Vane (Halloween)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
This page is a Lore stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data.
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Official Profile

Age 25
Height 182 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Cleaning and doing the laundry, all kinds of domestic chores
Likes Meat dishes
Dislikes Logic-based disputes
Character Release
Final Uncap
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 25歳
Height 182cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 掃除洗濯、家事全般
Likes 肉料理
Dislikes 論理だてた議論
Character Release
Final Uncap
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]





  • Vane's skill and charge attack names are mostly in German
    • "Waechterriese" means "guardian giant"
    • "Ritterseele" means "knight soul"
    • "Flinkbein" means "nimble leg"

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday!
This is great! Thanks for letting me celebrate with you! Okay, so where to?
Ah, before I forget... Today only comes once a year. Why not write a letter to your parents? That'll blow them away!


Hey, hey, hey! It's your birthday, (Captain)!
Hehe, thanks for taking the time to deal with a bum like me! How old are you now?
Are you really gonna waste your birthday hangin' around here?
You want to be here? Aw man, quit jokin' around! It's not nice to tease people, you know.
Uh, you're being serious? You wanna hang out with me? Liar... Wait, seriously? Uh, okay.
H-happy birthday. Whoa, wait a minute! Why am I saying this twice? Uh... uh...
Anyway, how about grabbing some fresh air? I'll go wherever you want to go!
Oh, come oh! Stop laughing at me! Ugh, I'll let your teasing slide this time since it's your birthday.
Okay, now you're laughing way too much about this. Was it really that funny? All right, let's head out, (Captain)!


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
I'm inviting you out to a special cafe on this special day. Is now a good time?
Here we are. Yep, you got me. This is actually my room, but today's different!
Surprise! See? It's a super-stylin' cafe.
Remember what happened last year? I was totally unprepared for your birthday, but this time we celebrate a la Vane!
Ahem. Please, (Captain), right this way. Have a seat. Allow me to serve you a cup of tea.
And now I present to you Vane's Chef Special: minicakes! Aren't they cute?
I'm no pro baker, but I think they're pretty tasty. Go for whichever one you want!


(Captain), I heard you weren't feeling well, so I came to check up on you. You hanging in there?
You don't have much of a fever and your face doesn't have that sick pale color to it. But you feel pretty weak?
I shouldn't stay too long, I don't want to wear you out even more.
Vane heads over to the nearby table and places a napkin, a tea cup, and a sugar bowl onto it.
Look at what I got! My super-stylin' cafe now does delivery!
On the menu today is antiflu gelatin! And we've got lots of flavors to choose from like strawberry, orange, and loads more!
Not to mention, if you haven't eaten already, I have a special antiflu porridge!
Oh? Is that what you want? All right then! Let me get everything ready.
Oh, crap! I forgot to say the most important thing!
Happy birthday, (Captain)! Hope you feel well soon!


Whoa, (Captain)! Darn, is it opening time already? Maybe I should of made it later...
U-um, happy birthday! Welcome to Vane's Cafe!
Well... I guess there's no use hiding it...
<I'll make another one, so can you just hang in there for a bit?
Huh? You'll help me with baking a new one?
Of course I can teach you! Leave it to me! Would that be enough to make it up to you?
All right! Then let's head to the kitchen!
Once the cake's done, I'll make sure you have the best birthday experience ever, so look forward to it!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hey there! Happy New Year!
Today's the perfect day to kick back, relax, and do whatever you feel like doing! Because we're going full steam ahead starting from tomorrow!


Hm, looks like I get to visit home for New Year's. I can't wait to see everyone!
Wanna tag along, (Captain)? It's a boring place, I admit, but I'm sure we'll find something interesting to do!
So you'll come? All right! This is gonna be a great homecoming!
I mean, it's a privilege to be able to show a valued friend the place closest to my heart.
Yep! I'll definitely have to show you around!
I want to take you to the shrine Lancey visits every year... and maybe his favorite restaurant... Oh yeah! We can also join the New Year's festival!
Although doing all of that at once is gonna suck up all your energy... Ah, it's fine. We'll have plenty of time to deepen our friendship!
Hm? Don't worry about lodgings. You can stay at my place. I'll even whip up something tasty!


I'll be heading back home for New Year's again. Wonder what the gang's been up to?
Are you gonna come again this year? Wahaha! Of course you're welcome to!
Actually, there are some people I want you to meet.
First there's the granny by the port. Then there's riverside granny, and forest cabin granny—
Hm? The only people I know are old ladies?
Whoa, you're right! What can I say, I'm a grandma's boy!
They used to look after me all the time when I was a kid. The town's got nothing but good people.
So you coming? Awesome! The grannies will be happy to meet you too.
Aw yeah! This trip home just got a hundred times funner!


Happy New Year! Did you get some good sleep?
Hm? Me? I just came back from delivering something to the elderly people who live near me.
I was doing a little bit of jogging around the neighborhood when I was asked to do a few errands. And then everyone paid me in food!
It was great! I got some boiled dishes and some dried food too!
Hey! I have an idea! Come to my place in a bit and we can share all this!
Plus, there's a bunch of food left over from what I made on New Year's!
So will I see you later?
Great! Then I'm off!


Hah! Hup! Graaah!
Whew! It's different from sparring with Lancey, but you sure make a strong opponent, (Captain)!
Hm? Hey, kids! Whatcha doin' over there?
I see! You saw us sparring and wanted to try some moves yourselves, huh?
Hey, (Captain). These kids look really excited, so why don't we hang out with them for a bit?
Heheh, all right!
Gather 'round, little friends! One super special lesson from Master Vane and Master (Captain) comin' right up!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Whoa, no way! Chocolate! Sweet, sweet chocolate!
I can't believe this! You're the best, (Captain)!


Aw, man. It's that time of year again... Sucks being that guy that doesn't get anything. Yeah...
Oh well! I'll just pretend this chocolate I made came from a girl!
But first this box isn't cute enough. Let's spruce it up a bit. There we go. Now I need a backstory...
Let's see. So I'm at the market when the shopkeeper's granddaughter walks in—No, wait, she doesn't have one. Uh, how about... The butcher's daughter...
Gwah! What's wrong with you, (Captain)? Do you sneak up on people for fun? You came to give me something?
Could this be... chocolate? I've been blessed again this year! Thanks a bunch!
I'm not worthy. I'm going to make it my mission this year to make this chocolate count!


(Captain), check it out! What do you think I found in Lancey's room when I was doing some housekeeping?
Chocolates! From some girl!
Man, I knew he was popular...
Speaking as a childhood friend, good for him. Bet he's a pretty happy camper. Sigh... I wonder if I'll ever...
Mmmph! What are you doing, (Captain)?
Chomp, chomp... Did you just shove chocolates in my mouth?
That's my Valentine's Day gift? For real?
Oh geez, thanks! Yahoo! This is great!
But, like, that really came out of nowhere. Why'd you do that all of a sud—Uh, (Captain)?


Sigh... This is all my fault...
Lancey always says that everybody messes up sometimes... But this was big...
Oh, (Captain)! I look down? That's crazy talk... I...
Did you just stuff... chocolate into my mouth?
Oh, right! It's Valentine's Day!
Wait! Does that mean I'm your special someone?
Wow... Thank you! That took me out of my rut...
Oh crap... Now you know I was lying... Nothing slips past you...
You wanna know what happened? If you wouldn't mind lending an ear, then...
Yeah! I'd love that! This is kinda embarrassing, but...


(So today's Valentine's Day, huh? Does that mean I can expect something from (Captain) again?)
(Hey, don't get ahead of yourself, Vane! You're not Lancey!)
That kinda luck doesn't just keep falling from nowhere! All right, time to concentrate on training!
Huh? Whoa! (Captain)! Where'd you come from?
Huh? Is this really... for me? You're gonna keep giving me something every year?
Ahhh! I've gotta be the luckiest guy in the skies!
Ngh... You can't help but cry at this kinda thing, you know? Sniff...
You'll stay with me till I calm down?
Awww, (Captain)! You're just so sweet—now I really can't stop crying!

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hey... Got a sec?
Th-this is a thank you gift... I worked really hard to make it.
I don't know if you'll like it, but... please just take it!


It sure was nice to get chocolates again this year... Scratch that, it was awesome.
But what if everyone got the same chocolates? Then I might be giving the wrong impression with this present.
That'd be awkward. Aaah... What to do? Maybe I'll have a chat with Lancey... Nah, I need to figure this out myself.
Whoa! When'd you get here, Captain? Just now?
Huh? Oh, this? Ahaha... It's just a White Day present!
For who? Uh...
Isn't it obvious? It's for you, (Captain). So, uh, please accept my feelings! Huh? What's so weird about that? Are you saying I'm weird?
Man, do you know how hard I worked on this? You're awful, you know that...
Ah well. How could I stay mad at you after seeing that smile of yours? All is forgiven! Hope you like it!


All right you courageous kiddos of Feendrache, you all know that today is White Day.
We're making (Captain) tasty desserts to say thanks for being such a good friend. What ingredients should we use?
Chocolate chips... Nice! Strawberry jam and bananas... You guys are real chefs!
That's good enough, I think. Okay, make sure to wash your hands before putting on your aprons.
All set, everyone? Let's do it!
Hey, (Captain). Thanks for always being awesome! You deserve more than words!
Wha? Where are you kids going? We had a deal!
Man, even you're laughing your head off, (Captain)...
Hahaha, oh well.
Huh? You want to have a conversation in the room? Gulp... What should I... So nervous...
I'll, uh, brew up some tea. You go have a seat and relax, 'kay?


(Captain)! Hm?
Why the long face? Did something happen?
You just tell me all about it, okay? I can handle big and small problems just the same!
Come on! First things first. Look up at the sky and stretch your arms out to reach it! Like this!
(Crap! I dropped the box of candies I had in my pocket!)
Uh... This is for you...
I just wanted to say thanks for the chocolate and for listening to my woes on Valentine's Day!
I am just a little older than you, so come to me when you need help!
Heh heh... You feeling better? Even so, how about we go get some tea and talk it out?


Happy White Day! Thanks for the amazing chocolates the other day!
Um, I brought something in return today...
I hope I can keep giving you something in return every year...
And, well, it wouldn't be cool if I received such incredible gifts and never did anything for you in return!
So... I'd like you to have this. I hope you like it.
Heheh, that's good.
Then you can definitely look forward to something from me every year from here on out, (Captain)!

Light Cookies
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Trick or treat!
When we were kids, Lancey would terrorize me with a toy pumpkin monster.
I've hated pumpkins ever since.


Whoa! (Captain)! (Captain)! You were in here? Got a sec? Over here!
I realize you're busy, but mind helping me hand candy to all the happy ghosts out there?
They're waiting out on the deck, so why don't you head out there and start handing out candy?
Huh? What do I mean by ghosts?
Oh! Right. Right. Sorry about that! Forgot to explain!
Turns out a bunch of kids went into town and bought ghost costumes! And now they're all over the ship!
Sorry to pull you into this all of a sudden, but...
Huh? You'll do it? Whoa!
Hehe... Thanks a ton (Captain)! I'll cook you some serious treats after this to make it up to you!


Wahaha! This year I'm going to be a werewolf!
This costume is my own handiwork. Here, take a look.
The ears and tail came out nice and fluffy, don't you think? Hehe, not bad if I do say so myself!
Tonight's costume party is gonna be fangtastic. Then I'll go around growling at people. Rawr!
Whaddya mean my wolfman is too cutesy? Yeah, I guess the growl should be more of a howl instead.
Huh? Howl right now? Hmm, not a bad idea to practice before the big show...
Okay, fine. Just... don't laugh or anything, all right? I haven't done this before.
Ah... A-awoo... Awooo, ow-ow awoooo...
Hehe, how's that? That was actually pretty fun. You should totally join me!


Ahaha! I went to the crew kids' Halloween party and they played so many tricks on me!
Playful children really are the most fun! They made spiders and ghosts all out of paper and everything!
Huh? Am I going to play a trick on them?
Well... There were some really small ones in the group, so I can't really scare them without feeling bad...
Oh! I have an idea! How about we put candy in everyone's hood!
If we make sure the candy is wrapped properly, then their costumes won't get dirty. And who doesn't like getting extra sweets?
Great! We're set!
Now let's get us some treats!


Hey, looks like you put together another great costume this year!
Since you're lookin' so snazzy decked out like that, here's some candy from Sir Vane to you!
You know, if you let this candy sit in your mouth without biting into it...
Check it out! It becomes a different flavor!
Heheh. I'm thinking of handing out this surprise candy to the kids as a trick this year!
You wanna come too, (Captain)? All right, then let's get going!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays!
I remember back when we were kids, Lancey and I would always try to catch Santa! We had a blast!


Hmm... It's that time of the season. Eh, not like I had anything planned for today anyway. Let's see what Lancey's up to...
Huh? Oh, hey, (Captain). Are you free right now? Good thing I bumped into you!
All right, you get the pleasure of spending the day with me!
Not! Yeah, like you'd want to hang out with me, hahaha!
Whoa, you serious? You're fine with hanging out? Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's... awesome!
Okay, so whaddaya wanna do? Go on, I wanna know!
You want me to bake you a cake?
Are you sure? Wahaha! You've got simple tastes!
I'm gonna make the best cheesecake you've ever tasted in your life!
Let's hurry and go buy what we need! Dress warmly and meet up on the deck!


Wahaha! I've been asked to play Santa for the kids' winter party.
Heh, seeing this red suit takes me back to when I was a wee lad.
We were having a party with some other kids. Lancey and I came up with the idea to go dressed as Santas.
But my suit got messed up because I wasn't paying attention while getting ready to go. Man, I busted out crying right there.
So then Lancey gave up his suit for me to wear. He's got a heart of gold.
To be fair, I wanted him to wear it, but he was stubborn like a mule.
"You deserve to be the big man after all the work you put in" is what he said, but he was the one that was really looking forward to it...
Makes my eyes well up!
Whoops, sorry for dragging down the mood. Better get changed.
If you're free, why don't you come to the party too?


The kids just got a bunch of presents!
Their eyes were so big as they showed me all the things they got.
Just looking at all their happy faces was enough to make even me jump for joy! Ahaha!
Just think, when I was a kid, I used to get presents from Santa too. Those were the days...
Huh? What exactly did Santa give me?
Let's see... The thing I loved best was the action figure that both me and Lancey had!
"Now's our chance! Follow the captain!" Come to think of it, nothing's changed all that much.
(Captain), what kind of presents did you get this year?
Come on! Show me!


Happy holidays!
The cake's just about ready—see, it's getting all nice and fluffy.
This reminds me of the time I baked a cake on a holy night like this, back when I was a kid. The cake just stayed flat in the oven the whole time...
I was sad my grandma wouldn't be receiving any presents from Santa so I'd baked the cake for her, but it didn't work out the way I'd wanted it to and I ended up crying.
But Grandma took that dry, crumbling cake and ate the whole thing, saying it was really good!
She's the sweetest, bestest grandma in all of the skies!
Whoops! Looks like the cake's done baking.
Heheh, looks good, huh? Look forward to having it at the party!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Knight's Eventful Night

Vane is visiting a town in a small kingdom on behalf of Feendrache. He runs into Wulf, Renie, and the crew, who are there to hand out candy as requested by the town's mayor. A pair of trick-or-treaters mistake Vane's werewolf costume for a dog costume, and then tell him about strange sounds coming from an old well dubbed the Wailing Well. When Vane investigates the well, a ghost boy suddenly pops out.

Vane: Boy, everyone's going all out with the costumes! Good thing I didn't skimp on mine!
Vane is visiting a small kingdom with close ties to Feendrache. He's on official business representing the White Knights.
This particular kingdom had suffered extensive damage when a horde of monsters swept through the land. Its leaders had petitioned their neighbors for aid.
Feendrache responded by dispatching a small task force. Today, Vice-Captain Vane has come to get a report on the restoration efforts.
Vane: (The last time I came here, they couldn't do Halloween because of how damaged the town was. Now look at this place.)
Vane: (At the assessment meeting, the leaders said they didn't need anymore relief, so it looks like we can probably withdraw our aid workers.)
Vane: Perfect! With that off my mind, I can take the mayor's advice and enjoy this Halloween night without worry!
Clutching a basket full of homemade cookies in one arm, Vane takes to the streets, his teeth gleaming in the moonlight.
Costumed Man: ...
Vane: Hey, that person has a werewolf costume just like me! Think I'll go strike up a conversation.
Vane: Happy Halloween! I just had to come over and tell you how impressive your costume looks!
Wulf: Hm?
Vane: Whoa! I know you!
Lyria: Vane?
Vane: Lyria? Vyrn? (Captain)? What are you guys doing here?
Vyrn: We're on a job. Wasn't expectin' to see you here. We thought you were still in Feendrache!
(Captain) tells Vane that the mayor of this town wanted to throw a celebration to commemorate the successful restoration efforts.
Thinking that a citizens-only event would be too modest, the mayor decided to open it up to people from outside the kingdom.
Vane: So they contacted the crew.
Lyria: That's right! We've done fun events for other towns before.
Lyria: The mayor heard about it, and asked us to walk around in costumes to get people in the spirit.
Vane: Heh, how about that? That's a nice reputation you've built for yourselves!
Vane: Are Wulf and Renie helping out as well? Glad to see you two again!
Wulf: Yes. Renie and I were already helping the crew with a previous job.
Wulf: When we heard that costumes were needed for this one, we figured it made sense to come along too.
Renie: ...
Wulf is a werewolf—a rare race of humanoids. He seldom interacts with the general public in an effort to avoid needless conflict.
Vane had met Wulf and Renie during a private end-of-year party aboard the Grandcypher.
Although the knight didn't have the chance to get to know the pair well, he did learn a bit about their past.
Vane: Yeah, makes sense. Since most everyone's in costume, Halloween's the perfect cover to get out and experience the world!
Vane: Renie, are you dressed up like a werewolf too? Those big, fluffy ears look cute on you!
Renie: Uh-huh.
Wulf: Renie...
Renie: ...
Wulf: I'm sorry. I kind of dragged her along tonight...
Renie: I don't mind going outside. Plus I got the candy I wanted out of it.
Renie: The mayor says our job is to hand out treats to the townspeople; this guy isn't one of them.
Wulf: That's true, but...
Vane: Wahaha! Then I'm only getting in your way by yakking it up.
Vane: Which reminds me, I was so busy talking that I forgot to give out my treats!
Vane: All right, you guys! Take as many as you want! I've got tons!
Lyria: Yay! I love your cookies! Yum!
Wulf: Thank you. Go on, Renie.
Renie: If it's free...
Costumed Kid 1: Yo! That's a sick werewolf costume!
Costumed Kid 2: It looks so real! Can I pet you?
Wulf: Sure.
Wulf is quickly swarmed by the curious trick-or-treaters.
Costumed Kid 2: Hey, your costume's real cute too! Didja make it yourself?
Renie: Yeah, sorta...
Renie: (What else am I supposed to say? This is so annoying...)
Vane: Happy Halloween, kiddos! Everyone likes cookies, right?
Costumed Kid 2: Ooh, they look yummy! I want some!
Renie: ...
Wulf: Renie, I have to go hand out the candy we got from the mayor. Can you stay with Lyria and the others?
Renie: Fine.
Costumed Kid 1: This cookie is friggin' awesome! Can I get another?
Vane: Of course! Pig out!
Costumed Kid 2: I like how they're shaped like bones. Thanks, Poochie!
Vane: Er... Poochie?
Wulf: No, this man is a—
Costumed Kid 1: Ya bake these yourself, Poochie? They're better than my mom's!
Costumed Kid 2: You're really good at baking! Good boy, Poochie!
Vane: Um, okay... Love the cookie comments, but let's get one thing straight. I'm not a dog; I'm a werewolf!
Vyrn: Wait, really?
Vane: Huh? Come on, Vyrn, you don't think I look like a werewolf either?
Renie: I'm not seeing it.
Vane: Oof...
Costumed Kid 2: I mean, the big person next to you? That's what I call a werewolf. But you're not scary at all!
Vane: It's kinda hard to beat Wulf in authenticity...
Costumed Kid 1: Shake, Poochie!
Vane: Woof!
Vane: Hey, wait a minute!
Costumed Kid 1: He did it! He really is a dog!
Costumed Kid 2: Ahahaha! Poochie! Poochie!
Vane: I said I'm not a dog! You kids hear me?
Wulf: Sorry. This is my fault.
Vane: Nah, it's definitely not your fault.
Vane: Sigh... Still kinda hurts though.
  1. I knew you were a werewolf.
  2. Cheer up, Poochie.

Choose: I knew you were a werewolf.
Vane: Thanks, (Captain)! You're the greatest!
Vane: Oh well. Doesn't matter what they think I am. As long as the kids are having a good time, that's all that matters!

Choose: Cheer up, Poochie.
Vane: Haven't I suffered enough, (Captain)?
Vane: Oh well, it is what it is. Poochie or not, I'm here to make kids smile.
Continue 1
Renie: Sigh...
Lyria: Renie, aren't you going to try Vane's cookies? They're really good, you know!
Renie: Yeah, I will. I didn't wanna keep holding onto it all night anyway.
The young girl quietly takes a bite.
Renie: Oh...
Wulf: Tasty, isn't it?
Renie: Not bad...
Costumed Kid 2: Hey, get down from there. That's dangerous.
Costumed Kid 1: I just wanna peek inside! Stay out here if you're chicken.
Vane: Hm?
Vane is alerted to the two trick-or-treaters from earlier, one of whom is now trying to climb into a well.
Vane: Oh no! I have to stop that kid!
Vane: Stop! Stay out of that well!
Costumed Kid 1: It's that dog again! What's the big deal? This chain is strong enough to hold me.
Vane: No way. It's a long drop, and if any gas has collected down there, it's not gonna be pretty for you!
Costumed Kid 1: You think so?
Vane: I know so! Here, grab my hand. I'll get you down safely.
The child takes Vane's hand and is lifted away from the mouth of danger.
Vane: There we go. You're a good kid for listening to me. But why were you trying to climb inside?
Costumed Kid 1: To solve the mystery of the Wailing Well.
Vane: Wailing Well?
Costumed Kid 2: This old well right here. Sometimes there's a creepy "boooo" coming from it. Betcha anything it's a ghost!
Costumed Kid 1: Ghost, schmost! Ghosts aren't real. It's just the wind!
Vane: I see. So you wanted to get to the bottom of the well to get to the bottom of this mysterious sound.
Vane: Got it! Leave this one to me! I'll put on my detective hat!
Costumed Kid 2: Are you sure? Aren't you scared, Poochie?
Vane: Nope, not me! Because I'm an adult!
Vane: Can you do me a favor and wait over there? You know, in case there is a pack of ghouls or whatever and they decide to start trouble?
Costumed Kid 1: I'm telling ya there's no such thing!
Vane: You're probably right, but your friend is shaking. I need you to protect her, okay?
Costumed Kid 1: Tch, fine. Let's get outta here.
After making sure the kids have gone somewhere safe, Vane breathes a sigh of relief.
Vane: Phew, it's a good thing I heard them. That could've gone bad real fast.
Vyrn: For sure. But are you really gonna go ghost-hunting?
Vane: Better safe than sorry. Rumors usually have a grain of truth to them.
Vane: Monsters have been known to cause these types of misunderstandings, and if it does turn out to be monsters, they need to be exterminated.
Lyria: Yeah, it would be too dangerous to ignore them.
Vane: Right? I was sent here to do a job, and I don't feel good about returning to Feendrache before tying up any loose ends.
Mysterious Wail: Boooo...
Vane: Huh?
Mysterious Wail: Boooo!
Ghost Boy: Booooooo!
Vane: Gh—
Vane: Ghoooost!
A boy suddenly pops out from the old well in all his translucent glory.
Will this Halloween haunt Vane for the rest of his life?

Phantastic Trickery

Decades ago, a boy perished inside the old well and became a ghost. The ghost boy wants to see Mama again, the woman who cared for him at the orphanage. Vane agrees to help, but Renie objects, concerned that news of the ghost may cast suspicion on Wulf's true identity. They compromise: as long as the boy remains disguised in costume, he can go see Mama. The boy has an idea for the perfect costume.

Ghost Boy: Booooooo!
Vane: Gh-ghoooost!
Vane was about to investigate an old well, which some locals have dubbed the Wailing Well due to the strange sounds coming from within.
But before he could do so, the appearance of a ghostly apparition causes him to scream bloody murder.
Lyria: Eeek!
Vane: Aaaah! Wh-what do we do!
Ghost Boy: ...
Renie: Be quiet.
Wulf: You're not frightened, Renie?
Renie: Of what? I mean, yeah, it's a ghost, but it's also just a kid.
Lyria: Huh? Oh, you're right...
Vane: Sigh... And I'm supposed to be the levelheaded one here...
Vane: On second glance, he doesn't look hostile or threatening in the slightest. Pull yourself together, man...
Vane seems to be trying to convince himself more than anything. He slaps both his cheeks and faces the ghost boy again.
Ghost Boy: ...
Vane: Um... Sorry I acted so scared of you! You just wanted some company on Halloween, so you pulled that funny prank on us, right?
Ghost Boy: Erm, not really... I made a mistake.
Vane: What mistake?
Ghost Boy: I try to scare everyone away from the well.
Ghost Boy: But you're an adult, and adults don't go around hiding inside wells as a joke. So my boo wasn't meant for you.
Vane: I don't understand...
On a fateful Halloween some decades ago, the boy had crept into the well, hoping to scare his friends.
Unfortunately he tripped over a bucket and fell to his demise. Thus began his phantasmic tenure.
Vane: I'm sorry to hear that. That's a tough way to go...
Ghost Boy: Meh, it's my fault for not listening to Mama when she told me not to play in the well.
Ghost Boy: But I'm not the only one who has trouble following rules. Like that boy that was just here.
Vane: Which is why you're trying so hard to keep other kids away from danger. That's so responsible of you!
Vane: (And that solves the mystery of the Wailing Well.)
Vane: (But ironically his wails are having the opposite effect of attracting unwanted attention. I need to stop this somehow.)
Vane: Say, isn't it lonely staying in this well all the time?
Ghost Boy: Yeah, I'm pretty lonely. I don't know what I can do about it though...
Ghost Boy: I know I'm not supposed to stay here, but...
Vyrn: Hm... I wonder if the reason why you can't find peace is because of something you regret?
Ghost Boy: Maybe? Yeah, maybe...
Vane: Why don't you tell me about it? I might be able help.
Ghost Boy: ...
The boy considers this for a moment, rubbing his elbow all the while. Finally he answers softly.
Ghost Boy: I want to see Mama.
Ghost Boy: Well, she's not my real mom, but she was like a mom to me at the orphanage.
Ghost Boy: Even if it's only for one last time, I want to see her and talk to her.
Vane: I see. You love Mama, don't you?
Ghost Boy: Yeah!
Ghost Boy: But I can't visit her as a ghost. She'd totally freak.
Ghost Boy: Just like you did...
Vane: Ah, yeah. That was my bad.
Vane: But if I explain everything to her beforehand, I think she can handle it. You are important to her after all.
Ghost Boy: Really? Mama won't be afraid of me?
Vane: I'm sure of it! So why don't we go see—
Renie: You can't.
Wulf: Renie?
Renie, who has been listening without a word, suddenly interjects.
Renie: Those two costumed kids know you were hanging around with me and Wulf.
Renie: If they see you walking around with a ghost, they're gonna think we're friends with the ghost too.
Renie: And the more attention we get, the sooner they'll find out what Wulf really is.
Wulf: That is possible...
Vane: I understand your concerns, but at the same time, I can't abandon this kid either...
Lyria: Mm-hm. It would be nice if we could help him move on to the ghost world.
Wulf: ...
Wulf: So as long as no one discovers he's a ghost, it shouldn't be a problem for him to meet Mama, yes?
Renie: Wulf?
Wulf: It's Halloween. No one's bat an eye that I'm a werewolf because they have no reason to suspect a thing.
Wulf: We can use that to our advantage with this child.
Vane: Of course! We just have to find the perfect costume!
Lyria: Then no one will know he's a real ghost!
Vyrn: Hold on. If we hide his identity, doesn't that mean we have to keep it a secret from Mama too?
Ghost Boy: That's okay. Just being able to talk to her again will be worth it.
Ghost Boy: Every year the orphanage does this costume party, and all the neighborhood kids are invited to come play.
Ghost Boy: It'll be so easy for me to blend in if I have a costume. Please let me see Mama again!
Vane: Gotcha!
Vane: Tell you what, Renie. If I guarantee his identity stays hidden, will it be okay for him to meet Mama?
Vane: He's been alone all this time, and I can't bear to let that go on for another second longer. So what do you say?
Renie: Fine, but you have to promise to keep it a secret.
Vane: Thanks, Renie!
Renie: ...
Wulf: Do you want to go back to the airship?
Renie: Yeah.
Lyria: Okay. Thank you for helping us with the job request, Renie!
Vyrn: We'll hand out the rest of your treats for ya, if you still have any left.
Wulf: Sorry for the trouble. And thanks.
Wulf hands his basket of treats to (Captain), then picks up Renie and leaves.
Vane: (She must have been uncomfortable the whole time. Thanks for humoring me, Renie.)
Vyrn: Now what about the costume? There's no time to make a new one.
Vane: Good question. Maybe we could buy something that completely hides his face.
Ghost Boy: Um, why don't I just put that on?
The boy points to something lying in the street.
Vane: Guh... That's—
Vyrn: Perfect, don'tcha think? C'mon, let's try it on!
Vane: Wait! You guys!
Vane: Sigh... Guess we're really doing this...
(Captain) and the others are excited to make the ghost boy's dream come true.

Phantastic Trickery: Scene 2

Wearing a jack-o'-lantern over his head, the ghost boy and Vane head to a costume party at the orphanage. Along the way, Vane reminisces about the important people in his life. Once at the party, Vane and the boy perform an astounding magic trick that skyrockets the boy's popularity among the kids. The woman whom the boy calls Mama, now the orphanage director, is happy for him.

Vyrn: Done changin'? Come out and show us!
Ghost Boy's Voice: O-okay...
Ghost Boy: How do I look?
Lyria: Great! There's nothing ghostly about you at all!
Vyrn: Wearin' one of the jack-o'-lanterns is genius! It totally goes with Halloween!
Vane: Ulp...
  1. Something wrong?
  2. Are you anti-pumpkin?

Choose: Something wrong?
Vane: No, just a little too similar to a costume Lancey wore a long time ago...

Choose: Are you anti-pumpkin?
Vane: Not when it's in food-form. Monster-form though...
Continue 1
Vane: Never mind, it's fine! When I was a kid, me and Granny baked a pumpkin monster into a cake and gobbled it up!
Ghost Boy: You... baked and ate it?
Vane: Wahahaha! It's a long story!
Vane: Anyhoo, now that you've got the perfect costume, let's go say hello to Mama.
Vane: By the way, you said the accident happened decades ago. Is she even still at the orphanage?
Ghost Boy: I think so. I hear people say her name sometimes.
Vane: Okay. We'll deal with it later if she isn't!
Lyria: Uh-huh! Let's go!
Vane: I'd be happy to have you three come along, but aren't you still in the middle of a job request?
Vane: With Wulf's share of candy added to yours, that's a lot of treats to give out.
Lyria: Oops! I almost forgot.
Vyrn: Oh yeah, we're supposed to be goin' around town spreading Halloween cheer and stuff.
Vane: Exactly! Considering how busy you guys are, you've already helped me a ton, especially with the costume stuff. So I'll take it from here!
Lyria: Oh, it was our pleasure! Problem-solving was fun for us too!
Vyrn: Too bad we can't stick around, but it's back to work for us. Don't let the ghost outta the bag!
Vane: I won't! See you back at the ship when this is all over!
Vane and the ghost boy split off from the crew and head for the orphanage.
Vane: So what's Mama like?
Ghost Boy: Hm... She laughs a lot. Whenever I tell her about my day, she always listens with a smile!
Vane: Aw, she sounds super nice! I hope you two get to talk about a lot of stuff!
Ghost Boy: But if I talk too much, she might figure out who I am. What do I say if she asks me my name?
Vane: Good point. We ought to give you a fake name.
Vane: (Hm, I just realized his friends have all grown-up and left the orphanage. The current kids might not talk to him...)
Vane: You know what? I just got a great idea!
Ghost Boy: What is it?
Vane crouches down next to the boy and whispers into his ear.
Ghost Boy: My new name is... Pumpkin Man?
Vane: A bit on the nose, I know, but we're not trying to win a naming contest here.
Vane: As for the plan I just told you, think you can do it?
Ghost Boy: Doesn't sound too hard. Yeah, I think I can!
Vane: Awesome! If all goes well, you'll be the life of the party! The one and only Pumpkin Man, Miracle Worker!
Ghost Boy: Ee-hee-hee!
Ghost Boy: Hey, can I ask you something? Why're you helping me so much? We barely even know each other.
Vane: I guess I don't really have a reason per se...
Vane: But if there's someone waiting for you at home, you should go back to them.
Ghost Boy: Huh?
Vane: See, my parents passed away when I was young.
Vane: Before they died, I'd always tell them about the adventures I had with my friends that day.
Vane: But once they were gone, I couldn't do that anymore. I felt so lonely.
Ghost Boy: I see...
Vane: Thankfully my grandma was still there for me. She made sure my mom and dad heard what I had to say.
Vane: I owe Granny so much for getting me through those tough times! She reminded me that I wasn't alone.
Ghost Boy: Not alone...
Vane: Someone was waiting for me at home. The stories I wanted to tell—whether they were funny, sad, or boring—someone was there to smile and listen.
Vane: I'm grateful for having had something as simple as that, and I cherish those memories every day.
Vane: You know what I mean, don't you? That's why I wanted to bring you to Mama, who's waiting at home.
Ghost Boy: So that's what you meant. Okay.
Ghost Boy: Hey, you're a real nice guy.
Vane: Oh? You think so?
Ghost Boy: For sure. Just like Mama!
Vane: Haha, that's the best compliment I could ever receive!
The pair finally arrive at the orphanage where the costume party is in full swing.
Orphan 1: Welcome to our costume party! Can the chaperone please put down your names?
Vane: You two helping out? That's a very mature job!
Orphan 2: Yep! It's hard for Ms. M to do everything by herself!
The party is a rowdy affair, with kids from both the neighborhood and orphanage in attendance.
While Vane writes down their names, the ghost boy looks around, trying to find Mama.
Ghost Boy: (Hm... Where is she? I wanna see her again...)
Orphange Director: Happy Halloween. That's a really cool costume.
Orphange Director: Is this your first time to our party? I'm the orphanage director, but please call me Ms. M.
Ghost Boy: The director's an old lady?
Ghost Boy: (That's weird. I remember the director was a guy.)
Ghost Boy: (Then again, it's been years now. So maybe they changed directors?)
Ghost Boy: (Wait a minute... Mama should be pretty old by now too... Gasp!)
Orphange Director: ...?
The boy stares intently at the elderly woman, his hands unknowingly rising to his mouth.
Ghost Boy: (Mama? Is that you? Did you become the new director?)
Orphange Director: Oh dear, is there something on my face?
Ghost Boy: N-nope! There's nothing on your face!
Orphange Director: Haha... Here, have some candy. Y'all enjoy the party now.
Ghost Boy: Okay...
The director gives a soft smile before heading off to greet other children.
Ghost Boy: (She's right there, but...)
Vane: Psst, was that Mama?
Ghost Boy: Yeah. But what now? How do I talk to her?
Vane: Don't worry! We've got a plan, remember?
Vane has smuggled an object into the party. He walks over to a table, lifts up the table cloth, and sticks the object underneath.
Vane: That should do it. Wait for my signal to make your grand entrance!
The boy nods nervously, and Vane strolls into the middle of the room.
Vane: Awoooo!
Orphan 1: Huh?
Vane: Raaawr! Ao-ao-awooo!
Vane: A full moon's rising! The scary beast has been awakened!
Vane: Is everyone having a good time? If not, Vanewolf will take care of that!
Vane: Grrr!
Orphan 2: Eeeek! There's a Vanewolf on the loose!
Orphan 1: Run for your lives! Don't let him eat you!
The children laugh in terror as Vane chases them around the room.
Vane: Gotcha! Nom, nom, nom!
Orphan 2: Ahahaha! That tickles!
Orphan 1: Take this! And that! Let her go!
Vane: Graagh! Your wolf punches are too powerful!
Orphan 2: Ahahaha! Huh? What's this?
Orphan 2: Oooh! I found a bone-shaped cookie in my pocket!
Orphan 1: Aw, I want one! Hey, Mr. Dog, can I have one too?
Vane: Woof! Bowwow!
Vane: No, no, no! I'm not a dog!
Orphan 1: Wahahaha!
As Vane teases the kids, he stealthily slips cookies into their pockets.
Soon all the little monsters have gathered excitedly around Vane.
Ghost Boy: (That's amazing! He's got everyone's attention!)
Vane: (That should be enough eyeballs. It's almost time for the big finale.)
Vane: Uh-oh... Sorry, everyone! I ran out of cookies!
Orphan 1: Awww! I wanted to eat more!
Vane: As the next best thing, I want to introduce you all to a good friend of mine.
Vane: Come on out, Pumpkin Man!
Ghost Boy: Okay!
Responding to his cue, the boy scampers over to Vane.
Vane: This is my pal, Pumpkin Man! Say hello to him.
Orphan 2: Oh... Hello...
Vane: Actually, Pumpkin Man has an awesome trick to show you! Isn't that right?
Ghost Boy: Right!
Vane retrieves a large sheet from the corner and drapes it over the boy.
Orphange Director: (My word... What is he going to do?)
Vane: Now keep your eyes peeled, or you just might miss it!
Vane: Three, two, one...
Orphange Director: Gasp!
Orphan 2: Whoa! He disappeared!
When Vane rips the sheets away, the only thing left is a pumpkin sitting on the floor.
The children look around wildly when suddenly a table begins to mysteriously clatter.
Ghost Boy: Happy Halloween!
The boy bursts forth from underneath the table carrying a basket full of treats.
Orphan 1: Cooool! How'd you do that!
Ghost Boy: It's... a secret!
Orphan 2: No fair! Tell us!
All the kids that had gathered around Vane now stream over to the boy.
Vane: (It's no surprise that a ghost can sneak around like... well, a ghost.)
Vane: (And since I stuck another pumpkin under the table, the trick worked like a charm!)
Ghost Boy: I've got the good stuff! Come and get it!
Orphan 2: Yay! Bone cookies!
Orphan 1: Thanks! I love these things!
Orphange Director: (Haha. Looks like that boy was able to make some friends, all thanks to the adorable Mr. Werewolf.)
The sight of the boy happily passing out cookies brings a smile to the orphanage director.
Ghost Boy: Here, Ma—I mean, Ms. M!
Orphange Director: Thank you, Pumpkin Man.
Ghost Boy: ...!
Vane: (Good for you, kid. Have a good time with Mama, and make your final party count!)
Reveling in his newfound popularity, the ghost boy is having the time of his afterlife.

Phantastic Trickery: Scene 3

The ghost boy's wish of meeting Mama for one last time has been fulfilled, and after leaving the party, his body dissipates into the darkness. Returning to the Grandcypher, Vane bakes fresh cookies for Wulf and Renie as thanks. The aroma attracts other crew members to the kitchen, and they throw an impromptu dessert potluck.

Orphange Director: Thank you, all, for joining our costume party. Please don't forget your belongings on your way out.
The guests get ready to leave, still buzzing about how fun the party was.
Orphange Director: By the way, Mr. Werewolf, thank you so much for entertaining the children.
Vane: It was my pleasure! I like playing with kids! I had a blast!
Ghost Boy: ...
Orphange Director: And as for your little friend, that was a fantastic magic trick! You're quite the trickster.
Ghost Boy: Y-yeah...
Ghost Boy: ...
Vane: You want to say you had fun, right?
Ghost Boy: R-right!
Ghost Boy: Um, I like pranking people a bunch on Halloween.
Ghost Boy: It was fun giving out cookies. Oh, and people liking my costume was great too. So... So yeah! I had lotsa fun!
Orphange Director: Aw, that's wonderful to hear.
Ghost Boy: I'm always by myself and feel left out. I didn't know how not to be lonely.
Ghost Boy: And then this nice guy here helped me become Pumpkin Man. That's why I got to come to this party!
Ghost Boy: I don't think I've ever had such a good time! I'm really glad I got to see you again,
Orphange Director: Mama?
Ghost Boy: Oops! Sorry! I saw that lady over there and misspoke!
Orphange Director: (Could this child be...)
Orphan 1: Hey, Pumpkin Man! I'm glad you came tonight! Let's play again sometime!
Orphan 2: What's your name? Do you live around here?
Ghost Boy: My name? Um...
Ghost Boy: My name is Pumpkin Man! I come from Pumpkin Island!
Orphan 1: Ahaha! What the heck? You're way too funny!
Ghost Boy: Ee-hee-hee.
Blushing, the boy rubs his elbow.
Orphange Director: (That elbow scratch... The way he laughs...)
Orphange Director: (Am I dreaming?)
The director stands in front of the boy and stares straight at him.
Orphange Director: Child... Is your name Ral—
Ghost Boy: Oh, gee, look at the time! I suddenly have to go back to Pumpkin Island!
Ghost Boy: Take care, you guys! See ya!
Vane: H-hey!
Vane: Sorry to run out like this, but I think we're done for tonight! The party was great!
Orphange Director: ...
Ghost Boy: Huff... Huff...
Ghost Boy: Sob...
Vane: ...
The boy has stopped in front of the old well, his shoulders trembling, tears streaming from his eyes.
Vane: It's painful not being able to tell the truth.
Ghost Boy: Mm-mm. It's okay. I promised the werewolf girl I wouldn't give myself away.
Ghost Boy: It's just that when I was talking with Mama, I felt a pain in my heart, and—
Vane: Uh-huh! Uh-huh! I know what you mean!
Tears welling in his eyes, Vane crouches down and wraps the boy in a big hug.
Vane: You're such a strong kid!
Ghost Boy: Mister? Why are you crying?
Vane: How can I not! Sniff... This is just...
Vane: Waaaah!
Ghost Boy: ...
Ghost Boy: Heh... Hahaha!
Vane: Huh?
Ghost Boy: Sorry, didn't mean to laugh. But for some reason, I don't feel like crying anymore after seeing you cry.
Vane: Sniff... How come?
Ghost Boy: I... I don't really know!
Ghost Boy: You're a strange guy, Mister. Your trick at the party made everyone laugh and smile.
Ghost Boy: And I was more popular tonight than I ever was when I was alive! It was all thanks to your plan!
Vane: When it comes to practical jokes, I prefer the ones that bring grins rather than scares.
Ghost Boy: Yeah, me too. The ones we can all laugh about are the best!
Vane releases the boy and then wipes his eyes with his sleeve.
Ghost Boy: Ah...
Vane: Time to move on, huh?
Ghost Boy: Looks like it...
Ghost Boy: Thanks for listening to my wish and helping me meet Mama again!
Ghost Boy: Bye-bye!
Vane: Anytime, little man. Bye-bye!
The boy's body dissolves into particles of light. With nothing left to support it, the pumpkin plops to the ground.
Orphange Director: E-excuse me! That child you were with—the one in the pumpkin costume. Where is he now?
Vane: ...
Vane: He just left. Back to where he should be.
Orphange Director: Is that so...
Vane offers the old woman the pumpkin. She takes it with quivering hands and wails uncontrollably.
Vane: I'm sorry I didn't say anything...
Orphange Director: It's all right. He was always such a little rascal. Talking with me without me even knowing it is just like him.
Orphange Director: His name was Pumpkin Man, from a far-off land. A master prankster with a laugh that melts your heart. For one night only, he was my... very important guest.
Vane: ...
Vane and the director stare off into the distance in remembrance of the boy.
Wulf: Is that you, Vane?
Vane: Sorry. I know it's late. I just came to tell you that the boy passed on safely.
Renie: Was his identity safe?
Vane: Yep! To everyone that met him tonight, he'll always be the elusive Pumpkin Man!
Vane: You two played a big part in giving him the best Halloween ever, so I brought you a small gift!
Vane hands Wulf a basket of handmade treats.
Vane: At first I thought about buying something from the store, but I had no idea what you like.
Vane: Then I remembered you saying you enjoyed my cookies, so I bet on those.
Wulf: Thanks for letting us know. Renie?
Renie: ...
Renie takes the basket from Wulf and plunks it back into Vane's hands.
Vane: Huh?
Renie: Wulf and I can't eat this amount. Might as well give it back.
Vane: Wahaha! Yeah, you're right! This is way too little!
Vane: There's still some flour and stuff leftover. Pretty sure I can whip up another batch in the galley! I'll be right back!
Renie: That's not what I meant...
Wulf: ...
Wulf: Freshly baked cookies sound delicious. Why don't we eat them together when they're done?
Renie: ...
Renie quietly nods, clutching at Wulf's pant leg.
After Vane delivers the fresh cookies to Wulf and Renie's room, he returns to the galley to clean up.
The enticing aroma lures in (Captain) and other members of the crew.
Since there are still so many cookies leftover, Vane declares an impromptu dessert potluck.
Everyone brings their favorite snacks, and the happy conversations stretch late into the night.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
ハッピーハロウィン~! Happy Halloween!
ウー、ワンワン!って間違えた! Woof! Bowwow! Argh, not again!
クッキーとキャンディーどっちを食べたいんだ? Cookies or candy? Which do you prefer?
アオーン!!ウォォオオオン!! Awooooo!
へへっ、俺のお菓子ウマいか? Hehe! I make some tasty desserts, don't I?
いつもと格好が違うとワクワクするよな! Always excited to see what people become today!
しっぽ触るか?モッフモフだぜ! Trying to touch my tail? It's real fluffy, you know!
(主人公)、ハロウィン楽しんでるか? Hey, (Captain). Enjoying your Halloween?
お菓子の作り方はおばあちゃんに習ったんだ Granny was the master chef who taught me how to make sweets.
(主人公)も一緒に遠吠えしようぜ! Come join me in a good howl session, (Captain)!
