Scenario:A Thousand Reasons - Chapter 1: 1st Bout - Episode 2

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A Thousand Reasons - Chapter 1: 1st Bout - Episode 2

Aliza finds Vyrn and Lyria in the stands. When she asks after (Captain)'s whereabouts, the pair gets flustered and manages to divert Aliza's attention to the beginning of the next match.

Soriz kicks Vanzza right out of the ring, securing himself a place in round two.
Fight Fan 2: Hey, what was that!
Fight Fan 1: Don't ask me! All I saw was that final kick!
Vanzza: When it came down to crunch time, I resorted to my tonfas.
Soriz: Yeah. It gave me just the opening I needed!
Vanzza: It was an amateurish mistake.
Soriz: Mm... I wouldn't call it amateurish.
Soriz: You said those weapons used to be a weak point of yours. But even so you've been using 'em a long time, right?
Vanzza: Yes...
Soriz: I'd say they've pretty well become a part of your body, wouldn't you?
Vanzza: These tonfas?
Soriz: Coming that far using a weapon you weren't any good with is nothing to sneeze at.
Soriz: And "resorting" is a harsh way to put it. I'd say you trust your weapons.
Soriz: Am I wrong? Don't think I am.
Vanzza: ...
Soriz: Either way though, I won! Hahaha!
Lyria: Waaah... What a great fight! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!
Vyrn: Yeah! It was a nail-biter and it's just the first match!
Lyria: Soriz and Vanzza were both so strong and so fast...
Lyria: Oh. But we can't forget—we're not here for fun.
Vyrn: Too true.
Lyria: We need to stay alert! Somewhere around here is—
???: Huh? Isn't that Vyrn and Lyria?
Vyrn: Hm? I know that voice...
Aliza: You guys!
Lyria: Aliza!
Aliza: You here to watch the tournament?
Vyrn: Yeah! You're competing, right?
Lyria: Congratulations on clearing the qualifiers!
Vyrn: Give 'em a run for their rupies!
Aliza: Ehehe. I will!
Lyria: Be careful, okay? We don't want you to get hurt.
Aliza: Don't you worry about me! I've been training my horns off!
Vyrn: Say, why did you decide to enter anyhow?
Aliza: Well... I made that doofus a promise, y'know?
Stan: In any case, I'm no use to anyone like this. There's all kinds of areas I need to work on.
Stan: As long as I keep a tight hold of that aim, I'm sure to grow stronger. In body and in soul.
Aliza: Stan, I... I also need to work on many areas. I'm like you in that regard.
Aliza: So the next time we meet, we should duel each other once again.
Stan: Good idea. But when we do, I'll win.
Aliza: Hehehe, stupid Stan. It doesn't matter how much time goes by, I won't lose.
Aliza: I'm determined not to lose the next time we face off, so I've been really strict about my training.
Vyrn: That's right. You've really been hitting the mats, huh?
Lyria: You even trained with Catoblepas.
Aliza: Yep, and that's not even the half of it.
Aliza: So this tournament is part of my training and a good way to measure my progress!
Lyria: Hehe. We're rooting for you, Aliza! Knock 'em dead!
Aliza: Thanks!
Aliza: Hey, where's (Captain)? You guys are always together!
Lyria: Oh, ummm...
Aliza: I woulda liked a match with the captain.
Vyrn: Yeah, but (Captain) is...
Aliza: Hm? Yeah? (Captain) is what?
Vyrn: Uhhh...
Lyria: Oh, look! The next match is about to start!