Scenario:The Doss! End of the Line Farewell Tour - Opening

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The Doss! End of the Line Farewell Tour - Opening

The cheers of the crowd reach Aoidos backstage. Performing here at Auguste Festival with his fellow bandmates—Vyrn, Rackam, and Baal—is a dream come true, but he can't shake a feeling of dread. Even so, he takes the stage for the greatest—and final—show of the Doss.

Aoidos: So here we are, gazing out on a sea of revelers. It's everything I've been waiting for.
Aoidos: Auguste Festival is home to the skydom's musical monsters, and now it's our time to take the stage.
Rackam: Phew, this ain't like playin' in a smoky dive, I'll give ya that.
Aoidos: The guy next to me is Vermillios. His capable helmsman hands translate surprisingly well to the strings of a bass guitar.
Vyrn: Holy smokes! How many people do you think are out there?
Aoidos: That's Dandelios. He's a beast of a drummer talent-wise, and he naturally looks the part; no costume needed.
Baal: Hm. All the more reason we mustn't falter in front of this crowd.
Aoidos: Shados. One of the best rhythm guitarists I've been lucky enough to have backing me up.
Aoidos: Fear not, my fine fellows. All eyes will be trained on me anyway, so there's no reason for any of you to be nervous.
Aoidos: Last but not least is me, Aoidos—a man born with talent and looks that make the gods green with envy. They can't help but screw with me.
Aoidos: So as the lead guitarist and vocalist, why shouldn't I be the de facto leader of the Doss?
Vyrn: Uh, you sure you're up for this? I mean, you've been through a lot lately...
Aoidos: A silly question, Dandelios. I've got a historic performance to put on, though it's more or less a done deal.
Aoidos: And then after all is sung and done, what'll be will be.
Rackam: Fine, but don't push it, all right? Can't have you faintin' on us again.
Aoidos: I got it.
Aoidos: ...
Aoidos: Can't remember the last time I was nervous. The lack of practice and stress are taking their toll.
Aoidos: But I've still got confidence aplenty. My dream of playing at Auguste Festival comes true today; the Doss is going to go down in history.
Festival Rep.: Okay, guys! The stage is yours!
Aoidos: Let's rock 'n' roll.
Aoidos: The screams of the fans fade in an instant. A dazzling clear blue sky hangs above me, reflecting how I feel inside.
Aoidos: Such perfect weather. Perhaps the gods that curse me with their incessant jealousy have no choice but to begrudgingly grant me their blessings.
Aoidos: This may very well be the last gig the Doss ever plays.
Aoidos: Everyone present is a witness to history—to the birth of a legend.
Aoidos: Aaaaah!
Aoidos: It all makes sense to me now. Those jealous gods? Their pettiness was meant to prep me for this one shining moment.