Scenario:Main Quest - Chapter 14: Rose-Petal Glint - Episode 1

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Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 14: Rose-Petal Glint - Episode 1

The hungry young girl introduces herself as Orchis and says that Rosetta brought her to the Knickknack Shack. (Captain) and the others set off again into the forest in order to return the girl to the Black Knight.

The Black Knight's young companion continues eating without a care in the world.
???: Yum, yum...
Rackam: So, uh... What're you doing here, little miss?
???: I'm not...
Rackam: What?
Orchis: I'm not a little miss. My name is Orchis.
Lyria: Orchis, you say?
Io: Listen, Orchis... Did you come here by yourself? Where's the knight?
Orchis: I was left on watch.
Io: On watch? So the Black Knight just left you here?
Orchis: No. She left me on watch aboard the airship.
Orchis: But then the rose lady brought me here. And got me some good food.
Rosetta: Hm? You mean me?
Katalina: Now I think we deserve an explanation. Why exactly did you bring Orchis here?
Rosetta: No reason in particular! I saw an airship I hadn't seen before, so I took a stroll around it...
Rosetta: She looked dreadfully bored on deck. So... I brought her here!
Rosetta: Hehe.
Io: Hey, (Captain)... Is it just me or is that kidnapping?
Vyrn: That's totally kidnapping! What do you think you're doing?
Lyria: The Black Knight's going to be worried once she realizes Orchis is gone...
Orchis: It's okay. I left a note saying a strange lady took me away.
Orchis: So she won't worry... burp.
Vyrn: So, uh... Orchis? Do you know where the Black Knight went?
Orchis: The forest.
She said she had something to do deep inside the forest.
Katalina: To avoid any misunderstandings, I believe we should deliver Orchis to the Black Knight directly.
Eugen: Well, whatever the case, we've gotta find her as soon as possible. It's as simple as that!
With Orchis in tow, (Captain) and the others head back into the forest.

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 14: Rose-Petal Glint - Episode 1: Scene 2

As they walk the forest path in search of the Black Knight, Lyria and Io chat with Orchis, who seems to be slowly opening up to them.

Katalina: My goodness, Rosetta... What in the skies were you thinking?
Katalina: How could you kidnap Orchis from the Black Knight's airship?
Rosetta: What's so wrong with that? Tell you what: I'll guide you to where you need to go.
Lyria: It's a pleasure to meet you, Orchis! I'm Lyria and this is (Captain)!
Orchis: What's a pleasure?
Lyria: Huh? Come to think of it, why do we say that when meeting people, (Captain)?
Io: Basically it means let's be friends! My name's Io and it's a pleasure to meet you!
Orchis: You want to... be friends... with me?
Orchis: Friends...
Rackam: She's an odd one, all right. And she's tagging along with the Black Knight... like a daughter or something?
Eugen: I don’t see much of a resemblance—
Eugen: But I do see some monsters ahead. Ready yerselves!