Scenario:The Many Lives of Cats - Chapter 4: You Did It, Sen - Episode 2

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The Many Lives of Cats - Chapter 4: You Did It, Sen - Episode 2

Dante's investigation on the island uncovers evidence of conflict among the strays of Micenos, with the islanders possibly being involved. After speaking with the townspeople, the crew learns that the troublesome strays have claimed Mao Mera Hill for themselves.

Vyrn: Okay, so... What's going on exactly?
Having disembarked from the Grandcypher, (Captain) and the others urge Dante to explain what's happening on the island.
Dante: It has to do with the investigation I carried out earlier this morning.
Lyria: What were you investigating?
Dante: I heard a rumor that the lords and ladies of this island are experiencing a bout of turmoil.
Vyrn: Lords and ladies? Oh, you're talking about cats.
Lyria: Are they having a tough time with something?
Dante: Yes. It seems that a certain lord is employing a frightening power to tyrannize the greater part of the feline population.
Dante: Anyone who stands in opposition is taken away somewhere.
Vyrn: Sounds like a cat-on-cat turf war to me.
Lyria: Do you know where they're being taken to?
Dante: Well, this is not a matter that only pertains to the lords and ladies.
Vyrn: Meaning?
Dante: Some "furless," as the lords and ladies refer to us, may be involved.
Dante: Therefore the next step is to gather information from the townspeople.
Vyrn: We can handle that!
Lyria: Since we can't understand cats like you do, we'll go talk to the townspeople instead!
Dante: My thanks. I hope you find something.
Mother: Yes, I ran into a young girl traveling with some cats just before noon.
Mother: She said she was a skyfarer who just arrived on the island this morning.
Lyria: Really?
Vyrn: That had to be Sen and the cats!
Lyria: Speaking of cats, could we ask you about the ones who live on this island?
Mother: Ah, those creatures...
The woman frowns when presented with this question.
Mother: Cats aren't entirely welcome in this town.
Mother: I for one am not too fond of the little beasts, and I'd say a fair number of others agree with me.
Lyria: How come?
Mother: I don't know about cats on other islands, but here on Micenos, they're vicious balls of claws and fangs.
Mother: Not to mention the health risks they pose to people in regards to cleanliness.
Mother: You should be careful too.
Lyria: We will, thanks...
Mother: Oh drat. I forgot to warn the young lady as well.
Mother: For her sake, I hope she didn't wander close to the hill...
Vyrn: What hill? Is it a dangerous place?
Mother: Yes, it's called Mao Mera Hill. That's where the ferals take refuge.
Mother: It's more or less a junkyard now. No good can come of going there.
Vyrn: Why'd it turn into a junkyard?
Mother: Well, it happened over time. The hill didn't start off as a dirty mess...
Vyrn: I don't think cats are as dangerous as that woman makes 'em out to be.
Vyrn: But we'd better find Sen and the others as soon as we can.
Dante: Lord Rivera is with them. That alone is enough to ensure their safety.
Vyrn: Well, they've got Sen with 'em, so they shouldn't get into too much trouble.
Lyria: Huh?
Lyria blinks as each of her two companions backs a different horse in this particular race.
Lyria: Um...
Vyrn: Ahaha.
Vyrn: So why don't we head for Mao Mera Hill?
Dante: No, there is someone I would like to see first.
Lyria: Who?
Dante: The same source who provided me with information about this island earlier.