Scenario:Balmy Breeze and Foamy Deep - Ending - Episode 1

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Balmy Breeze and Foamy Deep - Ending

After catching the bonito, the crew holds a party to celebrate. (Captain) and the others vow to one day revisit Auguste for another vacation.

Jin: Bonito... You were a worthy adversary, indeed!
Revenge of Bonito: ...
His goal fulfilled, Jin returns to Kaz with the once vengeful bonito.
Kaz: You did it, Jin! You really did it!
Jin: It was not by my strength alone, Kaz!
Jin: I would never have succeeded without the helping hands of my companions.
Soriz: Heh! Don't get all soppy on us!
Eugen: That's right. It's all over and done with!
Jin: You have my apologies!
Lowain: Hey dudes! Let's hurry up and get this bonito on the grill, already!
That evening, (Captain) and the crew rent Sierokarte's beach house and throw a party to celebrate their victory.
Elmott: Ready to chow down on some special bonito fillet, everyone?
Lyria: Munch, munch... This tastes amazing! It's like the perfect balance between soft and chewy!
Katalina: Rich, sweet, and accented with a fragrant aroma. This really is quite a dish!
Eugen: Whew! I bet it'll go great with a nice cold one, too!
Tanya: Sorry to keep you waiting. Here are the drinks.
Eugen: Perfect timing, Tanya!
Tanya: Are you having one too, Soriz? Here you go.
Soriz: Sure, bring it over, Tanya! Ohoho, now this looks like a drink!
Io: Come eat with us, Tanya!
Tanya: Okay!
Vira: Try this dish I prepared next, my dearest Kata—
Lowain: Yo, Kat! Try some of these spices I put together! Just be ready for a flavor explosion!
Katalina: Why, thank you!
Jin merrily watches the lively goings-on of the party.
Kaz: Aren't you gonna have a drink, Kaz?
Jin: Not just yet. I'm quite full and feel merry enough as it is.
Kaz: Oh yeah? Honestly, I can't thank you enough for catching the bonito. It's so good, I've all but forgotten my illness.
Any version of Sara (Light) is a crew member

Jin: Your illness? Ah, that's right...
Kaz: Hm? Something on your mind?
Jin: It's just... There's someone I wish was here to enjoy this.
Jin: I'm sure it would lift her spirits to be able to eat delicious food like this by the sea.
Kaz: I'm sure it would! You should bring her along with you next time.
Kaz: I've been happy as a clam ever since you washed up in Auguste, Jin.
Jin: Kaz, I... don't know what to say...
Kaz: Just make sure you, (Captain) and the others swing by again sometime, okay?
Vyrn: Yeah! This was the best vacation ever!
Lyria: We're definitely going to visit Auguste again!
Lyria: That's a promise!
(Captain) and the crew spend the summer eating delicious food and having fun.
On the journey to the end of the sky, (Captain)'s heart races at the thought of Lyria's promise.
Balmy Breeze and Foamy Deep
The End