Scenario:Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 1: Fragrance of Roses - Episode 3

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Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 1: Fragrance of Roses - Episode 3

Melissabelle tries too hard to visualize every little detail and falls asleep shortly after she starts reading. Sahli Lao and Milleore wake her up, and the group agrees to try a visualization technique called imagination tuning using Lunalu's artwork of the Popol Saga characters as a base to see if it helps. Once Sierokarte joins, they begin a dramatic reading of the story.

Melissabelle: Zzz...
Milleore: Melissa. Wake up, Melissa.
Sahli Lao: If you doze off now, you'll be wide awake at night.
Melissabelle: Mngh... Millao...
A half hour has passed since the long-haired princess began reading. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep under the kotatsu.
Milleore and Sahli Lao, having never read Popol Saga either, have come to get a peek at the revised edition.
Lunalu: Oh, you're awake. You fell asleep so fast earlier.
Mahira: Good morning. Was it difficult imagining all the background details for Popol Saga?
Melissabelle: Mm-hm, it sure was. Working my brain so hard makes me nod off.
Melissabelle: How do the rest of you paint the scene in your heads when you're reading?
Milleore: How? I just visualize whatever's written on the page.
Milleore: Like, you know...
Sahli Lao: Hm... Good question. I tend to do it unconsciously, so I've never given it much thought.
Sahli Lao: Let me turn the question to you. What did you find most difficult in reading Popol Saga just now?
Melissabelle: Well...
Melissabelle: For instance, I have trouble just visualizing any of the scenery. Because I've never been to Castile before.
Milleore: Visualizing scenery, huh...
Melissabelle: That goes for characters too. I keep imagining everyone to look the same, so I can't tell them apart.
Sahli Lao: Can't get a grasp on their appearances, huh...
Melissabelle: On top of that, there's also the fashion and architecture of the period. It's so much to take in all at once.
Mahira: I see what you mean. It's hard to concentrate when there are so many questions floating in your head.
Mahira: ...
Mahira: I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Melissa's situation might be that she's too creative.
Lunalu: ...!
That's exactly it!
Lunalu: I get it now. Melissa's problem is that she's way too serious about understanding the novel!
Melissabelle: You think so?
Lunalu: Mm-hm. There's no need to visualize every little thing in perfect detail. It's okay to take a more lighthearted, carefree approach!
Melissabelle: A more lighthearted, carefree approach?
Lunalu: Yeah. No offense to the author, but...
Lunalu: Instead of trying to be as accurate as possible in your visualization, just go with whatever you're familiar with.
Lunalu: That goes not just for scenery, but also for character faces. Imagine they're your friends or people you've seen in paintings. Nameless supporting characters probably don't matter and can be left vague.
Lunalu: Your imagination is yours to tinker with... We're going to use this opportunity for some imagination tuning!
Milly & Lao: Imagination tuning?
Lunalu: Yeah.
Mahira: Imagination tuning... Sounds like a way to really get creative with our imaginations.
Lunalu: That's one way to put it... You want to just let loose when you're in the thick of it.
Melissabelle: Imagination tuning...
Melissabelle: I like the sound of that! I think I'm ready to continue reading now.
Lunalu: Really? Phew, then it was worth all the embarrassment that cost me.
Milleore: You're worried about being embarrassed in front of us after we made a romantic storybook together?
Sahli Lao: What she said! Also, there are some pictures in the appendix that help bring life to the setting. That could help with our imagination tuning.
Mahira: I have a suggestion. Why don't we use Lunalu's drawings as stand-ins for what the Popol Saga characters might look like?
Lunalu: Huh?
Mahira: Do you disagree? I remembered you drew a pic of Lopop on the back of a Popol Saga ad you once showed me.
Melissabelle: Let's go with that. Can you put your drawings on the kotatsu, Lunalu?
Lunalu: As long as you're okay with it... I know I should be glad, but why does it feel like a public execution?
Melissabelle: Also, what do you guys say we take turns reading Popol Saga out loud? I think it'd help keep us awake.
Milleore: You mean like when we acted out parts of that romantic storybook? I remember it being so embarrassing that sleep was the last thing on my mind.
Sahli Lao: Agreed! Everyone's schedule is open today, right? Now all we need is Siero to play the role of Popol—
Sierokarte: You called? Well, here I am.
Lunalu: Gyaaah! Prince Popol's descended upon us!
Mahira: Welcome back, Siero. Nice to have the entire Citizens of the Kotatsu for Life (CtK4Life) posse together again.
Melissabelle: That's for sure!
Lunalu: The stage and all the actors are in place...
Lunalu: Nothing can stop us now! Focus your power levels, everyone!
Melissabelle: Power levels?
Lunalu: Imagination overdrive!