Sandalphon (Summer)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age Unknown
Height 174 cm
Race Primal Beast (Primarch)
Hobbies None (as Sandalphon (Earth Grand))
Researching coffee (as of Sandalphon)
Likes None (as Sandalphon (Earth Grand))
Coffee (as of Sandalphon)
Dislikes Everything in the world (as Sandalphon (Earth Grand))
Nonsense (as of Sandalphon)
Character Release
Character Release
Character Release
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 不明
Height 174cm
Race 星晶獣(天司)
Hobbies なし (as Sandalphon (Earth Grand))
珈琲の研究 (as of Sandalphon)
Likes なし (as Sandalphon (Earth Grand))
珈琲 (as of Sandalphon)
Dislikes 世界の全て (as Sandalphon (Earth Grand))
非合理なこと (as of Sandalphon)
Character Release
Character Release
Character Release
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]




  • Sandalphon's skills are named after songs by the power metal band Sonata Arctica.
  • Sandalphon easily becomes airsick, particularly when flying by any means other than his own wings.
  • Sandalphon's character song skin uses the white-winged sprite first used in What Makes the Sky Blue II: Paradise Lost and What Makes the Sky Blue III: 000's event battles, differing only in dialogue and art. This sprite also shares the same Paradise Lost charge attack animation as his summon.


  • Sandalphon's name comes from an archangel in Jewish and Christian writing. The name itself means "co-brother", alluding to his status as being believed to be the twin brother of Metatron.
  • Sandalphon's charge attack name, "Ain Soph Aur", is derived from the Hebrew phrase Ohr Ein Sof ("infinite light").

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

So, (Captain), today's the day you were born?
What's with the surprise on your face? Is it so strange for me to want to celebrate your existence once in a year?
Tell me. Is there anything you want?
Hm? You wish to drink coffee poured by yours truly?
Seriously? That's it? Your selflessness boggles my mind.
Fine, might as well. You're getting my special blend all to yourself.
Stay right where you are, (Captain). I'll be back with it right away.


Greetings, Singularity. The anniversary of your birth has come again.
Have a seat. The coffee I'm brewing for you today comes from beans that I cultivated especially for this day.
Hm? I don't understand why you're so surprised to learn that I've been preparing for this occasion.
Last year you asked me to make coffee for you. Now I'm fulfilling that request.
With that said, I can't guarantee it'll suit your taste. These beans grew in a small vegetable garden in a corner of the ship's deck, so growing conditions weren't exactly ideal.
But you could say it symbolizes the strides made in the past year. I hope you savor the aroma of what your life has given you thus far.


Wait a minute, (Captain). I came here with the intention of celebrating your birthday.
So why are you the one handing me a gift?
I see you've given me coffee beans.
Oh? You grew them yourself?
I see. You want me to brew them for you.
Very well. Today is a special day that only comes once a year, so I will do anything you ask of me.
You already have another request? Well, I'm all ears.
You wish for me to drink coffee with you?
Hahaha! Of course. I'll accompany you for a coffee break as often as you like.
That isn't limited to your birthday. Feel free to ask me whenever it suits you.


It's your birthday, isn't it? Happy birthday, (Captain).
Why am I wearing this? That's because I'm opening the cafe just for you today, to celebrate your special day.
Since I'd be here working with coffee beans anyway, you might as well be my practice partner today.
Enough with the small talk. Just sit already.
On the menu today, we have coffee, caffe latte, and coffee milk. Which would you like to order?

  • Choose: Coffee
(Heh... Excellent taste.)
  • Choose: Caffe latte
(Hm, interesting choice. I suppose as long as the captain enjoys it...)
  • (Choose: Coffee milk
(Hm, interesting choice. I suppose as long as the captain enjoys it...)

Thank you. Please wait a moment while I prepare your drink.


There you are. I have been waiting all day to wish you a happy birthday.
Oh, this outfit? It's part of the surprise I have prepared for you. Here's your seat. Sit back and relax.
Welcome, esteemed guest. Today, the coffee lounge is solely yours to enjoy.
I have tailored a special birthday menu just for you. Have a look.
What would you like to start with?

  • Choose: The premium light roast.
    Heh. I knew you had an eye for excellence.
  • Choose: The spring-sourced cold brew.
    Ah... I was lost for nearly three days on an island, plumbing its depths for the natural spring water I needed, but it was worth it.
  • Choose: The gourmet coffee milk.
    Interesting choice. This beverage uses fresh milk from the renowned machuzaka cow. Now what sort of luck will you have this year, I wonder?

As you wish. I'll get right to it. The best birthday you will ever have is about to begin.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

A new year's upon us. Maybe I should set a resolution for myself.
Of course, it'd be to make certain I fulfill the supreme primarch's final wish.
While I haven't made a full recovery yet, I won't just sit idly by waiting for my powers to return.
Which means I'll be needing your help. I hope you understand, (Captain).
(I'll need a little more time, Lucifer...)
(But I promise I will avenge you.)


Ah, Singularity. Answer something for me, if you would.
What is the significance behind this envelope containing your realm's currency? Why did Eugen hand it to me?
It's a New Year's gift given to kids from adults?
That's absurd. I count my age by the century. Eugen should not be trusted to handle the bottle...


Oh, it's you, (Captain). I was wondering who was trying to get my attention.
I didn't quite catch what you were calling out to me. Happy New Year, was it?
Ah, so it's an expression exchanged between mortals at the start of a new year.
It's interesting how the rolling over of a new year can bring such joy to skydwellers.
And the proof is all around us. I see a great number of happy faces out and about.
Could their smiles and laughter be the reason why I feel so refreshed today?


Another year has passed, and a new year has come. All of you are looking rather festive.
You seem to enjoy making a big celebration out of the simple passage of time...
But I suppose that's how different we feel about time.
After all, it's because you live so earnestly within the short time you have that you've been able to make such remarkable progress.
Don't get me wrong—I'm not looking down on your efforts in making the most out of a year.
Anyway, I suppose I'll join in on the New Year's festivities today.
Thanks to all of you, I've gotten used to the big fuss you make on these occasions. It could be nice to cut loose from time to time.


Face flushed... Vision swirling... The evolution of drinking culture is out of control...
And yet mortals continue to laugh and drink as if alcohol were water. Meanwhile, this archangel is doubled over in agony!
Surely you lot must have an immunity that we primal beasts do not—
Huh? Rosetta has the highest tolerance? Her and Gabriel both?
I'm done trying to figure this out. This world has too many absurdities.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

What's wrong, (Captain)? You need something from me?
Hm? Is that a present for me?
Ah, right... I forgot today's the day to show appreciation through gift-giving.
Let's see...
Confections that go well with coffee? Heh, how thoughtful of you.
Is that a blush I see on your face, (Captain)?
Heh... Relax. I know this is merely a courtesy.
But it's only right for me to show some gratitude. Thank you, (Captain).


Hm, another round of chocolates for me this year?
I don't understand you. I once threatened you, your friends, and your very world itself. Isn't the amount of charity you afford me misplaced?
You claim I'm overthinking it, but...
Hnph. You're not thinking enough if you ask me.
Well, no matter. I won't turn down a gift from you. Thank you, Singularity.


You needn't create an excuse to see me, (Captain). I know why you're here.
Would I be correct in saying you've come to give me chocolates?
What's wrong? You seem dissatisfied...
You don't like my know-it-all attitude?
Th-that wasn't my intention at all. I was simply guessing your actions based on past experiences.
Please don't get me wrong. It's not like I knew for certain you were planning on giving me something.
But what I do know is that a gift from you is no mere gift, so let me express myself properly.
Thank you, (Captain).


(Captain)... Did you need something?
You brought the package I asked for? Thanks, I'll take it now.
By the way, (Captain), do you have anything else for me?
No, I wasn't expecting anything in particular. Forget I said anything.
(I thought today was Valentine's... Could I have gotten the date wrong? I was hoping for something to go with my coffee but...)
(Captain)... What's that smile supposed to mean?
Are you hiding a box behind your back?
Hmph. I know what you want to say. Complete nonsense.
I appreciate the gift—but not the prank. Next time, please, just hand it over.


I had a feeling I'd be seeing you today, considering it's Valentine's Day.
I was just about to brew some coffee. I should select a flavor that pairs well with desserts. Would you have a seat while I get this going?
Hm? What are you chuckling about? Did something good happen?
You're just happy that I've grown accustomed to skydweller life?
Hmph. I may not be a skydweller, but I'd be a fool not to pick up a few things after being bombarded by your chocolates year after year.
Ah, the water is boiling. Actually, why don't you choose the beans this time?

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Have a minute, (Captain)?
I'm sure you can already guess, but this is a thank-you gift for the Valentine's Day sweets.
You could say I went the extra mile to get this. Had to show you my appreciation for letting me into the crew.
Here, it's all yours.
A present from an archangel... You don't know how lucky you are, (Captain).
Then again, fate is never an easy one to read.


Do you have a moment, (Captain)?
As you might have guessed, I have a gift for you. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to partake in Sky Realm customs again this year.
Well, have at it. It pairs quite well with coffee.
Heh. I must say you skydwellers think of everything. To devise an opportunity to express one's gratitude and strengthen the connections of the collective...
It's fast and efficient. Not a bad way of thinking.


I'll take that feigned ignorance as a sign that you know my purpose for being here, (Captain).
I'm not planning on serving up sky-shattering surprises or anything like that.
As long as I'm able to express my appreciation toward you, that will be good enough for me.
I can name numerous examples of when you helped me.
However, I hardly ever get the chance to show you my gratitude.
Taking all that into account, creating a day for the express purpose of saying thank you makes perfect sense.
Though I never could have imagined myself being an active participant...
In any case, please accept my sincerest, heartfelt thanks, (Captain).


Today's White Day. A day to give thank-you gifts in return for Valentine's and express your appreciation.
I've always thought it was a pleasant holiday. Provides the perfect chance to build trust between members of a community.
And, seeing as I've somehow become a member of your crew, I thought I'd remind you of how grateful I am.
Thank you for everything, (Captain).
It's nothing amazing, but I've made you the usual sweets and coffee.
Both the roast and brew time should be to your liking. It'll pair well with the sweets.
Drink up before it gets cold.


Pardon the intrusion. I heard you just concluded a meeting that ran long today.
Hm... I can plainly see the exhaustion on your face. I'll keep this short so you can get some quality sleep.
Huh? This? It's just coffee. Seeing how it's White Day...
I came up with a special blend for the occasion. You can try it some other time—
Wait, now? Don't be silly. It's only going to keep you awake.
Stop trying to snatch it from me, you fool! You will scald yourself if it spills!
Sigh... Why are you so stubborn...
Fine, but just one sip, understand? That's all you get for today.
Haha... Your captaining skills rival that of a grizzled veteran, yet you throw tantrums with the fury of a child.
You are such a strange mortal.

Tasty Macaroons
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

So today's Halloween, huh? No wonder it's so noisy out there.
Oh, don't worry—I don't plan on getting in your way. Go on and have fun.
What's that? You're gonna play a trick on me if I don't give you a treat?
What nonsense is this? You ask me out of the blue and expect me to have candy on hand?
You mortals confound me at every step... But fine, I'll play along...
Let's see what trick you have in store for me. I'm ready for it.


There you are, Singularity! We have an emergency, but I want you to listen calmly.
New fallen angels have appeared. Their form resembles skydwellers, but they have wings, and the town has been inundated with—
Huh? Those are just people wearing costumes with fake wings?
Heh... Hahaha... Of course. Today is Halloween. How deceptive.
Hah! If that's how they want to play it, then allow me to sound the Bell of War!


"Happy Halloween?" What are you—
Ah, that's right. Today is Halloween.
I have come to understand the reasoning behind all of the customs you mortals observe.
Well, all except for Halloween.
Why must one choose between a trick or a treat? What purpose is there to walk around in a grandiose disguise?
Heh. I can't help but laugh at this truly odd custom.
What do you mean that's reason enough?
Hm... People participate in Halloween to bring smiles to those around them...
That is a good point, (Captain). What more could one ask for than to see the vibrant smile on your face?


Trick or treat.
Why are you staring at me like that?
I thought I should understand your ways a little more if I'm to open a cafe someday. So I tried saying something appropriate for the occasion.
I sounded scary back there? I see. Then...
T-trick or treat! How's that?
My smile looks forced? Ergh... Then how about this!
Trick or treat!
Trick or treeeeat!
Huff... Huff... That should do it, right?
What? Only kids do trick-or-treating, so I won't have to say it to anyone?
You should have told me that sooner! What did I practice all that for?


Hmph... There's more over here as well... Even if it is a holiday, that's no excuse for improper tidiness.
Hm? What am I doing?
I'm picking up garbage. Candy bags, pumpkin rinds, candle wax... It's a never-ending parade of litter.
And before you protest, I am aware a cleanup is scheduled for tomorrow, but the sight of this refuse irks me in a way...
Huh? Wh-who are you calling uptight! It's not my fault mortals are such inconsiderate beings!
I've suddenly lost faith in your commitment to sanitation. I will personally be monitoring you during tomorrow's cleanup. I trust there are no objections?

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain)... You looking for me?
What's that? You want me to help deliver presents?
Why ask me of all people?
Because I'm the only one who can fly?
Heh... You mortals sure have it rough.
Fair enough. I'll be nice for once considering the occasion, so hand over the presents.
I'll finish this up in a flash. Watch and see how the great Sandalphon gets things done.


Snow... It reminds me of the research lab.
I remember a day when I heard he would be returning, so I waited in the garden, watching the snow pile up by the hour.
The other researchers were surprised I was still there despite his no-show.
I still enjoyed it though. That serene white scenery, never changing day in and day out, was quite beautiful.
Hnph. Sorry you had to listen to that boring story.


Mm, those greetings I'm hearing can only mean one thing.
The annual winter holiday has arrived again.
Now then, what was it that you came to see me about?
A party invitation? Well, I'm still not used to the hurly-burly of crowded venues...
You say a famous cafe might be serving their renowned coffee?
Ah, that's right. Mortals tend to complement their coffee with something on the sweeter side, such as cakes.
Hm... Since you've taken the liberty of inviting me, then I can't say I have much reason to refuse.


(It appears that tonight is a holy night on which mortals spend their time celebrating the winter season with their loved ones.)
(Upon coming into contact with this custom a number of times, I find myself thinking how I would very much like to make a cup of coffee for you as well.)
(Though I cannot see you anymore, I'm sure that under this starry sky, you too, can...)
(Captain), you came to tell me that the preparations for the party are done?
All right. I'll be right there, after I finish this cup of coffee.


Oh, it's you. Don't mind me. Just staring off into the night sky.
Winter nights sure are mysterious... No other season compares to their beauty, yet at the same time they also evoke a feeling that resembles dread.
Keep staring into the darkness, and it's like the void is extracting your very consciousness from your body...
And where that soul is being taken to within the vast emptiness, no one knows...
Hmph... Sorry. I was getting a little too sentimental.
Well, let's head to the party. After all, you came to get me, didn't you? I just hope there's still some food left.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Management Training

Several days after the Auguste shark attacks, Sandalphon and company resume operating their food stall. They decide to create a lounge area out front, complete with seating and a cooling device, in order to bring in more customers. Sandalphon changes into his swimsuit, committed to helping the customers feel more at ease.

Several days have passed since the crew's Augustian beach vacation was interrupted by a flying shark attack.
With peace returned to the shore thanks to the crew's valiant efforts, Sandalphon resumes managing his food stall.
Lyria: Sandalphon! We've got another order!
Sandalphon: Very well. I'll get started on it right away.
Although Sandalphon struggled at first, he has more or less learned to play things by ear. However, one problem remains.
Sandalphon: Why aren't we bringing in more customers?
Vyrn: Good question. Nothin' wrong with the taste as far as I can tell...
Puzzled by their inability to attract a steady stream of patrons, Sandalphon and company have decided to hold a strategy meeting.
But try as they might, they can't seem to pinpoint exactly what they need to improve on.
Sandalphon: There must be a root cause behind this... But what is it?
Vyrn: Hey, whaddya say we try askin' our customers? We can pass out surveys or somethin'!
Sandalphon: Knowing what our patrons are dissatisfied with would help us identify where to make changes, so normally I would agree with the idea...
Sandalphon: But this stall will only be open for a few days. We might learn things that would help in the future, but we wouldn't have time to make adjustments now.
Vyrn: I didn't think about that...
Sandalphon: I have a feeling you're on the right track though. The question is, what do we do?
Lyria: U-um, if it helps, I've seen a number of customers who looked unhappy!
Lyria: Some of them acted like they were tired from standing, and others seemed to be searching for a place to cool off...
Sandalphon: Oho...
Sandalphon: I was under the impression that customers visited beachfront cafes to take a break, while stalls were just for light refreshments.
Lyria: Maybe the cafes were all too crowded, so they went looking elsewhere.
Sandalphon: I see. In that case, what do you think about creating a lounge area in front of the food stall?
Sandalphon: It would be a comfortable space for patrons to relax. We'd probably need to ask permission from the chamber of commerce though.
Vyrn: A break area, huh. That does sound like it'd draw more customers!
Sandalphon: What's your opinion, (Captain)?
  1. That's a great idea!
  2. I'll handle getting permission!

Choose: That's a great idea!
Sandalphon: Then it's settled. If the captain agrees, that must mean it's the right call.

Choose: I'll handle getting permission!
Sandalphon: I'd appreciate it. Considering you helped solve the recent shark incident, I imagine they'll be open to working with you.
Continue 1
Vyrn: Awesome! Then let's get to work!
Lyria: Yeah!
Leaving (Captain) to handle the chamber of commerce, Sandalphon and the others set out to gather equipment for the lounge area.
The group starts by heading to the marketplace to shop for seating, but Sandalphon soon finds himself facing a dilemma.
Sandalphon: Wood or metal, cushion or no cushion... I had no idea there were so many types of chairs.
Lyria: Hehe. Yeah, it's hard to decide!
Sandalphon: Something light and easy to set up would be ideal. But they also need to be sturdy enough not to topple over in the wind.
Sandalphon: Hm...
Sandalphon: I think this type of chair might work best. It doesn't take up much space, and it's comfortable as well.
Sandalphon: Plus, the design is nice and simple. I think we could afford around ten with our budget.
Lyria: Um... But don't they only seat one person each?
Sandalphon: Well, yes. Why?
Lyria: Um, well... There's nothing wrong with chairs or anything, but what do you think about these benches?
Sandalphon: Benches? What benefit would those provide? They only limit your arrangement options.
Lyria: But you know... Friends or couples might want to sit next to each other.
Sandalphon: ...?
Couldn't we just put some of the chairs side by side?
Lyria: Well, you're not wrong... But these benches might make them feel more connected, or give them a sense of togetherness... or something like that.
Sandalphon: Hmm... Connected?
Sandalphon: ...
Sandalphon: That's true... I see what you're trying to say. We'll go with the benches then.
Lyria: Yay, thank you!
Sandalphon: Heh... Let's go ahead and place our order.
After purchasing the benches, Sandalphon and company pay a visit to the Grandcypher's storeroom.
Vyrn: There he is!
Hey, Rackam!
Rackam: Well, look who it is! The food stall gang's all here—you guys sell out for the day already?
Vyrn: Nope, but that's what we came for! Sandalphon had somethin' he wanted to ask you.
Rackam: Me? So you can sell out?
Sandalphon: Something came to me as I was watching the propellers of the ship spinning.
Sandalphon: Would it be possible to create a similar mechanism, only smaller? The shape doesn't have to be exactly the same.
Rackam: Huh? Well, it should be doable as long as you include some sort of engine...
Rackam: But what do you plan to do with a thing like that?
Sandalphon: I'm looking for something that can produce wind. By providing our customers with a breeze, we can help them cool off.
Sandalphon: But I don't have the expertise needed to build a device like that, so I came to see if you might be willing to help.
Rackam: Oho? Wind, huh... That's a pretty neat idea.
Rackam: I think I get what you're after. Count me in!
Sandalphon: Really? Thank you. I appreciate it.
Rackam: Sure, no worries. Call it payment for you making me coffee on overnight flights.
Rackam: All right, let's get this ball rolling!
Rackam offers his knowledge and skill to help fashion an apparatus capable of producing a refreshing breeze.
Rackam: Whew... That does it.
The group succeeds in creating a cooling device from a single, side-facing propeller surrounded by an circular enclosure of iron mesh.
Vyrn: Ooh! This'll definitely help the customers chill!
Sandalphon: ...
Rackam: Huh? What's wrong? Not what you had in mind?
Sandalphon: Well, yes, but in a good way. It's even better than I imagined.
Sandalphon: So this is the wisdom and technology you skydwellers have developed over the past two centuries... The power of evolution never ceases to amaze me.
Vyrn: Okay, whaddya say we give it a whirl!
Rackam: That thing sticking out of the stand is the power switch. Go ahead and push it.
Sandalphon: Here goes.
Vyrn: Whoa, it really is makin' wind! Feels nice and cool!
Vyrn: Wait, isn't it kinda strong?
As the wind continues to intensify, Vyrn's excitement turns to concern.
Vyrn: Uh... Uh-oh...
Vyrn: Whoooa!
Sandalphon: Hey, Vyrn! Are you all right?
Vyrn: Y-yeah... Saw my life flash before my eyes though...
Sandalphon: Heh... Haha...
Sandalphon: Ahahaha!
Vyrn: Hey! What's so funny!
Sandalphon: Nothing. Sorry. That just caught me off guard.
Vyrn: You don't have to laugh...
Rackam: Whoops, sorry about that! Gimme a sec to make some adjustments.
Having received permission from the chamber of commerce, the crew reassembles at the food stall with the benches and cooling device in tow.
After a bit of arranging, the lounge area is finally complete.
Vyrn: Hehe! It turned out pretty great!
Lyria: I hope this will bring in more customers!
Sandalphon: Agreed.
Sandalphon: ...
Sandalphon: We couldn't have created this relaxing space without you, (Captain). You have my thanks.
Sandalphon: But it still isn't enough. In order for this upgrade to truly be complete, I need to make some changes to myself as well.
Lyria: What do you mean by that, Sandalphon?
Sandalphon: I've been thinking... A manager who's overly formal is bound to make customers nervous.
Sandalphon: If I want someone to relax, I need to be the one to take the initiative.
Sandalphon: To that end... Could I ask you to watch the shop for a moment?
Vyrn: S-sure, no problem. You're lookin' pretty serious though—whatcha got in mind?
Sandalphon: You'll understand soon enough. It's time to show just how far I'm willing to go.
Some time later, Sandalphon returns to the food stall, having made a noticeable transformation.
Sandalphon: W-welcome! Would you be interested in trying our—I mean... How about a nice cup of coffee?
Customer: Excuse me! Could I place an order?
Sandalphon: Of course. Have a seat, and I'll be with you in just a—
Sandalphon: I mean... I'll be right there, okay?
Sandalphon serves the customers cheerfully and politely, a clumsy smile plastered on his face.
Lyria: Hehe. Sandalphon must be really nervous!
Vyrn: Ahaha! Looks like he's stopped overthinkin' things so much at least.
Sandalphon: The archangels have found new roles, and I've decided to protect the sky for my own reasons.
Sandalphon: Wearing swim trunks is beneath my dignity.
Lyria: Yeah! He's still a little awkward though...
Lyria: But if he keeps up the effort and planning, he'll be a wonderful manager before we know it!
Customer's Child: Mommy! This spinny thing feels nice and cool!
Sandalphon: H-hey! Don't stick your fingers in there! It's danger—
Sandalphon: Er, I mean... Scoot back just a little so you don't get hurt, okay?
Having accomplished their objective of creating a comfortable space for the stall's customers, (Captain) and the crew are in high spirits.
As they watch Sandalphon fully devoting himself to his position as manager, they continue to cheer him on in their hearts.

Why We Return

An elderly customer visits the seaside food stall where Sandalphon and company are working. Sandalphon is surprised when the woman orders coffee, and she explains that she used to run a cafe with her husband, who was known for talking with his customers. After a pleasant conversation, the woman heads on her way with a smile.

Sandalphon: Sorry for the wait. Here's your snow cone.
Sandalphon: That'll be one melon juice, correct? The dolphin cakes are very popular, so they're limited to two per customer.
Sandalphon: Vyrn, I'll let you prepare the melon. Lyria, please wrap the cakes. And (Captain), you can continue waiting on the customers.
The food stall operates smoothly with Sandalphon fulfilling his role as manager.
Since the addition of benches and a wind-producing device, business at the food stall has been growing steadily.
Sandalphon: Whew... It's especially warm today. (Captain), everyone, I can tell you're all exhausted.
Sandalphon: This is a busy time of day for us, but why don't you take an early break—
Sandalphon: Oh? A customer?
Elderly Customer: Pardon me. I'd like to order a cup of coffee.
Sandalphon: Of course. Please have a seat and wait for—
Sandalphon: ...!
Sandalphon: Did you say coffee?
Elderly Customer: Oh, are you sold out?
Sandalphon: N-no, ma'am! I'll prepare it right away!
Sandalphon: My first coffee order... The time has finally come!
Sandalphon: But I mustn't get ahead of myself... I need to stay calm, just like during practice...
Sandalphon: Apologies for the wait. This is our house blend.
Elderly Customer: Thank you. I can't wait to try it.
The elderly woman brings the coffee cup beneath her nose to appreciate the aroma before taking a sip.
Elderly Customer: Hehe. Coffee really is a wonderful thing. It's so soothing.
Sandalphon: ...
Sandalphon: Um... Excuse me. If you wouldn't mind, could I ask for your feedback?
Sandalphon: I'm still learning, so I'd like to know if it suits your tastes...
Elderly Customer: Hehe. It's wonderful. It has a strong fragrance, a deep richness, and a uniform concentration... I can tell it was prepared with great care.
Sandalphon: Y-you can?
Elderly Customer: You minimized frictional heat when grinding the beans, the grounds are evenly sized, and every bit of residue has been removed...
Elderly Customer: Those aren't things you could learn to do in a day.
Sandalphon: ...!
Sandalphon: I'm amazed you could tell so much from one taste... Just who are you? You don't seem to be a vacationing tourist.
Elderly Customer: There's no need to be so surprised. I may not look it now, but I used to manage a cafe of my own on this very beach.
Sandalphon: Ah, so that's why you know so much about coffee.
Elderly Customer: But my husband, the shop owner, passed away from an illness a few years ago, so the cafe was forced to close.
Sandalphon: I see...
Elderly Customer: Hehe. You don't have to worry about me. This all happened years ago.
Elderly Customer: My husband was known for talking with his customers. I truly respected him for that—it was always a joy to be by his side.
Sandalphon: ...
Elderly Customer: Oh dear, I'm sorry for subjecting you to the ramblings of an old woman.
Sandalphon: No need to apologize.
Elderly Customer: The coffee was delicious. Would it be all right for me to stop by again tomorrow?
Sandalphon: Yes, of course.
As the woman smiles and heads on her way, Sandalphon watches her go with a peaceful expression on his face.

Why We Return: Scene 2

The following day an argument breaks out between a couple at the food stall, and Sandalphon decides to speak with them, remembering the elderly woman's words from the day before. The couple makes up thanks to Sandalphon's intervention, prompting him to talk with his customers more. Soon afterward, a pair of suspicious men approach him, asking to have a word.

The following day, Sandalphon once again dedicates himself to managing the food stall.
Lyria: Hehe! We have a large crowd again today!
Sandalphon: Yes. But make sure to keep tabs on your health. And we need to monitor our patrons as well—
Girlfriend: Ugh, I can't believe you!
Boyfriend: I'm telling you, you've got it all wrong!
Vyrn: What's goin' on? Are they havin' a fight?
Sandalphon: Honestly, could they be any louder? They're bothering the other customers.
Vyrn: What should we do about 'em? They're just gettin' more and more riled up.
Sandalphon: At this rate, they're going to disturb everyone around them, so I'll just have to send them on their way...
Sandalphon: ...
Elderly Customer: My husband was known for talking with his customers. I truly respected him for that—it was always a joy to be by his side.
Sandalphon: Talking to customers...
Vyrn: Huh? Whatcha thinkin' about?
Sandalphon: Well... Something a bit out of character, actually.
Sandalphon: But... Maybe this is just another part of being a manager.
Lyria: Wait... Sandalphon?
Sandalphon: Excuse me... You don't seem to have eaten much of your food. Was it not to your liking?
Girlfriend: Oh, are you the manager? Listen to this! This jerk here—
Boyfriend: Whoa, hang on! It's not fair to drag other people into this!
Sandalphon: Fighting on a vacation seems like a waste. Would you mind telling me what caused all this?
The young woman explains that she and her boyfriend are having a fight because she caught him checking out other women.
But the young man retorts, claiming that it was all a misunderstanding. Sandalphon listens patiently as the pair continue to bicker back and forth.
Girlfriend: Feels good to have that out of my system!
Boyfriend: Thanks, shopkeep! I never would've figured she was mad because I didn't compliment her swimsuit.
Sandalphon: Her perception was likely clouded by her pent-up frustration, leading to a misunderstanding.
Sandalphon: Always make sure to consider the feelings of the people around you, even on a vacation.
Thanks to Sandalphon's intervention, the couple leaves hand in hand, having resolved their argument.
Sandalphon: Whew...
Lyria: That was amazing! You really cheered them up, Sandalphon!
  1. You're a sweet guy.
  2. Nice work!

Choose: You're a sweet guy.
Sandalphon: You overestimate me. I was merely doing my duty as manager of the food stall.

Choose: Nice work!
Sandalphon: I didn't do anything. They reached a resolution themselves after expressing their true feelings to each other.
Continue 1
Vyrn: Haha! You oughta to learn to take a compliment once in a while, Grumplephon!
Sandalphon: Hmph...
After the incident with the couple, Sandalphon's demeanor changes slightly.
From time to time, he can be spotted listening to his customers' troubles and offering them advice.
Flashy Customer: And, like, he just wouldn't stop trying to pick me up!
Sandalphon: I see... That sounds like a grave situation. I recommend you speak to the chamber of commerce about it as well.
Flashy Customer: Ahaha, it wasn't that big a deal! Sure it was annoying, but it was just flirting. Nobody got hurt or anything.
Sandalphon: ...?
All right then.
Lyria: Hehe. Sandalphon's started talking to the customers more.
Vyrn: Yeah! He's a serious guy at the core, so I think he's just tryin' out a bunch of strategies.
???: Come on! Go talk to him already!
???: All right, all right! Quit pushing!
Vyrn: Huh? What are those two whisperin' about?
???: Um... Excuse me. Do you have a moment?
Sandalphon: Of course. What would you like to order?
Stall Employee 2: Oh, no... Actually, we work at another food stall...
Stall Employee 2: And, well, we had something we wanted to talk to you about...
Sandalphon: You want to talk to me?
Sandalphon cocks his head to the side in confusion at the pair's odd request.

Why We Return: Scene 3

The two men explain that they work at another food stall and are looking for advice on attracting customers. They convince Sandalphon to follow them out back, where they threaten him to hand over the stall's wind-creating machine. When Sandalphon firmly refuses, the pair resort to force.

A pair of young men have come to speak with Sandalphon, claiming to be employees at a food stall on the opposite end of the beach.
According to them, business at their stand has been slow over the past few days.
They explain to Sandalphon that they came to him for advice on how to attract customers, since his food stall is in a similar location.
Sandalphon: Hmm... I see. I think I understand your situation now.
Sandalphon: But I'm afraid I'm still in training myself. I can't guarantee that my advice will be accurate.
Stall Employee 1: Th-that's fine!
Sandalphon: Sigh... I really don't think I'm in a position to provide guidance, but all right.
Sandalphon: In that case, would you mind showing me to your shop? I'll try to use the knowledge I've gained here to see if I can spot any potential problems.
Stall Employee 1: Oh, no, you don't need to go that far...
Stall Employee 2: Y-yeah! You're busy running your own stall, right?
Sandalphon: I wouldn't be away for long. It's not a problem.
Stall Employee 1: B-but we'd be putting you out, you know?
Stall Employee 1: We actually have our own idea, you see. We were hoping to get your opinion on it.
Stall Employee 2: Yeah, we wouldn't want to make someone else do all the hard work for us.
Sandalphon: ...?
Sandalphon: Then why don't you go ahead and tell me your idea?
Stall Employee 1: Sure, of course. But we'll be bothering your customers if we keep hanging out in front of the stall like this.
Stall Employee 2: Why don't we go out back? That way we won't be in the way, right?
Sandalphon: Very well. Let's do that then.
Sandalphon asks (Captain) and the crew to watch the food stall for a moment and heads out back with the two men.
Sandalphon: Now then, let's hear your idea.
Stall Employee 1: Right. About that...
The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a knife.
Stall Employee 1: Hand over that wind machine of yours!
Stall Employee 2: We heard it was a hit with the customers! If we can just get our hands on it...
Sandalphon: Hmph... I see. So that's what you were after all along.
Sandalphon: Things have taken a tedious turn, but at least this will be easier than giving advice.
Stall Employee 1: Huh? What're you muttering about! Hurry up and hand it—
Sandalphon: I think not. We were only able to obtain it ourselves after a lot of planning and hard work.
Sandalphon: And there are customers waiting for me. I don't have time to be dealing with the likes of you.
Stall Employee 2: Oh yeah? What exactly are you gonna do without a weapon?
Stall Employee 1: Get him!
Sandalphon: Don't come crying to me later if you get hurt.

Why We Return: Scene 4

After being taught a harsh lesson, the two men explain that they opened their own food stall to gain experience for running a cafe someday, and Sandalphon responds with a brief lecture. That night, Sandalphon sits outside staring at the ocean, contemplating the conversational skills Lucifer must have needed as supreme primarch.

Stall Employees: We're sorry!
After teaching the pair a harsh lesson, Sandalphon brings them back to the shop to hear what they have to say for themselves.
Stall Employee 1: We set up a food stall as practice for when we open our own cafe some day.
Stall Employee 2: But when we didn't get any customers, we panicked and did something stupid...
Sandalphon: A cafe, you say?
Vyrn: That's just like what we're doin'. We've worked a lot harder than these clowns though.
Sandalphon: True.
Sandalphon: I understand your impatience. I was in a similar position myself at first.
Sandalphon: But I've learned something over these past few days.
Stall Employee 1: A-and what's that?
Sandalphon: No need to be so defensive. I'm not trying to be condescending.
Sandalphon: A shop's facilities are definitely important. Not to mention the quality of its products.
Sandalphon: But I've come to realize there are other elements necessary for creating a pleasant cafe.
Stall Employee 2: There are?
Sandalphon: Yes.
Sandalphon glances over at the elderly woman sitting on a bench, having come to visit the food stall once again.
Catching his eye, she smiles warmly and nods in his direction.
Sandalphon: A manager who speaks to their customers, with smiling employees at their side...
Sandalphon: What makes us want to return to a place are the people we want to see again.
Stall Employee 1: What makes us want to return to a place...
Stall Employee 2: Are the people we want to see again...
Lyria: Sandalphon...
Sandalphon: That's all I have to say. Don't ever make me give a lecture like this again.
Seemingly touched by Sandalphon's words, the two men apologize profusely for their actions and return to their own stall.
That night, (Captain) and the crew help clean up after closing time.
Vyrn: Whew... We made it through another day somehow!
Lyria: Things were really busy, but it was a lot of fun!
Vyrn: Haha! Yeah!
Lyria: Oh? By the way, where's Sandalphon?
Vyrn: Now that you mention it, he said he was gonna get some fresh air earlier... I wonder what he's doin'?
Sandalphon: ...
Sandalphon sits on one of the benches outside the food stall, staring out at the ocean.
In his hand is a cup of coffee. And beside him, still steaming slightly, sits another cup of the same brew.
Sandalphon: I wasn't sure how things were going to turn out at first, but I think I just might be able to make it as a manager after all.
Sandalphon: I couldn't have done it by myself though...
Sandalphon: Somehow I even ended up conversing with the customers and giving them guidance.
Sandalphon: Who would have thought I'd be giving people advice? It's absolute nonsense.
Sandalphon: But I suppose... On a much larger scale, this is what you had to do as supreme primarch.
Sandalphon: If that's the case... I want to experience myself what must have been going through your mind.
Sandalphon: Then maybe one day I'll be able to hold my head high...
Sandalphon: Lucifer...
Sandalphon speaks the words softly, setting his own cup next to the one sitting beside him.
As he stares out at the waves, his expression is lit by the stars above—a mixture of peace and sadness.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
油断は禁物だ、(主人公) One can never be too vigilant, (Captain).
珈琲ブレイクの邪魔は許さん! You will face retribution for interrupting my coffee break!
珈琲も経営も奥が深い Coffee and management are more profound than they may seem.
これが天司長の力だ! Behold the power of the supreme primarch!
もう終わりか? That was hardly a challenge.
空の蒼さが目に沁みる The vibrant blue of the sky is almost blinding.
(主人公)、背中は預けた I trust you to watch my back, (Captain).
水分補給を忘れるな Take care to stay hydrated.
かき氷を用意したこれで涼をとるといい" I've taken the liberty of preparing a snow cone to cool you down.
貴方を傍に感じます…… I can feel you always at my side...
