Scenario:Main Quest - Chapter 21: Stranded in the Mist - Episode 3

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Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 21: Stranded in the Mist - Episode 3

(Captain) and the crew see a village up ahead. They hurry through the mist, hoping to talk to the people who live there.

Vyrn: Whoa! Hey, (Captain)! You see that?
Lyria: I'm not even trying to look! I don't wanna see any zombies or ghosts!
Vyrn: Good grief... Enough with the zombies! Anyway, does that look like a village to you? I see a bunch of houses over there.
Katalina: And there are lights... So it must not be a ghost town.
Io: I never thought I'd feel so happy to find a village...
Rosetta: But it's too soon to say! Zombies could attack from out of the fog... only to find that they're the villagers!
Lyria: Eep...
Io: Hey! You okay, Lyria? Get a hold of yourself!
Katalina: Rosetta... Why don't you give it a rest and stop scaring Lyria?
Rosetta: So sorry! She's just so adorable that I couldn't help myself!
Vyrn: Let's go check out the village! We can talk to the people who live there and get some helpful information!

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 21: Stranded in the Mist - Episode 3: Scene 2

(Captain) and the crew are welcomed by the villagers, who turn out to be zombies. They learn that a primal beast appeared one hundred years before, causing all living things on the island to never die completely.

Villager 1: Oh! Welcome! Are you travelers? Don't see them often!
Villager 2: Now, now! Don't just stand there! Come this way!
Katalina: It can't be... What Rosetta was saying turned out to be true!
Lyria: Katalina, what are you saying? Clearly there's a flu going around, and that's why everyone looks so pale, right?
Villager 3: We've seen our share of plagues in the past, but now we're immune to sickness! We're actually dead, you see!
Lyria: Ah... D-dead... you s-say...
Katalina: Lyria, no more excuses. You've got to face the truth right in front of you.
Io: You can do it, Lyria! Just give it a while and you'll get used to it!
Rosetta: Even so, that doesn't change the fact that this is a strange situation.
Rosetta: What's happened to this island? Would you mind telling us?
Villager 1: It's a simple story really! Must've been about a hundred years ago now...
Villager 1: A primal beast we'd never seen before suddenly appeared out of the mist, and it's stayed ever since.
Villager 1: Since then, no living things on the island have died completely. Instead they live on in some form or another.
Villager 2: But, you know, being a zombie or a ghost isn't all that bad. We're all making the most of it!
Katalina: What an incredible outlook you have! If only everyone could be inspired to live on the bright side!
Vyrn: Wait, is "live" a good word choice here?
Io: Either way, it sounds like we've figured out what we need to do now!
Io: Obviously the reason we can't leave the island is because of that primal beast!
Io: Let's defeat some monsters and find the primal!