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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 15
Height 155 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Looking at maps
Likes Adventures, going out, exercise
Dislikes Her parents, staying at home
Character Release
Character Release
燃えれば燃えるほど強くなる彼女にとって、夏の海はまさにうってつけの舞台。 イベント「ポーチャーズ・デイ」では主役として、自称・団長代理の名に 相応しい活躍を見せてくれますので、是非この期間中に楽しんでいただければと思います!
Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 15歳
Height 155cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 地図を眺めること
Likes 冒険、外出、運動
Dislikes 両親、家に閉じこもる事
Character Release
Character Release
燃えれば燃えるほど強くなる彼女にとって、夏の海はまさにうってつけの舞台。 イベント「ポーチャーズ・デイ」では主役として、自称・団長代理の名に 相応しい活躍を見せてくれますので、是非この期間中に楽しんでいただければと思います!
Source [1] [2]




  • Her full name is Carren Estapera.
  • She is a descendant of Eugen's second cousin.

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hap-py birth-day! Ahaha, did I freak you out?
It's Captain's special day, so we have to throw you a sweet party! C'mon, c'mon, stop acting all embarrassed!


Haaappy birthday! The star of the show is finally here!
Here you go, (Captain). Hope you like it!
I spent such a long time trying to figure out what to get you.
In the end I gave up and asked Eugen for help.
It's a treasure map of Phantagrande!
Apparently it points to something buried away decades ago, but who knows if someone's already dug it up.
I mean it still could be there though. Wanna go check it out?


Gee, I wonder what day it is today, (Captain)?
Ding-ding-ding! It's your birthday!
But before we get to the big feast, take a look over there real quick for me.
Hahaha, surprised? I had a pyrotechnician come in to rig everything up.
I mean, this day only comes once a year, right? Gotta kick it off with a bang!
Who needs rupies when I've got your smiles? Right, now let's make for the food!


Happy birthday, (Captain).
How about going with me for a walk today?
The town is so beautiful today, and there are lots of shops to see. Also, I'd like you to pick out your present.
Last year I had a pyrotechnician come and perform, but this year I want to get you something that lasts.
But I can't just ask you what you want. So I'd rather take you out and see what you react to most firsthand.
Hehe... I'm pretty sure I can handle walking, talking, and trying to spot what most catches your eye.
That's what four years of friendship can do!


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
You know, we've known each other for a while now. Is this the fifth time we've celebrated your birthday together?
Back when we first met, I wondered why the captain was someone so young.
But now that I've watched you up close on our travels, I feel like I understand.
It must be that big heart of yours. I can tell how much you care about each and every one of your crewmates.
That's why I've decided to become a skyfarer with a heart as big as the sea of Auguste!
Heheh! If you're not careful, I just might pass you up! I've still got a lot of growing to do!
Anyway, I'll do my best to make you proud, (Captain)!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Haaappy New Year!
What's my resolution? Hmm... To be a better acting captain!


Happy New Year, (Captain)! Let the New Year's monster hunting begin! I'm gonna kick some butt!
Don't look at me like that. Where's your sense of adventure?
An adventurer is not made in a day! They must explore, explore, and explore some more! There's no rest for the strong!
Do you feel me? Good! Let's get this year's aventure started!
Follow me, everyone, the stand-in captain!


What do I have planned for today? Let's see... All the missions are done, so pig out and be lazy I guess.
Maybe I'll take a walk at around sunset and find someplace high up to watch the town aglow.
Most people should be at home by then. All those lights make for an epic view.
Hehe, you wanna come with? Sure! Then let's meet in the lobby of the inn after dinner!


Captain! Are you free today?
I heard they were having a festival at a local shrine. Would you like to go check it out with me?
There might be something we can only see if we go! Let's not pass the opportunity up!
Oh? You wanna invite some of the others?
Okay. It'll be more fun that way. I'm liking the start of this new year!
I'm all pumped for whatever may come!


Sigh... This stinks.
Eugen told me to drop in to visit my family once in a while. Even though I just sent them a letter the other day...
Huh? I should spend time with them while I have the chance?
But (Captain)! Oh, um... Actually, you may be right. Sorry.
But... every time I see them, they go on about how I'm "inexperienced" and I "still have a long way to go" and such, and it kinda hurts.
Huh? You'll come with me to tell them I'm doing a great job? Really?
Then make sure to shower me with enough praise to shut them right up! That way I think I'll be able to handle going home!
Hehehe... I wonder what you'll compliment me on? I can't wait!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hmm? Your eyes tell me you're expecting something... but what? Is there something going on today?
Ahahaha, just kidding! Here ya go!
Guess I'd better give some to Eugen too... Hey! It's 'cuz he smoothed things over with my parents, all right?


Captain! Hehehe... Guess what this is!
Huh? Burnt toast? Now that's just rude!
Look, it's gateau au chocolat made with dark chocolate! Were you born yesterday, (Captain)?
Humph. I'm not gonna give you any if you keep complaining like that.
Hehe. I guess you've learned your lesson. Here. It's delicious, so I'd better not find a single crumb leftover!


There you are! Sorry for calling you out here like this.
It's that time of year again, so I made Valentine's chocolates!
Say, "Ah."
Why? Because just plopping them in your hand is boring. Get with the program. "Ah."
That's right. Open wide. Wider.
Mmph... Sorry, your face looks so irritated that it's funny.
Ahaha! I'm sorry! Don't get angry! Here, take 'em!


Thanks for waiting, (Captain)! Here's some chocolate just for you!
Ehehe... I'm revving to go this year.
Last year your present on White Day blew me out of the water! So this time, it's my turn...
Calculating? Me? Never! I'm not giving you something amazing to get something even better for White Day this year!
I'm just returning the favor! That's all!
Hehe... But if you did do something really cool for me, I wouldn't mind one bit.
Hahaha! Don't gimme that face! You better get thinking!


Today's Valentine's Day, right? I remembered! Here, these are for you!
Giving you chocolates has turned into a bit of a Valentine's tradition.
By staying with it every year, I've become a chocolate-making pro! Don't you agree?
But I also know I have a lot to be grateful to you for...
If I really want to express my thanks, I can't give you something I didn't put my heart into. That's why I worked really hard on these!
So go ahead—try one and tell me what you think! I can't wait to hear how much you like them!

White Chocolate Cake
2nd year: Sweetheart Fudge Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

What? You wanna give me something for White Day?
Aaah, it's no good! Now that it's my turn, I can't stop blushing!
Eugen gave me some sweets, saying they're in return for Valentine's Day. He looks tough on the outside, but he's really kind on the inside!


Why'd you call out me here, (Captain)?
Ooh, I love presents! What's this for? Oh yeah, because I gave you those chocolates for Valentine's Day.
Wow, this present is really nice too... Are you trying to tell me something, (Captain)? Heehee...
No, don't answer that. I'm sure my face is already red enough!
Hahaha, but thanks! I can't wait to dig in!


Calling me out after sundown... What's on your mind, (Captain)?
Huh? You're taking me on a speedship night cruise? Seriously?
Woo-hoo! Yeees! To be honest with you, I've always wanted to go, but the prices were a smidge too high.
I knew I made the right choice to follow you, (Captain)! Hehe.


(Captain), why do you look so down?
Oh... You didn't have enough time to get me a present...
I... might have put too much pressure on you. I'm sorry... Ahaha...
Um... Can I suggest something?
How about taking me to a restaurant that's just around the corner?
It's a little expensive though...
But that's okay, right? Come on. Let's go together.
Hehe! And we're off!


For me? Thanks!
Ohh, you know how to make chocolates too? Then let's see what you've got!
Whoa, these are delicious! Actually, they're even better than mine, and I was pretty proud of them! I can't stop eating!
I don't believe it! Did you really make these? They're incredible!
Grr... I can't let you show me up! I'll keep practicing, and next year I'll make you the best chocolates you've ever tasted!
Once I put my mind to something, I do it right! You can count on that!

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Trick or treat!
Tonight our crew plunders all the candy in town! Follow me to sweet glory!


Halloween rocks! I get all fired up just looking at everyone's costumes!
We're all going to be laughing when it starts raining candy!
I've missed out on a lot of fun things because I used to stay at home all the time.
I've never even been to a Halloween party before I met you guys.
Hehehe. That's why we need to head out right now! You're coming with me to get candy too,(Captain)!


Got it? Today's the day we find out how deep our bonds really go.
Who are we targeting? What's the most efficient way to hit each house? All of this has already been explained to you.
Everyone's costumes on? Candy-carriers know what they're doing?
Good! Okay, scary brigade! Operation Candy Raid is on! Let's roll out!


(Captain), could I ask you something? How do I get Eugen to let his guard down?
Whenever I set up a trick to get him, he sees right through it.
Like when I targeted him from behind with a water gun... He caught wind of it like that!
What? He can feel an enemy's presence and bloodlust? From all those years on the battlefield? Amazing...
What? You wanna borrow my water gun? Okay, but try to get Eugen with it!
Hey! You weren't supposed to come after me! I'm not Eugen!


All right! Time to head into town and plunder some candy!
If we all meet our quotas, we'll have enough to throw an epic candy party!
Hoard all you can so we'll be able to eat candy until our stomachs burst! That's an order from your acting captain!
Whoa! Your costume looks great, (Captain)! You're our ace in the hole, so get out there and make us proud!
Okay, let's move out!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Haaappy holidays! Hey, (Captain), let's party with the crew!
As acting captain, I made a reservation at a restaurant for us!


(Captain)! You know how good I've been this year?
How 'bout letting a goody-goody like me be captain for a while? You can make it my present!
Just leave everything to me! No one'll even know the difference!
No? Tch. Party pooper!


Heya, (Captain). Big party tonight, huh? While we wait...
Ta-da! Check out this fancy cake I bought!
Hehe, you and I are gonna pig out in luxury. Sometimes you gotta spoil yourself, you know?
Man, tonight can't come fast enough. It's gonna be the bomb!


Carren's Voice: Sure! Come right in!
Carren: (Captain), what's up? You want to go shopping for the party?
Okay. I'll get ready in a jiffy.
It's cold out, right? I'll need to apply some magic to my socks to keep them warm.
Don't call me a wussy! If I don't do this, I might get frost burn!
You know what! Don't make me say I won't go shopping with you!
Hehe. As long as you know.
All right, let's head out!


Look, (Captain)! See the ornaments sparkling on the tree? I made them!
Heh! Starting to see me in a new light? I have studied magic, you know. It's easy peasy making things like that!
(Hehehe! If I can keep winning people over, soon I'll be acting captain in name and reality...)
(I made a bunch of other ornaments too! I'll hang them all around the ship and show everyone what I can do!)
Wh-what's that, (Captain)? No, I'm not hiding anything at all! Let's enjoy the holidays with everyone, okay?
Okay, back to decorating! If you have time, feel free to lend a hand!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Longing for Adventure

One day, an energetic girl named Carren boards the Grandcypher. She says she's tired of her research as a mage and now wants to travel the world as a skyfarer. As one of her relatives, Eugen doesn't want to leave her behind, so he helps her join the crew.

One day after completing a mission, the crew boards the airship and is about to depart.
Rackam: Let's get going! I'll be in the engine room, so call me if you need anything.
But before Rackam can start up the airship...
Girl's Voice: Wait!
Eugen: What's with all the yelling? And who's this girl?
???: There's someone named Eugen in this crew, right?
Eugen: I'm Eugen, but why do you care?
???: For real? I'm Carren Estapera!
Eugen: Estapera? So that makes you one of my second cousin's kids?
Rackam: Hey, do you know this girl, Eugen?
Eugen: Based on her age, I think she might be either the daughter or granddaughter of a second cousin.
Eugen: So what do you want, Carren?
Carren: I actually have a favor I'd like to ask of you, Eugen...
With that, Carren tells the crew her life story.
Carren: I want to see the world! But my family wants me to take over the family business...
Carren: You see, I come from a long line of mages, but I feel like I've been doing nothing but research forever.
Eugen: I see. So you're sick of being cooped up all the time.
Carren: That's right! I'm more of the great-outdoors type, and that means I should be a skyfarer!
Carren: Actually, one of my uncles is a skyfarer! He uses an island as a base of operations, and I know I could do that!
Carren: Magical research is important and all, but getting out there to see the world is more important to me!
Carren: And I'm sure what I learn would aid my magical research as well. But my parents keep telling me it's too dangerous...
Rackam: I see... but they have a point about the dangers of being a skyfarer. We get into some bad situations.
Carren: No problem! Swordsmanship's a specialty of mine. With my sword and a little magic, I can take on four or five ruffians at once!
As she says this, a vivid red flame erupts from her unsheathed sword, coiling around the blade like a snake.
Rackam: Whoa... That's amazing...
Carren: I can take care of myself, I have what it takes to be a skyfarer, and I think I'm on the right track.
Carren: Just thinking of all the places I'll visit as a skyfarer is so exciting...
Carren: I'll complete missions, eat delicious foods from exotic islands, and maybe even buy some stylish clothes while I'm at it.
Rackam: Hold it, girl. You seem to be confusing our journey with sightseeing.
Rackam: Your parents are right to be opposed if you have an attitude like that.
Eugen: You're obviously not so good at listening to them though...
Eugen: But that's not my problem. Time for you to go home, Carren.
Carren: No way! I don't want to go back!
Eugen leaves the rest of the crew on the airship and drags Carren by the hand to her parents' house.
A little while later...
Carren: I'm back!
Rackam: But aren't you supposed to be at home?
Carren: That was the initial plan, but Eugen had a talk with my parents!
Carren: Good thing my parents know him! They ended up giving me permission to go on an adventure.
Eugen: Yeah, but only on the condition that I look after you.
Rackam: Hold it... Are you serious?
Eugen: I can't really help it. Looking at Carren reminds me of my own daughter's rebellious phase.
Eugen: And if I just let this tomboy do as she pleases, nothing good will come of it.
Carren: What? Eugen, did you say something?
Eugen: No, it's nothing really. Now why don't you introduce yourself to (Captain), our captain.
Eugen: Okay, Captain... Do you mind if I take Carren with us? I can't just let her go off on her own.
  1. Do what you have to do.
  2. Sure. She can start by swabbing the deck.

Choose: Do what you have to do.
Carren: Ha-ha! Yay! Nice to meet you, Captain!
Eugen: Hey, that went well. Sorry about everything, (Captain). I owe you one.

Choose: Sure. She can start by swabbing the deck.
Carren: What? You're going to make me clean all of a sudden, without so much as a welcome party?
Eugen: You should just be happy the captain accepted you! Now hop to it!
Continue 1
Carren: So you're the captain? But aren't you about the same age as me?
Carren: I expected the person in charge of Eugen's crew to be a bit more sinister!
Eugen: Hey! What do you mean by that?
Carren: Just look at yourself! An eye-patch, scary face, and muscles! You look like a boss of knaves, Eugen!
Eugen: Ugh!
Rackam: Ha-ha! Looks aside, the captain's more reliable than you might think!
Carren: But if you're a captain at that age... maybe it will be my turn one day soon!
Eugen: Hey now... It's a little soon for you to be saying that...
Carren: Yeah... That's right. Right now I should focus on being the acting captain!
Eugen: Good grief... You obviously don't get it.
Thus another member joins (Captain)'s crew.
Everyone's a little uneasy about the new girl calling herself the acting captain, but the Grandcypher lifts off nevertheless.

Duties as Acting Captain

Carren, while acting as the captain of the crew for a day, accepts a request from the Knickknack Shack. To retrieve some stolen goods for the client, the crew sets out to find a pirate's airship.

Carren joins (Captain) and company because she longs to become a skyfarer.
Hoping to eventually be a captain herself, she grabs (Captain)'s sleeve one day to pester her leader.
Eugen: What's going on? Why are you bugging the captain, Carren?
Carren: You're just in time, Eugen! Help me convince (Captain). I want to be the acting captain of the skyfarers!
Eugen: Huh? Why don't you spare the captain that nonsense for a change?
Carren: But it's not nonsense! Right, (Captain)? I'm pretty trustworthy, right?
Carren: Why not let me try it? Please! I can do missions too! I want to do captain things! Come on!
Eugen: Oh, for crying out loud... Hey, (Captain). She's obviously not gonna give up until you let her try it once.
  1. Fine. Let her do it.
  2. Carren can't handle it.

Choose: Fine. Let her do it.
Carren: Awesome! And don't worry, because you know how good I am! You can leave everything to me!

Choose: Carren can't handle it.
Carren: You don't know that until we try! Why in the world not? Let me try it! Let me, let me, let me!
Eugen: Good grief... She's not gonna back down until we agree.
Eugen: Hey, (Captain). Do you think you could let her try it just this once? Maybe she'll finally get how hard it is.
Continue 1
Carren: All right, everyone! As you now know, I've been appointed acting captain for a day!
Carren: And that means there's no time to lose! As the acting captain, I'll go get us a mission!
Eugen: It's all you, Captain. There she goes... I wonder if she can handle it?
Carren heads to the Knickknack Shack and picks up a mission right away.
Carren: And that's how I, as acting captain of this airship, accepted a mission for us.
Eugen: Not bad! So what kind of mission is it?
Carren: Well, the request was made by a merchant who had his merchandise stolen by pirates.
Carren: Our mission is to get those goods back.
Carren: They gave me a description of the pirates' airship! We're gonna head out right away! Follow me, scallywags!

Duties as Acting Captain: Scene 2

(Captain) and company corner the pirates with Carren's help. However, the pirates continue to resist by releasing monsters on the crew.

Carren: You can't get away from us! Hand over the goods, or we'll blast your airship out of the sky!
Pirate: Damn that woman! Is she their captain?
Carren: Hey, did you hear that, (Captain)! I obviously seem like a captain to them!
Carren: I knew I could do it! Looks like things are going my way! Now let's get this mission over with!
Henchman: Ahhh! Hot! It's hot! I can't believe she has a flaming sword! It's just too much!
Carren: Consider the taste of my magic sword the price of your atonement, knave!
Carren: Time for you to surrender and hand over the merchandise!
Pirate: Not if I have anything to say about it. You! Open the cage! Sic the monsters on 'em and let's get out of here!
Carren: Woah... So they had a trick up their sleeve?
Monster: Groargh!
Carren: Don't underestimate the acting captain! You can't fly fast enough to get away from me! Let's go, (Captain)!

Duties as Acting Captain: Scene 3

(Captain)'s crew retrieves the merchandise and successfully completes the mission. Carren's negotiating even leads to a bigger reward. The crew is surprised by her abilities, and her day as the acting captain ends in great success.

Carren: I'm sure glad the merchandise is safe! Now put your hands where I can see 'em!
Pirate: This isn't over! Next time I see you—
Carren: Ha! We won't be meeting again. I'm taking you in to the town guards.
Thus (Captain)'s crew successfully completes its mission under Carren's leadership.
Carren: And here's the reward for completing our mission! Here, Eugen! Hold the bag!
Eugen: Huh? What? Don't make an old man work like—Woah! This is heavy!
Eugen: What's going on? This is an awfully big reward for capturing a few pirates.
Carren: Well, the client seemed rich, so I thought I'd negotiate for better pay!
Eugen: Hey... You better not have resorted to threats.
Carren: Of course not!
Carren: I only act that way with (Captain)... and maybe you and Rackam now and then.
Carren: Now let's go find something good to eat! It's on me! Okay?
Eugen: Ha-ha! Looks like I underestimated Carren.
Eugen: She's good with money and has negotiation skills... She might do well with her own crew of skyfarers.
Eugen: She did well. I'm impressed! I sure wouldn't say this to her though. Wouldn't want her to get carried away.
Carren: Hey! Come on! You're too slow, (Captain)! What are you doing?
Carren: I'm looking forward to filling my belly with all the good food I can find!
Carren: You're coming too, Eugen! I'll treat you to that drink you've been wanting!
Thus Carren's day as the acting captain ends in great success.
Through her travels, Carren will surely improve her skills and become a first-class skyfarer.

Family Matters

Eugen and Carren talk about their respective pasts. Not wanting to go into detail about herIn-game typo; should be "his." daughter, Apollonia, Eugen shifts the conversation to Carren's relationship with her parents.

It had been some time since Carren had taken advantage of her uncle Eugen's kindness to barge her way onto the Grandcypher.
Eugen was almost certain Carren would give up the skyfaring life sooner or later.
However, her bubbling enthusiasm as of late indicates otherwise. Eugen feels conflicted over the matter.
Eugen: Well, color me impressed... I sure wasn't expecting you to pick up cargo transport jobs while we were on the move.
Carren: Hehe! Why didn't you tell me where we're going? I would've picked up a little more work!
Carren: I mean... There's just not much to do, you know? C'mon. Not a cloud in the sky? No monsters? Boring.
Eugen: Hey, now... Don't go getting too relaxed. You don't always get a warning...
Carren: Yeesh, I got it. Nothing's gonna catch me off guard!
The Grandcypher sails peacefully, still a ways from its destination.
The two stand on the deck, sharing the silence and the view of an endless blue sky.
Carren remembers something that she just has to share.
Carren: Actually... How's Polly doing?
Eugen: Hm? Polly?
Carren: Yeah, Polly. You know? Your kid? Not that I know much about her.
Eugen: Wait... How d'you even know about Apollonia? You sure as heck didn't hear of her from me...
Carren: I dunno... Something about your face reminded me...
Carren: We met once when I was a kid, right?
Carren: And I'm pretty sure I saw a Polly... Can't remember if it was a person or a picture though.
Eugen: Oh? I met you, eh? That had to be ten, maybe fifteen years ago. Went back to see the family and all...
Eugen: Wait a sec! You weren't more than a toddler back then! What were you? One? Two? That's some memory you got there!
Carren: Hah! I knew it! So how's she doing? Good?
Eugen: Er... Well... Probably, I guess...
Eugen: Hmm... what about you? Are you keeping in touch with your folks? You must've written 'em a few times by now?
Carren: Nah, not really. Why would I? They're just gonna tell me to bring my butt back home.
Eugen: Yeah... they were always pretty worried about you. And if they hear you're here with me...
Carren: Hmph! They worry way too much! They nag and nag and nag! It really ticks me off!
Carren: Hehe! Things are so much easier as a skyfarer! Not to mention you wouldn't chew me out unless it's something really big.
Carren: So, uh... is Polly a skyfarer too? Or does she spend her days doing something else?
Eugen: Er... Well, hm... I wonder...
Carren: She's probably out there living free and easy. Must be nice to have cool parents.
Eugen: Hm... y-yeah...
Carren: What? What's with the face?
Eugen: Nothing... I got something in my eye, is all...
Carren: Like, even if I told my parents I was the best skyfarer ever, they'd just be like, "Sure, wait 'til you get into some real trouble..."
Carren: So, Eugen... How do I get them to come around?
Eugen: Haha. Don't ask me. I ain't your dad, kid.
Carren: Hrm...
Eugen: To be honest, I kind of get how they feel.
Eugen: It's one of those things, eh? They live their whole lives on the ground, and their daughter's running off doing who knows what. They're worried, I bet.
Carren: I guess you could say that... But it's not like I'm completely clueless about this lifestyle. I mean, you're doing pretty good yourself.
Eugen: Haha! How about that. You wanna make it as a skyfarer so that your parents will finally accept it, huh?
Eugen: Well, how're they going to do that if you never actually reach out to them?
Carren: Hm... you have a point...
Eugen: Right? You keep that connection open, and you'll both reach some kind of understanding. One day, at least.
Eugen: (I'm one to talk...)
Carren: Hrm. Keep it open, huh...
Carren: I got it! I'll just go ahead and write 'em back!
Eugen: S-sure...
Carren: Wha? You're making that face. Something in your eye again?
Eugen: Nah. It's nothing. Just a little headache, is all...
Because Eugen avoids delving into his own past, Carren has no idea how much pain her uncle has been through.
The old soldier and the girl would continue to travel together, occasionally finding themselves at the mercy of the troubles they carry with them.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
美味しい物食べて、可愛い服買って…… Good food and clothing... Life can't be better!
冒険に出られてあたし、幸せ! I am so lucky to be on this adventure!
団長代理のカレンであーる! Acting Captain Carren now on duty, teehee.
見せてあげよっか?あたしの魔法剣! How do you like my magic sword!
オイゲンにはすっごい感謝してる! I couldn't be thankful enough to Eugen!
次の依頼は報酬いくらかな? I hope the pay's good for this job!
あたし、交渉には自信あるよ! I'm your girl if you need to talk someone down!
野郎ども、ついてこーい! Think you can catch up with me?
(主人公)、まだ団長続けるの? (Captain), any plans of quitting the captain life?
あたしと(主人公)いいコンビじゃない? Don't we make a great team, (Captain)?


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 07.
  2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「イシュミール」「アイル」「シャルロッテ」「カレン」