Scenario:Auld Lanxiety - Chapter 6: Auld Lanxiety - Episode 1

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Auld Lanxiety - Chapter 6: Auld Lanxiety - Episode 1

The Joya swoops down, kidnaps Aoidos and Bakura, and flees. Zooey returns and asks to borrow the Divine Generals' powers in order to pursue it. In a show of trust, the generals comply.

Aoidos and Bakura are snatched right in front of (Captain) and company.
Before the crew can lift a finger to stop the Joya, the trio is gone.
Vajra: Oh no! Where's it taking them?
???: It's time to bring down the curtain on this whole affair.
Lyria: Wah!
Zooey: Thank you for taking care of things while I was gone.
Vyrn: Miss Flippy-Hair!
Vajra: Zooey!
Anila: Zooey!
Mahira: Zooey!
Andira: Zooey!
Zooey: Anila, Andira, Mahira, Vajra.
Zooey: Please lend me your strength one last time.
Zooey: I will need your powers to do what I must.
Zooey: I haven't spent long among you all in skydweller form...
Zooey: But there is one thing I've learned in that time.
Zooey: Each person has their part to play.
Zooey: Each mortal has their own strengths and failings.
Zooey: That's why you must cooperate to survive, isn't it?
Zooey: Kleshas may be the inevitable result of self-centered thought and runaway desire...
Zooey: But the shared experience of those inward-facing thoughts allows skydwellers to respect one another and live side by side.
Zooey: You helped me realize that, Vajra.
Vajra: Zooey...
Zooey: Just as I am an ally of the skies, I wish to be your ally as well.
Zooey: I don't know whether or not that desire is detrimental to my mission...
Zooey: But that is how I feel.
Zooey: Even if I should one day change my mind, for now I...
Vajra: Zooey, are you...
Zooey: At any rate, it is time for me to perform my duty. I need to put a stop to the Joya's rampage.
Zooey: For the sake of peace in your world...
Zooey: I can't allow it to claim any more victims.
Zooey: I realize I may be pushing you too far, but I need you to entrust your powers to me.
The Divine Generals have been driven to their limits already in the performance of their duty.
But they have trained too hard to throw in the towel for something as trivial as exhaustion.
Vajra: Hey, we're no amateurs! This is just a warm-up for us!
Vajra: I'm ready to put my life on the line if that's what it takes to protect the skies and to help you out, Zooey!
Vajra: That's why we put our faith in you and waited for you to come back!
Anila: That's right! Are you all ready?
Mahira: Ready and waiting.
Andira: Hehe, I'm good to go!
Zooey: Haha... I'm glad you're on my side.
Zooey: All right. It's up to you then!
Anila: The truth of all creation is within my grasp...
Andira: Let the light of understanding illuminate the skies...
Mahira: Cock-a-doodle-dum. Wing-a-doodle-fly...
Vajra: Gods above, heed my call...
Divine Generals: Gilded Heaven Strike!
Zooey: Here I go!