Randall (SSR)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 18
Height 173 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Weight training, squats, fishing
Likes Fishes, fights, strong people
Dislikes Feather, leg cramps
Character Release

Character Release
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 18歳
Height 173cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 筋トレ、スクワット、釣り
Likes 魚、喧嘩、強者
Dislikes フェザー、こむらがえり
Character Release

Character Release
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]





Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Ah. Is it your birthday, (Captain)?
We can celebrate if you want. Randall style. Stand over there!
Now I see. The source of your lethargy and chronic unhealthiness... was skeletal deformation!
Humph. Your skeleton is your life. If you could see how messed up your bones were, you'd see that clear as day.
So quit trying to imitate me. You're wrecking your body!


Hey, (Captain). Seems like it's your birthday.
Here. Take this.
Just fished it up this morning. Better eat it while it's fresh.
If you don't want it, I'll sell it. This thing flies off the shelves—it's not any regular fish.
And it tastes best right after it's caught. So, come on, down the hatch.
Yup. Of course it's delicious—I'm the one that fished it up after all!
You got it because today's your birthday. Don't expect this kind of treatment all the time.


Yo, (Captain). So today's your birthday, huh.
What do you think of birthdays anyway?
Whenever my birthday rolls around, I always wonder if it's been my fate since birth to get stronger.
I can't help that my blood boils every time I come face-to-face with someone strong. It was the same when I first met you.
How about you, (Captain)? What do you think you were brought into this world for?
Actually, never mind. Dumb question. I can tell reaching the Island of the Astrals means everything to you.
Besides, if you were just a deadweight, I wouldn't even give you the time of day.
I don't usually say this kinda thing, (Captain), but I'm glad to be a part of the crew.


Yo, (Captain). Know what today is?
Hey, what's got your guard up? You've got me all wrong. Just wanted to say happy birthday.
I know I'm always lookin' for a fight. But I really am thankful to have you as a friend.
I mean, got myself another rival whose butt I can kick to skydom come.
You've done your fair share of traveling, so you get it, right? The way your blood sings when you meet a real tough guy.
But it's going to be me who knocks you out, you hear? Don't even think about throwin' in the towel before then.
By the way, I made you a little fish dish; it'll give you some more backbone. Eat up, and bulk up.


Today's your birthday, eh, (Captain)?
These five years of celebrating your birthday sure went by in a flash.
There's something I've learned from watching you all these years.
We should better ourselves not for our sake, but for the sake of protecting others... That's the trick to your strength.
Heck, that'd never work me me though. 'Course, I'm not sayin' that other people don't matter.
Just goes to show that you're the better person—I'll admit it.
But that doesn't mean I'm calling it quits! I'll just have to follow my own path in achieving true strength!
Let's keep on keepin' on, eh, (Captain)!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hm? You want me to reach in there and pull out my fortune for this year?
Humph. I'm not one to argue with what the heavens ordain.
You shall not meet the one you seek.
Who needs fortunes? These things never come true anyway.


Hey, (Captain). I'm not doing no stupid New Year's prayers this year. That stuff don't work.
I'd rather rely on the strength of my kicks to find my way in the world.
This year I'm gonna find my ultimate rival—and send him flying with one blow.
So listen up, (Captain)! You're gonna be right beside me as I aim for these new heights!
The strong beckon the strong. And your strength is real. With you here, I'll definitely find him.


(Captain), check out these fish I caught.
Where I come from, it's a New Year's tradition to chow down on fish for good luck.
This one's an amberjack. They say it's good for prosperity.
One of these and I'll be on top of the world! That's just my way of saying I'll be stronger than ever!
You and I are having a bout right after this! You better not run!


Here comes another year.
(Captain), got a question for you. You think I got any tougher last year?
I mean, 'course I did. But I don't feel it. And you know why? It's 'cause of you!
You powered up so fast. It's like I hardly changed, in comaparison.
Well, guess it ain't all bad. Feels good, knowing I got a strong rival to kick into the dust!
Got my resolution figured out too. I'm gonna one-up you!
You get tougher too, you hear? The crazier the goal, the more pumped I get!


Rah! Take this! Hiyah!
Phew... (Captain)? You're up early.
I got up pretty early too. Nice morning, right? Figured I should take advantage of it.
Can't afford to pass up any chance to train. Do you remember my goal from last year?
I said I'd get strong enough to surpass you. I plan on working on that same goal this year.
Can't focus on anything else anyway. Not when a powerhouse like you is right in front of me.
So make sure you keep your strength up, or else all this hard work will be for nothing!
Haha! This year's going to be a fun one, I just know it!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Sigh. I know why you went to the trouble of calling me all the way out here.
Using confectionery as a ruse to convey your true feelings... I know what Valentine's Day is about.
What? What are you waiting for? Come at me from wherever you want! I'm ready!
Huh? You're finally ready to settle this, aren't you?
We don't need trivial junk food like chocolates to be honest with each other... Right?


Hey. Why'd you just sigh? Pipe up.
Ah! This must be about last year's Valentine's!
Calling me and then leaving the scene before we could settle our score... That kind of hurt my feelings...
Wait... Are you holding a valentine in your hand?
Ah-hah... So you postponed our match until this year! Good, bring it—
H-hey! Where are you going, (Captain)? Come back! Wait!


Yo, (Captain).
That thing in your hands for Valentine's?
I figured. 'Preciate it.
Huh? You're wondering how I accept something like this with a straight face?
Heh... I only found out about this recently, but it turns out chocolate can boost concentration.
Meaning a few of these and I get greater access to my power!
Bet you thought I didn't see this coming, eh?
Just gimme a sec! I'm gonna lay it on you good after I put a few of these into my mouth!
Hey, wait up! I'm still digestin' em...
Mm! These are pretty good!


(Captain), you have chocolates for me? I can tell by the smell.
Kinda hard to believe you aren't sick of all this candy crap. You've been keepin' it up for so long that, heck, even I'm kinda interested.
I don't get why you've gotta run away after you hand off the goods, without even throwing a punch. Feels like there's some kinda unfinished business.
Huh? Hey, you're lookin' kinda red.
Heh. I gotchu. You're itching for a fight, and the blood's coursing through you. It's obvious to me.
Right, then. Bring it!
What? What're sighing for? Just spell it out for me, will you!


Yo, (Captain). I'm here for my present.
I'm talkin' about chocolate, duh. I know a goody two-shoes like you wouldn't forget.
You give me sweets year after year, so now every time Valentine's rolls around, I get all on edge!
This is all your fault, (Captain)! So you'd better prepare yourself for—
(Captain) hands Randall the chocolates and immediately takes off running.
H-hey! Hold it right there!
Must've thought I was lookin' for a fight. Well, I can't exactly blame (Captain), all things considered...
Ugh, I missed my chance to say thanks too.

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hey. Meet me out back later. Hm?
Heh. Don't worry. It's not for a fight.
Why are you so surprised? You know what today is, don't you?
I always repay my debts. In full. Three times over!


Looks like it's time for me to pay you back for the Valentine you gave me, (Captain).
Huh? What do you mean, "Is this it?"
Oh, you mean if I want to fight you... Hey! Don't treat me like that idiot!
The one who always wants to fight is him—not me. I've actually got sense.
Just take it already. There's some delicious cookies inside. Worth three times what you gave me.


Heya, (Captain).
These rice crackers are thanks for Valentine's.
They're famous for being the toughest crackers in all the skies.
I just knew I had to try these when I learned about 'em. Turns out they're still hard to bite into even for me.
Huh? You think you've got what it takes?
Urgh! You cracked them with your fists!
Now they're easier to bite into, huh... I guess there was never any rule about not using your fists...
Damn it! You punchaholics are all the same!


(Captain), you ever heard of wet sembei?
In short, they're rice crackers that've been marinated in sauce. Kinda moist, like cookies.
First thing I thought was, "Soft crackers are for wusses."
But they're pretty damn good. Actually caught me off guard.
Hah. Looks like you won't need to crack these open with your fists.
Just letting you know, but I'm not holding any grudges 'bout last year. Don't get me wrong here!


Here, (Captain). Fish rice crackers.
I tried tossin' in one of the small fry I caught before bakin' 'em. Pretty nifty, huh?
Goes without sayin' I put in tons of time and effort. But I had to, or they wouldn't hold a candle to your chocolates.
So, uh, y'know... I missed my chance to say it before, but, well...
Never mind! Anyway, eat up and put some pep in that step!
Fish is good for you! And you gotta take care of your health! Got it?

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hm? Oh. It's you, (Captain).
Around this time of year, I think back to all those times I hid away in the pumpkin fields when I was a kid.
I challenged that jerk to see who could split the most pumpkins.
Just thinking about it makes me angry. Now give me that stupid mask you're wearing.


Hey. Same costume again? You can't wait to get out there, huh?
What? Don't I have candy?
Fraid not. You've got some nerve expecting candy from me.
So you'll trick me instead?
Hah! Cool. Bring it on.
I've been itching to beat up a brat, so this is perfect!


Halloween, eh? It's costume-crazy madness everywhere you look.
What's that? You want me to dress up as a girl? Hey, stop screwing around!
Hands off my hair, buster! Now!
Hm? Trick complete, you say?
Heh... Pretty snazzy trick you pulled just now.
Since it's Halloween, I might as well have a shot at it too.
'Cept I'm doing this my way!
You'd better be ready for it! We're duking it out in style!


Trick or treat!
Ha! Surprised? Well, figured I'd have some good clean fun this Halloween!
Yeah, right. Catch me dead before I cough out a goody-two-shoes line like that.
So on Halloween, when you get candy, you can't pull pranks, right? But by that same token, it means if you don't get nothin', you can play all the tricks you want.
I saw you give out the last of your candy to those kids just now. You're fresh out, aint'cha?
Don't even try to run. 'Cause I'm about to prank you—Randall style!


You finally done giving out treats, (Captain)?
About time! Now I get to prank you—
(Captain) produces a treat out of concealment and hands it to Randall.
Heh, you saw me comin' a mile away, huh? But you're not getting off this easy!
Randall snatches the treat and pops it into his mouth.
Hah, no more treats! Now give it up—
(Captain) produces a mountain of treats out of concealment.
What a gutsy move! But I'm just as gutsy of a trick-or-treater!
We'll just have to see which one of us lasts longer! Treats are gonna fly!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Ah, so you've heard as well, (Captain).
There's an old man with a huge red bag who gives out presents to children...
And it seems he flies using his fists. Like, he punches the ground and sends himself to the air with the repercussion.
That accursed old hack! I'm going to stay up all night to get him. Stay with me and help, (Captain).


(Captain), last year I stayed up all night, but that old hack in red didn't show up.
But for some reason there were presents laid next to both my bed and your bed...
What could this mean?
Sigh... This is baffling. If he knew just how strong we were, he would've never come.
Ah! He must've snuck in when we weren't looking! And that's why he laid the presents down!
I can't believe he was able to do that! Grr! How much longer will you taunt me, you old fart!
We can't back down, (Captain).
We've gotta try even harder this year to challenge old red!


Get a load of this, (Captain)!
Check out all this stuff the old guy in red left us!
Ooh, a greeting card! "I look forward to meeting you again next year," it says!
You know what that means, Captain? The old-timer'll finally be ready to duke it out with me!
Whoo! Can't wait till next year!


Hey (Captain)! Come check out this box! It was sitting by my pillow when I woke up.
And it's bursting with food! There's even a message. "Take care of yourself."
You get it, right, (Captain)! They're tellin' me to eat up and build some muscle!
Darn that old red dude... What's he doing, sending provisions into the enemy camp? Tryin' to say I'm weak, huh!
Just you wait... (Captain)! We're training! I'm gonna get ripped and blow that red dude outta the water!


Damn it... When will that old red dude finally show his face around here?
He left food and a message card again before running away. He's messing with me... I know he is!
(Captain)! He spends his time flying through the air, right?
Why am I asking? So I can catch him, duh!
But I can't fly myself, so...
I'll jump real high and take him down!
Gonna need a lot of training before then, so help me out, (Captain)!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Contagious Passion

While in recovery, Randall considers how he was completely overwhelmed by Ragazzo, whereas Feather didn't seem the least bit fazed. It makes him wonder whether he's truly a worthy rival for Feather.

Randall: Huff... Huff...
Randall: Tch, talk about pathetic... Can't believe I'm outta breath just from taking a walk.
Randall stops to collect himself and recalls the circumstances under which he came to suffer this injury.
The crew arrived at Stella Island, a remote island known for its research on astronomy.
They were there to handle a monster extermination request and completed it with little difficulty.
During their sojourn on the island, however, they suffered an attack from a mysterious organization known as Navis.
There was a particularly heated confrontation with one of their elite members, Ragazzo.
Ragazzo: I don't have to tell you a damn thing.
Ragazzo: Get outta my face already!
Feather: ...!
Randall: Feather!
Ragazzo's flaming fists close in before Feather's eyes.
Randall: Gaaah!
Taking the full brunt of Ragazzo's attack, Randall suffered a near-fatal wound.
Though he survived thanks to Tikoh's restorative magic, the caustic nature of the wound left behind a deep scar.
A major blow was dealt to Randall's pride as well, making him realize how much stronger Ragazzo is than him.
More surprising than that, however, is the fiery passion Feather has for a rematch with this foe.
Randall had never seen his childhood friend so fired up before.
Randall: Thought soaking in the rain might calm my nerves a bit, but all it's done is make my head fuzzier.
Randall: Come to think of it, this feeling's not new.
Randall: We had a pretty heated exchange the first time he fought that Ragazzo guy too.
Feather: You gotta let me up! I wanna find that guy and fight him!
Randall: Feather, who are you chasing after? I wouldn't mind smashing his face in for you.
Feather: You... wouldn't be able to take him down.
Randall: What?
Feather: Same goes for me... I probably wouldn't stand a chance either.
Randall: Of course you wouldn't! You already got slammed once!
Feather: Yeah... And in one hit too!
Randall: In... in one hit?
Vyrn: You sure you wanna rematch against someone that strong?
Feather: Heck yeah I do! Meeting him gave my fighting spirit a boost!
Feather: I just know that if we exchange fists, I'll be able to push myself to new limits! So you gotta let me go!
Days have passed since Feather's first encounter with Ragazzo.
Randall: ...
Randall: (I've kinda been on edge ever since hearing about that punk getting knocked out in a single blow...)
Randall: (I've got this weird feeling... as if I've got fish bones stuck in my throat.)
Randall: Damn it!
Predator: Clearly, something's bothering you. Want to talk about it?
Predator, whose real name is Ema, has lived her life as an assassin hoping to avenge her father's death one day.
Having since achieved that goal, she's given up the assassin trade and now travels the skies in search of a new goal.
Randall: Predator... Meh, it's nothing.
Predator: It certainly doesn't seem like nothing.
Randall: You've got a keen eye... All those years as an assassin must've paid off.
Predator: Let's just say being observant's become a bit of a habit for me.
Randall: No point in hiding it, huh?
Predator: I'm willing to listen if you want to talk about it. Just getting it off your chest can be a big relief sometimes.
Randall: Thought you might say that. But no thanks.
Predator: You'd prefer I not care?
Randall: Nah, more like I just dunno how to explain this thing.
Randall: I'm in a bad mood 'cause I can't figure out what exactly's eating away at me.
Predator: ...
Predator: Randall... You're too attached to Feather, perhaps more than you realize.
Randall: Huh? Who ever said anything about that loudmouth?
Predator: Do you remember when you first heard that Feather lost to Ragazzo?
Predator: At first I thought you were angry for your friend's sake.
Predator: In which case, any hostility or obsession you felt should have been directed at Ragazzo.
Predator: And yet, you directed those feelings toward Feather.
Randall: Aw, cut the crap! Stop talking as if you can read me like an open book.
Predator: Sorry, I guess that wasn't the best way to put it. It's just that I've lived for revenge for such a long time myself...
Predator: Should I call what you two share a symbiotic relationship? After all, you and Feather are who you are because of each other.
Randall: Pssh... As if that numbskull'd have any effect on me!
Randall: He's never gonna get that legs trump fists until my foot finds his face and knocks him out.
Randall: That's the extent of our relationship—no more, no less.
Predator: I'm sorry if I caused offense.
Predator: Though I do think you two have something special.
Randall: ...
Eh, no worries. I'll just take it as a bit of chitchat.
Randall: ...
Randall: Maybe Predator was right after all.
Randall: I sure hate the thought of someone other than me giving Feather a good beatdown.
Randall: I was so ready to go teach that Ragazzo a lesson, until I realized I wouldn't stand a chance and chickened out.
Randall: Feather, though, wasn't fazed in the least and is looking forward to a rematch...
Randall clenches his fists and recalls the battle between Feather and Ragazzo once more.
Randall: (I've never seen that knucklehead get so serious.)
Randall: (He's ready to trade blows with Ragazzo no matter what it takes.)
Randall: (But me? Where do I and my obsession with Feather stand in all of this?)
Randall: (Would Feather even consider me a worthy opponent now?)
The bout with Ragazzo helps Randall better understand the nature of the relationship he's always had with Feather.
However, a new question surfaces in Randall's mind, eating away at him like a plague.

Kicking the Habit

A mysterious woman of the cloth appears before Randall while he is in recuperation. Seeing right through his obsession with Feather, she offers to guide him. Randall accepts but remains cautious.

Randall: They've left...
The crew is attacked by Navis while staying on Stella Island, and Kolulu gets captured.
In order to get their friend back, (Captain) and company track down Navis's base of operations and set out from the inn.
Randall, however, is instructed to stay at the inn until he fully recovers. Captain's orders.
As the curtain of the night falls and quiet sets in, Randall recalls a conversation he had with Feather a day prior.
Feather: Sorry, Randall...
Feather: You got hurt because of me.
Randall: There's nothing for you to worry about. I just did what I wanted to do.
Feather: Sorry...
Randall: ...!
That's exactly what I'm talking about!
Randall: Yo... You're trying to fight for my sake, aren't you?
Randall: Your brain is so full of all that nonsense that you can't even control your fists anymore.
Randall: Simple, right? All you have to focus on is defeating Ragazzo.
Randall: But you're not the kind of guy who can handle doing a bunch of things at once, so I say just focus on Ragazzo.
Randall: You wanna cross fists with him, don't you?
Feather: ...!
Feather: I do... I couldn't cross fists with him before!
Feather: But next time, I'm gonna make sure we talk it out with our fists! And then, I'm gonna win!
Randall: So what're you lying around here for?
Feather: Nothing! It's time I got up and got things done!
Feather: Thanks, Randall!
Randall: Sigh...
Randall: ...
Randall: Sigh... Who's the one being reckless now?
Randall: Like, geez. Look who's talking, right?
Randall: Where do you get off on lecturing me when you're totally wrecked yourself?
Randall grits his teeth and clutches his chest.
Randall: I should be fighting by your side, but here I am lying in bed like a wuss!
Randall: Damn it! How am I supposed to just lie here at a time like this?
Randall sits up abruptly, clenching the edge of the bed sheets.
Randall: Maybe I can still catch up to them now—
Priestess: Even if you go, I'm afraid you will not be of assistance.
Randall: ...!
Who the hell are you?
Priestess: I shall give you the guidance you seek.
The woman's staff begins to glow, its light illuminating Randall's face.
Priestess: O Wise Acquario, the unconventional yet objective one...
Priestess: Your friend's pure and untarnished light has cast a shadow upon your heart.
Randall: The heck?
Priestess: You told yourself that you should be beside him, as his equal.
Priestess: But one day, you found yourself chasing after him as the distance between you two grew larger.
Priestess: Is your one true friend not causing you to suffer?
Randall: ...!
Priestess: Your reaction speaks volumes.
Randall: Who do you think you are coming outta nowhere to talk trash about me? You like walking all over people, huh?
Randall: You wanna "give me the guidance I seek", you said, but I'm not so hopelessly lost that I need some insulting prig to guide me.
Priestess: So you choose a different path from your friend.
Randall: The heck's that supposed to mean?
Priestess: I will guide you. The answers you seek will become clear to you in due time.
Priestess: Of course, I will also respect your wishes. If you choose to turn down my offer of assistance, then I shall take my leave now.
Randall: (What's with this woman... I've got no reason to listen to her, but I find myself drawn to every word she's saying...)
Randall: (I don't like this feeling. Still though...)
Randall: It'd feel weird just parting ways now after hearing you talk up a storm.
Randall: Count me in. What do you need me to do?
Priestess: Come this way, please...
Randall remains vigilant as he follows the woman out of the room.

Kicking the Habit: Scene 2

The woman creates a mirror image of Randall—the version of him that chose to master his fists instead of his legs. By triumphing over his mirror image, his conviction as Feather's one true rival is renewed. The woman sees that Randall is able to part with his past and so thrusts a sword onto the ground before him.

Having followed the woman to grasslands in a quiet part of town, Randall now stands face to face with her.
Priestess: This seems like a good spot. We'll have no interruptions here.
Randall: So what now?
Priestess: I would like you to engage in battle.
Randall: With you?
Priestess: No, with yourself.
Randall: Wha?
Priestess: O Nereus Staff, mock the absent god.
Randall: ...!
The woman's staff releases a powerful light, banishing the surrounding darkness.
When the light finally subsides, Randall opens up his eyes.
Randall?: ...
Randall: The heck? Another me?
Priestess: What you see before you is Randall's other tale—the one you didn't choose.
Priestess: Look closely at his hands. Do they ring a bell?
Randall shifts his attention to the hands of his other self and notices the gauntlets that go up to the elbows.
Priestess: I imagine this is a rather painful memory for you.
Randall: How the hell do you know so much! You some kind of mind reader?
Priestess: You are the one with desire in your heart. The desire to break away from your past.
Priestess: The Nereus Staff is a mirror, and the other you is, in effect, your mirror image.
Randall: So mum's the word on what I really wanna know, huh? I don't like this one bit.
Priestess: This is necessary to fulfill your wish.
Randall: Bring it on! I don't care if it's you or anyone else—I'm gonna knock you out cold!
Priestess: Do not underestimate your other self. He is equal to you in terms of strength and spirit...
Randall: Whatever! Just come at me already!
Randall?: ...!
Randall effortlessly dodges his other self's punches.
Randall: That all you've got? You oughta know how many fist fighters I've taken down—
Randall: Rgh!
Randall: Heh! Nice moves!
Randall: But now it's my turn!
Randall: Tch. Pretty good at this, aren't ya?
Randall?: ...!
Randall: Hack! Cough!
Taking another devastating flurry of blows from his other self, Randall begins to stagger.
Randall: Not bad... Not bad at all.
Randall?: ...
Priestess: Your mirror image is telling you that you had another path in life, one in which you mastered your fists.
Randall: You serious?
Randall: All right, it's true I'd given up on my fists a long time ago.
Priestess: Does it... have to do with your friend?
Randall: Hate to admit it, but yeah. When I saw how much further ahead Feather was with his fists, I realized I was half-assing it.
Randall: Made me feel like a sore loser. Especially since I was just a kid at the time.
Randall: But that's all in the past now. I focused on training my legs instead, which worked out for the better.
Randall: It made me realize I was definitely on the right path!
Priestess: What do you mean?
Randall: I don't feel any "soul" from my fists. At least that's what Feather would call it.
Randall: If I was really meant to punch my way through life, I would've felt something from my other self.
Randall: Except I didn't. Means I've never believed in my own fists.
Randall: Who would've thought it'd take a situation like this for me to finally make sense of that dumbass's logic.
Randall: Though I probably would've come to the same conclusion even if I'd never met Feather.
Randall: Heck, even Soriz said I've gotta believe in myself if I wanna get stronger.
Randall: Whatever style of combat it is, you need conviction or you end up dull as a butter knife.
Randall: And I bet you know that just as well as I do. Course you do. You're me.
Randall?: ...
Randall: I ran away once. To make up for it, I'm gonna prove to you that the path I'm on now is the right one.
Randall: I'll prove it by beating Feather. You know what that means?
Randall: I'm gonna show Feather what's up. He set me back pretty hard, but I've bounced back that much stronger!
Randall: I didn't put in all this hard work for nothing! It was to surpass Feather one day!
Randall: That's why I can't forgive someone other than me beating the guy!
Randall: I'm the only one who's allowed to kick his ass!
Randall: Get it yet? There's no damn way I'm gonna let myself lose to you.
Randall: Time to finish this! Put up your dukes!
Priestess: It seems you are ready.
Randall: ...!
A sword is thrust onto the field before Randall can make a move.

Kicking the Habit: Scene 3

Randall draws the treasured blade Joyeuse up from the ground, which magically attaches to his leg. The woman then vanishes without a trace. Randall expresses concern, but chasing after the crew at the Navis base takes precedence.

Randall: The heck is this now? You trying to get in my way?
Priestess: Joyeuse...
Priestess: This sacred blade weaves the future. It has responded to your will and now takes on a different color... a different shape.
Randall: My will? You telling me to use this thing?
Randall: Appreciate the offer, but no thanks. A sword's only gonna get in the way of my kicks.
Priestess: As I said... It will take on a different shape...
Randall: You're not making a lick of sense. And I'm not sure I like how you're pushing this thing on me.
Randall: What's it to you anyway?
Priestess: The light does not choose who to shine upon. Open your heart to receive illumination. Close your heart to return to the shadows.
Randall: Dodging the question again, eh?
Randall: Heh, whatever! At the end of the day, I couldn't care less what your motives are!
Randall: I'll just have to come up with my own reasons for using this thing!
Randall pulls the blade out of the ground.
Randall: So you're called the Joyeuse, huh? What have you got in stored for me?
Randall: Am I gonna come out on top against Feather—or at least stand toe-to-toe with him—if I take you up as my weapon?
Randall: Well? Answer me!
A series of words suddenly surfaces in Randall's mind.
Randall: Joyeuse... Kick off the ebony eagle and soar to the blue yonder!
Randall: Joyeuse... You're attached to my leg...
Priestess: (Unconventional indeed... How fitting for your sign.)
Randall: Love it already! This here's true strength—Randall style!
Showing off his new weapon, he turns to his other self.
Randall: Playtime's over. It's been fun.
Randall: But it's time for me to move on. Feather's overdue for an ass-whuppin'!
Randall: Enough reminiscing! This is farewell!
Randall: Haaah!
Randall: Heh...
Priestess: I have confirmed your conviction. May your wish be fulfilled with your newfound power.
Randall: ...
Randall: First you dig up my past like nobody's business, and now you take a back seat, huh?
Randall: I'd ask you what your goal is in all this, but you probably wouldn't give me a straight answer anyway.
Priestess: Are you not filled with renewed purpose?
Randall: Not a fan of your condescending tone, but you're right—I've got stuff to do.
Randall: If you've got nothing else to say, then I suggest you run along. I'm about to vamoose, myself.
Priestess: May you find salvation...
Randall: Man, what a weirdo that woman was.
Randall: Whatever though. I've got my own problems to worry about.
Randall: First thing is getting payback on Ragazzo. My business with Feather can come after that.
Randall: I sure took the long way getting here, but I know what I've gotta do now!
Randall: Just you wait! I'm gonna catch up to you guys in no time!
In overcoming his past self, Randall has gained a new power in the form of Joyeuse.
Though he's still somewhat uneasy about the woman's true purpose, he collects himself and makes for Navis's base.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
手加減はいらねぇよな No holding back, all right?
俺の脚捌きを見切れるか? Think you can dodge my kicks?
痛い目見るぜ You're in for a world of hurt.
(主人公)、悩みがあるなら聞いてやるぜ? Something on your mind, (Captain)? Wanna talk about it?
ッ!?今フェザーの気配が……! I think I just sensed Feather's aura!
フェザーも(主人公)も俺が倒すべき相手だ I'll have to beat Feather and (Captain) one day if I'm gonna call myself the strongest.
遠回りも悪かねぇ Taking the long route sometimes works out better.
腹拵えしねぇか?いい魚が釣れてな You hungry? I caught us some nice fish.
斬り刻んでやるッ! I'll cut you to pieces!
ジュワユースが汚れちまった……磨くか The Joyeuse is all grimy... I'd better wipe it.
