Scenario:Main Quest - Chapter 17: A Troubled Citadel - Episode 1

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Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 17: A Troubled Citadel - Episode 1

In Albion Castle a girl vows to help Major General Furias so that they may both reach their goals.

The crew are on their way to Albion Citadel.
Meanwhile in Albion Castle, two people are having a secret discussion.
Furias: Good grief... I can't fathom why you won't just let it go!
Furias: But you have your reasons, I suppose. Would you mind telling me why? Don't be shy!
The girl sitting before Furias gives a wry smile in response and nothing more.
Furias: Fine. It's probably stupid anyway.
Furias: But since we both want the same thing, I see no reason not to team up with you.
Furias: Just don't make me regret this, okay?
Furias is grinning ear to ear.
The girl staring back at him keeps a gentle smile on her face.

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 17: A Troubled Citadel - Episode 1: Scene 2

With a curious offer from the empire to settle things peacefully, the crew travels to Albion. On their approach to the island, monsters suddenly attack the Grandcypher.

Rackam: I can see something on the horizon. Is that... Albion?
Lyria: Oh my gosh! It's like a big, flying castle!
Katalina: That's right. Albion is a floating fortress city.
Katalina: The castle in the center and the city outskirts that surround it all float as one.
Vyrn: And the imperial general is waiting for us there...
Io: Humph! They want to make amends, huh? Sounds like a crock to me. A clever lady isn't fooled so easily!
Rosetta: But why Albion? A floating fortress of stone and paved paths... I'd feel more comfortable with my feet on some soil.
Eugen: Albion... Albion, eh?
Feel like I've heard the name somewhere before.
Eugen: Katalina, what else would you say makes Albion stick out?
Katalina: Stick out? Well, it's a unique city to begin with, but if I had to say, it's definitely the—
Monster: Groooar!
Rackam: Uh-oh! I don't think we're gonna get to Albion unless we get rid of this guy!
Rackam: Come on, (Captain)! Let's give it what for!