Skull (Event)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 17
Height 95 cm
Race Harvin
Hobbies Running riot, making a racket
Likes The stink of gunpowder, dogs, freedom
Dislikes Irritating people, things he doesn't understand, discomfort
Character Release
A member of the rowdy "Odajumoki Gangsters", he is making his entrance as the main character of the story event "Gripping Freedom". While his personality can kind of be summed up with raucous laughter, and there are stupid parts of him, he also has a cool side, and he's a really good character. None of the Harvins up until this point have quite the same feeling. After clearing the second chapter of the event, he joins as a loyalty character, so please take him on battles to raise his loyalty points.
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 17歳
Height 95cm
Race ハーヴィン
Hobbies 暴れ回ること、騒ぐこと
Likes 火薬の臭い、犬、自由
Dislikes 辛気臭いヤツ、理解できないこと、不自由
Character Release
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday!
All right then, let's go!
Where to? North Vast, of course!
We'll head over there and tame some wild North Huskies!
Then you'll take the reins on a dogsled! We'll ride, just you and me!
Zooming around the island like that is gonna be awesome!
Whaddya say? Best birthday ever, right? Total freedom, right?
Then let's get up and go, (Captain)!


Your present!
Is riiight here!
Heh heh! Here's your present, (Captain)!
What? It's just an empty box? Well, duh!
That's 'cause I still don't know what I'm gonna give you!
Come on, let's head out! I'll go find you something good to fill that box! Heh heh!


And this year's present iiiiis—drumroll, please!
Me! Hah! Look at how happy you are!
For today and today only, we're going to hang out until you can't hang out anymore! Best present ever, right?
So what should we do? Hurry up and decide! Heh heh!


Happy birthday, (Captain)! Woohoo!
It doesn't matter how many times you celebrate b-days. They never get boring!
No, like, the more parties you throw, the more you look forward to the one that comes after.
Sooo, (Captain), what do you want me to do for your next special day?
Oh, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. First is this year—that's right, this year!
All right! Let's have a big cake fight and then start scarfing down.
Let's whoop it up, (Captain)!


Whoo! It's that time of the year again!
(Captain)! Happy birthday!
Hehehe, I've been thinking of a birthday present since this day last year.
There's the usual cake, gift-wrapped goodie, and fluffy heaven. And we can't forget—
Gah! There's too many options to consider!
You know what! I'll just give you everything!
Might as well since this event only comes once a year! Consider it a free pass to be a spoiled child for an entire day!
You just tell me what you want, and I'll get it for you, (Captain)!
I'm here to make your every wish come true! Yaahyaaa!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

It's a new year! Another totally awesome year is just getting started!
What? You don't know if it's gonna be a good one yet? Don't go talking like that!
I'm here, aren't I? As long as I'm around, it's gonna be the bestest most free-est year ever!
Come on, (Captain), let's make it a good one! Yeehaw!


Another year passes. And I'm definitely getting bigger.
This new year is just starting, and I can really feel it.
But this isn't enough! I've gotta get bigger! I'm gonna be totally huge and free!
Heh heh! Better keep an eye out for me, (Captain)!


Congrats! It's the new year! Woohoo!
Check this out, (Captain)! I brought something to celebrate the occasion!
See! Um... They're called fire... Um, fire walks? Hah! Forgot what they're called!
Anyway, they fly really high in the air and then explode in a glittery shower.
Well, let's get this party started! Just gotta light the wick here...
Wait! This isn't a—it's a bomb!


We got through the yeeear! Happy, happy! We did it!
And you know what New Year's means—fireworks!
Hehe, I studied all about them. Don't you think I'm great for being able to learn like this!
Last year I brought a bomb, but this year I've got the real deal!
But I don't have a fuse... How should I light these things up? Well, whatever will work...
Huh? I need some sort of cylinder? You mean I can't just light the insides...
You gotta tell me sooner! I already set 'em on fire!


Whoo! Nothing like a new year to get me all fired up! I know it's a recurring thing, but I love it!
Hehehe... Everything's gonna be perfect this year! Just perfect, I tell ya!
It won't go like the bomb I brought over two years ago, or the cylinder I forgot to bring last year.
That's how pumped up I am this time!
'Cuz I'm gonna be the prettiest New Year's firework out there!
Hehe... I know I kept you waiting, but you're gonna love it, (Captain)!
All right, let's get this show started!
Hyahaaaa! Just you watch! It's gonna blow you away!
Go, go, go! Into the cylinder I go!
Now to light the fire!
Ready for takeoff!
Fiiirree! Yaahooo!
Happpyyyy! Newww! Yeaahaaaa!
Cheeeers, Captain!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

You're gonna give me chocolate, right?
You can't fool me! I know you're gonna give me some! Come on already!
Wow, you really are giving me chocolate! I guess I dragged it out of you!
Darn it, I'm gonna start blushing! This is pretty great though!
Hyaahaa! Thanks, (Captain)!
Heh heh.


Yahaaa! You're giving me more chocolate this year? Now I'm totally pumped!
I'm gonna go totally crazy and run around in circles! Gotta make some noise!
Yeah, and no matter how loud and crazy I get, it's never gonna help me calm down!
But who cares? Just gotta get crazy! Hyaaahaaa!


Chocolate! Chocolaaaate! Yaaahooo!
Nothing gets me more hyped! How much chocolate have I got so far?
Let's see... I think... three boxes? Ten? No, was it one hundred?
Who cares? I got a ton! Haha!
What's this? One more? Today is the best day ever...
Ah, I'll definitely get you something in return! I'm gonna make you the happiest captain in the world, (Captain)! Get ready!


Heheheh, these chocolates really warm your heart...
They've got a way of hookin' ya! It's like they make you feel warmer and fuzzier every year.
Sigh... I hope next year comes soon.
You're gonna give me chocolates then, aren't you, (Captain)?
The flavor's gonna make me feel super warm and fuzzy, more than ever before!
Heh heh heh... Thanks a bunch, (Captain)!


Yaahooo! Chocolate galore! Thanks, (Captain)!
Hehe, I find myself getting antsy every year when this day's coming up!
So much so that I even see you in my dreams!
Cuz a present from you just warms me all up inside, (Captain).
Not that a present from anyone else doesn't make my day, but it's different when it comes from you! I dunno why!
Hehehe, I'm gonna have one heck of a present for you next month, (Captain)! Hope you're looking forward to it! Hyahaaa!

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Captaaain! Look, I got you candy!
I don't know what's in it, but it looks pretty good, don'tcha think?
And if it looks good, it must taste good too! Heheh, so eat up!


I had no idea what I was doin', but I made this anyway!
Remember that candy I made ya last year? This time I actually looked at a recipe!
Didn't actually help though! It still turned out the same!
But I really made somethin'! Somethin' craaazy! Heh heh heh!
You reeeally gotta try it! Don't worry, it's not gonna kill ya!


Yo, I just noticed something craaazy.
What's so white about White Day!
There's, like, no snow or nothing...
Eh, who cares! I got you white chocolate to celebrate!
Check it out!
I melted it till it got goopy, so I could spread it around the ship and make this a real white day!
Huh? It's hard now... Maaan, this stuff changes back way too quick.
But I won't give up! I'm gonna go melt it again! Just wait here!


White Daaay! Today's super White Daaaay!
C'mon, (Captain)! Grab those cookies, and let's head to Nordvjast!
Whadda I wanna do? What else? Gotta say thanks to the dogs!
Hehehe, the super-duper cookies I gave you taste great to dogs and people too!
We gotta pet, pet, pet those dogs and enjoy this super fun, ultra White Day from the bottom of our hearts!


It's morning, (Captain)! You up? Tell me you're up! Good, we're heading out!
We're going dogsledding with all the little pups! It's gonna be a blast!
Hm? You wanna know which way we're headed? That's part of the surprise!
Hehe, I'm gonna show you all my favorite spots! The last one...
Is gonna be a place with a nice view of the starry sky and pure, white snow! We might even spot an aurora if we're lucky!
The special invitation's only for you, (Captain)!
Let's gear up for the road already! There aren't enough hours in a day!
Hope you're ready for this, 'cuz I'm not letting you go until the date changes!

Light Cookies
3rd year:
4th year:
Light Cookies
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloweeeen!
Hey, isn't today supposed to get crazy?
We'll all be running around, right? How am I supposed to just sit and wait for that!
Whaaa? You're gonna give me candy to distract me?
Ahh! That ain't gonna work! I'm gonna go crazy!
Yahooooo! Wahoooo!
I will take some of that candy though!
Yahooooo! Wahoooo!


Get pranked!
(Captain)! It's time to get tricked to the maaax! Tricks that are gonna blow your mind like... kaboom!
What kind of tricks? You serious? Tricks are like life! You don't pick them. They just happen!
But if you're tricking with me, (Captain), we're gonna blow some serious minds, man!
Hahaha! Let's go craaazy!


Hello there, (Captain).
What's the matter? It's me, Skull. Your forever serious friend, Skull.
Hehe, (Captain), I've changed my ways. I've decided to be a lot calmer.
Heh... hehe...
Haha! You can tell I'm lying through my teeth, huh? Hahaha! Did I get you? I got you, huh?
Haha... hah... wooo... Just saying that made me feel queasy. Won't do that again.


Woohoo! The candy, (Captain)! Gimme all your candy!
Say no and we're gonna have a big, anything-goes Halloween together!
Huh? What do I mean by big, anything goes Halloween?
Eh, I mean, uh... Whatever you want, that goes... Mm...
That's enough! A big, anything goes Halloween is a big, anything goes Halloween!
Anyway, you'd better give me candy! And then keep me company all day!
But you're keeping me company anyway, candy or no candy! Woohoo! Woohoo!


Triiick! Aaand! Trreeaat!
Hand over the candy! And then we'll jump right into the trickster time that you know you want so bad!
That's right! Trick and treat's the name of the game! We'd be losing out if we don't do both!
I made sure to gear up for today with oodles of candy! Is that wicked cool or what!
All righty, this cream puff's for you, (Captain)! Make sure to savor every bite, hehe...
Hyaaahaaa! Gotcha! How d'ya like my custom-made cream puff bomb?
Wait a sec... Did some of that cream get into your eye?
Whoa, what are you coming at me with that nasty look for?
Hey, say something... Ack!
Wahyaahyaa! Hey, cut it out! That tickleees!
I-it was just a prank!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Haaappy holidaaays!
What are you waiting for? Time to start eating, (Captain)!
Let's make lots of noise! Bring out the presents!
This is gonna be the best holiday ever! Hyaaa haaa!


Snowball fiiight! (Captain), prepare yourself for a snow-thrashing!
I'm packin'! Packin' snow, that is! And when I was in the Odajumoki Gang, I never once lost a fight!
Heh heh! I'm gonna give you a totally wicked crazy snowball! It's my gift to you!


Cough, cough!
Gah! Thought I was going to die!
Eek! Ah, (Captain)! You're just in time!
I'm using all my brains to make a snow house! If it goes well, I'll give you a tour.
But they're super difficult to make!
No matter what kind of bomb I use, the snow just goes everywhere!
I got a little too close to the last explosion. That was a close call.
All right! Let's give it another go! Yaaah!


Hyaaahaaa! It's snow! Snow! Beautiful snow!
When I see everything covered in snow, I just wanna hop all over the place!
(Captain)! How do you want to play together this year? How do you want to spend it?
Wanna make a snowman? Go dogsledding? Or what about making shaved ice?
I'm fine with whatever! 'Cause I know that when I'm by your side, I'll be able to do anything!


All righty, no one's around. Now to just plop this down here...
Ack! Who goes there! Show your stinky face!
What the... (Captain)! Grr, you got me good!
You wanna know what I was doing here? Well, you know...
That Santa guy's supposed to bring us presents today, so...
Gah! Just take it! It's a present from m—I mean Santa!
Nuh-uh-uh! Don't get the wrong idea! I'm just holding it for Santa! Just take it already!
And sweet dreams, Captain!
Happy holidaaaay! Hyahaaa!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

What Is Freedom?

Skull leads the crew to the Odajumoki's hideout, but he keeps pausing along the way to propose wild ideas, like going fishing or swimming in icy water. Eustace and Skull bicker over the Harvin's idea of freedom, but Eustace secretly agrees with him in a way.

(Captain) and the crew make their way toward the Odajumoki's hideout, led by Skull.
En route, as though bored of showing them the way, Skull strikes up a conversation with the others.
Skull: Aren't you guys tired of all this walking? Let's head to the sea and do some fishing!
Vyrn: We're kinda in the middle of somethin'...
Vyrn: Wait, what! There's a sea out here in North Vast?
Skull: Yeah, a big one! And there are these fish you can catch there that are tiny but delicious!
Skull: If you fry them until they're really crispy, nothing beats them!
Lyria: Really? I might like to try tha—
Eustace: No. We need to keep moving.
Lyria: Haha... I guess you're right.
Skull: What a punk. I'd call him a fish brain, but fish would probably be easier to deal with...
Skull: I've got it! How about we go winter swimming? Let's go to the sea and take a dip in the icy water!
Skull: Nothing beats the feeling of diving into the sea!
Lyria: What? Swimming on a cold island like this? Wouldn't we freeze?
Skull: We'd be fine! As a matter of fact, the reason I'm tough as leather is 'cause I grew up doing stuff like that!
Skull: I haven't been sick a day in my life! Impressive, right?
Eustace: Wow. I've heard that some people are too dumb to get sick, and now I have proof.
Skull: You calling me dumb? That's rich coming from a sub-fish like you!
Eustace: ...
Skull: If you've got something to say, spit it out! Or did some fairy make off with your brain?
Skull: You make fun of me, but you just don't understand my genius!
Skull: I'm a free spirit—no cold weather or disease can stop me! But I guess a stagnant mud puddle like you wouldn't get that!
Vyrn: But is that really what it means to be free?
Skull: Of course it is, you glassy-eyed gecko! I of all people know what freedom is!
Skull: Freedom is... Actually, I have no idea.
Vyrn: What! You don't even know?
Eustace: You really are dumb.
Skull: Shut your face! You're in the presence of a genius, puddle!
Skull: Freedom can't be captured in words! It's something you feel in your heart! Probably!
Eustace: ...
Skull: I told you to spit it out already! You making fun of me again?
Eustace: Could be.
Skull: Grr... You make my blood boil!
Vyrn: Calm down, you guys... Oh, hey! Didn't your dad say somethin' about freedom, Crossbones?
Skull: You mean the ability to run wild? Hmm...
Skull: ...
Vyrn: What's wrong? Why're you quiet all of a sudden?
Skull: I was just wondering... Is something like that really freedom?
Skull: I think the freedom my old man gave me is kinda different...
Skull: Well, whatever.
Vyrn: What! You're just gonna leave it at that? Seriously?
Skull: Of course! I'm a genius after all! I'll have it figured out before you can say Odajumoki backward ten times fast.
Skull: Listen up, Eustace! You better stop making fun of me for every little thing!
Skull: 'Cause I'm going to become a hotshot who's more free than anyone! And who'll be laughing then?
Skull: I will, that's who! I'll wipe that smug look right off your face!
Eustace: Humph. I'd like to see you try.
Skull: Don't give me that! And quit walking on ahead like some headless chicken! You'll get lost without me!
Skull: Wait up already! I said wait!
Skull angrily chases after Eustace.
As they watch Skull run off, the crew gets a sense of his burning ambition to be free.

What Is Freedom, Really?

Skull and the crew lie sprawled on the deck of the Grandcypher, enjoying their freedom. But Skull suddenly declares that this is not true freedom and makes the captain chart a new course in search of it.

One day Skull is lying down on the deck of the Grandcypher.
Skull: This is the life... Nothing like peace and quiet...
Skull: Yeah... This must be what real freedom feels like.
(Captain) spots Skull lying comfortably on the deck.
The captain decides to follow suit and bask in the sun next to him.
Skull: Oh, (Captain). You want to spend some time being free too? Feels good, doesn't it?
Lyria: Hehe. It's nice idling the time away like this every once in a while.
Vyrn: Yeah... Makes me all sleepy...
Skull: Go ahead and sleep! That's freedom after all... Huh? Wait a second...
Skull: No!
Skull: That can't be right! This isn't freedom at all!
Vyrn: Whoa! Why are you yellin' all of a sudden?
Skull: We're just fooling ourselves! This isn't freedom!
Skull: How long are you guys going to just lie there? Get up already!
Skull: We're off to find true freedom! Right this very minute!
Vyrn: Huh? Where'd that come from? Well, guess we don't have anything better to do anyway.
Lyria: But where do we go to find true freedom?
Skull: Simple! We circle the skies, traverse the lands, and before we know it, we'll have it!
Seeing Skull brimming with confidence, (Captain) gives in and randomly changes the course of the ship.
Thus Skull and the crew embark on a journey to find true freedom.

What Is Freedom, Really?: Scene 2

While resting in a town, (Captain) and the crew hear about a new circus troupe, but the circus is closed when they get there. When the ringmaster explains that the animals no longer listen to instructions, Skull heads to the animals' cages... and then suddenly whips out his gun to fire a blast at the locks.

(Captain) and company search the skies high and low in their quest to find true freedom but are unsuccessful in the end.
Worn out from all their journeying, they visit a nearby town to take a break.
There they hear about a newly formed circus troupe.
Lyria: Really? A circus? I'd love to see that, (Captain)! Let's go!
Skull: A circus, huh? But we still haven't found true freedom yet. We don't have time for distractions.
Vyrn: Don't be like that. Come on, let's check it out.
Vyrn: Besides, if we go back to the ship now, we'll have wasted the whole day wanderin' the skies with nothin' to show for it.
Skull: Good point... That doesn't sound like freedom...
Skull: All right, I'm on board! Let's go, assuming you belly-crawlers can find your way there!
Vyrn: Heh... Whatever you say. Glad you're excited! Let's go, everybody!
(Captain) and the crew head to the square where the circus is supposed to be, but they arrive to find it closed.
An apologetic-looking man approaches the bewildered crew.
Circus Ringmaster: I'm so sorry to have put you folks out. But the circus will remain closed for the time being.
Lyria: What do you mean? Did something happen?
The man reveals himself to be the circus's ringleader and begins to explain the circumstances.
According to his story, the circus animals have stopped listening to commands.
Skull: Hmm... I see. Say, where are their cages?
Circus Ringmaster: Huh? Over there... Why? What are you planning to do?
Skull: Being the genius I am, I figured I ought to work out what's wrong with the animals for you! Over there, right?
Vyrn: Hang on! Don't go runnin' off on your own!
As Skull nears the animals' cages, he gasps loudly.
Skull: This isn't good at all. You can't do this to them.
Circus Ringmaster: Huh? Whatever do you mean?
Without answering, Skull nimbly unholsters his gun and fires a blast at the cages.
Circus Ringmaster: Whoa! What do you think you're doing?
Skull: That's my line! What kind of patchwork teddy bear do you have in place of a brain?
Skull: You're stealing their freedom, throwing them into dark cells like this!
Skull: It only took one look to figure out what was wrong with them. They're stressed out by their lack of freedom!
Vyrn: Oh, I get it. So that's why the animals won't listen.
Skull: It hurts to have your freedom snatched away.
Skull: Hey, you lot!
Skull turns to address the animals but is startled by his reception.
Circus Animal: Grrr!
Skull: Yikes!
One of the animals lashes out at Skull.
Vyrn: Hey! You okay, Crossbones?
Skull: Ouch! What was that for, you walking rug? Guess I can only count on dogs to understand what I'm thinking!
Skull: But you made a big mistake, laying your paws on a genius like me! I'll give you a taste of your own medicine!

What Is Freedom, Really?: Scene 3

Skull realizes that the animals won't obey orders due to stress resulting from their captivity, so he decides to train and tame them himself. He also teaches them how to run wild and free, which becomes a spectacle that reinvigorates the circus.

Circus Animal: Grrr...
Vyrn: Phew. Looks like it finally calmed down.
Circus Ringmaster: Oh no! It's over! It's all over!
Circus Ringmaster: If the animals are attacking people, the circus is finished... Our business is doomed...
Skull: Whoa, hang on! I think you're jumping the gun a little there!
Skull: Thanks to that fight just now, I get what they're trying to say! Just leave it to me!
Circus Ringmaster: Sigh... Well, I suppose there's nothing to lose. Do as you like.
Skull: Excellent! Guess I've got free reign to sort this out!
Vyrn: You sure you know what you're doin'? Like, really sure?
Skull: Of course I am! I'm a genius after all! Heh heh!
Skull: Anyway, (Captain)... I'm going to stay here and play with these critters for a bit.
Skull wears a carefree smile, but his eyes are serious.
Deciding to trust Skull, (Captain) heads back to the airship without him for the time being.
A few days pass.
The crew returns to the circus to find it thriving.
Lyria: Wow! Look at all the people! There are guests of all ages... Everyone's here!
Vyrn: You think Crossbones actually did it?
The crew heads into the building where the circus is being held, wondering if Skull could be the cause of its success.
Circus Animal 1: Groooar!
Circus Animal 2: Graaawr!
Vyrn: Wh-whoa! What's goin' on?
They enter to see the circus animals running riot on the stage.
Lyria: Wh-what's happening here?
A familiar voice calls to the baffled crew from the stage.
Skull: Hey, (Captain)!
Skull: Check it out! The circus is a huge success, and it's all thanks to little old me!
Vyrn: So you did this! Doesn't look like much of a circus...
Vyrn: I mean, those monsters look more like they're fighting than performing!
Skull: They're just playing! Quit your worrying about nothing!
Circus Animal 1: Groar!
Skull: Argh! Th-this is their way of playing! Really! Ouch!
While the animals play with Skull, the ringmaster approaches the perplexed crew.
Circus Ringmaster: Oh... Welcome back! Our circus has been saved, and it's all thanks to Skull.
Vyrn: You should probably save him from those animals before you start thankin' us...
Circus Ringmaster: Oh, he's fine. They really are just playing with him.
Circus Ringmaster: Haha. Skull has quite a way with animals.
Circus Ringmaster: The animals took to him right away, so we decided to let them out of their cages for good.
Lyria: Really? Are you sure that was a good idea?
Circus Ringmaster: Of course! Being able to run free gives them a chance to vent their stress.
Circus Ringmaster: And throngs of people have started coming to see the animals, drawn to the intensity of their fighting and playing.
Vyrn: So that's why you've been having all this success...
Circus Ringmaster: But I suppose we're pretty much finished as a circus.
Lyria: Ahaha... Yeah... I guess you can't really call what the animals are doing a performance.
Lyria: But isn't it a little dangerous? What if they attack someone?
Circus Ringmaster: That's a fair question. But just look at your friend over there.
(Captain) watches the animals playing with Skull.
Oddly enough, the animals only play with each other and Skull, completely disregarding the spectators near the stage.
Skull: Heh heh... I bet you want to know my secret.
Skull: The thing about these critters is, they're actually quite timid by nature. They only really play with—
Circus Animal 2: Groar!
Skull: Yikes!
Skull: As I was saying, they only really play with people they trust and creatures of the same speci—
Circus Animal 1: Groar!
Skull: Hey! Will you lot calm down already!
Vyrn: Hmm... So basically they won't attack people.
Lyria: Ahaha... I guess not. But still...
Skull: Bring it on, critters! Haha! Try this on for size!
Circus Animal 2: Groar!
Skull: Ouch! You better watch yourselves around a genius like me, you dishrags!
Lyria: Hehe... Looks like Skull is having fun... I think.
Vyrn: Heh... Well, he's definitely got energy, that's for sure.
Vyrn: But don't you think we oughta save him soon?
(Captain) nods and heads over to help Skull, smiling ruefully.
The captain can't help but think that perhaps Skull has already found the freedom he's been chasing all along.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
Yahooooo! Wahoooo!
オラオラ!道をあけろぉ! Hey, hey! Make way for me!
ワンちゃんは、可愛いよなァ! Dogs are so neat, you know!
オレ様は天才だ!ビッグになる男だ! I'm a genius! I'm gonna be a hotshot!
火薬ってのはいい匂いだよなぁ! Wouldja get a sniff of that gunpowder? Mmm, too good!
Oh man! I could sure go for a winter swim!
オレ様は必ず自由を掴むぜ! I'm gonna grab freedom by its tail and ride it into the wind!
自由…か… Freedom, eh...
(主人公)、一緒に騒ごうぜぇ! (Captain), let's start a ruckus!
(主人公)の自由ってなんだ? (Captain), what's freedom to you?
