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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 15
Height 165 cm
Race Erune
Hobbies Listening to tales (especially when they're told by elderly people reminiscing on days past)
Likes His partner, Camaro
Dislikes Loneliness, girls
Character Release
Source [1]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 15歳
Height 165cm
Race エルーン
Hobbies お話すること(特に老人の昔話が大好き)
Likes 相棒の猟犬カマロ
Dislikes 孤独、女の子
Character Release
Source [1]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday!
Father once told me that with age comes experience.
And he recognized my experience by giving me this bow.
If you keep it up, you'll be recognized by someone great one day and get something incredible in return.
I know it may be hard to see. Like climbing a mountain...
But this is an important day and a step towards that goal. That's what I believe!


Flesselles: Birthdays always make me think of meat!
Father would go out and hunt rare game. Mother would cook up something delicious with it when he returned.
That's how we celebrated!
All right! Leave it to me! I'll go hunting and make you something great to eat.
Camaro: Bow wow!
Flesselles: Hehehe! Camaro's excited to help just for you!


Flesselles: Heh-heh... Happy birthday, (Captain).
Birthdays are really special to us mountain folk.
You coop yourself up in a cabin all alone until you receive blessings from the mountain goddess.
I was pretty scared and nervous... So I snuck Camaro inside with me.
But that made the goddess super angry. The winds were howling outside all night.
When I got back home the next morning, my mom and dad were furious...
Eep... That was a terrible birthday.
But the story doesn't end there! After all that my dad brought in some rare meat, and mom cooked up a special feast.
We had so much fun eating together
and—wait, what was I talking about?
Camaro: Bowwow!
Flesselles: Heh-heh! You said it Camaro. This year we'll feast with (Captain)!


(Captain), happy birthday! Have you gone to the kitchen?
I got a big cake just for you!
Us mountain folk don't usually have a custom to eat cake on birthdays.
Because we live in the mountains and all, the main dish is usually meat.
But birthday cakes are really nice too! I just love the candle on top!
Whenever I see someone blowing that out, my heart just soars...
Now that I mention it... I wanna see it happen already!
(Captain), let's go join the others, and you can make your wish!


You know, I really love going to your birthday parties, (Captain).
That's because a lot of people gather to celebrate your birthday.
Then when you're feeling down, you can always think back to your birthday party and not feel so lonely anymore!
Of course, I don't plan on letting you feel lonely even once as long as I'm around.
Camaro and I plan to make every day fun for you, (Captain), so you have nothing to worry about.
Happy birthday. We'll stick together, no matter what happens!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year!
There's something you can only see on the mountain once a year. Can you guess?
That's right! It's the first dawn of the new year! Seeing it from the mountaintop is an amazing sight.
I was thinking you and I could go have a look together.
All right, let's go! I packed everything we need, so no worries!


Hey, do you remember? We went up the mountain together last year!
Huh? You forgot? No way... It was the first sunrise! And we saw it together...
Humph... I can't believe you, (Captain). How could you forget...
Huh? You're just joking? You mean, you really remember? The sunrise and everything?
Ah, that's a relief. You're a real prankster, (Captain)... You had me going.
You'll have to go up the mountain again with me this year to make up for that. Promise me, (Captain)!


(Captain)! The sun is so sparkly and beautiful!
I sure am happy that I got to see it again with you this year...
Truth is, I made some mountain-climbing boots out of leather just for you this year!
What! You don't wanna go?
But why? Why, oh, why?
You've gotta be kidding me... Awww... (Captain), tell me why... Why won't you go this year?
Huh? Mochi? You mean that white and chewy snack?
Yep, I love those things! We didn't have neat treats like that on the mountain, but I really love 'em!
Hm? You wanna make mochi? And you want me to help?
I'll do it! I wanna make some!
Heh-heh... I can't wait! New Year's mochi-makin' with (Captain)!


(Captain), thanks for watching the first sunrise with me.
It was so beautiful...
I wish my father and mother could have been here to see it too...
Huh? (Captain)? What am I supposed to do with this paper and pen?
I should draw a picture and send it to them?
Like a New Year's present? That's a great idea!
I hope I get all the angles and colors just right... Oh! I know. Will you help me, (Captain)?


Psst, hey, (Captain). Could you face this way? And hold still for a bit?
Perfect! Hold that pose—I need to finish drawing this picture. Just a little longer...
Ehehe. What's up? Oh, being stared at makes you kinda self-conscious?
Sorry about that. I totally get how you're feeling, but...
I'm sending a letter back home to my folks—to wish them a happy New Year, you know. And I really wanted to show them a picture of you with the sunrise.
Last year, I gave them a picture of just the first sunrise of the year... But it felt like something was missing.
I mean, ever since I joined this crew, I've always watched the first sunrise with you, (Captain).
And I wanted my folks to know just how beautiful the dawn is when I see it with you.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Is this what I think it is? Chocolates?
I've heard of these, you know! They're for Valentine's Day!
Wow! Thanks a bunch! We never had anything like this back on the mountain...
Heheheh... This is great! I can't wait to tell Camaro what I got!


Hand it over, (Captain)! Show me the chocolate! Gimme chocolate!
Yay! Thank you! I loved eating the chocolate I got from you last year.
But it's kind of strange... I've gotten chocolate from others before, but it just wasn't as good.
Wait, do you know why, (Captain)? Why is it? Tell me! Aw, don't tease me like that. Just answer me!


(Captain)! Hey, (Captain)! Happy Valentine's Day!
Today is the day we can get chocolate! Chocolate, (Captain)!
Truth is, I've been looking forward to this. I was all excited, wishing that time would hurry up so we could get to this day...
Huh? You think I'm acting like Camaro when he's being extra good and sitting still for food?
Aw, that's pretty mean, (Captain)! If you figured that much, then hurry and hand it over already!
Heh-heh! All right!
Thanks for the chocolate!
I'm so happy I got chocolate from you again this year...
I'm super happy! You're super happy! And that makes for a happy Valentine's Day!


(Captain), happy Valentine's Day! Gimme chocolate this year too!
Hehehe! Thank you! This is always the year's highlight.
Huh? If I like it so much, you'll give it to me on others day too?
Hm... I mean I do like getting chocolate from you...
But it's special because it's Valentine's Day! That's what makes me so happy.
Because getting chocolate on Valentine's Day means you really care about me!


(Captain)! Happy Valentine's! I came to get my chocolates!
Whoah, thanks! I wonder what kinda chocolates you got me this year.
Huh? I didn't need to run all the way here? Yeah, I knew that...
But you're gonna be handing out and getting chocolates all day, aren't you?
So I kinda wanted to make sure I got my chocolates before everyone else.
Don't really know why though... Doesn't really matter when I get them, chocolates are chocolates, right?

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Here. This is in return for your gift.
I don't know much about the world outside the mountains I lived in, so this is all I could come up with...
It's a beautiful mountain stone I found. The way it sparkles sure is pretty, right?
What? You're joking!
It's that valuable?
Heheheh! In that case I should've collected more of 'em!
That way... I'd have been able to see even more of that smiling face of yours!


I asked around, you know. Everyone says that you should give girls chocolate as a gift.
So Camaro and I went and searched through a mountain!
Nope! It's not about a rock this time! It's about a mushroom!
It's a valuable mushroom called a whatchamacallit. And it's shaped just like a delicious chocolate!
I wanted to make something perfect, so Camaro and I went up that mountain over and over!
Flesselles hands (Captain) a chocolate that looks just like that rare mushroom.
Go on and take a look! Didn't it come out great?


Flesselles: Heh-heh... I know what today is, (Captain). Today is the day you give a thank you gift for Valentine's, right?
Yep, and I asked around about a gift. You're supposed to give something sweet in return for chocolate.
There aren't many sweet things to eat on the mountain, but you can find fruit and nuts pretty easily.
But look... Ta-da! Feast your eyes on this!
So? Don't they look like icicles?
See, this special mountain maple tree oozes a sweet sap.
In the winter if you take a knife and make a few holes on the bottom-side of a branch, then the sap leaks out and makes sweet icicles!
I thought you'd like it, so Camaro and I got up early to go looking on the mountain for sap icicles.
Camaro: Bow wow!
Flesselles: Camaro looks happy too! I'm glad you like them so much!


(Captain), today is White Day.
Before joining the crew, I never really made any kind of candy.
But I did remember one recipe that my mother taught me.
Look, look! These are ground acorn cookies.
Camaro and I went into the mountains to find these.
They're so good! They're my absolute favorite...
(Captain), I hope you find them just as tasty as I do.


(Captain), happy White Day!
I thought we should look for your present together—while hiking.
It's almost spring. And in the mountains, all sorts of plants are starting to grow and bud.
There's the dew the collects on the fresh green grass... And there's the first flower to bloom all year, right on the peak of the mountain...
I want to show you all sorts of beautiful things.
And, let's say a day comes when you're alone, and you stumble across something I showed you.
Well, I thought it'd be nice if you could think back on today and remember that we searched for that beautiful thing together.

Tasty Macaroons
4th year:
Light Cookies
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween!
Let's see... You pick to get a trick or give a treat, right?
Hmmm... You've sure got some curious customs. Heh heh, first time I heard of them.
So what'll you pick? A trick? A treat?
You know me! My pick's the same as yours!


Um, let's see... Trick or treat, was it?
You know, (Captain), I'm not very good at this...
I never even knew about this costume stuff to begin with.
When I was living in the mountains, I'd camouflage myself with leaves and bark, but I've never worn such weird costumes before.
Huh? It's okay just to wear my camouflage?
Great! If it makes you happy, (Captain), then I'll gladly show it to you.
This disguising technique is a family secret that was passed down to me from my father. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!


Flesselles: Heh-heh... Happy Halloween!
Let's see... If you don't give me some candy, then I'll have to trick you!
Say, (Captain). Am I doing it right? I'm still not good at this...
I mean, why do we have to threaten someone who didn't do anything wrong?
I feel sorry for them...
Huh? It's not that big a deal? Then what are we supposed to do exactly?
Camaro: Bowwow!
Flesselles: Wh-whoa! You scared me, Camaro! Don't go barking all of a sudden!
Oh! I get it! Playing a trick is as easy as that! Thanks, Camaro!
Camaro: Bowwow!


Happy Halloween, (Captain)!
I'll give you a candy if you give me one in return!
Huh? What about a trick?
Uh... I'm not really into tricking people or scaring them.
So I thought it'd be really fun if we all just traded candy...
Wouldn't it be nice if we could just give each other treats?
The stuff you have looks really good! Trade with me!


(Captain)! I'm here to share all the treats I got from everyone!
Everyone knows I'm not good with tricks, so they all traded candy with me.
Trading candy is great and everything, but I received so much more than I gave out, and now I don't have enough hands to hold on to everything...
That's why I came here thinking we could eat some of it together, (Captain).
Huh? You have some treats for me too? That's super nice of you, but I really can't hold—
Oh, these are bones for Camaro!
Thanks, (Captain)! Now Camaro can enjoy having some treats together with us!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Season's greetings!
That reminds me... This is the time of year for exchanging presents, right?
I'm sorry, but I don't know much about giving gifts...
I know! I'll tell you all about the mountains instead!
Whether it's about the animals or the plant life, just ask me anything!


Huh? I look sleepy? Well, yeah... You got me.
Last year was so much fun... And I was so looking forward to the party this year that I couldn't sleep.
After all, I love celebrating with you, (Captain)!
But don't worry! I got you a great gift this year!
All right, (Captain)! I'll see you later at the party!


Say, (Captain)! I heard that tonight is supposed to be the most stunning night of the year. Is that true?
Huh? Not the most stunning but the stillest? Stillest... The stillest night... What's that mean exactly?
Ohhh, I see... Because the children go to sleep, so the world grows quiet and mystical? In an innocent way?
Hm... I think I know what you're saying.
When I was a kid, my mom and pop would tell me stories about the mountain goddess that sounded a lot like that.
I didn't really believe them at first, but when I finally met the goddess while standing on the mountain...
Heh-heh! I'll tell you all about it later on tonight!
Hey, that's a promise, (Captain)! So don't you go to bed yet!


(Captain), I have something I wanna ask you about.
You know the man who's supposed to come at night... Santa?
Is he really a he? Or a woman?
A man? Okay...
It's nothing... I was just worried because I heard that Santa delivers presents...
If Santa were a woman...
I'd be afraid to incur the jealousy of the goddess...
But if he's a man, then that's not a problem!
Phew... I'm so relieved. Now I'll sleep like a baby.


Hey, (Captain)! I've got something to show you! So I made a wreath, using acorns and pinecones...
Course, Camaro helped me gather all the stuff. I just thought we could try decorating our tree with a wreath—might look pretty neat.
What do you think? Ehehe. Glad you approve.
And after the holidays are over, we could give this wreath to some squirrels. As a present.
I mean, who says the spirit of giving has to end with the holidays?
Hey, I'd be really happy if you came along when I go visit the squirrels.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Attention Lover

An old man warns the crew not to go into the mountains, but they hasten to do so anyway. There, Vyrn and Lyria run into a mysterious young boy called Flesselles, who, with tearful eyes, tells the party the story of his lonely circumstances.

(Captain) and the crew have stopped at a small village to handle a request.
They finish that request and are about to hurry off, when someone stops them.
Village Chief: Wait. You mustn't enter the mountains.
Vyrn: Um, what?
Lyria: Erm... Why shouldn't we go into the mountains, sir?
Village Chief: You mustn't. Simply mustn't. The mountain god is stirring now, you see. So you mustn't go. Mustn't go...
Katalina: We appreciate the advice, sir, but we have to get back to our ship as soon as possible.
(Captain) and the crew bid the chief a light nod of recognition and take the shortest route into the mountains.
With the words of the village chief weighing on their minds, the crew hurries along the path back to the ship.
Rackam is the first to notice that something seems strange.
Rackam: Something's off. It feels like we're going around in circles...
Eugen: I was thinkin' the same. Katalina, we're lost, ain't we?
Katalina: I don't think so. This is the same road we took to get to the village, and we didn't get lost then.
Rackam: Hehe, but what about the curse of the mountain god the village geezer mentioned?
Katalina: Sigh... Don't be ridiculous. That's nothing but a silly superstition.
Katalina: Right, Lyria? Huh? Where'd Lyria and Vyrn go?
Vyrn and Lyria have lost sight of the crew and are wandering helplessly through the mountains.
Lyria: Oh, this is bad. Vyrn, what should we do?
Vyrn: Whoa, check this out. There's animal bones sticking out of this tree. What do you think it means, Lyria?
Lyria: It means it's scary! It must be some kind of black magic curse!
Vyrn: And what do you think these tall piles of stones are for?
Lyria: Also scary! They must be graves... and they're everywhere!
Vyrn: What about those creepy howls we keep hearing?
Lyria: Eek! It's a ghost! The ghost of the mountain god!
Vyrn: Aw, I'm just messin' with you, Lyria. Besides—
A large, ominous shadow flies at Vyrn from the thicket.
Vyrn: Bwah?
Lyria: Eeek!
???: Waaugh!
Lyria: Aaaah! Are you a ghost? An actual ghost?
???: Whoaa! A girl? A real live girl?
Lyria: Huh?
???: Huh?
Lyria: On second thought, you're not very ghostlike...
Flesselles: You've got it all wrong! My name's Flesselles. I'm a hunter who wanders these mountains.
Camaro: Bow-wow!
Vyrn: Hee hee, quit it! Easy there! Hey, not the tail!
Camaro: Bow-wow!
Slobber, slobber, slobber...
Hearing the hound's bark, (Captain) and the crew finally rejoin Lyria and Vyrn.
The boy introduces himself as Flesselles to the rest of the crew. He speaks excitedly, eyes shining with enthusiasm.
Flesselles: Hehehe, you thought I was a ghost? That's real funny, Lyria!
Lyria: I'm sorry. We saw trees with bones in them everywhere. I thought it might be some kind of curse, so I got scared.
Flesselles: Hehehe, that's no curse! It's hunting season in the mountains right now, and the bones are there to warn others of danger.
Lyria: Oh, I see. What about the pebble graves?
Flesselles: Those aren't graves. They're markers that let my buddies know I'm hunting here.
Lyria: Then what about the ghostly wails?
Flesselles: Hahaha! Ghostly wails? You better apologize to my buddy Camaro here!
Camaro: Bow-wow! Slobber, slobber, slobber...
Vyrn: Hee hee! Hey, enough with the licking! That tickles!
Flesselles: Hehehe, it's always good to make new friends! Camaro seems to have taken a liking to Vyrn too!
Katalina: Hm... Piecing it all together, that means the mountain god is—
Flesselles: Yep. Me.
Flesselles: We mountain Erunes used to be known as the mountain hunters a long time ago.
Flesselles: But that somehow got corrupted into some mountain god nonsense.
Katalina: Sigh. That old man isn't doing you any favors spreading it around.
Eugen: Bwahaha! Just let it go. Why embarrass the old guy? Let's hurry up and get through these mountains already!
(Captain) and the crew rise to their feet in order to climb the mountain once more.
Lyria: Let's hurry! Bye, Flesselles! Bye, Camaro!
Flesselles: Righty-oh! See ya!
Camaro: Bow-wow! Slobber, slobber, slobber...
Vyrn: Heheh... Wait, why are you still following us?
Flesselles: Huh? You mean we can't follow you? Doesn't it feel lonely? Let's keep talking a little longer.
Vyrn: Whoa. When'd you get so clingy?
Lyria: Hee hee, do you like being at the center of attention, Flesselles?
Lyria innocently teases Flesselles, who begins telling a teary-eyed story.
Flesselles: We're from a tribe of archers. Our rite of passage involves leaving our families and living alone in the mountains.
Flesselles: But I get lonely easily, so that lifestyle is no good for me. All I think about is my family...
Flesselles: And then you guys came along, chatting and laughing... It reminded me of my parents.
Flesselles: Sob... I'm so lonely... Father... Mother... Sob...
Vyrn: Well, I guess there's only one thing to do. Whaddya say, (Captain)? Can he come with us?
Lyria: Oh? That's not like you, Vyrn. You don't make requests like that very often.
Vyrn: Hmm... I guess you could say I can't leave a sad hunter in the woods.
Camaro: Bow-wow! Slobber, slobber, slobber...
Vyrn: Haha! I wasn't talking about you! Hahaha! Hey, quit it!
  1. I really want to hear more of your stories.
  2. We can't turn down a friend of Vyrn's!

Choose: I really want to hear more of your stories.
Flesselles: Huh? Are you sure? Then I'll tell you all sorts of stuff about the mountains!
Vyrn: Heheh... I can't wait! This is gonna be fun, (Captain).

Choose: We can't turn down a friend of Vyrn's!
Flesselles: Thanks, Camaaaro! It's all thanks to you that we get to stay with these guys!
Camaro: Bow-wow!
Continue 1
Lyria: Yay! Now you won't be lonely anymore!
Despite coming from a hunting tribe that lives in the mountains, Flesselles doesn't handle solitude very well.
Although he seems undependable, he's not a kid who's looking to be coddled.
One day this mysterious archer is going to help the crew in its time of need. But that's a story for another time.

Attention Demander

(Captain) and the crew make an emergency stop with a damaged Grandcypher on the side of a mountain far from anywhere that might sell supplies. With Flesselles' help, the crew progresses through the mountains, only to incite the anger of the mountain goddess...

The Grandcypher had been cruising through clear skies above a sea of cloud.
Unfortunately, a sudden bout of engine trouble forces the ship to make an emergency landing on a small island.
Their landing point is halfway up a mountain, which is a considerable distance from the nearest town.
After discussing the situation, the crew decides to trek into town to secure the necessary parts to repair the ship.
Eugen: Let's get a move on. Cuttin' through the mountain's the fastest way for us to get to town.
Rackam: Then it's decided. The sooner we set off, the sooner we can fix the ship and get out of here.
The crew is just about to disembark when Flesselles chimes in.
Flesselles: Taking the mountain route is faster, sure, but I'd recommend against it.
Lyria: What's wrong with the mountains?
Flesselles: There's a certain someone who shows up around this time of year, and that means it's not a good idea for girls to go into the mountains. Especially girls like you, Lyria.
Lyria: Wh-what do you mean by that?
Flesselles: Like, if she spots a cute girl like you, she might get jealous.
Lyria: I don't understand. Who's this she you keep talking about?
Flesselles: The goddess of the mountain.
Vyrn: Hold on! Last time we heard a story like that, you turned out to be a mountain god!
Flesselles: That was a misunderstanding, but this is the real deal. An honest-to-goodness mountain deity.
Katalina: That's certainly confusing. Whatever the case, time is short.
Katalina: Is there anything you can do to prevent this mountain goddess from obstructing us?
Flesselles: Got it. Just leave it to me. But you need to follow my instructions exactly.
Flesselles quickly performs a strange and unfamiliar ritual in front of the crew.
After uttering strange incantations in what sounds like an ancient language, he dances to ask forgiveness for entering the mountain. Finally, he distributes what appear to be pieces of ceremonial cloth to the crew.
Vyrn: What's this? Looks like a hand towel or something.
Lyria: Ah, is this part of the protection ritual?
Flesselles: Hmm... Not exactly, though it may just end up saving you later.
Lyria: Save us? Wow... Okay, I'll make sure to hold on to it!
The crew passes through verdant forests and prairies, pushing forward without the benefit of paved trails.
After walking a considerable distance, Vyrn and Lyria sink to the ground.
Vyrn: Huff... I'm ready for a little break...
Lyria: Pant... My throat feels so dry.
Katalina: I'm sorry, Lyria. We were in such a hurry to leave that I forgot to fill our canteens.
Vyrn: You're supposed to be the responsible one, Katalina! There's no water here!
Katalina: I'm so very sorry, Vyrn.
An unhappy mood starts to descend, but a boy's uplifting laugh cuts through their grumpy conversation in an instant.
Flesselles: Heheh, no worries. I'm just glad to see those towels coming in handy.
Lyria: What do you mean?
Flesselles: Remember the towel I had you tie around your leg before we left? Could I borrow them for a sec?
Flesselles collects the towels from each crew member.
From there he retrieves a large metal pot from his bag and wrings the towels over it.
A stunning amount of water drains into the pot.
Lyria: Wow! That's a lot of water!
Flesselles: My father taught me this trick. Tying a cloth around your legs and walking through the wet grass is a perfect way to collect morning dew.
Vyrn: Not bad! Bring it over here so I can get a drink!
Flesselles: Not yet, Vyrn. We still have to boil it, so hang on just a little longer.
Flesselles deftly lights a fire under the pot before removing some leaves from his bag.
After toasting the leaves on both sides, he throws them into the pot. A pleasant aroma wafts through the air.
Lyria: Ooh, that smells wonderful. What is it?
Flesselles: My father's secret tea recipe.
Flesselles: The leaves purify the water, so you won't get sick even if it's dirty.
Vyrn: Are you sure that stuff works? Just looks like a bunch of leaves from where I'm flying.
Katalina: No. He's right. Those leaves are resistant to rot and have powerful restorative effects as well.
Flesselles: Heheh, you really know your stuff, Katalina!
Katalina: Hee hee... I studied herbal remedies during my time in the imperial army.
Flesselles: Ah, looks like it's ready! Here you go, everyone.
Flesselles pours the tea into cups and passes them around.
Smiles blossom as soon as the tea touches their lips.
Katalina: Hm, it's been some time...
Vyrn: Whoa! This is good! Real good!
Lyria: It's so warm and sweet. I've never tasted anything like it!
Lyria: I had no idea you knew how to do this kind of thing, Flesselles! You're amazing!
Lyria: It's been scary up here in the mountains, but having you here puts my mind at ease!
Flesselles: ...
Sorry, Lyria. Can you stay quiet for a bit?
Lyria: Um...
Flesselles: The goddess is going to be jealous if she sees her husband being friendly with someone that isn't her.
Lyria: Wait. You two are married?
Flesselles: Not quite. Hmm... How should I explain this?
Flesselles's expression suddenly changes, having perceived that something is wrong.
With the finely honed senses of a hunter born and raised in unfeeling mountains, Flesselles's glare penetrates the darkness.
Flesselles: She's sent a monster after us. You might want to get back, Lyria. She's seriously upset.

Attention Demander: Scene 2

Flesselles explains his tribe's tradition of marrying the goddess of the mountain upon reaching adulthood. Unfortunately, Lyria's friendliness toward Flesselles risks causing the goddess' anger to boil over...

After the monster is driven off, Flesselles explains the mountain goddess's true identity.
Flesselles: When members of my tribe become adults, we marry the goddess of the mountain.
Flesselles: According to my father, becoming her husband grants us the protection of the mountains, ensuring our safety as hunters.
Lyria: Hee hee... That sounds so romantic.
Flesselles hurries onward, urging the crew to avoid angering the goddess any further.
Vyrn: Huff... Let's take a little break.
Lyria: Wheeze... Uh-oh, my stomach's all rumbly.
Katalina: I'm sorry, Lyria. It seems I forgot to pack food as well.
Vyrn: That's strike two, Katalina. What are we supposed to do now?
Katalina: I'm sorry, Vyrn. I really am...
The mood among the crew grows desperate, but Flesselles is unfazed.
Flesselles: Hehehe, no worries. Look at your feet, Lyria.
Lyria: Er... My feet? Are you talking about these acorns?
Flesselles: Hehehe, don't eat all of them. Just have a few and leave the rest.
Flesselles: Otherwise the monsters and beasts that also eat them won't have any food, and then they'll attack the town.
As he is saying this, Flesselles takes out his pot and heats it up again.
First he pours in leftover tea. Then he adds rock salt and dried meat from his pouch, slowly stewing the contents.
Once he's satisfied with the stew's taste, he adds in boiled acorns and distributes it between the crew members.
Flesselles: For mountainfolk, nothing tastes better than a hot bowl of soup.
Flesselles: It doesn't just warm your body but your spirit too.
Lyria: I think I know what you mean. It's so warm and relaxing.
Vyrn: Sorry for getting annoyed at you earlier, Katalina. I was just hungry!
Katalina: Oh, Vyrn... I haven't given it a second thought.
Lyria: You're amazing, Flesselles! You know everything about the mountains! Your knowledge is awesome!
Flesselles: Lyria, no! Don't compliment me like we're super buddy-buddy!
Lyria: Huh?
Lyria: Eek! What was that?
Eugen: Argh, here we go again... You've gone and angered the goddess.
Rackam: That... doesn't sound good.
Although everyone else starts to panic, Katalina remains calm.
Katalina: Don't lose your heads, everyone. Look closely, and tell me where you see a goddess.
Monster: Groooar!
Katalina lops off some thick brush in front of them, which allows them to see a large creature charging at them.
Flesselles's eyes change, and he no longer resembles his boyish self. His calm voice echoes through the thicket.
Flesselles: Forgive me, Goddess. I pledge my life and ask that you show devotion to your beloved.
Flesselles: O kind wife—mountain's deity. Hear the call of my arrow. May it pierce the evil beast, straight and true!

Attention Demander: Scene 3

(Captain) and the crew exits the mountains safely, and Flesselles holds the descending ceremony of respect dedicated to the goddess of the mountains. In order to subdue her jealousy, Flesselles asks the girls of the group to stand and swear an oath to the goddess that they will not stand between her and her husband.

Daybreak. The hardship of the battle from the night before vanishes in the gentle light of dawn.
The crew finally exits the forest and returns to the mountain road. They observe Flesselles's mountain descending ritual in utter solemnity.
The ceremony goes off without issue. When he finishes chanting, Flesselles looks back at the crew with a smile.
Flesselles: That should do it. I do have one last request however.
Lyria: A request?
Katalina: Very well. Whatever you need, I'll do my best to help.
Flesselles: Wonderful! I was worried you might refuse.
Flesselles: Can you come over here for a second then?
Flesselles whispers something to Lyria and Katalina.
Lyria nods blankly, not fully grasping the meaning behind what she's been told to do. She stands in front of a shrine to show her respect.
Lyria: Oh, Goddess. Please don't worry. I won't take your husband away from you.
Katalina approaches the shrine as well.
Katalina: Um... Dear... goddess of the mountains. I swear I won't take—
Katalina: Ugh. Flesselles! I'm not saying I don't believe you, but is any of this really necessary?
Flesselles: K-Katalina! You can't say that in the middle of the—
Lyria: Aiee!
Rackam: I think you just angered the goddess again, Katalina!
After that, Katalina delivers her vow with utmost sincerity. But everyone in the crew is thinking the same thing.
Let's skip the mountains on the way back.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
山を敬い…命に感謝を… Honor the mountain... Respect life...
全ては女神様の御心のままに… It is all the wish of the Goddess...
風が…変わった… The winds... have changed...
この足跡に…あの糞の形状は… These footprints... And those droppings...
ルリアちゃん、危ない!前に立っちゃだめ! Lyria, watch out! Don't stand in front!
ほら、ビィくん、リンゴがなってるよ。 See, Vyrn? The apples are ripe.
カマロはいつも元気だね、ふふふ Camaro always looks so happy! Ha ha...
このキノコは食べられないなぁ… Aw, we can't eat these mushrooms...
(主人公)さん、獲物は近いよ! (Captain), our prey is close!
(主人公)さん、お腹、空いてない? (Captain), are you hungry?
