Sarunan (Dark)/Lore

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Official Profile

Age 22
Height 176 cm
Race Erune
Hobbies Making collections of love poems for Honey
Likes Honey
Dislikes Nothing in particular; things besides Honey barely register
Granblue Fantasy Theater
An eccentric mage who works alongside his beloved spirit helper Honey, Sarunan speaks with a calm and collected demeanor. That is, unless, the topic of conversation concerns Honey. In an attempt to end the life of a spirit he fell in love with during his younger years, Sarunan ended up using a spell from his village to seal the spirit in his staff, forcibly tying it to this world. He now travels in search of Estalucia, home of the Astrals, in the hopes of finding a way to return Honey to her original body. Other than Sarunan, only Lyria can converse with Honey. To everyone else, the spirit is invisible and unresponsive.
Final Uncap
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 22歳
Height 176cm
Race エルーン
Hobbies ハニーとの愛の詩集作り
Likes ハニー
Dislikes ハニー以外はどうでもいいので特に苦手もない
Granblue Fantasy Theater
Final Uncap
Source [1] [2] [3] [4]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Sarunan: Happy birthday!
It's time to share some of the love given to me... to celebrate the birthday of our captain!
I'd like to take this opportunity to read aloud some poetry that I've written for the occasion.
Ahem... So...
Honey: ...
Sarunan: What's that, Honey? I should give (Captain) a different present? But why?


Sarunan: Happy birthday to you, (Captain). Another year has passed, and so you've come another year closer to adulthood.
As someone who's lived many years, let me give you some advice.
If you find someone and fall in love, life becomes ten times... no... one-hundred, even one-thousand times more satisfying.
And when you love each other from the bottom of your hearts like Honey and I do, then—
Honey: ...
Sarunan: What, Honey? I'm rambling on? But this part is really important...


Happy birthday to you, (Captain).
How blessed we are to be able to celebrate the day of your birth again. It reminds me that there is more to this world than just sorrow.
May I suggest writing poetry when gloom takes hold of you? Record your thoughts, your feelings, or what have you...
Simply getting it down on paper can be so cathartic.
Sleep on it for two to three days, then rip it to shreds. Any negative emotions you had will fade away into the depths of the skies. I'm sure a journal would work just as well.
Hm? You're wondering why I'm bringing this up all of a sudden?
Let's just say that the feelings in my heart change over time.


Good grief, (Captain), do you really have time to waste chatting with me?
What do you mean, "what do I mean?" Your birthday celebration is about to start. Everyone's waiting for you.
Sharing joy with one's friends is in itself one of the greatest forms of happiness. I think it's a wonderful thing.
Why are you looking at me that way? Perhaps you doubt my word because I spend all my time closeted with Honey.
Well, I'll merely be watching the festivities from the corner. I don't find it entirely unpleasant to see you enjoying yourself.
Shall we go then? Happy birthday, (Captain).


Sarunan: Happy birthday, (Captain).
Is there anything you'd like as a birthday present?
Honey: ...
Sarunan: You think I should socialize with the crew and be as outgoing as I can about it? What a thing to say, Honey!
(Captain), that look in your eyes tells me you're looking forward to the same thing...
Fine, if you insist. I'll show you that can I handle a party as well as that clamorous trio of cooks!
Well then, (Captain), Honey! Shall we—
Sorry, (Captain)... I've strained my voice...
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Haha... I can't believe Honey just praised me. It's almost as if I just received the greatest birthday present I could ever ask for.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

This will be the year I discover the guidepost leading to Estalucia, island of the Astrals...
I must hurry. There's not much time left...
Oh, don't mind me...


I see... So the new year has begun.
If I wouldn't have come with you all, I undoubtedly wouldn't have made it this far.
I'm indebted to you, (Captain).
Haha. It's so unlike me to say all this.
Anyway, let's have another great year.


Sarunan: ...
Ah... Happy New Year, (Captain).
Do I seem all that startled to you? Well... I came out to see the sun and...
Last year, the deck would creak with each step I make... But I hear nothing now. I must've lost a lot of weight.
My arms do feel a lot thinner. Though I'm afraid if this keeps up, I won't be able to hug Honey when she recovers her body...
Honey: ...
Sarunan: ...
Honey: ...
Sarunan: No comical retort today, Honey? Is that to show how serious you think the problem could be?
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Keeping things tense with Honey like this is always a joy.


Entering a new year is always such a relief.
In many ways, it feels like a new beginning.
Hm? I seem strangely optimistic? I'm always optimistic when it concerns my Honey.
"Onward to the Island of the Astrals!"
I might feel a bit lightheaded, but I've enough strength to move about. Simply having a positive outlook does wonders.


Sarunan: Hm, another year's come and gone. The last New Year's felt like it was only yesterday.
Even if the road ahead seems long at first, at road's end, it feels like it ended so abruptly.
Just like how every moment I've spent with Honey since the journey's outset plays out in my mind in the blink of an eye.
What's felt like the longest for me would be... Hm...
Perhaps my life up until I met Honey... Or maybe the moment I first laid eyes on her until we finally came to understand each other.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: There's no end in sight for the latter you say? What a harsh joke you tell, Honey...

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

This chocolate's for me? Gee, thanks.
I hope you understand that this doesn't mean anything, Honey. I have eyes for you and you only.
Are you pouting, Honey? Oh, I'm so sorry! Won't you please look at me again, my dearie?
I hope you're not really angry. You're kidding, right? Nooo... Sniffle... Please don't leave me alone, Honey... Aaahh...


Oh my... Today is that Valentine's holiday.
And for this special day, you've pulled out all the stops and prepared something great.
You bear great love within you. You must truly understand how I feel.
Thank you for the chocolate.
It might take a little extra time, but I'll savor each and everyone piece.


A gift for me this year as well, (Captain)? Thank you.
Haha... Ah, how nice it is to be able to touch a gift with my own two hands...
It reminds me of the endless joy my hands will find when Honey regains her physical form.
My body will be overtaken with exhilaration infinitely greater than what I feel now. Hehehe...
But please don't get the wrong idea. It's not that I don't value your gift...
I was simply lost in the ecstasy that one day awaits me.
Hehe. Thank you, (Captain).


Sarunan: Hello, (Captain). I've been looking forward to today for some time now.
First I'll take in the fragrant smell of your chocolate, then caress its shape with my eyes and fingertips, then finish it off with a few flicks of my tongue.
That's how I'd show my appreciation for this token of love you spent so much time on, (Captain). It's why I love Valentine's.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Hm? You found the way I described that repulsive, Honey? How else would I express my gratitude to (Captain)?
Nonetheless, it appears my poetic choice of diction has led to a misunderstanding. Sigh... Why is it so difficult to convey my feelings?


Ah... I appreciate the wonderful Valentine's gift as always, (Captain).
I've taken a liking to chocolate ever since I fell ill that one particular time.
I love the sensation of it melting in my mouth after I've broken it into pieces.
I also find it provides ample nourishment to both mind and body.
Thank you for caring, (Captain). I sometimes don't know what I'd do without Honey and you.

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy White Day.
You see, Honey always insists on returning the favor for Valentine's...
I wanted to play it safe and not do anything that would make Honey the least bit suspicious of me.
Anyway, Captain, please accept this.


Oh, you've been here the whole time? I was looking for you, (Captain).
Since today is White Day, I thought I should find you a nice gift.
But it was hard work!
Honey said if I was going to give you something, it had to be nice. So I went into town and looked at all the shops.
Though I'm inclined to agree with Honey, I rarely find myself doing things for anyone other than her... Hehe...


Happy White Day, (Captain). I picked these out during a date with Honey.
Oh, the sun today? Haha... It was definitely a bit dizzying while we were out and about.
But worry not. We took care not to push ourselves too hard for this endeavor.
I'm well aware I don't have all that many years ahead of me, so I must enjoy life while I can.
Oh, where are my manners, talking about such glum matters on a happy occasion.
Allow me to rephrase. Ahem...
(Captain), allow me to repay you for all the love that you show me. Will you accept?


Sarunan: (Captain), this is thanks for the other day. I hope you like it.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Haha... How rare it is for Honey to compliment me.
Perhaps it was because I took action of my own volition.
By remembering my gratitude to you and doing what I could to express it, perhaps I've grown as a person.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Hm, you don't think it's something I should boast about? Come now, you're too harsh, Honey...


Sarunan: For you, (Captain). With all my love.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Have no fear, Honey. For it is a type of feeling different from the love I bear for you.
Come to think of it, I had never told friends or family how much I care for them.
It wasn't until I met (Captain) that I learned doing so is a boon to myself as well.
Perhaps my penchant for not expressing my feelings is why Honey often scolds my social skills, or lack thereof.
I consider White Day a chance at rehabilitation.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Yes, as much I hate to admit it, I realize there is no longer any recourse for me.

Tasty Macaroons
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Sarunan: Happy Halloween.
In some places Halloween costumes are said to be a beacon for the spirits of those most dear.
That being the case, I would also like try to wear a costume this year.
What kind of costume? Why, a Honey costume, of course. Hehe.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: What! You think that's weird?


So it's a time where the spirits of the dead come back to play, you say?
If I die before we reach the island of the Astrals... will you welcome me back on this day?
What do you mean don't be grim? I'm only waiting for a treat from you.
I'm only joking. Or rather, playing a trick on you...


Sarunan: (Captain). Do you happen to be well-versed in the art of makeup by any chance?
An inordinate number of townsfolk last year perceived my usual dress to be that of a zombie costume.
I figured that some makeup to give color to my pale complexion would help to clear the misunderstanding.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Why so flabbergasted, my Honey? Is it so odd for me to be staring into the mirror?
Well, I suppose this is my first time putting on makeup.
Oh, how do I come up with such eccentric ideas? I must be fatigued... and famished.
Haha... Perhaps some treats will help calm me down.


Happy Halloween. I've been sampling these cookies a crewmate gave me.
Look at this, (Captain). I... lost a tooth. Has my body... really deteriorated to this point?
This was my best Halloween prank idea. What do you think? It's too dark, isn't it?
I thought spitting out a fake tooth would be rather perfect, but I'm glad I decided to get your opinion first.
Perhaps I'll use the fake teeth I made to accessorize a jack-o'-lantern instead.


Sarunan: What do you think I should do, (Captain)? These Halloween spirits won't leave me.
It's said that they guide the dead. Makes sense since Honey and I have already exceeded our natural life spans.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Honey says that they can't make up their mind about taking us to the other world.
Because they're having a really difficult time determining whether we're alive or not.
Haha... I suppose even those who govern death are no match for the power of the love that Honey and I share.

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Every holiday season brings my dream of bringing Honey back closer to reality.
With each hardship she endures, she gets that much closer to being made flesh once again.
Then finally we can share so many romantic evenings together!
The ringing of the bells, the falling snow—we will enjoy all of it hand in hand!


Spending the holiday season with the crew sure makes things interesting. And Honey doesn't seem to mind it either.
I myself usually just like to stay in with Honey.
But I don't mind going out with her to see the crew when she's in good spirits.


Season's greetings, (Captain). Honey and I are having a wonderful time.
Hm? You wish to know what I desire as a gift?
Haha, I must say I'm rather surprised myself. I can't think of anything.
Just being here alone with Honey on a special day like this...
Is greater than any gift I could ever ask for.


Sarunan: Season's greetings. I've already picked up some food.
I don't have much of an appetite right now, but that small cook—Elmelaura I believe her name was—prepared a small mousse cake to help me blend in with the festivities.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Of course I thanked her, Honey. But maybe it didn't come across right?
As I'm sure you know, my people skills are lacking. Perhaps more appropriate words of gratitude will come to me as I empty this plate.
Haha... It's funny how I'm not feeling hungry in the slightest, yet I can't stop eating this. That little lady is one amazing patissier.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: What's that, Honey? You think I should share some with (Captain)? Nuh-uh, this is my cake.
But if (Captain) insists, I suppose I could share a single bite.


Thank you for inviting me to another wonderful holiday gathering.
Hehe... Lately I've been trying to show my gratitude whenever it's due.
Too often fellow crew members have done something for me, be it an offering of food, medicinal herbs, or whatnot...
And I always realize too late that I didn't get a chance to say thanks.
So thanks again for having me, (Captain).

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Diminishing Flame

Sarunan has sacrificed some of his own life force to extend the life of Kazann, the spirit he loves. He hopes to restore her physical form, but time is running out for both of them, so he considers sacrificing others for her.

Sarunan not in crew

On a certain island, (Captain) and company meet a young Erune named Sarunan.
This unusual man, who can use powerful magic to wipe out monsters, seems to be talking to someone—but there's no one in sight.
After a series of complications, he ends up joining (Captain) and company since they're all headed to the same place.
Sarunan: Come on, Honey! Let's trounce those monsters with the power of our love!
Sarunan: Honey, you're breathtaking. You're so beautiful and strong! I'm just so happy to have met you.
Vyrn: Hmm... No matter how hard I squint, it still looks like he's just talking loudly to himself. It gives me the willies.
Sarunan: Wha? What are you saying, Honey? Vyrn is helping me? How?
Vyrn: Huh? What's Honey saying about me?
Sarunan: Sorry, I don't feel like reciting it word for word.
Vyrn: But only you and Lyria can hear her...
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Huh? You want to know why I'm in such a bad mood? How can you ask me that with a straight face?
Sarunan: You already know what's wrong! We've hardly had any you-and-me time lately!
Behind Sarunan is a spirit named Kazann who goes by the nickname Honey. Her voice is audible to only a few people.
Her natural life span as a spirit has ended, but Sarunan is prolonging her life with a magic spell.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Wha? How could you say that?
Vyrn: Huh? Lyria, what'd she say? We can't hear her.
Lyria: Um... She said something about his bad attitude preventing him from ever picking up social skills.
Sarunan: But when it's just the two of us, I don't need to bother explaining things to anyone!
Sarunan: Our hearts are connected, so actually verbalizing things seems unromantic somehow.
Sarunan: All we have to do is gaze into each other's eyes to share our thoughts. Hee-hee.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: What, Honey? What do you mean our communication needs serious work?
Vyrn: Good grief. That monologue could stand to be a little more internal.
Sarunan and Honey are on a journey to Estalucia, the Island of the Astrals.
They hope to find a spell there that will enable them to restore Honey's physical form before her life force runs out again.
Some time has passed since Sarunan joined up with (Captain) and the crew.
Though he initially appeared to be just a strange young man, his demeanor has recently changed.
Sarunan is a crew member

Some time had passed since Sarunan joined the crew.
Initially, he appeared to be just a strange young man, but now that had changed completely.
Sarunan: ...
Vyrn: Hey, you okay, Sarunan? What's going on with you lately?
Sarunan: I’m exhausted. Heh-heh. Thanks to Honey, every night is a sleepless one for me.
Lyria: Really? Are you staying up all night just to talk to her?
Sarunan: Not exactly. I'll let you fill in the blanks yourself.
Honey: ...
Lyria: Ah! Honey! Hee-hee. So you two have been pretty friendly with each other lately!
Honey: ...
Lyria: Huh? You want to take this opportunity to tell us the truth? What do you mean?
Sarunan: Let's not, Honey. Why would we tell them the secret behind our intimacy?
Honey: ...
Lyria: I see. So to maintain the strength of the seal, you use Sarunan's?
Sarunan: ...!
Whoa there! Let's not get carried away!
Honey: ...
Lyria: What? Sarunan's life force? Why do you need his life force?
Sarunan: Honey! Stop!
Honey: ...!
Lyria: No way! Your life force is running out? You won't live much longer?
Sarunan: Ugh...
Vyrn: Seriously? You better tell us more!
Sarunan: Sigh... All right, I give up. This was supposed to be a secret between me and Honey though.
Sarunan: The spell I used on Honey sealed her into my staff and extended her life.
Sarunan: But to do that, I had to sacrifice some of my own life force, which now flows into her through the staff.
Lyria: That's terrible...
Vyrn: You know, I get that you're sharing your life force with her...
Vyrn: But you guys haven't known each other all that long, right? Does she really use up your life force that quickly?
Sarunan: Well, a mortal's life isn't worth the same as a spirit's life, you see.
Sarunan: A skydweller's life is fragile. We can't live without these vessels we call bodies.
Sarunan: In contrast, spirits live independent of a physical form, and our life spans are nothing compared to theirs.
Sarunan: So using a mortal life to maintain hers is barely a drop in the bucket, so to speak.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: At this rate, I'll only live another year at best—or possibly only six months.
Lyria: Wha? B-but what about your goals?
Sarunan not in crew

Sarunan: My life will probably end before we reach Estalucia.
  1. So what are you going to do?
  2. You can have some of my life force.

Sarunan is a crew member

Sarunan: My life will probably end before we reach Estalucia.
  1. What are you planning?
  2. I’ll give my life for yours

Choose: So what are you going to do?
Choose: What are you planning?
Sarunan: What if nothing can be done?
Vyrn: Hey! Wait! Aren't you going to get a body for Honey on the Island of the Astrals?
Sarunan: I wish I could, but I'll just have to pass Honey and my staff on to someone else.
Sarunan: Not that it'll be easy. I doubt anyone else would devote as much to Honey as I have.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Oh, so you don't want that either, Honey?
Sarunan: You mean you just want to die with me, right? I'm glad you finally admitted it.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: What! What do you mean you have a problem with that too? Ugh...
Sarunan staggers as if he's sustained a blow, but he manages to stop himself from collapsing.
Vyrn: Hey, you're looking pretty shaky. Are you really okay?
Sarunan: Ugh... Maybe it's the lack of sleep, but I get a little dizzy whenever I shout.
Sarunan: Ah... Perhaps I said too much.

Choose: You can have some of my life force.
Choose: I’ll give my life for yours
Vyrn: Whoa! Don't be so quick to offer that up, (Captain)!
Lyria: Exactly! What will happen to me and Vyrn?
Honey: ...!
Sarunan: While I appreciate your offer, (Captain), there's also another reason why I can't accept.
Vyrn: Why's that?
Sarunan: You see, Honey has been sustained thus far using my life force, and become acclimated to it.
Sarunan: (Captain)'s powers are so different from mine, I fear the combination might jeopardize Honey's reincarnation.
Sarunan: Ideally, my successor should be someone with as similar an aura to mine as possible.
Sarunan: Oh! Ugh...
Lyria: Hey! You all right? You look like you're in pain.
Sarunan: Ah... Perhaps I said too much.
Continue 1
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Ugh... Maybe it's because I gave up too much of my life force, but I've been dealing with insomnia and other health problems.
Sarunan: I'm going back to my room. Even if I can't sleep, I can at least lie down. Let's go, Honey.
(Captain) and company quietly watch Sarunan stagger off to his room.
Sarunan: (Well, what should I do?)
Sarunan: (Honey and I will both perish at this rate.)
Sarunan: (Damn it! That would be too awful! I have to do something about this.)
Honey: ...
Sarunan: (Should I look for a successor? I really need to think about that.)
Sarunan: (Ideally, they would be an Erune capable of using magic. But more importantly...)
Sarunan: (It would have to be someone with a long life ahead of them. A child perhaps.)
Sarunan: (Maybe I should kidnap a child. My magic would make it easy enough to brainwash one. Children are young and impressionable after all.)
Sarunan: (That settles it then. There's really nothing else I can do.)
Honey: ...
Sarunan: ...!
What's the matter, Honey? I can't bear it when you're so sad.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: What? Yes, I was trying to think of a way to save you.
Sarunan: Huh? I was scowling? Oh, it might be because I'm not feeling well.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: ...
Sarunan: I think I'll lie down. I'm not exactly tired, but I should probably be in bed.
Sarunan: (Kidnapping kids and brainwashing them? What's wrong with me?)
As the end of Sarunan's life draws near, the thought of it eats away at him.
Hoping to keep his feelings from Honey, he hides under his blanket.
Thus begins another of his long, sleepless nights.

Lost and Found

(Captain) and company visit an island―where spirits and people live together―in hopes of finding a way to replenish Kazann's life force. When they find no answer, Sarunan tries to sacrifice an Erune child to her, but she convinces him not to. The child's mother thinks Kazann is an evil, life-stealing demon, so she calls some guards.

Sarunan's time is fast running out. He becomes more haggard day by day, and his personality grows more and more twisted.
Unable to ignore his suffering, the crew decides to travel to an island where people and spirits coexist. There they hope to find a way to extend his life.
Town Child: Great Spirit! Will you play with me again today?
Earth Spirit: Sure, I don't mind. But be careful not to get hurt.
Woman: Oh! There you are! May I ask you for some charcoal, Great Spirit?
Fire Spirit: Of course. Hand me your brazier.
Vyrn: Whoa. There really are spirits all over town. You don't see this every day.
Sarunan: So it's normal for people to live with spirits on this island. I've heard about this, but it's still hard to believe.
Sarunan: Ugh... The sun is so bright today. It's hard to even walk.
Lyria: Are you okay, Sarunan? I'm sure we'll be able to find you a cure on this island.
Vyrn: Yeah! I mean, there are apparently several spirit-related spells passed down here, right?
Sarunan: Yeah... That is, I certainly hope so.
Sarunan: The spell to reincarnate Honey can most likely only be found on the Island of the Astrals...
Sarunan: But we might find a way to restore the life force I've given her.
Sarunan: And luckily there seem to be a lot of Erunes here. I'm sure we'll be able to find something at least.
Honey: ...
Vyrn: Huh? What's the number of Erunes got to do with the spell for your cure?
Sarunan: ...!
Sarunan: W-well, since the Erunes respect their traditions, I thought we might find some ancient spells that even I don't know about.
Vyrn: Sounds good! Let's start looking for info!
The crew starts asking around for clues about spirit spells that are known only to the people on the island.
But there's a reason the spells have never left the island. The moment the crew mentions them, the islanders frown.
The more cooperative islanders simply apologize that they can't reveal the island's secrets to outsiders.
Vyrn: Grr... Now what are we supposed to do?
Lyria: Ugh... And Sarunan still doesn't seem to be doing so well. I'm worried.
Vyrn: Yeah, he was saying something about the sun messing with him earlier. Hope he's okay... Hey, Sarunan! Huh?
Lyria: Sarunan? Where could he have gone?
Town Child: Hey, mister! What did you want to ask?
Sarunan: Do you like beautiful spirits?
Town Child: Yeah! The water spirit is really pretty! But you can't see her that often.
Sarunan: Good, good. Well, I know of an even prettier spirit. Would you like to meet her?
Town Child: Yeah!
Sarunan: Excellent. I'm sure you'll love her. So much so that you'll want to stay with her.
Sarunan: Come here, child.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: What's wrong, Honey? Stop what I'm doing? Why?
Town Child: Wow! She really is beautiful!
Sarunan: I call her Honey. Do you like her?
Town Child: Yeah! She's the prettiest spirit I've ever met!
Sarunan: I'm glad. You'll love her even more soon. So much more.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: This is too terrible? You'd rather wait for your life to end? But—
Honey: ...!
Sarunan: ...!
Sarunan: Oh my... What was I thinking? I'm so sorry, Honey.
Sarunan: In my foolish haste, I almost did something unthinkable. I really need more sleep. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing.
Sarunan: But that's hardly an excuse, is it?
Lady: Oh, there you are! Don't wander off like that!
Town Child: Oh! Mommy!
Sarunan: ...
Lady: I'm sorry, sir. I hope my child wasn't bothering you.
Sarunan: Of course not. We were just talking.
Sarunan: She's a sweet child. I'd like to have one myself some—
Woman: ...!
What's that behind you?
Sarunan: She's the woman I love. The spirit Kazann. Isn't she beautiful?
Woman: Why is that spirit taking your life? Don't tell me it's an evil spirit revived with a spell!
Sarunan: ...
Sarunan: Evil spirit?
Woman: Guards! It's an evil spirit! An evil spirit has invaded our town!
Sarunan: What's wrong with all of you? Wearing that ridiculous armor.
Sarunan: Do you mean to harm my Honey? So be it. It'll be amusing to watch you try.
Lyria: Hey! There he is! Sarunan!
Vyrn: Sheesh! What's he gotten himself into!
Vyrn: What in the sky is he thinking? Let's get in there and break it up!

Lost and Found: Scene 2

When the guards call Kazann an evil spirit, an enraged Sarunan tries to use magic to silence them. Kazann refuses to lend him her power, so he blows up at her as well and takes it by force.

Guard: Argh!
Vyrn: Hey! Don't start busting out magic in the middle of town! Cool it, Sarunan!
Sarunan: ...
Woman: Oh no... The guards... That evil spirit...
Woman: S-someone help...
Guard: You! Not only have you brought an evil spirit, but you've damaged the town! You won't get away with this!
Guard: Destroy that spirit! Men, prepare to cast the banishing spell!
Sarunan: You still dare to call Kazann evil even after seeing how beautiful she is?
Vyrn: Hey, Sarunan! Cut it out! You're just making things worse!
Guard: You guys are with him, huh? Capture them all!
Vyrn: Whoa! I mean, he's part of our crew and all, but...
Vyrn: Uh-oh. It doesn't look like they're in the mood to talk!
Sarunan: We just need to shut them up. That's easy.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Honey? What's wrong? Lend me your power.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: You've had enough? What do you mean?
Sarunan: Obey me!
Honey: ...!
Sarunan: Damn it. I don't want to do this either!
Sarunan: But at this rate, you'll be destroyed! And I won't let that happen!

Lost and Found: Scene 3

An earth spirit on the island tells Sarunan that there's no way to restore his life. The spirit tries to convince him to let them lay Kazann to rest, but Sarunan refuses, so the spirits attack him.

Guard: Ugh...
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Is it over?
Sarunan breathes heavily as he looks at the guards on the ground all around him.
There's a moment of silence, and then another presence surrounds him.
Earth Spirit: Young soul bound to a spirit. What do you desire? For what reason do you fight?
Sarunan: I seek... a certain spell.
Sarunan: I can't sacrifice the lives of children. That's why I need a spell to restore my own life. That would be enough!
Earth Spirit: Perhaps, but there is unfortunately no spell on this island that can restore lost life.
Earth Spirit: To create a vessel for a spirit to possess and prolong its life... There's a reason such spells are forbidden.
Sarunan: But I'm running out of time. There has to be a way.
Earth Spirit: I have one suggestion.
Earth Spirit: Leave her with us so we can lay her to rest on this island.
Sarunan: Wha? You call that a suggestion?
Earth Spirit: Her given time has long since passed. You've forced her to live longer and sown seeds of conflict. Does she really wish for that?
Honey: ...
Earth Spirit: If you continue to fight, both of you will soon perish. We don't want you to die on this island too.
Earth Spirit: We can send her off without causing her further suffering. Young soul, what say you?
Sarunan: I say nay!
Sarunan: And didn't I tell you I'm running out of time?
Sarunan: I don't have a moment to spare for this useless talk!
Earth Spirit: Then our negotiations have failed. As such, we must resort to more forceful measures.
Spirits: ...
Sarunan: Tch! You're all but nameless spirits! You dare challenge the spirit Kazann?
Sarunan: This should be hilarious. Take your best shot, feeble ghosts!

Lost and Found: Scene 4

The guards try to use a spell to destroy Kazann, but Sarunan risks his life to stop it. When the Erunes see how much he cares for her, they offer a bit of their own lives to him. He regrets his behavior and looks forward to one day returning to their town with Kazann after she has been reincarnated.

Sarunan: Pant... Wheeze...
Sarunan: Damn it! I've got little time left as it is without spirits trying to shorten it!
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Don't worry, Honey. I'll get us off this island shortly.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Honey?
Honey: ...
Sarunan: What's wrong? Why won't you say anything? Why do you look so sad?
Sarunan doesn't understand at first why Honey is acting so dejected.
He mulls it over for a while, and then it occurs to him.
Sarunan: ...!
Sarunan: (What have I done?)
Sarunan: (I deprived her of her free will and forced her to do my bidding...)
Honey: ...
Sarunan: I'm sorry.
Sarunan: I'm so sorry.
The guardian spirits of the town have used up all of their energy, and nothing around Sarunan moves.
Sarunan stares blankly at Honey, tormented by regrets that can never be made right.
Honey: ...
Honey: ...!
Sarunan: Honey! What is this?
Guard: It's one of the spells you were so eager to learn.
Guard: No matter how strong the spirit, once it's swallowed by this circle, there's no coming back!
Begone, evil spirit!
Guard: If you had just cooperated, she wouldn't have had to suffer on her way out.
Sarunan: Honey!
Honey: ...
Sarunan: You're giving up? No! You can break it!
Honey: ...
Sarunan: What do you mean it's better this way? No. I won't let them take you!
Sarunan: Aahh!
Guard: What? You fool! No mortal can pass through that circle! Get out!
Sarunan: I won't let you die! If you don't have enough power...
Sarunan: Then use what little remains of my life to break the spell!
Honey: ...
Sarunan: No, I won't. I'm not leaving, Honey.
Guard: Damn it! Hey! Break the circle! Now!
Honey: ...
Sarunan: ...
Guard: Reckless idiot.
Earth Spirit: Gather all of the Erunes on the island.
Guard: Okay, fine.
Responding to the guards' summons, the Erunes begin to gather around Sarunan.
They chant an incantation and touch his staff one after another, apparently performing some sort of ritual.
Sarunan: You guys... What are you doing to Honey?
Guard: We're not causing her any harm. Just keep lying there.
Guard: This is another one of our spells. We've given you a bit of our own life force. It will linger in your staff for a while.
Guard: This should give you a year or two during which you won't have to use up your own life. It doesn't really solve your problem though.
Sarunan: You can store life force in a staff? I never knew this was possible.
Honey: ...
Earth Spirit: There's a reason the spell you used is forbidden. The only way to keep the caster alive is to share the life force of others with them.
Earth Spirit: There was a similar incident on the island long ago. An entire family was destroyed.
Guard: Ever since then, we have deemed spirits whose lives are extended through that spell to be evil and have avoided them.
Sarunan: Then why are you helping me?
Guard: Well, I can understand why you wouldn't want to lose a beloved spirit.
Guard: And we don't want you dying here either. Seriously.
Sarunan: I'm so sorry. I've done such terrible things to you.
Guard: What's done is done. I'm just glad there were no fatalities. But don't ever tell anyone what happened here.
Guard: We don't have nearly enough life force to deal with any more people like you.
Sarunan: I promise never to harm you again. I'm in your debt.
Guard: And do try to stay out of lethal magic circles from now on. Don't waste the gift we've given you.
Sarunan: Of course.
Sarunan spends the rest of the day going around town and apologizing for what he has done.
Some scold him for his actions, but most are sympathetic and kind, perhaps because they understand the tragedy of the curse.
Sarunan: ...
Honey: ...
Vyrn: Hey, are you okay? You look even worse than before.
Sarunan: I just deeply regret what I've done.
Sarunan: I'll return to that town one day to repay them, with Honey by my side.
Honey: ...
Lyria: I see. Then we have to make it to Estalucia no matter what.
Sarunan: That's right. The people asked me about my situation, so I told them how I was exiled from my hometown after using the forbidden spell...
Honey: ...
Lyria: What? They said you could live with them after Honey gets a body?
Sarunan: Yes. If I find a way to deal with the adverse effects of the spell I cast, they would like to know as well.
Vyrn: I see! That definitely sounds like a reason to come back!
Sarunan: ...
Lyria: Sarunan, is something wrong? You're starting to look really pale.
Sarunan: Ugh... Perhaps it's because I've suddenly stopped sharing my life energy...
Sarunan: But I feel extremely sluggish.
Sarunan: I'm going to return to my room. I think I might finally be able to sleep.
As soon as he gets to his room, Sarunan collapses into his bed, not even bothering with a blanket, and closes his eyes.
Sarunan: Zzz...
Honey: ...
Thus Sarunan is freed from having his life siphoned away—at least for a while.
Honey watches over him as he at last manages to sleep, his face peaceful.

Bet on the Stars

Sarunan passes out after an unsuccessful attempt at a date with Honey. He opens his eyes to darkness, and is confronted by a figure who looks exactly like him. The vision questions his motives for seeking a body for Honey. When he wakes once more in the real world, he finds Lyria, Vyrn, and a worried Honey at his bedside. Seeing how concerned Honey has been for him, he is more resolved than ever to keep them together.

Sarunan: Pant... Pant... What is this place?
Sarunan: Ugh! This is... no time... for this. Honey needs my help...
Sarunan: Wha! What was that?
As Sarunan wanders through the darkness, a small light appears before him.
Sarunan chases after the light like a man possessed.
Sarunan: Gasp! But this is...
Sarunan: Honey! What do you think of this? I bought it from that stall over there.
Sarunan: Haha, don't worry, Honey... Of course I bought some for you as well.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Ahahaha! I know, Honey, I know! I know you can't eat normal food...
Sarunan: But I'd still like to share this dessert with you.
Sarunan: I... I want to make the most of the time we have together.
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Agh! I can't stand it any more!
Honey: ?
Sarunan: Honey! Take this cake, as sweet as our love, and bring it to my lips!
Honey: ...
The cake rises into the air, then flies straight at his eyes.
Sarunan: Agh, that's hot! Honey! What are you—
Sarunan: Are you listening to me? Excuse me, Honey? Honey? Honey!
Sarunan: I'm sorry, Honey... I promise, when we get to the Island of the Astrals, we shall have a normal date...
???: Well, well. Daydreaming again, are we?
Sarunan: Huh? You're...
Sarunan: Humph. Even if we get to Estalucia, do you really think the Astrals will use their power to give Honey a body?
Sarunan: Sigh. Surely you don't believe such a pat solution really exists.
Sarunan: ...
Sarunan: And even assuming such a technique exists...
Sarunan: What will they ask of us in return for such a favor?
Sarunan: Ngh...
Sarunan: Let's be honest—we're barely succeeding in keeping her in this realm in the first place...
Sarunan: ...
Sarunan falls silent as this vision of himself continues his harangue.
Sarunan: Yes, that is the biggest problem.
Sarunan: ...
Sarunan: Tell the truth. Do you really want Honey to have a mortal body?
Sarunan: Of course I do! And I'm sure Honey... feels the same...
Sarunan: Damn it! We can't go on like this! I have to find a way to help Honey...
Sarunan: Cough! Hack... Wheeze...
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Urgh...
Honey: ...!
Sarunan: What are you saying? We can't back out of this now!
Sarunan: Ugh! I mean... I'm doing this for you, Honey!
Honey: ...
Sarunan: Pant... Pant... Could you please give me some space? I don't want to see your face right now...
Honey: ...
Sarunan: What... What am I saying? Did I just say that to my Honey?
Sarunan: How could I...
Overcome by the gravity of his own actions, Sarunan's consciousness slips into the enveloping darkness.
Sarunan: Ugh... Honey, I...
Vyrn: Hey! Sarunan's waking up!
Honey: !
Sarunan: Pant... Pant... Honey? What... happened?
Lyria: Ah, erm... I think you just overworked yourself, and collapsed.
Sarunan: I did? Oh...
Vyrn: Heheh. Honey was really worried about you. She didn't leave your side once!
Lyria: Yes! Honey was beside herself with worry.
Sarunan: She was? Oh, my Honey...
Lyria: Ah! Honey looked away...
Sarunan: Ha ha... Ah, typical Honey...
Gazing at his beloved, Sarunan renews his vow.
Sarunan: (I'll keep you by my side no matter what, Honey! Nothing will tear us apart!)
After being accosted in his weakened state by a seeming manifestation of all his self-doubt, Sarunan emerges, shaken but resolute.
One day, he is sure, he and Honey will be able to enjoy a normal date.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
眠れないと調子が悪いですね… Lack of sleep is never a good thing.
眠りに効く薬草でもあればいいんですが If only there existed sleep-curing herbs.
寿命を延ばす手を…もう時間が無い… I must uncover the secret to life extension soon...
ハニー君さえいれば… Honey, as long as you're with me...
…ハニー、悲しい目をしないでください… Oh, my Honey... Your sad eyes pain me so...
ハニー、愛の力の奇跡を信じましょう Honey, let us trust in the miracle of love.
うぅ…日差しが強いな… Ugh... The sun is so strong today.
早く星の島へ…急がなければ… I must find a way back to to the Island of the Astrals...
(主人公)に杖を…いや、それはダメだ… (Captain), my staff...No, it's nothing...
(主人公)に迷いを悟られてはならない… (Captain) must not discover my doubts...

Other Appearances


Click to reveal card data

Fanfare: Necromancy (6) - Remove all effects from an enemy follower except changes to its attack or defense.

I don't look so good? Well, I haven't been able to sleep in ages. You see, there's a legendary spell in Estalucia... And I've been killing myself searching for a route there...


Before I exhaust my life force, I'll give Honey a body of her own, so she can walk this mortal world. I hope I can make it in time...

Class Shadowcraft
Card Pack Brigade of the Sky
SV Portal Sarunan, Cursebound Lover
Language Play Attack Evolve Death Enhance Other


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Site, Sarunan - Theater - Granblue Fantasy
  2. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 03.
  3. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 最終上限解放!「サルナーン」
  4. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 10.