Scenario:Fiery Soul: Dreamer's Miracle - Chapter 2: One Step at a Time - Episode 4

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Fiery Soul: Dreamer's Miracle - Chapter 2: One Step at a Time - Episode 4

Juri returns to the Grandcypher and asks Lauphit's reason for choosing him as a partner. Lauphit gives a convincing argument, but Juri needs a final push, which Farrah happily provides. When all is said and done, Juri formally accepts the offer to partner up with Lauphit.

Juri: Lauphit...
Juri returns to the Grandcypher that night and speaks to Lauphit.
Juri: I want you to tell me something.
Lauphit: I'm all ears.
Lauphit straightens his posture, facing Juri with his own brand of earnestness.
Juri: Why comedy? What exactly is comedy to you?
Juri: Because it's a whole new world to me. And with a pro like you seemingly determined to have me as your partner, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious.
Juri: But I lack the necessary knowledge and experience in this arena. Nor do I have the insight or sense for it.
Juri: On the other hand, we have many onboard the ship who do not have such shortcomings. Yet you still chose me...
Juri: If I'm not mistaken, the partner you require is essentially a comrade whom you can trust to have your back and is capable of overcoming any trial with you.
Juri: What is your basis for determining that I, a complete rookie, would be able to fulfill that role?
Juri: No matter how I approach the question, I cannot figure it out. So please, tell me how you arrived at this conclusion.
Lauphit: Haha... You really are the curious type, aren't ya. That's a good thing. Shows me you're interested in what we're gonna do.
Lauphit: Why comedy though? Y'know, I never really thought to ask myself that.
Lauphit: Comedy was all around me since the day I was born.
Juri: A product of your environment, I see.
Lauphit: Sounds about right. Growing up in an environment full of laughter's definitely a big part of it.
Lauphit: Then again, it's not like every Namvian goes down the path of a comedian.
Lauphit: Heck, there's definitely plenty more people who lead a regular life.
Juri: A regular life...
Lauphit: Mm-hm. The life of an entertainer's a gamble. If your shows don't sell, you won't last long in the biz.
Lauphit: Still, I went into comedy knowin' that full well. I love this stuff too much.
Lauphit: Seein' people break into laughter from somethin' I said is the best feeling ever.
Juri: Hm...
Lauphit: Surely you've got someone you wish you could make laugh too...
Juri: Hm? Now that you mention it...
Lauphit: Could be anyone... Anyone at all.
Lauphit: If you've got even a single person in mind, then you ought to understand what a wonderful thing comedy is.
Juri: Someone I'd like to see laugh...
Juri ruminates over the idea, images of everyone he knows flashing through his mind.
Juri: Maybe (Captain)... or Farrah? No... They're full of smiles already.
Juri: Then...
Juri: ...!
Lauphit: Lemme guess... You thought of someone?
Juri: S-sort of... I just visualized people whose expressions are perpetually stern...
Lauphit: Oh yeah? Keep focusin' on them.
Juri: Okay... Seruel and Poseidon... flashing a grin...
Juri: ...
Juri: No... The only thing I see is failure.
Lauphit: Haha. You know, I've never seen such a wide variety of facial expressions from you in such a short time.
Lauphit: Seruel and Poseidon, eh? Might just be worth makin' em laugh.
Juri: You're asking for the impossible..
Simply imagining the unlikely act seems to drain Juri of all vitality.
An amused Lauphit gazes up at the starry sky.
Lauphit: So why did I choose you, you were askin'?
Juri: Yes.
Lauphit: Well... It's not like I had some grand designs for ya. It just felt right.
Juri: Huh... That's all there is to it?
Lauphit: Intuition's a powerful thing, ya know. Besides, like I was tellin' Lyria, you've got potential in spades.
Lauphit: Beyond that though, you're the type to take things seriously.
Lauphit: Which told me that you'd give this your all once you set your mind to it.
Juri: To put forth anything less than my best would be an affront to you...
Not entirely convinced, Juri casts a dubious glance at Lauphit.
Juri: Is that really a good enough reason to place your trust in me though?
Lauphit: Of course it is! The important thing is our chemistry with each other.
Lauphit: Namvia's full of interesting folks to partner up with, but it won't be much of a show on the stage if personalities clash.
Lauphit: The way I see it, a duo works best when both members have each other's back.
Juri: And you believe I fit that criteria...
Lauphit: Not "criteria." That sounds a bit too high and mighty...
Lauphit: As you put it earlier, a partner in comedy is essentially a "comrade."
Juri: Yes, I did say that, didn't I...
Lauphit: I'd bet havin' a reliable comrade in the army makes a huge difference. That word carries great meaning.
Lauphit: A "partner" in the world of comedy essentially is a comrade when you get down to brass tacks.
Lauphit: Our battlefield is the stage, where our bonds deepen with every battle fought.
Lauphit: Hearin' you, a former soldier, use the term "comrade" in this manner darn well brought a tear to my eye.
Juri: ...!
Lauphit: You keep sayin' comedy's not your thing, but you've paid close attention to every last word I've said.
Lauphit: You even encouraged me to stay strong and to not give up on my dreams.
Lauphit: You could say I'm your biggest fan!
Juri: Hm... Appreciate the vote of confidence...
Lauphit: (There's one other reason actually, but it's probably best not to go there...)
Lauphit: And that's the gist of it! Hope that clears up any confusion you had!
Farrah's Voice: Yep! All clear to me!
Juri: Farrah! You were listening this whole time?
Farrah: I mean, it seemed like a pretty deep discussion, and I didn't want to interrupt...
Farrah: So? Have you decided to take on the job?
Seeing Juri clam up, Lauphit expects an unfavorable answer.
However, Farrah realizes that Juri only needs one last push to be convinced he can do this.
Farrah: I paid real close attention to Lauphit's spiel too...
Juri: Huh?
Farrah: And since only one member of the duo has to be affiliated with the theater, I guess I pass muster too.
Farrah: So what do you say? I might even turn out to be the better partner!
Juri: What the... Farrah? You can't be serious...
Farrah: Juri gets so serious that he loses sight of himself sometimes, which could pose a problem for you.
Farrah: With that in mind, I'm not really sure he's cut out for this.
Juri: Wha! Are you saying I'm incapable of making people laugh!
Farrah: To be perfectly honest, that's exactly right. I can't begin to imagine the sight of an audience cracking up at your jokes.
Farrah: Besides, Lauphit needs someone who's fully committed, isn't that right?
Lauphit: Y-yeah! I think you've got a point there, Farrah!
Juri: What the heck happened to your voice!
Juri: Comedy's not hard at all! Not in the least! And I'm gonna prove it!
Juri: Farrah, Seruel, Poseidon... Just you watch!
Juri: Lauphit! You've got yourself a new partner for the upcoming contest!
Farrah: (That's how you get him fired up!)
Lauphit: (What an interesting fella your friend is. Appreciate the tip, Farrah!)
And so a highly determined Juri plunges into the world of comedy with Lauphit as his partner.