Scenario:Auld Lanxiety - Chapter 2: The Priestly Path - Episode 4

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Auld Lanxiety - Chapter 2: The Priestly Path - Episode 4

On another island, Erunes possessed by Kleshas try to run Human and Harvin children out of their village. A Draph priest appears and banishes their evil thoughts with his flute.

Meanwhile on another island...
Human Boy: ...
Harvin Boy: ...
Demagogue: Gong! This land belongs to the Erunes. No one else is welcome here.
Demagogue: We are proud Erunes.
Demagogue: Peace will only flourish when the Erunes live here alone, gong.
Demagogue: Variation is a sin. Appearance, ability, thought... Differentiation of any sort is the root of conflict.
Demagogue: It is only right that we weed it out, for the sake of peace!
Enthralled Erune 1: That's right! Get out, gong! We don't need Humans in this village!
Human Boy: ...
Enthralled Erune 3: You too, pip-squeak! You should just clear out!
Harvin Boy: ...
Enthralled Erune 2: All you do is make trouble for the rest of us!
Enthralled Throng: Yeah, gong! Get out!
???: Ooooh...
Enthralled Erune 1: What was that?
???: ...
Enthralled Erune 3: Who the heck are you?
???: I am a wandering monk who travels among the islands in search of forbidden requiems that lie in ancient ruins.
Enthralled Erune 2: Well? What business do you have here, gong?
???: Drifting through this world, I alight on this island to find base ignorance—the stain of Avidya—running rampant.
???: Such sadness.
Such wretchedness.
Enthralled Erune 1: Listen, you creep...
Enthralled Erune 1: Gong back to Valtz or wherever you're from!
???: To divide and devalue one's neighbors—Could there be greater folly, deeper impoverishment of spirit?
???: This humble priest cannot allow such foolishness to pass.
Enthralled Erune 2: You've got a gate over yer yap, so why don't you shut it! Or do you need it gonged for you?
???: Poor souls, so twisted by temptation that reason no longer reaches you.
???: Come, let my flute bring peace to your storm-tossed souls.
The man produces a flute and brings it to his lips.
The deep, pure notes weave through the crowd, quelling the turmoil in those souls distorted by their darkest yearnings.
Enthralled Erune 2: What... What is that sound?
Enthralled Erune 1: Stop... playing... gong...
As the melody envelops them, the adults in the area lose consciousness and collapse one by one.
Human Boy: Are they asleep?
The dumbfounded boy—quaking with fear behind the stranger—ventures a tentative question.
The man ruffles the boy's hair and speaks in the gentlest voice he can muster.
???: Fear not, young one. I merely soothed the fever of these people poisoned by evil thoughts.
Harvin Boy: Evil... thoughts?
???: Unforgettable desires slumber in the heart of every mortal.
???: When allowed to go unchecked, they lead people astray into the worst kinds of folly...
???: Your neighbors were blinded to the light of reason, clinging doggedly to their mistaken beliefs.
???: The violence of their words was the product of evil thoughts allowed to fester like an untreated wound.
Human Boy: Oh...
???: I have taken their pain and will shoulder it in their stead.
???: Happiness in this life is found when one looks honestly at oneself.
???: Though their path be mired in darkness, never forget that it leads into the light.
Human Boy: ...
Okay! I understand.
Harvin Boy: Thank you, mister!
???: How rewarding a thing is a child's smile... It is peace itself.
???: These people should soon regain their senses now that they have thrown off the yoke of their Kleshas...