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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 14
Height 147 cm
Race Erune
Hobbies Taking walks with Garjana, training with Garjana
Likes Garjana and other dogs, sweet things, festivals
Dislikes Bitter things, spicy things
Character Release
Fourth of the Twelve Generals introduced so far, Vajra, the guardian of the Canine Temple, appears as Water attribute character!
She is one of the Twelve Generals and guards the Canine Temple to the West-Northwest. Garjana, who always keeps beside her, is like a brother to Vajra since they have grown up together due a family tradition. She is often seen accompanied by many other dogs. She loves lively atmosphere and spending time with her countless friends.
Source [1]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 14歳
Height 147cm
Race エルーン
Hobbies ガルジャナと散歩、ガルジャナと鍛練
Likes ガルジャナ他犬達、甘いもの、お祭り
Dislikes 苦いもの、辛いもの
Character Release

Source [1]





  • Like the other Divine Generals in Granblue Fantasy, her name is derived from the Twelve Heavenly Generals in Buddhism. Her English name is the romanization of her corresponding General's Sanskrit name.[2][3]

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Captain, Captain! Happy birthday!
We're heading out!
Gar and I were talking about the perfect present for you, and...
We've decided to take you to our secret hideout! C'mon!
Ah, Gar said you can ride on him too just for today!
All right, hold on tight!


(Captain)! Happy birthday!
This year's present isn't just from me, but all the other doggies too.
These chunks of meat are from Eka, Dvi, and Tri. Ahaha. You don't want to eat them raw though, so be sure to cook them thoroughly.
They held off on eating the meat themselves so that you could have 'em all. I hope you enjoy them!
And this garland is from me and Gar!
Gar's not all that great with presents, so he was stuck in a rut thinking of what to get.
But when he came back with all these pretty flowers, I tried rearranging them into a garland.
Ehehe... Just goes to show how much we all love you, (Captain).


Vajra: Up, and around... Great job, Gar! You too, Eka!
Whoa! (Captain)... I didn't see you there.
Ahaha, so you saw us, huh? We were practicing in secret so you wouldn't catch us...
We were thinking of performing a dance for you on your birthday... That was our final run-through.
It was supposed to be for the party, but... what do you say we put on the show now, guys?
Garjana: ...
Eka & Dvi & Tri: Woof, woof!
Vajra: All right, then let's celebrate (Captain)'s birthday together!
Thanks for everything, (Captain). I pray that we can always continue traveling together like this.
And with that, we present you our happy birthday dance! Here we go!


Vajra: (Captain), happy birthday!
We've got a show prepared for you this year too!
Are you surprised? We made sure to practice a whole lot in secret.
This year's dance is going to be the best one yet. Hope you like it!
Huh? You wanna join in?
Oh! You want to do a dance for everyone's happiness too?
Haha, the more the merrier, I say! Let's do it!
Garjana: ...
Eka & Dvi & Tri: Woof, woof!
Vajra: Just follow my lead, and I'll guide you through the movements. Come on!


Vajra: (Captain), happy birthday! Here's the present we got you!
Surprised? It's a card decorated with our own custom stamps.
That's me in the middle next to Gar. The bottom is Eka, Dvi, and Tri.
We thought about giving you a flower again this year, but got struck by the urge to go for something that would last you forever.
It'll probably come in handy as a good luck charm too, since it's filled with all our wishes for your health, good luck, and self improvement.
You know, I got to experience a lot of things on this journey with you that I never would've if I stayed back home.
It's made me realize that I still have a long way to go before I'm truly strong. So here's to keeping our journey going!
Time to dance the birthday dance I know you've been waiting for! Come on, everyone!
Garjana: ...
Eka & Dvi & Tri: Woof!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain), Happy New Year.
Can I do a dance to bring us safe travels and good fortune?
As one of the Twelve Divine Generals, this is something I always did back home.
And now that I'm a part of the crew, I want to dance and pray for all of you!


(Captain)! How did you like my dance?
Ehehe. I'm glad you liked it.
Here's to our sound health, safe travels, good luck and fortune, and...
Your continued improvement!
I know that's a lot to ask for, but as one of the Twelve Divine Generals, I can tell you my prayer dance definitely works!
Actually, since you're training all the time, you're bound to get stronger!
And I'll be sure to keep up every step of the way!


Vajra: Gar's tummy is so warm.. Yaaawn...
Garjana: ...
Vajra: I stayed up late last night on New Year's Eve... So while I was lying around, I got sleepy...
Hey, (Captain), Gar says you can come closer. Here, you can sit next to me.
Ahaha, you're really warm too, (Captain)...
Let's take a nap together like this...


Vajra: Hey, (Captain), do you have a second? I wanna tell you something.
I'm planning on being wide awake when we ring in the new year this time around!
You know how I spent last year sleeping on Gar's warm tummy?
I kind of regret not being energized for all the early activities later.
What? Why are you looking at me like that?
Wait, you wanted another end of the year nap with Gar?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: I-in that case, let's just kick back and take it easy!


Ooohh, the sun's finally out. It's super bright, huh?
Feels good to have our long climb up this mountain pay off. We even woke up early since people said the view was amazing, and they weren't kidding.
Kinda weird, isn't it... It's the same sun rising over the horizon, but it's totally different than seeing it from back home.
Is it the clouds? Or the air up here? I'm not exactly sure, but...
I can definitely feel we've come a long way!
Now that the main event is over, we should head back to the ship.
Nothing better than some good shut-eye after a nice morning. Can't wait to cuddle up to Gar and pass out!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's, (Captain)!
Hehe. You know, this is actually my first time celebrating Valentine's.
Gar and the other dogs can't eat chocolate, and we didn't have anything like this back home.
That makes you the first person I've ever given Valentine's goodies to!
Hm? Ah, what I just threw Gar was a juicy steak, not chocolate!


Ah, (Captain). Happy Valentine's. This is for you.
Hm? Ah, sorry, I'm a bit worn-out right now.
I made the chocolate myself this year, but...
My puppies saw how much fun I was having and jumped into the fray. It wasn't easy holding them off.
Sigh... I even told them in advance not to pester me when I'm making chocolate!
It got a bit hectic, but I think the chocolates turned out quite nice.
Let me know how you like them later!


Happy Valentine's Day, (Captain). This is for you.
I made chocolate again this year.
Oh, the puppies? While I was making chocolate in the kitchen, they were playing with Gar and keeping him busy.
Thanks to that, I was able to really concentrate on making it. So it should be better than last year's!
Oh, but don't eat it here. Take it back with you and eat it when you're alone in your room.
Why, you ask? Oh... Hm, I wonder why. It just came out of my mouth...
When I imagine you opening it in front of me, I just start sweating and feeling awkward, even though I'm happy...
Hm... I wonder what's gotten into me.


Happy Valentine's Day! (Captain), these chocolates are for you!
I made them a wee bit more special this year, actually.
The cooking part was the same, but we blessed them with a special dance to keep you happy and safe on your journeys!
And by we, I mean me, Gar, and the little ones! They were real pleased to contribute.
Between that and the blessings for you, it's the perfect gift where everyone wins, don't you think?
Th-though it feels kinda silly to admit it out loud in front of you...
S-sorry, (Captain)! I gotta go!
Enjoy the chocolates!


Valentine's Day is here again. This is for you.
I only started making chocolate after joining your crew, but I think this is the best batch I've made yet.
Now I feel like I can do anything I put my mind to.
The only thing is... Every time I see you on Valentine's, I always get red and nervous.
This year especially, I feel my heart pounding like I've run a marathon or something, and all I've done is hand over some sweets.
Do you think I'm sick? Is there a special cold you can only get on Valentine's?
I appreciate the concern, but now I'm extra nervous with you staring at me...
I-I should go! You should take care not to get sick either.

Raspberry Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

This is for me, (Captain)?
Thanks! For White Day, huh?
I'd actually forgotten all about it.
But then Gar reminded me with a present earlier.
Ehehe, see? He gave me this flower.
You two make me as happy as a dog with two tails!


Sniff... Mm, that's a really sweet smell on you, (Captain).
Ah, today's White Day!
Ehehe, thanks. i'm really happy to get these again this year.
Ngh... My face is all hot. I must be coming down with a fever...
Except i don't feel the least bit sick... It's more of a fluffy, happy kind of feeling...
Looking at your face only gets me more hot and bothered, (Captain)...
This is so weird. If this is a cold, I wouldn't want you to catch it. I'll be going back to my room.
Sorry, (Captain). And thanks again!


Vajra: Oh, (Captain)! This is for me? Ah, so it's White Day today.
Hm? You prepared something for Gar and the puppies too?
Haha, that's (Captain) for you! Isn't that great, guys?
Garjana: ...
Eka & Dvi & Tri: Woof, woof!
Vajra: Ahaha, you're right. Let's give something back together! A present in return for a present... that's also in return!
Hmmm, what should we do... We could do a dance, or have Gar carry us and go out together...
Oh, maybe we can all get on (Captain)'s back and give the captain a massage!
All right! Let's do all of the above!
Do you have some time today, (Captain)? We've got a whole bunch of things we'd like to do for you!


Vajra: Whoa! That's a lot of boxes you got there, (Captain).
Huh? For me? Oh, it's White Day, isn't it!
Thanks for going out of your way every year! These bone-shaped cookies will definitely be a hit with this crowd!
Garjana: ...!
Eka & Dvi & Tri: Woof, woof!
Vajra: They already look ready to pounce!
You... made these with blessings for our happiness?
Ehehe... Somehow it's more embarrassing to be on the receiving end of that than the giving.
Trust me, (Captain). I'm already plenty happy thanks to you.


Sniff, sniff... What's that I smell?
White Day sweets! Thanks for making enough for everyone, like always!
Hm? I seem more energetic than usual?
Well, that'd be because of Eka and the rest.
They wanted to prep an appreciation party for you since you're giving us stuff...
So they practiced their paw step massage on my back first.
Thanks to that, I'm super charged up and ready to go! I bet I could outrun everybody in the crew right now!
Anyway, are you free for a bit? Mind if we give you a return gift for your return gift?
Cool! I'll head over first and finish readying up. We'll be waiting for you!

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

It sure does get lively for Halloween.
There's so much happening on the ship and in town! I feel pumped just being here!
Of course, people aren't the only ones having fun...
Anyway, we should head out to the festival too! C'mon, Gar! (Captain)!


Vajra: Trick or treat! Hand over those goodies, or you're gonna be in for it!
Heh heh heh! Go get 'em, Gar!
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Now's your chance to hand over the goods before Gar slobbers all over you!
Well? What'll it be? Where are my treats?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Hahaha! How do you like this strategy I came up with Gar?
This plan of action ought to net me oodles of candy!


Haha, did I scare you? I saw you jump there, (Captain)!
Ahaha, sorry. When I saw you with your back turned, I thought it was my chance to play a trick on you.
Okay, now it's your turn. Give it your best shot!
Hm? Come on, play your best trick on me. Then we'll be even.
I'm giving you permission to do anything you want. Tickle me, frighten me... No need to hold back!


I see you, (Captain).
Hahaha, you think you can sneak up using the same tactics as me? Think—
Huh? You weren't trying to prank me?
Oh, sorry! You were just passing through, huh? Guess I was too quick to judge.
Let's have a little do-over then.
I'm going to be spending today trying to trick you good. You won't even see it coming.
And in the meantime, you should try and trick me too.
Whoever gets the first scare off wins!
Hehe, ready? Better not hold back!


See this, (Captain)? I made a dog mask that looks exactly like Gar!
Nobody will be able to tell us apart! It's the perfect costume to go with the tricks I have planned for this year!
Grrr, woof, woof! Bowow, arf, arf!
Now that I think about it though, Gar doesn't really bark, huh? Ahaha!
I'll be sure to gather lots of treats too! Don't worry, I'll be sure to share the spoils with you!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Season's greetings, (Captain)!
This is the first time Gar and I have celebrated the holidays outside our hometown.
It's so much more lively and fun with all these people around!
I'm gonna go out to town to buy presents for everyone back home.
Care to join me, (Captain)?
I'd be so happy if you could show me where the best places to shop are!


Vajra: Hey, Gar. Does this look right to you?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Okay, great! Now to just present it to—
Ah, (Captain)! Hahaha, guess you caught me, huh.
I was hoping to lay the surprise on you.
Today's that special day, right? I thought Gar and I could join in on the gift-giving this year.
Gar will be the reindeer, and I'll be Santa Claus! Neat idea, don't you think?
And I'm hoping you can keep this on the down low.
Because I really want to see everyone's expressions when I surprise them!
Of course, I'll drop by later with your present too! Hope you're looking forward to it!


Vajra: Wow! This is my first time seeing a cake this big!
Ooh, there are biscuits too! Could these be for Gar and the puppies? Thanks, (Captain)!
Hehe. Wish it was the holy night every night... That way, we'd be able to have these delicious treats all the time!
Oh, but I'm not just happy about the treats.
It's being able to celebrate the season together with you, Gar, and the puppies that makes me happy!
Eka & Dvi & Tri: Woof, woof!
Vajra: Hm? You guys want to play some more?
Hmm, okay... Then how about a snowball fight? We'll split into two teams and face off against each other!
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Haha, looks like everyone's ready to go!
Then once we finish our cake, let's head outside!


Vajra: Wow, would you look at all that snow!
I think it's enough to make us one awesome igloo!
A big one too! We can snuggle up with Gar and the pups in there!
Oh? You wanna snack on some holiday treats while we're at it?
That's a nice idea... I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.
All right, everyone, you ready to do this?
Garjana: ...
Eka, Dvi, and Tri: Woof, woof!
Vajra: That's the spirit! Let's go!


Is it just me, or do the holiday lights around town add an extra layer of fun to window shopping?
Hm? Oh, (Captain), look at the bakery over there!
They've got animal cupcakes. Ahaha, this one looks like Gar, what with the glum frown and everything!
Huh? You sure it's okay to get it? Thanks, (Captain)! You're the best!
Better be careful not to eat too much though, otherwise I won't have room for the party food later...
Hold on. (Captain), let's split it!
Good idea, right?
Let's buy it before someone else beats us to it!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Guardian of the West-Northwest

(Captain) and company struggle to break up a dispute at the Canine Temple, but the year spirit Vajra appears and immediately resolves the issue. She and her trusty canine, Garjana, join the crew as part of her journey for self-improvement.

The crew visits a special location to celebrate the new year.
Lyria: This year's lucky direction is west-northwest, which means this Canine Temple must be the right place...
Vyrn: So whoever's guardian here is this year's spirit, huh?
Lyria: Yes! That seems right!
Vyrn: It's quite impressive, I tell ya!
They look ahead to find large crowds gathered around the Canine Temple, consecrated in the name of one of the Twelve Divine Generals.
Lyria: Everyone must be here to pray for good fortune.
Vyrn: Yep, it's a once-in-a-year thing, and people don't wanna miss out! I mean, here we are ourselves.
Vyrn: But somehow...
Vyrn cocks his head in wonder at all the visitors before them.
Vyrn: Is it just me, or does it seem kinda rowdy?
Lyria: Rowdy? What do you mean?
Vyrn: My gut tells me lotsa people out here are packin'.
Lyria: Now that you mention it...
Lyria: A lot of them seem to be soldiers or agents.
Vyrn: I know it's New Years and all, and that anyone can come for a prayer or two...
Vyrn: But there's just way too many of them.
Lyria: That's a good point... Let's try asking around.
Lyria: Excuse me!
Visitor 1: Yes? What's the matter?
Lyria: There seem to be a lot of soldiers and other people carrying weapons today. Do you know if something happened?
Visitor 1: Well, this is the Canine Temple after all.
Vyrn: What's that supposed to mean?
Visitor 1: The canine year spirit is commonly referred to as a deity of war.
Lyria: D-deity of war?
Visitor 1: It's only natural to see those wishing for martial fortune flock here in droves.
Visitor 1: They come to pray for success in battle.
Lyria: Aah, that makes a lot of sense!
Visitor 1: But of course, just like with the other directional temples, many come to pray for good luck in general.
(Captain) and company are quickly convinced.
Lyria: It all makes sense now.
Vyrn: For sure!
Vyrn: Hey, (Captain)!
Vyrn: We might as well pray that we can become stronger ourselves!
Lyria: Teehee. I'll pray for everyone's continued good health as usual!
Vyrn: Hahah! Always appreciated, Lyria!
Vyrn: That guy mentioned the deity of war...
Lyria: He was probably referring to the Divine General of the temple.
Vyrn: Must be one heckuva character.
Lyria: Sounds really frightening...
Vyrn: Could be.
Lyria: I'm getting anxious just thinking about it...
Right that moment...
???: Screw you! Try saying that again to my face!
A raucous clamor arises from the crowds.
Vyrn: What's the fuss over there?
Lyria: I hope a fight doesn't break out!
Vyrn: Yeah, we can't have that happening with so many people around!
Lyria: We should put a stop to it...
Visitor 3: How many times do I have to say it before it sticks in your brain! You have absolutely no business being an agent!
Visitor 2: You chose the wrong day to pick a fight with me, buster!
Vyrn: Not good.
Lyria: We need to stop them before other people get hurt.
Vyrn: All right then...
Visitor 2: Whoa!
Visitor 3: The heck?
A shadow descends upon the two men who were about to clash.
???: ...
A giant canine around Lyria's height appears before them.
Visitor 2: What's with this mutt?
???: ...
It does not growl, nor does it bark—the canine simply looms with its commanding presence.
Visitor 3: Wh-what do you think you're looking at!
???: ...
Visitor 1: Wait, check out that armor...
Visitor 4: C-could it be the keeper...
Faint mutterings abound as the other visitors peer at the two squabblers and the canine.
Lyria: Wasn't the keeper supposed to be this year's spirit and one of the Twelve Divine Generals?
Vyrn: That's what I thought too...
Vyrn: Maybe the Divine General of the Canine Temple just happens to be a dog.
Lyria: That doggie is a Divine General?
Vyrn: All I know is that it means business from the looks of it...
(Captain) gulps and nods in agreement.
???: You guys done fighting?
Lyria: Wait... Whose voice was that?
???: Hrgh!
???: Phew.
Visitor 2: Wh-what is it this time?
Lyria: A girl?
A girl of tender years gracefully lands beside the giant canine.
???: Looks like you didn't even need me.
???: Thanks, Gar. Good doggie!
Her lips break into a satisfied smile as she heartily pets the canine.
Visitor 3: The heck am I seeing here?
Visitor 2: All right, missy. Why don't you be a good girl and take that mutt elsewhere?
Visitor 3: That's right. Don't butt in where you're not needed.
???: "Not needed," you say?
???: You should know that I don't like to see fighting on temple grounds. It's a nuisance to the other visitors.
Visitor 2: Miss, I'd advise you zip it unless you're looking for a thrashing.
???: Heh, you guys are hopeless.
Visitor 3: Rgh! Don't make fun of your elders, girlie!
???: ...
The canine steps forward as if to protect her, but she graciously refuses the gesture.
???: It's okay, Gar.
Visitor 2: Why you little!
Her unflappable attitude rubs the men the wrong way.
Visitor 2: I've had enough of your highfalutin attitude! Get ready for a spankin'!
The girl cracks a smile as the men clench their fists in anger.
???: About time! Come at me!
Visitor 3: Now you're gonna get it!
Visitor 2: You little snot!
???: Hngh!
Visitor 2: Urgh!
???: Take that!
Visitor 3: Ack!
???: It's over.
Cheers arise from the crowd as she swiftly sweeps the men off their feet.
Visitor 4: She's the keeper!
Visitor 1: Our guardian!
Vajra: Yep, that's me! I'm Vajra, and this is Garjana.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Sorry for that ruckus.
Visitor 2: Rgh... Is she really one of the Twelve Divine Generals?
Vajra: So are you two gonna cut it out or what?
Visitor 3: Ngh...
With Vajra's identity revealed, the two men look up in awe and bob their heads in nervous agreement.
Vajra: Good boys!
Vajra: Striving to become stronger is always a good thing. Just as long as you're not bothering others.
Visitor 2: I'm so sorry...
Lyria: Oopsie, I guess the doggie wasn't the Divine General after all.
Vyrn: So that's her, huh?
Vyrn: She's definitely strong, but she's not as menacing as I thought a deity of war might be.
Vajra: Whew, it sure is lively come New Year's.
Vajra: If only I had a place I could let loose a bit...
Vajra: Maybe I should start a fighting tournament of sorts...
Garjana: ...
As if suddenly recalling something, Garjana nips Vajra's cuff and tugs on her sleeve.
Vajra: Gar?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Oh, is it time already? We'd best get going then!
Vajra: Hm?
She looks around and catches sight of (Captain) and company.
Vajra: You guys have a strange scent about you.
Vyrn: You saying we smell?
Vajra: You know...
Garjana: ...
At another tug from Garjana, Vajra promptly turns around.
Vajra: Ah, right. Sorry. We'll be out of here soon enough.
Vajra gives Garjana a reassuring pat before turning to look at the crew once more.
Vajra: Think you can stay on the island until nightfall?
Vyrn: Well...
Vajra: Good! I'll meet up with you later! See you then!
Lyria: Erm...
Vajra: It's a promise!
Vyrn: Whoa now...
Vajra: C'mon, Gar!
Garjana: ...
Vajra mounts Garjana and rides into the horizon, leaving behind the confused crew.
Lyria: So... what should we do?
Vyrn: I guess we'll just have to watch the grass grow until she shows up again.
Lyria: Yeah, we might just have to do that.
(Captain) ponders on the meaning of what looked like a gentle bow from Garjana only moments earlier.
Sundown arrives.
Vajra: Hello! Hello!
Garjana: ...
Just as Vajra had announced, she comes upon the crew right outside the Grandcypher.
Lyria: Hello!
Vyrn: You really came. But how'd you even know where to find us?
Vajra: Hm?
Vyrn: I mean, our airship's not the only one docked here today. Especially considering there's so many people here for New Year's.
Lyria: That's true. How did you find us?
Vajra: Actually, I asked everyone about you guys.
Vyrn: Everyone? You mean the other temple visitors?
Vajra: Mm-hm. Word is you skyfarers can handle your own. And that you're headed for Estalucia.
Lyria: That's right! We're adventuring all over, but Estalucia's our end goal!
Vajra: That's amazing!
Lyria: Yeah! It's so much fun!
Vajra: I wish I could join you! In fact, why don't you let me?
Vyrn: Whoa, what's this all of a sudden?
Vajra: Oh, right. I suppose I should explain myself first.
Vajra: You know how those in my tribe are known as deities of war?
Lyria: Yeah, we heard about that at the temple this afternoon. You must be really strong!
Vajra: Nope, I still have a long way to go. That's why I need to go on a journey to really toughen myself up.
Vyrn: So that's what this is about?
Vajra: Uh-huh!
Vajra: Besides, your scent is unlike any other, which is what caught my attention in the first place.
Lyria: Our scent?
Vyrn: Hey, I don't think we smell that funny, but you're welcome to join us!
Vajra: Yeah? Thanks a bunch!
Vajra: You're the captain, right?
Vajra flashes (Captain) a big, wide grin.
Vajra: Garjana and I are glad to be in your crew!
Garjana: ...
Garjana, too, turns to (Captain) and gently lowers its head in a friendly nod.
  1. The dog's coming too?
  2. Welcome aboard!

Choose: The dog's coming too?
Vajra: You don't like dogs?
Vajra: Don't worry! Gar might seem menacing, but he's super nice!
Vyrn: You sure he won't bite?
Lyria: Hehe, I'm sure it'll be fine. Just look at how docile he is.

Choose: Welcome aboard!
Vajra: Appreciate it!
Lyria: Teehee. Here's to a fun and exciting journey, you two!
Continue 1
Lyria's eyes light up as she pets Garjana.
Vajra: Hahah! Gar's no mere pet. He's a friend, he's family... He's the best partner I could ever ask for!
Vyrn: Sounds like how (Captain) and I are best partners!
Lyria: Hey, no fair! I thought I was (Captain)'s best partner!
Vajra: Aww, how nice! But the best partners award goes to us!
And thus Vajra of the Twelve Divine Generals and her partner, Garjana, join the crew.
Expectations for the new year reach an all-time high with these refreshing new recruits aboard the Grandcypher.

Canines Mean No Harm

During a quiet stroll, Vajra talks about how she and Garjana grew up like siblings, and that the air in the area is very similar to that of her hometown. Fortunately her sharp sense of smell helps her sniff out monsters lurking about.

One early morning...
(Captain) wakes up earlier than usual and goes out on deck for some fresh air.
It turns out others are already there.
Vajra: Well, you're an early bird, (Captain)!
Garjana: ...
  1. Morning.
  2. Just happened to wake up early...

Choose: Morning.
Vajra: Morning!

Choose: Just happened to wake up early...
Vajra: Doesn't the morning sun feel great?
Continue 1
Vajra: Me and Gar are gonna go for a walk. You should join us!
Led by Vajra, (Captain) disembarks.
Vajra: Gar! We're going to that big tree down there!
Garjana: ...
Vajra is giddy with delight as she breaks into a sprint.
Garjana quietly and obediently runs beside her.
(Captain) follows after them.
Vajra: Ah!
Some distance ahead, Vajra turns around as if she's forgotten something.
Vajra: Sorry, (Captain). I got so caught up in the heat of the moment.
Vajra: Let's take a break.
Vajra plops down and sprawls out on the ground, which is still fresh with the glimmer of morning dewdrops.
Garjana: ...
Garjana sits down right beside her.
Vajra: I've gotta hand it to you, (Captain)!
Vajra: I'm impressed you're able to keep up with me and Gar!
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Hahah! You're amazing in your own way too, Gar!
Vajra lovingly hugs Gar and snuggles up to him.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Ahahaha! That tickles! Hey!
Vajra: Ahaha! Gar, c'mon, hahaha!
Vajra's face is all sticky after a few good licks from Garjana's enormous tongue.
Still in each other's embrace, the two roll about on the ground in pure, unadulterated joy.
Vajra: Woo! Had enough yet, Gar? Teehee! Ahahaha!
(Captain) looks on with a hint of concern—
Concern that Garjana's massive size might be too much for Vajra to handle.
Vajra: Hm? (Captain)?
Vajra: Relax, I'll be fine! Gar's always careful not to put too much of his weight on me!
Vajra gives an amused smile before turning the tables and rolling on top of Garjana.
Vajra: I, on the other hand, can put all my weight on him, and Gar doesn't feel a thing!
  1. You two get along so well.
  2. You okay, Gar?

Choose: You two get along so well.
Vajra: Of course! We've been together ever since Gar was born.
Vajra appears proud of the fact.
Vajra: In keeping with our tribe's traditions, Gar and I were raised like siblings.

Choose: You okay, Gar?
Garjana: ...
Garjana calmly licks (Captain)'s hand.
Vajra: In keeping with our tribe's traditions, Gar and I were raised like siblings.
Continue 2
Vajra: There are still a lot of young pups back home.
Vajra: Hm...
As if recalling a precious memory, Vajra looks up into the skies and sniffs the fresh air.
Vajra: This island really takes me back to my hometown. The air, especially.
Vajra: It's definitely more lively here though.
(Captain) gives an understanding nod.
The forest feels exceptionally quiet this morning.
Vajra: Hm? Do you sense something in the brush?
Garjana: ...
Garjana goes into high alert.
Vajra: Gar.
As Vajra props herself up, Gar gets up right beside her. They carefully survey their surroundings.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Watch out, (Captain)!

Canines Mean No Harm: Scene 2

After the scuffle, (Captain) and Vajra return to the Grandcypher to find it ransacked. Garjana tracks the scent to find three puppies fighting off monsters.

After dispatching the monsters, Garjana presses his nose into Vajra's hand as if to make a statement.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Yeah. I got it.
Vajra: (Captain)! We need to return to the airship at once!
Vajra and Garjana make an about-face and bolt off, with (Captain) trying to keep up.
Vyrn: Ah! (Captain)! Where were you this whole time?
Vyrn greets (Captain) in a panic.
Vajra: Sorry, Vyrn. I had (Captain) come along for a walk.
Vyrn: That's fine, but we've got ourselves a mess here!
Vajra: So something happened?
Vyrn: Come on deck and see for yourselves.
Vajra: Whoa...
It looks as if a hurricane just passed through, with items trashed all over the place.
Vajra: It's gonna take a while to clean all this up.
Vyrn: And this isn't all. The whole exterior's pretty beat up. Rackam was borderline hysterical.
Vajra: This is bad...
Vajra: Things were all fine when we headed out this morning though.
Vyrn: Yeah? That means this all happened just a little while ago.
Vajra: Yeah... Gar, can you look into it?
Garjana: ...
Vyrn: You have a plan?
Vajra: Gar can trace the scent.
Vyrn: Aha! We just need to pinpoint the culprit!
Vajra: Yep! Any bad boy or girl who does such a thing needs to be taught a lesson!
Vajra: Anything, Gar?
Vajra approaches Gar as he paces about.
Lyria: Vyrn!
Ah, (Captain), you're back!
It's Lyria's turn to run now as she comes out on deck.
Vyrn: What's gotten you into such a panic?
Lyria: I went to take a look inside...
Lyria: And the kitchen's a total mess too. Some food seems to be missing as well...
Vyrn: Just the kitchen?
Lyria: Yeah. The other rooms looked okay.
Vyrn: This sounds like one heck of a hungry thief.
Lyria: But didn't Rackam say the damage on the ship looks like it was done by monsters?
Vyrn: These are some seriously malnourished monsters.
Lyria: Sure seems like it.
Vajra's Voice: Guys! We need to chase the scent!
Vyrn: Looks like Big Dog's got a line on the culprit!
Vyrn: Let's follow 'em!
Garjana: ...
Vajra: So, Gar?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: So that's how it is, eh...
Lyria: It's amazing how Vajra can understand everything Garjana is trying to say!
Vyrn: Yeah, but look...
Vyrn: Hey, Vajra! You're lookin' kinda puzzled. Did you lose the scent here or something?
Vajra: No way! Gar's not one to lose track of his prey so easily!
Vajra: However...
Lyria: What's wrong?
Vajra: Monsters are definitely the culprit. But there are other scents mixed in here too.
Lyria: Other scents?
Vajra: Yes, it seems like my friends were here.
Lyria: Um, you mean your friends other than Gar?
Vajra: Yeah. They seem to be chasing the monsters...
Vajra: But they're still small. We need to hurry after them!
Garjana: ...
Garjana understands the gravity of the situation and quickens the pace.
Vajra: Hold it.
Garjana: ...
(Captain) and company turn around to find Vajra stopped in her tracks.
Vajra: I might as well ask everyone else on the island to help sniff out these monsters...
Garjana: ...
Garjana strongly tugs on Vajra's sleeve as if to discourage her.
Vajra: Sigh... You worry too much, Gar.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Fine. I'll leave it to you.
Garjana: ...
Vyrn: Everything all right? You looked ready to do something just now.
Lyria: Who did you mean by "everyone else on the island"? Do you have lots of local friends?
Vajra: Oh, I haven't explained myself yet, have I? People call me a deity.
Lyria: So you're like a goddess?
Vajra: Hm, how should I put this...
Vajra: There's a spirit—a consciousness of sorts—dwelling in all things in nature.
Vyrn: Whaddya mean by "all things in nature"?
Vajra: I mean that literally. For instance, this rock, that tree, the water in that river, the wind...
Vajra: There's a spirit housed in everything.
Lyria: Wow... That's a wonderful way of looking at things.
Vyrn: And you can communicate with all these spirits?
Vajra: Yes, I can.
Lyria: That's incredible! How do you do that?
Vajra: Well, it's hard to put it in words...
Garjana: ...
Garjana suddenly looks up, and Vajra follows suit.
Vajra: It's close.
Monster: ...!
Vyrn: Is that him?
Puppy 1: Woof!
Puppy 2: Woof, woof!
Puppy 3: Grrr!
Vajra: Eka! Dvi! Tri!
Lyria: Are those cutie puppies your friends, Vajra?
Vyrn: Looks like they're trying to fight that monster in the back!
Vajra: Idiots! Don't you see how dangerous this is?
Vyrn: Darn it! We've got little critters all over the place to deal with too!
Vyrn: We've gotta take 'em out first!

Canines Mean No Harm: Scene 3

As things get dire in the battle, Vajra undergoes some sort of transformation to ensure the safety of her canine companions.

Vyrn: All righty! Now it's time to take out the big kahuna!
Vajra: Gar! Go in from the right!
Vajra herself plunges toward the monster's left flank.
Vajra: Eka, dodge to the left!
Eka: Woof!
Vajra: Dvi, fall back!
Dvi: Woof!
Vajra: Tri, get on the left branch!
Tri: Whimper...
Tri: Yipe!
Vajra: Tri!
Vajra, seeing that Tri has lost its footing to a small crack in the ground, throws herself toward the puppy.
Monster: !
Lyria: Watch out, Vajra!
Monster: !
Garjana: ...!
Vajra: Gar!
Garjana: ...
Garjana reels for a moment from the blow meant for Vajra before springing back to his feet.
Vajra: Sorry, Gar. Enough is enough—let's end this already.
Vajra takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.
Vajra: ...
Lyria: Vajra?
Vyrn: What's going on?
Vajra: Defilers of the peace we hold dear in these lands...
Vajra: Shall know the watery retribution of my blade.

Canines Mean No Harm: Scene 4

Vajra loses consciousness after dispatching the monsters. Garjana explains that his master enacted spirit channeling earlier to access power significantly greater than her own—a feat that makes her vulnerable. Concerned for Vajra's well-being, he asks (Captain) to take care of her.

Vajra: ...
With the monsters defeated, Vajra appears somewhat detached yet tense as she calmly lowers her blade.
Vyrn: Um, Vajra?
Vajra: Whew...
Vajra: Gar, Eka, Dvi, Tri! Everyone okay?
As if a switch had just been flicked, Vajra returns to her usual self and rushes over to the dogs.
Tri: Woof...
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Thank goodness the injuries are nothing serious.
Lyria: All's well that ends well!
Vajra: No, this is not well.
Lyria: Huh?
Vajra: I hope you puppies have learned your lesson.
Eka: Woof...
Dvi: Whimper...
Vajra: Sigh. Yeah, I know about that.
Vyrn: What are they sayin'?
Vajra: These pups aren't really supposed to leave the island we're from yet.
Lyria: But then why are they—
Vajra: The air on this island very closely resembles that of our homeland. That's their only excuse for coming here.
Vajra: They wandered aboard an airship where they bumped into monsters.
Vyrn: Ah, so they're the ones who chased off the monsters?
Vajra: Seems like it.
Lyria: Wow! Thank you so much for protecting the Grandcypher!
Vyrn: There wasn't much damage inside the ship other than the kitchen.
Vajra: Kitchen? Could such a large monster even fit in there?
Vyrn: Hm, that's a good point...
Tri: Woof...
Vajra: Agh! I can't believe it!
Vyrn: What's wrong?
Vajra: The kitchen was all their doing... Sorry!
Vyrn: The pieces are all coming together now.
Lyria: Ahaha, they must've been really hungry.
Vajra: Shame on you pups!
Vajra: First you break tradition and now this...
Vajra: Ngh...
Garjana walks over to support Vajra as her body teeters over.
Lyria: Vajra!
Vyrn: What's wrong!
Vajra: Aah...
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Sorry, Gar... I think I pushed it... Hope you can take things from here...
Vajra falls unconscious.
Lyria: Vajra! How did this happen?
Vyrn: She gonna pull through?
Garjana: ...
Garjana: She's passed out from exhaustion.
Vyrn: Huh?
Lyria: What?
Garjana: Vajra won't wake up for a while. Nothing a refreshing nap won't fix, of course.
Lyria: I knew that was your voice, Gar!
Vyrn: Big Dog! You can talk?
Garjana: Yes.
Lyria: That's incredible!
Lyria: But is Vajra going to be—
Garjana: Allow me to explain. But first, my master needs a more suitable place to rest.
Vyrn: Your master? You mean Vajra?
Lyria: Okay. Let's get inside first.
Back inside the Grandcypher, the crew puts the slumbering Vajra to bed.
Vyrn: She didn't even have to count sheep... Or puppies.
Garjana: I imagine she'll be asleep until nightfall.
Vyrn: Sure, no problem with that.
Lyria: She must've been really worn out.
Vyrn: Sure seems like it.
Vyrn: What's her deal anyway?
Garjana: She performed spirit channeling in the battle earlier.
Lyria: Spirit channeling?
Garjana: Yes. She draws a spirit into her body, temporarily suppressing any trace of her own personality and consciousness.
Vyrn: So that's why she was acting so different during the battle.
Garjana: Correct.
Garjana: Spirit channeling allows my master to unleash power of an entirely different magnitude.
Lyria: Wow! That sounds like a really useful skill to have!
To the surprise of the impressed crew, Garjana solemnly shakes his head.
Garjana: I would prefer my master refrain from using it.
Lyria: Um... Is it because she gets so tired?
Garjana: This is the first time she's used it outside our island.
Garjana: I surmise she was able to use it here only because the air is so familiar.
Garjana: Otherwise it is no easy feat.
Vyrn: Yeah? I had no idea it took such a toll on her.
Garjana: For it to work, one needs not only a sound mind and body, but also a strong heart.
Lyria: A strong... heart?
Garjana: In other words, the complete trust and willingness to make yourself entirely vulnerable.
Garjana: My master gives herself over too easily.
Lyria: And that scares you because of how precious Vajra is to you, I see.
Garjana: ...
Vyrn: Yeah, that definitely sounds like cause for concern.
Garjana: I will protect my master at any cost, no matter what.
Lyria: I'm sure it's the same for Vajra.
Vyrn: Whaddya mean, Lyria?
Lyria: She used spirit channeling to protect Gar and the puppies.
Vyrn: Oh, that's right. She used it right when Big Dog got hurt.
Garjana: ...
Lyria: I'd prefer Vajra not use it either if it's so risky...
Lyria: But I have to say I really admire her strength and kindness.
Lyria smiles softly at the resting Vajra.
Garjana: ...
Garjana: I hope you'll continue to be good friends with my master.
Garjana bows deeply to (Captain) and company.
Lyria: Teehee. Likewise.
They look down to find a most soothing spectacle.
Vajra: Zzz...
The three puppies snuggle right up to Vajra for warmth, the din of their peaceful snores filling the air.

What Makes a Partner

Due to Garjana's absence, Vajra finds a new sparring partner in (Captain). After the match, she reveals that she'll have to take a trial back in her hometown to prove her worth as the war deity. This causes some anxiety for the crew, however, as she still retains her ability to channel souls—a dangerous skill that all previous Canine Temple guardians have lost before taking the trial.

Vajra: Haaaaa!
Vajra: Raaaagh!
Katana and katana clash, producing sonorous bladesong throughout a distant forest.
The duel comes to a pause. Sweat drips down (Captain)'s brow as Vajra laughs like a joyful puppy.
Vajra: Great work! Let's finish today's spar on that note!
Vyrn: Was that supposed to be practice? From where I'm flyin', it looked like one of you coulda cut the other's head off...
Vajra: Really? Gar and I usually go this hard, and we never have any problems.
Vajra: Then again, I guess there aren't too many two-leggers who can keep up with my speed.
Vajra: Anyway! Thanks, (Captain), for taking Gar's place! I learned a bunch!
Vyrn: Well, you did look super bored after Big Dog took off. It was our pleasure.
Vajra: Ahaha. Yeah, haven't moved in so long that I was about to become more sloth than warrior.
Lyria: What's Gar up to anyway?
Vajra: Hmm. I think he said something about a meeting back in our village.
Vyrn: Big talk for Big Dog, huh? What are they discussin'?
Vajra: If I had to guess, I would say my training. I've got my trial coming up, after all.
Lyria: Your trial?
Vajra: Every Canine Temple guardian has to undergo a few trials to prove she's worthy of being the deity of war.
Vajra: But I haven't taken my final trial yet. So I'm more like a skirmish god than a war god.
Lyria: But you're already super strong, Vajra!
Vyrn: Even with a bite as strong as yours you still gotta prove yourself? That's ruff, dog.
Vyrn: What's this last trial like, anyhow?
Vajra: I'm not so sure myself. But it's called "Trial of the First."
Vajra: Rumor has it the first war deity will judge whether or not I'm worthy of the title myself.
Lyria: Huh? The first? Wouldn't that person be ancient by now?
Vajra: Yep. Probably several hundred years.
Vyrn: Hold on, how is a bag of bones s'posed to judge you?
Vajra: No clue. All I know is, the trial's conducted in the Cave of Trials.
Vajra: Heh, but I'm sure I'll find out what I need to know just by going through it!
Vyrn: Either you've got guts, or you're not taking this seriously. Isn't this kind of a make-or-break moment for you?
Vajra: Of course it is. If I fail the trial, I'll have to give up my position as guardian and war deity.
Vajra: If that happens, then I'll have to start training the next potential guardians. I won't have time to travel with you anymore, (Captain)...
Vyrn: Whoa, now! These stakes are even higher than I thought!
Lyria: I'll be so sad if we have to say goodbye to you...
Vajra: You won't be the only one.
Vajra: But it's okay! You don't have to look sad yet!
Vajra: The trial is taken with a canine companion at your side.
Vajra: With Gar there, I can overcome whatever it throws at me!
The canine guardian smiles innocently, no hint of distress on her face.
Vyrn: You even take the trial with your dog? You get to do everything with your buddy.
Vajra: It's common for the people of my clan to be raised with a pack from birth.
Vajra: I remember taking care of Gar when he was half of Vyrn's size.
Vajra: He's grown so much I can ride him now, but he used to be the runt of his litter.
Vajra: He wouldn't eat anything at all, so I had to soak his food in hot water and feed him nibble by nibble.
Vajra: And when he got sick, I would nurse him all day long, patting off his burning body with a wet towel. That was so long ago.
Lyria: You went through a lot together. But it's thanks to you that Gar was able to grow up so strong and healthy.
Vyrn: But weren't you just a squirt back then yourself? Pretty good job for a kid.
Vajra: I was, but I was also Gar's master. I had to look out for him.
Vyrn: Duty aside, not every tyke could have done what you did.
Lyria: I'm sure Gar was—is—overjoyed to have a kind, caring partner like you, Vajra.
Vajra: Hehe. He would never admit it. He's a shy boy who doesn't talk about his feelings a lot.
Vajra: Sigh... All of this talk about Gar makes me want to see him even sooner.
Vajra: With my final trial coming up, I want to start my training with him.
Vajra, full of nervous excitement, begins playfully practicing her sword forms in the glade.
Vyrn: Haha! With all that energy you got, I'm sure you'll cream the trial!
Vajra: Hope so! I've started to hear the spirits' voices more clearly. And when they draw near, it's like I'm lighter on my feet.
Vajra: But to get my body stronger, I've gotta train harder!
Vyrn: Hmm... By spirit, you mean some kinda being that resides in nature, right?
Vajra: Yep. I'm not sure why, but whenever I come here, I can feel those spirits reaching out to me.
Vajra: If I continue my training, I get the feeling that I'll be able to channel them no matter where we travel.
Vyrn: Hmm...
Garjana: I would prefer my master to refrain from using spirit channeling.
Garjana: For it to work, one needs not only a sound mind and body, but also a strong heart.
Garjana: In other words, the complete trust and willingness to make yourself entirely vulnerable.
Garjana: My master gives herself over too easily.
Lyria: And that scares you because of how precious Vajra is to you, I see.
Vyrn: Yeah, that definitely sounds like cause for concern.
Vyrn: If I remember right, channeling anywhere may not be such a good thing...
Lyria: Who knows? Vajra seems excited about it, though...
Heart brimming with expectation, Vajra's expression is full of bright innocence.
Despite their friend's happy exterior, (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn can't help but feel uneasy about the upcoming trial.

What Makes a Partner: Scene 2

Back in Vajra's village, Garjana tells the elder that he is against his master taking the trial. Shanamka, Garjana's brother, recoils at the thought and accuses Garjana of being scared to accompany Vajra through the trial. The elder suggests a duel to see which canine will have the right to face the test with their master.

Garjana: ...
Back in Vajra's home village, within a resplendent country manor, Garjana sits before the elder.
Elder: Forgive me for calling you back from your travels alone.
Elder: There's something that I had to check with you about Vajra.
Elder: You see, had I called her back with you, I fear we wouldn't have been able to get to the heart of the matter.
Elder: I need to hear your thoughts, Garjana. But I need to hear them independent of your master.
Garjana: ...
Garjana nods in understanding of the elder's words.
Elder: Let's get to it then... I shall ask with no frills.
Elder: Can Vajra still hear the voices of spirits?
Garjana: ...
Garjana: She can. Just as she did when she lived in the village.
Elder: Meaning she can hear them outside the village?
Garjana: Yes.
Elder: Well... This is a first. Never have we had a child of her age who still carried the power.
Quiet contemplation sweeps over the elder.
The pair stand locked in silence until, uncharacteristically, Garjana opens his muzzle.
Garjana: Do you intend to have the trial commence as planned?
Elder: Of course. With Vajra's power to invoke the spirits, she may become the most powerful war deity we've ever seen.
Elder: It would be like the second coming of the first deity. Nothing would bring more joy to our village.
Garjana: Can you tell me more?
???: Vajra can still channel spirits. Which means she has the potential to invoke the soul of the first.
When Garjana turns to acknowledge the dignifed voice, he sees a fellow hefty canine leisurely walking into the hut.
Elder: Ah, Shanamka.
Shanamka: Elder, I beg your pardon for entering your quarters unannounced.
Elder: Think nothing of it.
Elder: You're from the same litter as Garjana, so Vajra's well-being might as well be a family matter for you.
Garjana: The soul of the first?
Shanamka: Garjana. Your jowls droop with concern. Why are you conflicted so?
Garjana: ...
Shanamka: Is there something you cannot accept? Don't tell me you believe Lady Vajra unfit to complete the trial!
Elder: Enough, Shanamka. I forbid conflict inside my estate.
Shanamka: Forgive me, Elder.
Shanamka takes a calculated step away from Garjana.
Garjana: Elder, may I suggest something impertinent?
Elder: Speak freely, Garjana.
Garjana: I am against putting Master through the trial.
Elder: What? Why?
Garjana: She, well...
Unable to put instinct to words, Garjana's protest dies in his throat.
Shanamka: ...
Shanamka: The elder has asked you a question. Bark up and answer him.
Shanamka: Or shall I speak for you?
Shanamka: "I believe I am unfit to accompany Lady Vajra on her trial." Correct?
Garjana: ...
Shanamka: ...
Shanamka: Elder, Garjana is a runt. Indecisive, dim-witted. He is altogether unworthy of the brilliant Lady Vajra.
Shanamka: Please, allow me to be Vajra's partner in his place. I swear to assist her in ways he never could!
Elder: Sigh... Whenever you two catch whiff of each other, it always comes to this.
Garjana: ...
The elder stoops down to peer into Garjana's eyes, looking for any amount of resolve.
Elder: As I said before, our clan's hopes reside with Vajra. She must take the trial.
Elder: So what say you, Garjana? Do you have any counter remarks for Shanamka?
Garjana: ...
Garjana: No matter what position I serve, I will always do my utmost for Master.
Shanamka: ...
Elder: Very well.
Shakily, the elder rises from his chair, his eyes shuffling between the two dogs.
Elder: If it's come to this, then... Shanamka, Garjana, you will face each other.
Elder: The winner will become Vajra's companion. Is this clear to all?
Garjana: Yes.
Shanamka: Clear as crystal, Elder.
Vajra: Huh? What's that smell?
Eka, Dvi, Tri: Arf, arf!
Trekking through the forest back to the Grandcypher, three small shadows come darting out of the underbrush toward Vajra.
Vajra: Hah! I should have known it was you three! How did you escape the village this time?
Eka, Dvi, Tri: Arf, arf! Bork!
Vajra: Huh? No way!
No sooner had the puppies arf'ed out the bad news, Vajra's expression turns from glee to horror.
Lyria: What's the matter?
Vajra: Sorry, everyone. I have to get back to my village as soon as possible.
Vyrn: Seems serious—we'll help. Let's beat it back to the Grandcypher, (Captain)!
Vajra: Thanks, I could use the aid. Let's hurry back to the ship.
(Captain) and company race through the forest trail, board their airship, and set an immediate course to Vajra's hometown.

What Makes a Partner: Scene 3

The duel between Garjana and Shanamka begins. Shanamka is vicious; Garjana is evasive. Just as the older dog's teeth are about to sink into the younger dog's throat, Vajra appears—puppies in tow—to put a stop to the violence. Before explanations can be heard, monsters appear from the Cave of Trials.

The elder leads the dogs along a small trail, occasionally brushing aside thick verdure as he ambles. He stops when they come to the mouth of a cave—the Cave of Trials.
In front of the cave is a ceremonial fighting ring. The elder turns to address the pair of dogs.
Elder: We will now begin the duel to determine who has the right to accompany the current war deity, Lady Vajra.
Elder: You shall conduct yourselves according to the precepts, as if the first herself were here to see your bout.
Elder: Naturally, the results of this match will be final.
Elder: Garjana, Shanamka. If you are willing to risk your life to see yourself the victor, dignify yourselves with silence.
Garjana: ...
Shanamka: ...
Elder: Good. You may both enter the ring.
Garjana and Shanamka enter the ring on opposing sides and slink their bodies into battle ready postures.
Elder: Breathe true and... begin!
Instantly, Shanamka bears down on Garjana with a direct charge, but Garjana manages to eke out a dodge.
Shanamka: You haven't changed a bit, Garjana. Still running away from your problems?
Garjana: ...
Shanamka: Just like a runt. You always were like this. Dumb, dull, and useless.
Shanamka: Lady Vajra is a kind master. I have no doubt that she grew attached to you while caring for your frail body.
Shanamka: But that's the only reason she wants you by her side—to protect her weak little friend!
Garjana: ...
Shanamka lands a bite, painting Garjana's ear red while splitting open his cheek.
The dog's wounds are painful—pitiful, even—but still he retains his resolute silence.
Shanamka: What's wrong? Fight back already! Or are you so scared you can't even bear your fangs?
Garjana: ...
Shanamka: Oh, little runtling Garjana! You're not fit to accompany Lady Vajra!
Shanamka: I shall be the one to protect her during the trial!
Shanamka: Accept your loss! Or prepare to face death!
Garjana: ...
Elder: (Shanamka is relentless. But Garjana merely attempts to evade him—he's yet to attempt a counterattack.)
Elder: Hmm. Some things never change. Certainly neither of you have.
Shanamka: I'm warning you! This next bite will be the final moment of your life!
Garjana: ...
Shanamka: ...
Vajra: Stop now! I command it!
Shanamka: Huh! Lady Vajra!
Shanamka stops mid-bite, fangs almost tickling Garjana's neck fur as he pulls away.
Vajra: Pant... Pant... Wh-who permitted this dumb fight!
Vajra: Huh! Elder, why are you here?
Elder: Vajra. I ask the same of you: why are you here? I did not call for you, and your trial is so very close.
Tri: Arf...
Elder: I see. You three pups alerted Vajra to this duel.
Vajra: Forget about that, Elder. Just tell me what's going on.
Vajra: Why are Gar and Shan fighting like this?
Elder: Shanamka claims he is the most befitting companion for you as you face your trial. Thus, he must face Garjana to prove himself worthy.
Vajra: Shan wants to be my partner? What's this all of a sudden?
Vajra: Hold that thought! I sense something!
Reacting as one, Vajra and Garjana turn in the same direction, drawing together into a familiar defensive stance.
Elder: What's gotten into you two?
Monster: Grrrr...
Shanamka: Monsters! From the Cave of Trials!
Vajra: We'll handle this! You get out of here, Elder!
Vajra: Come on, Gar!
Garjana: ...

What Makes a Partner: Scene 4

After the monsters are dispatched, Vajra scolds the dogs and the elder for proposing such a preposterous duel. She then suggests starting the trial immediately to investigate the appearance of the monsters.

Vajra: Hraaaagh!
Monster: Groar...
Vajra: Ack! Oh no!
Monster: Graaaargh!
Elder: Ngh, you fiend!
Monster: Grr...
Shanamka: That was the last of them.
Vajra: Good work, Shan! You saved Elder!
Shanamka: N-no... I'm not worthy of your praise! I did only what had to be done.
Vajra scratches behind the good boy's ears, sending wags of ecstasy directly to his tail.
Though they are victorious, the elder doesn't celebrate. Instead, he examines the monster corpses, eyebrows furrowed.
Elder: Monsters have never appeared from the Cave of Trials. What in the skies has happened?
Vyrn: Pant... Pant... We finally—hoo boy—caught up to you!
Vajra: Sorry, you guys! I had to rush ahead.
Lyria: Don't worry about it! Is Gar doing okay?
Vajra: Yeah, he's fine. I think, at least. Our conversation got cut off.
Vajra calls Garjana and Shanamka over before calmly explaining the situation.
Vajra: I understand that something's going on between you two.
Vajra: Shan, I know you were worried for me. I appreciate that.
Shanamka: No, it was just—
Vajra: But I decided a long time ago that I wanted to go through the last trial with Gar by my side.
Vajra: So, would you back down for me?
Shanamka: Lady Vajra, do you not see that I am more powerful than Garjana?
Vajra: I'm sorry, I don't, Shan. It's not about who's stronger.
Vajra: I love you and Gar just the same. And I trust you both as much. You're family.
Vajra: But I know that I have to do this with Gar.
Vajra: I've known forever. I'm not even sure why myself, but I'm sure I'll figure it out once we've started the trial.
Vajra: I'm sorry, Shan. I need you to believe in Gar—for my sake, if not for his.
Shanamka: ...
Shanamka: If that is what you truly wish, my lady, then I will entrust Garjana with your protection.
Shanamka: That being said, I am ready to step in at a moment's notice. Should Garjana falter—
Vajra: You got it. I'll be counting on you if I need you.
Shanamka: Very well. I look forward to serving you.
Vajra: Hah, which leads me to you, Gar. What do you say? Want to do the trial with me?
Garjana: Yes...
Vajra: Atta boy!
Vajra: There, problem's solved! Elder, let's pretend like this little duel never happened, okay?
Elder: Of course. But I have a bigger concern, Vajra.
Elder: Namely, the monsters that appeared from the cave. I've never seen this happen before—surely it's a bad omen.
Vajra: Who's to say if it's an omen or not? But I agree that this situation doesn't bode well.
Vajra: Okay... I'll just start the trial now!
Elder: Vajra! Listen to yourself!
Vajra: If we get this show on the road, Gar and I can enter the cave, can't we? Then we can investigate the monsters.
Elder: I forbid this! It's still too soon for you to begin—and with monsters to contend with, heavens...
Vajra: Elder, I'm not a pup anymore. You can let me lead the pack.
Vajra: I know the only reason you wanted Gar to return alone was because you were afraid you wouldn't be able stop me, right?
Shanamka: Is this true?
Elder: Ahem... It's a perilous trial. You can't blame me for being cautious.
Vajra: It'll be fine! As long as Gar's by my side, we can overcome any obstacle!
Vajra: We'll figure out what's wrong with the cave. All we need to begin is your blessing, Elder.
Elder: ...
Elder: Are you sure about this, Vajra? If you fail, you will lose your position as war deity. You will lose the only way of life you've ever known.
Vajra: I'm ready. Gar and I will face this challenge.
Elder: So be it... Once the trial has begun, no one is allowed to interfere.
Elder: Return to the hut with Gar and make your final preparations.
Vajra: Thank you, Elder!
Vajra: Ah, but before we go...
Vajra: Gar, Shan. Come here, boys.
Shanamka: Right away!
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Hyaaa!
Shanamka: ...!
Garjana: ...
Vajra: I understand your positions, and I know that you got permission from the elder...
Vajra: But no fighting between brothers! Not in this pack!
Shanamka: Y-yes, my lady.
Vajra: Doesn't matter who starts it—I'll blame both of you if it happens again. I mean it! No more!
Shanamka: You have my word.
Garjana: ...
The fight for Vajra's sidekick has been quelled—at least for the moment.
But, more pressingly, rumors of monsters at the Cave of Trials quickly spreads throughout the clan.
Alongside these rumors, however, is the clanspeoples' unshakeable faith in the war deity and her pup as they await the Trial of the First.

One's Own Trial

Vajra forces Garjana to reveal why he's hesitant about Vajra's participation in the trial. He's worried that if her spirit channeling evolves into soul channeling, she'll lose her own consciousness forever. The crew, always pillars of support for the guardian, worry for her safety, while Vajra herself seems to harbor deeper concerns.

Vajra has returned to her hometown to undergo the Trial of the First to become a full-fledged war deity.
She gives a final look at the equipment spread over her bed.
Vajra: That should be everything.
Vajra: Are you ready, Gar?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Ah, we should do something about those injuries though.
Vajra moves her faithful companion's head around by his scruff, examining his wounds.
Vajra: I put some ointment on them already, but these still look painful.
Cuts, grazes, and bite marks cover Garjana's body, evidence of his scrape with Shanamka.
Vajra: Seriously, every time you two get together, you always end up fighting.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: You want to tell me that Shan instigates it, don't you?
Vajra: But, Gar, it's partly your fault too. You never stand up for yourself, you know?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Gar, you don't want me to do this trial, do you?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: I knew it.
Vajra: I had an inkling before, but what's the problem?
Vajra: Do you think I'll fail the trial?
Garjana: That's not it.
Vajra: Then why?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: If you keep that muzzle sealed forever, this trial's going to be a lot more difficult, mister.
Vajra: You know it's not too late for me to switch to Shan, don't you? Is that what you want?
Garjana: If that's what you wish, Master.
Vajra: ...
Vajra: Gar, you oaf! You big, silly sack of kibble!
Lyria: What's the matter, Vajra? Gar?
At Vajra's outburst, (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn—who had been passing through the hall—come running into the room.
Vajra: Hey, guys... Sorry for scaring you.
Vyrn: I've never heard you shout like that. What gives?
Vajra: I was upset because Gar refuses to talk to me. It's like he doesn't want to open up.
Garjana: I need only serve you, Master. If I am a hindrance to your cause, then I shall willingly withdraw my service.
Vajra: Hey, wait!
Vajra gives Garjana a soft swat on the head before leaning in closer to the pup.
Vajra: We were raised together. Even if you refuse to speak, I still know what you're thinking.
Vajra: But some stuff should be said out loud! So spill it, pup. Why don't you want me to take the trial?
Garjana: ...
Vyrn: I get it, Big Dog. You're worried about Vajra. But maybe you should have a little more confidence in her?
Lyria: If there's something you're worried about, maybe we could help figure it out. Please tell us, Gar.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Gar, you still won't talk? Even with Lyria and Vyrn begging you?
Garjana: ...
Garjana: The reason I am against you taking the trial, Master, is a simple one. You are still able to conduct spirit channeling, despite your age.
Lyria: Spirit channeling.
Garjana: I would prefer my master to refrain from using spirit channeling.
Garjana: For it to work, one needs not only a sound mind and body, but also a strong heart.
Garjana: In other words, the complete trust and willingness to make yourself entirely vulnerable.
Garjana: My master gives herself over too easily.
Lyria: Gar did say that he didn't like that.
Vyrn: But isn't channeling something that every war deity goes through?
Vajra: Not really. It seems only a select few of the war deities throughout the ages have been able to do it.
Vajra: And even then, I've heard that when they reach the age of ten or so, they lose the ability.
Vyrn: You've got some kinda special power compared to all the other war gods, don't you, Vajra?
Garjana: Power might not be the word for it.
Garjana: As I explained previously, channeling requires a certain mindset.
Garjana: Normally speaking, bodily growth and the strenghtening of the self leads to being unable to hear the voice of the spirits. And thus one loses the ability to channel them.
Lyria: So Vajra hasn't changed at all since she was a child?
Garjana: In terms of being pure, uncorrupt, and innocent, you could say that.
Garjana: Of course I can't be certain why she still has this ability. But the problem isn't why.
Garjana: There has never been a war deity who has undergone the trial while still possessing the ability.
Vyrn: I get that it's a new situation, but is that the only reason you're scared to let her do the trial, Big Dog?
Vyrn: You got any concrete proof things could go bad?
Garjana: Elder believes that Master could one day invoke the soul of the first.
Garjana: Invoking a soul, and not a spirit, would allow her to gain the first's strength, and become the strongest war deity in clan history.
Vyrn: That sounds pretty awesome to me!
Garjana: But the first was mortal. We don't know what will happen to Master's own soul should she harbor the first's.
Lyria: Ah, I see...
Vajra: Defilers of the peace we hold dear in these lands...
Vajra: Shall know the watery retribution of my blade.
Lyria: It's true that when she channeled that spirit, she lost her own personality.
Garjana: Yes. The spirits of nature have fainter egos than mortals.
Garjana: So when my master released the spirit, her own consciousness returned.
Garjana: However, soul channeling means retrieving the soul of a mortal. And this would be no mere mortal... It would be the first war deity herself.
Garjana: I fear that if she succeeds in channeling the first's soul, Master will never come back.
Lyria: What do you mean by "come back"? What would happen to her?
Garjana: ...
Garjana lowers his head.
Garjana: I fear the worst.
Garjana: Vajra's power means her connection to the world is tenuous at times. She may leave us for good.
The weight of Garjana's revelation passes through all present.
Vajra: Umm...
Vyrn: Whoa, Vajra. What's with that silly grin? Didn't you hear what Big Dog said?
Vajra: Hrrm...
Vajra: Just who the heck am I?
Lyria: Huh?
(Captain) and the rest turn toward Vajra, looks of stunned silence on their faces.

One's Own Trial: Scene 2

It's time for Vajra and Garjana to enter the Cave of Trials. They head deep into the caverns, defeating monster after monster along the way. Vajra reveals that she's still searching for the reasons he chose Garjana over Shanamka, but she's resolute that she made the correct decision. A few moments later, they stop at the final chamber, where they encounter the soul of the first of the Twelve Divine Generals. He tests Vajra through combat.

Lyria: Um, Vajra? Don't you know who you are?
Vajra: Obviously I'm the Canine Temple guardian, a war deity in training, master of Gar, and friend to (Captain)'s crew, right?
Vajra: There's already a lot to me. If I were to harbor someone else's soul and lose all of what I am, who would that make me?
Vyrn: Uh, never heard you sound so philosophical before.
Lyria: Well... Vajra, you're Vajra.
Lyria: There might be a few different versions of you, but because you're the one channeling them, they're still you.
Vajra: Really? You think so? This is getting complicated.
Lyria: Ooh... (Captain), how should we explain it?
Though (Captain) understands Lyria's feelings, it's a struggle to communicate them to the war deity.
Shanamka: Lady Vajra, forgive me for barging in during your conversation.
Shanamka: The elder is calling for you. Have you finished your preparations?
Vajra: Already time, huh? Let's get to it, Gar!
Garjana: ...
Despite the overwhelming aura in the room, Vajra puts on a carefree smile and bounds out of the room with Gar.
Vajra: All right, we're heading out. We'll figure out why those monsters appeared from the cave!
Vyrn: Okay, take care, you two!
Vajra: Shan, you keep the fort while I'm away!
Shanamka: Of course! Please watch yourself.
Vajra: We're off now!
With an energetic wave goodbye, Vajra and Garjana enter the cave's maw.
Lyria: There they go. Vajra... I hope she'll be okay.
Elder: The only thing we can do now is wait and see what happens, come what may.
Elder: But I truly believe the power that Vajra stands to inherit is necessary for this world.
Elder: Our clans, which work to rear the Twelve Divine Generals, act as watchmen of the Astral Realm.
Elder: I'm not certain if the Astral Realm will ever pose a threat to us again.
Elder: But change is upon the Sky Realm. Of that, we can be sure.
Lyria: Elder, you do know about Vajra's spirit channeling, right?
Lyria: What if she's unable to return to her body? Aren't you scared for her?
Elder: To say that I am not worried for my beloved granddaughter would be a lie.
Elder: But there will be a time when we must call upon the power of a true war deity.
Elder: Thus I pray that Vajra discovers the true meaning of the trial. And obtains power that can rend the conflict of this world.
Vajra: I knew there were monsters living in here!
Vajra: But they've never gone outside of the cave until now. What do you think happened earlier?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Maybe fighting them is part of the trial? Let's keep blasting these suckers away while we explore!
The pair continues to fight off the monsters while making their way further along the cave path.
Vajra: Your field of vision is wider than mine, and you predict my movements perfectly. It's a relief having you guard my tail.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Look, I didn't pick you as my partner just because of our synergy in battle. There's a better reason.
Vajra: Shan's like me—whenever we get into the fighting spirit, we build each other into a frenzy, even when we're up against a whole crowd.
Vajra: But he's also strong enough to hold his own one-on-one, which means he's a great guard dog for the Canine Temple.
Vajra: That's why I wanted Shan to wait with Elder.
Vajra: If he's back home protecting all of our loved ones, then we don't have anything to worry about during the trial. We can really focus.
Vajra: Ah, but keep that a secret from Shan, okay? It'll give him a big head, and he won't stop yapping for weeks.
Vajra: Getting carried away is his fatal flaw—not that he gets carried away all the time, I mean.
Garjana: You are also very careful of your surroundings.
Garjana: You command your fellows and adjust to their actions appropriately.
Vajra: I have you to thank for that, Gar. I learned from the best.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Aww, Gar, you're such a good boy.
Vajra comes to a halt and turns to her companion.
Vajra: I know I've already apologized, but I'm sorry for getting upset earlier.
Vajra: It's a comfort knowing that you, (Captain), and all the others are worried about me.
Vajra: But I have my own path to follow, you know? There are things I have to accomplish.
Vajra: Including proving to you why I chose you as my partner.
Vajra: Don't worry—I didn't select you because I wanted to see a runt grow up healthy.
Vajra: I saw the goodness in your heart. I couldn't ignore that.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Let's do our best on this trial, okay?
Vajra: Hah! Though I guess we're already stuck in the middle of it!
Vajra chuckles before continuing the trek through the narrow cave path.
They proceed through the dark road without problem until, at last, they reach the final chamber.
Vajra: Is that an altar? Look sharp, someone's standing there.
???: Welcome, tenth of the Divine Generals.
Vajra: Huh? Are you the first?
The First: Hahaha! Vajra, you pin down my identity so quickly and yet you speak with such undeserved familiarity.
Vajra: You know my name already? Should've seen that coming.
Garjana: ...
As Vajra trades words with the first, Garjana anxiously shuffles on his paws.
Vajra: Wait, the first was a boy?
The First: Indeed.
The First: It seems that those who bear the role of the Twelve have changed a bit since my time.
The First: Long ago, male Divine Generals were a common sight.
Vajra: You don't say? I've only ever met girl Generals, so that's news to me.
The First: We did not dance or conduct rituals. We sought only the strongest, so we could thwart the advances of the Astral Realm.
The First: But now the Divine Generals serve a different purpose, correct? To free the people from their suffering and to release their Kleshas?
Vajra: That's the gist of it. The Astral Realm doesn't attack our world anymore, but Kleshas have begun to wreak serious havoc.
The First: A fitting change for our role. Might is no longer the only applicable talent; one must also have leadership, composure.
The First: Such is the common law of this world. People and customs must change with the times. It is inevitable.
Vajra: I guess so...
Vajra: But the first Divine Generals are legendary! I wish I could meet all of you!
The First: Hahaha! The strongest of them stands before you now! Let us hope I am enough to sate your curiosity.
The First: Are you ready to begin my trial?
Vajra: Sure am! What do I have to do?
The First: It is not in my nature to bother with mere chores. You will fight me to prove your worth.
Vajra: Works for me. You'll see that Gar and I make the best team!
Vajra slips into a fighting posture; Basara unsheathes his katana.
Basara: You stand before Basara Kongou, the first deity of war. Now, Divine General... prove your worth!

One's Own Trial: Scene 3

Basara, the first of the Twelve, congratulates Vajra for completing his trial. He then mentions he was the one who sent the monsters after Vajra—a "pretest" to see if she was still capable of spirit channeling. Noting her abilities, he asks her to attempt soul channeling, which, much to the chagrin of Garjana, she does not hesitate to try.

Basara: Hmm. Your performance was just as expected.
After a furious duel, Basara sheathes his blade.
Vajra: Huh? Does that mean I passed the trial?
Basara: Under normal circumstances, yes. But there is one more task I require of you.
Basara: Vajra, despite your age, you are capable of channeling, are you not?
Vajra: You already know I can. You know my name, my abilities—everything there is to know.
Basara: My consciousness lives within this island. I know all that transpires here.
Basara: Earlier, I thought to judge your powers, so I sent a pack of monsters after you.
Basara: But it wasn't enough to force you to invoke a spirit.
Vajra: Monsters? Wait, you were the reason monsters came bursting out of the cave?
Vajra: That was dangerous! Shouldn't you know better?
Basara: Hahaha! Do not chastise me. I had full faith in your abilities. Besides...
Basara: It seems that I am not the only one who understands the full... merit of your talent.
Basara, eyes icy and calm, steps lightly toward Vajra.
Garjana: ...
Basara: Vajra. Are you not the slightest bit curious what would happen if you channeled my soul?
Vajra: Here? Now?
Basara: Yes. The elder is waiting. You do not wish to disappoint him, surely?
Vajra: It... it's not just about what Elder wants.
Vajra glances toward Garjana.
Garjana: ...
Basara: I have resided here for hundreds of years, beckoning generation after generation of war deity.
Basara: But you are the first to take this trial with so pure a heart—so pure as to retain the ability to channel spirits.
Basara: Of course, it has been hundreds of years since I have entertained a mere conversation. My voice is similar to a spirit's, unable to reach common ears.
Vajra: Huh? Really?
Basara: Look at your partner. He cannot hear nor see me.
Vajra: Gar, is it true? Can you not hear the first's voice?
Garjana: ...
Garjana cocks his head to the side in confusion, unwittingly confirming Basara's statement.
Vajra: Well, that explains why Gar's been staring at me like I've lost my mind.
Vajra: He thinks I've been talking to myself this entire time.
Basara: You see now? You are extraordinary. I wish to experience your power.
Basara: Invoke my soul. Once you tether my being, then you will have passed my trial.
Basara: I think you shall enjoy wielding true strength. Do hurry, won't you?
Garjana: ...
Garjana lowers his body and stares warily at the empty space where Vajra's eyes are locked.
Vajra: Hmm... To channel the first deity...
Vajra: Well, I do want to complete the trial, and if I become stronger, the clan will feel safer.
Vajra: Fine! I'm sure it'll feel different than spirit channeling, but what's the harm in trying soul channeling!
Garjana: ...!
Basara: You shall stand down.
Basara's command pierces Garjana's soul, freezing him in place.
Garjana: ...!
Vajra: Gar!
Basara: Do not fret. I have merely made him obedient.
Basara: But if he resists, I cannot guarantee the safety of his soul.
Garjana: ...
His movements sealed, Garjana casts a pleading stare at Vajra with his eyes. But his master returns his expression with her signature smile.
Vajra: I can see you staring at me, Gar. I know you're scared.
Vajra: But it's okay! Trust me!
Garjana: ...
Basara: Shall we begin?
Vajra: Yep. Here goes.
Vajra: ...
Vajra closes her eyes and deepens her breathing. Basara's body begins to glow with a faint light.
Garjana: ...!
Color begins to fade from Basara's form, his essence dematerializing and floating softly into Vajra's body, as if riding on her breath.
Vajra?: ...
Vajra?: How amusing. It is just as if I had never died.
Garjana: ...!
Vajra?: There are some differences in the joints, proclivities which I shall learn over time.
Though Vajra's voice is coming from her mouth, her expressions and words are anything but her own.
The founder war god, Basara Kongou—the soul trapped inside the Cave of Trials for hundreds of years—has completely taken control of her body.
Basara: Can you finally hear my voice, Garjana?
Garjana: What of my master?
Basara: She is behaving herself within this form. A praiseworthy girl, indeed.
Basara: Hehe... Superb. It seemed so easy for her to surrender her own body to another being.
Basara: You had the greatest understanding of all, Garjana. Should the soul channeling be successful, the host will completely disappear!
Garjana: ...
Basara: Hehe... Hahahahahaha!
Basara raises his hands in triumph as a bellowing laugh bursts from his belly.
Basara: This body is mine! I have once more gained flesh! I have returned to the Sky Realm!
Basara: I thank you, Vajra! I have waited so long for this day! For hundreds of years, long have I been trapped in that wretched cave!
An arrogant expression, entirely unlike Vajra, twists across the poor girl's face—proof of Basara's triumph over mortality.

One's Own Trial: Scene 4

Completely possessed by Basara's soul, Vajra is only awoken back to her own consciousness when Garjana tosses her body around. Basara and Vajra then discuss the merits of soul channeling the first of the Twelve, but the Canine Temple guardian ultimately decides she should find her own path to power—which comes seconds later, as she accidentally flings her sword through Basara, sealing the soul-bound warrior into her blade. Imbued with a new partner and new strength, Vajra exits the cave and enters a new stage in her life.

Garjana: Master!
Basara: Pipe down, would you? No matter how much you call for her, your master will not return.
Basara: I do not expect you to understand this, but once a host begins channeling, they cannot interfere with their own body—even if they retain their perception.
Basara: Forcefully moving the body would result in breaking the channeling. Under normal circumstances, at least.
Basara: But I am my own soul. And I will not be denied by a lesser willpower.
Unable to control himself, Garjana leaps at the possessed Vajra, pinning Basara to the ground.
Basara: Oh? Garjana, you dare harm your master?
Garjana: ...
Basara: Wait! Heel!
The dog, careful to not bite or harm Vajra's body, begins to roll with Basara, intent on shaking the soul loose.
While rolling, he occasionally stops to paw his master's forehead or to kindly lick her stolen face—affectionate movements to check if Vajra has yet to return to him.
Basara: Nrgh...
Vajra: Ahaha, Gar! That tickles!
Garjana: Master...
Basara: Humph. Impressive. I did not foresee this.
The soul channeling broken, Vajra rises to her feet, cheerful as ever.
Vajra: So that's what soul channeling feels like. Definitely not the same as channeling a spirit.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Everything's okay, Gar. The first was wagging your tail.
Basara: The part about soul channeling being difficult to break was absolutely not in jest. But you will forgive my humor, I hope.
Vajra: Hehe, I'm just happy you wouldn't stop licking until I came back to you!
Vajra: I knew you were the right pup for the final trial. You're my best friend in the whole world, Gar!
Face still soaked from Garjana's unorthodox exorcism methods, Vajra pulls her dog in for a big hug.
Vajra: Oh, Master Basara, what about the trial? Did I pass?
Basara: I would like to say you passed with soaring victory...
Basara: However, you are not fit to be a deity of war.
Vajra: Say what!
Basara: A war god should possess a mind and body of cold steel, to mete out destruction on the battlefield with no regard for casualty or injury.
Basara: Basara Kongou was one such man. But you are entirely the opposite.
Basara: It is true that you can accept any influence, that your flexibility gives you strength. I understand the power this affords you.
Basara: But I cannot permit an innocent being like yourself to take up my mantle.
Vajra: In other words... I've blown it?
Basara: Hm, I would not—
Vajra: Well, them's the breaks!
Basara: Huh?
Vajra: I know that failing the test means I'll never be a real war deity, and now I'll have to give up on my travels, but...
Vajra: Actually, I don't think that's the case after all.
Basara: Hold it, Vajra. I have not even—
Vajra: Traveling with (Captain) has taught me about strength and my position in this world.
Vajra: I've learned about all the potential I have. And all the potential I still have left to explore.
Basara: What in the skies are you going on about? Will you just listen for a moment, I—
Vajra: The way I see it, even if I'm not worthy of your title, I'll figure out my own way to become stronger.
Vajra: Thanks for everything, Master Basara!
Vajra gives a triumphant nod to Garjana, and both turn to exit the cave.
Basara: Stooop right theeere!
Vajra: Huh?
Basara: Don't give me that! Do you realize what you're suggesting?
Basara: Do you realize that you channeled my soul? Do you realize you could become the greatest war deity ever? Do you realize you hold a unique, transcendent power!
Vajra: Soul channeling might not be the only way to become the greatest, right?
Vajra: I want to become great by finding my own path!
Basara: Wait, wait, wait. These antics aside, you'll easily surpass all of your predecessors.
Basara: You want my power, yes? The power of the first? The strongest of all Divine Generals?
Vajra: Uhhh...
Vajra: Not really?
Basara: N-not really?
Vajra: What's wrong? You okay, Master Basara? You're not hungry, are you?
Basara: I am but a big chunk of ectoplasm—how would I get hungry!
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Oh!
Vajra: I get it! Master Basara, do you want to go with me on our journey?
Vajra: When I channeled your soul, I could kind of tell that you were, well, lonely.
Basara: I certainly am not! Stop this, Vajra!
Vajra: You can't trick your host, you know. I saw every part of you.
Basara: Ngh... Were you always such an impertinent lass!
Vajra: If you're lonely, this is your chance to go out into the world. You don't want to be stuck here forever, do you?
Basara: Sigh. I shall make this plain.
Basara: The only reason I am able to maintain my form in this material plane is because of a special charm placed upon this cave.
Basara: Should I leave the cave, then my existence will be forfeit.
Vajra: Mmm, so no matter how lonely you get, you're pretty much stuck here, huh?
Basara: Indeed...
Basara: Hold it! Lonely this, lonely that—stop spelling out my emotions for all to hear!
Basara: The sheer disgrace... I knew you were a carefree pup, but I never imagined you could be this insensitive.
Vajra: Oh, now I really get it!
Basara: Do you ever! Would you please listen to me for a change!
Vajra: You want to borrow my body from time to time? That way you can escape this lonesome place!
Basara: Please, I beg of you, stop assuming my emotions!
Vajra: You know, you would feel better if you would just be honest with yourself.
Basara: Huh?
Vajra: Look, I'll be your host again. That means I can use your power too, right? Win-win.
Basara: Are you... certain?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: It's all right, Gar. I won't let things get out of hand again.
Vajra: Now then—let's do this.
Basara: Halt, stop! Who said you could take control of me!
Vajra: Whoa!
Garjana, still uneasy from the first soul channeling, pins Vajra as she tries to complete the process.
Basara: Ngh!
As the Divine General lands with a thud, her katana goes flying. It sails through the incorporeal form of Basara, instantly dispelling his body.
Vajra: Bad Gar! Bad! I couldn't finish the channeling!
Vajra: Wait, where did Master Basara go?
Basara's Voice: What has happened to my... my body! Where did it go? Where am I!
Vajra: Huh? Did my katana just talk?
Carefully, Vajra draws her blade to her ear, hearing that, indeed, Basara's voice seems to be coming from it.
Basara: What the devil! Vajra, is that you!
Vajra: Check that out! Master Basara's soul is in my katana now!
Basara: Come again? I'm in your what!
Vajra: Seems like you can possess objects even without soul channeling.
Basara: How preposterous! Such a thing should be nigh impossible. I've certainly never possessed anything.
Basara: Ah, but perhaps...
Basara: Could it be that this blade was made into a worthy host precisely because you wield it?
Vajra: I bet my sword is all kinds of strong now that the first Divine General lives in it. Hurray me.
Basara: You imbecile! Do not think of me as some toy.
Basara: This will not do. I am through here. I am leaving this sword.
Basara: Ngh... Ungh... Nnnh!
Vajra: You okay?
Basara: You shut your lips! Damn it, if I could just...
Basara: Ahh! Finally!
Vajra: Neat! You can pop out of it too!
Basara: Everything impresses you... And what of it? Why should the ability to possess your katana prove of any value?
Vajra: Uh, because if you go inside my sword you can leave the cave, of course.
Basara: I... I knew that! Of course I can!
Basara: Haha! Vajra, you are far more intelligent than I gave you credit for! Forgive me.
Vajra: You think so? Everyone tells me I'm a great fighter, but almost no one calls me smart!
Basara: I imagine they wouldn't...
Vajra: Well, let's get a move on, Master Basara!
Basara: Stop commanding me as if I were your beta... But fine. Lead the way—you have earned my respect.
Vajra: With me and (Captain)'s crew by your side, you'll never be lonely again!
Basara: Infernal little—enough of that already!
Basara: Cough. More importantly, I have something to say.
Basara: Basara Kongou, the first deity of war, resides now in your blade. Draw upon my power as you see fit.
Vajra: Thank you! Can't wait to start working with you!
Basara: And as far as the results of your final trial... You pass.
Vajra: Cool... I had already forgotten about that though. Having you in my sword is way cooler.
Basara: Your passing is more for the benefit of the elder than for you.
Basara: Ahem, I must also demand you lend me possession of your body sometimes. I will carve your enemies into ribbons.
Vajra: Sounds like a deal, Master Basara!
Basara: Humph. If we are to be bound together for all of perpetuity, I have one request.
Basara: Drop the master. "Basara" is fine.
Vajra: Ooh! Then I'm going to call you Brosara!
Basara: Wha... The absolute cheek. Then again I would expect nothing less from a member of our clan.
Though Vajra remains on a quest to discover her true path, her ability to become a bridge between ages results in newfound strength.
Where will that path lead her? Not even the first of the Divine Generals himself can say—though he is eager to find out.

A Friendly Competition

Vajra and Garjana drop in on Mahira as the new year approaches. Mahira challenges the pair to a race in order to test her
newly-completed mini-airship, Clucky.

A cold winter day at the tail end of the year.
Mahira: Brr... It's so cold. Good thing your wings are mechanical, Clucky.
Mahira: Otherwise this weather would freeze your feathers and leave you grounded!
???: Heeeey, Mahi!
Mahira: Hm?
Vajra: Mahi! It's been forever!
Garjana: ...
Mahira: Well, hello there, Vajra, Gar.
Mahira tilts her head quizzically as Vajra rushes up to her.
Mahira: What brings you to the Rooster Temple, Vajra?
Vajra: I'm on year spirit duty next, so I came for the handoff!
Mahira: Excuse me, but... isn't it up to me to come see you for that?
Vajra: What's the difference? We were in the neighborhood, so why not drop in and save you the trip?
Mahira: I see... You never were one to sweat the details, Vajra.
Mahira: Speaking of which, isn't it a little early for the handover?
Vajra: Yeeeahh, but... Well, I missed you!
Mahira: Hahaha, thank you.
Vajra: Mahi, you seem... happier than usual.
Mahira: You think so?
Vajra: Yeah! Did something good happen?
Mahira: Astute as always. How did you know? Something about my scent, I'll bet.
Vajra: I didn't need my nose this time—I could read you like a book!
Vajra: We Divine Generals go back a long way after all!
Mahira: I don't think I'm the type to wear my heart on my wing...
Vajra: Hm? What's that?
Mahira: Never mind.
Mahira: Actually, if the two of you have some time, I have a favor to ask.
Vajra: Wow, that's rare!
Vajra: Whatever you need, I'm ready!
Mahira: Well, if you say so...
Vajra: Lay it on me!
Mahira: Would you be game for a little competition?
Vajra: Competition?
Mahira: Yes, a competition. A footrace, to be precise.
Mahira: Ah, I won't be running though.
Mahira: And I want you to race me on Gar's back.
Vajra: That won't make for much of a race!
Mahira: Hehe... I think you'll be surprised.
Mahira: Ta-da!
Vajra: Ahh! Is that—
Mahira: That's right! I've perfected my mini-airship.
Vajra: It's amazing! You're something else, Mahi! You really pulled it off.
Mahira: Hehehe. But of course!
Vajra: All your hard work finally paid off. Congratulations!
Mahira: Thanks! I call it Clucky.
Vajra: I see! So you wanna race with you riding Clucky and me riding Gar, right?
Mahira: Exactly. So are you in?
Vajra: You bet we are!
Vajra: I'm really happy I can finally do something for you, Mahi!
Mahira: Great. Let's get started, then.
The trio head off in high spirits to find an open space where they can really put their speed to the test.
Vajra: Ahahaha! That was great! Let's go around again, Mahi!
Mahira: Hm...
Vajra: Hello? Mahi?
Mahira: As I suspected, Gar's strength is his sudden bursts of speed. If I want to boost Clucky's performance on tight turns...
Mahira: Should I tweak the propulsion? Or maybe the tail controls need to be...
Muttering to herself, Mahira plunks down on the ground and begins her calculations.
Vajra: Here we go again.
Vajra: She looks like she's having fun though, doesn't she, Gar?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Let's give her some space to work.
Vajra: I've still got energy to burn, so let's take a quick tour of the island!
Vajra: We can meet up with Mahi for dinner. A nice, hot stew would really hit the spot!
Vajra quietly slips away, leaving Mahira wrapped up in her mechanical meditations.
After so long apart, Vajra still has a lot she wants to talk to Mahira about.
But the two generals are such close friends that respecting each other's quirks has always been second nature.

Year-End Training

Vajra visits Kumbhira to officially pass on the year spirit duties. The two divine generals take the opportunity to engage in a friendly sparring match, leaving Kumbhira dumbfounded by how much stronger Vajra has become over the past year.

With the new year hot on the heels of the old, Vajra pays a visit to the Boar Temple to officially hand over the year spirit duties to Kumbhira.
Vajra: Hey, Kumbhi! It's been a while! How've you been?
Kumbhira: Doing well, thanks. How about you and Garjana?
Vajra: Better than ever! Right, Gar?
Garjana: ...
Happy to see Kumbhira once again, Garjana gives the divine boar a lick on the hand.
Vajra: We couldn't wait to see you, so we ran all the way here!
Kumbhira: Wait... You mean you ran all the way to the temple from the port?
Vajra: Yep! Who wouldn't come running to see you?
Vajra: Though I kept tripping over tree roots in the forest...
Kumbhira: Wow, I can't imagine dashing through untamed mountain forest. There's not even a path through that wilderness.
Vajra: To be honest it felt like training!
Kumbhira: You're as thorough with your training as ever, I see. You never hold back.
Vajra: Hehe. We're not different in that respect, Kumbhi.
Kumbhira: Well, I try my best. I could still learn a thing or two from your dedication.
Kumbhira: But you must be tired, right? Why don't we go grab a cup of tea before the ceremony?
Vajra: That sounds all right...
Vajra: Or I was thinking maybe we could spar for a round?
Kumbhira: Let me guess... You want to go right now?
Vajra: Yep!
Kumbhira: Haha. Dedicated, but impatient... Vajra, you haven't changed a bit.
Kumbhira: But fair enough, it would be nice to train with you again.
Vajra: Hah! Exactly what I was hoping you'd say!
They exchange grins before heading to a field behind Boar Temple.
Vajra: Mmph!
Kumbhira: Haaah!
Vajra: The way you flourish your lance is splendid, but that doesn't compare to your flexibility! And you're way faster than before too!
Kumbhira: I'm not the only one, Vajra. You've gotten way better yourself—easy to see why they call you a war deity!
The two of them continue to duel, sparks flying as they clash.
Boars: Squee-squee!
Puppies: Ruff-ruff!
Garjana: ...
On the sidelines of their bout, a fluffy audience of piglets and puppies looks on with gusto.
Vajra: Pant... No matter how hard I focus, I just can't keep up with the way you wield Recker!
Kumbhira: And yet you've deflected every attack. That's evidence you've grown in your role as year spirit.
Vajra: You got that right! I'm stronger than ever!
Vajra: Yaaah!
Kumbhira: Whoa!
Kumbhira: (She's way better than I remember. Serving as a year spirit really gives you phenomenal skill!)
Kumbhira: Pant... Let's take a break.
Taking advantage of the natural lull in action, the pair pause their sparring session and plop down on the grass.
Kumbhira: You've been through a lot this year. I can tell that much from your swordplay.
Vajra: Hehehe... You're right about that! You always were an intuitive one, Kumbhi!
Vajra: I can hardly keep track of everything that's happened. You wanna hear about it?
Kumbhira: Of course. I've always got time for your stories, Vajra.
Vajra begins to reflect on the past year, starting with her role in celebrating the new year.
Vajra: Canine Temple is always packed on New Year's, but it was truly something else this year!
Vajra: I wasn't sure how it would go over, since it was my year to be year spirit and all, but after things got rolling, it was really fun!
Vajra: I prayed for good fortune, broke up a quarrel between some temple visitors, and met (Captain) and the crew!
Kumbhira: Oh, the skyfarers you're traveling with?
Vajra: Yep, them! They've got some interesting smells on 'em!
Kumbhira: I couldn't imagine going on an adventure with anyone.
Vajra: Really? I think if you tried it, you'd love it!
Kumbhira: Hmm... I'm not so sure...
Next, Vajra recounts her struggles fighting against a Joya the likes of which had never been seen in the skies before.
Vajra: It took me, Anila, Andy, Mahi and even Zooey and (Captain) to quell that Joya's rampage!
Vajra: The four of us divine generals helped with Zooey's priestess training... And then we had to erect that barrier... Haha. It was awful.
Kumbhira: You say it was awful, and yet you're smiling.
Vajra: That's right! No matter how bad things were then, they're good memories now!
Vajra carries on for some time, cheerfully reminiscing about her past travels.
Vajra: Right? I feel like I've done a pretty good job of adventuring!
Having finished her talk, Vajra is beaming from ear to ear, clearly proud of her accomplishments.
Kumbhira: You sure did, Vajra.
Vajra: Yeah! I feel like I deserve a reward! The reward!
Kumbhira: Haha. Okay, fine. You don't have to twist my arm.
Kumbhira lets out a giggle before gently patting Vajra's head.
Vajra: Mmm...
Kumbhira: I see your love of head pats hasn't changed at all.
Vajra: Well, that's because it's so relaxing when you do it.
Vajra: Hey, don't stop yet! I haven't gotten head pats from you in so long!
Kumbhira: Okay, okay. I'll make up for the lost time then.
The divine boar continues to pat the war deity's head, causing Vajra to enter a comfort-induced stupor.
Kumbhira: Ah... I guess it's going to be my turn to take up the year spirit mantle soon enough.
Vajra: You've got nothing to worry about, Kumbhi. You've been preparing for this your whole life—that was obvious from our match!
Vajra: You're serious and determined and won't let anything hold you back. Isn't that right, Gar?
Garjana: ...
Garjana gives Kumbhira a friendly lick of affirmation on the cheek.
Vajra: Look! Garjana's given you his seal of approval! What do you guys think?
Puppies: Ruff-ruff!
Boars: Squee-squee!
Kumbhira: Thank you, everyone.
Kumbhira: But I still can't help being anxious. I wonder if I'll live up to the former divine boars.
Kumbhira: I don't want to let anyone in my village down.
Vajra: Oh yeah, the people from your village are quite traditional when it comes to their beliefs about the year spirit, huh?
Vajra: Hmm... I think it will all work out for the best though!
Vajra: After all, you've got the other eleven divine generals to help you out!
Kumbhira: Everyone?
Vajra: Of course! I'm not sure I could've completed my duties without everyone else's help. I definitely couldn't have handled the Joya on my own.
Vajra: If you have Gar, the divine generals, or even (Captain)'s crew on your side, then there's no obstacle you can't overcome!
Garjana: ...
In a display of camaraderie and mutual trust, Vajra grabs Garjana by the scruff and rubs her cheek against his.
Hamward: Squee-squee!
Hamward lets loose a brave squeal, letting Kumbhira know that he'll always be there for her.
Thomboar: Squee-squee!
Thomboar nuzzles against Kumbhira's leg in an attempt to ease her anxiety.
Pigchelle: Squeal!
Finally Pigchelle gives a cheerful yelp, as if to tell Kumbhira she'll save her bacon no matter what.
Vajra: They just said they've got your back, right? Even I could understand that!
Boars: Squeal!
The piglets jump and cry with delight, confirming Vajra's words.
Kumbhira: Everyone, you really believe in me. That makes me feel a lot better.
Kumbhira: But if I grow to rely on others too much, then I'll never live up to—
Vajra: Geez, cut it out already! It's going to be fine, Kumbhi!
Vajra puffs up her cheeks and gives Kumbhira a stern poke.
Kumbhira: Where'd this come from? You're acting like a kid all of a sudden.
Vajra: You know, before I came to see you, I had a little talk with the priestess at Boar Temple.
Vajra: The people from Kumbhira's village sure have high expectations for the year spirit, huh?
Vajra: That's a lot of pressure for anyone—especially that year's guardian—so I wish they'd lay off a little and be more supportive.
Temple Priestess: Vajra, you are very caring, concerning yourself with Kumbhira.
Temple Priestess: But everything will be all right. The villagers are not quite as strict as you believe.
Vajra: What? Really?
Temple Priestess: Of course, they do possess high expectations, but that's only because they have nothing but the utmost respect for the divine boar. They all wish her well.
Temple Priestess: Lady Kumbhira has spent her days either in her house or in training.
Temple Priestess: Perhaps she's misinterpreted the villagers' expectations.
Temple Priestess: We are all here to watch over her and to provide her with support. But I suppose we've failed to communicate that to her.
Kumbhira: They're just trying to support me? They're not going to be so critical after all?
Vajra: You got it! So you can try to live your life a little more like you wield that lance—loose and relaxed!
Kumbhira: You think so? I guess... I guess I can. Thank you, Vajra.
Vajra: Ugh... You still sound so uptight...
Vajra: I know! How about we try this...
Vajra grins mischievously and begins patting Kumbhira's head with reckless abandon.
Kumbhira: H-hey! What gives!
Vajra: Whenever you do this for me, I feel relaxed. How's it working for you?
Kumbhira: Ungh, just... go a little bit easier...
Vajra: Haha. Sorry. I'll stop.
Vajra: Kumbhi, you work harder than anybody else. That's something everyone recognizes.
Vajra: So you're going to be okay! Promise.
Kumbhira: Vajra...
Kumbhira: You really have grown.
Kumbhira: (In this short time as the year spirit, she's really come this far.)
Kumbhira: (No, it's not just that. It's because she was traveling with that (Captain) person's crew...)
Vajra: Hey, Kumbhi, all this sweat is starting to make me cold.
Kumbhira: Oh? Wanna warm back up with a rematch?
Vajra: Hah, you bet!
The two divine generals stand simultaneously, grabbing their weapons as they rise.
They take a couple of paces apart, turn toward one another, and then charge just as the sun begins to set.
As they spar, warrior versus warrior, they continue their conversation in the language only masters of battle understand.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
もう終わりか? Finished already?
わしができないことはガルができるから大丈夫! Gar handles everything I can't! We're the perfect duo!
ガル、こっちであってるか? This the right way, Gar?
そういえば、昔のガルはビィより小さかったな~ Gar was even smaller than Vyrn back in the day.
(主人公)ーこっちは倒したぞ! (Captain), the monsters on my end are down!
おなか減ったな……ガル、お菓子ある? I'm starving... You have any candy, Gar?
ルリアの匂いは、他の誰とも似てないな。 Lyria's scent is so different.
楽しくて鍛練にもなって……騎空団っていいな! It's so much fun on the crew, and I even get to train!
どんどんかかってこいっ! Come at me!
猫も好きだぞ? I like cats too!
