Stan (Event)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 17 years old
Height 175 cm (ears included)
Race Erune
Hobbies Cooking
Likes Nature
Dislikes Hard work, authority
Granblue Fantasy Theater
Stan works to defend Aliza, heiress of a well-to-do family in Valtz, but he generally lacks the qualities necessary for the job. His overinflated manner of speaking is easily punctured, he's indecisive, and his emotional state is that of a rollercoaster, frequently leaving him on the verge of tears. As much as he wants to help Aliza deal with family issues, Stan constantly worries about whether he should step back and watch it all from a distance instead.
Source [1] [2]
Age 17歳
Height 175cm(耳含む)
Race エルーン
Hobbies 料理
Likes 自然
Dislikes 努力、権力
Granblue Fantasy Theater


Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday!
I'm sorry for being such a burden all the time, (Captain).
If it weren't for you though, I would've definitely been stuck in a slump forever...
I'm really glad I met you, (Captain). I'm gonna make this the best birthday you've ever had!
From banquets to backrubs, I've got you covered! Haha... So, what shall it be?


Happy birthday! Another year, and that means another party!
But geez, time really flies doesn't it? Feels like it was just yesterday that you saved me for the first time!
All right, (Captain)... We're gonna make sure this is the best birthday you've ever had! Come on, the whole crew's waiting for ya.
Just follow me, (Captain)!


Another year gone by already... It really flew.
I feel like you make so much progress, day in and day out. Me, on the other hand...
I'm not gonna whinge on your special day!
I'm just gonna follow your example and work like the dickens!
Hehe, happy birthday, (Captain). Let's keep pushing each other to do our best.


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
Hm? What's with that meek expression?
You don't feel like you've grown? You look like you've made a lotta progress to me though.
Like in how you think, or how you act as the crew's captain... Stuff like that.
Haha, we're always traveling together so I notice these things. Trust me on this.
Come on, put on a smile! It's your birthday, after all. Enjoy your special day!


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
What's the matter? It's your birthday, isn't it? Look lively!
Hm? If you're hungry, why don't you go down to the dining hall and...
What? You're saving your stomach for all the delicious food at your birthday party? What the heck is that...
You know, you can be so funny sometimes. Sure is a huge difference from when you're taking down monsters and saving people.
Heheh, I'm not making fun of you. I'm saying I think you're amazing nonetheless!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year!
My resolution this year is to become strong enough to be worthy of protecting Aliza.
To do that, something tells me that fighting alongside you is gonna be indispensable, (Captain).
I'll be counting on you, (Captain). Let's make this year another good one!


I still have much to learn until I can call myself a man truly worthy of protecting Aliza...
But you know, I feel like I've really grown, traveling the skies with the crew.
That's why this year, I resolve to become even stronger! Heh, at this rate... I may even be able to beat you in a fight soon, (Captain)!
Cough, ahem... Whoa, hey! I was only kidding... Put your weapon away!


(We made it through another year...)
I don't know who to thank, but I really am grateful about seeing another year.
Say, (Captain).
How long do you think it'll take before we get to Estalucia?
Huh? You have no clue?
Haha! All right... That's how it is, huh...
But I'll keep pushing along just the same!
I know one day, we'll get there!


When you kinda just let life go by, you end up losing sight of what's really important. You forget about stuff...
But when you watch the first sunrise of the year, it's like all of that comes back.
It's weird, but... It really gets you motivated, you know?
Hey, what do you mean that's funny, coming from me?
I think I mature every year—not by much, maybe, but yeah, there's change.


Haha... Yup, that's me...
How's your fortune for this year, (Captain)? What, you got the best one? That's awesome.
If the captain's got good luck, then things are looking bright for the crew too.
Hm? Oh... You don't have to hear about mine. Who cares, right?
Come on, give me a break... You know better than to ask.
Huh? I'm at rock bottom now, so the only way from here is up?
Haha, well... you're right. I guess I should think about it more positively. Thanks, (Captain).

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's Day!
This is for me? Haha, thanks...
You've really made my day. These aren't just ordinary chocolates... I feel like you've really put your feelings into them.
I'll definitely get something to properly thank you... something handmade, packed with my gratitude!
Thank you, (Captain).


Wh-whoa... Really? From Aliza? I can't believe it... Haha.
These aren't tears, I just got some dust in my eyes... Wait, what? You were kidding?
Come on, (Captain), don't joke about something like that with me...
Wait a sec. If that's the case, then these chocolates... were from you?
Oh geez, you should've just said that in the first place! Thanks a bunch, (Captain)!
No, I really mean it! I really am glad, (Captain). Thank you.


Wh-why the face...
Sigh... Is that all?
Why'd you have to go and make such a big deal outta giving me chocolate?
I thought you were coming over here to tell me something way more serious.
You know... Something more personal or hard to say...
Hey, (Captain)! Stop laughing!
Fine. Have at it... Thanks for the chocolate anyways...


I don't know what to say... You're just such a good person, (Captain)...
Well, I mean, you bring me chocolates every year.
But, yeah, I know! It's just because it's a tradition, right? You're just following tradition!
You're just following tradition, but... I can tell you put a lot of heart into these.
Feels nice to know you mean something, you know? And, (Captain), I promise—I won't ever let you down!


A-about this chocolate, (Captain)... Isn't this... a heart?
Um, well... Does that mean you're giving it to me... not just out of friendship, but out of...
Huh? Ohh, uh, really?
Ohh... I see! You're giving this out to everyone, huh? That's nice! Yeah!
I mean, hearts are basically like a sign of friendship nowadays, right? Totally! Haha... ha...

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy White Day!
I made a little something as thanks for last time, (Captain). A special, handmade treat.
Just between us, you and Aliza are the only ones I made something special like this for.
Why? I trust you from the heart, that's why. Not that I don't trust the other crew members, of course...
I appreciate everything you do so much, (Captain). Thanks for everything.


Hey, (Captain)... Would you like some of this candy? I mean, today being White Day and all.
It's fine! I've got some for everybody else in the crew too.
But... I just made sure that Aliza's is super special, you know?
N-not that yours isn't special as well, (Captain)! This candy doesn't even come close to how much, uh... Anyways!
I hope that you'll enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed my time in your crew, (Captain).


I really thought long and hard about what to get you...
I mean I spent the whole night trying to come up with something. And then I did...
But when I woke up, I completely forgot what I decided on...
So I returned to the basics...
And made you some sweets with all my love inside them!
I'm sorry that I always end up giving you the same thing. But I put my whole spirit into this.
Whaddya say? Do you want some?


Hey, (Captain). Today's White Day, right? Do me a favor and take these.
Yeah, it's been a while, but I tried baking again. Mind trying them out for me?
They should taste better than last year's batch...
W-what do you think?
Mm...Haha! Really? You think they're good?
But, man, when you're so straightforward with your praise, I kinda get embarrassed.


Here's something from me in return for Valentine's, (Captain).
I'm glad you like it! But, actually... that's not all today.
I happened to hear about this really great restaurant in town, so I made a reservation there earlier.
I know I don't usually do this kind of thing...
But I wanted to treat you to something nice since you're always working so hard. You know, have some good food and recharge.
So, (Captain). Will you allow me to escort you there?

Light Cookies
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween!
Hey, (Captain)! Trick or treat!
Like that's even a question, right? You want a treat. Heh heh, let me get the candy out...
Wait, you want a trick? Sure wasn't expecting that as your answer... Um, er, let's see...
Huh? If I'm not gonna do anything, you're outta here? H-hold on a sec!
M-my candy vanished? Gah... Well, so it goes. Your tricks are quite the treat. Haha...


Hey, (Captain)... You wanna go spook some people tonight?
I bet if we worked together, we'd make a killing in candy out there!
Oh? You just wanna spook people regardless? Wow, (Captain)... I didn't take you for such a prankster!
In that case, let's go trick-or-tricking!


Hehe, pranking me right out of the gate, huh, (Captain)? I'd expect nothing less from our captain.
But you're breaking the rules, you know.
You gotta at least say "trick or treat" first!
Seriously, I nearly jumped out of my skin!
Well, if that's how you're gonna play it, I'm not joining forces with you this year. And all the rules are out the window!
Think you're ready for that?
It's on, (Captain)! May the best prankster win!


Oh, trick or treat already?
All right then, here you go.
Yeah, normally we'd be competing with each other...
But this year, I'm thinking of giving everyone some homemade treats.
Why, you ask? Because you said the desserts I made were good!
Heheh... You know, when you compliment me like that, I feel like I can do anything.


Here, I'll give you a treat. That should wipe that frown off your face.
You don't want it? Geez, you just can't lay off the tricks, can you...
All right. If that's what you want, then who am I to say no?
Guess I'll try my hand at some tricks this year!
So (Captain), let's have a competition. Who do you think can come up with the lamest trick—you or me?

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays!
Hmm, I wonder what kind of presents I should ask for...
Say, (Captain), is there anything you want for the holidays?
Me? That's a secret. What's that? Yours is a secret too? Haha, I guess I was asking for that!
Let's enjoy today together, (Captain). As secret-having buddies!


Hey, (Captain), how's this for an idea? I was thinking maybe I'd give Santa presents this year.
It must be tough, giving presents to everyone every year... I thought I'd express my gratitude, ya know?
But the thing is, what are you supposed to even give Santa anyways?
Got any ideas, (Captain)? Surely if we rack our brains together we can think of something perfect!


How beautiful the snow is...
(Captain), did you come here to see it fall too?
You came to make a snowman? Haha. I haven't made one in some time.
All right, I'll do the same.
Let's see who can make the bigger one.
And what if we wager something?
For example, whoever loses has to do whatever the winner says all day?


Hey, look, (Captain). The snow's really piling up.
Which means... It's time for a rematch. Oh, I still haven't forgotten about last year.
Hmm... Yeah, let's not build snowmen this time. What do you say to having a snowball fight?
The rules are the same as last time. Whoever loses has to do whatever the winner says. All right?
Heh-heh. I can feel it. This year's the year I win!


A sky full of stars... A sea of sparkling illuminations, and the first snowfall of the year...
Such a romantic situation... That leaves us with only one thing to do, right?
Heheh, I wouldn't have expected any less from you, (Captain). So you're all ready, huh?
The rules will be the same as usual. But watch out—I'm not the Stan from last year anymore!
I've been training hard through all the snowball fights I've had with the children in town.
Whew... Okay, then let's get this started. Prepare yourself, (Captain)!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Newfound Will

After leaving (Captain)'s crew and Aliza behind, Stan contemplates the nature of true strength as he cuts through a horde of monsters. Upon further reflection, he decides to return to the crew in order to become stronger, and apologizes to (Captain) for his selfish actions. They happily accept him back, and Stan joins the crew on its adventures once more.

After separating from (Captain) and the rest of the crew, Stan travels alone.
He attacks a horde of monsters in an unpopulated wasteland.
Stan: Grrraaah!
Monster: Blorgh...
The monsters recoil at Stan's attacks, gradually beginning to flee.
Stan: Huff... Huff...
Stan: No... This isn't it. This is no different from when I was afflicted with Llana's Disease.
Stan: If the only thing I've gained is physical strength... then I'm still weak.
Stan: I still haven't found... true strength.
Stan sits down to take a break and lets out a small sigh.
He ponders the meaning of true strength in earnest. Recollections of (Captain) float through his mind.
Stan: (Captain)... You really are incredible. Facing such difficulties from such a young age...
Stan: Traveling with you was quite an experience... Though I nearly died about a hundred times...
Stan: If I travel with (Captain) again, perhaps then I can find true strength...
Stan: (Not to mention...)
A few days later.
Stan: I... made it.
Stan suddenly returns to the crew.
Lyria: Oh... Stan, is that you?
Vyrn: What the... Stan, you came back?
Stan: Ahaha... Yeah, kinda embarrassing, but here I am.
Vyrn: I thought you wanted to go traveling by yourself? What happened?
Stan: I've been thinking over a lot of stuff while on my own.
Stan: Particularly about the nature of true strength.
Vyrn: Huh? True... strength?
Stan: Yeah. I've found physical strength, enough to take on almost any kind of monster.
Stan: But that alone isn't enough. Druj and Aliza would just laugh at me.
Vyrn: So, um... You're saying the strength you have now isn't the real deal?
Stan nods firmly in response to Vyrn's question.
Stan: I have to improve the strength of my spirit. Spur it towards growth.
Stan: So I thought, who the heck would be able to teach me about true strength?
Vyrn: Wait, you don't mean... (Captain), do you?
Stan: That's right. I want to learn the meaning of true strength from you, (Captain).
Lyria: I see... So that's why you came back.
Stan: But that's not all. I needed to pay you guys back for everything you've done for me as well.
Lyria: Pay us back? But we didn't do anything...
Stan: Not true. It's thanks to all of you and Aliza that I can live the way I do now.
Stan: (Captain), Lyria, Vyrn... Thank you so much.
Vyrn: Heh heh, don't mention it! The fact that you're alive is thanks enough!
Stan: Ha ha... You guys really are the best, seriously...
Stan: Hey, (Captain), I really wanted to apologize. I caused you a lot of trouble by just doing my own thing.
Stan: But I want to travel with you again. I know it's a selfish request, but...
Stan: Can you let me tag along with your crew again?
  1. No way.
  2. You'll have to help out with the chores.

Choose: No way.
Stan: Huh? No way?
Vyrn: Yeah, I mean... You did head off on your own.
Stan: But that's... Listen, I recognize that I messed up, so please...
Vyrn: You did put us through a lot of trouble...
Stan: Ugh... I'm going to make it up to you during the journey, I swear!
Stan: Please, I'm begging you here...

Choose: You'll have to help out with the chores.
Stan: Ch-chores? Um, about that...
Stan: Ha ha... Well, I guess I can't argue with that, after everything I've put you through.
Stan: And I can't expect to live on a ship without pitching in...
Continue 1
Lyria: Hey (Captain), I'm starting to feel bad for him...
Vyrn: Ha ha, I guess we can drop the act here!
Stan: You mean...
Vyrn: (Captain) was just joking earlier, of course!
Stan: Oh, I see... You were just joking. Thank goodness...
Stan: I won't be lonely anymore...
Vyrn: Huh? Wait a sec... Did you just come back here because you were lonely?
Stan: N-no! I mean, uh...
Stan: I really do want to learn about true strength from (Captain) and repay my debt to all of you...
Stan: That's not a lie. I mean all of it. But honestly, I was pretty lonely out there by myself...
Vyrn: Bwahahaha! That's our Stan for you! Hasn't changed one bit!
Stan: Wh-what's that supposed to mean?
Stan: No, you're right. I haven't changed. I have to get stronger.
Vyrn: Heh heh heh! Nah, I think you have changed actually! If only just a little!
Vyrn: You've acknowledged your own weaknesses now! That's definitely new!
(Captain) nods in agreement with Vyrn's assessment, and offers Stan a hand.
Stan: Haha, thanks. I'm sure I'll be learning a lot from you.
Stan takes (Captain)'s hand and smiles.
And with that, Stan once again joins the crew on their travels.

A Most Peculiar Banquet

Stan offers to cook a meal for the crew to show his gratitude. However, the special ingredient is located in Tarvi. The crew reluctantly sets off to their dangerous destination.

One day Stan comes to see (Captain).
Wanting to thank the crew, he offers to do something for everyone in return.
Lyria: Oh, there's no need for you to do something like that...
Stan: It's fine. Just think of it as a token of my goodwill, Lyria.
Vyrn: Heh heh, if you insist, who are we to say no? What did you have in mind?
Stan: I thought I'd prepare a meal for you all.
Lyria: You're going to cook for us?
Lyria's eyes sparkle with excitement.
Stan's cooking was so delicious that it had become something of a hot topic aboard the Grandcypher.
Stan: Heh heh... Not just any regular old meal either. I'm gonna prepare a special dish just for you guys!
Lyria: Yay, I can't wait! My stomach's grumbling already!
Stan: Ha ha... You'll have to hang in there a little, Lyria.
Stan: But it's definitely something you should be excited about. I'm gonna pull out all the stops on this one!
Stan: Oh, and I'd like to head towards Tarvi.
Vyrn: Ha ha, I'm lookin' forward to it! Wait... Tarvi?
Stan: Yeah. Tarvi. Just trust me on this one.
Although harboring doubts, (Captain) and the others place their trust in Stan and set a course for Tarvi.

A Most Peculiar Banquet: Scene 2

The crew sits restlessly by a campfire in Tarvi, awaiting Stan's return. Their lingering doubts are intensified upon hearing a scream in the distance. Rushing to the source, they find Stan cowering in the face of a lone snake.

After arriving in Tarvi, Stan leads the crew to a relatively tranquil area.
Sitting on a fallen tree, the crew keep watch over a crackling fire and await Stan's return.
Vyrn: What's Stan trying to do here anyway?
Lyria: He said he was going to gather ingredients for the meal so... something mushroom-y?
Vyrn: Mushrooms would be great, but I dunno... I got a bad feeling about this.
Stan: Waaargh!
Vyrn: H-hey, that's Stan's voice! And it came from nearby too!
Lyria: We better find him, and fast!
Quickly grabbing their weapons, (Captain) and the others head toward Stan's panicked voice.
The crew finds Stan cowering in front of a snake, frantically swinging his sword in an effort to drive it off.
Stan: Get away from me! Get away!
Vyrn: Uh... Now what are you up to?
Stan: You're just in the nick of time, (Captain)!
Stan: I was planning on catching this snake, but...
Snake: Hissss!
Stan: Eek! Sn-snakes are totally terrifying! Yikes!
Lyria: Why was he trying to catch a snake?
Vyrn: No idea. Being terrified of snakes is just what I'd expect from Stan though.
Lyria: Ahaha... It's almost kind of reassuring to see him like this though, isn't it?
Stan: There's nothing reassuring about this... Hurry up and help me out here!
Monster: Grrr...
As if responding to Stan's desperate cries, a monster suddenly appears.
Stan: Whoa, hey! I-I wasn't asking for help from you!
Vyrn: Oh geez, here we go again... Come on, (Captain), it's time for us to do our thing.

A Most Peculiar Banquet: Scene 3

(Captain) and company find themselves in a tight spot dealing with monsters when Druj suddenly appears, sending the horde running. Upon hearing Stan's reasons for returning to Tarvi, Druj is invited to join the crew for a feast of roasted snake with a side dish of hearty laughter.

Monster: Blaaargh!
Stan: Wh-what are these things? They just keep coming!
Monster: Blooorgh!
Vyrn: Gah! There's no end to them! They're gonna have us surrounded!
The crew finds themselves cornered, hemmed in by a ring of monsters.
Stan: Uh-oh... This doesn't look good...
Monster: Bluuurgh!
Stan: Ugh...
A monster prepares to attack Stan only to pull back at the last second.
Monster: B-blooorgh...
The monster frantically tries to escape, as if it has been frightened by something.
Stan: Huh? What just happened?
Rough Voice: Miserable half-wit... What are you here for?
Stan: That voice! Druj?
Vyrn: Whoa! Y-you again... Didn't you dissolve into the sky or something?
Druj: Ha! Don't be ridiculous, my brethren. Just taking a rest, as I believe I told you.
Druj: I am a dragon who's lived for eons... It'll take more than some mere child to send me to the next life.
Stan: So you survived... That's a relief!
Druj: Ha! What concern is it of yours? I'd advise you not to annoy me.
Stan: I-I'm sorry... Please don't get too angry at me...
Druj: So what brings you here this time, then? This is hardly a vacation spot, you know.
Stan: Well... I was planning on making roasted snake for dinner...
Druj: Oh?
Lyria: What? R-roasted snake?
Vyrn: Looks like that bad omen I felt was right on the money...
Stan: Huh? But they're delicious! The snakes here on Tarvi are seriously the best!
Stan: For some reason, Llana's Disease really made me work up an appetite...
Stan: I caught a snake out of desperation, and that's when it hit me how delicious it'd be if properly cooked!
Lyria: Wow... That must've been one tasty snake if it's been on your mind since then...
Stan: It's going to blow you away, I promise! Oh, right! Druj, you should have some too!
Druj: Have you taken leave of your senses, boy?
Stan: Not at all. Just thought it'd be good to thank you for everything too.
Druj: Bwa!
Druj: Bwahahaha! You're just an endless source of amusement, aren't you, boy?
Stan: Huh? Wh-what's so funny?
Druj: Everything! Everything about you is hilarious, boy! Bwahahaha!
Druj: Why, this is delightful! I accept your invitation! Whatever you cook, I'll eat.
Druj: I'll have you know I'm quite fussy about my food however. The lass I once had by my side was quite the cook.
Stan: I can't guarantee you'll like it, but... It's going to be good. That's a promise.
Vyrn: Are you sure about this? I mean, roasted snake is a little...
Druj: Trust the boy, my brethren! How bad could it be? Bwahahaha!
Lyria: Hee hee hee... That's right! I just know whatever Stan cooks up will be delicious!
Stan: Whoa, you guys are setting the bar pretty high... But I won't let you down!
Answering with a smile, Stan catches the snake from earlier and begins preparing his meal.
Before long, the dish is complete, and the crew smack their lips in anticipation.
Lyria: Wow... this really is good! It just melts in your mouth!
Druj: Ha ha ha... This is quite the surprise. Boy, you might want to leave the battlefield behind. You clearly belong in the kitchen!
Stan: Ha ha... Thanks, but no thanks.
Druj and the crew enjoy Stan's cooking with some friendly conversation.
The strange group spends the evening gathered around the dining table, feasting long into the night.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
うらぁあっ!! Hraaah!
ふぅ…少し、疲れたな… Whew... Lemme rest a sec...
今日の晩御飯は何を作ろうか? So what should I whip up for dinner tonight...
アリーザ…俺はいつか必ず… Aliza... Someday, I'll...
ドゥルジに今度、会おうと思うんだ I bet we'll run into Druj again.
もっと…強くならないとな I've gotta get stronger...
黄金の花、いつか渡せれば… I'm gonna give her that golden flower someday...
ひっ…へ、蛇か…驚かせるなよ… Ahh! A s-snake! Don't scare me like that...
(主人公)には、感謝してるよ I really appreciate your help, (Captain).
(主人公)、手合せしないか? Got time for a practice match, (Captain)?


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Site, Stan - Theater - Granblue Fantasy
  2. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 01.