Richard (SSR)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 32
Height 176 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Gambling
Likes Songwriting
Dislikes Dogs
Granblue Fantasy Theater
A genius gambler who knows no defeat, Richard uses clever wordplay to mislead opponents and make huge sums of money in just one night. Though unbeatable at the card table, his everyday life is one of constant turmoil. The worse his luck is outside of a game, however, the stronger he becomes when the chips are down. Hiding behind a facade of fancy dress and fierce wordplay lies a cowardly side that Richard does his best to conceal with raw bravado.
Granblue Fantasy Chronicle
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 32歳
Height 176cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies ギャンブル
Likes 作詞作曲
Granblue Fantasy Theater
Granblue Fantasy Chronicle
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text
1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.
Happy New Year Cutscenes
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Valentine's Day Cutscenes
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White Day Cutscenes
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Don't act so shocked, (Captain).
It's a fair exchange; you gave me something, and now you're getting something back.
I'm just returning the favor.
No, actually, let me rephrase that...
I'm matching your feelings with my own, maybe even more so. Heh, now that sounds better.
Happy White Day, (Captain).


Hi there, (Captain). It may not be much, but I've brought you a little something for White Day.
Go on, don't be shy. Think of it as thanks for all that you do—just a little give and take, if you will.
But to be frank...
I'm indebted to you in so many ways, (Captain). This much isn't nearly enough to show that.
Heh... It looks like I was right to roll the dice with you.
I look forward to continuing our journeys together, (Captain), no matter how high the stakes.


Happy White Day, (Captain)!
It's time for a game of Seven Up.
You beat me, and I'll give you double the chocolate. But lose, and you won't get any.
H-hey, chin up.
All right, fine, fine. I give up.
It was a joke. I was only trying to hide my embarrassment.
I didn't think much of it the first time...
But this has gotten more embarrassing with each passing year.
Thanks for being the best captain there is, (Captain). I'll always look up to you.


(Captain), this is a token of my appreciation. Won't you accept it?
Just so you know, this isn't a prize from the casino.
I specifically picked this one out, keeping in mind you and all the Valentine's chocolates you've given me over the years.
Heh, I'm glad you like it.
You're not gonna regret betting on me, (Captain).


Hey, (Captain). I tried my hand at making sweets for the first time. Hope you like 'em.
Haha. Yeah, I'm just as surprised as you are. Never pictured myself the cooking type.
You could call it a change of heart, but, well... Yesterday Lady Luck was on my side, and I ended up winning big. I was on top of the world.
But as you can guess, misfortune came for me afterward, and now I'm flat broke again.
Truth is I wanted to give you a fancy gift complete with a giant rose, but since I didn't have any money to invest, I decided to put my heart into it instead.
It's definitely not professional quality... but the other crew members showed me the ropes, and I gave it my best shot.
I think they're pretty good for my first try. So go ahead and dig in.

Tasty Macaroons
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
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1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.
Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text
1 Cutscene link missing. Please add links to the character's lore page.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Meteors with a Chance of Romance

Richard asks Lowain, Elsam, and Tomoi for help imagining what might happen during his as-of-yet hypothetical date with Therese. When accounting for Richard's poor luck, even the bros aren't able to fantasize a way the date could end well, so they decide to see if any other crewmates know how to boost Richard's luck.

Lowain: All right boys, the first meeting of the "Planning Out Richard's Date" committee is now in session!
Elsam and Tomoi: W00t, w00t!
Richard: Whoa, keep your voices down!
Elsam: Not to worry, bro! We got the place closed this morning, so there's nobody here but us playboys!
Tomoi: We can yap here on the down-low 'till the lunch hour rush!
Richard: Oh, I see. Sorry to make you guys go out of your way like that.
Lowain: Think nada of it, my man! If our bro Richard needs a solid, you'd better believe we're goin' all out!
Elsam: While we're bein' real though, I'm shocked you came to us for advice planning a date with Therese.
Tomoi: I mean, you've been on that grind long enough that you gotta have cooked up something low-key immaculate by now, right?
Richard: Well, that's true, but...
Richard: If I'm getting to go on a date with Therese, I want it to really be perfect.
Richard: I need to make sure that she'll really enjoy what I'm planning.
Richard: Since you guys are in charge of the kitchen, I thought you might have some insight into her tastes.
Elsam: Bro... Mad props for the diligence, dude.
Tomoi: For real though, I'm blown away that you finally landed a date with her in the first place. How'd you pull that off?
Richard: ...
Lowain: Wait, no shot...
Richard: I'm sorry, you guys! The truth is, I haven't even invited her yet, never mind gotten an okay!
Richard: I mean, I've been trying to find an opportunity to talk to her! I just couldn't work out the proper timing...
Richard: No, I'm making excuses. I just couldn't work myself up to do it. I'm sorry!
Elsam: Whoa whoa whoa, it's cool bro! We all know it takes crazy courage to step into rizz city!
Tomoi: For real. Just walking up to a girl can leave you feeling like you're on one HP.
Richard: Exactly! No matter how long I think about it, I can't figure out a way to approach her that I can imagine working!
Lowain: Okay, okay, so what I'm hearing is that you're having trouble taking your simulations to the next level.
Lowain: If that's the problem, then you're in good hands my dude! Simming's what us three live for!
Richard: Great! Thank you so much, guys!
Lowain: So, is our first sim gonna be getting you a dub on the approach?
Richard: Well... To tell you the truth, that's not what I need your help with. I've run that scenario through my head hundreds of times already.
Richard: It's actually the next step that I'm worried about...
Richard: You guys know as well as anyone how my luck works, don't you?
Elsam: Yeah... Whenever you get lucky, you know that some killer misfortune is on the way.
Tomoi: But it's not like you're gambling here. Can't you just YOLO it?
Richard: No, we're talking about getting Therese to go on a date with me here.
Richard: There's no way that much good fortune wouldn't bring some bad luck my way! That's why I was hoping that you guys could help me imagine some worst-case scenarios.
Richard: If I'm mentally prepared for anything, I should be able to handle whatever happens calmly.
Lowain: Right, right, gotchstood. I've got you understood, my man.
Elsam: By the way, what kind of date are you gonna ask her on?
Tomoi: charcter1_name_en: Tomoi
Richard: Yeah, I'm hoping to go to this one restaurant I found. The food and the service are both great.
Lowain: Ah, bringing her to a snazzy place then? Nice, nice. Now, as for what could go wrong...
Richard: Man, I sure am glad it's so sunny today. I suppose I must have you to thank for that.
Therese: Don't be silly. It's because of your good luck.
Richard: Haha, I'm afraid you're wrong there. I used all my luck getting you to agree to come with me.
Therese: You did? I can't imagine why.
Therese: Any time you want to take me somewhere, I'd be happy to...
Richard: ...!
Therese: Oh, uh, never mind... Anyway, where are we going today?
Richard: I've discovered this wonderful restaurant. It's actually right over...
Richard: Huh?
Therese: "Due to the recent meteor crash, we are closed until further notice. P.S. All staff members were attending a workshop off-site, so nobody was hurt."
Elsam: Hold up Lowain, a meteor's just way too out there.
Tomoi: I know he said we're simming the worst case scenarios, but I think we're good to ignore the possibility of the venue getting—
Richard: Wow Lowain, your intuition's great. That's actually happened to me before.
Lowain: F-for real?
Richard: Yeah. I went to check out a place I was thinking of inviting Therese, and it was hit by a meteor right in front of me.
Richard: Nobody was hurt, thankfully, but that was quite the surprise.
Elsam: Damn bro. You're talking about a meteor like it was a sun-shower...
Lowain: Kay, maybe you don't pick out a destination ahead of time? If you just take her out for a little jaunt through the town...
Richard: Wow, who could have guessed that the chef would suddenly get sick. I'm sorry about that.
Therese: You don't need to apologize, it's nobody's fault.
Richard: Therese...
Therese: Plus, it's nice to just wander around the town like this. Don't you agree, Richard?
Richard: Hm? What's going on over there?
Potato-Punk 1: All right losers, hand over your money and valuables! Women and children first!
Potato-Punk 2: Cats, dogs, and lizards second!
Potato-Punk 3: Primals and pals third!
Therese: Stealing from women and children? Not on my watch!
Richard: Wait up, Therese! I'll help too!
Elsam: Must be a potato-punk field nearby.
Richard: Potato-punks, huh? Yeah, I run into guys like that all the time, especially after gambling.
Richard: Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they show up in the hundreds the day that I manage to take Therese out on a date.
Richard: Well, not that mere hundreds would pose any threat to her.
Tomoi: I wanna say there's no shot hundreds turn up, but this is Richard we're talking about...
Elsam: I'm thinking there's too much danger out there in the skies. How about just inviting her to your place?
Lowain: Nice cook, Sammy! Staying on the G. Cyph means they don't have to worry about any potato-punks getting up in their business!
Richard: Wh-whoa guys, don't you think that's a bit sudden? We haven't even gone on a date yet!
Tomoi: Yeah, but we all basically live together already.
Richard: Huh, now that you mention it...
Richard: Here we are. Sorry it's so cramped.
Therese: Not at all. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be so well-kept.
Richard: Haha, of course I'd get the place cleaned up for such an esteemed guest.
Richard: Anyway, do you want to start off with some tea?
Therese: Yes, I'd love to.
Elsam: Oh yeah, now we're cooking. How is anything going to get in his way here?
Lowain: No, we still have to think about the worst-case scenario, so...
Therese: Richard, look out the window!
Richard: What is it, Therese?
Richard: Oh my—
Potato-Dragon: ...!
Tomoi: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is a "potato-dragon," why is it outside the window, and why does it just roll off the tongue like that?
Richard: No, that's happened before too. One night after I won really big, the Grandcypher was attacked.
Richard: Fortunately, there happened to be some other crew members there at the time, and we managed to drive it off.
Lowain: A potato-meteor, potato-punks, and now a potato-dragon... I'm just hoping we don't hear about a potato-primal beast before this is all over.
Elsam: It's sounding like he's gonna have to deal with a potato-something no matter how he plays this.
Tomoi: How about turning to the supernatural? Like, you could show up decked out in good-luck charms and stuff.
Richard: The supernatural, huh? I turn to Lady Luck all the time, but other than her I wouldn't know where to start.
Elsam: True, true... Where could we find some stuff with mad lucky power...
Lowain: Bros, I got it!
Richard: What's up?
Lowain: The G. Cyph is busting with experts in magic and medicine and stuff, right?
Lowain: Maybe they'll know how to suppress Richard's bad luck with like, pills and spells and stuff.
Richard: Hmm, those kinds of things are off-limits for gamblers, but it's not like we'll be going to a casino...
Richard: That just might work!
Lowain: Aww yeah, let's get this bread! I'll write up a request real quick and post it on the mess hall's bulletin board.
Lowain: We'll hit you up as soon as we hear anything, so for now just take a chill pill and trust the process!
Soon after this discussion, a flyer is posted in the mess hall.
On it is written "Looking for people who know how to boost someone's luck! Ability to keep a secret mandatory! Hit up Lowain for deets!"
Within a few days, the bros send some volunteers Richard's way.

Loving Uncertainty

Having volunteered to help Richard, Shao provides some untested medicine that may or may not improve his fortune. (Captain), Vyrn, and Lyria also present him with an assortment of lucky items. In order to test out his supposedly improved luck, Richard decides to take the trio on a practice run of his date plan.

Richard: I really appreciate you guys doing this for me.
Vyrn: Hehe, don't mention it! We all know how much you care about Therese!
Lyria: I think it's so nice that you're going to all this trouble to make sure that nothing happens on your date!
  1. Everyone's rooting for you, Richard.

Choose: Everyone's rooting for you, Richard.
Richard: (Captain)... Thank you so much, guys.
Shao: Don't forget that I'm here too.
Richard: Yes, of course. It's just that...
Shao: Oh?
Richard: I'm honestly a bit surprised that you volunteered to help.
Shao: Really? I've actually been looking for a chance to test out this medicine that improves one's luck.
Shao: As a medicine maker, I make sure to take these opportunities whenever I see them. Call it dedication to my craft.
Richard: Medicine that improves your luck, huh...
Lyria: We've brought a bunch of things like that too!
Vyrn: (Captain) asked around and got them from the crew!
Lyria: We have good luck charms from the Divine Generals, talismans that improve your luck, charms that are supposed to keep your ship safe...
Before Richard lies an assortment of lucky items and trinkets.
Shao: That's quite the collection you've amassed. I suppose everyone loves the captain, after all.
Richard: Yeah, I really can't believe you did all this for me...
Lyria: And that's not all, hehe! I'll be right back!
Lyria exits the mess hall, only to return moments later.
Rabbits: ...!
Richard: What's with these guys?
Lyria: We went and borrowed them from a family we once did a job for on Amalthea!
Vyrn: Apparently just being with them makes you super lucky!
Richard: Are you sure about that? They just look like docile monsters to me.
Lyria: They really do! The time I went to sleep hugging one, I found three rupies on the ground the next morning!
Vyrn: I got some apples and when I bit into them, they were all the really juicy kind!
Richard: I'm not really sure how I should interpret that...
Richard: No, you went to the trouble of bringing them here for me, so I'll graciously make use of whatever luck they can give me.
Richard takes the rabbit-like monsters and tucks them under his arms.
  1. And this is from me!

Choose: And this is from me!
Richard: And this is... a "Knickknack Shack Shop Skills Contract"?
Lyria: It's for a service Siero runs where she prays for your safety and good fortune during your travels!
Vyrn: Normally we use it for the whole crew, but since we're such good customers, she agreed to set up an account for you too!
Richard: But don't I need to spend some kind of points to use it?
Shao: Perhaps (Captain) is implying that there's no need for you to worry about such things?
(Captain) nods to affirm Shao's remark.
Richard: Thank you so much, (Captain)! I've never been so happy that you let me into the crew as I am today!
Richard: I feel like this bet's already as good as won!
Shao: Oh, will you not be needing my contribution then?
Richard: Not at all. I'll be happy to accept whatever you've brought for me.
Shao: Hehe, in that case... Here we are, some wonderful luck-improving medicine.
Shao: Oh, and you won't need to pay me, of course. It's still being tested.
Richard: So you would have charged me for it if it was a finished product?
Shao: Haven't you ever heard that there's no such thing as a free lunch? I thought that you would be quite familiar with the concept.
Richard: Yeah, when something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Anyway, it looks just like normal medicine.
Shao: Should I have gilded it or something to make it look more auspicious?
Richard: N-no, its fine... Well, when should I take it?
Shao: Whenever you like. However, it might be a good idea to get as close to the moment of truth as is convenient.
Shao: I should note, though, that I'm not sure how much it will actually affect your fortunes.
Shao: I've never witnessed it firsthand, but the bad luck that afflicts you almost seems like it must be supernatural, doesn't it?
Shao: I'm not sure if my medicine will be enough to help you.
Vyrn: Yeah... Richard's bad luck is really somethin' else...
Richard: In that case, let's try an experiment.
Lyria: What kind of experiment?
Richard: I can see why you're worried. To be honest I'm still worried too, in spite of everything that you've done for me.
Richard: So... I'm thinking that I should try going out into town beforehand to test both the date plan and my luck.
Shao: That certainly sounds prudent to me. I have enough of this medicine prepared to provide you with additional doses should you need them.
Richard: Glad to hear it. In that case, I was hoping that (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn could come with me.
Richard: I'll foot the bill, of course. In exchange, I'm hoping you can give me some honest feedback on the date plan.
Lyria: That's no problem at all, but are you really willing to treat us just for our opinions?
Richard: Of course. After all you've already done for me, I need to show my gratitude.
Shao: I think I'll opt to stay home myself.
Shao: I'll be praying for your safety from the Grandcypher.
After setting a date and time, the group adjourns the meeting.
Carrying a bundle of lucky items and two small monsters, Richard returns to his cabin. Whether they'll do him any good or not remains to be seen...

Loving Uncertainty: Scene 2

Wearing his nicest outfit, decked out in good luck charms, and having taken Shao's medicine, Richard takes (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn to the restaurant he's picked out. Though they repeatedly encounter situations that almost certainly spell trouble, each one resolves itself, and the group is able to enjoy a delicious meal. Despite the practice run being a huge success, Richard looks unsatisfied.

(Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn are waiting for Richard to arrive at the place they agreed to meet.
Vyrn: Looks like we got here too early. Actually, why didn't we all just leave the Grandcypher together?
Lyria: We can't do that! One person always has to show up to a date earlier than they're supposed to!
Vyrn: Are you sure about that? I really wonder where you get some of these strange ideas...
Lyria: Hehe, that's a secret.
Richard's Voice: Sorry about that, everyone!
Vyrn: Wow, look who finally decided to—
Lyria: Whoa! Those sure are some fancy clothes!
Richard: Oh, um... Do they not look good on me?
Lyria: No, they look great! I was just shocked because you look so different.
Vyrn: Man, you're really puttin' your all into this! When'd you get your hands on those?
Richard: Korwa actually got hold of me after I finished talking to you and Shao.
Richard: She somehow knew what was going on and wanted to make an outfit for me.
Richard: And who wouldn't want an outfit from Korwa? So of course I told her I'd love that, and this is what she came up with.
Richard: But that's not all...
Richard starts taking things out of his pockets.
Lyria: Oh, you have everyone's good luck charms!
Richard: What's more, I spent all yesterday taking care of those rabbits and just took Shao's medicine, so my luck is as high as I'm getting it.
Vyrn: I'm kinda worried though. Anything could still happen, after all.
Vyrn: On the other hand, don't we need to activate your bad luck to test all this stuff?
Vyrn: That means you need to experience some good luck first, right?
Richard: Hah, don't you worry. I made sure to rake up some rupies to pay for today's outing.
Richard: With pure skill, naturally.
Lyria: I want to say that's really impressive, but I'm not sure if I should...
Vyrn: Well, that's just how Richard rolls, you know?
Richard: In any case, let's get going. I've got a great place lined up for us.
Lyria: Is this restaurant we're going to a really famous one?
Richard: No, it's one I just happened to discover. It was closed for a while, and only just reopened.
Vyrn: It was? Why's that?
Richard: Oh right, I never brought it up with you three. It was actually hit by a meteor the last time I went there.
Lyria: You're kidding... right?
Vyrn: I haven't heard about meteors since that whole thing with Ghandagoza...
Richard: Well, it was only a tiny one, so the restaurant was the only building that was damaged. What's more, it was empty at the time, so nobody was hurt.
Richard: I ended up helping them deal with the aftermath, which is why they've secured a table for us on such short notice.
Vyrn: I see your bad luck's as mind-boggling as ever...
Lyria: I'm getting a bad feeling about this...
Richard: I mean, surely nothing will happen today with all we've—
Townsperson 1: I can't believe this is happening!
Suddenly, a man starts yelling as he runs out into the street.
Richard: What's going on? Potato-Punks?
The group anxiously turns toward the hysterical man.
Townsperson 2: What's got you in such a tizzy?
Townsperson 1: My cat just gave birth to six kittens! I can't believe how cute they are!
Townsperson 2: Oh my! Let me see them!
Lyria: A kitty...
Richard: Oh, just a cat...
Vyrn: Wait, someone else is coming!
Ruffian: Heh, ain't that nice. Let me take a peek at one too.
Ruffian: And while you're at it, let me take a peek at what you've got in your wallets...
Townsperson 1: Eek!
Richard: I knew this would—
Officer: Stop right there! I've finally found you! Your evildoing has come to its end, scoundrel!
Ruffian: H-how can you be here!
Officer: Hah, were you counting on that pack of monsters you released to keep me occupied? They all scattered after that storm the other day! Now give yourself up, there's nowhere to run!
Ruffian: D-damn it all!
Lyria: Well, there he goes...
Vyrn: I was really sure we'd have to fight there.
Richard: Yeah... I was just about to draw my gun.
Lyria: Do you think that happened because of the lucky items?
Richard: I'd imagine so. Man, that's really something...
Vyrn: Hehe, the way things are going I bet the restaurant's gonna have some really great food for us!
Richard: I sure hope it works out that way. Ah, that's the place right...
Lyria: Uh... It looks like they have the lights off...
Richard: Yeah, it sure does! What in the skies is...
The group approaches the building and finds a note posted on the door.
Richard: "Due to malfunctioning equipment, we will be temporarily closed."
Vyrn: This is dated two days ago!
Lyria: I guess they didn't manage to contact you in time.
Richard: We managed to get here without incident, but I guess this is how it's gotta be in the end.
Vyrn: Still, this isn't too bad compared to what you usually deal with!
Lyria: We passed plenty of places to eat on our way. It doesn't have to be here!
Richard: I appreciate you saying that, but the point was to...
Man's Voice: Excuse me! You're the man who reserved a table with us, Richard, right?
Richard: You're... Oh, I remember you! You're the owner of this restaurant!
Restauranteur: Yes, thank you so much for your help with the meteor incident. Ah, more importantly. I'm so sorry about the trouble we've caused for you today...
Richard: Don't worry about it. Nothing to be done about faulty equipment, am I right?
Restauranteur: Oh no, I mean our failure to communicate the situation to you. You see, we've actually been open for business the whole time at a different location.
Restauranteur: You should have been informed of that when you made your reservation, but the employee you spoke to mistakenly believed that you wished to dine at this location.
Lyria: So then...
Restauranteur: Yes, I've been waiting here to explain the mix-up once you arrived.
Restauranteur: As such, I apologize for the inconvenience, but would you be open to dining at our temporary location?
Richard: Yes, of course! Man, what a turn of events... Great, this is great...
The rest of the group also expresses their approval and follows the restauranteur to the temporary location.
There, they are treated to an excellent meal.
Lyria: Wow, I couldn't eat another bite...
Vyrn: I think I could eat that "apple compote" stuff till tomorrow morning...
  1. I'm sure it'll go great if you bring her here!
  2. I wanna test out more date plans!

Choose: I'm sure it'll go great if you bring her here!
Richard: I'm glad to hear that you liked it, (Captain).
Richard: Not to mention reassured. I'm really so thankful you guys agreed to do this.

Choose: I wanna test out more date plans!
Richard: Haha... Then I'll make sure we do this again next time.
Continue 1
(Captain) smiles upon hearing Richard's cheerful response.
Richard: Hmm...
However, the gambler's expression betrays a hint of uneasiness.

Loving Uncertainty: Scene 3

Richard explains that, though he values avoiding putting his companions in danger, negating his bad luck makes his life less thrilling and takes away chances to demonstrate his charm. Shao suggests he change his state of mind, stating that the items may well have not actually changed his fortunes at all. Realizing that he is worrying too much about things that haven't happened yet, he sets off with the intention to ask Therese out on a date.

Shao: So nothing bad happened during your outing?
Vyrn: A bunch of stuff almost happened, but it all got resolved without us doing anything!
Lyria: It was like Richard's bad luck was locked in combat with the effect of all the good luck charms and your medicine.
Shao: Well, I suppose that's as good an interpretation as any.
Shao: However, it doesn't seem to me that Richard himself is very satisfied with how things went.
Richard: Well no, I'm plenty satisfied. It's obviously great that we didn't get involved with anything dangerous.
Richard: And I have no doubt that Therese will love the restaurant, not to mention the rest of the town.
Shao: Then what has you looking so discontent?
Richard: Well, it's just that... I kept thinking something that I knew I shouldn't.
Richard: That it wasn't thrilling enough.
Lyria: Thrilling?
Richard: Normally, I'm running into all kinds of trouble wherever I go. Stuff like meteors, ruffians, dragons...
Richard: When all that stops happening, that's obviously great for whoever's with me.
Richard: But on the other hand, isn't flirting with all kinds of danger an irreplaceable part of my charm?
Richard: As a true gambler, I want my life to be thrilling all the time, no matter where I am or what I'm doing.
Richard: No matter how hard I try, I can't get those thoughts out of my head!
Lyria & Vyrn: ...
Vyrn: But weren't we doing all this because you didn't want to put Therese in danger?
Richard: Yeah, exactly! You're completely right, but...
Shao: Hm... In that case, why not think about it this way?
Shao: All of the tricks we used today to alleviate your affliction had no effect on you whatsoever.
Shao: You just happened to be fortunate enough to avoid your misfortune by a hair's breadth this time.
Vyrn: If that's a thing, then what can't his luck do?
Shao: Is there anything it can't do? We're talking about something that can attract meteors, after all.
Lyria: I guess the chances of all those coincidences lining up perfectly today are about the same as a seeing a meteor fall, huh...
Richard: I see! Yeah, that might be what happened!
Vyrn: Hold up, what're you agreeing with him for?
Richard: No, you're misunderstanding. It's just about how I look at it. In the end, I won't know until the cards are on the table.
Richard: Whether I'll be able to ask her out, whether she'll say yes...
Richard: Whether I pull the date off without a hitch or we run into all kinds of trouble...
Richard: I can't know any of that until I roll the dice. I shouldn't have been worrying so much when I haven't even taken a seat at the table yet!
Richard: And of course, that doesn't mean that I'm hoping something bad happens.
Richard: I was just... overthinking things. Thanks for helping me realize that, you guys.
Lyria: Umm... W-well, I'm glad that you've figured it out?
Vyrn: Hey, it was fun and we got some great grub out of it, so I'm not complaining!
  1. It's all thanks to you, Richard.

Choose: It's all thanks to you, Richard.
Richard: I'm not so sure about that, but thanks for the encouragement, (Captain).
Lyria: No, it really was fun! Plus, it was actually kind of exciting worrying about what might happen.
Vyrn: And we were all fine in the end.
Vyrn: I don't think you need to worry 'bout how it went. You can show off plenty of your charm with a day like that too.
Richard: You really think so? In that case, I think I'm going to take advantage of this moment of confidence to go ask her out!
Richard: However, all I want to bring to this table is my own skill and luck.
Richard takes all of the lucky items out of his pockets and hands them to (Captain).
Richard: I'll come back for those on the day of the date.
Richard: Well then, I'm off.
Lyria: All right!
Vyrn: Good luck!
Richard responds to the two's words of encouragement with a casual wave as he exits the mess hall.
Shao: He sure is decisive when it comes time to gamble.
Vyrn: Yeah, decisive or daft, one of those.
Lyria: But either way, that's one of Richard's good points!
Shao: Perhaps you're right.
Vyrn: Actually, are you sure you wanted to tell him that? Didn't you wanna test that medicine?
Lyria: It makes your luck better, right? Now that I think about it, wouldn't you want to test something like that on someone with normal luck?
  1. Can medicine really help someone's luck?

Choose: Can medicine really help someone's luck?
Shao: Haha, I see that you're as sharp as ever, (Captain).
Shao: To treat the symptoms of the body, you must start with the mind.
Shao: It's just not healthy to worry so much about what's going to happen before you even begin.
(Captain) responds to Shao's defense of his actions with an ambiguous smile.
Days pass, but Richard gives no indication of when he'll need the lucky items again.
However, the captain is fully confident that one day he will come to pick them up.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
