Scenario:Main Quest - Chapter 18: Goodbye Forever - Episode 3

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Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 18: Goodbye Forever - Episode 3

Vira admits that she tried to become the sacrifice, but Luminiera didn't accept her as a true knight. (Captain) and the crew decide to rescue Katalina.

Vira: By all rights, I should've become the sacrifice for summoning Luminiera, being that I'm the head of Albion.
Vira: But I rose to this position while I was still a student. I know nothing of knighthood.
Vira: So Luminiera didn't recognize me as a true knight...
Eugen: Let's let bygones be bygones, eh? We don't think any worse of ya for doing what ya had to do.
Io: Yeah! Let's not forget who the real bad guys are here—the empire!
Vyrn: You said it! And we're not gonna leave Katalina to get sacrificed!
Eugen: We need to get away from here for now.
Eugen: It wouldn't do for the empire to find us chattin' with the Lord of Albion right under their battleship.

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 18: Goodbye Forever - Episode 3: Scene 2

After helping (Captain) and the crew sneak away from the castle, Vira explains that the Lord of Albion is chosen through a tournament. Vira insists that Katalina is stronger, despite having earned the lordship by defeating her in the tournament.

With Vira's help, (Captain) and the crew slip out the castle and away from the empire's watch.
Rosetta: By the way, young lady, I found something you said earlier quite funny.
Vira: Sorry, I don't remember making any jokes...
Rosetta: I didn't mean it like that. But you said you became the lord while you were still a student, no?
Rosetta: Being six years ago, it's funny that they made a child like you the lord. So was the previous lord a parent or the like?
Vira: Albion's lordship is not inherited.
Vira: Upon the lord's death, a tournament is held. The winner of said tournament is chosen as the next lord.
Vyrn: Wait...
Vyrn: Does that mean you beat Katalina?
Vira: I did. The final round was between me and her.
Rackam: Good golly! Being stronger than Katalina has gotta be a pretty big deal, am I right?
Vira: But I'm not... Not now or ever have I been a match for Katalina.
Io: Huh? But you won, right? I mean, the strongest person becomes the lord...
Vira: Hee hee.
Vira: Now then, we have some monsters up ahead. We mustn't dilly-dally!