Vikala (Summer)/Lore

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Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Um, (Captain)... Today is an auspicious day, so... Uhhh...
I... I'm sorry... I completely forgot what I was going to say...
I'm... really grateful that you and Lyria recognized me back at the Rat Temple...
No one ever had before... I wonder why that is... It's so weird...
But because you did, I'm a part of the crew now...
Thank you... for finding me...
Ah, I forgot the most important part! Happy birthday, (Captain)!


Your birthday parties are always such a grand affair.
Can you give me a second though? I've got something I'd like to say...
U-um, so... Happy birthday, (Captain).
I'm really g-glad I'm here for another year of celebrations.
You know, I never thought I was cut out to be one of the Divine Generals... I felt more like a rat hanging on for dear life.
B-but I think traveling with you has made me a little more confident.
So thank you. I never would've grown without you.
I figured it'd be better to tell you that as me—not as Vicky... Ehehe...


Oh, (Captain). I didn't know you were out here.
Um, are you going back inside? It is your birthday party after all.
Me? Yes, I'm heading over there too. S-so let's go back together...
Oh, but before we do, c-can I talk to you about something?
E-ever since I came aboard the Grandcypher, I got to celebrate your birthday every year.
It feels like... Um, sort of like... how a family would celebrate together.
I know firsthand that you can't really celebrate someone's birthday by yourself...
Th-that's why it'd fill me with joy if I could continue to wish you a happy birthday.
Um, I had to get that off my chest.
Please have a happy, happy birthday, (Captain).


U-um, (Captain)! H-h...
Happy birthday! H-here's your p-present!
I also w-wanted to say... thanks for always looking out f-for a failure of a Divine General like me...
I don't know wh-what I'd do without you... I know I need to try harder...
Even though e-every time I do, I just make things worse...
At the very least, I-I hope you can laugh a-at my mistakes and think I'm funny or something...
Ah, s-sorry, that's hoping for too much, isn't it?
I'll just stick t-to trying even harder from now on...


Um, (Captain)!
H-happy birthday!
I'm so happy for the opportunity to celebrate your birthday again...
Your birthday... Everyone's birthday... Even my birthday... It's always a special occasion.
I'm starting to get used to life on the ship, and I think it's changed a bit for the better...
I-I just want to thank you for inviting me into your crew, (Captain)...
I was thinking of things I could do for you to show my appreciation, and...
And there's not much I can do, but if you have any favors you'd like to ask of me, just let me know...
I-I'm here for you, (Captain)...

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year, (Captain)!
The party last night was a real blast! Man, hanging with a skyfaring crew is the best!
Hm? What's up with that face? A-haaa... I know what you're after. A little New Year's present, am I right?
How can I say no to those puppy-dog eyes? Here ya go! Your own rat-ear headband! Now you're a bona fide citizen of Utopia!
What? You wanna see me without my rat ears?
Wh-whaddya want something like that for? Nothing... nothing fun about that...
Anyway... Uh... Let's make it a good year, (Captain)...


Ahaha! Did I scare you?
Sorry, sorry! I saw you heading out and couldn't resist.
Happy New Year though! Looking forward to spending it with you!
Huh? I seem like I'm in a good mood?
Well, you're the first person I got to see this year!
It's a sign that the next few months are going to be good ones!
Where are you going, by the way? Early morning walk?
Let me tag along!
Haha! This month is already starting out strong.


Oh, (Captain)! G-good morning... Thanks for yesterday.
The Eccentrical Parade was a s-success with your help...
Are you ready to party? We're going to go all night long! But first, it's time to count down!
Three, two, one...
Happy New Year! Wahoo!
It was so m-much fun... But we stayed up so late, I'm still super sleepy...
I can't wait to spend... another year together...


Eep! (Captain)?
H-happy New Year...
I-I don't have my ears on yet... I'm still getting them ready.
Huh? My resolution for the year?
I guess... it'd be to scrape by without getting into trouble...
Hey, (Captain)! Happy New Year!
My New Year's resolution this time around is to make everyone in all the skies as happy as can be!
Huh? What do you mean by "scrape by without getting into trouble"?
Haha, I wonder who'd have such a depressing goal like that! Couldn't be me!
It's a brand new year! You have to aim big and chase your dreams!


Hey, (Captain)! Happy New Year!
You're an early riser! That's a good thing!
And I'm a super happy girl for being the first person you saw this year, (Captain)!
So have you decided on a New Year's resolution yet?
Hahah! Me? My resolution is to entertain everyone more than I did last year!
I know I make the same resolution every year, but it's really, really important to me!
But guess what? I also have a second resolution this year!
It's to become better friends with you than ever before!
Let's make this year count, (Captain)!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh, uh, hello there, (Captain)...
It's, um... You know what day it is, right? So...
I want you to... to...
To wait here a sec! I'll be right back!
Heya, thanks for waiting! Ready for your valentine? Then here ya go! Chocolaty goodness!
You're always looking out for me, so I thought this'd be a good chance to give you a token of my appreciation!
Oh, are you headed out somewhere? Look both ways before you cross the street, then! Later!
(Hurgh... That was harder than I thought...)


Okay... This year for sure... I'll give it to (Captain) as my true self!
Good day, (Captain). I hope this Valentine's celebration finds you well. Accordingly, I brought you a gift...
No, that's all wrong. There has to be a better, more Yangtopian way...
Wahey! What's good, (Captain)? I've got V-day chocolates for you!
Nuh-uh... Not happening.
Sigh... (Captain)! How long have you been standing there? D-did you s-see...
Ah... Um... V-Valentine's... Ch-choco... late...
H-here! Take it!
Since today's... V-Valen... You know... So... I made...
A-anyway, see you!


U-um, this is for you! I hope you d-don't mind!
T-today's the, um... Valentine's-iest day of the year so I wanted to get you something!
(What am I saying...)
It's not a-anything super special, so, um...
I'm not trying to fish for a White Day gift... and I'm definitely not trying to get any favors from you...
Promise, I've got no ulterior motives...
Pinky swear! I-it's perfectly safe...
A-anyway, I better get going!


(Oh, (Captain)'s alone on the deck... Talk about timing...)
(B-but I'm not ready yet... and I don't think I'll ever be... so I just have to get it over with.)
(Just need to act natural... and normal... That's not so hard, right?)
(N-no turning back!)
U-um, (Captain)... This is f-for you!
It's chocolate! Since, you know, it's Valentine's Day today...
And it's um... well... I don't mean anything by it, but... I also don't not mean anything by it?
J-just take it!
Anyway, see you l-later!
Pant... That was totally normal... right?


Um, (Captain)? Th-this is for you!
It's Valentine's chocolate... This is my way of saying thank you for all you do...
I'm definitely not doing this out of obligation...
Ah, wait, no! That doesn't mean I have feelings for... Ahem!
I-I'm just saying that there's no need to read too deeply into this... It doesn't necessarily mean our relationship has evolved or anything like that...
The important thing is...
I worked hard to make these, and I hope you like them!
Ahaha... There, I said it...

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

All right! Let's knock this mission outta the park! No matter what happens, (Captain), you can count on me!
Hm? What's this package?
A return gift for Valentine's Day? Is today... Wh-White Day?
Th-thank you! I didn't... I had no idea... you'd get me a gift in return...
Yeah, um! That was quite a surprise! Anyway, I guess I'll take this off your hands! Thanks!
Haha! White Day isn't half bad!


A g-gift for me?
I can't believe you got me something so nice... Th-thank you!
Before I joined your crew, I never celebrated Valentine's Day or White Day.
I always thought it was something only true Yangtopians could enjoy...
B-but now I know that was totally wrong! It's an amazing experience for anyone and everyone!
Thanks to you, I know how awesome it is to give and be given to!
Ehehe... Seriously, I'm glad I got to meet you...


H-hey... You're giving me a g-gift in return for Valentine's?
Oh gosh...
Thank you...
(Captain)! Appreciate the White Day present!
Haha, I figured I should give you a proper show of gratitude!
Want to eat this together? We can go outside and sit on the deck!
I'll even feed you, and you can feed me back!


Haha, yes! I got a present from (Captain)!
This is a return gift for Valentine's Day, right?
Thanks, (Captain)!
Just as the captain is about to leave as well, Vikala reappears.
U-um, s-sorry to bother you, but I opened the present...
A-are you sure you should give something so nice to someone like me?
Y-you got it especially for me? I'm sorry to make you go through the trouble...
You say you want to thank me, b-but I should be the one thanking you for all you do.
Really, I'm super thankful for your help, and your support, and everything...


Ooh! A White Day gift?
Hahah! Thanks, (Captain)!
I gave you something for Valentine's, and now I get something back for White Day...
This give-and-take relationship is a lot of fun! It makes me one happy rat!
As long as you're cool with it, (Captain), I hope we can continue to trade gifts for a long time to come!
Huh? You want to know exactly how long that'd be?
Hahah! What a silly question! How about "forever"?
After all, ending the tradition would just be sad! No reason to cut a happy thing short!

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Of course, I'm familiar with Halloween...
Kids get candy, and Yangtopians everywhere party it up...
Ah... I bet you're thinking I've never properly enjoyed Halloween, aren't you, (Captain)?
Don't underestimate me... I haven't been a complete stick in the mud...
After all, I always have my handmade rat-ears on...
They count as a costume... right? So I could party it up... if I felt like it...
(So there!)


Trick or treat! Better feed me or I'll eat you right up!
Haha! Did I scare you?
Are you heading into town? Mind if I join you then?
Thanks! I plan on spreading the good word of Utopia and showing everyone a fun time!
(All right... I invited myself along pretty smoothly, right?)
Let's go! Come on, come on! We're wasting time!


Hahaha! Did I make you jump, (Captain)?
That's Halloween for you! Just a small, harmless prank, wouldn't you agree?
Feel free to turn the tables on me today, (Captain)! Having fun is the name of the game!
Now let's go paint the town red! There's a bunch of candy with our names on them!
Vikala enthusiastically pulls the captain by the hand, which suddenly sends her tumbling forward.
Aaaah! N-noooo! Y-your hand! It... It...
Huh? It's a fake?
G-geez! Wh-who wouldn't be shocked by that?
I wasn't ready for you to get me back so quickly...
Well, that was a pretty good prank... So good in fact that maybe you can lay off for the rest of the day?


Haha, there are costumes and candies everywhere! Halloween's just the best!
Huh? I acted the exact opposite earlier?
Am I going out for Halloween? N-no, I think I'll stay on the ship...
Oh... You want me to come with you? If you're sure...
Did that happen? I already forgot! It's my policy to never reflect on the past!
Besides, it'd be a waste to stay cooped up for a celebration like this! Come on, (Captain)!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

It really is bustling today, isn't it, (Captain)?
This is my first time spending a holiday with friends, so I'm really looking forward to our party!
Hm? How did I celebrate before?
Hm... I think I just spent the night making the rat-ear headbands we sell at Utopia. I do those all by hand.
But while I was quietly working in my room, I'd listen to all the music and happy voices outside...
And I'd imagine how much fun they were having... And get jealous of all the merrymakers...
Whoa... Flashback city. Anyway, who cares what I was thinking about back then? It's in the past!
Let's get our shopping done and hurry back to the ship! Yep, that's what we should be doing, so chop-chop!


It's almost that time of year again... A special holy night for Yangtopia.
The feast is ready for the party... Cake and presents too. Just have to make sure I keep the good spirits up when it starts.
I've been looking forward to spending a fun time with (Captain).
Better get moving...
Ta-da! Happy holidays!
Come on, (Captain)! Hope you're ready to join me in Holytopia!
Tonight's party is going to blow you away!


Happy holidays! Welcome to the holy night special Eccentrical Parade!
Featuring the Grandcypher as today's stage!
Not my typical spot, but we'll definitely make it work! Let's get this show on the road!
Or... something like that. Wh-what do you think? Can I use the deck for a parade?
Ah... S-sorry, I don't mean to pressure you into it! Just forget I said anything...
Huh? You're fine with it?
Th-thank you so much... You're too kind, (Captain).
U-um... I'll do my best not to disappoint!
But maybe keep your expectations low...


(Someone please end meeee!)
(It's not like I planned to head home together with only (Captain) after the Eccentrical Parade finished...)
(Now we're surrounded by c-couples... I wonder if other people think we're a c-couple too?)
(I didn't ask for a holy night present like this...)
(Wait... I haven't said anything this whole time we've been walking... The captain must be super bored by now...)
(I have to strike up a conversation, but... what do I even say?)
(Probably something festive? But it's not like I know what people usually do for the holidays... I can barely handle a normal conversation besides...)
H-huh? You want to take the long way home? I-I don't mind, but...
You wanna see the town? O-oh! Yeah, that's a good idea since everything's all decorated...
(I'm happy to spend more time with (Captain), but... I still haven't figured out what to talk about! What do I doooo?)

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

On Yintopians

While the other Divine Generals are having fun in the sun, Vikala accidentally drops her mouse ears in a campfire. Scared and alone, she heads into town to procure materials in the hopes of making a new pair. She passes store after store until finally she gets the courage to enter a chic clothier. But before she can get a word in edgewise, she's mistaken for an employee and quickly left to her own devices. To add insult to injury, her first customer turns out to be a bandit.

Vikala: There's too many people... I feel sick... Ngh... I might hurl...
On a sunny market street, nestled somewhere next to Lake Spiegel on Groz Island, Vikala trudges along in her summer best.
Vikala: Why did I run away from (Captain) and the others... They were just being nice by inviting me...
Regret fills the young Divine General, her mind consumed with the events of just half an hour prior.
Kumbhira: Take that!
Vajra: Eeep! That's cold! You've done it now!
Two of the Divine Generals are playing in the lake. They've come to Groz Island with (Captain) and the others for a camping trip.
In contrast, the third attending general shuffles furtively away from the shoreline, hoping to escape the festivities.
Vikala: (I hope they don't see me...)
Lyria: Vikala? Where are you going?
Vikala: ...!
A small yelp escapes her throat as she turns around to find Lyria, Vyrn, and (Captain) smiling at her.
Vikala: Um, you see... Well, um...
Vikala: I, I accidentally dropped my mouse ears into a bonfire... So I made some new ones, but I mistook them for kindling, and they got burnt up too...
Vikala: Now I need to go get some supplies to make another-nother pair. I'm such a klutz...
Although the purpose of this camping trip was to hold the Divine Generals Assembly, Vikala has met with unexpected tragedy on the first day.
With her mouse ears incinerated, she can no longer become the outgoing Vicky to get through the event.
Lyria: I'm sorry to hear that...
Vyrn: Will you be okay alone? We could back you up, you know?
Vikala: N-no, I'll be fine...
Vikala: Goodbye for now! S-see you later!
Vikala: Sigh... I know there's no use regretting my decisions now, but...
Vikala: (I made the choice that left me by myself. I can't do anything by myself...)
Vikala: (But I'm not such a fun person... And this way I won't cause anyone trouble...)
Vikala: Yep, being alone is best... Sigh...
Vikala: (Oh no... But what if something awful happens? Like a shopkeeper trying to talk to me! Wh-wh-what will I do!)
Vikala: (Wait, no... I've grown so much as a Divine General... I, I should be able to handle myself! Right?)
Vikala: (I, I showed up for the Divine General Assembly, didn't I?)
Vikala: (That's more than I could do before... So, so I can definitely handle small talk!)
Mind racing with anxiety, Vikala comes to a halt in front of a vibrant storefront. Her mouth drops agape as she stares into its windows.
Inside, fancy clothing and accessories adorn the racks while varied fabrics hang from the walls. A clothier.
Vikala: What a nice store... Of course it would be—It's for tourists. It should have everything I need though.
Vikala: But only a Yangtopian could shop here. I need a smaller store, maybe one with no people in it...
The positive energy radiating from the store is too much for Vikala, who turns on heel to continue wandering the market street.
Vikala: (All of these stores are just like the first one! Someone around here ought to know a smaller place. But I can't just walk up to a stranger...)
Vikala: (And the longer this takes, the more time I'm spending away from the lake. Why did I even wear this swimsuit? Ngh, this blues me out...)
After a failed survey of the entire street, she decides to head back to the original store but hesitates to enter. She paces back and forth in front of the door.
Vikala: (What to do, what to do... I have to go in, don't I? But this store is way too bright...)
Vikala: (Th-there's no way anyone would talk to me, right? I'll just make a quick purchase and get out.)
Vikala: (Ahh!)
Shopkeeper: Finally decided to come in? You're from the next shift, right?
Vikala: (Accosted before I've even seen any fabric! Okay, think... You need to answer her...)
Shopkeeper: What were you doing spacing out in front of the shop? Staff entrance is in the back, you know.
Vikala: (Eep! A Yangtopian going full yang... Oops, I forgot to listen to her... What did she just say?)
Shopkeeper: Look, I hate to do this to you, but I need to get out of here quick today. Can you handle the shop for me? Thanks, love!
Vikala: Huh? Love?
Shopkeeper: Boss says she'll come back at night to relieve you. It's been a slow day so far, though, so I'm sure you'll manage!
Vikala: But, but...
After the sales associate finishes her one-sided conversation, she scampers out the door, leaving Vikala stunned.
Vikala: ...
She looks around the store, questioning whether she had just been left alone with an entire room full of merchandise.
Then, as she replays the woman's words inside her head, it dawns on her.
Vikala: (Wait... Did she really think I work here?)
Vikala: (Oh no, oh no... This is way too much responsibility...)
Vikala: (This is all my fault. I should've spoken up...)
Vikala: (What am I going to do now? I'm no good at customer service...)
Vikala: (Oh no, a shopper! I h-have to say something!)
Vikala: Weh... weh...
Vikala: Weeelcome!
???: Gimme all yer rupies!
Vikala: Gah!
The man reveals a gleaming knife from his shirt and points it directly at Vikala.
She curses her luck. What was supposed to be a challenge to complete a shopping trip has turned into something much trickier.

On Yangtopians

The bandit, struggling to open the store safe, refuses to believe that Vikala is a normal customer. Thus, when a normal customer walks in, he forces Vikala to attend to her shopping needs. However, the situation is far too social for the blued out Divine General to bear, and tears well up in her eyes.

Vikala has gone out shopping for materials to replace her rat ears, which she accidentally destroyed on the first day of the Divine Generals' camping trip.
But she was mistaken for a store clerk, and her first customer of the day has proven to be nothing more than a filthy bandit.
Bandit: I said gimme yer rupies!
Vikala: O-okay! I think I have some change...
She takes out her wallet and begins dumping its meager contents onto the counter.
Bandit: Are you freaking kidding me? Surely this store does more in sales than this!
Bandit: And why did you pull out your own wallet? I want the store's money, you dolt!
Vikala: But, but I don't work here...
Bandit: Of all the cheap lies! Didn't you welcome me into the store?
Vikala: That was, well... Um... How to explain? I thought I was responsible?
Bandit: Only an employee would feel responsible!
Vikala: We... We humbly apologize for the poor service?
Bandit: You're messing with me! Do you see this knife? I could cut you down right here and now!
Vikala: Eep...
Bandit: You wanna give up your life for this dumb store? Just hand over the money already!
Vikala: But I don't work here... I don't know where any money is...
Bandit: Seriously? You're still playing at that? Cut it out or I'll stab you for real!
Vikala: Oooh...
Bandit: Get it now? Give me that cash, and I'll be out of your hair.
Vikala: O-okay... But I really don't work here... I was just window-shopping...
Bandit: Then who does work here?
Vikala: She left.
Bandit: What! Who would let a customer take over the store?
Vikala: I'm just as confused as you are!
Bandit: Ah, forget it! I'll find the dough myself! You're as useless as a pimple on a primal!
Vikala: I'm sorry...
The bandit goes behind the counter and immediately finds what he's looking for.
Bandit: Well, looky-here! A safe! And it was super easy to find!
Bandit: Ah, damn... But it's bolted into the floor. Guess I'll have to pick the lock—shouldn't take too long, anyhow.
Vikala: Um, excuse me?
Bandit: What do you want! I'm a little busy over here!
Vikala: We have a customer...
Bandit: Huh?
When the bandit peeks his head over the counter, he finds a new face rummaging through the racks.
Terse Customer: ...
Bandit: Of all the luck! This store is in the middle of a highly professional robbery, and you let a customer waltz in! You are the worst employee I've ever seen!
Vikala: I didn't let her in... She just kind of came in...
Bandit: Don't act like she's a stray who just wandered in!
Bandit: If you had welcomed her properly, I would've known she was here! Now I've gotta deal with her too!
Vikala: B-but you got so mad when I welcomed you...
Bandit: That's because you keep doing employee things and then telling me you don't work here!
Vikala: I wasn't lying...
Bandit: Pft...
After some thought, the bandit whispers to Vikala.
Bandit: Listen up. You're going to go greet that customer and then get her to go home, got it?
Vikala: But, but I'm no good with people...
Bandit: Isn't that the whole point of your job!
Vikala: S-seriously, I don't work here...
The bandit is moments away from exploding in anger, but he manages to calm his nerves and regain his composure.
Bandit: Wow... You really don't work here, do you?
Vikala: I've been trying to tell you...
Bandit: What kind of establishment is this, damn it!
Vikala: I know... I'm so scared and confused...
Bandit: Look, we've come too far now. You're gonna do me a favor, and you do not wanna see what happens if you refuse. Capisce?
Bandit: You're gonna talk to that customer, find out what she wants, sell her some crap, and get her out of here.
Bandit: It'll be easy. But don't try anything funny.
Vikala: Talk to her? Ask her what she wants? Sell her something? And get her out? That's, like, four steps too many...
Bandit: It's easier than getting stabbed! Now get on with it!
Vikala: Wait! Can I choose the stabbing option instead?
Vikala's cries fall on deaf ears as the bandit shoves her out in front of the counter.

On Yangtopians: Scene 2

Vikala manages to get through the social encounter—but only by repeatedly asking the bandit for instructions. Fed up with her antics, the bandit pretends to be the store manager and serves the customer himself. Vikala tries again, following his example, but fails spectacularly. The bandit chides her and she blues out even harder, but somewhere deep down, her resolve as a Divine General begins to ignite.

The bandit is beside himself with anger at Vikala's uselessness. After an uneasy sigh, he takes it upon himself to instruct her.
Bandit: Let's see... If you're a waiter at a restaurant, and the customer gives you an order, what do you ask?
Bandit: "Would you like fries with that?" You've heard that before, right?
Bandit: Just do what you've seen all these customer service types do before. If this woman gets suspicious now, you'll royally mess up my gig.
Bandit: And if that happens, I'll have to take you both hostage to get out of here.
Vikala: H-hostages!
Bandit: If you don't want that to happen, you better get over there and distract that woman. I'll be busy with the safe.
Bandit: And let me just remind you: no funny business.
Vikala: Y-yes sir!
Vikala: Weh-welcome!
Terse Customer: Uh, thanks?
Vikala: ...
Terse Customer: Um, do you need something or...
Vikala: ...!
Vikala: Uh, um... What should I say to her?
Bandit: You idiot! You're supposed to say "Can I help you find something?" Don't freeze up! That's creepy!
Bandit: Or maybe try: "This is our latest fashion" or "This would look stunning on you."
Bandit: And then when she finally leaves, you've gotta say, "Thank you! Come again!"
Vikala: I-I see! I think I've got it!
Vikala: Can I h-help you find something?
Terse Customer: Do you carry this in medium?
Vikala: Um, if it's lying out already... Then, no? Probably...
Terse Customer: Probably?
Vikala: We probably don't not have it?
Terse Customer: So... you do carry it? Or not?
Vikala: Sorry, really... Hang on a second...
Vikala takes the article of clothing from the woman and returns to the bandit who is fiddling with the safe behind the counter.
Vikala: Um, hi again... Do we have this in medium?
Bandit: How would I know!
Vikala: Eep! S-sorry...
Terse Customer: Excuuuse me! Could you hurry it up, please?
Vikala: Oh no... What do I do?
Bandit: Holy cannoli, girl! Does somebody gotta tell you to do every little thing?
Vikala: Eep! I'm sorry... Sniff, sniff...
Sandwiched between a ruthless bandit, and, even worse, a terrible customer, Vikala has no place to retreat. Her eyes begin to well with tears.
Bandit: Don't cry!
Vikala: I...
Bandit: I said don't cry!
Vikala: But I...
Bandit: Ah, damn it! I'll do it myself. Watch and learn!
The bandit stops his safe-cracking and approaches the customer.
Bandit: Please excuse our poor service! Unfortunately for this particular item, we're all out of mediums.
Terse Customer: Oh, darn. So you're sold out completely? Do you have it in any other colors per chance?
Bandit: I'm afraid not. It's one of our most popular pieces and limited at that.
Terse Customer: I guess that happens. Too bad. Thanks anyway.
Bandit: Sorry again. Take your time browsing. I'll be in the back if you need anything.
The bandit slips away from the customer and returns to Vikala, who is attentively waiting at the counter.
Bandit: See? That wasn't so hard.
Vikala: W-wow... Have you thought of giving up crime? The service industry really suits you...
Bandit: No way! I wouldn't be who I am today without crime!
Bandit: Anyway, now that you've seen how it's done, you can handle her!
Vikala: I don't think I can... What if I say the wrong thing?
Bandit: Who gives a rat's ass? I'm going to open that safe, and you're going to shape up. Got it?
Vikala: O-okay... I have to open shapes... Got it...
Bandit: Ugh, how do I get through to you? Look, I'm counting on you. Seriously.
Vikala: O-okay...
Bandit: I've taught you everything I know! Now get out there and just do what you saw me do! Give her the customer service of her life!
Vikala: Yes, sir!
Vikala: (Just like the bandit did... Just like the bandit did...)
Terse Customer: Ah, I'd like one of these, please.
Vikala: R-right! Would you like fries with that?
Terse Customer: It comes with fries?
Bandit: N'argh! Clothiers don't sell fries!
Hearing Vikala's fumble, the bandit grumbles from behind the counter.
Vikala: S-sorry! Wrong job... Um, so one item only, correct?
Terse Customer: Hurry up. I need to change clothes. I spilled sauce on this shirt.
Terse Customer: Just look. A stain, right here. It's so embarrassing I could die right here and now!
Vikala: It looks stunning on you.
Terse Customer: What!
Bandit: Are you trying to insult her?
Bandit: Forgive us, madam! That was extremely unprofessional of our staff...
Terse Customer: It was. Now, can you finally ring me up, please?
Unnerved, a panicking Vikala picks up another article of clothing and holds it up to the woman.
Vikala: Th-this is our latest fashion!
Terse Customer: You tell me that now? You should ask before I'm ready to pay! Are you making fun of me?
Vikala: It would look stunning on you!
Terse Customer: What is wrong with you!
Bandit: Sorry, don't mind her!
Terse Customer: I've never had such poor service in my life! Do you have anything to say for yourself?
Vikala: Thank you. Please come again?
Terse Customer: Why, I never!
The woman, face red with fury, retreats from the store without buying a single item.
Bandit: You imbecile! You'll be the death of this store!
Vikala: Eeeep... S-sorry...
Bandit: When you're talking to a customer, just be normal! Anyone should be able to handle that!
Vikala: B-be normal! Like everyone else!
Bandit: Exactly! But you're trash who can't even sell a dumb blouse!
Vikala: I am trash!
Bandit: Argh, I'm getting back to cracking that safe! Go stand in the store's corner and feel sorry for yourself!
Vikala: ...
Chastised by the bandit, Vikala meanders to the store corner, just as she was told.
Vikala: (I'm garbage at this... Without my rat ears, I can't even pretend to be normal...)
Vikala: (Oooh... This is awful... I ruin things for everyone... I should go somewhere far, far away...)
Vikala: Ngh... Sniff, sniff...
The man's comments burrow deep into the recesses of Vikala's mind, confirming long-held suspicions of herself.
But in that moment, a light shines in her tear-stricken eyes.
Vikala: (Oh no... I'm a Divine General...)
Vikala: (If a Divine General can't even talk to a random shopper, how do I face actually important people?)
Vikala: (At this rate, I'll just sully the Divine Generals' reputation...)
Vikala: (Oooh, I have to stop bluing out so hard! I can pull through this!)

On Yangtopians: Scene 3

When the next patron enters the store, Vikala gives her all to attending them. The customer, amused by her clumsy but hardworking nature, buys a souvenir as a result of her effort. Impressed by her growth, the bandit offers her a final piece of customer service advice, which causes Vikala to rethink her philosophy on life.

Minutes after the disgruntled customer leaves, a fresh-faced man walks through the door.
Bandit: Curses... We forgot to lock the door. What's worse, I'm still not done with this damned safe. Oh well, duty calls.
The bandit's scowl melts into a soft smile as he greets the customer.
Bandit: Welcome, welcome! Can I help you find some—
Vikala: Weh-welcome!
Bandit: ...!
Bandit: Hey, I'm already on it!
Vikala: Can I help you find something!
Friendly Customer: I'm looking for a small gift. You guys carry anything like that?
Vikala: In, in, in that case, how about this?
Vikala: It's a box! I think...
Vikala sets the small box on the table and prods at it until it opens with a flourish and begins producing a melody.
Vikala: Eep! It was a music box...
Friendly Customer: So it was! Do you have anything else?
Vikala: Um... How about this thing sitting here?
Vikala: It's, uh... a broach? What is this picture... It looks like some kind of bug...
Illustrated on the broach is a bug spreading its wings, complete glasswork for its hindquarters to represent a shining light.
Friendly Customer: ...
Vikala: Sorry... I'm no good at explanations...
Friendly Customer: Hehe. Are you new here? I can see you're doing your best.
Vikala: You can?
Friendly Customer: Maybe your explanations were a little basic, but I knew what you wanted to say.
Friendly Customer: That bug is a firefly, by the way.
Vikala: A firefly?
Friendly Customer: Never heard of 'em? They're tiny little things that light up at night.
Friendly Customer: There's a campground nearby. Lots of them start twinkling near the creek.
Friendly Customer: My wife and I got engaged at that very spot actually. It was a sight to behold, let me tell ya!
Vikala: It sounds nice...
Friendly Customer: It was perfect. Actually, I will take that broach. It'll make the perfect gift.
Vikala: Huh? Th-th-thank you!
Vikala bows her head while the bandit stares from the counter.
Bandit: (Heh, the kid actually did it.)
Friendly Customer: Why don't you take a special someone to see the fireflies too? It really is an incredible scene. Might even create a nice memory or two!
Vikala: S-sounds good! Thank you for the suggestion! Please come again!
The customer, having had a happy shopping experience, nods cheerfully to Vikala before leaving.
Vikala: Mr. Bandit... Did I do a good job?
Bandit: Nope. You did the best job.
Bandit: But that was just the beginning. You're no pro yet. Customer service requires you to be flexible.
Vikala: Flexible! Got it!
Bandit: Do you? It's obvious you shouldn't leave your customers feeling weird with their experience.
Bandit: Which is why you also don't want to be too polite. That can be off-putting.
Bandit: It's important to maintain the right level of professionalism. Everyone wants to enjoy these little interactions without thinking about them too much.
Vikala: R-right! That makes sense! But how do you not think too much...
Bandit: Huh? More questions? Hmm... Let's see... Being present in the moment, maybe?
Vikala: Huh? Being present?
Bandit: That's right. Be mindful of what you're saying and how the other person is reacting. If you give off a relaxed, cheerful vibe, your conversation partner will follow suit.
Vikala: You make it sound so easy. I don't think I can... My head is always so full of stuff...
Bandit: Start by finding something about the other person that grabs your interest. That'll pull you into the real world and give you something to talk about.
Bandit: Then, just make that into a compliment or two, and bam: ice broken!
Vikala: ...!
Bandit: It's all about feeling. That man from before really felt you trying your hardest, so he was along for the ride.
Vikala: He felt that?
Vikala: (I've never thought about it... I'm not very much fun, so I always put up a wall around other people.)
Vikala: (It's so hard to be present... I'm not sure if I've ever lived in the moment...)
Vikala: (Maybe he's saying I have to start to enjoy myself? That way everyone else will enjoy being around me too?)
Vikala: Thank you, Mr. Bandit! I think I understand!
Vikala: (Yangtopians are always enjoying themselves... So having fun has got be a strong first step!)
Bandit: Don't mention it, kid.
Bandit: (Heh-heh. Look how far she's come in such a short time. Reminds me of myself.)
Thanks to the bandit's curious tutelage, Vikala is one step closer to learning the intricacies of a life well yanged.

On Yangtopians: Scene 4

After searching for Vikala for the entire afternoon, (Captain), Vyrn, Lyria, Kumbhira and Vajra stumble upon her working in a store side by side with a bandit. The surprised crewmembers detain the criminal when he tries to make a break for it, and they hand him over to the local guard. As he's carted away, he claims that his interaction with Vikala has made him turn over a new leaf. Likewise, Vikala swears she'll remember the lessons she learned from the bandit.

While Vikala is learning to deal with customers, the crew has split up to look for her.
Vajra, Kumbhira, Lyria, Vyrn, and (Captain) walk through the market street, hoping to find ear or tail of the mouse general.
Lyria: Look, that shop sells fabric and stuff.
Kumbhira: Vikala could have gone there to buy materials for her new rat ears, right?
Vyrn: Let's go check it out.
Vajra: I wish we at least knew which direction she went after she left the shop.
Dormouse: ...!
Vyrn: Huh? Dormouse is onto something. I think Vikala really was around here.
At the sentient mousetrap's signal, they enter the shop to look for clues.
Vikala: Weh-welcome...
Kumbhira: What the!
Vikala: Ah, it's you guys... Kumbhira, Vajra, welcome to the store...
Vyrn: What's going on here?
Vikala: Sorry... It's a long story, but I'm at work right now, so...
Kumbhira: Who gets a job in the middle of a camping trip!
Vajra: Wait, I thought you came here so you could find stuff to help Vicky come back out?
Vikala: Yeah, I did, but...
Bandit: ...
Vajra: Hm? Someone there?
Bandit: ...!
Vikala: Oh, that's Mr. Bandit...
Shocked Crew: A bandit!
Vikala: Um... Did you get the safe open?
Bandit: What's that? A safe? I don't know what you're talking about!
Vikala: Um, you told me to deal with customers while you opened the safe?
Vajra: What's going on here? Explain yourself!
Bandit: Ah, jig's up! All of you, back up!
Before the bandit can even draw his knife, Vajra has already snatched the blade between her index and middle fingers.
(Captain) follows up by grabbing the bandit by the armpits and flinging him across the room.
Bandit: Gwah!
Vajra: Now, tell us everything.
Bandit: Maybe crime doesn't pay...
(Captain) and the others call the local authorities and wait for their arrival.
In response to the commotion, a crowd forms in front of the store. Among the onlookers is the female customer from earlier.
Terse Customer: Everyone, listen up! The person who I thought was the store supervisor was actually a bandit!
Terse Customer: And, even crazier, the clerk was a Divine General! She made me feel weird on purpose so I wouldn't spend too much time in the store!
Terse Customer: She protected me from harm all while revealing this man's dastardly plot!
Although gravely incorrect, the woman's claim produces a raucous applause in the crowd, prompting Vikala to race to the bandit's side.
Vikala: Uh, um...
Bandit: Look kid, I'm sorry I got you into this mess...
Bandit: And sorry for calling you trash. You're not trash. And you'll do bigger and better things from here on out.
Vikala: I'll remember everything you ever taught me, Mr. Bandit!
Bandit: I'll clean up my act from now on too. In order to repent for my crimes, I think I'll get into hospitality.
Bandit: It's never a bad thing to surprise your detractors. You taught me that today.
Vikala: Then I'll come visit you! Wherever you end up!
Bandit: I'll be waiting for ya. I'll provide the best customer experience you've ever seen!
And with that, Vikala watches in silence as the bandit is carted away.
Vajra: Nice work, Vicky! Not only did you protect an innocent shopper, you converted a petty criminal in the process!
Kumbhira: Uhh... I don't think that's what really happened...
Vyrn: Yeah, we never really know what we're getting when it comes you, Vikala.
Vikala, noticeably lighter on her feet, turns to face (Captain) and the others.
Vikala: Um... Shall we head back to the lake?
Vikala: And, uh... Well, if we have time... I'd like to go see the fireflies!
Vikala: You see... I want to be present... With you, (Captain)! And everyone else too...
Vikala: I've always wanted to have fun with you guys! And now I know that!
Lyria: Then the feeling's mutual! Let's go!
With laughter echoing on the air, Vikala and the others return to the lake for the remainder of their camping trip.
While the Divine General has yet to fully grasp the secrets of Yangtopia, she has learned how to be a happier version of herself—all while avoiding catastrophe in the process.
And as for Mr. Bandit? His name will become known on islands far and wide for being the best hotelier the skies have ever seen.
But that's a story for a different time...

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
ドーちゃん、この水着、へ、変じゃない……? Dorrie, does this swimsuit look weird on me?
チーズ溶けてる……鬱い…… The cheese is melting... That blues me out...
強盗さん……元気にしてるかな……? I wonder how Mr. Bandit is doing?
(主人公)さん、あたし成長してますか……? (Captain), do you think I'm getting better?
ま、魔物はお帰りください……! Monsters? Um, let me go get my manager!
(主人公)さん……!見守っててください……! Um, (Captain)! Will you make sure I do it okay?
陽キャに一歩近づけた、かな……? I'm one step closer to being a Yangtopian...
ネズ耳がなくても……あ……やっぱり無理…… Even without my ears, I can—nope! I can't...
あ、この素材、ネズ耳に使えそう…… Oh, this fabric should work for new mouse ears...
ウェ、ウェーイ……(どやぁ……) W-wahey... (Phew... Nailed it.)
