Scenario:Hot Summer Fete! Eating Bonanza! - Chapter 3: Let's Go! Hungry, Hungry Heroes! - Episode 3

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Hot Summer Fete! Eating Bonanza! - Chapter 3: Let's Go! Hungry, Hungry Heroes! - Episode 3

Time is called, and Kolulu and Amira tie for first place, meaning both of them will move on to the final round. Afterward, (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn wander the stalls in search of drinks and run into Lucio. Vyrn spots juice in Lucio's hands and asks for a sip, but Lucio refuses, explaining that it expired two years earlier. The thirsty crew members bid Lucio farewell and continue their search. Lucio then takes a sip of the juice and remarks that the liquid is "quite awful."

Announcer: And that's time!
Kolulu: Burp... I can't eat any more...
Amira: Head hurts...
Staff members go around tallying up empty glasses while the audience waits with bated breath.
Soon the results are given to the announcer.
Announcer: From the preliminaries to the first bracket of the elimination round... It's been quite a time, hasn't it?
Announcer: But thank you for your patience! The results are in, so let's get to it!
Announcer: I am delighted to announce the winner for the morning bracket is...
Announcer: Amira!
Amira: That sure was tough.
Kolulu: So in the end, I didn't manage to catch up...
Kolulu: Sometimes that's just how it goes, I suppose. But I have no regrets for—
Announcer: And our second winner is...
Announcer: Kolulu!
Kolulu: Huh?
Announcer: Bet nobody saw that coming! I sure didn't, at least!
Announcer: Both contestants managed to consume the exact same amount of lumber jellato, so both will move on to the finals!
Io: Yes, I knew Kolulu could do it!
Vyrn: Amira also did great! Proved she's got what it takes to eat her way to the top!
Kolulu: I... won?
Announcer: That's it for now, folks. We'll be back with the afternoon bracket later!
Kolulu, Amira, and Leona meet back with the rest of the group after the morning's exciting conclusion.
Io: Nice hustle, Kolulu! That last spurt was amazing to watch.
Kolulu: Golly... I still can't believe I did it.
Kolulu: But I'm proud to say that I gave it my all!
Amira: It was sweet and tasty, but so painful... Brain... no work... no more...
Vyrn: I'd be more surprised if it did after that. You're one tough cookie!
Leona: Congratulations to you both. I couldn't keep up at all.
Lyria: But Leona, you made it so far! I think you should be proud of what you managed to eat.
Leona: Haha, thanks, Lyria.
Leona: It's a little disheartening to lose, but I'm definitely glad I was able to eat all that mouthwatering food.
Redluck: Gahaha! Win or lose, you youngsters stuffed your faces magnificently!
Redluck: Got my stomach rumbling, to be honest. Now I can't wait to have my turn!
Vyrn: You won't have to wait long at least! Go kick some butt, big guy!
Redluck: You know I will!
A small intermission remains before the afternoon bracket starts. The crew decides to split up for the moment.
Thirsty from cheering, (Captain), Vyrn, and Lyria look for a stand to buy drinks.
Lyria: There are so many options! I wonder which ones we should pick?
Vyrn: Good question. How about... Huh?
Lucio: Hello, everyone. It's quite hot, isn't it?
Lucio, drink in hand, greets the group from beneath a parasol.
Vyrn: So you were outside the arena this whole time.
Vyrn: Coulda joined us and showed some support for the others, you know?
Lucio: My sincerest apologies. I truly wish I could have been there, but an urgent matter came up.
Lucio: And I cannot ignore my role as a protector.
Lyria: Um...
Vyrn: I really don't get what you're goin' on about half the time.
Vyrn: Anyway, that juice you're holding looks pretty good.
Vyrn: Mind if I have a sip? My throat's feelin' dry as a desert.
Lucio: I am sorry, but this is not a substance I can allow you to partake of.
Vyrn: C'mon, don't be so stingy. I'll buy you something later.
Lucio: You cannot.
Vyrn: Why?
Lucio: This was made two years ago.
Vyrn: Say what? How'd that happen!
Lucio: It might have gotten mixed up with the rest of the store's inventory.
Vyrn: Fine, guess we better go get our own drinks.
Vyrn floats away, (Captain) and Lyria following after.
Lucio: I am truly sorry, Master Vyrn.
Lucio: ...
Lucio stares pensively at the drink.
Lucio: Hmm.
He dips a finger inside and gives it a lick. After a moment of consideration, he nods to himself.
Lucio: As I thought, this is...
Lucio: Quite awful.
Smile never leaving his face, he incinerates the bottle in his hand until not a trace of it is left.