Vane (Event)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice

Official Profile

Age 25
Height 182 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Cleaning and doing the laundry, all kinds of domestic chores
Likes Meat dishes
Dislikes Logic-based disputes
Character Release
Final Uncap
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 25歳
Height 182cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 掃除洗濯、家事全般
Likes 肉料理
Dislikes 論理だてた議論
Character Release
Final Uncap
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]


Vane is currently the Vice Captain of the Order of the White Dragons, coming a long way from his debut as a common rank-and-file knight. Alongside his Captain and childhood friend, Lancelot, the pair work together to protect Feendrache.

Prior to reaching these heights, they had grown up as neighbours in the same remote village, away from the capital and its knights. Rural villages like their hometown lacked adequate protection from monsters, and during such an attack, Vane's parents were killed by wyverns. The incident led to Vane being taken in by his grandmother, and ultimately guided Lancelot down the path to becoming a knight. Despite their humble origins, both Lancelot and Vane managed to enter the Order of the Black Dragons, but it was Lancelot who became Vice Captain, and then Captain of the newly reorganised Order of the White Dragons. Vane remained a common knight, subject to being sent anywhere higher powers may please. This separation in rank caused Vane to believe that he has to catch up, to truly become worthy of standing by Lancelot's side, having always idolised him since they were children. His insecurities result in him diminishing his own accomplishments, and he hasn't considered that Lancelot had also looked up to him as a source of strength. Despite his fears, despite being smaller than Lancelot and a crybaby when he was younger, he had continued to strive towards his goals, and this tendency to always push himself, despite his circumstances, mutually inspires Lancelot.

Following the events of Defender's Oath, Vane climbs all the way up to Vice Captain rank, garnering fond subordinates who he treasures like family. He continues to better himself with Lancelot in mind, even going as far as to secretly train with Siegfried. Lancelot remains firm in reminding him of all the hard work he has done, and evidently Vane ends up protecting an injured Lancelot when they both become stranded on a mountain. Vane remains a cornerstone of kindness, when in Divergent Knighthoods, he takes two orphans, Arthur and Mordred, under his wing, and alongside Tornelio and Cruz, teaches this quartet he dubs Team Chickadee the meaning of chivalry. With every new experience, Vane begins to truly believe in himself and gain the confidence he needs to stop thinking he has to play catch up with Lancelot, and become a hero who will proudly protect others.


Vane is bright and friendly, willing to go the extra mile to help both friends and strangers alike. He insists on being a tour guide in Defender's Oath, despite his troubling sense of direction, unwilling to let people he had just met wander Feendrache alone. The events of Welcome to Bistro Feendrache occur precisely because he had pledged himself to help an old classmate, despite not having seen him in some time. He's popular with the elderly, a self proclaimed grandma's boy because they had looked after him as a child. His tendency for helping out also means he's proficient at household chores, frequently tidying Lancelot's messy room, and being an excellent cook. Vane follows his heart, believing in the need to protect others simply because he feels that is what is right.

However, underlying all his hard work, Vane struggles with insecurity, troubled with thoughts of inadequacy. Following his separation from Lancelot, Vane languishes in a lack of self confidence, unsure of his own strength, causing him to chase after Lancelot to consolidate his own position. He is acutely aware that he needed to struggle to get to where he is now as Vice Captain, but it is precisely this tendency to never give up that inspires others, including his own idol, Lancelot.


  • Lancelot: childhood friend, neighbours from the same village, was his Captain when he was a common knight and has now climbed in rank to become his Vice Captain. Calls him "Lancey" out of habit, even though Lancelot is embarrassed by the nickname. They often work in tandem.
  • Siegfried: was a normal knight when he was Captain of the Order of the Black Dragons, now secretly trains with him.
  • Percival: though aware of him when he was Vice Captain of the Order of the Black Dragons, they first properly spoke to each other in Four Knights of a Fallen Land. Calls him "Percy", much to his chagrin.
  • Team Chickadee: their team leader during their entrance examinations in Divergent Knighthoods, continues to frequently train with them.




  • Given his fellow Knights Percival and Lancelot being based on Arthurian mythos, Vane might be intended to be Ywain from the same source, another Knight of the Round Table with a lion motif.
  • "Loewenbein", or Löwenbein, is German and means "lion's leg".

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday!
This is great! Thanks for letting me celebrate with you! Okay, so where to?
Ah, before I forget... Today only comes once a year. Why not write a letter to your parents? That'll blow them away!


Hey, hey, hey! It's your birthday, (Captain)!
Hehe, thanks for taking the time to deal with a bum like me! How old are you now?
Are you really gonna waste your birthday hangin' around here?
You want to be here? Aw man, quit jokin' around! It's not nice to tease people, you know.
Uh, you're being serious? You wanna hang out with me? Liar... Wait, seriously? Uh, okay.
H-happy birthday. Whoa, wait a minute! Why am I saying this twice? Uh... uh...
Anyway, how about grabbing some fresh air? I'll go wherever you want to go!
Oh, come oh! Stop laughing at me! Ugh, I'll let your teasing slide this time since it's your birthday.
Okay, now you're laughing way too much about this. Was it really that funny? All right, let's head out, (Captain)!


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
I'm inviting you out to a special cafe on this special day. Is now a good time?
Here we are. Yep, you got me. This is actually my room, but today's different!
Surprise! See? It's a super-stylin' cafe.
Remember what happened last year? I was totally unprepared for your birthday, but this time we celebrate a la Vane!
Ahem. Please, (Captain), right this way. Have a seat. Allow me to serve you a cup of tea.
And now I present to you Vane's Chef Special: minicakes! Aren't they cute?
I'm no pro baker, but I think they're pretty tasty. Go for whichever one you want!


(Captain), I heard you weren't feeling well, so I came to check up on you. You hanging in there?
You don't have much of a fever and your face doesn't have that sick pale color to it. But you feel pretty weak?
I shouldn't stay too long, I don't want to wear you out even more.
Vane heads over to the nearby table and places a napkin, a tea cup, and a sugar bowl onto it.
Look at what I got! My super-stylin' cafe now does delivery!
On the menu today is antiflu gelatin! And we've got lots of flavors to choose from like strawberry, orange, and loads more!
Not to mention, if you haven't eaten already, I have a special antiflu porridge!
Oh? Is that what you want? All right then! Let me get everything ready.
Oh, crap! I forgot to say the most important thing!
Happy birthday, (Captain)! Hope you feel well soon!


Whoa, (Captain)! Darn, is it opening time already? Maybe I should of made it later...
U-um, happy birthday! Welcome to Vane's Cafe!
Well... I guess there's no use hiding it...
Sorry, (Captain)! I had a cake ready and everything, but I accidentally dropped it on the floor...
I'll make another one, so can you just hang in there for a bit?
Huh? You'll help me with baking a new one?
Of course I can teach you! Leave it to me! Would that be enough to make it up to you?
All right! Then let's head to the kitchen!
Once the cake's done, I'll make sure you have the best birthday experience ever, so look forward to it!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hey there! Happy New Year!
Today's the perfect day to kick back, relax, and do whatever you feel like doing! Because we're going full steam ahead starting from tomorrow!


Hm, looks like I get to visit home for New Year's. I can't wait to see everyone!
Wanna tag along, (Captain)? It's a boring place, I admit, but I'm sure we'll find something interesting to do!
So you'll come? All right! This is gonna be a great homecoming!
I mean, it's a privilege to be able to show a valued friend the place closest to my heart.
Yep! I'll definitely have to show you around!
I want to take you to the shrine Lancey visits every year... and maybe his favorite restaurant... Oh yeah! We can also join the New Year's festival!
Although doing all of that once is gonna suck up all your energy... Ah, it's fine. We'll have plenty of time to deepen our friendship!
Hm? Don't worry about lodgings. You can stay at my place. I'll even whip up something tasty!


I'll be heading back home for New Year's again. Wonder what the gang's been up to?
Are you gonna come again this year? Wahaha! Of course you're welcome to!
Actually, there are some people I want you to meet.
First there's the granny by the port. Then there's riverside granny, and forest cabin granny—
Hm? The only people I know are old ladies?
Whoa, you're right! What can I say, I'm a grandma's boy!
They used to look after me all the time when I was a kid. The town's got nothing but good people.
So you coming? Awesome! The grannies will be happy to meet you too.
Aw yeah! This trip home just got a hundred times funner!


Happy New Year! Did you get good sleep?
Hm? Me? I just came back from delivering something to the elderly people who live near me.
I was doing a little bit of jogging around the neighborhood when I was asked to do a few errands. And then everyone paid me in food!
It was great! I got some of boiled dishes and some dried food too!
Hey! I have an idea! Come to my place in a bit and we can share all this!
Plus, there's a bunch of food left over from what I made on New Year's!
So will I see you later?
Great! Then I'm off!


Hah! Hup! Graaah!
Whew! It's different from sparring with Lancey, but you sure make a strong opponent, (Captain)!
Hm? Hey, kids! Whatcha doin' over there?
I see! You saw us sparring and wanted to try some moves yourselves, huh?
Hey, (Captain). These kids look really excited, so why don't we hang out with them for a bit?
Heheh, all right!
Gather 'round, little friends! One super special lesson from Master Vane and Master (Captain) comin' right up!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Whoa, no way! Chocolate! Sweet, sweet chocolate!
I can't believe this! You're the best, (Captain)!


Aw, man. It's that time of year again... Sucks being that guy that doesn't get anything. Yeah...
Oh well! I'll just pretend this chocolate I made came from a girl!
But first this box isn't cute enough. Let's spruce it up a bit. There we go. Now I need a backstory...
Let's see. So I'm at the market when the shopkeeper's granddaughter walks in—No, wait, she doesn't have one. Uh, how about... The butcher's daughter...
Gwah! What's wrong with you, (Captain)? Do you sneak up on people for fun? You came to give me something?
Could this be... chocolate? I've been blessed again this year! Thanks a bunch!
I'm not worthy. I'm going to make it my mission this year to make this chocolate count!


(Captain), check it out! What do you think I found in Lancey's room when I was doing some housekeeping?
Chocolates! From some girl!
Man, I knew he was popular...
Speaking as a childhood friend, good for him. Bet he's a pretty happy camper. Sigh... I wonder if I'll ever...
Mmmph! What are you doing, (Captain)?
Chomp, chomp... Did you just shove chocolates in my mouth?
That's my Valentine's Day gift? For real?
Oh geez, thanks! Yahoo! This is great!
But, like, that really came out of nowhere. Why'd you do that all of a sud—Uh, (Captain)?


Sigh... This is all my fault...
Lancey always says that everybody messes up sometimes... But this was big...
Oh, (Captain)! I look down? That's crazy talk... I...
Did you just stuff... chocolate into my mouth?
Oh, right! It's Valentine's Day!
Wait! Does that mean I'm your special someone?
Wow... Thank you! That took me out of my rut...
Oh crap... Now you know I was lying... Nothing slips past you...
You wanna know what happened? If you wouldn't mind lending an ear, then...
Yeah! I'd love that! This is kinda embarrassing, but...


(So today's Valentine's Day, huh? Does that mean I can expect something from (Captain) again?)
(Hey, don't get ahead of yourself, Vane! You're not Lancey!)
That kinda luck doesn't just keep falling from nowhere! All right, time to concentrate on training!
Huh? Whoa! (Captain)! Where'd you come from?
Huh? Is this really... for me? You're gonna keep giving me something every year?
Ahhh! I've gotta be the luckiest guy in the skies!
Ngh... You can't help but cry at this kinda thing, you know? Sniff...
You'll stay with me till I calm down?
Awww, (Captain)! You're just so sweet—now I really can't stop crying!

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hey... Got a sec?
Th-this is a thank you gift... I worked really hard to make it.
I don't know if you'll like it, but... please just take it!


It sure was nice to get chocolates again this year... Scratch that, it was awesome.
But what if everyone got the same chocolates? Then I might be giving the wrong impression with this present.
That'd be awkward. Aaah... What to do? Maybe I'll have a chat with Lancey... Nah, I need to figure this out myself.
Whoa! When'd you get here, Captain? Just now?
Huh? Oh, this? Ahaha... It's just a White Day present!
For who? Uh...
Isn't it obvious? It's for you, (Captain). So, uh, please accept my feelings! Huh? What's so weird about that? Are you saying I'm weird?
Man, do you know how hard I worked on this? You're awful, you know that...
Ah well. How could I stay mad at you after seeing that smile of yours? All is forgiven! Hope you like it!


All right you courageous kiddos of Feendrache, you all know that today is White Day.
We're making (Captain) tasty desserts to say thanks for being such a good friend. What ingredients should we use?
Chocolate chips... Nice! Strawberry jam and bananas... You guys are real chefs!
That's good enough, I think. Okay, make sure to wash your hands before putting on your aprons.
All set, everyone? Let's do it!
Hey, (Captain). Thanks for always being awesome! You deserve more than words!
Wha? Where are you kids going? We had a deal!
Man, even you're laughing your head off, (Captain)...
Hahaha, oh well.
Huh? You want to have a conversation in the room? Gulp... What should I... So nervous...
I'll, uh, brew up some tea. You go have a seat and relax, 'kay?


(Captain)! Hm?
Why the long face? Did something happen?
You just tell me all about it, okay? I can handle big and small problems just the same!
Come on! First things first. Look up at the sky and stretch your arms out to reach it! Like this!
(Crap! I dropped the box of candies I had in my pocket!)
Uh... This is for you...
I just wanted to say thanks for the chocolate and for listening to my story on Valentine's Day!
I am just a little older than you, so come to me when you need help!
Heh heh... You feeling better? Even so, how about we go get some tea and talk it out?


Happy White Day! Thanks for the amazing chocolates the other day!
Um, I brought something in return today...
I hope I can keep giving you something in return every year...
And, well, it wouldn't be cool if I received such incredible gifts and never did anything for you in return!
So... I'd like you to have this. I hope you like it.
Heheh, that's good.
Then you can definitely look forward to something from me every year from here on out, (Captain)!

Light Cookies
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Trick or treat!
When we were kids, Lancey would terrorize me with a toy pumpkin monster.
I've hated pumpkins ever since.


Whoa! (Captain)! (Captain)! You were in here? Got a sec? Over here!
I realize you're busy, but mind helping me hand candy to all the happy ghosts out there?
They're waiting out on the deck, so why don't you head out there and start handing out candy?
Huh? What do I mean by ghosts? Oh! Right. Right. Sorry about that! Forgot to explain!
Turns out a bunch of kids went into town and bought ghost costumes! And now they're all over the ship!
Sorry to pull you into this all of a sudden, but... Huh? You'll do it? Whoa!
Hehe... Thanks a ton (Captain)! I'll cook you some serious treats after this to make it up to you!


Wahaha! This year I'm going to be a werewolf!
This costume is my own handiwork. Here, take a look.
The ears and tail came out nice and fluffy, don't you think? Hehe, not bad if I do say so myself!
Tonight's costume party is gonna be fangtastic. Then I'll go around growling at people. Rawr!
Whaddya mean my wolfman is too cutesy? Yeah, I guess the growl should be more of a howl instead.
Huh? Howl right now? Hmm, not a bad idea to practice before the big show...
Okay, fine. Just... don't laugh or anything, all right? I haven't done this before.
Ah... A-awoo... Awooo, ow-ow awoooo...
Hehe, how's that? That was actually pretty fun. You should totally join me!


Ahaha! I went to the crew kids' Halloween party and they played so many tricks on me!
Playful children really are the most fun! They made spiders and ghosts all out of paper and everything!
Huh? Am I going to play a trick on them?
Well... There were some really small ones in the group, so I can't really scare them without feeling bad...
Oh! I have an idea! How about we put candy in everyone's hood!
If we make sure the candy is wrapped properly, then their costumes won't get dirty. And who doesn't like getting extra sweets?
Great! We're set!
Now let's get us some treats!


Hey, looks like you put together another great costume this year!
Since you're lookin' so snazzy decked out like that, here's some candy from Sir Vane to you!
You know, if you let this candy sit in your mouth without biting into it...
Check it out! It becomes a different flavor!
Heheh. I'm thinking of handing out this surprise candy to the kids as a trick this year!
You wanna come too, (Captain)? All right, then let's get going!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays!
I remember back when we were kids, Lancey and I would always try to catch Santa! We had a blast!


Hmm... It's that time of the season. Eh, not like I had anything planned for today anyway. Let's see what Lancey's up to...
Huh? Oh, hey, (Captain). Are you free right now? Good thing I bumped into you!
All right, you get the pleasure of spending the day with me!
Not! Yeah, like you'd want to hang out with me, hahaha!
Whoa, you serious? You're fine with hanging out? Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's... awesome!
Okay, so whaddaya wanna do? Go on, I wanna know!
You want me to bake you a cake? Are you sure? Wahaha! You've got simple tastes!
I'm gonna make the best cheesecake you've ever tasted in your life!
Let's hurry and go buy what we need! Dress warmly and meet up on the deck!


Wahaha! I've been asked to play Santa for the kids' winter party.
Heh, seeing this red suit takes me back to when I was a wee lad.
We were having a party with some other kids. Lancey and I came up with the idea to go dressed as Santas.
But my suit got messed up because I wasn't paying attention while getting ready to go. Man, I busted out crying right there.
So then Lancey gave up his suit for me to wear. He's got a heart of gold.
To be fair, I wanted him to wear it, but he was stubborn like a mule.
"You deserve to be the big man after all the work you put in" is what he said, but he was the one that was really looking forward to it...
Makes my eyes well up!
Whoops, sorry for dragging down the mood. Better get changed.
If you're free, why don't you come to the party too?


The kids just got a bunch of presents!
Their eyes were so big as they showed me all the things they got.
Just looking at all their happy faces was enough to make even me jump for joy! Ahaha!
Just think, when I was a kid, I used to get presents from Santa too. Those were the days...
Huh? What exactly did Santa give me?
Let's see... The thing I loved best was the action figure that both me and Lancey had!
"Now's our chance! Follow the captain!" Come to think of it, nothing's changed all that much.
(Captain), what kind of presents did you get this year?
Come on! Show me!


Happy holidays!
The cake's just about ready—see, it's getting all nice and fluffy.
This reminds me of the time I baked a cake on a holy night like this, back when I was a kid. The cake just stayed flat in the oven the whole time...
I was sad my grandma wouldn't be receiving any presents from Santa so I'd baked the cake for her, but it didn't work out the way I'd wanted it to and I ended up crying.
But Grandma took that dry, crumbling cake and ate the whole thing, saying it was really good!
She's the sweetest, bestest grandma in all of the skies!
Whoops! Looks like the cake's done baking.
Heheh, looks good, huh? Look forward to having it at the party!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Where is He Now?

During a visit to a kingdom famed for the protection it receives from the primal beast Sylph, the crew tours about with Vane, who waxes lyrical about his childhood friend Lancelot. Impressed with his conviction, (Captain) invites him to join the crew.

The crew visits an exceptional country said to be prospering due to the protection of the primal beast Sylph.
The crew has joined up with Vane, a vigorous youth they met in the harbor.
Vane: Heh... Some things never change. It's just like it used to be.
Vane: (If I remember right, the campsite was near that lake.)
Vyrn: Hold up, Vane. What's with that smirk on your face?
Vane: I was just feeling nostalgic 'cause my buddies in the order and I used to train here way back.
Lyria: Um... The Order of the White Dragons, right? Wasn't the captain a close friend of yours?
Vane: Yep! The morning I had to go on my tour of duty, he came to see me off. We walked this path together.
Vane: Captain Lancelot and I have been best buds since we were this small!
Lyria: Wow! It's amazing you're in the same order now! Must be nice having a childhood friend.
Vane: Lancey was no ordinary childhood friend! He could do anything, mental or physical—folks back home called him a prodigy!
Vane: You'd think that he would have been playing with me every day, but somewhere along the line he memorized a huge military tactics manual...
Vane: At one point he even defeated a famous swordsman we decided to train under, forcing him to give up that line of work.
Lyria: Wow! He managed to beat an adult?
Vane: That he did! So I don't want you thinking there was anything ordinary about Lancey!
Vyrn: Hey... We get it already, so try to calm down!
Vane: Whoops, sorry if it was too much... I just can't help boasting when it comes to Lancey!
Lyria: Ha-ha... You really like him, don't you, Vane?
Vane: You can say that again! Lancey is my cherished comrade.
Vyrn: Hehe! (Captain) and I have also been together forever! So I know how you feel!
Vane: Though it'd be difficult for us to always be together like we were as kids...
Lyria: Why do you say that, Vane?
Vane: Huh? It's no big deal really. When I first joined the order, I fought alongside Lancey as an equal, you see.
Vane: But our standings in life recently changed, and there aren't as many opportunities like that these days.
Vane: I've gotta grow so that I can stand eye to eye with Lancey, but I'm not sure how...
Vyrn: I see... You've got your own demons, don't you, Vane...
Vane: Of course I do! I'm as entitled as anyone else to have a few hang-ups, you know!
Vane: But I guess anyone who starts riding around in an airship at as young an age as you guys probably has more experience than me.
Vane: Maybe traveling by airship makes you grow up...
Lyria: Then maybe you should try riding in one. Right, (Captain)?
  1. Why don’t you try traveling with us?
  2. Maybe then you can grow?

Choose: Why don’t you try traveling with us?
Vane: You want me to join? I didn't think I'd be invited to join a crew all of a sudden...

Choose: Maybe then you can grow?
Vane: Hmm... It's true that at the rate I'm going I'll never be on an equal footing with Lancey...
Continue 1
Vane: (Captain)... Meeting you like this might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Vane: All right... My mind's made up!
Vyrn: Ooh! So what's it gonna be?
Vane: Experience gained from travels could prove useful for the White Dragons, giving me all the more reason to say yes!
Vane: As soon as peace is restored to the kingdom, I'll ask His Highness for permission!
Lyria: Great! We're rooting for you, Vane!
Vane: With that settled, it's time to get back to toppling Fafnir!
Vyrn: Right! Where to next, Vane?
Vane: Um... It's gotta be this way! Follow me!
Thus Vane pledges to join (Captain)'s crew.
Though he continues to take life easy, Vane would nonetheless continue to grow little by little.

The Kind-Hearted Zealot

(Captain) and the crew defeat the true dragon Fafnir to rescue the primal beast Sylph. As they return to the capital, they hear an old woman's scream as she is attacked by a monster and rush to her aid.

The crew defeats the true dragon Fafnir in its den to rescue the primal beast, Sylph.
While heading back to the capital, the crew worries about the uncharacteristically sullen Vane.
Vane: Ugh... I just can't go on...
Vyrn: Hey... What's wrong, Vane?
Lyria: Hmm... He's not even walking straight. I wonder if he's sick?
Lancelot: Sheesh... Vane, are you hungry or something?
Vane: That's right, Lancey. You know me so well!
Vyrn: Unbelievable! You sound like you're about to keel over, and you're just hungry?
Vane: Um... I'm sorry to be a bother, but can I stop by a village and eat something real quick?
Lancelot: Come now, are you daft? We're in the middle of escorting Sylph! It's out of the question...
Vane: Come on, Lancey.... Please... It'll only take a minute!
Lancelot: No! I can't give you special treatment. Rules are rules.
Vane: Fine... You can be so stubborn sometimes. But I get it. I'll tough it out a bit longer.
Lyria: Ha-ha... You two really are close, aren't you?
Suddenly the crew hears someone screaming.
Old Woman: Aahh! A-a monster!
Vane: No way! Let's save that old lady, guys!
Vyrn: Hey! We better go after him!

The Kind-Hearted Zealot: Scene 2

(Captain)'s crew barely saves the old woman and escorts her back to the village. According to the villagers, Fafnir has been revived, and monsters are coming down to the village. The crew decides to clear them out so no one else will be attacked.

The crew barely saves the old woman from the monster.
She tells the crew she was on her way back to a nearby village, so they decide to escort her.
Vane: Here... get on my back.
Old Woman: Are you sure about that, young man?
Vane: C'mon! Onto my back you go!
Lyria: Are you really okay? You were staggering around earlier...
Lancelot: He's fine. Vane's a grandma's boy to the core.
Vane: But anyone would help an elderly person in need, right?
Vane: Lancelot, you don't mind if we stop by her village, do you?
Lancelot: Looks like we have no choice... But just this once.
Vane: That's my Lancey! You always prove that you're a nice guy in the end.
Old Woman: Thank you. My village is west from here, near the river.
Lancelot: I guess we're committed now... Let's escort her back to the village.
And so the crew takes the woman safely back to her village.
Old Woman: You were a big help... Thank you.
Villager: You have my gratitude as well. I don't know how we can thank you...
Vane: I'm just glad she didn't get hurt. But you shouldn't let the elderly travel around alone like that.
Villager: I'm sorry... This area is usually safe, but not so much lately.
Villager: Ever since Fafnir was revived, monsters have been showing up around the village...
Vane: I see... I sure wouldn't want some poor elderly person to get attacked again.
Vane: So there's only one thing to do... I'll get rid of all the monsters around the village!
Vyrn: Come on, (Captain)! We should help Vane too!
Lancelot: We can't very well leave the villagers in danger. It'll be a bit of a detour, but let's take care of these monsters first!

The Kind-Hearted Zealot: Scene 3

Thanks to Vane, the area around the village was free of monsters once again. The villagers prepare to gather food from throughout the village, but the party declines to take what little they have left. They find out the village's population is dwindling due to a mysterious illness, resulting in a shortage in workers. Vane vows to find the source of the disease and save the village.

Thanks to Vane, the area around the village is free of monsters once again.
Villager: You've been such a big help. I really don't know how to thank you enough.
Vane: Don't worry about it. I'm happy to help!
Vane: But I am a little hungry... It would be really great if you could spare some food.
Villager: I'm so sorry for not noticing! We don't have much, but let's see what we can do.
With that, the villagers begin gathering food from throughout the village to feed the crew.
Vane: Wait... I can't just take what little you have like some villain...
Vane: You know what? It's the weirdest thing, but I'm feeling full all of a sudden!
Villager: I'm really sorry we have so little food to offer.
Vyrn: Hey... Are you guys really in that much trouble?
Villager: Well... for some reason our crops suddenly began dying, and our food supply is almost gone.
Villager: We want to do something about it, but a mysterious disease has been reducing our population, and there aren't enough people to lend a hand.
Vane: I bet that's the mysterious disease Sophia was talking about.
Lancelot: You could be right... We'll have to investigate this as soon as we get back to the royal capital.
Vane: We're going to help your village, so don't you worry, Granny!
Old Woman: Everything will be fine. I believe in Sylph, so I know.
Vane: Granny, faith in Sylph is good and all, but you should take better care of yourself.
Vane: You were light as a feather when I carried you earlier. You need to eat more!
Old Woman: You sound just like my grandson, young man.
Vane: So you have a grandson?
Villager: Not anymore... He was taken by monsters two years ago.
Old Woman: Um... If you're ever in the area again, young man, I hope you can stop by and say hi.
Vane: Of course I will. That's a promise.
Lancelot: Vane, it's time to go.
Vane: Okay. Well, I have to go now... Take care of yourself.
Old Woman: Thanks... I look forward to seeing you again.
Vane: Take care!
Thus the crew leaves the village.
Vane promises himself that he will determine the cause of the disease for the villagers and the old woman.

Now, Then, and Always

While visiting the capital of Feendrache, Lancelot and Vane overhear two castle maids talking about them. This sparks a lively conversation between the pair about their childhood, wherein each reveals how much he had respected the other, reinforcing their bonds of friendship.

The knights of the Order of the White Dragons have taken work in other countries in order to bring some foreign money back to Feendrache.
Lancelot and Vane have taken leave from (Captain)'s crew in order to do their part for the restoration of their country.
On their first visit to the capital city of Feendrache in quite some time, they meet with King Carl. Afterwards, the pair are in high spirits.
Vane: Ha ha! It was good to see His Majesty looking so well, eh, Lancey?
Lancelot: Yes! Let's try not to cause him any more anxiety!
Vane: Yeah, you betcha!
Lancelot and Vane are strolling through the castle exchanging lighthearted banter when they overhear some maids talking.
Cheerful Maid: Hey! So is it true Lancelot and Vane are childhood friends?
Quiet Maid: Why, yes, it is. Didn't you know?
Cheerful Maid: Really? I never knew! No wonder they get on so well.
Quiet Maid: Hee hee, those two have excelled from a young age.
Cheerful Maid: Wow... That's so cool... It's like they're from a whole different world!
Lancelot: Ha ha! Hear that, Vane?
Vane: Ha ha, yeah... They might've been shocked if they knew the real you back then, though.
Vane: You were quite the mischief-maker back then!
Vane: Like remember that time at the festival, when you saw through that stall owner's bogus lottery game and scared the daylights out of him to teach him a lesson?
Vane: Or when you played that trick on Halloween and got scolded by that old couple?
Lancelot: Ugh... That was... I mean, come on, that was a long time ago!
Vane: Ha ha! Good thing you matured fast, Lancey!
Lancelot: Humph. If you wanna play that game, then... You might be a little taller than me now, but remember how small you were back then?
Lancelot: And what a crybaby you were? I seem to remember you were always saying how scary and painful sword training was, hmm?
Vane: Ha ha ha! Did I say that? But, well...
Vane: I'll admit I was always a crybaby back then...That's why I looked up to ya so much, Lancey.
Vane: I mean, you've had that strong and reliable vibe going on since you were a kid. Always admired that.
Vane: It was just awesome when you got that recommendation for knighthood.
Lancelot: Vane...
Lancelot: You know, when I became a knight, I actually thought you were better.
Vane: Huh?
Lancelot: You may have been a crybaby and on the weak side, but you used your desire to help others to drive yourself toward becoming a knight.
Lancelot: You were the one who taught me that strength meant more than being good with a blade.
Vane: Heh heh! Guess I have my uses, then!
Lancelot: You know very well how invaluable you are to me. I've always counted on you, and I always will.
Vane: Right back at ya, Lancey!
Lancelot and Vane from the Order of the White Dragons reflect on their childhood friendship, which has held fast over time.
And when the next disaster inevitably befalls Feendrache, these two will be sure to work together to overcome it.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
ランちゃんは俺の大事な親友なんだ Lancey is an irreplaceable pal!
ランちゃん…元気にしてるかな~ I wonder how Lancey's doing.
あれ…こっちで…あってるのか… Umm, are we going the right way?
ん…?やっぱりこっちかな… No wait, isn't it that way?
わはははは! Bwahahaha!
たまには道草するのもいいぞ! It's good to stop and smell the roses sometimes!
白竜騎士団のヴェイン、参る! I'm Vane of the Order of the White Dragons. En garde!
オラオラオラァ!ぶった斬ってやるぜ! Have at me! I'll cut you down to size!
(主人公)…あんま無理すんなよ? Don't be too hard on yourself, (Captain).
(主人公)と出会えてよかったぜ! I'm so glad I met you, (Captain)!

Other Appearances


Click to reveal card data

At the end of your turn, gain +1/+0 and restore 3 defense to this follower.

Lancelot, captain of the Order of the White Dragons, has been my best bud since we were little. Yeah... Lancey's really amazing—he's no ordinary childhood friend!


(Same as the unevolved form.)

Of course I worry about stuff! Right now I want to get as good as Lancey so we can fight side by side as equals... I've still got a long way to go though!

Class Swordcraft
Trait Officer
Card Pack Token
SV Portal Vane, Indomitable Knight
Language Play Attack Evolve Death Enhance Other
