to a realization as she watches this display of affection, and she eagerly returns to the Grandcypher with an idea.

After a night of reflection, Narmaya is ready to man the storefront again.
Customer 1: Hello, Narmaya! I'm back for another cake!
Customer 2: Ooh, it's those premium cakes I've been hearing about! I'll have one too, miss!
Customer 3: Me too, please! My buddy tells me this is the stuff of dreams!
Narmaya: Why, thank you all! I hope the cake suits your tastes!
Customer 1: Yay! I can't wait to get back home and eat this!
Customer 2: Hehe, lemme sneak a small bite to tide me over...
Customer 3: Wha? This tastes like plain ol' cake to me. I guess all those rumors were blown outta proportion.
Narmaya: Um...
Ferry: I'm sorry to say this, Narmaya... But while this cake is unbelievably delicious, that also makes it dangerous.
Ferry: Can you try making it without having (Captain) in your thoughts?
Narmaya: Hrm... I think that's manageable.
Narmaya: I, er... tried changing up the ingredients a bit.
Customer 1: Aw... Phooey...
Ferry: Um, would you like to try a different cake? We have many different kinds...
Customer 2: Nah, I think I'm good. Thanks again.
Customer 3: I heard the customer service here was unique too... Meh, can't really trust the rumors these days, can ya...
Ferry & Narmaya: H-have a nice day...
Ferry & Narmaya: ...
Ferry & Narmaya: ...
Narmaya: Phew...
Ferry: Good work, Narmaya. We finished the day without incident.
Ferry: The shopkeep's really relieved to know that no customers passed out today.
Narmaya: But we're in the red again...
Ferry: Oh... Yeah, you're right.
Narmaya: Also, I can't figure out why the customers today looked displeased.
Ferry: Well, from their reactions, I'd say they were looking for a more personal touch in both the cake and your service.
Ferry: Which explains their disappointment when we couldn't deliver.
Narmaya: But if we go back to the way I did things on the first day...
Ferry: We'd have even more customers collapsing on us, which is the opposite of what we want...
Ferry & Narmaya: Sigh...
Beppo: ...!
Ferry: What is it, Beppo? Did you think of a good idea?
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Ferry: Ahaha, that tickles. We're having a serious conversation right now. I'll play with you later, okay?
Geegee & Momo: ...!
Ferry: You too? Oh, all right. You win.
Ferry: Sorry, Narmaya, but I need to make time for them. Can we talk later?
Narmaya: Haha, of course! They must've felt so lonely today. Give them all the time they need.
Ferry: Beppo, come here. You just love it when I rub your back, don't you?
Beppo: ...!
Ferry: Fugee, Nicola, join us. Haha, I love you all.
Fugee & Nicola: ...!
Momo: ...!
Ferry: Whoa, slow down there! Here's your favorite toy. Catch!
Momo: ...!
Ferry: Attaghost! You wanna try it too, Geegee?
Geegee: ...!
Ferry: Ahaha, okay then! Catch!
Narmaya: (Ferry and her pets look so happy...)
Narmaya: (I find it amazing how she knows what each and every one of them wants.)
Narmaya: (It goes to show how much she cares for them, allowing her to better cater to each of their needs).
Narmaya: (Just like I cater to (Captain)'s needs...)
Narmaya: Cater to (Captain)'s needs?
Ferry: Hm? What's wrong, Narmaya? Did something happen?
Narmaya: I've got it, Ferry! I've got it!
Ferry: ...?
Narmaya: Your big sis here just had a eureka moment! Now I have the perfect solution!
Narmaya: It's all thanks to you and your pets, Ferry!
Ferry: Um... You're welcome?
Narmaya: I have to test out my theory right away! I'm going back to the Grandcypher!
Narmaya: See you tomorrow!
Ferry: Uh... Okay... See you tomorrow...
Ferry's Pets: ...?
Ferry: Don't ask me... I have no idea what that was about either.

Remember: Customer First: Scene 3

Despite the baker's safety concerns, Narmaya goes back to selling the same cakes that caused customers to collapse. This time she tailors the shopping experience to each customer's preference, and the cakes sell out without incident until a pair of rowdy hooligans demand more be baked. Narmaya lets her sword do the talking.

The following morning before the shop opens...
Narmaya puffs out her chest, eager to start the day.
Narmaya: Leave it to Big Sis Narmaya to make this our best day yet!
Ferry: Uh... By the way, what did you end up doing last night after you went back?
Narmaya: Heheh, I made this! Ta-da!
Ferry: Isn't this... the same kind of cake you made on the first day? The kind containing satyrion chocolate?
Narmaya: Mm-hm, I'm going to try selling these today. If that's okay with our patissier.
Patissier: Wha? Er... I'm not sure if that's...
Narmaya: I promise it'll be fine! I made doubly sure!
Ferry: Narmaya...
Ferry: I can vouch for her.
Ferry: When something doesn't go right, Narmaya is the type of person to really reflect on where she went wrong.
Ferry: She won't make the same mistake twice.
Narmaya: Ferry!
Patissier: If you trust her that much... then I will too.
Narmaya: Thank you! I promise to get your profits back on track... No, I'll do you one better! I'll sell every last cake!
Ferry: Yeah, we can do this. Let's go.
Immediately after opening up shop, Narmaya is already enthusiastically calling in customers left and right.
Narmaya: Hello there! How would you like some premium cake for the holidays?
Customer 1: Premium cake... I see you've got other kinds too. Wait a sec, this is the place I've been hearin' about...
Customer 2: Actually, the latest word is that this shop is just like any other.
Customer 2: Achoo!
Narmaya: Are you feeling cold, miss? Here, why don't you put on this sleeved blanket while you're in here?
Customer 2: Huh? Uh, gee, thanks...
Narmaya: Not at all! And if you start to feel hot, I can hold your coat for you! Feel free to call for me anytime!
Narmaya: Enjoy your time browsing the cakes!
Customer 1: Th-thank you...
Patissier: Uh-oh, she's pampering the customers again... This is gonna end up just like the first day...
Ferry: Not exactly.
Patissier: Hm?
Customer 1: My, these premium cakes do look nice...
Narmaya: Why don't you try a bite? We made plenty for sampling too!
Customer 1: Okay... Thanks! Munch! Mm! It's delicious!
Customer 2: That good, huh? Let me have a sample too!
Narmaya: Of course! Here you go! We have plenty of delightful cakes of the more standard variety as well!
Customer 3: You have anything that's not sweet? I'm not exactly big on whipped cream...
Narmaya: We sure do! Can I interest you in the green tea cake or low-sugar cake?
Customer 4: Miss, is there any chance we can eat here? I really wanna just take it easy and—
Narmaya: I'll set up a space for you right away! One moment, please!
Customer 4: What the... Where'd she go!
Narmaya: Here's your bench and table! I brought you a terry blanket too, just in case you start to feel cold.
Customer 4: How? When did you... Either way, you're amazing, miss! Thanks a bunch!
Customer 2: Well, whaddya know! The rumor mill was right about this place being one-of-a-kind!
Customer 1: This premium cake is really something else! The fluffy cream's as nice and sweet as our friendly clerk, bringing happiness to the inside of my mouth!
Customer 2: The other cakes are quite good too! I'm going to buy a bunch!
Patissier: My goodness... The cakes are flying off the shelves!
Ferry: Haha, there's no problem with the premium cakes or our service today. Thankfully, the customers aren't passing out either.
Patissier: I'm still trying to wrap my head around where she got the bench and table from...
Patissier: But more importantly, we need to do our part too!
The shop has a fantastic day, selling out of all cakes.
After closing hours, the patissier bows his head to Narmaya and Ferry in gratitude.
Patissier: I can't thank you two enough! I wasn't expecting to sell out two years in a row!
Ferry: I didn't do much though... It was Narmaya's efforts that made all the difference.
Narmaya: Nuh-uh. The credit goes to you and your pets, Ferry.
Ferry: Huh?
Narmaya: Do you remember how you were all playing last night? That gave me the spark I needed.
Narmaya: Catering to each customer's needs is what really matters.
Ferry: You mentioned that yesterday too... What exactly did you mean?
Narmaya: I didn't consider the customers at all before...
Narmaya: The whole time, I had (Captain) in my head while making the cakes...
Narmaya: That's why I made sure to keep the customers in mind while baking the latest batch of satyrion chocolate cakes!
Narmaya: And as a clerk, I was more mindful of not treating every customer as if they were (Captain)!
Narmaya: And the rest is history! I owe it all to you, Ferry.
Ferry: Hehe, I see... But I still think you're amazing, Narmaya.
Ferry: Learning from your mistakes and then making such a huge comeback isn't something anyone can do.
Narmaya: Ehehe, you think so?
Ferry: Definitely.
Ferry & Narmaya: Hahaha...
Ferry: What is it?
Punk 1: Sup... Burp... So this is the place people won't stop yappin' about, eh?
Punk 2: Welp, how 'bout y'all show us some of that prized cake and quality service? Don't keep us waitin' now.
Patissier: M-my apologies, but we've sold out... Not to mention it's already past closing hours.
Punk 2: We ain't here for yer damn excuses! Bring out the cake already! Or is this how ya treat yer customers!
Narmaya: You reek of alcohol... You must've had a few too many drinks...
Punk 1: Heck no, we ain't tipsy! Geez, what's a man gotta do to get some cake around here!
Punk 2: Ya either bring out the goods, or yer gonna be sorry! Move it!
Patissier: Aiiee!
Narmaya: Sigh... I didn't want to do this, but you two need to cool down.
Ferry: ...
Narmaya: Ferry?
Ferry: Ah, sorry. Let's kick these troublemakers out. Everyone ready?
Fugee & Nicola: ...!

Remember: Customer First: Scene 4

The hooligans explain they'd drowned their sorrows with drinks after finding out that all the cakes had sold out, leading to a lapse in judgment. After being promised cakes on another day, they go on their merry way. Having learned valuable lessons about customer service, Ferry and Narmaya continue to sell out of cakes for the rest of the holiday season.

Punks: Gwaah...
Narmaya: That should calm you down a bit.
Punk 1: S-sorry for the trouble... And thanks fer breakin' me outta my drunken stupor...
Punk 2: I'll admit we knocked back a few too many... All we wanted was a bit o' cake though...
Narmaya: That badly?
Punk 1: Hehe... Truth is, we've been big fans of this place since last year.
Ferry: Last year? Ah, you're the ones who came in here chatting me and Metera up!
Punk 2: Wait a sec... I thought I knew your face! You were here last year too!
Narmaya: Huh? You know each other?
Ferry nods and comments on the events of the previous year.
The punks had failed miserably in their attempt to charm Ferry and Metera.
Metera gave them a harsh scolding and forced them to buy large amounts of cake.
Punk 1: And guess what? We ended up totally fallin' for that cake.
Ferry: Ahaha... I never would have imagined...
Punk 2: We came earlier today, but it was too packed... Went to the bar instead to drown out our frustrations.
Punk 1: Then folks who did get to buy cake came waltzin' in blabberin' about how good the stuff is.
Punk 1: Since we were already feelin' woozy, it was a snap decision to come bargin' in to yer shop...
Narmaya: I'm touched that you care so much about our cake...
Punk 2: Real sorry fer the trouble. We'll be good boys and come back tomorrow.
Punk 1: But considerin' how good their sales are, it might just be a repeat of today...
Narmaya: Not a problem! I'll set some cake aside for you two!
Punk 1: Y-you can do that?
Narmaya: Would that be okay, shopkeep?
Patissier: Er, well, it's not exactly a service we offer, but I suppose I can make an exception...
Punk 2: Really? You guys just made my day! Thanks a ton!
Narmaya: Haha. Glad to hear it. I'll be waiting.
Punks: 'Preciate it!
The punks leave the shop in high spirits.
Ferry: Sigh... What a rowdy bunch.
Narmaya: I'm just glad they'll be able to enjoy some cake too.
Patissier: Narmaya... I'm really touched!
Narmaya: Huh?
Patissier: You've shown me the true meaning of quality customer service... And that it can extend to the most uncouth of shoppers!
Patissier: From providing food samples to preparing seating, blankets, and hanging their coats... You even thought to set cake aside—all in the heat of the moment!
Patissier: I've learned so much!
Patissier: Even when your work is done here, I promise to continue practicing everything you've taught me!
Ferry: That sounds great. I'm sure your customers will be pleased.
Narmaya: Mm-hm! They'll love this shop like never before!
Ferry: Hahaha... I'm really glad I asked you, Narmaya... Let's do our best tomorrow too.
Narmaya: Of course! What a great team we make!
The two exchange warm smiles, the bond between them growing ever stronger.
For the duration of their work period, they continue to sell out of cake every single day.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
お姉さん張り切っちゃうね! Leave it to Big Sis Narmaya!
斬り裂く Away with you.
このサンタさんの衣装似合ってるかな……? How do you like my Santa outfit?
騎空団のみんなにもケーキ食べて欲しいな I'd like the crew to have some cake too.
ふふ、団の子供達にプレゼントあげよっかな! Haha, I ought to give presents to the children in the crew!
チョコレイ島へケーキの材料採りにいこうかな Maybe I should go pick up some more cake ingredients from Chocolae Island...
フェリちゃんしっかり者よね…… Ferry's so reliable...
お姉さんになんでも言ってね♪ I'll help with anything—just say the word!
(主人公)ちゃん!お姉さんずっと一緒だよ♪ I'll be with you forever and ever, (Captain)!
(主人公)ちゃん!もっと甘えていいんだよ♪ It's okay, (Captain)! Just lean into me!
