Satyr (Earth)/Lore

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Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain), happy birthday!
The ship's been crazy, huh? Everyone's going all out with the celebrating.
It really shows how much the crew cares about you. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside to see it.
Haha, isn't it weird? It's your birthday, but I'm the one getting emotional.
I just want to say thank you.
For being my friend and inviting me into the crew.
It really doesn't get better than this!


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
Everyone in the crew worked really hard to prepare something for you!
We all got together and tried to think of things you'd like, or what would make you happy...
Hehe. I'm really glad I can celebrate with you this year too!
I hope we can get everyone together and do it again next year.
My best wishes to you on your special day, (Captain)!
Let's promise to celebrate together again next year, okay? Pinky swear!


Happy birthday, (Captain)! Clap clap clap!
I really love your birthday, because everyone always looks so happy on this day!
I almost wish it was your birthday every day!
Oh, but then I guess you'd age really fast...
And I suppose the day feels this special because it only comes around once a year.
That must be it! Ooh, I think I just realized something very important! Hehe, thanks, (Captain)!


It's your special day, (Captain)! Happy birthday!
I still think your birthdays are the best. The mood makes everyone so happy!
I get so excited without even realizing it—
Oh, I just thought of something!
I think I was inspired with a song! The happiness I feel turned into words with their own melody!
I mean, it's still forming in my mind, but I bet I could make a great song with Baally's help!
I'll sing it for you the very moment it's done, so just wait till then!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Wow... Just look at that sun rising up in the sky.
It's beautiful. Stunning even.
This is the first New Year's sunrise I've seen from the deck of an airship.
Kind of makes me emotional, though I'm not sure why.
Hehe, I wonder if it's because I'm experiencing it with you?
I can't wait to see lots more by your side this year!


Wow, look at all these people! I didn't think it'd be this crowded at the shrine on New Year's.
Huh? It looks like everyone's lining up over there. I wonder what's going on...
Fortunes? Oh! You mean the ones that tell you how your luck is for this year?
Let's go get our fortunes too, (Captain)!
What did you get?
Ooh, I got regular good luck too! Yay!
If it's regular now, that means it'll only keep getting better and better from here on!
I think that's wonderful! This is so exciting!
Let's make this a fantastic year, (Captain)!


Ta-da! I made some New Year's dishes, (Captain)! Feel free to try some!
New Year's dishes are so fun! Each dish has a different meaning, you know!
Hmm, I wonder which one would be good for you... Health? Long life? Prosperity?
Aah, I can't decide! What should I do?
Actually, you can have everything! After all, I want you to be the happiest you can be!
That might sound a little excessive, but that's how I feel!


Hyah! Hah!
Oh, (Captain). Happy New Year!
I was just practicing for New Year's games. You know, hanetsuki, top-spinning, and stuff.
Hey, did you know? Meddy, Baally, and Nez are all really good.
So if I get better, we can have super intense matches together—it'll be so fun!
Ehehe, but, like, don't tell them I've been practicing, 'kay?

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hehe, I hope you're ready for... the Valentine's chocolate I got you!
It took me a while to choose the perfect one for you, but I think I got it right in the end.
Hmm... You know...
Us Primal Pals exchange gifts all the time, but I think you're the first person I've ever given a gift to outside of them.
I'm not sure what to expect, so I'm kind of nervous.
Let me know what you think of them! Pinky promise, okay?


Happy Valentine's, (Captain)!
Here you go! Some Valentine's chocolate for you!
Hm? Why am I giving you two boxes, you ask?
You see, I couldn't decide which one to get you...
And that's when I realized I don't actually know what kind of flavors you like.
So I hope you can eat both and tell me which one you like better after!
Then next year, I'll prepare something that you'll like for sure!


Here you go, (Captain)! Chocolate for this year!
It should be perfectly suited to your tastes!
Knowing the preferences of someone you like is a nice feeling, isn't it? A really special connection!
I want to know everything about you, (Captain), so be sure to tell me what you like, okay? Not just the taste!
Like the shape or color—stuff like that!
Because anything that makes you happy will make me happy too!


Here, these chocolates are for you, (Captain)!
I worked really hard on the shapes this time, not just the taste!
Since we're the primal pals, I made them into all sorts of primal shapes. Aren't they cute?
I did mess up a whole bunch of times, but the thought of how happy you'll be was what kept me going!
Eeep! Did I say that out loud? How embarrassing...
Well, next year I'll try even harder, so look forward to it!

Mixed Chocolate Cake
2nd year: Twin Chocolate
3rd year: Twin Chocolate
4th year: Twin Chocolate
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain)? Is that... for me?
Oh... Oh my gosh, it's White Day, isn't it?
Woowee, you have no idea how happy this makes me!
You really, really sure about this?
Aww, you are just the sweetest thing! I might not even eat these. Feels almost like a shame to watch them go!
Haha! Thank you!
Actually, I also prepared a little something for you too.
Here you go!
Now it's a present exchange! Isn't that even more fun?


A White Day present? For me?
Wow! Thank you so much!
Huh? There're two boxes...
Gasp! Is it because I gave you two on Valentine's?
Huh? You're saying you didn't know which I'd like, so you got both?
Hehe, I guess we're the same then!
I've got an idea! How about some tea time after this?
We can have a long chat and learn more about what we each like.
Let's see... Do you prefer tea or coffee, (Captain)? Or maybe juice?
Hehe. Once we know more about each other, we'll be even closer. That makes me so happy!


Wait, this is a gift for White Day, right?
Eee, thank you so much, (Captain)! I love you!
These sweets are perfect! I'm glad we talked about what we like over some nice teatime last year!
Oh yeah, that reminds me! I hear the shop we went to last year has some new creations!
And it looks like they're in the flavors you like too! That's when I knew I had to invite you sometime!
I was a little sad that we couldn't talk more before, since there's so much I still want to learn about you...
So let's talk more today and become even better friends!


Aww, a White Day present!
Yaaay, thanks so much!
I'm always so glad to get these, no matter how many times! It's pure happiness!
Cause I get to have all these great memories of us having tea and getting to know each other...
I get so many wonderful things from you, (Captain)!
Even the time we spend together like this is a present to me—a really special one.
And if you feel even a little bit the same way, I'd be the happiest!

Chocolate Biscuits
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hey, can I ask you something?
I've been stuck on what kind of costume to suggest to Meddy for Halloween.
What do you think works better for her: a black cat or a white cat?
Baally says black is better since it's Halloween, but Nez says white fits her more.
I haven't been able to decide.
Oh, you're right. I should ask Meddy what she wants too!
If she's not sure either, I can always just have her wear both!
Hehe, do you want to go ask her with me?


(Captain)! There you are!
You were saying earlier how you haven't decided what to dress up as for Halloween yet, right?
Then I've got the perfect thing for you! Here, put this on!
Baal came up with this idea, you know. Isn't it so cool?
All of us decided to dress up in the same way this year as primal pals.
So I was thinking, maybe you could dress up with us too... How about it?
Yaaay! Oh, thank you, (Captain)!
Okay, then put this on, and hold this! It's a basket for treats from Nezha!
Oh, and this too! Meddy chose this tail specially for you, so make sure you put it on!
Now we're all matchy-matchy! Hehe, this makes me so happy!


Oh, (Captain)! I'm making costumes right now!
Nezha came up with the design for this year! He said he was inspired by Baal's design from last year.
Look, Nezha drew this! Isn't it so good?
Next year, I want to try making a design myself as well!
I'm thinking maybe I can use my experience of being in a band to create something! What do you think?
I hope I'll be able to help everyone have a good time next Halloween too!


Hey, (Captain)! Well? What do you think of my costume?
Meddy and I are dressing as a witch and a black cat.
I worked a lot on the designs. It was pretty tough to do, but I had so much fun!
Oh, Baally and Nez helped out too. And then Meddy said I did really well!
When I think about later when we'll be in our costumes... Oooh, just thinking about it gets me excited!
It's the best wearing outfits that go together! It'll be such a fantastic memory!
Actually, I made a costume for you too. Hehe, surprised?
You've just gotta wear it—I wanna share this great memory with you!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Do you have a favorite holy night dish, (Captain)?
Chicken, roast beef, turkey, pie, gingerbread cookies, fruit cake...
I don't think I can choose a favorite. They're all so tasty.
Did you know us Primal Pals throw a holy night party on the years we manage to make it happen?
I'm thinking this year is going to be the wildest party we've ever had now that you and the crew are joining in!
Haha, I can't wait! We're going to have a blast!


Happy holidays, (Captain)!
All of us are decorating the tree to celebrate the winter season!
Oh, you noticed? That's right—all the decorations are made out of folded paper!
We wanted to do something even more festive than last year, so we decided to make the decorations together.
Come join us! You can have... this gold paper! It's perfect for a star like you.
I bet tonight's party is going to be amazing! I can't wait for evening to arrive!


Ho ho ho! Here's a present from Santa Claus to someone who's been very good this year!
Just kidding! What do you think? Do I sound like Santa?
You've met Santa Claus before, haven't you, (Captain)?
I was actually thinking of secretly handing out presents to all the primal pals while they're sleeping!
That's what Santa does, right? So I decided to dress up and look the part too!
I hope they'll be happy! Hehe. I'm excited to see how they'll react!


Wow! What beautiful singing!
Listen, (Captain). Hear the song coming from the church? Isn't it just wonderful?
I think they call them hymns, right? Oh, if only I could sing like that.
Maybe if I practiced really hard... Yes, I bet I could!
Then the primal pals would be so surprised when I sing in front of them!
Awww, that'd be a blast. If you want, you should practice with me!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Making the Band

Satyr was touched by the way a recent music festival in Auguste brought mortals and primal beasts together despite their differences. She fantasizes about singing in her own band comprised of the Primal Pals. Lyria happens by and suggests they sing together, and after Satyr gets a new outfit, they begin to practice.

Several days have passed since the crew appeared in a music festival in Auguste.
Satyr replays the performances of that day in her head, happily humming the tunes to herself.
Satyr: ...
Satyr: Baally looked pretty slick up there on stage, and Lyria's smile just melts you heart.
Satyr: The bands were vibing. The crowd was vibing. It was like everyone was in harmony with each other! I'm so jealous!
Satyr: Maybe—just maybe—I can get a taste of that togetherness too if I form my own band.
Being at the music festival seems to have made a deep impression on Satyr. She remembers fantasizing about what a band comprised of the Primal Pals might look like.
Satyr: Baally plays the guitar, and Nez thrashes the drums while Meddy sings.
Satyr: Ehehe... Just imagining it again gets my creative juices flowing.
Satyr: It's too bad everyone's busy though. I'd love to try it for realsies, but I don't wanna be pushy...
Satyr: Good thing I can be as pushy as I want in my own imagination!
Satyr: Okay, so imaginary Baally stands here... Then I put imaginary Meddy here... And imaginary Nez goes here!
Satyr: Lastly, I get center stage. Yep, this setup looks good to me.
After instructing her invisible bandmates where to stand, the primal beast straps on her air guitar and shreds like no tomorrow.
Satyr: Yahoo! Rock your body! Primal-★-Slap's back, all right!
Lyria: Looking good, Satyr!
Satyr: Ack! Lyria! How long have you been standing there for!
Lyria: It looked like you were pretending to play the guitar, so I came over to watch.
Satyr: Oh, geez, you saw all that? Blegh, I'm so embarrassed!
Lyria: Are you interested in music?
Satyr: Ehehe... You could say that.
Satyr: Remember the music festival we went to in Auguste?
Satyr: Watching Baally and the others perform was inspirational.
Satyr: But the best part was seeing everyone move and sway as one!
Satyr: Mortals and primal beasts setting aside their differences moved me to tears!
Lyria: Uh-huh! That's how I felt too!
Lyria: It's so heartpounding singing in front of so many people up on stage!
Satyr: I can imagine! Talk about an unforgettable experience!
Satyr: That's what got me thinking about forming my own band.
Lyria: Oh, so that's why you were pretending to play a guitar.
Satyr: Right on!
Satyr: On the other hand, do you think it's weird for a primal beast to have an interest in music? Ignoring Baally of course.
Lyria: No, I don't think so.
Lyria: Fun is fun, right? Sometimes I start singing to myself out of the blue. It's not weird at all!
Satyr: Yeah, I guess you're right... No, I know you're right!
Satyr: Heehee, thanks, Lyria!
Satyr: Hey, so I'm just throwing this out there, but...
Satyr: Do you want to perform with me?
Lyria: I don't mind at all, but what about the rest of the Primal Pals?
Satyr: I mean, I thought about inviting the others, but Baally's probably tuckered out from playing at the festival.
Satyr: The Primal Pals are an inseparable quartet! We'll simply have to wait for our next chance.
Satyr: For now though, let's rehearse so I'll be ready for the real thing with the Primal Pals! I'm sure you can teach me loads of stuff!
Lyria: I don't know how helpful I can be, but I'd be happy to!
Satyr: Yay! Score one for me!
Satyr: I've always dreamed of doing a duet with Meddy, and I think I'm getting one step closer!
Satyr: You're such a pro at singing, Lyria. I can't wait to get trained by a master!
Lyria: A pro? Me? Ehehe... Oh no, I'm blushing...
Lyria: Okay! I'll teach you everything I know!
Lyria: If I can do it, you can too! Do you mind waiting while I go get changed?
Satyr: Oh, into the same clothes you wore during the festival?
Lyria: Yes! I don't know how many chances I'll get to wear it.
Satyr: Ooh, that'll make things feel official! Now we're really cooking!
Satyr: Your outfit's way too cute! It'll double—no, triple—the fun factor.
Lyria: Then why don't you get some new clothes too, Satyr?
Satyr: Um... You think I should?
Lyria: Take it from me: you'll feel even more hyped up when you get dressed up!
Satyr: Okay, you've sold me! Let's both feel the rush of being on stage!
Satyr: Help me pick something out, Lyria!
Lyria: Okay!
The two singers discuss various outfit ensembles and enlist the help of another crew member to bring their vision to life.
Satyr: What's up, cool cats! Do I rock the look or what?
Lyria: You sure do! You look so cool and sophisticated!
Satyr: Oh, stop! My ego can't take it!
Satyr: I especially like how we complement each other, like coffee and cream!
Lyria: I'm so glad we decided to do this!
Satyr: Thanks for the idea, Lyria! Love ya!
Satyr wraps Lyria in a big hug and presses her cheek against the other girl's cheek.
Lyria: Eep! Satyr?
Satyr: Nothing wrong with a thank-you snuggle!
The pair share a hearty laugh and then start their practice session.

Lessons We Can Learn

Medusa, Baal, and Nezha walk in on Satyr and Lyria's singing practice. Medusa and Nezha express interest in music, and so their new band, Primal-★-Slap, is officially formed. After Baal suggests a joint performance between Primal-★-Slap and the Doss, the two bands get right to rehearsing.

Satyr and Lyria, both donning their superstar outfits, enjoy their singing practice.
Satyr: Aw yeah! We were in a groove back there!
Lyria: Mm-hm! That was perfect!
Satyr: Music is pretty great! Now I can see why Baally's so serious about it.
Baal: What's this about me?
Satyr: Gack! B-Baally? What are you doing here!
Medusa: It looked like you two were up to something, so we had to check it out for ourselves.
Nezha: Upon closer inspection, it seems you two were merely singing.
Satyr: Meddy's here too? And Nez?
Medusa: Judging from those new threads and the way you're acting, are you still fantasizing about that band you created a while back?
Satyr: Ehehe... You got me!
Baal: I don't know what Medusa is referring to, but I'm curious about your sudden interest in music.
Satyr: Okay, so hear me out! When mortals and primal beasts listen to music, you can tell they're enjoying it!
Satyr: So when listening to music together, it's like the walls between us get knocked down, and there's an unspoken emotional connection.
Satyr: I just thought that was the bee's knees!
Nezha: One cannot understand a book if they cannot read, but music is universal.
Satyr: Exactly!
Baal: If that's what you think, then why not form a full band, complete with musical accompaniment?
Satyr: It was on my to-do list, I swear! But I figured you'd be too tired to do back-to-back performances.
Satyr: With just me, Meddy, and Nez, I didn't want you to feel left out!
Medusa: You all act like we're actually gonna do this...
Satyr: Wait, are you out, Meddy?
Medusa: Hey, I never said that! I-it's not like I hate the idea or anything...
Nezha: As I've said before, music has a profound appeal I'd like to explore.
Baal: If I am not there to provide balance, the only thing the rest of you will create is dissonance.
Medusa: Just tell us if you want to do something. Don't beat around the bush.
Satyr: So does that mean you're all okay with the band thing?
Nezha: That it does.
Satyr: Woo-hoo! Primal-★-Slap is back in action! Can I get a round of applause?
Medusa: Geez, chill out... So what do you want us to do anyway?
Medusa: According to your fantasy band, Baal plays the guitar, and Nezha's on the drums.
Medusa: That leaves me as the lead guitarist and vocalist, right?
Satyr: That's a pretty good memory you've got there. Great summary, Meddy!
Medusa: As if I could forget. You've practically drilled it into my skull.
Nezha: But in the end, the band broke up.
Baal: Hm? How did that happen?
Medusa: No one needs to know about that! It's too dumb to explain anyway!
Medusa: I thought you were playing the bass, Satyr. Now you're on vocals too?
Satyr: Yep! Lyria opened my eyes to the fascinating world of crooning when we were practicing together!
Satyr: So including Lyria, that gives us three vocalists, which should be pretty interesting!
Medusa: Ever heard the phrase "too many cooks in the kitchen"? More than half the band are singers. Seems like overkill.
Lyria: Um, about that...
Lyria: Maybe your band should only be for the Primal Pals.
Satyr: Wha? Are you saying you don't... You don't like us anymore?
Lyria: N-no, of course not! But I was never part of the Primal Pals or Primal-★-Slap to begin with...
Lyria: I'd only be getting in everyone's way.
Satyr: Objection! If that were true, I wouldn't have asked you to join us!
Baal: ...
Baal: I understand Lyria's concern. Have we considered the possibility of collaborating with another band?
Baal: For instance, we invite Lyria as a guest vocalist from the Doss.
Baal: Aoidos appears to be away on various tours at the moment, but Rackam and Vyrn are more than adequate to step up.
Baal: Since Lyria is performing as part of the Doss, she won't have to feel conflicted.
Satyr: That's a fantastic idea! Good thinking, Baally!
Medusa: Yeah, that works out pretty okay, I guess. But aren't you forgetting you're part of the Doss too? Which band are you playing for?
Baal: Both. I never strictly joined the Doss, thus I'm free to play wherever I please.
Satyr: Does that sound okay to you, Lyria?
Lyria: Yeah, I can work with that!
Satyr: Then it's settled! Wheee! This is going to be amazing!
With the unexpected formation of Primal-★-Slap going from fantasy to reality, its members get busy with rehearsal.

Lessons We Can Learn: Scene 2

As the two bands rehearse, a number of issues regarding stylistic choices and musical interpretations begin to cause friction between members. Satyr listens to everyone's differing opinions and proposes they experiment rather than force a single unified sound. By following her proposal, the members come to understand each other better as they rehearse.

Primal-★-Slap and the Doss begin rehearsing for their joint performance.
First they split into two groups—vocals and instrumentals—in order to learn their parts.
Satyr: Phew... I swear we've been singing for hours!
Lyria: Yeah... My throat is a little dry.
Satyr: Don't wear out those pipes now! Here, I got you some water!
Lyria: Thank you!
Satyr: Here's yours, Meddy!
Medusa: Thanks.
Medusa: ...
Satyr: What's up, Meddy? Did you want it cold?
Medusa: No, water's fine. I'm worried that something's not meshing, but I can't put my finger on it.
Medusa: I don't know. If you two haven't noticed it, maybe it's just my imagination.
Satyr: Ah, so it wasn't just me. I don't know how to describe it either.
Lyria: Actually... I think it might have to do with me.
Satyr: Huh? How so?
Lyria: The Doss plays a lot of rock, so that's kind of what I got used to singing.
Lyria: But when I listen to you and Medusa, I think your style is more like pop?
Satyr: Uh-huh, uh-huh! I wish we could sing with more of an edge, but it's not exactly easy for us.
Satyr: Meddy's bubblier than you think. You should hear her sing to Medusiana!
Medusa: Hey! Who're you calling bubbly!
Lyria: Since my singing style clashes with yours, it's dragging things down for everyone...
Satyr: No way, Lyria! It's not like that at all! C'mon, you have to stay positive!
Medusa: Yeah, I don't think you're hurting us. It's probably better in the long run to get used to lots of different styles.
Lyria: Okay, then I'll try my best to match your singing!
Satyr: ...
Satyr: (If I want to capture what I felt at the music festival, is this really the way to do it?)
Medusa: (Satyr?)
Satyr: Sorry, I can't let you do that, Lyria!
Satyr: You just keep singing how you're singing. Don't worry about adjusting to us.
Lyria: But if I don't, then—
Satyr: You're such a kind person, Lyria. You feel the need to keep others happy, even at your own expense.
Satyr: But seeing the coming together of mortals and primal beasts is what hits me in the heart!
Satyr: Despite our different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives, that all goes out the window at a concert! Everyone's just there to have a good time!
Satyr: I'm not saying we should all literally become as one. More like... getting in tune with nature! How cool would that be?
Satyr: Erm... Does that make any sense? Sorry, I'm bad at explaining stuff.
Medusa: In other words, forcing yourself to be something you're not isn't the point.
Satyr: Yeah! That's it, Meddy!
Satyr: So you do you, Lyria!
Lyria: Okay! I'll just be me!
Medusa: Now we're back to square one.
Satyr: Hm...
Satyr: I'm sure it'll work itself out as we keep practicing!
Medusa: We could—you know—actually brainstorm some solutions first... But honestly I agree with you.
Rackam: Hold on, hold on! This is way too hard!
Medusa: Hm? Sounds like the others got into an argument.
Baal: Feel the notes. Let it meld with your instincts.
Rackam: Oh sure, that'd be easy if I had your skills, but I don't. You're askin' for a lot here, buddy.
Vyrn: Is it really that hard? When I listen to music, I start tappin' my feet and stuff without even thinking. Feels pretty natural to me.
Nezha: Hm. I can certainly appreciate where Baal is coming from.
Nezha: However, one could argue that "feeling the notes" produces different tempos and rhythms each time a song is played.
Nezha: Because the music is never consistent, we may never arrive at a cohesive arrangement.
Medusa: Guess we're not the only ones dealing with issues.
Satyr: No fighting, boys!
Satyr quickly steps in, listening to the musicians' gripes in an attempt to mediate.
Baal and Vyrn prefer an improvisational approach while Nezha and Rackam insist on staying true to the sheet music.
The two sides are clearly divided.
Lyria: Everyone makes good points...
Medusa: Well, not totally unexpected when you mix primals, mortals, and a lizard together.
Vyrn: How many times do I have to say it! I ain't a lizard!
Satyr: (Maybe it's harder than I thought for mortals and primals to play nice with each other...)
Medusa: ...
Rackam: By the way, Vyrn, I seem to remember you stuck pretty close to what was written during the music festival.
Vyrn: We didn't have a ton of time to rehearse, y'know. I had to drum my tail off just to keep up.
Vyrn: But it's not like we've got a deadline now though, right? What's wrong with having a little fun?
Vyrn: Should be okay to make mistakes this time, so I wanna tinker with a bunch of stuff.
Rackam: Fine, I get that, but—
Satyr: Tinker, huh...
Satyr: Ah! That's it! Why didn't I figure it out sooner!
Satyr: Trial and error is a good thing! We shouldn't be obsessed with constraining ourselves to one style!
Vyrn: What's that supposed to mean?
Satyr: Right now we have a stalemate between Team Intuition and Team Fidelity. Who's right?
Satyr: Obviously we should test out both ways.
Baal: You're suggesting that we perform once intuitively, then perform the second time methodically?
Satyr: Ding, ding, ding!
Baal: I never claimed to be unsympathetic to Nezha's and Rackam's opinions. After all, we must begin with a solid foundation.
Baal: It wouldn't hurt to revisit the basics on this occasion.
Nezha: Frameworks are important for any structure.
Nezha: However, when a live audience is added to the mix, being flexible to their needs is paramount.
Nezha: I failed to take that into account due to my lack of experience as a performer.
Baal: Heh, I see.
Rackam: All right, let's give it a shot! Give me some improv tips, Vyrn!
Vyrn: You got it! And I'll make sure I follow the sheet music the best I can!
Lyria: Heehee. Looks like everyone's getting along again!
Medusa: Good job, Satyr.
Satyr: Ehehe... Aw, it was nothing!
Satyr: I was just saying whatever popped into my head, you know?
Satyr: Say, why don't we copy them and give both rock and pop styles a whirl?
Satyr: No, wait! Why stop at two? We should dive into a whole bunch of different styles!
Satyr: That way we can figure out what resonates with us and bring our sound closer together!
Satyr: What do you think, Meddy? Lyria?
Medusa: Meh, might as well, right? We've already spent all this time practicing and stuff, so...
Lyria: I like the idea too! Let's sing until we drop!
Satyr: Yay! Okay, enough gabbing and more singing!
Inspired by Satyr's recommendations, the singers and instrumentalists split off to rehearse once more.

Lessons We Can Learn: Scene 3

The two bands hold a concert on the ship's deck, performing together without a hitch, and everyone is left satisfied. Later that night, a wistful Satyr wonders how the past could've been different had lessons been learned from conflict. A concerned Medusa asks Satyr what's bothering her, but Satyr hides behind a nonanswer.

Satyr: Is everybody ready to rock?
Medusa: I'm always ready!
Nezha: I as well.
Baal: I'll keep us on tempo.
Satyr: Awesome possum! Hit it!
On Satyr's cue, Primal-★-Slap makes its debut.
The crew members in the audience holler and cheer.
Vyrn: Hah! If you think they're good, get a load of this!
Rackam: Heck yeah! Let's show these rookies how the pros do it!
Lyria: Here I go!
The Doss joins in with their signature sound, and the two bands play in harmony.
By the time anyone notices, it's already starting to get dark outside.
Medusa: Huff... Wheeze... Bleh! I'm done!
Vyrn: No kidding. Can't even lift my arms anymore...
Rackam: Same here. My fingers are dead, haha...
Lyria: It was so worth it though!
Satyr: Yep! What a show! Who knew performing could be this much fun!
Satyr: Makes me want to shout out to all the primal beasts and mortals out there that life is worth living!
Medusa: Where in the world do you get your energy from?
Baal: In any case, it was a satisfying gig.
Nezha: This experience has taught me a new thing or two.
Satyr: Thanks a lot, everyone! This is one memory I'll never forget!
Medusa: Geez, you're so dramatic. We can always do this again whenever.
Satyr: Oh... Hey, yeah! You're right! There's still lots of fun to be had!
The beaming smile on Satyr's face is almost as radiant as the setting sun itself.
After the performance, Satyr stares off into the starry sky alone.
Satyr: Today was a smashing success!
Satyr: We're all different in our own ways, so we don't always see eye to eye.
Satyr: But if you can talk it out with each other instead of fearing ridicule, good things can happen!
Satyr: To be honest, I'm glad things worked out back there...
Medusa: What's with the long face?
Lyria: Are you feeling tired?
Satyr: Hey, you two! Ehehe... Just going through some thoughts in my head.
Medusa: Again? You've been doing that a lot today.
Satyr: Really? Hadn't noticed.
Medusa: And you thought I wouldn't? I've known you for way too long for that.
Satyr: Aw, how sweet of you, Meddy! I can feel the love!
Medusa: Yeah, yeah. So? Are you gonna tell me what this is all about?
Satyr: Hm... Well, it's...
Satyr: A secret!
Medusa: Hey!
Satyr: I'm on a mission to be the coolest, most mysterious primal beast to ever wear this costume!
Medusa: Um, what?
Satyr: And the first step to being mysterious is to keep oodles of secrets!
Medusa: You've got to be kidding me!
Satyr: Haha, sorry!
Medusa: Huh? For what!
Lyria: C-calm down, Medusa—
Medusa: Lyria! Help me crack her open!
Lyria: Huh?
Satyr: Hehe, Meddy and Lyria go together like jam and bread!
Medusa: Don't change the subject!
Satyr enjoys a good laugh as Medusa and Lyria are left at a loss.
Today's memories will be added to the stack of others she's cherished over the many years of her long existence.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
(主人公)さん、どう?この服、似合ってる? Does this outfit look good on me, (Captain)?
バアルくんの音楽、いつ聴いてもかっこいい~! Baally's music blows me away every time!
じゃーん!リボンも新調したよ☆ Ta-da! I even had a new ribbon made!
ナタクさん、楽器の才能もあるんだね! Whoa, Nez is a natural at playing instruments too!
(主人公)さん!応援歌、送るね! Thanks, (Captain)! This fight song's for you!
マナーは守ろうね? Remember to observe proper etiquette!
アンコールにも応えちゃうよ☆ Listen to those shouts of encore!
星トモパワー☆歌に乗って届け~! This song is brought to you by the power of the Primal Pals!
ライブ衣装のルリアちゃん可愛すぎるよね~! Lyria's way too adorable in her concert getup!
メドゥちゃんとお揃いの服着てみたいな~! Meddy's wearing an outfit that matches mine!
