Sophia (Water)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 19
Height 162 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Historical studies
Likes Being useful to others
Dislikes Refusing others' requests
Character Release
Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 19歳
Height 162cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 史学研究
Likes 人の役に立つこと
Dislikes 人の頼みを断ること
Character Release
Source [1] [2]





  • The names of Sophia's skills and charge attack are German.
    • "Beten Lied" means "Pray Song".
    • "Segnen" means "(To) Bless".
    • "Siegel" means "Seal".
    • "Heilendes Gebet" means "Healing Prayer".
    • This naming theme also applies to her character weapon, Vertrauen (to trust or have faith) and its charge attack, "Orakellicht" (light of the oracle)

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday! I'm so happy to be able to celebrate with you on this special day!
I hope it's a good one!


I'm wishing you a happy birthday. I'm so glad to spend such a wonderful day with you.
I know your wish, (Captain), is to get to your father on Estalucia, the Island of the Astrals.
So I'll do everything in my power as a Zeyen priestess to make sure your wish comes true.
In order to guide the future... In order to grasp it... I'll make sure your determination sees you through to the end, (Captain).
I'm sorry for asking to stay with you on your journey... But I'll always pray that the grace of the Astrals be with you.


(Captain), I wish you the warmest birthday greetings today.
I know lots of people are sending you the same greetings.
And you might think nothing of it, (Captain), but in fact it's something quite special.
While meeting so many different people on my pilgrimage, I realized something. You have twice the compassion of a regular person.
I admire that about you. And as a Zeyen priestess, I could learn a thing or two.
I pray from the bottom of my heart that your future is full of blessings, (Captain).


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
I'm sure your journey will be filled with trials and challenges.
But, as they say, even the heaviest downpour ends in time. Something good is sure to follow the hardships.
What matters most is that you always believe you'll succeed and refuse to give up. A path is sure to present itself to you if you stay strong.
But I suppose this is nothing I need to say to someone as put together as you, (Captain).
Please don't forget that your upright attitude is an inspiration to many others, (Captain).
I'll be praying that joy is your companion wherever you go!


Happy birthday! You've had quite the exciting year, haven't you?
You've met so many different people and experienced so many wonderful new things.
I'm certain that each and every one of those experiences will build you up and lead to further growth.
It's like how tiny droplets of water, when dripping ceaselessly, can bore a hole through the toughest stone.
Even if the parts are small, as long as you keep stacking and stacking them up, they have the power to form a massive whole.
That's why we have to believe every day we live through is an irreplaceable piece of our lives.
I pray that you have ever greater adventures in the future. And though I'm afraid I haven't much to offer, I will help in whatever way I can!
May the protection of Zeyen be with you!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year!
Want to know my New Year's resolution? This year I'm going to make it through my pilgrimage!


My New Year's resolutions are to make many more friends and to deepen my understanding of the Zeyen ways.
I may be on a bit of a roundabout path, but I believe it's a necessary experience in order to grow.
After all, it's the little detour I took that led me to meeting you, (Captain)!
I'm still in training, but I'll work my hardest as both a Zeyen priestess and a member of your crew.
I'm looking forward to journeying by your side this year!


Happy New Year! Thanks to you, I was able to learn so much more about the Zeyen faith last year.
But for every new thing I learned, new questions began to form in my mind...
I didn't think that mastering the teachings would be easy, but I'm reminded about how much time it will take.
There's no rush, you say? Heh-heh, you're right... If I rush myself and lose sight of what's important, then it defeats the purpose entirely.
(Captain), please be sure to show me lots more this year on our journey!


Happy New Year! I appreciate everything you did last year.
It was so satisfying to travel from island to island and meet all those new people together, (Captain).
I still have much to learn as a priest, but I intend to keep progressing step by step.
What sort of year do you think this will be? Heh-heh, I can't wait to see.
(Captain), please accept my heartfelt prayers that the light of hope may shine on your path.


Happy New Year. I hope this year proves to be as wonderful as the last.
Have you already visited the shrine, (Captain)?
I went in the early hours of the morning, while the air was still fresh and cold.
The sun hadn't yet risen, but already the line of visitors stretched on and on.
Each and every person there harbored great hope for the new year. They went to the shrine, brimming with all sorts of wishes, and prayed for good fortune.
I found it most refreshing, walking amongst people aspiring to new heights.
I, too, cannot stand still. As a priestess, I must pursue my calling with ever greater devotion.
May Zeyen light your path as well, (Captain).

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's Day.
Do you... like sweets?
I made some chocolates, but I'm not sure if you'd like them...


Happy Valentine's Day, (Captain)!
Well... Let's see... I made some chocolate to give you, but do you like chocolate?
You do? I'm glad... So please take this gift!
I was worried at first, since some people don't really care for sweet treats. But I'm relieved that you're happy to take it!
I hope you enjoy it!


(Captain), I made some chocolate. I hope you'll like it...
I tried a difficult recipe, so I'm a little worried whether it came out all right. But it looks like you're enjoying it!
I made it with all my feelings of hope that your journey would fall under the protection of Zeyen.
So I'm sure good things will come your way!


(Captain), as a matter of fact, there's something I'd like to give you.
I made you some chocolates again this year. Would you accept them?
Who would have thought they'd make you so happy? Heh-heh, that joy of yours is contagious.
I made them as a way to show how grateful I am for what everything you do every day.
May you receive the protection of Zeyen, my kind, dear (Captain).


Happy Valentine's, (Captain).
Erm... I've prepared Valentine's chocolates yet again. Will you take some?
Hehe. I'm happy to see you so delighted!
This is now the fifth present I've given you for Valentine's.
I look forward to this exchange every year, you know. Because you're always so warm and grateful.
But I got a bit ahead of myself this year. I bought far too many ingredients, and I still have chocolate left over.
If you would like another helping, please do let me know. As long as I've still chocolate left, I'll be happy to oblige.

Mixed Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Today's White Day, isn't it?
Is this in return for Valentine's Day? Oh my... Thank you! I'm happy to accept it!


Huh? What's this?
I don't deserve a gift from you, (Captain)...
But thank you... for thinking of me!
I'm very happy to receive it, but I'm so surprised at the same time!
I'm happy to know how you feel nonetheless!


Huh? You're giving me a thank-you gift?
And it's homemade... Are you sure you want to give it to me?
(Captain) explains that the chocolates were made with feelings of hope that Sophia would safely complete her pilgrimage.
Oh really? Since I made a special wish for you, you decided to do the same for me as thanks, right?
Heh-heh, wishing blessings for each other... Thinking about that warms my heart.
If that's the case, then I gratefully accept this gift. I know that eating this will make my pilgrimage a success!


Oh, you're thanking me for the gift I gave you last month. Thank you very much for remembering!
I see you wanted to express your gratitude. I don't believe I've done all that much, but, well...
Well, it's an honor if you believe that I have. Thank you very much!
Your words are truly moving, (Captain).
I'll be sure to let your thoughts into my heart as I'm eating these, (Captain).


Oh, could this be a thank-you gift for Valentine's?
Thank you very much. I'll cherish it!
Hm? Why have you started grinning so? Did I do something silly...
You're only reflecting my own joy? Then I must've had quite the smile on my face.
Hehe. I never even dreamed that you would one day compliment me on my smile, (Captain).
I've always derived happiness from observing the smiles of others...
Knowing that my own smile carries the same power to delight... Why, there is no greater joy than this.
I've learned something valuable today, thanks to you. May endless smiles continue to light our journey ahead.

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Trick or treat! If you don't give me any candy, I'll have to play a prank on you, OK?
Promise you won't get mad?


Huh? Strange. I thought (Captain) was here, but...
Let's turn back.
Eep! C-Captain! Where did you come from?
Hahaha... You really surprised me. I can't believe I screamed that loud.
I got all these treats together, but it never occurred to me you'd choose tricks instead... Sniff...


A neatly folded slip of paper lies on the floor.
(Captain) picks it up, and inside it are clearly written instructions for a prank.
Huh? Oh no! I've lost the note!
Ah, is that you, (Captain)?
Uh, well... I sort of lost something... But it's all right! Really, it's fine!
Oh, I see you're holding a piece of paper, (Captain)... Yes, it's mine.
You didn't, um... take a peek at it, did you?
Yes, you've got me... But now it's a failed plan to try and trick you. Ah well...
Huh? You think we should give it a try together anyway?
I see! You and I can play a trick on someone else!
Oh, with you on my side, (Captain), I think I can pull this off! Let's do our best to play lots of tricks!


Whew... This really has me on edge...
Oh, (Captain)... I'm sorry. I should have just called out to you normally.
I... I thought that some children were playing a prank on me. It was really alarming...
Ahaha, you're right that I should be safe from pranks here in my room...
But I do feel bad about turning my back on the tricks that everyone worked so hard to make. That's why I'm going to muster up my courage...
Whaaat! (Captain), do you want to prank me too?
A-all right! Please take it easy on me!


My... This is troubling...
Sophia hides in a corner of town, which is bustling with Halloween festivities.
Oh, you found me, (Captain)...
It's only natural you'd be worried about me... Actually, this is rather embarrassing to admit but...
There was a monster chasing children about earlier, and it scared me so much my legs gave out.
Ahaha... You must find me pitiable. It wasn't even coming after me, and yet...
What's that? You'll stay by my side until I can stand again?
That's truly reassuring. I'm so glad that you're the one who found me!
Let me share some sweets with you as thanks. There's plenty to go around, so take as many as you'd like!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays!
I want to put smiles on all the kids faces! Just like Santa does!


Do you think Santa Claus will make his way here?
After all, there are kids on the airship waiting for their presents!
What? You want to know what I want?
I'm but a pilgrim on a journey. I have no desire for worldly things. However...
I still want to see everyone's happy faces more than anything else.
Ha-ha! Why, thank you for asking, (Captain)!


Happy holidays! I heard that lots of gifts were delivered to the children on the airship!
My heart fills with joy whenever I see their beaming faces! Their smiles are truly a treasure.
Santa Claus is really something! Crossing all the skies in one night and making kids smile...
I hope I can bring happiness to many others too by becoming a great priestess and spreading the teachings of Zeyen.
Now then, I must get ready for the party! I'll get to cooking and make everyone smile in my own way for today!


Happy holidays!
The holiday festivities are about to begin!
Me? It may not be my place, but I'm decking the halls.
This precious evening is one we all spend together. I simply wanted to make the children smile, if only just a bit.
My efforts may not be much, but I'd be delighted if they bring others some happiness.
I'll keep pushing on! (Captain), you can wait outside until I'm finished.
Hm? Would you like to work together?
Thank you very much! Let's make it beautiful!


Earlier, some of the crew's children came by, asking me to mend their ripped stockings. So here I am...
It's been a while since I've last darned stockings like these—the kind meant for presents and not feet, I mean. How nostalgic.
Now, I dedicate myself wholly to my faith. But once, I too was a young girl awaiting presents from Santa.
He often brought me little dolls. I never asked for anything in particular.
But that made unwrapping the gifts all the more exciting. The memory of those distant mornings is a great treasure.
It is my sincere wish that the children from earlier can taste that same joy. And that happiness begins with a well-mended stocking.
Say, (Captain), do you have any similar memories? If you can spare a moment, please tell me all about them!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Tracing the Past

On an island scarred by war, Sophia uses her power to view the tragic past of primal beasts. Zooey suggests that some are saved simply by having their pain known, but Sophia isn't quite convinced. She meets Sandalphon later and ponders over his thoughts about sins of the past never fading unless history itself is changed.

Sophia: ...
Taking in the stillness of the ravaged island, Sophia waves her staff and taps into her power to see the past.
She keeps her eyes closed to focus, offering a silent prayer.
Vyrn: Whew, I'm on edge just watchin'. Looks like this place really matters to Sophia.
Lyria: That clerical robe must be what Sophia changes into when stepping into holy grounds. She seems different.
The crew has come to an island considered a battleground of the War. Many primal beasts slumber here to this day.
Sophia, a Zeyen priestess, is on a pilgrimage of holy grounds across the skies as part of her training.
While in search of a holy grounds map she'd lost, Sophia crossed paths with (Captain) and ended up joining the crew.
Lyria: According to Sophia, all battlefields during the War are now considered to be holy grounds by Zeyen's teachings.
Lyria: She mentioned being able to see the past through remnants of primal power. I wonder what she's seeing right now...
(Captain) understands all too well how Lyria feels when she lowers her gaze in sorrow.
(Captain) and Lyria were once removed from the world by a surrogate of Cosmos, the primal beast of arbitration.
Yuni, the envoy of Cosmos, took the chance to show them the history of primal beasts.
Encounters and farewells, conflicts and inner struggles—seeing the path tread by every primal weighed heavily on their hearts.
Sophia: Phew...
Vyrn: Sophia's done with her spell. Let's go.
Vyrn: Heya, Sophia! Everything turn out okay?
Sophia: Mm...
Sophia: It took some time since there was so much to see, but yes, I'm done.
Sophia: ...
Lyria: Um... Are you okay? You look kind of pale.
Sophia: Ah, sorry! I just need a moment to recover from the tragic memories I witnessed.
  1. Take it easy.

Choose: Take it easy.
Sophia: Ahaha... I'm sure it's nothing compared to what you saw in the past, (Captain).
Sophia: And as a priestess, I'm trained for this sort of thing after all!
Zooey: I sensed a presence on the island and came to take a look. It's a surprise to see you all.
Zooey, a surrogate of Cosmos, shows up before everyone.
Freed of her arbitration duty ever since the incident revolving around Cosmos, Zooey has been on shore leave.
Lyria: Zooey! I thought you went looking for Geo.
Zooey: I apologize for not telling you sooner, but I've already tracked Geo down and had a talk with him.
Zooey: Instead of returning immediately, I decided to take a little detour to clear my head.
Lyria: Did something happen between you and Geo? You didn't fight, I hope...
Zooey: No, nothing like that. Conversing with Geo has taught me the true meaning of loneliness.
Zooey: Curious about the lament of primals beasts that led to his manifestation, I decided to look into it myself.
Zooey: I thought returning to this island might give me some clues.
Lyria: So that's what happened.
Sophia: The lament of primal beasts?
Zooey explains the circumstances under which Geo manifested.
Sophia: Their lament was so great that it resulted in the appearance of another surrogate? Oh my...
Zooey: It wasn't until I confronted him that I finally began to understand the underlying reason behind his actions.
Zooey: He felt something that I didn't—something that he could never let go of.
Zooey: I thought I had to... No, I wanted to know where exactly he was coming from.
Zooey: It was my personal wish as someone who was no longer arbitrator.
Sophia: You're so kind at heart, Zooey.
Zooey: Though I doubt knowing will change anything...
Sophia: That's not true. Even Zeyen's teachings say that the path to enlightenment starts with wanting to be enlightened.
Sophia: Some gain peace of mind when others are able to sympathize with them.
Zooey: You think so?
Sophia: I know so! For sure...
Zooey: Oh? Thank you. Your words give me courage.
Sophia: Offering guidance to the lost is part of a priestess's job.
Zooey: I'm going to continue my stroll across the island a while longer. I hope you don't mind, (Captain).
  1. Take as much time as you need.

Choose: Take as much time as you need.
Zooey: I'll see you later on the ship.
Zooey ventures deeper into the old battlegrounds of the island.
Sophia: ...
Vyrn: Everything all right? You've been lookin' down in the mouth.
Sophia: Oh, yes! I'm fine. I didn't mean to make you worry!
Sophia: I wonder if what I just said to Zooey might have been a bit rude...
Vyrn: Rude? What part?
Lyria: Eep! Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt!
Sophia: You must be starving from waiting all that time. How about we go back to the ship?
Lyria: Yeah! We'll be meeting someone for lunch though. You're welcome to join us, Sophia.
Sophia: If I won't be intruding, then perhaps I will.
(Captain) and company are seated at a corner table of the Grandcypher's dining hall.
Sandalphon: I don't mind making extra coffee, though I don't think we've spoken before.
Sophia: Nice to meet you. I'm Sophia, a traveling priestess.
Sophia: I didn't expect our lunch to be with a primal beast... I'm a bit nervous just being here.
Lyria: Didn't you say before that you'd like to talk to more primal beasts, Sophia?
Sophia: Yes. While I've spoken to Rosetta many times before...
Sophia: I get a little uneasy when meeting a primal beast for the first time, like with Zooey earlier.
Vyrn: Wouldja believe Sandalphon's kind of a granddaddy of 'em all? He's an archangel—one of the earliest primal beasts to be created.
Vyrn: He can be a handful though, which is why I've got nicknames like Grumplephon and Queasyphon for the guy.
Sandalphon: Haha... That's rich, coming from someone who flip-flops between dragon and lizard.
Vyrn: Say that again! You sandal, sandal, sandal-face!
Sophia: Haha, you two get along really well. I'm glad you're a friendly one.
Sandalphon: Heh... The water should be boiling by now. I'll be back with the coffee.
Lyria: So what was it that was on your mind, Sophia? Would you like to talk about it?
Sophia: Oh, that... This mostly stems from my inexperience, but...
Sophia continues after a brief silence.
Sophia: Having toured many holy grounds as a Zeyen priestess, I've been able to see the past of many primal beasts and Astrals.
Sophia: I decipher the knowledge of Astrals so that we may apply it to our own lives. I tell people that believing in the blessing of Astrals grants them good fortune.
Sophia: I've always held my duty close to heart. And I've learned so much through my pilgrimage. Yet...
Sophia: Diving into primals' history and seeing so many of them entering slumber from great exhaustion, I can't help but wonder...
Lyria: Wonder about what?
Sophia: I'm not entirely confident that knowing the past will help us save those who feel trapped in the past...
Sophia: Yet I told Zooey that there is meaning in knowing the past. How irresponsible of me...
Lyria: I see what you mean...
Lyria: But she did say that your words gave her courage.
Sophia: I simply told her what I was taught.
Sophia: But it takes a lot more to understand in earnest Zeyen's teachings and gain the blessing of Astrals.
Sophia: As I am now, I probably could not save someone in the truest sense...
Lyria: Sophia...
Sandalphon: The blessing of Astrals, eh? Skydwellers come up with the strangest ideas.
Sandalphon returns with a tray of freshly made fragrant coffee.
Sophia: What a wonderful scent. Thank you.
Sophia: Though I'm curious what you find strange about the idea. For one thing, Astral technology is far more advanced than ours.
Sandalphon: It's hard to look up to Astrals when you know Lucilius and Beelzebub as well as I did.
Sandalphon: Not like I'm much better considering I once tried plunging the skies into the Crimson Horizon, but those guys were the worst.
Sophia: Huh? The worst?
Vyrn: Even Astrals come in all types, I guess.
Vyrn: Orchid's dad was a great guy, but Loki's nothin' but trouble.
Sandalphon: Lucilius wished for the world's demise, while Beelzebub wished to conquer the world.
Sandalphon: From what Michael and the other primarchs tell me, they were absolute heretics. Doesn't feel right for people to worship Astrals.
Sophia: I see...
Lyria: Um, just so we all know...
Lyria: Sophia has been on pilgrimage of holy grounds while training to spread Zeyen's teachings. So...
Vyrn: Yeah, sorry. Didn't mean to badmouth Astrals.
Sophia: Oh, please don't worry about it!
As if trying to play it off, Sophia brings her coffee mug to her lips.
Sophia: ...!
It's bitter!
Lyria: Oh, is this your first time drinking coffee? Here, try adding some sugar and milk.
Sophia: Sorry... I've never been very fond of bitter foods or drinks...
Sandalphon: ...
Sophia: O-oh my gosh! What an inconsiderate thing of me to say...
Sandalphon: No, it's my fault for not telling you that coffee is bitter.
Sandalphon: And... I apologize for being a bit inconsiderate myself.
Half-slumping, Sandalphon dips his head deferentially.
Sophia: No, really, it's okay! What you said gives me a lot to think about.
Sophia: Besides, I always did think it was strange to blindly believe in the Astrals without ever questioning why.
Sophia: We followers of Zeyen have saved many people through our knowledge of Astral wisdom. That's a fact.
Sophia: But Astrals leaving the primals behind and never treating them with kindness is also a fact.
Sophia: There are many people who've experienced similarly tragic pasts...
Sophia: Upon learning the truth about their situations, I need to figure out a way to save them too.
Sandalphon: Saving others from a tragic past? That's not an easy thing you're trying to do.
Sophia: You think so?
Sandalphon: Regret comes in an instant, and you can't shake it off no matter how hard you try.
Sandalphon: Sins committed don't just disappear. Not unless you change the past...
Sophia: Change the past?
Sandalphon: Heh... I'm just talking nonsense. Don't mind me.
Sophia: ...
Hearing those words puts a melancholy expression on Sophia's face.
Her fingers still on the mug's handle, the rising steam from the coffee continues to release a fragrant bitterness.

Changing the Past

During a return visit to the battle-scarred island, a pair of Zeyen devotees invite Sophia to their outpost. Upon learning that they are followers of the extremist Va'hen sect, Sophia tries to leave but is drugged. The devotees then cast a mind-control spell on her.

Sophia's pilgrimage brought her to the island of war-torn battlefields—one of the most important sites on her travels.
Through conversations with Zooey and Sandalphon, a question that had always stirred within Sophia begins to surface.
In order to tackle the question head-on, she pays the island another visit—alone this time.
Sophia: (Many primal beasts went to sleep on this island after experiencing great hardship...)
Sophia: (I might be able to see the past, but I can't interfere with it—no matter how tragic the events of the past...)
Sophia: (If only there were way to save people I cross paths with from previous trauma...)
Sandalphon: Regret comes in an instant, and you can't shake it off no matter how hard you try.
Sandalphon: Sins committed don't just disappear. Not unless you change the past...
Sophia: (Changing the past... Is that really the only path to salvation?)
???: Those pure white holy robes... You must be Lady Sophia.
Sophia: Why, yes... How is it that you know my name?
???: But of course we do. You're the granddaughter of High Priest Peter.
Sophia: You know my grandfather? Are you two followers of Zeyen?
Va'hen Devotee 1: Yes, we are. This island is considered one of the most important holy grounds to the Zeyen faith.
Va'hen Devotee 2: We do what we can to assist clergy members who've made it all the way here.
Sophia: Ah, I see. Your kindness is much appreciated.
Va'hen Devotee 1: Thank you. We would like to offer you our services as well.
Va'hen Devotee 1: Why not stop by our outpost? It's very close by.
Sophia: I'd like that! Please lead the way.
Sophia flashes the two a smile and follows them further into the island.
Va'hen Devotee 1: (Hehe... Those rumors about her naivete were true after all.)
Va'hen Devotee 2: (Everything's going according to plan so far. She's making this so easy.)
Sophia does not notice the sinister grin on their visages.
After reaching their outpost, Sophia is treated to a meal.
Sophia: Is it really okay for me to have all this?
Va'hen Devotee 1: Why, of course. We prepared it just for you.
Va'hen Devotee 2: Lady Sophia, this tea is made from the island's spring water.
Sophia: Thank you.
Sophia: (Something smells off about this tea...)
Va'hen Devotee 2: Is everything okay? Does it not suit your tastes?
Sophia: Oh, no! It's fine.
Sophia: (It would be rude to turn down such a generous offer.)
Sophia takes a few sips, then digs into her food.
Va'hen Devotee 1: So how is your pilgrimage coming along? Given your reputation, I imagine it's been smooth sailing.
Sophia: Not exactly. I still have a lot to learn.
Sophia: After traveling to so many places to see the past and speak with people, I've begun having doubts.
Va'hen Devotee 1: Doubts? What doubts could you possibly have?
Sophia lays bare her concerns about how to save those trapped in the past.
Va'hen Devotee 1: I see. Such concern exemplifies the great compassion you hold in your heart, Lady Sophia.
Sophia: I mean, anyone can express concern. But I can't just stop there.
Sophia: How do I save the hearts of those stuck in tragic yet immutable memories of the past?
Sophia: As long as the answer to that question eludes me, I don't think I can ever call an end to my pilgrimage.
Va'hen Devotee 1: True. I imagine High Priest Peter would want you to find an answer for yourself as well.
Va'hen Devotee 1: Though there may be an easy solution to all this.
Sophia: Huh? What do you mean?
Va'hen Devotee 1: Lady Sophia, have you ever heard of the relic that can alter history?
Sophia: Yes. The story about it is passed down as a lesson on why the past should never be changed.
Sophia: What of it?
Va'hen Devotee 1: Haha. If you know that much, the rest should be obvious.
Va'hen Devotee 1: Seek out that relic for all of our sakes, and you'll be able to save anyone.
Va'hen Devotee 1: Finding it shouldn't be too difficult, given that you already have the power to see the past.
Sophia: "For all of our sakes"... Oh no!
Sophia rises and pushes her chair away.
Sophia: You must be with the Va'hen sect!
Va'hen Devotee 1: Indeed, Lady Sophia. We've been awaiting your arrival for quite some time now.
Va'hen Devotee 1: As a descendant of High Priest Peter, your ability to peer into past events is especially promising.
Va'hen Devotee 1: To use it only for the sake of gaining Astral knowledge is a tremendous waste! Please lend us your strength in finding the relic.
Sophia: No!
Though often too magnanimous to refuse anyone, this is one request Sophia outright turns down.
Sophia: The Va'hen sect... Grandfather often spoke of you.
Sophia: You're extremists who will stop at nothing to get your hands on that relic and commit the taboo of altering history!
Sophia: We may be of the same Zeyen faith, but I would never join hands with the likes of you!
Va'hen Devotee 1: Brilliant, just brilliant! So strong, so noble, so pure... You couldn't be more fitting as the high priest's successor!
Va'hen Devotee 1: Don't worry—you'll come to terms with our creed soon enough.
Sophia: You sound awfully sure about that!
Sophia: Wha...
Sophia: Why am I... so weak...
Va'hen Devotee 1: Heh, about time those drugs took effect.
Va'hen Devotee 1: Use the mind-control magic on her already.
Va'hen Devotee 2: Right.
Sophia: Mind-control... magic?
Sophia's eyelids grow heavy; she struggles to stay awake. One of the Va'hen devotees begins casting a spell.
Va'hen Devotee 2: ...
Sophia: This... can't be...
Try as she might, her body lacks the power to resist and is struck by the spell.
A dreadful sensation encroaches. She shuts her eyes, unable to stay awake any longer.

Changing the Past: Scene 2

While under the effect of mind control, Sophia learns that one of the devotees wants to use the lost relic that can alter history, in hopes of preventing the house fire that took away his family. Sophia contends that the tragedy taught the devotee an important lesson—a lesson he would not have learned had the tragedy never happened in the first place. The crew shows up with Zooey later to save her from the outpost.

Va'hen Devotee 2: True salvation does not lie in the future.
Sophia: True salvation does not lie in the future.
Va'hen Devotee 2: Controlling the past to cleanse our sins shall lead us to redemption.
Sophia: Controlling the past to cleans our sins shall lead us to redemption.
Sophia: Zeyen... O great Astral wisdom... Grant us your divine blessing. The power to change the past...
Sophia wakes up and mindlessly follows along with what seems to be a prayer.
Va'hen Devotee 1: The mind control worked. All that's left is to instill the teachings of Va'hen into her.
Va'hen Devotee 1: I'll be right back with religious texts and tools for Lady Sophia. Watch her in the meanwhile.
Sophia: ...
Va'hen Devotee 2: I apologize for being rough earlier. How are you feeling?
Sophia: Oh, it's fine. I'm feeling relatively well now that my head is all clear.
Sophia: How foolish of me for not understanding something so simple earlier.
Sophia: The only way to save those trapped in the past is to change the past. Yes, that is the one true path to redemption.
Va'hen Devotee 2: Indeed, Lady Sophia. It pleases me to see we've come to an understanding.
Lady Sophia's empty eyes crinkle at the corners, her lips wearing a compassionate smile.
Sophia: Did you join the Va'hen sect to alter history as well?
Va'hen Devotee 2: Yes. I was blessed with a wife and two daughters...
Va'hen Devotee 2: But I lost all three of them when my house burned down one day...
Sophia: I'm sorry to hear that... Is that why you wish to change the past? So that you may have your family back?
Va'hen Devotee 2: Losing my family filled me with deep regret.
Va'hen Devotee 2: I kept asking myself why I always prioritized work when I should have been making more time for them... And were I home that day, I might've even been able to save them.
Va'hen Devotee 2: I realized how much of a fool I was. History must be altered so that the fire never happened and I have my family back.
Va'hen Devotee 2: I will make amends to my wife and daughters and ensure that we live happily ever after from thereon.
Sophia: You wish to apologize? And live happily ever after?
Va'hen Devotee 2: The Va'hen sect has shown me the way to right my wrongs. That's why—
Sophia: Wait, that's not quite right.
Va'hen Devotee 2: Huh? What's not quite right?
Sophia: You wish to have your family back and apologize for neglecting them.
Sophia: But it was the fire that made you realize you had neglected them.
Sophia: If you stop the fire from ever happening, you will never have realized your abandonment of your family in the first place.
Sophia: Changing the past means reverting back to who you were before all this. Before the fire.
Va'hen Devotee 2: ...!
Hearing the devotee's words, a light begins to stir in Sophia's eyes.
Va'hen Devotee 1: Everything all right here?
Va'hen Devotee 2: Lady Sophia's behavior suddenly changed... She refuted my way of thinking.
Va'hen Devotee 1: Crap, could she have broken free of the spell? Cast it again!
Va'hen Devotee 2: Right away!
One devotee closes in on Sophia while the other chants an incantation.
Va'hen Devotee 1: Don't try anything. Just behave yourself, and we promise not to hurt you.
Sophia: Oh no... Have I said anything that goes against Va'hen's teachings?
Sophia: If I did, I humbly apologize. I will submit to any punishment you deem necessary.
Sophia falls to her knees and hangs her head in one graceful stroke, tears welling up in her eyes.
Va'hen Devotee 1: The heck? Looks like she might still be under the spell after all.
Sophia: Ngh!
Va'hen Devotee 2: There, I gave her another jolt just to be safe. Lady Sophia, can you tell us what you're thinking now?
Sophia: No matter what it takes... The tragic past must be changed...
Va'hen Devotee 1: Yes, that's more like it. Zeyen forgives any deed committed in the pursuit of that noble goal.
Va'hen Devotee 1: Let us search for the relic together.
Sophia: No, that won't do. There is always a lesson to be learned from the past, no matter how painful it may be.
Sophia: Unless you learn from your mistakes, you will never find true salvation or happiness.
Va'hen Devotee 1: ...!
But you just said we need to change the past...
Sophia: Indeed, I did. But that must never be accomplished through use of the relic.
Sophia: Tragedies of the past are meant to shape who we are today.
Sophia: The trick is to stop perceiving tragedies as such and embrace the lessons that they teach us. That is the true path to redemption.
Va'hen Devotee 1: Lady Sophia's spouting the original Zeyen teachings!
Va'hen Devotee 2: Tch!
Va'hen Devotee 2: You sayin' my family deserved to die? That there's no need to bring 'em back?
Sophia: Well...
Va'hen Devotee 2: All I want is to be with my family again! To be happy again! But instead, you want us to embrace the lessons of tragedy? Screw that!
Va'hen Devotee 2: Changing what the past means? Don't gimme that crap!
Sophia: I...
Sophia: I'm so sorry!
Sophia bows deeply before continuing.
Sophia: If it sounds unconvincing or far-fetched, that's only because of my inexperience.
Sophia: I know it's not easy, but leading everyone to true salvation is my mission... And I remain steadfast in my conviction!
Sophia places a hand on her chest and walks up to the incensed zealots.
Sophia: I take back what I said earlier. I will continue to better myself so that I can save you two as well under the guidance of Zeyen.
Sophia: With my words, my actions, my thoughts, my ideas—whatever I can do to make you see the light.
Sophia: Until then, please give me a bit more time.
Va'hen Devotee 2: Gah! Screw that!
The Va'hen devotee takes out a knife and swings it at Sophia.
Sophia: Eek!
Va'hen Devotee 2: Urgh!
Before he can bring down the knife, gunfire shoots it out of his hand.
Zooey: Are you okay, Sophia?
Sophia: Zooey! The crew's here too!
Vyrn: We came lookin' since you were takin' a while. Guess these goons had you tied up, huh?
Va'hen Devotee 1: So you're the crew that Sophia places her trust in! You're not getting her back!
  1. Oh yes, we are!

Choose: Oh yes, we are!
Va'hen Devotee 1: Rgh!
Zooey: (Captain) and I will handle this. The rest of you head outside.
Lyria: Okay! Let's go, Sophia!
Sophia: Wha? Um...
Lyria and Vyrn bring Sophia out of the cave as the others fight it out.

Changing the Past: Scene 3

Back on the Grandcypher, Sophia explains to Sandalphon and Zooey that she wants to save people not by changing the past itself, but rather the meaning of the past. As part of this initiative, she tries to get over the bitterness of coffee with Sandalphon's help. Meanwhile, the Va'hen devotees are already plotting to capture Sophia once more.

Sophia: I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to cause you all that trouble!
Lyria: No worries. It's a good thing we got here on time! The mind-control spell is no more either!
Sophia: I'm glad someone in the crew was able to dispel that... Although...
Sophia: Ahaha... Grandfather's not going to be pleased when he finds out I spent a bit of time as a Va'hen devotee...
Vyrn: It's not like you went along willingly, so cheer up.
Having escaped the Va'hen sect's outpost, the crew is gathered in a corner of the Grandcypher's dining hall.
Having returned to her senses after the mind-control incident, Sophia abashedly covers her beet red face with both hands.
Zooey: I apologize for not getting you out of there sooner. When I initially spotted you going along with them, I did not think the two to be knaves.
Sophia: It's my fault for not seeing through their deception. I'm really lucky you and (Captain) were there to save me.
Any version of Razia is a crew member

Lyria: Va'hen? I recall Razia saying her father joined up with them.
Vyrn: Yep. She lost family, friends, and so much more because of that dodgy sect.
Vyrn: That's why Scrappy hates the Zeyen faith.
Vyrn: She's had a few close encounters with Va'hen sect members herself, so we're lucky Sophia's back in one piece.
No version of Razia in crew

Lyria: I guess even though you belong to the same faith, some sects are more dangerous...
Lyria: I'm so glad you're safe, Sophia!
Sophia: Yes. Thank you all for rescuing me.
Sandalphon: The coffee's ready. Lyria, Vyrn, the cafe au lait is yours.
Lyria: Yay! Thank you!
Sandalphon: Sophia... Here's the black coffee you wanted... Are you sure you don't want sugar or milk with that?
Sophia: Mm-hm, it's fine. You know, I was wondering for a long time...
Sophia looks up at Sandalphon while bringing the mug closer to herself.
Sophia: About how, as a Zeyen priestess, I should go about saving people who feel trapped by their past.
Sophia: I'm sure everyone has experienced some tragic event that they wish had never happened.
Sandalphon: ...
Sophia: But if you ask me, everything happens for a reason. The point is to learn from the past.
Sophia: I realize some events are so traumatic that getting over them is incredibly painful... But therein lies the lesson.
Sophia: I want to help everyone, mortal or primal, to embrace their pain and learn what they can from it.
Sophia: That is my wish, or rather my mission, as a priestess who treads the path of Zeyen.
Sandalphon: Hm, I do see what you mean.
Sandalphon: My sins resulted in tremendous loss. But some things were gained as a result.
Sandalphon: Don't get me wrong—I'm not trying to justify the messed up things I did. I'm just saying there's a positive side to look for in even the bleakest of moments.
Zooey: "Mortal or primal," you say... So you wish to save primal beasts as well.
Sophia: It may seem brazen for someone as young as I to say such a thing, but...
Zooey: No, it's fine. The wishes of mankind contain great power. Just like I manifested in the Sky Realm from those wishes.
Zooey: While surveying the war-torn island, I tried to think of things that I can do.
Zooey: I haven't found an answer yet, but I see that you've found yours. So I'll be cheering you on.
Zooey: I pray that your wish comes true, Sophia.
Sophia: That's very encouraging. Thank you.
Reflecting on her own words, Sophia lifts the coffee mug to her mouth.
Sophia: The past can be changed... simply by changing the way you look at the past.
Sophia: Just like this bitter coffee isn't so bad if you approach it from a different perspective!
A determined Sophia chugs the fragrantly bitter coffee.
Sophia: Ahem... It's delicious! Very much so!
Sophia: It's... not bitter! Not at all!
Sandalphon: What are you doing?
Vyrn: Is that how you're gonna practice changin' the past?
Sophia: Uh-huh! I have to first change myself before I can work on others!
Sophia: I haven't experienced any traumatic events that changed my life entirely. At the very least, if I can just overcome the bitterness of this drink...
Sandalphon: ...
Sandalphon: Hahah.
Vyrn: Huh? What's so funny?
Sandalphon: Oh, it's nothing. Just felt a bit nostalgic.
Sophia: Nostalgic? Did you previously dislike coffee yourself?
Sandalphon: It was a long time ago. But never mind that...
Sandalphon: Coffee isn't meant to be enjoyed while scrunching up your face.
Sandalphon: The type of beans used, how they're roasted, and how the coffee is poured all have an effect on its taste.
Sandalphon: Why not try a a few different types of coffee to see what taste suits you best? I'll help.
Vyrn: Awfully cooperative, aren'tcha?
Sandalphon: I just want everyone to enjoy coffee—even those who can't stand its bitterness.
Sandalphon: I've been using milk and sugar all along to mask the bitterness. This is a valuable chance for me to test out other potential solutions.
Lyria: That's a good point! Some foods I usually dislike aren't so bad depending on how they're cooked.
Lyria: And once you've eaten the food in a more pleasing form, it becomes that much easier to stomach in other forms.
Sophia: Oh, I've had that experience myself.
Sophia: It just goes to show tackling things straight on isn't always the best answer.
Sophia: Finding a different approach to accomplish the same goal is oftentimes invaluable.
Sophia straightens her posture and turns to Sandalphon.
Sophia: I'd be happy to take you up on that offer, Sandalphon.
Sandalphon: Okay. I have a few ideas. Be right back.
Lyria: I'll take this chance to try black coffee too!
Zooey: I'm interested as well. May I also have some?
Sandalphon: Of course... Just don't force yourself.
Having his barista curiosities tickled, Sandalphon gets to boiling some hot water.
And so begins Sophia's adventures in coffee taste-testing as part of her training.
Va'hen Devotee 1: Lady Sophia got away. She stood for her beliefs even while under mind control. She's not High Priest Peter's granddaughter for nothing.
Va'hen Devotee 2: So what now?
Va'hen Devotee 1: We'll just need another way to get Lady Sophia back in our camp.
Va'hen Devotee 1: (Captain), was it? The leader of that crew. We'll have to keep an eye out on their movements as well.
Despite what just happened, the Va'hen devotees are already plotting something insidious to recover Sophia.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
怪我をしたら、私を頼ってくださいね Come to me if anyone gets hurt.
やはり過去そのものは変えてはいけないんです The past isn't meant to be changed after all.
祖父のような立派な人になりたいって思っています I hope to become as respected as my grandfather one day.
お財布を落としたみたいです……とほほ…… Oopsie... I dropped my purse.
私をつけ狙う人もいるんですね…… Certain zealots have marked me as a target...
新しい史学の本です。読んでみたいですか? I found a new history book. Care to read it?
本当の意味で救いとなる道を探してみせます I'm going to find the true path to salvation.
(主人公)さんも悩みがあったら言ってくださいね I'm a good listener if you ever need someone to talk to, (Captain).
ヴァッヘン派……恐ろしい人達です The Va'hen sect... They're a terrifying group.
(主人公)さんと旅が出来て嬉しいです It's a true joy to be traveling with (Captain).


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 04.
  2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「アーサー」「ランスロット」「ソフィア(Sレア)」