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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 17
Height 163 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Reading adventure novels, eating and comparing cakes
Likes Duels, quiet cafes
Dislikes Going easy on people
Granblue Fantasy Theater
A fierce duelist who frequents casino battle arenas, Therese's fierceness, beauty, and noble stature have captivated countless audiences and gained her stalwart fans of all ages and backgrounds. Outside the arena, however, she's practically a different person—weak of will to the point that those used to seeing her in combat would barely recognize her. Before a match, she shakes with fear, turning beet red in front of the roaring throngs. Once she picks up a sword, though, her mind switches into combat mode and her confidence builds rapidly, transforming her into the fierce warrior her fans know and love.
Granblue Fantasy Chronicle
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Age 17歳
Height 163cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 読書(英雄譚)、ケーキの食べくらべ
Likes デュエル、静かなカフェ
Dislikes 手加減
Granblue Fantasy Theater
Granblue Fantasy Chronicle
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]



Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Heehee! Happy birthday, Captain!
I've got the perfect present for you: a ticket to see me compete in a dueling contest at the Jewel Resort!
It's going to be a show like no other, so be sure not to miss it!


Oh, (Captain)! Happy Birthday!
They said if I was going to go celebrate that I should wear the right outfit...
So for this special day, I'm wearing this bunny outfit. But I guess I'm used to it now, hehe...
B-b-but a-anyway, y-you want to go g-get something to eat? There's a good place near here, so we could go there...
I'll make sure we don't get lost on the way!


Hey, (Captain)! H-happy birthday!
This outfit... is well... Last year I wore a bunny suit...
So I thought that was expected of me...
Hahaha. This feels kind of strange. I was so embarrassed about wearing this before, but now... I guess I've just found my courage.
S-s-so! What should we have for dinner? I know this wonderful restaurant...


Hey, (Captain)? Happy birthday!
I'm here to celebrate as a bunny this year too! I took a long time thinking about it, but I settled on this...
I look as fine as ever, you say? Wh-why, thank you!
Y-you know, there's a wonderful pastry shop inside the Jewel Resort!
I often stop by after a duel.
I-if you don't mind, maybe we can celebrate there together... How about it?


Hey, um... Happy birthday, (Captain)!
I'm very glad I chose to accompany your crew across the skies.
I've had so many experiences, and I've been able to improve as a duelist.
I'll continue to do my best to be worthy of your crew! Let's make the rest of our journey, the best of our journey!
Phew... I was actually able to get it all out...
Now then, I promise you that I will achieve victory in the ring for your important day!
I even saved you a special seat for the occasion.
You'll have the best view as you see me take a win in your honor!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh, happy New Year, (Captain)!
Whew... I'm glad I did it right this year!


Oh... (Captain)... Happy New Year. Is this outfit... unusual for this time of year?
Everyone from the Jewel Resort already left to go home, but I'm still wearing this outfit anyway. Err...
It's not my favorite, but I guess I'll keep wearing it.
I hope you'll come to the Jewel Resort again this year...


Happy New Year... I'm looking forward to... I-I can't say it...
I finally thought I could stop wearing this, but then... Miss Christy said, "this year feels like one that needs a bunny..."
I also have to tell you that... For the New Year, all the members of the Jewel Resort will be in bunny outfits...
Oh, Miss Christy... The year's zodiac signs aren't decided based on somebody's whim... She knows better...


Happy New Year, (Captain)... Yes, I'm dressed like this again...
Lady Christy remarked that the bunny outfit is most positively lovely, and so...
Everyone on staff at the Jewel Resort plays the role of a bunny for the start of the year.
Hm? You don't seem all too surprised, (Captain).
You remember hearing about this last year too?
Ah, right... Just goes to show how much of a bunny aficionado Lady Christy is...


Happy New Year, (Captain)!
No, I'm not wearing my bunny outfit because Lady Christy told me to.
A-actually Fille and I came dressed like this together.
She wanted to ring in the new year with her best friend... as bunnies. I gave her my spare costume.
Why did she want that? She said her fortune told her to. I'm not sure which shrine gave her that fortune though.
But I have to say, wearing the same thing is kind of fun. Fille seems to be enjoying herself too.
Hehe. I hope this year lives up to our expectations.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Um, so... Today is Valentine's Day, isn't it?
I did buy something in town for that...
Oh, but I got so lost. That's why I was late.
If De La Fille had just made it, I'm sure it would have been ready sooner...
But please... won't you try some?


Umm... Here's your... chocolate...
You want to know why I'm wearing this? Well, Christina said to wear it when I gave you the chocolate...
She said it would probably make you happy, so I couldn't very well refuse!
Though it's not exactly my favorite outfit...


Um... Just like last year... I'm in a bunny suit delivering chocolate...
Lady Christy said I need to hand feed you my "bunny chocolate."
Is "bunny chocolate" even really a thing? I've never heard of it before...
I... As long as you're happy, I'll feed you to the best of my ability...


H-happy Valentine's... Here's some bunny chocolates this year too.
Lady Christy said these were all the rage last year. So I looked all over for evidence of that...
But couldn't find much. When I asked her again for confirmation, she just told me to trust her.
Lady Christy was really convincing, so I just took her word for it.
And I thought you might like some bunny chocolate as well...
It'd please me to no end if you would accept this...


Um, I made some chocolate for you. Would you take it?
You're always so nice to me, (Captain). I just wanted to thank you.
I hope we journey together f-for many years to come.
Huh? Why do I have my bunny outfit on?
Um... Now that you mention it, I'm not sure.
I knew I wanted to make bunny chocolate for Valentine's Day, so I guess the costume just followed naturally.
Wait... Wh-why has my whole life become rabbits!

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Whaaat? White Day chocolates? For me?
Oh my... Th-thank you so much.
Um, well... I'm not sure I deserve it, but... thank you. I'm so happy now.


Hello there. Oh, it's that day again...
White Day... Christina thought it would be good to wear something nice when I go to get my gift from you.
So... I thought maybe this bunny girl outfit might be fun to wear...
Oh, you think I wear it well?
Hehe. You're making me blush. But thank you...


H-hi... I'm in a bunny outfit... Again...
But this time... I chose to wear it instead of being ordered like usual by Lady Christy.
Last year you said you liked me in this, so...
I might turn red, but let me feed you the chocolate...


Y-yikes! This is for me, (Captain)?
Ah, right. Today's White Day...
When I saw this bunny outfit in my dressing room, I got the impression that Lady Christy might be in a "bunny" mood...
Ah... Lady Christy... Now I see you had me in mind the whole time... H-how embarrassing...


Thank you for the gift...
Hehehe... I'm so happy you got it for me...
You know, originally I wasn't going to wear the bunny costume today.
But Lady Christy told me, "It would be rude to accept a gift as a human if you gave the original gift as a bunny."
I didn't really understand her logic, but I didn't want to be rude to you.
Hey... Why are you laughing, (Captain)?

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Me? Wear a Halloween costume?
I don't know what I could go as. I mean, besides a bunny girl...


Um, I've had this ominous feeling ever since yesterday.
Christina had this really evil look on her face. She said that Halloween is coming.
Then when I woke up this morning, these were the only clothes I had left.
Oh dear... Halloween pranks can be so scary...


She got me again... It must have been Miss Christy...
Last year she replaced my garments with this, and so this year I slept in my clothes...
But this morning... I woke in a bunny suit...
H-how did she do that... It's like something out of a horror movie...


H-happy Halloween... Yes, I'm dressed as a bunny again.
Except this year it's strictly a Halloween outfit!
I'll be heading out with Ladiva later to hand out candy to the children of an orphanage.
I'm a bit afraid they might play tricks on me...
But I'll do my part and maybe they can look up to me as a big sister!


G-greetings... Welcome to the Jewel Resort...
Oh, (Captain). Yes, I'm in this costume again...
The casino staff have their hands full, so Christina told me to help out...
I-I'm supposed to say a rehearsed phrase to every customer who comes in.
"Trick or treat? No! Play red or black on the roulettes."
"But pranks and foul play are expressly forbidden." Just like that...
Would you mind standing beside me for a while? Just to see if things go well? It would help me talk to the customers...

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Today is a special day, isn't it?
A fellow dueler and I are going to deliver some gifts to the orphanage.
He's a pretty tough guy, but he's actually very kind at heart.
Oh, (Captain)! If you're not busy, do you want to come along?


Uh... I'm wearing my bunny outfit again today... Like always...
This is evidently Christina's gift to me. Though for a gift, it's kinda weird...
Heh... I guess I can't exactly duel in this thing...


I... Well... Just like last year, I dressed as a bunny... Miss Christy ordered me to...
I politely declined, but she just said "It's that special night, so that calls for a bunny."
Oh, Miss Christy... This night is associated with reindeer... I wonder if she dressed me like this instead on purpose...


Happy holidays, (Captain).
Yes, I'm a bunny this year too, as per Lady Christy's orders...
I asked if I could slip into a Santa outfit to keep warm, and...
Well, she said no... Sigh...
Hm? You think I'm just itching to dress up as Santa?
No, no, that's not it! I just need something to keep the cold at bay!


Aah... It's so cooold... Look at how much snow's fallen...
Yes, it's just as it appears. Lady Christy told me to wear this.
At least this year she had a convincing reason. She said, "You want to be seasonally elegant, right? Then be a snow bunny."
A-anyway, there's still a little time before the holiday party tonight, right, (Captain)?
Would you want to build a snow rabbit with me?
If we build it in front of the party hall, it could be a nice welcome for everyone as they enter.
Hehe. Actually why don't we make a lot of cute little bunnies?

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Duelist's New Look

The popular duelist Therese is asked by her manager Christina to monitor the floor and receive customers. Clad in a bunny girl outfit, she's nervous around the customers but does her best. When she duels later, she's more ferocious than ever.

The centerpiece of the Jewel Resort Casino Liner is its arena, where famous duelists battle each other.
One day, the popular duelist Therese is summoned by her manager, Christina.
Therese: Huh? Me? On the floor? Does that mean...
Christina: As you know, there are rats here at the Jewel Resort.
Christina: Filthy little rats who make their living by defrauding the minions.
Therese: So you want me to find the mastermind?
Christina: That's right. Monitor the floor, and track down the head rat. Your cover will be greeting guests.
Therese: Hold it, Lady Christy! Me? Right in front of the guests?
Christina: This discussion is over. Now get to work, Therese.
Therese: B-but... Lady Christy!
Therese: Ugh... How am I supposed to handle guests?
Therese: As nervous as I get... I hope everything works out.
Crew Member: Excuse me, Therese. I have a message from Lady Christy. She seems to have forgotten something she wanted to tell you.
Therese: Yes? What is it?
Crew Member: You apparently need to wear a bunny girl outfit when appearing in front of the guests.
Therese: Wha? Are you serious? Me? A bunny girl?
Crew Member: That is correct. Lady Christy was quite clear.
Therese: B-but I can't... Oh no! What if I don't look good as a bunny? How embarrassing...
Crew Member: Heh-heh.
Thus the popular duelist Therese steps onto the floor disguised as bunny girl eye candy.
While Therese suffers through her unfamiliar duty of receiving guests, (Captain) and company visit the casino liner.
Looking to take a break from their hard journey, they stay in a guest room aboard the ship.
Lyria: Wow! This place is as lively as ever!
Vyrn: Heh-heh! I can see why people get into this! Win or lose, it's exciting!
Therese (Event) is a crew member

Therese: Welcome to the Jewel Resort...
Lyria: Wha? Therese?
Vyrn: Hey, what's with that outfit?
Therese: The casino manager, Lady Christy, made me do it.
Therese: She thought it would be more fun for our guests if the casino duelists were in charge of hospitality.
Therese: But I'm not very social, and this outfit is embarrassing.
Lyria: Ha-ha... That sounds rough.
Lyria: But you look so cute in that bunny girl outfit! Don't you think so, (Captain)?
  1. I like it.
  2. She looks pretty uncomfortable in that thing.

Choose: I like it.
Therese: Um... Well, I'm glad to hear that, but it's still embarrassing!
Therese: It's so revealing. You don't think it's weird?
Lyria: Well, the other customers seem to love it!
Lyria: And I agree! You look amazing, Therese!

Choose: She looks pretty uncomfortable in that thing.
Vyrn: Hmm... Yeah, you really should complain if you don't wanna wear that.
Therese: But it's what Lady Christy wants...
Therese: And the guests seem to like it. I guess I just have to hang in there.
Lyria: Hee-hee... Well, I for one think you look lovely.

Continue 1
Therese: Ugh... I don't know how I should feel about this.
Vyrn: Ha-ha! I'm with Lyria on this one!
Vyrn: I say you duel in that getup!
Therese: Excuse me? Try saying that one more time, lizard!
Vyrn: Wha? No need for bunny fury! It was just a joke!
Therese: I'm sorry... Lately I've been working more as a bunny than a duelist. Maybe it's making me a little unstable.
Therese: Um... (Captain), will you duel with me for a bit? If I don't get some sword swinging in, I'm gonna explode.
Vyrn: Whoa, you seem somehow more dangerous than before.
Therese: Oh, I've been summoned... Pardon me.
Lyria: Ha-ha... I sure hope Therese is okay.
Therese (Event) not in crew

Therese: Welcome to the Jewel Resort...
Vyrn: Huh? You remember seeing her here before?
Lyria: Hmm... Maybe she's new?
Therese: Jackpot... Now up to 12 million...
Vyrn: Yeah, she sure seems that way. She's so awkward that it's making me nervous.
Therese: Awkward, huh? I knew it.
Vyrn: Oh? You heard me? Don't take it the wrong way.
Therese: Um... I'm definitely not used to this. I'm supposed to be a duelist. That makes me a fighter, not a greeter.
Therese: The casino manager, Lady Christy, made me do this.
Therese: She thought it would be more fun for our guests if the casino duelists were in charge of hospitality.
Therese: But I'm not very social, and this outfit is embarrassing.
Vyrn: That does sound like a problem.
Lyria: Yeah, but you look so cute in that bunny girl outfit! Don't you think so, (Captain)?
  1. I like it.
  2. She looks pretty uncomfortable in that thing.

Choose: I like it.
Therese: Um... Well, I'm glad to hear that, but it's still embarrassing!
Therese: It's so revealing. You don't think it's weird?
Lyria: Well, the other customers seem to love it!
Lyria: And I agree! You look amazing, Therese!

Choose: She looks pretty uncomfortable in that thing.
Vyrn: Hmm... Yeah, you really should complain if you don't wanna wear that.
Therese: But it's what Lady Christy wants...
Therese: And the guests seem to like it. I guess I just have to hang in there.
Lyria: Hee-hee... Well, I for one think you look lovely.

Continue 2
Therese: Ugh... I don't know how I should feel about this.
Therese: I'm not used to this, and I don't think I'm cut out for it...
Therese: B-but I'm the new bunny anyway. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Therese: Oh, I've been summoned... Pardon me.
Vyrn: Hmm... Is she really a duelist? She seems as timid as a bunny to me.
The crew sees Therese off and starts looking for a table, but there's a sudden commotion.
Thug: Excuse me? What exactly are you accusin' me of?
Vyrn: Whoa. That guy's causing quite a scene.
Thug: Well? Speak up, cottontail!
Therese (Event) is a crew member

Therese: You've got some nerve trying to steal from this casino.
Therese (Event) not in crew

Therese: ...
Lyria: Wha? Therese?
Vyrn: Hey, it's that girl from before.
Vyrn: Why don't we go help her, (Captain)? I'm not sure I like the bunny's chances.
Therese: You've got some nerve trying to rob this casino.
Lyria: Huh? Therese seems different somehow.
Thug: Heh! No idea what you're talkin' about.
Therese: Did you really think you could get away with swiping another guest's chips?
Therese: Give the chips back right this second or you'll regret it.
Thug: How many times do I have to tell you? I didn't do anything!
Therese: So you want to play dumb, huh? Then prepare to be destroyed!
Thug: Ha-ha! Fine, but I don't wanna hear any cryin' when the bunny gets bopped!
Therese (Event) is a crew member

Vyrn: Uh-oh. That guy obviously doesn't know what kinda bunny he's messin' with.
Vyrn: You know, maybe we should—
Thug: Please!
Therese: Hah! Well, someone's crying all right. You want some more, high roller? I'd be happy to oblige!
Thug: I'm so sorry! I'll give the chips back and apologize. Please let me go!
Vyrn: Yikes. I almost feel sorry for the poor guy.
Therese (Event) not in crew

Spectator 1: Ha! Therese just busted out her catchphrase!
Spectator 2: Wow! I can't believe I get to see her in action up close!
Vyrn: Hey! What are you guys celebrating? That bunny's in trouble!
Spectator 1: Huh? You clearly don't know. Therese is one of the top arena duelists.
Spectator 2: Heh-heh... Just shut up and watch. That loser won't even touch her.
Vyrn: Ugh... You know, maybe we should—
Outlaw: Please!
Therese: Hah! Well, someone's crying all right. You want some more, high roller? I'd be happy to oblige!
Thug: I'm so sorry! I'll give the chips back and apologize. Please let me go!
Vyrn: ...
Therese: Are we having fun yet, everyone?
Therese: Anyone who tries to cheat this casino better watch out!
Therese: If the duelists on the floor catch you, you'll be in for a thrashing you won't soon forget!
Spectator 1: Ha-ha! How harsh!
Spectator 2: Yeah, but at least we don't have to worry about getting robbed thanks to her.
Therese: We hope you enjoy yourselves here at the Jewel Resort!
Therese (Event) is a crew member

Vyrn: There's something scarier than ever about her. Something merciless.
Lyria: Ha-ha. That bunny outfit must have really put her on edge.
Therese (Event) not in crew

Vyrn: Whoa... She was like a completely different person.
Spectator 1: Yeah, that happens to her whenever a duel starts.
Spectator 2: Heh-heh. Her fans just can't get enough of that personality gap of hers.
Vyrn: Yikes... I better watch what I say around her.
Therese is a popular duelist who is suddenly asked to monitor the casino floor as a bunny girl.
Though her new outfit is a hit and she gradually gets used to receiving guests, her fury in the ring only increases.
As commanded by Christina, she dutifully monitors the floor and greets guests...
But she has no idea that she will soon be caught up in unprecedented events on the casino liner.

The Truth Comes to Light

Therese is put to sleep by Chat Noir. When she wakes up, she is guided to the evacuation area to join (Captain) and the others. Christina asks them to deal with looters in the casino.

The Jewel Resort Casino Liner faces an unprecedented crisis.
A primal beast has suddenly appeared along with the Phantom Thief, Chat Noir, who is known to always take his prize.
These two threats have plunged the casino liner into chaos.
Therese: So you're the Phantom Thief? You're cruising for a bruising, threatening the Jewel Resort like this.
Chat Noir: Heh-heh... And you must be Therese the duelist. Your reputation precedes you as well.
Chat Noir: I fear you might get in my way, so I'm going to have to ask you to take a little nap.
Therese: I have no mercy for those who threaten this casino liner. Prepare to be destroyed!
Chat Noir: As delightful as that sounds, it goes against my nature to inflict violence on a lady.
Therese: Ugh... What is this?
Chat Noir: Heh-heh...
Therese: (I'm losing... consciousn—)
Therese: Huh? Where am I? A storage room? Was I... sleeping?
Therese: Grrr... I can't believe I let him take me by surprise.
???: Ah! Therese!
Therese: Huh? Who are you?
Crew Member: I was recently hired by the Jewel Resort. What a relief to find you safe.
Crew Member: Everyone went that way. Follow me.
Therese: Lady Christy! (Captain)! You're safe! Oh, I'm so glad...
Christina: Therese, so you're okay as well?
Therese: My apologies, Lady Christy. It seems that the Phantom Thief put me to sleep.
Lyria: I'm just glad you're not hurt!
Christina: By the way, I hear there are more rats scurrying around the Jewel Resort.
Crew Member: Indeed. There are apparently looters taking advantage of the crisis.
Therese: I see. How could they sink so low?
Christina: Therese, forget about the Phantom Thief for now. You need to exterminate our opportunistic little friends.
Therese: Ha! Filthy rats gnawing at our casino... Prepare to be destroyed!

The Truth Comes to Light: Scene 2

After Therese and the crew defeat the looters, they realize that an employee who helped them is actually Chat Noir in disguise. He sends some machina soldiers at them and disappears while they fight.

Therese: Are you the last of the looters?
Looter: Heh! What's it to you?
Therese: Looks like you need more punishment. Here it comes!
Looter: Eek! Y-yes! We're the last! Please have mercy on us! I beg you!
Vyrn: Sheesh... Remind me never to flip Therese's rabid rabbit switch.
Crew Member: Therese, we seem to have gotten rid of all the looters.
Therese: Good. So these guys really are the last. Thanks for your help.
Crew Member: Heh-heh... You're very welcome.
Therese: ...!
Vyrn: Hm? What's wrong? Therese?
Therese: You... You're not on the casino staff! That smirking laugh... You're none other than the Phantom Thief, Chat Noir!
Crew Member: ...!
Vyrn: Say what?
Crew Member: Excellent. At last I can dispense with this hideous disguise.
Chat Noir: It seems I've underestimated you. Such a star performer, dear duelist.
Therese: First you cause this commotion and then you cooperate with us. What are you trying to do?
Chat Noir: Heh-heh... Let's just say it would go against my nature to let two-bit crooks take advantage of my grand event.
Therese: Ha! You're no better than them, vermin! Time to pay you back for your little stunt earlier!
Chat Noir: Oh, let's not. I didn't become infamous by standing in the path of rampaging rabbits.
Machina Soldier: ...!
Vyrn: Uh-oh! There are still machina soldiers around!
Chat Noir: My servants are better equipped to deal with the likes of you. Heh-heh. Well then, dear friends. Have a wonderful day.
Therese: Hey! Wait!
Machina Soldier: ...!
Vyrn: We gotta deal with these scrap heaps first!

The Truth Comes to Light: Scene 3

(Captain) and company defeat the machina soldiers, but Chat Noir escapes. Therese realizes that he tricked her into wearing the bunny girl outfit and angrily gets ready to go change, but Christina orders her to wear the outfit a bit longer.

Therese: Grrr... He got away!
Christina: Therese, it's fine. Don't bother going after him. He's probably gone by now.
Therese: Ugh... I'm so sorry, Lady Christy. I should have known better.
Lyria: But you did a great job protecting the casino, Therese!
Vyrn: Tell me about it! The fight with those machina soldiers was pretty tough. We couldn't have done it without you!
Therese: You're all so kind. Thank you.
Christina: By the way, I've been meaning to ask. Why are you dressed up as a bunny girl?
Therese: Huh? This? I was told you requested it.
Christina: Nope. Never said a word about it.
Therese: Ah! Could it be? The guy who gave me the message...
Crew Member: You apparently need to wear a bunny girl outfit when appearing in front of the guests.
Therese: Wha? Are you serious? Me? A bunny girl?
Crew Member: That is correct. Lady Christy was quite clear.
Therese: B-but I can't... Oh no! What if I don't look good as a bunny? How embarrassing...
Crew Member: Heh-heh.
Therese: Th-that was the Phantom Thief?
Therese: No way. He was ahead of me from the beginning. To think he made me wear this... this thing!
Vyrn: Hey... Are you gonna be okay, Therese?
Therese: Yes. I'm going to go change now.
Christina: No, wait.
Therese: Yes, Lady Christy?
Christina: It may not have been my idea, but it's been very popular with our guests.
Christina: I think I'll leave you on the floor with our guests a little while longer, my little bunny.
Therese: Wha? In this outfit? The whole time?
Christina: Ha-ha. It seems that the rat brought us an unexpected treat.
Therese: That's just mean... Please, Lady Christy!
Chat Noir, the Phantom Thief, appears on the Jewel Resort to spread chaos like the plague.
And perhaps Therese ends up suffering more than any of his other victims.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
あわわ…私が接客… Huh, me? Tending to the guests?
ははっ!こんな魔物! Haha! That monster was nothing!
うう…バニーの格好恥ずかしいです… Mmm, this bunny girl outfit is so embarrassing...
こ…この格好でデュエルですか!? I... I have to duel in this outfit?
あうう…剣振らないと落ち着きません… I feel so unsettled without the sword in my hands...
もう許してくださいクリス様ぁ~ Forgive me, Lady Christy!
怪盗の奴は絶対ぶちのめす! That Phantom Thief is going to get it!
イエーイ!調子出てきた! Yay! I'm doing good today!
(主人公)さん…この格好変ですか? Do you like my outfit, (Captain)?
(主人公)さんは接客、得意ですか…? Do you enjoy entertaining guests, (Captain)?


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Site, Therese - Theater - Granblue Fantasy
  2. Cygames, Inc. (2015). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 00.
  3. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 06.
  4. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「テレーズ」「イッパツ」