Scenario:Main Quest - Chapter 12: Battle at the Falls - Episode 1

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Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 12: Battle at the Falls - Episode 1

(Captain) and the others rush toward Auguste Falls. Eugen opens up and tells the crew he owes a great debt to Leviathan.

(Captain) and the others head to Auguste Falls, hoping to stop the primal beast Leviathan.
Eugen: Hey, (Captain). How do I phrase this...
Eugen: Are... you sure we can count on Lyria's powers?
Vyrn: You look awfully worried, Eugen.
Vyrn: But you shouldn't be! Lyria's powers have always come through for us!
Katalina: We couldn't explain how they work if pressed on the issue though.
Lyria: Eugen... are you saying you don't think I can do it?
Eugen: No, that's not it...
Eugen: It's just... I want to help Leviathan. No matter what it takes.
Eugen: I owe Leviathan for always protecting the sea. Big time.

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 12: Battle at the Falls - Episode 1: Scene 2

Eugen reveals that, by merging with the sea, Leviathan imbued it with healing powers that once saved his daughter's life.

Katalina: You said you... owe a debt of gratitude to Leviathan.
Katalina: Does that mean you've encountered it before?
Eugen: No. You heard the Black Knight. Leviathan is one with the sea. It's never taken form before.
Eugen: But the seas of Auguste hold a special power thanks to it.
Rackam: That's right. You were saying something about the sea having the power to heal.
Eugen: I mean, you could probably call it a miracle...
Eugen: It saved a life once. My daughter's life.
Rackam: Daughter? Since when do you have a kid?
Io: We don't have time to listen to you talk about dumb family stuff! We have to deal with these monsters!
Io: You too, (Captain)! Don't expect me to save you if you just stand there!