Scenario:Hot Summer Fete! Eating Bonanza! - Chapter 2: Kick Off! Aim for Victory! - Episode 2

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Hot Summer Fete! Eating Bonanza! - Chapter 2: Kick Off! Aim for Victory! - Episode 2

Amira takes third place, much to the surprise of the arena, while Kolulu and Leona also manage to clear the hundred-piece hurdle and pass. Redluck and Mash tie for first, the animosity between them growing even after the prelims finish. Everyone returns to the Grandcypher to rest except (Captain) and Vyrn, who leave to assist Sierokarte.

Announcer: And that concludes the wilder-than-expected preliminary round...
Announcer: Makes you wonder what kind of drama tomorrow'll bring, but I guess we'll find out soon.
Announcer: To all those who made it, good luck, and have a nice rest of your day!
(Captain) and Vyrn meet back up with their friends afterward.
Vyrn: Heya, good job back there!
Kolulu: I truly did it! I passed the preliminaries!
Io: Congrats, Kolulu! You were awesome!
Kolulu: I couldn't have done it without you, Io! I heard your encouragement, loud and clear!
Leona: Ahaha, I passed as well... Can't say I feel like I ate that much though.
Vyrn: In what world is ten platters of sushi not that much... But I guess if you've still got room for more, tomorrow should be easy!
Leona: Maybe? Maybe not. I'll give it my best shot at least.
Vyrn: Well, Amira definitely won't have a problem. Sure blew me away to watch her take third place today!
Amira: Did I? Does that mean I can eat more tomorrow?
Vyrn: Did... you not realize?
While Kolulu, Amira, and Leona drink in their victory, Lyria and Charlotta drag their feet behind the rest of the group and hang their heads low.
Lyria: Ahaha, we didn't make it...
Charlotta: A real shame...
Vyrn: You guys came so close too—Lyria 'specially. Just a little more time and you woulda finished.
Lyria: But I did my best, and that's what counts.
  1. It was a good hustle.
  2. You had fun too, right?

Choose: It was a good hustle.

Lyria: Thank you, (Captain)! I feel a little better after hearing that from you.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: You had fun too, right?

Lyria: Yeah, it was super fun! Thanks for letting me join.

Continue 1

Lyria: Now that I'm out, I'll be sure to cheer everyone else on twice as hard!
Charlotta: My own dreams of victory may not have come true...
Charlotta: But I will accept my fate and put my heart into cheering as well!
Vyrn: I like that! Supporting each other and showin' there's no hard feelings or nothing.
Lucio: Hoping for another's victory despite your defeat is truly an admirable display of friendship.
Lucio gives an easygoing smile and claps in support of the crew's solidarity.
Vyrn: Appreciate the compliment, but shouldn't you be at least a little upset that you lost too?
Lucio: Lost? I was never entered into the race in the first place.
Vyrn: Huh? But you were eating sushi...
Lucio: I was mistaken for a participant while studying the festivities.
Lucio: Eventually I managed to clear up the misunderstanding, but at the time I decided the best course of action was to partake in their generosity.
Lucio: I could not in good conscience waste food that someone slaved over.
Vyrn: So you took your time eatin' because winning or losing had nothing to do with you.
Lucio: Precisely. I promise I'll pay them properly later.
Vyrn: Sigh... You're a real free-spirited guy, you know that?
Lucio: Hehe, it wouldn't be polite of me to steal the spotlight from the star, after all.
Vyrn: The what? You talking about the big guy? Speaking of which...
A quick glance around reveals Redluck engaged in a heated glaring contest with Mash.
Mash: Tying for first place with me? You tryna pick a fight?
Redluck: That's my line! You already passed, so what the heck was all that asking for extra at the end?
Mash: I had ta show everyone else that I mean business!
Redluck: Hah, you're really gonna try to pull that after sneaking glances my way the whole time?
Redluck: I was only eating to warm up for tomorrow!
Mash: Now you're arguin' just to argue! Obviously I was eating as a warm-up for my warm-up!
Redluck: That doesn't even make sense! Who's actually arguing just to argue here, huh?
Vyrn: They've been at each other's throats since we left, and I'm not sure we should get involved.
Lyria: Probably not... Should we head back to the ship first?
Vyrn: Ah, sorry, no can do. Me and (Captain) hafta help the Knickknack Shack soon.
Lyria: Oh, I totally forgot! Can I pitch in too?
Vyrn: Nah, you just focus on restin' up. I'm sure you're tired after everything earlier.
Lyria: If you're sure... I'll do just that then!
Vyrn: Go for it! We'll catch ya later.
Ready to rest after all the excitement, Lyria and the other crew competitors return to the Grandcypher.
(Captain) and Vyrn send them off and head over to meet Sierokarte.