Scenario:Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 6: A Cry for the Motherland - Episode 3

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Imagination Overdrive - Chapter 6: A Cry for the Motherland - Episode 3

The Harvins are flabbergasted at Volume One's conclusion. Curious as to what happens at the very end of Popol Saga in the missing Volume Ten, they discuss their ideas for the ideal conclusion while Lunalu puts it all down on paper—in the form of an illustrated storybook.

Four Citizens: ...
Lunalu: I know, right? I had the same reaction when I first read this part!
Sierokarte: It was a real shocker for me too. I couldn't think of a more tragic ending.
Mahira: What a surprise. Wait... That was the last page. So that's how Volume One ends, huh...
Melissabelle: What happens to Popol after that?
Lunalu: Later volumes focus on his adventures across numerous islands and the new bonds he forms with the various men he meets.
Lunalu: In Volume Nine, Popol returns to Castile when civil strife has broken out once again.
Milleore: Again? I imagine it must be connected to the events in the first volume.
Sahli Lao: Now I'm really curious what happens at the very end...
Sierokarte: The tenth and final volume is supposed to depict the final showdown between the two brothers...
Sierokarte: But unfortunately, it's been lost to history. The manuscript has never been found by anyone. So no one knows the ending!
Lunalu: That's precisely why Popol Saga has and will forever continue to stir the imaginations of readers all over!
Lunalu: Its unfinished nature is a boon in a way, allowing us to come up with our own conclusion—one that works for us.
Melissabelle: Even though I've only read the first volume so far, I'm ready to think up a conclusion.
Mahira: Same here. I don't think I'll be able to sleep until we have a satisfying conclusion.
All nod in agreement, and they begin discussing where to take the story.
Milleore: Civil unrest can only mean Lopop's taken a page from his father's book, and the people are rejecting his oppression.
Sahli Lao: Yes, the history books record him as a foolish ruler. He was not popular with his subjects.
Mahira: After all that's happened, Lopop ended up treading in his father's footsteps...
Milleore: If Popol had stayed behind to help him, maybe he would've been a better ruler.
Sahli Lao: Hrm... If you ask me, there was no turning back after he murdered Osanne.
Melissabelle: Then again... I don't want to see an ending where the two brothers just kill each other off.
Three Citizens: Agreed...
Milleore: But the way the story's headed right now, I'm not sure how we can avoid a confrontation between the brothers.
Sahli Lao: Before the confrontation happens, I wouldn't be surprised if it somehow comes to light that Lopop murdered Osanne.
Mahira: That was the turning point, wasn't it—when Lopop really changed as a person.
Milleore: From a reader's viewpoint, he definitely deserves some sort of punishment.
Melissabelle: The brothers just wanted to be happy...
Melissabelle: Is there no way to turn this into a happy ending?
As the discussion heats up, one person begins to get teary-eyed.
Lunalu: Sniff...
Sierokarte: Lunalu? Need a shoulder to cry on?
Lunalu: I... I've always dreamed about a chance like this to talk about my favorite piece of literature with my friends!
Lunalu: And you don't know how grateful I am to see it come true before my very eyes!
Sierokarte: Hahaha. I'm glad it worked out for you.
Lunalu: Okay... Time to take a breather from the impressions piece!
Sierokarte: Huh? Are you going somewhere, Lunalu?
Lunalu: Just gimme a sec!
Lunalu disappears into a corner of the room.
Lunalu: Trans... form!
Lunalu: Haah! I've got my muse on!
Sierokarte: What's with the change of clothes, Lunalu?
Lunalu: Um, well, you see...
Lunalu: (That didn't have an impact on Siero at all!)
Sierokarte: Don't tell me you're going to draw an illustrated storybook right this instant?
Lunalu: After hearing all this chatter about Popol Saga's ending, I finally decided to take action!
Lunalu: I'm going to draw the perfect conclusion as envisioned by all of us!
Sierokarte: Oh, so that's what the battle armor is for.
Lunalu: No holding back, guys! Hit me with every idea you've got!
Melissabelle: Okay, I can do that.
Mahira: Look how hyped up Lunalu is.
Sahli Lao: We don't exactly have our thoughts in order yet though. Is that all right?
Milleore: Er... As much as I admire the effort, I just hope Lunalu doesn't collapse from burnout.
Sierokarte: Teehee. I'm sure it'll be fine.
Sierokarte: Whatever comes to mind, just say it and Lunalu will do the rest.
And so on a whim, the artist works up a storm for her latest illustrated storybook, incorporating every idea that comes her way.