Scenario:Yodarha - Million in Zero

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Million in Zero

Over the course of nearly a month, Yodarha and Rhens undergo strict training in the place were Grace previously fell. However, it isn't until the topic of Grace's wire comes up that Yodarha thinks of a way to truly reach new heights.

The wind whistles through the otherwise still forest.
Yodarha: Inhale... Exhale...
Rhens: Inhale... Exhale...
As the sun begins to rise, Yodarha and Rhens begin practicing their sword swings.
One million swings—a feat that Yodarha once demanded of all his pupils.
Since restarting their basic training about a month ago, the two have completed the feat twice.
Yodarha: Phew...
Rhens: (Looks like he's lit a heck of a fire under himself too...)
Rhens: (After a million swings, he runs around the forest, then starts striking a training dummy...)
Rhens: (I might not be able to keep up with the next round of a million swings...)
Yodarha: Clear your mind of thought, Rhens.
Yodarha: ...
With the sun being rather high up now, perhaps we should take a break.
Yodarha sheathes his sword and moves away from the training grounds.
His steps are swift and purposeful, making no wasted movement.
Rhens: Geez, sure looks like you're all better now...
Yodarha: Ah! Nothing like a refreshing drink of water!
Rhens: Want some of the salted fish I brought along, Gramps?
Yodarha: Wait a second, didn't I catch and salt those myself?
Rhens: Yeah, but I'm the one who brought 'em here!
Rhens: Eat up!
Yodarha grabs the salted fish from Rhens and heartily takes a bite.
Pleased to see his master in good spirits, the pupil takes a bite himself.
Yodarha: Nom... How's your body faring, Rhens?
Rhens: Not bad, I guess. My grip might be weak, but I'm gettin' a better handle on what it means to swing a sword.
Rhens: I just need to figure out the exact moment to exert my strength.
Yodarha: Well said. I'd expect no less from you.
Yodarha: The immobility of your arm forces you to concentrate power on a single instant... You'd be quite formidable if you can master it.
Yodarha: At this point, you could probably take out the average monster with little difficulty.
Yodarha: To be honest, I thought you might give up at the first million swings. Didn't think you'd stick around all the way to three million.
Rhens: Yeah, I push through somehow. Besides, someone's gotta keep an eye on ya to make sure you don't overdo it.
Rhens: How 'bout yourself? Reach the new heights you're looking for yet?
Yodarha: Not quite.
Yodarha: I thought a million or two sword swings might fill me with some insight. Yet...
Yodarha: Nothing's changed at all! Maybe I just need to do ten million sword swings!
Rhens: That's—
Rhens: (Holy crap, he's not kidding. He might actually do ten million...)
Yodarha: I'm getting my old self back, but I still have some ways to go. Who knows what I might encounter in the travels ahead.
Yodarha: As I am now, I'm not sure if I could even fight toe to toe with Grace.
Rhens: Grace, eh...
The two briefly stare into the distance in silence.
The place they first chose as their primary training grounds was where Grace fell.
Though they both realized it, they continued using the location until today.
Rhens: As bad as I have it, Grace was way worse off with her arm...
Yodarha: I didn't cut it off, but I made sure she could never wield a sword again.
Yodarha: Who'd have thought she'd be wreaking havoc again with that wire contraption.
Rhens: Thought I'd try my hand at the thing myself, but then realized I'd be crazy to go through with it. It's way too dangerous.
Rhens: Can't imagine the sort of training she must've undergone to use the wires as an extension of her limbs.
Yodarha: Then again, this is Grace we're talking about. She always was good at staying focused.
Yodarha: For her vision of "world peace"...
Gazing up at the azure skies above, Yodarha mutters under his breath.
Rhens: On that note, (Captain) fights for world peace just the same.
Rhens: You know, I thought Grace was talkin' nonsense when she first told me what she fights for.
Rhens: I mean, here was this pork-lovin' brat next to me talking about going against some of the toughest opponents out there...
Rhens: I guess when you're doin' something huge like changin' the world, you need skills on the level of Grace...
Yodarha: You just might be right...
Yodarha: Tch!
Yodarha: You haven't lost a step, Grace.
Grace: Happy to see you again. Geez, how many years has it been?
Yodarha: Far too long without you getting your comeuppance!
Yodarha: She moved freely and effortlessly with all the grace her name implies... And you'd have no idea where her next lethal blow might come from—
Yodarha: That's it!
Rhens: Whoa! Don't be screamin' outta the blue, Gramps! What's on your mind?
Yodarha: Ah, to think that the technique of an exiled disciple would lead me to this epiphany!
Yodarha: I've discovered what I'm looking for, Rhens!
Rhens: Wha? Er, that's good, I guess...
Just then...
A gust of wind whips by, as if to tease the younger disciple and praise the master's enlightenment.
As the trees murmur among themselves, the phantasmagoric fencer finds a way forward.

Million in Zero: Scene 2

While trying to devise a new technique so fast that it cannot be seen by the naked eye, Yodarha finds that Aletheia and Yngwie have come to visit. The latter engages him in an all-out duel.

Yodarha: Chraaaah!
Rhens: Holy smokes...
Rhens props the severely scarred lignoid back up.
Rhens: How about that one?
Yodarha: Still not quite there. You were able to catch glimpses of my blade, yes?
Rhens: You were crazy fast, but yeah, I could definitely still see it.
Yodarha: Speed alone will not get me to where I need to be. I'll have to rethink this...
Rhens: You seriously think you can pull off something resemblin' what Grace did with that wire?
Rhens: I mean, for starters, isn't her weapon connected to some Arianensa moon thing?
Yodarha: No, trying to match the wire exactly would be an impossible feat.
Yodarha: But I'd like to believe that I can get very close to it...
Yodarha: The point is to unleash a death blow that cannot be seen by the naked eye.
Yodarha: That alone should be feasible, don't you think?
Rhens: Well, if you put it that way, I think you've already pulled it off...
Rhens: What's dangerous about Grace is that there's no tellin' when or where her next attack is gonna come from.
Rhens: I just can't imagine pullin' that off as well with a sword... I mean, you've gotta draw the sword before you can swing it, right?
Yodarha: How unlike you, Rhens. What happened to that relentless attitude of yours?
Rhens: The bar's too high this time... I'm not sure I can keep up anymore.
Yodarha: Heh, I suppose it is part of a master's duty to show his disciple the way.
Yodarha: Well, this ends today's training. Why don't we go take on some monsters? Come earn your keep.
Rhens: Sure.
Yodarha: Shaaaa!
Monster: ...!
Yodarha charges at the monster horde with all the ferocity of a lion on the hunt.
Rhens: Yeah, no way am I jumpin' in there. Probably end up getting cut pretty badly myself.
Yodarha: It's over!
Yodarha: That should do it.
Rhens: Nice. You're really pumped up, aren't you.
Yodarha: I'm nearly back where I used to be. But I still have my work cut out for me.
Yodarha: I can only go so far with monsters.
Rhens: Why not try goin' back to the crew? Bet you'll run into a worthy opponent there in no time at all.
Yodarha: Hm? How 'bout yourself?
Rhens: Nah. You're way above my level, Gramps.
Yodarha: You think so? For shame. Hm, what to do.
Yodarha: At any rate, it wouldn't feel right returning to the crew without some new move in my repertoire.
After muttering those words to himself, Yodarha returns to town to report the extermination of the monsters.
Upon reporting completion of their task, Yodarha and Rhens make for home.
???: What took so long? I figured a small horde like that would be child's play for you.
Rhens: ...?
Who the heck—
Yodarha: Settle down, Rhens. He's an old friend.
Aletheia: Oho... Indeed. When I heard a fellow master swordsman had taken up training again, I knew I had to come pay a visit.
Aletheia: My apologies for startling you, Rhens.
Rhens: Nah, I'm the one who spoke outta turn. Here, why don't I treat you to some grub as an apology? The folks in town gifted us meat for slayin' the monsters.
Aletheia: Ohoho! Yes, catching up over a meal does sound nice. Fill me in, Yodarha.
Yodarha: Hoo boy, where do I even start...
Aletheia: Uh-huh. So you're looking to attain ever greater heights in the way of the sword, I see.
Yodarha: I feel like it's literally right in front of me, but it keeps sliding out of my grasp like an elusive fish...
Yodarha: What is the missing piece that I'm not seeing?
Aletheia: Why not have a match with me, like we did in the old days—
Aletheia: On second thought, I doubt fighting the same old opponent would do much to help you reach new horizons.
Yodarha: What a strange way of putting it. Do you know someone more worthy than yourself?
Aletheia: In case you haven't heard, Yngwie's taken up the sword again lately.
Yodarha: Oho... I remember hearing he couldn't hold a sword anymore. I suppose he's overcome the hurdle.
Aletheia: I don't know the details either, but apparently reuniting with his beloved daughter made all the difference.
Aletheia: Considering he was able to find his way back to the sword, surely he'd have some advice for you.
Yodarha: Well put. That explains the other mucky presence I'm sensing.
???: Yep. Nice to see you living up to your reputation as a master swordsman.
Rhens: What the! Wh-where were you hiding this whole time!
Yngwie: Heh, doesn't do much for your rep as a master swordsman in the making when you couldn't even sniff me out.
Aletheia: Come now, Yngwie. It just goes to show how skilled you are at stealth.
Yodarha: So I see... You've changed since we last spoke, Yngwie.
Yngwie: Coming from you, that's high praise. And I'm glad to see you all healed up. Here's a little present from me and my daughter.
Yodarha: Ah, a magnificent bouquet. Rhens, see if you can put these in a nice arrangement.
Rhens: You sure? I don't think I'm qualified to handle flowers safely...
Yodarha: So, Yngwie, I take it you're up-to-date on my situation?
Yngwie: Sure am. That's what I came all this way for. Not like I get many chances to test my strength against you on the ship.
Aletheia: Well, we wouldn't want to tear up the Grandcypher in the process after all.
Aletheia: Though this island isn't exactly fit for tearing up either...
Yngwie: We're not the reckless go-getters we used to be. I'm sure we can control ourselves enough to not cut down the forests and split the earth, yeah?
Yodarha: Are you asking me to go easy on you? That is one request I cannot oblige.
Aletheia: Nuh-uh, no need to hold back, boys. That's what I'm here for.
Aletheia: Though I could use some assistance... What do you say, Rhens?
Rhens: Wait, me? Seriously?
Aletheia: Oh, I'm not asking for much. Just a bit of help if it comes to that.
Rhens: I'm not feelin' it, but all right... Just go easy on me.
Yngwie: It's settled then. Let's get this match started.
Yodarha: Yes, let us make hay while the sun shines. Good thing I fed myself earlier. I'm all in, Yngwie.
Aletheia: Get into your positions, please.
Rhens: Oh man...
Yngwie: Really appreciate the opportunity to duel you again, buddy.
Yngwie: Watch me and my sword, Yodarha.
Yodarha: Certainly. Come at me with everything you've got. Or else—
Yodarha: Who knows what this blade of mine might cut!
Aletheia: Begin!

Million in Zero: Scene 3

Pushed to his limits against Yngwie, Yodarha finds what he needs for his new technique. Aletheia and Rhens are forced to help block even its incomplete version so that Yngwie is not dealt any serious damage. Yodarha thanks Yngwie for helping him with the discovery.

Yodarha: Shaaaa!
Yngwie: Uoooogh!
Yngwie: (Damn you're good, Yodarha! He's upping his speed too...)
Yngwie: But I'm not out for the count just yet!
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk! Not bad! My arm's a bit numb from parrying that!
Yngwie: Gotta be honest! I'm a bit shocked you handled that so effortlessly!
Both swordsmen grin from ear to ear as their blades intersect.
The sound of clashing swords continues to ring aloud, leaving countless scars on the nearby trees and ground.
Aletheia: My, my, simply watching gets my blood churning.
Rhens: It's insane how he manages to keep up with Gramps using that giant sword...
Aletheia: Keeping up? It's more like he's reading ahead and trying to control the flow of battle.
Aletheia: Even the slightest movement from Yodarha is a tell. Yngwie just has to pick up on it and strike first.
Aletheia: Thereby forcing Yodarha into evading and dropping his speed. A most clever tactic, I must say.
Rhens: Th-that's pretty cool...
Aletheia: Give it another twenty years, and you'll come to see it too.
Rhens: Oh, I dunno about that...
Yngwie: (Cripes, Yodarha! It's one new move after another!)
Yngwie: (I can't go on the offense until I've seen all your moves! Then again, the same goes for you!)
Yodarha: (Yngwie is no slouch. He's managed to keep up with all of my attacks so far.)
Yodarha: But that's exactly why overpowering him is going to be oh so worth it!
Yngwie: Here he comes!
Yodarha: Ultimate Flash: Million in One!
Yngwie: Saw that one coming too, Yodarha—
Yngwie: !
The moment Yngwie switches up his broadsword stance, the sound of clashing steel ensues.
But this sound is clearly different from the rest. Yngwie is being pushed back.
Yngwie: (Too close! What was that just now?)
Aletheia: There was an extra swing that time...
Rhens: No way... Except, yeah, I think I felt it too...
Yngwie: (He's swinging his sword faster than I can sense him!)
Yodarha: Chraaaaah!
Yngwie: You landing in extra blows just means I have to up my game!
Yngwie: Come at me with everything you've got, Yodarha!
Yodarha: Well said! Try to dodge this!
Even when viewed from the side, the deadly tension and power waiting to be unleashed from both of Yodarha's arms is evident.
Afraid of what Yodarha might do, Rhens and Aletheia prepare to jump into the fray.
Yodarha: Here I come!
Rhens: Gramps!
Aletheia: A technique that acknowledges the lack of complete control over an injured arm, and pours everything into a single point in time—into just one swing. Truly powerful if mastered.
What seemed like an endless flurry of sword strikes is brought to an end in an instant.
Yngwie: Phew. Think that just shaved a few years off my life.
Aletheia: Good thing you still have some left. I wouldn't be able to face (Captain) or Erika if you'd lost all of them.
The combined might of three swords managed to stop Yodarha's two swords.
Yodarha: My apologies. I got into a bit of a frenzy there.
Yngwie: Yeah, no worries... Making sure you'd go all out was my job.
Yngwie: That was pretty intense. If you'd finished mastering that latest move, I probably wouldn't be standing right now.
Yodarha: No need to flatter me. You did well yourself, Yngwie.
Yngwie: Heh... Sorry. So this is the new horizon you've been looking to reach, huh?
They turn around to find a deep cut in the tree behind Yngwie.
It was caused by the last blow of Yodarha's flurry, which got past both Aletheia and Rhens.
Aletheia: A formless sword, shall we call it? Drawing your sword so fast that the opponent cannot sense it... You truly live up to your name as the phantasmagoric fencer.
Yodarha: Yeah, I suppose that's one way to put it. To me though, I was simply swinging my sword as fast as I possibly could!
Yngwie: Makes sense you'd see it that way. Again, I really appreciate the opportunity.
Yodarha: Oh, I should be the one thanking you for helping me reach new heights.
Yngwie: I always did want to pay you back for helping with my armor. And now we're square.
Yodarha: Oh, I'd nearly forgotten about that. Yes, consider your debt paid!
Yngwie: Whoops. Maybe I shouldn't have brought it up.
Following the fierce duel, the aged swordsmen engage in hearty banter.
Rhens, feeling somewhat out of place, shrugs his shoulders.
Having completed what they set out to do, Aletheia and Yngwie make preparations for departure.
Aletheia: (Captain)'s been missing your company. Come back soon, you hear?
Yngwie: Still gotta introduce my daughter to you. We'll be waiting.
Yodarha: Ah yes, I'll have to thank her for the flowers... Perhaps I'll see you both soon.
Yodarha's trusty old friends say their goodbyes and return to the Grandcypher.
Yodarha: Time to complete it.
Yodarha mutters under his breath as he sees off his companions.

Million in Zero: Scene 4

The new technique now complete, Yodarha encourages Rhens to try it—the Serene Sinker—himself. Being completely drained after the first successful attempt, Rhens realizes his master truly is on another level. With this new addition to his repertoire, Yodarha rejoins the crew in their travels once more.

Having parted with Aletheia and Yngwie, Yodarha returns to the training grounds from earlier.
Standing before a lignoid, he places a hand on his sheath.
Yodarha: Watch, Rhens. This is the ultimate technique I've been seeking—
Yodarha: The Serene Sinker!
Rhens: ...!
The lignoid is cut in half before Rhens can even hear the sword's movement.
Rhens: Faster than sound, eh...
Yodarha: I don't even need to swing the blade. It's like I'm casting a fishing sinker at the speed of light, to give an analogy!
Yodarha: I believe I've come far enough for the time being. You have my thanks, Rhens.
Rhens: Wha? Me? All I did was watch. Or do you mean for takin' care of ya?
Yodarha: You may have grown more observant, but you are unperceptive as ever!
Yodarha: Remaining perfectly calm and still until the single moment of impact—that is the philosophy behind this technique.
Yodarha: Surely you've heard this somewhere before?
Rhens: Focusing your strength on a single moment...
Rhens: Not bad, I guess. My grip might be weak, but I'm gettin' a better handle on what it means to swing a sword.
Rhens: I just need to figure out the exact moment to exert my strength.
Yodarha: Well said. I'd expect no less from you.
Yodarha: The immobility of your arm forces you to concentrate power on a single instant... You'd be quite formidable if you can master it.
Rhens: Wait a sec! You stole my move, Gramps!
Yodarha: Come now, no one stole anything from you! I simply used the idea as a reference.
Yodarha: I am but a foolish master who still finds plenty to learn from his disciples.
Rhens: Tch. Seein' as I'm the unworthy disciple with a debt to pay, I'll let this one slide.
Yodarha: How wonderfully kind of you.
Yodarha: Anyhow, Rhens, why don't you try the move yourself?
Rhens: You're kidding, right? How could I possibly—
Yodarha: The technique is yours. You have what it takes to use it.
Rhens: Gramps... You serious?
Yodarha: Draw your blade, Rhens. You need not hold back against me.
Yodarha: Allow me to act the part of a proper master for once.
Rhens: ...
Master and disciple face each other with swords drawn.
Rhens: (How did Gramps pull off that move earlier...)
Yodarha: Stop sweating the details already!
Rhens: Damn! You're comin' at me for real!
Yodarha: Don't worry, I won't take your life. But you'd best stay sharp!
Rhens: Holy crap! You're goin' hard from the get-go!
Rhens is forced to respond in kind with his own frantic sword swings.
Rhens: (Geez, Gramps. I'd think you were tryin' to kill me if I didn't know better!)
Yodarha: Unlike Yngwie, you cannot afford to remain on the defensive forever!
Rhens: (I've got one shot at this. I can't miss, won't miss... You've got this, Rhens!)
Rhens: (Focus my strength on a single moment... Determine where to strike...)
Rhens: (The speed of light... without swinging the blade... That's how Gramps put it...)
Rhens: ...!
Yodarha: Out with it!
Rhens: Sinker!
Yodarha's chestnut hair is already fluttering in the wind before the sound of Rhens's blade.
Yodarha: Brilliant!
Rhens: You saw that, Gramps? Holy... You're officially a copycat now—
Yodarha: Rhens!
Yodarha slides in to prop Rhens up before he falls to the ground, the pupil's sword still jutting out.
Rhens: Hahah... I might've pulled it off, but now I can't move a single muscle...
Rhens: How's an old goat like you still standin' straight?
Yodarha: Let us chalk that up to the difference in years of experience. Live long enough, and you learn to control your strength better.
Rhens: Psh, you're one to talk...
Rhens: Phew... Damn, Gramps... Don't know if I'll ever get to your level...
Yodarha: Let the Serene Sinker be a move that belongs to only you and I—pupil and master.
Rhens: Only to you and I...
Yodarha: How does that sound?
Rhens: Heh, as if anyone else would even attempt it.
Yodarha: Hm... Shall we be getting back soon? Wait, it doesn't seem like you'll be able to move... Hope you don't mind me dragging you back.
Rhens: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait right there, Gramps! I'd rather rest a bit and get back on my own two legs than be dragged—
Yodarha: Gah, don't be such a fuss. Off we go.
Rhens: Yeowch! At least try not to bump me against any rocks, would ya.
And so, master and pupil leave the training grounds in high spirits.
Yodarha departs from the island on the following morning.
Yodarha: Phew, finally caught up with you. Blessings to Siero.
Lyria: Yodarha! What happened to your injuries?
Yodarha: I'm mostly healed up now. Besides, what kind of a lousy crew member would I be if I continued to leave you all hanging!
Yodarha: (Captain), I apologize for all the trouble and worry I must have caused you. Would you permit my return to the crew, starting today?
  1. Heck yeah! Glad to have you back!

Choose: Heck yeah! Glad to have you back!

Yodarha: Then from this day forward, I shall resume wielding my blades to defeat your enemy, Captain.
  1. We're counting on you!
  2. We need the angler in you too!

Choose: We're counting on you!

Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk! Good answer! Maybe I can show you my new move later!
Yodarha: You probably won't even "see" the move at first!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: We need the angler in you too!

Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk! I've still got the angler in me and then some, all right! Maybe I'll show you later!

Continue 1

With a deadly new technique in his repertoire, Yodarha returns to the Grandcypher.
His characteristic chuckle will surely be there to lighten the mood no matter what adversity the crew faces going forward.