Tabina (Summer)/Lore

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Official Profile




  • Attiyah's hands can be seen in Tabina's 2nd art.


Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Tabina: (Captain), happy birthday! Let's make this a day to remember!
You're going to have a party, right? You can leave the main dish to me!
Hehehe... Nope, it's not shopping that I'm going off to... I'm going hunting!
I'm going to track down the biggest, juiciest boar out there just for you, (Captain)!
Gearcycle: ...!
Tabina: Hehe, looks like even the gearcycle's raring to go. I wonder what kind of tune it'll sing for us!
Guess you'd better get prepped for the best birthday of your life ever, (Captain)... Off I go!


Hehe, happy birthday, (Captain)!
I'm so grateful for being able to join you on your journey. Thanks to you, I can visit so many islands and experience different things.
I owe you so much, (Captain). And that's why, we must put on a big celebration today!
Tsubasa and the others told me, you know...
You usually have a grand gathering to celebrate special days like this, don't you?
Why don't you hop on my Attiyah-Pooh, and we'll go for a ride!
Hehe, don't you worry! We'll tear through the streets like there's no tomorrow!


I'm so happy we can celebrate your birthday together again, (Captain)!
After all, you saved both Attiyah and me.
I'd like nothing more than to continue having you here as a close friend!
Is there anything you'd like? If there is, I'll have Ahabak search far and wide for it!
You just want everyone to be safe and sound? That's all you need?
Oh, (Captain)... You truly have the purest of hearts!
It's such an honor to be a part of your crew!


Happy birthday, (Captain).
I can't believe it's already been this long since our fated encounter.
You know, never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be on a journey like this.
Hehe... But thanks to you, I've really come into my own as a crew member!
And if the stars align, I'll continue to sail together with you and the crew, happily ever after—
Oh dear, "ever after"? How embarrassing! Y-you didn't hear that!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Tabina: Happy New Year, (Captain)!
Do you know where the shrine is around here? Maybe you can even take me there!
Mm-hm, I heard you get a wish granted for offering a prayer to welcome in the new year. Thought I'd give it a try myself!
I'm gonna wish for more alone time with Attiyah! Except I don't have the first clue where the shrine is, or even how they pray there!
So, please, (Captain)! Show me to the shrine, won't you?
Gearcycle: ...
Tabina: Ooh, nice timing! Now it won't matter if it's way up in the mountains—this darling here will get me there in a flash!
So you'll come with, (Captain)? Hehe, thanks! Here, get on behind me!
I know we've got a really chilly wind blowing, but as Lyria puts it, the chillier, the better the eggnog!
Okay, going full speed ahead! Make sure you grab on tight!


Tabina: Oh my! Did you draw a good fortune too, (Captain)?
Hehe, yes. I managed to draw the best fortune as well! Looks like it's going to be a wonderful year!
See here? It says... "The person you are waiting for will come." Aah, I'm so happy!
It must mean that Attiyah and I will be reunited soon!
Oh, my heart is pounding just from thinking about it... The world is turning into a beautiful rose color!
Gearcycle: ...
Tabina: It's you, Attiyah-Pooh! Will you give me your blessings as well? Ah, I can hardly wait!
Come on, (Captain). Let's celebrate this amazing new year together and dance our hearts out!


Sigh... It's so beautiful... Absolutely breathtaking.
Hehe. This sunrise truly reminds of Attiyah.
I'm sure Attiyah is somewhere out there, watching the same sunrise right now...
Huh! Did Attiyah's face appear in the sun just now?
Oh dear. Look at me, imagining Attiyah everywhere... Hey, (Captain)—
Oh! Attiyah? Is that you, Attiyah?
Choose: No! I'm (Captain)!
(Captain)! I-I'm sorry...
I can't believe I mistook both the sun and (Captain) for Attiyah... My love for him must be growing so much it's starting to overflow...


Wh-what is this? I've never had mochi so smooth and chewy!
What are these called, (Captain)? I have to know!
This isn't mochi, but... shiratama?
Hehe, I see. The new year has only just begun and I've already learned something!
There's no doubt in my mind—this must be the work of the great luck fortune I drew today!
Ah, if only I could enjoy New Year's Day festivities and desserts with Attiyah next year!
"The best way to predict the future is to create it," you say?
That's another one I never heard in Tahar. Thanks, (Captain)!


Ya! Hiya! Hragh!
Huff... huff... I feel... amazing!
Hehe... How long has it been since I last heard from Attiyah?
What am I saying? I'm supposed be holding this all in! Not another word from me!
Thank you for this opportunity, (Captain). I really do appreciate it! And also! Pounding mochi! Is absolutely! Amazing!
Okay, (Captain). How about we do a little chant while making the next batch? Ready?

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's! I made something for you to show my thanks, (Captain)!
This is my first time making any confections, but I think they turned out pretty well!
You know they say putting love into your cooking is the best way to bring out the flavor?
So I made sure to pour my love for Attiyah into baking these...
All while singing and dancing my heart out throughout the night.
Saeada, we sing!
Massir, we sing!
I was actually so focused on the lyrics that I forgot to check the recipe. But I'm just glad it turned out okay!
Anyway, hope you like my first confection ever!


Happy Valentine's Day! Don't worry, (Captain). I'm not the Tabina I was last year anymore.
That's because I had a chocolate-crafting professional—a patissier from Chocolae Island—teach me!
Love is required for cooking, of course. But you also taught me that it's important to get the basics down first.
Remember how you said you could tell I tried last year? I know that was just your way of putting it nicely.
I've worked really hard since then in learning how to make something nice! The patissier was happy to see me singing and dancing while making the chocolate too!
Hehe. Here, give it a try, (Captain)! I shall name this...
The I Love Attiyah chocolate!
Oh dear. Are you feeling awkward about eating it now?


Oh my! Look at all those chocolates you're holding!
Popular as always, (Captain)!
Hehe. I wonder if any of the people who gave you chocolate have a special kind of affection for you...
Ooh, just thinking about it gets me so excited!
Oh dear, how shameless of me to pry into other people's relationships.
But don't hesitate to ask me if you need any romantic advice, okay?
Oh, that's right! I almost forgot that I came to give you some chocolates myself.
Here you are. Happy Valentine's Day, (Captain)!


It's Valentine's Day, (Captain)! A day where love blooms across the skies!
Ah, what I'd do to be able to give a Valentine's Day chocolate to Attiyah...
Goddess of love, please grant me my wish! Ah, Attiyah!
Oh dear. I think I may have gotten a bit carried away just now. Such wanton behavior is unbefitting of me!
Ahem! Now then. This is for you!
You work so tirelessly for us every day, so I've blended some energizing spices from Tahar into this chocolate!
I hope you find yourself a lovely partner in love one day too.


They say that long ago, people believed love had eight different facets.
I think Valentine's Day is one of them. It's the one day of the year dedicated to showing love to your friends!
And as for Attiyah, well... He was the most passionate lover... Hehe... Heh...
Oh, Attiyah! You really shouldn't have...
Ah, sorry about that! I always seem to imagine Attiyah being with me...
Ahem... Anyway!
Right! I was talking about friends and love.
With that said, since you're a dear friend, (Captain), I wish you a very happy Valentine's Day!

Raspberry Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

A present for me? As thanks for last month?
Gee, thanks, (Captain)!
That reminds me, I still haven't heard your thoughts on my Valentine's treat yet.
Hehe, so how was it? Not bad for my first try, wouldn't you say?
You could tell that I tried? Is that... your way of saying you didn't like it?
Figures... I probably should've looked at the recipe...
I couldn't possibly give something that's second-rate to Attiyah! I'll have to really practice hard for next year's Valentine's!
When the time comes, I'll make something so good that you can't help but break into song and dance after a single bite! Wait for it, Attiyah!


Huh? Did you make these treats yourself, (Captain)?
(Amazing... It looks exactly like something from a famous pastry shop...)
(To have achieved this quality means that (Captain) must have poured a lot of love into making it.)
(...! Wait, does that mean that (Captain)... is enamored with me?)
(But, it can't be... (Captain) knows that there's only room for Attiyah in my heart!)
Huh? O-oh, um, I see! So you're handing these out to everyone in the crew? Haha, I'm sure they'll love it!
(Phew, that was close... Glad I didn't let anything weird slip.)


A gift in return for Valentine's? You truly are a kind and dutiful person, (Captain). Thank you.
Sigh... Oh, I'm sorry.
I just couldn't help but think about where Attiyah could be right now...
Choose: There's a package addressed to you.
A package? For me? I wonder who it's from...
Oh my! It's a White Day gift! From Attiyah!
Oh, I can feel my heart dancing... and everything in the world is turning rose-colored!
I wish Attiyah and (Captain) all the happiness in the world! Blessings upon the both of you!


For me? Oh, it's lovely, (Captain). Thank you!
I may be separated from Attiyah, but...
Thanks to you and the crew, I'm still living each day to the fullest!
Let me recite a poem I wrote for you as thanks.
A fiery love.
Dashing with you through the trees.
A gust of petals.
Oops. Sorry, I ended up reciting my love for Attiyah!


It's always so nice getting a gift from you year after year, (Captain)!
Hehehe... Ah, sorry. You just reminded me of something from a while back.
Do you remember when you first gave me a present, (Captain)?
I mistook your act of kindness as a confession of love.
I didn't want a gift from anybody other than Attiyah... What I didn't know was that you were giving them out to everybody.
Ahhh! Just thinking about it makes me feel embarrassed! Pretend I didn't say anything!

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain), happy Halloween! How's the crew doing?
Huh? They're all out in town? But why? Aren't you supposed to dance together for the occasion? Didn't you pick out any songs?
How do you expect to keep the ghosts entertained without a tango and a tune?
Huh? The Halloween celebrations here are different from those at Tahar?
Haha. Guess it's up to me to show everyone what a Tahar Halloween's like!
We basically celebrate through the night with lots of song and dance... and take a bite of pumpkin pie when we're feeling downbeat!


All right, let's put our hearts into our dance! Ready? One, two, three, four... Five, six, seven, eight!
Yes, that's it! Wonderful! You must have an innate talent for this, (Captain).
Hehe, it's not just flattery. I really do think so. You don't have to look so worried.
Come on, smile! After all, a smile suits you best!
Now, let's make this Halloween an enjoyable one for all the children. We'll sing and dance until we drop, Tahar-style!


That is lovely, (Captain)! Look at you move!
One, two, three, four...
Five, six, seven, eight... Okay!
Hehe. With this, the children are bound to have another splendid Halloween with plenty of song and dance, Tahar-style!
Actually, (Captain)—I have a favor to ask, if that's all right with you.
There's going to be a dance contest for pairs at an island nearby, and I was wondering if you'd like to be my partner...
Oh! But don't misunderstand, okay? By "partner," I mean dance partner! After all, I already have Attiyah in my heart...
Oh, but of course you already know that... How embarrassing! Look at me, always jumping to conclusions!


Hehe... I can't help but smile whenever I see the children running around in their little costumes.
Racking their brains for ways to play tricks on grown-ups, their laughter when they get candy...
Ahh, Halloween is such a lovely holiday, isn't it!
Now then! This is no time to be neglecting my own duties for the day!
I've got the pumpkin candy—let us be off to spread candy and joy to as many lovely children as we can find!
Triiick! Ooor! Treeeat! How was that? Hehe!


Oh? Did the scent of this spice bring you here, (Captain)?
I was thinking about treating the children with a Halloween-themed Tahar masala.
Ah, I know! If you don't mind, could you give it a taste?
Here, help yourself!
Whoa, (Captain)! Are you all right? Did I make it too spicy? Wait one second. I'll go make you cup of lassi!
Phew, I should've thought of that... I made it how I would for the children back at Tahar Island—and they like it very spicy.
Much appreciated, (Captain). Thanks to you, no one else will get hurt from my food.

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Aah... Attiyah...
Oh, sorry. I was lost in fantasyland when I should be focusing on our holiday gathering.
Yes... I was daydreaming about sweet, sweet time spent with dear Attiyah...
I can just picture a big golden star atop a tree that reaches the skies! And the both of us cuddling on that star!
We'd feed each other cake topped with oodles of strawberries while gazing at the beautiful, snowy town.
Then we'd sing blessings to the night sky until the sun rises!
Our smiles never fading until we fall asleep in each other's arms... How romantic!
What a wonderful holy eve that'd be... Don't you think so too, (Captain)?
Aah... Attiyah...


Wow... The snow's so bright and beautiful...
Who would you want to spend your holy night with, (Captain)?
Hehe, oh yes... I'm sure spending the night with everyone in the crew is the most important to you.
As for me...
Oh! It just came to me!
My precious loved one
A miracle descends
On the holy night
Please, dear Santa... Won't you deliver my precious Attiyah to me?


(Captain), are you going out to buy some things for the winter celebration? Might I join you?
You'll definitely be at an advantage with me, a known business connoisseur within the merchant's guild, by your side!
Hehe, thank you. Let's make this a wonderful celebration for everyone in the crew!
Oh! I just came up with an excellent idea, (Captain)!
For special functions in Tahar, we usually hold a dance competition.
Why don't we try putting one together for tonight's party? Dancing would be a fantastic opportunity for everyone in the crew to bond!
Hm? Could it be that you're lacking confidence in your dancing?
Hehe, in that case, there's no need to worry! I'll take your hand and lead you step by step.
Let's turn this winter night into one that'll make even Attiyah jealous when he hears about it!


Look, (Captain). It's snowing! Hehe, such a lovely sight, wouldn't you say?
You're probably well aware of this, but it never snowed back in Tahar.
In fact, I thought it was something that only appeared in fairy tales when I was a child!
The first time I saw it in person was during a business trip with my father. I couldn't believe my eyes!
Ever since joining the crew, I've been lucky enough to see beautiful snowscapes like this every year!
Aaah, and it's all thanks to you, (Captain)! Thank you!


Hehe... Surprised, aren't you, (Captain)? This tree is huge, right?
Where'd I bring it from? That's obvious!
From the merchant guild Ahabak! I asked them to prepare their finest and largest tree for today!
But that's not all! I also ordered a ton of decorations for the tree!
Now then... With everybody's help, we'll make this the fanciest tree in all the skies!
(I pray that next year, I'll be able to celebrate the holidays with Attiyah...)
Darn it! I keep thinking about him!
Sigh... I really am nothing more than a lost sheep. Who will shepherd this lonely lover?

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

A Taste of Tahar

Tabina arrives at Auguste for the first time and spends the entire day enjoying the beach with the crew. In the evening, they stop by a beach house where Elmott and Kolulu are helping out. Tabina is shocked when she hears that none of the others know what Tahar masala is. She then decides to make it her next mission to spread the wonder that is Tahar masala across Auguste.

Tabina: Clear skies! Sparkling seas! Beaches shining under the sun!
Tabina: Finally... I've arrived in Auguste, the famed land of resorts and relaxation!
Tabina: Mmm... This weather feels so nice!
Tabina: The climate here reminds me a lot of Tahar. It's almost like I never left home!
The excited woman visiting Auguste for the first time is Tabina.
She hails from Tahar Island, located in the far south of Valtz Duchy. Her father is Wahid, leader of the merchant's guild Ahabak.
Through an unexpected series of events, she met the love of her life, Attiyah.
But Attiyah embarked on a journey to find and stop his father Qawi from continuing down a path of vengeance.
Seeking to meet her love once more, Tabina joined (Captain)'s crew on their journey through the skies.
Tabina: Oh, the water's just as salty as I heard it'd be!
Tabina: Hehe, it's truly different from lake water. There's so much of this vast world I have yet to see!
Vyrn: Haha, we just got here, and she's already havin' a blast.
Lyria: Once we're done playing in the water, we should give her a taste of beach house food too!
Vyrn: Sounds like we should work up an appetite by splashin' around then! Whaddya say, (Captain)?
With a grin, (Captain) responds by pulling Vyrn and Lyria toward the ocean.
Vyrn: Whoa!
Lyria: Ah!
Vyrn: Bleh! What's the big idea, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Sheesh... Give a pal a warning before you make 'im swallow a mouthful of salt!
Lyria: Hehe, take this!
Vyrn: Gah!
Tabina: Splash, splash!
Vyrn: Ah! Not you too, Lovey-Dovey Girl!
Vyrn: Fine, you all asked for it!
Their laughter fills the air alongside glittering droplets of water.
Looking around, Tabina spots couples and families enjoying the beach too.
Tabina: (All sorts of people are having fun here... What a wonderful place Auguste is!)
Tabina: (Attiyah and I should come here for our honeymoon...)
Tabina: (Hehe, I'm getting ahead of myself! We aren't even engaged yet!)
Vyrn: Lovey-Dovey Girl's giggling to herself... She doin' okay?
Lyria: Maybe? She's probably thinking about Attiyah...
Tabina: Oh, Attiyah!
Vyrn: Wow, Lyria, you actually guessed right!
Lyria: Ahaha...
Tabina: A vacation at the beach with Attiyah... I need to learn everything I can in order to prepare for such a day!
Tabina: Let's go, everybody! We're going to play our hearts out!
Fully immersing themselves in a day of fun under the sun, the crew only notice night has fallen when Lyria's stomach grumbles loudly.
Tabina: Hehe, more effective than any clock!
Lyria: Ehehe...
Tabina: What kind of food do they have here? Anything famous or super tasty?
Lyria: Of course! I know just the thing! How do blazing skewers sound?
Tabina: What are those?
Vyrn: It'll be faster to just have you try a bite! C'mon, this way!
They lead Tabina toward a comfortably lit beach house.
Tabina: Oh, gosh, this place is cozy... A perfect date spot even!
Vyrn: Yo, Elmott! Hope you've got plenty of meat today!
Lyria: We're pretty hungry...
Elmott: Lemme guess: you guys ran around all day without stopping for food.
Elmott: At least feed yourself if you're gonna play hard. Or do you count passing out as having fun?
Elmott: Did you even make sure to stay hydrated? You're gonna dry up like a prune if you don't keep the liquids going.
Tabina: H-huh? Elmott, what are you doing here?
Elmott: Beats me. For some reason, Sierokarte always asks me to help out this beach house every year.
Tabina: She specifically asks for you? Wow! You've got a better nose for business than I thought.
Kolulu: Hey, guys! Welcome! Can I get you something to drink?
Tabina: Um, I'll have a lassi—
Tabina: Wait, Kolulu? Did you get asked to work here too?
Kolulu: Er, not exactly... This place is super popular, so trying to hold the fort alone is pretty rough, right?
Kolulu: I might've stepped out of line a little, but I made Elmott accept my help!
Tabina: Oh, Kolulu... You're incredibly kind!
Elmott: Thanks to her, I've been able to focus on grilling.
Elmott: But that's enough chatting. Let's get you all your skewers!
Elmott: Raaah!
Tabina: What beautiful flames... How they rise and thrash about!
Tabina: The sight makes my heart quicken in anticipation!
Firing up numerous grills, Elmott gets to work.
Soon the tantalizing scent of sizzling meat and seafood wafts over to (Captain) and friends.
Elmott: Sorry for the wait. Blazing skewers... and our new hellgrilled searoast for all.
Elmott: Still pipin' hot, so be careful not to burn yourself. Especially you, Lyria.
Lyria: Hawah!
Elmott: What'd I just say? Take your time and savor it. I'm gonna keep grilling.
Lyria: Okay!
Tabina: Now then...
Tabina: Time to dig in!
Tabina: Om nom nom...
Tabina: Oh!
Tabina: This is heavenly! And the spices! I could get addicted to these flavors...
Tabina: Next up is the searoast... Nom nom...
Tabina: Mngh!
Tabina: The combination of fish, lumber jelly, and prawn is absolutely perfect... Oh, if only Attiyah were here to enjoy it with me...
Tabina twists in her seat, overcome by bliss from the delicious meal.
Seeing this, (Captain) and friends wonder if her dance-like movements are another quirk of hailing from Tahar.
A little while after they finish their meal, fireworks begin to pepper the night sky.
Tabina: Wh-what is that?
Lyria: Those are fireworks, one of Auguste's famous specialties.
Tabina: Beautiful sparkles that last only for a moment... How incredibly romantic.
Tabina: (The sights and the food provide such an enchanting experience.)
Tabina: (Auguste is, without a doubt, an alluringly wondrous island.)
Tabina turns her eyes to the couples on the beach, her thoughts full of longing.
Attiyah: Tabina...
Tabina: Attiyah...
Attiyah: The fireworks brightening up the night sky make a pretty sight.
Attiyah: But they don't hold a candle to the beauty that brightens up my every day.
Tabina: What... are you talking about?
Attiyah: Ahaha! Not what, but who. You're the most beautiful sight in the world, Tabina.
Tabina: Oh please, Attiyah!
While Tabina talks to herself and flushes bright red, Vyrn blinks at her in dumbfounded amazement.
Vyrn: Y'know, I almost envy how she always seems to be havin' such a good time by herself.
Tabina: Ahhh! I've got it!
Elmott: Huh?
Lyria: When people from Tahar get excited or emotional, they tend to dance and come up with a song on the spot.
Tabina: My never-ending love blazes through the night
Like a pot of hot masala tickling senses with delight
Tabina throws herself wholeheartedly into song.
Meanwhile, the others look at one another, trying to figure out what the masala Tabina mentioned is.
Kolulu: Um... What's this "masala" thing you're singing about?
Tabina spits out the lassi she had been drinking at the unexpected question.
Tabina: What? Are you serious?
Tabina: How could you have lassi on the menu and not know what masala is!
Tabina's indignation echoes loudly enough to be heard through the walls.
Right at that moment, a masked man pauses outside the beach house's door.
Tabina's Voice: How could you have lassi on the menu and not know what masala is!
Masked Man: This voice... It can't be...
Masked Man: I can't go in there and see her, not when I still...
He spends a long moment mulling over his thoughts before turning around to leave.
Masked Man: That's kind of strange though... What kind of place has lassi but no masala?
Vyrn: What's this masala stuff got to do with lassi?
Tabina: Wait, do you honestly not know? It's a traditional spice mix used in Tahar.
Seeing her friends' blank stares, Tabina cradles her head and sinks to the floor.
Tabina: I can't believe this...
Tabina: (I totally thought Tahar masala was well-known throughout the skydom.)
Tabina: How...
Tabina: Ahabak should have been selling it as they expanded from place to place... Don't tell me it never took off...
Tabina: This must be the fault of poor advertising. Papa, you dummy! How could you waste a good business chance like this?
Vyrn: Uh, you okay? Is not havin' masala really that big a deal?
Vyrn's words spark a fire within Tabina's merchant heart.
Tabina: It's the biggest deal to ever exist!
Tabina: Wherever there's lassi, there's always masala! Wherever there's masala, there's always lassi! The two exist as one!
Tabina: Developed and refined through culture and history, Tahar merchants bring masala through every trade route!
Tabina: I swear I will show every one of you the magnificence that is Tahar masala!
Elmott: Yeah? Go ahead. Sounds like fun.
Small though Tahar Island may be, its culture is just as grand and worth sharing as any large country's.
Tabina decides then and there to share masala not only with her friends, but also the entirety of Auguste.

Lady with Ambition

Tabina heads to the market the next day to look for spices needed to make Tahar masala. When she finds none of the ingredients she needs available, she asks around if the merchant guild Ahabak has any shops nearby. When someone tells her that Ahabak has a store beyond the mountain, Tabina hops on the gearcycle Tsubasa had refurbished for her and zips toward the towering mountain.

An evening has passed since Tabina decided to share the magnificence of Tahar masala with Auguste's people.
She immediately gets to work, hopping on her gearcycle and traveling to the local market.
Tabina: You've got to be kidding me! You only carry garlic and cayenne pepper?
Serious Merchant: Sorry, miss, but I don't think any of the merchants around here have the spices you're looking for.
Serious Merchant: I mean, you even had to explain to me that cayenne pepper spice is a powder made from ground-up chili...
Tabina: If this is the limited selection everyone has, how am I supposed to mix up a batch of Tahar masala...
Tabina: (I can't blame him though. You don't stock items that have no demand.)
Tabina: (Still... That's even more reason for me to spread the good word of masala to the skies.)
Tabina: (It's a great business chance too! The more popular it gets, the more spices Tahar can export!)
Though happy at her stroke of genius, Tabina must now figure out how to obtain the spices she needs in order to advertise.
Tabina: Mister, can I ask you something?
Tabina: Do you know if the merchant's guild Ahabak has a store set up around here?
Serious Merchant: Ahabak? Hmm... Ah, you're talking about the folks from Tahar Island.
Serious Merchant: I'm afraid I don't know much about them, but there are a lot of big merchant guilds around here. Maybe one of their members can give you an answer.
Tabina: That's a good idea. Thanks!
Tabina sets to work immediately, questioning merchant after merchant in the market.
Her persistence eventually earns her a morsel of useful information.
Tabina: Ahabak has a shop in the regional goods market? Are you absolutely sure?
Merry Merchant: Sure as can be! Rode on a cargo ship with some of their merchants to get to Auguste.
Merry Merchant: I should warn you though. That market isn't exactly nearby...
Giving Tabina an apologetic smile, the merchant looks pointedly over at the large mountain in the distance.
Tabina: Huh?
Merry Merchant: Y'see, it's past that mountain over yonder.
Tabina: It's what?
Merry Merchant: Gonna take a long while to get there by foot. I'd consider hitching a ride on an airship if you can.
Tabina: (That would be faster... But I can't interrupt (Captain)'s vacation just to get spices.)
Tabina: (I started this, so I'm going to be the one to see it through.)
Mind made up, Tabina glances over at her gearcycle propped up nearby.
Tabina: I'll be fine... With you by my side, nowhere's out of reach!
Gearcycle: ...!
Tabina: Hey, now! Keep it together!
Gearcycle: ...
Tabina gingerly picks her gearcycle back up, then hops in its saddle.
Tabina: I know you're stronger than this, partner!
Gearcycle: ...
Tabina: Yeah, that mountain's steep... But the things we do for love are never easy.
Tabina: Besides, anything's possible when we're together!
Tabina: You've grown since we left Tahar, remember?
Not too long after Tabina left Tahar Island, she took off on her gearcycle to chase after rumors of Attiyah.
Unfortunately, she didn't get far before she hit a bump in the road and lost a wheel.
Vyrn then introduced her to Tsubasa and his friends—students from the Mysteria Academy of Magic, and members of the gearcycle-riding gang, the Red Wings.
They were the perfect fit to help Tabina customize her ride.
She entrusted her gearcycle to them, and received a full repair plus suspension upgrade.
Tabina: You've got this.
Gearcycle: ...
Tabina: The whole trip'll be smooth as butter! Take me to the top, and we'll conquer this mountain—no, this trial of love!
Gearcycle: ...!
Tabina: Come on, Attiyah-Pooh! Give it everything you've got! Let's gooo!
After thanking the merry merchant, Tabina takes off for the towering mountain.

Lady with Ambition: Scene 2

Tabina manages to reach the top of the mountain, powered by her love for Attiyah, when she encounters bandits who demand that she hand over her valuables. Tabina finds the right opportunity to make her escape on her gearcycle. Once she is gone, a mysterious masked man appears and knocks out the bandits. Tabina finds the Ahabak merchants, and after giving them a pep talk, she obtains the spices she needs and makes her way back to the crew.

Tabina: Pant... Gasp...
Tabina: Attiyah-Pooh! Just a bit more 'til the top!
Undeterred by the steep road ahead, Tabina pedals with every fiber of her being.
Tabina: A bother like this is nothing...
Tabina: Not compared to everything I go through to be with Attiyah!
Attiyah: You can do it, Tabina! Throw yourself into my arms!
Tabina: Oh, Attiyah!
Shouting her beloved's name, Tabina pedals like she's never pedaled before.
She reaches the mountain top in the blink of an eye.
Tabina: Phew, time for a little break...
Gearcycle: ...
Tabina proves, once again, that anything is possible with the power of love on one's side.
Bandit: Hey there, little lady. That's an interestin' contraption ye got there.
Tabina: Sigh...
Bandit: The heck are you sighin' for?
Tabina: You're dressed like the picture-perfect stereotype of a robber, and I don't exactly want to waste my vacation dealing with you.
Bandit: If you know what's good for ye, then shaddup and fork your valuables over. Gimme that thing you're ridin' on too.
Tabina: Excuse me? No one is laying a hand on Attiyah-Pooh! It's the cupid that brought Attiyah and I together!
Tabina: I was out hunting that day when I fell off my gearcycle, and he came upon me...
Attiyah: Are you all right, miss?
Tabina: Hm?
Tabina: Suddenly, I heard a gentle voice from behind me.
Tabina: I turned around, and before I knew it, my face was buried in his chest...
Tabina: I suppose I got caught up in the moment, and it just... happened.
Tabina: ...!
Attiyah: Haha. You're quite the tomboy for a lady as beautiful as yourself.
Tabina: Ehehe...
Bandit: Uh, hello? You completely lost me.
Tabina: Sorry, I'm just a little starved for love at the moment.
Bandit: Tch...
Tabina: (But actually, what do I do about this?)
Spent from her trip up the mountain, Tabina is in no shape to fight against the bandits.
She reaches into her belongings, retrieves a small bag, and holds it out.
Tabina: Like I just said... I can't give you Attiyah-Pooh.
Tabina: But I can offer this instead.
Bandit: Whazzat?
Opening the bag reveals a hefty amount of cayenne pepper.
Tabina: It's a rare medicine that usually goes for a high price.
Tabina: Even the largest wounds will close if you rub some of it in there. Plus it acts as a pain reliever.
Tabina: Or you can mix it up with some water and drink it for mood improving effects... as well as digestive benefits and an energy boost!
Bandit: Yeah?
Tabina: And that's not all. It's great for restoring eyesight, so a lot of people use it for that purpose too.
Tabina: You two've been blinking an awful lot... Feeling tired? Wanna try this stuff out?
Bandit: My eyelids are kinda heavy... Think I'm gettin' along in years too since my vision's blurry in general.
Tabina: Then you'd better try this medicine. It'll help with that.
Bandit: Well, why the heck not.
Fully convinced by Tabina's sales pitch, the bandits grab big fistfuls of cayenne pepper and rub their eyes with the powder.
Bandit: Hm? Huh...
Bandit: Gaaaah!
Tabina, giggling as the bandits scream, hops onto her gearcycle.
Tabina: Hehe, you just rubbed your eyes with cayenne pepper—a type of chili.
Bandit: Y-you tricked us!
Tabina: Your fault for believing me. Have fun!
She pedals away without hesitation, flipping her hair as she goes.
Bandit: Get back here! Damn it... You won't get away with this!
Bandit: Follow her!
Mysterious Voice: Bonk!
Bandit's Goon: ...
Bandit: Huh? Who the heck are you!
Masked Man: Oh, me? I'm nobody special. Just a wanderer passing by.
Masked Man: Unfortunately for you, this wanderer doesn't tolerate lowlives who'd pick on innocents.
The masked man gives the bandits a glare before teaching them a lesson.
Tabina finally clears the mountain and arrives at the town hosting the regional goods market.
Merchants from all over are gathered, showing off their international wares.
Tabina: Hehe, just seeing what's on offer is so much fun.
Tabina: Ah, bad Tabina. No distractions. Need to get my spices and head back to the beach house as fast as I can.
After asking the merchants around for directions, she soon finds where Ahabak has set up shop.
Tabina: Hey, everyone!
Ahabak Merchant: If it isn't Miss Tabina! Long time no see. How have you been?
The guild merchants immediately light up upon seeing Tabina and exchange a few pleasantries.
Ahabak Merchant: Oh? Your crew brought you to Auguste for vacation? That was mighty kind of them.
Tabina: It sure was! (Captain) and the others always do right by me. I owe them more than I can repay, to be honest!
Ahabak Merchant: Hmm... Would you like to give them some Tahar Island souvenirs? We've got good items in stock.
Tabina: Oh, that would be nice...
Tabina: Wait, that's not what I'm here for!
Ahabak Merchant: Huh?
Tabina: Everyone! Gather 'round!
Pouting, Tabina lines up the merchants, then heaves a disappointed sigh.
Ahabak Merchant: Miss... Have we... done something?
Tabina: Answer me this: have you ever thought about why Ahabak started selling their wares here?
Ahabak Merchant: Um... I promise you, we're doing our best to share Tahar's specialty goods and culture with as many people as we can...
Tabina: I'm sorry to say your best isn't good enough!
The merchants' heads droop as they hear Tabina's harsh judgment.
Tabina: Nothing screams Tahar more than masala...
Tabina: Yet nobody has any idea what it is!
Tabina: Even a crew well-traveled like mine hasn't heard a single whisper about it!
Tabina: This won't do at all. We need to redouble our efforts and get the word out there no matter what!
Ahabak Merchant: Y-yes, of course...
Tabina: The more Tahar masala is well-known, the more people will want Tahar spices and other goods.
Tabina: This is the perfect business opportunity. Don't you agree?
Ahabak Merchant: Right you are, Miss!
Watching the merchants straighten up, Tabina gives them an approving nod.
Tabina: Sorry I was so harsh. I don't think you were slacking or anything like that.
Tabina: It's just... I was devastated to hear that none of my friends knew about masala...
Tabina: Could you let Papa know we need a new advertising strategy?
A weight is freed from Tabina's shoulders as she says what she wanted to say.
She picks up the spices she needs for masala, then cheerfully makes her way back to the beach house.

Lady with Ambition: Scene 3

Back at the beach house, Tabina gets to work making Tahar masala and serves it to the crew. Everyone is impressed by the delicious taste and how various spices were adjusted to suit each person. Tahar masala is promptly added to the beach house's menu, and the masked man—Attiyah in disguise—comes to enjoy Tabina's cooking as well.

Kolulu: Phew... I'm starving...
Elmott: Things were way more hectic than usual.
Elmott: Thanks for helping out, you guys. Really saved our skin today.
Vyrn: You're always givin' us a hand! It's the least we could do!
Elmott: Now that the customers are all cleared out, I can start making dinner for us.
Just as Elmott heads for the kitchen, Tabina bursts through the door with an armful of boxes.
Tabina: Hold it right there!
Lyria: Tabina? What's that in your hands?
Tabina: Hehehe, it's everything I need to make Tahar masala.
Tabina: Elmott, mind if I borrow your kitchen?
Elmott: Hey, if you wanna cook instead, be my guest. Go for it.
Tabina: Thanks!
Tabina: All righty... Time to get to work!
Tabina pulls out various spices and tools and lays them out on the counter.
Unfamiliar with the colorful array of objects on display, (Captain) and friends watch with anticipation.
Tabina: First is the chapati. Mix whole wheat flour with water and salt, then knead it with everything you've got!
Tabina: (Ehehe, chapati compliments Tahar masala super well, after all.)
Tabina: (Just have to fire these bad boys up later and wow the crew!)
Setting the kneaded dough aside, Tabina focuses on making the masala.
Tabina: (Maybe one day soon, I'll be able to treat Attiyah too...)
Tabina: (Oh, my darling Attiyah... Wherever could you be right now?)
Tabina begins to daydream while continuing to skillfully cook away.
With a bright smile, she imagines Attiyah standing in front of her.
Tabina: Hehe, stop it, you... You'll make me blush if you stare that hard.
Kolulu: Huh? Who's Tabina talking to?
Elmott: Kolulu, do yourself a favor and ignore her. It's for the best.
Attiyah: Tahar masala is so addicting. I can't wait for the crew to try it.
Tabina: Me neither. That's why this is going to be the best masala ever! I'll get them hooked!
Attiyah: Ahaha! I like the way you think.
The two look deep into each other's eyes and thread their fingers together.
The love inside Tabina starts to reach critical mass.
Attiyah: Blessed with this happiness
We have but one path to follow
Tabina: Together, our lives shine
Like the stars in the sky
Attiyah & Tabina: Saeada, we sing
Massir, we sing
Dreaming of what the sky may bring
Attiyah: Our breaths are in sync
As we swing our hips!
Tabina: Merrily, passionately
We move to a heavenly rhythm
Tabina: Hehehe!
Attiyah: Ahaha!
Vyrn: Er, guess the most important thing is she's having fun...
Tabina's cheerful cooking continues under the crew's watchful eye.
Eventually, the wonderful scents wafting over from boiling pots cause Lyria and Kolulu's stomachs to rumble.
Lyria: Ehehe...
Kolulu: Ehehe...
Everyone's anticipation only grows as the scent of freshly cooked chapati comes from the grill.
They don't have to wait long.
Tabina: Thanks for waiting! Here's your Tahar masala!
Lyria & Kolulu: Whoa...
Lyria and Kolulu can barely contain their excitement at the food.
Tabina: Ehehe, it looks good, doesn't it?
Vyrn: Oh, is that all?
Vyrn: You coulda said from the get-go that Tahar masala is curry rice!
Tabina: Did you just call masala... curry rice?
Her face scrunching into a scowl, Tabina slams her fists on the counter.
Vyrn: Eep!
Tabina: I see... So you knew about curry rice, but not Tahar masala...
Vyrn: Er...
Tabina: Curry rice is made of rice and roux thickened with wheat flour.
Tabina: But the Tahar masala I made is a roux mixed with many spices and accompanied by whole wheat chapati.
Tabina: Judging by Vyrn's reaction... It seems curry rice has earned more recognition.
Tabina: Even though it originated from Tahar masala.
Tabina: So you see, it's curry rice that's the imitation here.
Vyrn: Y-yeah...
Tabina's cold smile spurs Vyrn into picking up a spoon in panic.
Vyrn: B-but hey, now we can finally try the real deal! We should dig in before it gets cold!
Tabina: I'm not saying curry rice isn't good. I like it too. But you should know it isn't the same thing as masala.
Vyrn: Y-yep, that part is crystal clear!
Vyrn: (Phew... I didn't mean anything bad by what I said... Narrowly avoided a minefield there!)
Elmott: Say... You boiled a lotta pots. How many kinds of masala did you end up making?
Hearing Elmott's question, Tabina's expression immediately brightens.
Tabina: Oh, sharp eye, Elmott! Nice question!
Tabina: Tahar masala's not only got flavor, but it's also packed with various health-boosting benefits!
Tabina: For you and (Captain), since you're both always so busy...
Tabina: I added cardamom and fenugreek to the spices in your portions for extra nourishment and rejuvenation.
Tabina: For Lyria and Kolulu, since they love food so much...
Tabina: I added cumin and coriander for aiding digestion and strengthening the stomach.
Tabina: For Vyrn, since he's always energetic, I added some extra spice to keep things hot and exciting for summer!
Lyria: Wow, I didn't know changing up the spices could give these kinds of effects!
Tabina: Hehehe, come on, everyone! Enough talk! Let's eat!
Her friends thank her for the food, then eat their first spoonful of Tahar masala.
Lyria: Oh my gosh! This is amazing!
Elmott: Uh, Kolulu... Did you finish already?
Kolulu: Sorry, I was just so hungry, I couldn't help myself.
Kolulu: But it was very good!
Tabina: There's still plenty left, so help yourself to seconds!
Kolulu: Thanks!
Vyrn: Aaaaaahhh!
Among the satisfied voices, Vyrn screams as the spices burn his tongue.
Tabina: Oh no, was it spicy for you?
Vyrn: S-spicy doesn't even cut how hot this is!
Tabina: Sorry!
Tabina: I thought since you're a dragon, you'd like it spicy enough to be able to breathe flames...
Vyrn: W-w-w-water... Please...
Vyrn's tears don't stop even as he chugs down the water in his cup.
Tabina: Vyrn! Here, drink this!
Tabina hands him a glass of lassi, which he chugs without hesitation.
Vyrn: Gulp, gulp...
Vyrn: Huh?
Vyrn: No way! All the spiciness vanished as soon as I drank the lassi!
Tabina: Hehe, that's because lassi's filled with things that neutralize spice.
Vyrn: Is that right?
Vyrn: Oh!
Tabina: How could you have lassi on the menu and not know what masala is!
Vyrn: So that's why you said what you did at the time...
Fully understanding Tabina's love for masala, (Captain) and crew enjoy their meal.
The next day.
Tabina joins Elmott and Kolulu for their beach house shift.
They're serving Tahar masala on the menu today, as a way to share its greatness with more people.
Kolulu: Two servings of Tahar masala please!
Tabina: You got it!
In one corner of the busy beach house, a masked man groans in pure bliss as he smells the masala in front of him.
Masked Man: (Tabina's very own cooking... Now this is what I'm talking about.)
The man takes off his mask to eat, seating himself in a way that still hides his face.
If anyone looked too closely, they'd realize the man is none other than Attiyah.
Attiyah: Let's have a taste... Om nom nom...
Attiyah: (Oh, yeah... This is absolutely incredible. Wish I could eat her cooking every day...)
Attiyah: (Once I'm done putting this revenge business to bed, maybe I should open up a masala restaurant with Tabina...)
He sneaks a look over to where Tabina is cooking, then fixes the mask to his face once more.
Attiyah: (Thanks for the food, Tabina... I feel ready to fight for a thousand years without stopping now.)
Tabina: Thanks for dining with us! Please come again!
Tabina bids him farewell, thinking him to be just another customer.
She gazes over the rest of the beach house, taking in all the people happily enjoying her masala.
Tabina: (Hehe, yes... Yes! It's working!)
Tabina: (Just gotta keep our efforts going, and one day everyone'll know what Tahar masala is.)
Tabina: (Maybe then... Hehehe... Attiyah and I could start up our own masala restaurant!)
Kolulu: Tabina! Got another order for Tahar masala!
Tabina: Gotcha! Coming right up!
With enough love to rival her affection for Attiyah, Tabina throws herself back into cooking.
She truly believes that, someday soon, all the skies will appreciate the wonders of Tahar masala.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
