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Official Profile

Age 23
Height 168 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Studying monsters, judging sinners
Likes Monsters
Dislikes Unpunctual people, messy people
Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 23歳
Height 168cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 魔物研究、罪人を裁くこと
Likes 魔物
Dislikes 時間にルーズな奴、清潔感の無い奴
Source [1] [2]




  • His obsession with monsters also extends to Vyrn and Bobo.

Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday. What do you want for a present?
I know! How about the encyclopedia of monsters I've been making? I wouldn't give it to just anyone.
What? You don't want it? But you never know when it might come in handy!


Happy birthday. It's a profound honor to be able to celebrate this most special of days once again.
Allow me then to give a presentation of my most recent research. It's not quite complete, but I hope you won't mind.
Let's see... If I run your birthday and age through some officially verified formulae and compare the end result with this monster table...
Oh my! Your destined monster is none other than Nopal! How wonderful!


Happy birthday! Wonderful getting to celebrate with you yet again.
So allow me to present to you this year's research results. Last year I believe I talked about destined monsters, correct?
That's right. Yours was Nopal. Those results led me to discover a destined monster's compatibility.
And, if my new results are to be trusted, the monsters you have the most compatibility with aaare—drum roll please—
The evil eye! Impressive!
What do you mean no one would want to be associated with an evil eye? Preposterous! Other than the rampant terror, they make great friends, no, family members!


Happy birthday, (Captain). We once again raise a toast to you on this special day.
Now last year I determined the destined monster you're compatible with to be Evil Eye.
And you asked me which other people fell under the category of an evil eye.
After giving it much thought, why couldn't it be the evil eyes themselves? How could I have missed that!
So today I'll be showing you to an evil eye nest—
Huh? (Captain)?
Why did the captain run away like that? Embarrassed maybe?


Happy birthday.
This year I'm going to guide you to the nest of your destined monster, the nopal. Now, hurry and get ready!
Hm? You don't feel like going out? That is worrisome.
Then I'll give you my special whistle as a present.
After significant research, I developed this whistle to play the courtship song of the nopal.
I'm elated for you! The nopal are going to just eat you up!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year!
When I think of New Year's, I think slimes, don't you?
That slurptacular texture is just like a sumptuous holiday pudding.
Oh, they're so cute. I just want to eat them up! Don't you?


Happy New Year. No time to sleep in now! We must get ready to depart!
What's the hurry you ask? I have to write the first monster journal of the year, of course.And tomorrow I write the second journal entry. And the third after that. Ah, the monsters... they are waiting for me!


Happy New Year! I bet this year's going to be great!
Hm? You had your fortune read? As it just so happens, I did too. Looks like I'm in for terrible luck. How thrilling that is.
Look at what was written!
I was told that I would encounter a number of unknown perils throughout our journey and to beware of menacing dangers!


Oh, (Captain). A moment of your time?
I went to the shrine today to draw my fortune slip, but all that's written on it is doom and gloom.
Here, read it for yourself.
"Stability at home, protection from illness, fortuitous wealth awaits..."
Nothing at all about brushes with monsters!
Where are my near-death experiences? My staredowns with rare beasties? Believing the unbelievable? I was hoping for something more thrilling.


Happy New Year!
Hehehe. You can tell something's different about me? Why yes, indeed! I am in high spirits!
I was visited by a wolf-type monster with a golden coat! It was marvelous!
And what's more, the beasty is revered as a servant of the gods by the locals on the island where it resides.
Clearly a god was trying to impart a message to me—a sign that my monster research will be filled with gratifying trials and tribulations throughout the coming year!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Chocolates? These aren't for me, are they?
No, no, I'm perfectly happy to accept! There are plenty of monsters that enjoy sweets. I'll happily share it with them, if that's okay with you.


Chocolates? Heheh, you feel that way about me, do you?
You're right, though. We would likely make a wonderful couple, if you were so inclined.
You would spend your days exploring skies unknown, while I would document monsters unseen.
Ah, we would make such incredible partners! Let me know if you're serious, and we can begin a discourse on the subject!


What's that? You want to give chocolate to me again this year? Lucky me! Thanks!
So do you remember my proposition from last year?
Come on, yes you do—about us becoming a couple. A monster researcher and a skyfarer would make quite the pair.
Of course we can wait until it's convenient for—
Hm? This isn't the type of talk you have over candy? Really?
Well, let me know when you feel like talking. The monsters and I are waiting.


Chocolates again? Hehehe, thanks a million.
By the way, I think I might have mistook chocolates for a marriage proposal.
Certain words get thrown around during Valentine's, like "obligation," so I naturally jumped to the conclusion that—
Hm? Your face is beet red. Are you okay?
Ah, don't tell me you were being serious?
Hehehe. Okay then! Once we're married, there's nothing we won't be able to handle!
You're under no obligation to get married, but you still give it a second thought. You're quite the eccentric.


Oh ho, more chocolate? Aren't I a lucky one?
Last year I believe our conversation landed on marriage, and though you never told me your real thoughts, it got me thinking...
I, a listless researcher without a family plan—What would my dream home look like? Here, I've drawn up a blueprint.
This is my room; here's yours. And this one would be for the monsters. Down the hall here, we have all the kids' rooms, and—
Huh? There are too many kids rooms?
But when monsters give birth, they have a little of at least ten pups. I was thinking we could do with more rooms actually.

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Today's White Day, isn't it? Here's something special for you. You've always treated me so well after all.
By the way, I've also prepared a little extra for Vyrn. Give it to him when you have the chance, will you?
Let me know what you think of it. I'm looking forward to seeing your reaction.


Happy White Day! I've prepared something for you this year as well. And a little something for Vyrn of course.
Your reaction last year was a tad underwhelming, so I've done a little... something to the ingredients this time. I do hope you'll let me know what you think.
Heheheh... Now then. By all means...


I've prepared a little something for you and Vyrn again this year.
Don't worry though. Your reaction last year was a little overwhelming, even though it brought out something in you never seen before...
So I've changed the way I prepare this delight. It's no longer so dangerous. Here, try a bit and let me know what you think.
Heheheh... Go ahead. Eat up.


Hey, (Captain). I got you a little something this year. Hope you like it.
As usual I prepared a portion for Vyrn as well.
I'm a little worried though. Make sure you both wait until late at night to eat it, and do so in your own room. Otherwise you might get arrested.
Hehehe... I can't wait to hear what happens from this.


Happy White Day, (Captain). I got a present for you. And one for Vyrn as well of course.
Last time my gift had a very interesting effect on you, I'm sure. So this year I planned the ingredients to top last year's experience.
If it works as I expect, you and Vyrn will grow to like the results, I'm sure.
In fact you may like them so much, you may suffer from withdrawal symptoms in the middle of the night.
Hehehe. I'm looking forward to your thoughts.

Tasty Macaroons
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

It's Halloween!
Do you have your costume yet? If not, I have one for you.
This nopal outfit is custom-made... What's that? You don't like it? Perhaps going as an evil eye would strike your fancy?
Ah, you're too picky. You'd best be careful. The gods don't have treats for picky kids!


The town's always in such a festive mood for the trick or treat season.
I'll gladly take on a monster's trick any day. Wouldn't you, (Captain)?


Having fun? The whole town is bustling this time of year, so why don't you try getting in touch with your inner child too?
Oh, you go ahead without me. I'm busy with my research, so I can't—
Huh? Halloween is a ceremony to exorcise evil spirits? And why isn't a priest doing his fair share, you ask?
Simple. I'm interested in the relationship between spirits and monsters, so exorcising them seems fairly counterintuitive.
Haha. But in the course of my research, if I'm suddenly possessed, be sure you still come and visit me, okay?


Hmm... This is not good...
Ah, (Captain). Have you by any chance seen a monster around here? It's an injured little one I took in.
I thought the festive mood might do it some good, so we went for a walk. But then I took my eyes off for a second, and it was gone.
I have to find it before other people do and a real Halloween nightmare ensues!


I know Halloween is the time of year for pranks, but I never suspected the monster I keep in my room would play tricks on me.
The moment I turned my eyes away, it leapt from its wooden box and made a mess of my room.
No, no! Cleaning it so soon would be a waste!
Today marks the first time I was the target of a monster's mischief. I want to celebrate the occasion by spending the day among its handiwork.
Well, I am borrowing the room from you, so I promise to clean it up tomorrow. Just look the other way for now, okay?

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays!
Today is a very special day. Who are you planning on spending it with?
Naturally, I'll be spending it with the monsters. We're going to celebrate together.
Say, why don't you join us? You can bring Vyrn along with you. We'll have a splendid evening.


May tonight be a blessed night of miracles. A time of happiness for all the skies.
Hm? Oh, it's you. What's wrong? You look surprised.
I am a holy man, after all. On special days like today, I pray... for the peace and happiness of monsters.
Huh? Am I going to pray for people too? Do I have to? That sounds like such a pain...


Oh, oh my... This is quite the spectacle.
Oh, hello. Did you need me for something? Oh, you're having a party to celebrate the holidays?
Never mind that; look at this! There are monsters huddled together sleeping down there. I think they're hibernating!
Ah, what noble creatures! Wish I could snuggle up with them.
Sounds like a good idea, right?


And... lift. Oof. Oh, hi there, (Captain). What am I carrying?
Presents of course. I'm going to give these to the monsters.
I made a cake too, but I'm not feeling confident that they'll like it. Probably should've just stuck to fresh meat...
Say, can you help a fellow out, (Captain)? With what, you ask?
Hehehe... That's for you to find out.


Oh, it's you. You're surprised to see that I've bought a tree?
No, I won't decorate it. It's a present for my monsters, a new perch for them to rest upon.
You see, the monsters currently in my care have a proclivity for hunting prey from the treetops. I thought they would enjoy an upgrade to their environment.
Would you like to see how they hunt? I had hoped to do a little research into their behavior, but I'll need some... assistance.
With your reaction speed, I'm certain I could get some excellent results. So how about it?

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Boy with Two Faces

(Captain) and the crew plan to sneak into the facility of Vyrn's kidnappers, but a priest named Will beats them to it, destroying the facility. Will decides to join the crew in hopes of encountering some primal beasts.

Vyrn is mysteriously abducted while (Captain) and the crew are investigating the activities of a suspicious syndicate in town.
The syndicate conducts research on captured monsters in hopes of harnessing the monsters' power for themselves.
Katalina: How awful! Think of what they could be doing to Vyrn! We must get him out at all costs, now!
Rackam: Yeesh. Just take a deep breath, all right? Okay, (Captain), are you ready? We're going in!
Rackam: I really don't like the look of this place. Not even monsters deserve to be mangled like this.
Katalina: This is ghastly. I sure hope Vyrn is okay...
Lyria: Oh! Katalina! Over there, it's Vyrn!
Vyrn: Get your hands off me! I'm serious! Let me go!
Katalina: Vyrn! We're coming for you! Let's go, (Captain)!
???: Well I'll be damned! A monster in the shape of a talking lizard!
Vyrn: I ain't no lizard! Hey, you can't just touch me like that...!
Rackam: Stop right there, buddy! Are you one of the researchers here? We're gonna need our friend Vyrn back.
???: Oh no, please don't lump me in with those dolts who run this place. How repulsive.
???: The name's Will. I'm just as I look—a humble servant of a... higher power, as you can see.
Rackam: A priest? With a mouth like that? And what are you doing here exactly?
Will: Just my job, I suppose. I can't very well turn a blind eye to the way they mutilate monsters.
Will: So I snuck right on in, thinking I'd deliver a little divine retribution.
Will: And that's when I found this dear lizard! What I'm saying is, I saved him!
Vyrn: If you say so... Sure doesn't feel that way though.
Will: But you can rest easy. I passed judgment on your captors for their mistreatment of monsters, and the sentence has been carried out.
Rackam: What? Judgment? Just who do you think you are?
Will: Well, you guys obviously aren't from around here, so I guess I can clue you in... This is underworld business.
Will: But, as far as everyone else knows, I'm a pacifist priest.
Rackam: Oh, c'mon! Underworld? And you call yourself a priest.
Will: Heh heh... Anyway, my dear Vyrn! I've seen many a creature in this life, but never one like you!
Will: Those eyes are simply captivating... and I bet that tail's got a few stories to tell. Oh, and of course, those wings! I bet you've got a little bit of dragon in you, yes? Man, you'd look great mounted on a wall!
Vyrn: Yikes! What the heck do ya mean by "mounted"? Get this guy away from me!
Will: Ohhh... simply incredible! Fascinating! To think I'd be having a conversation with a real monster!
Rackam: Well, uh... Anyway, to take care of that syndicate all by yourself, I'd say you've got some stories of your own.
Will: Enough about me. What about you? I definitely see a few odd birds among you.
Lyria: I... uh... I'm just your average, run-of-the-mill girl! Definitely nothing worth putting under a microscope here!
Will: Relax, I'm not particularly interested in girls. Monsters are the only things I could ever love.
Vyrn: Okay, weirdo...
Will: C'mon. Don't be scared, little one.
Vyrn: What? Just why would we be scared of you? We're skyfarers!
Vyrn: I mean, compared to the primal beasts we've fought, you're hardly worth noticing.
Will: Primal beasts? Hot damn! That's even better than monsters. You know, I just had a great idea.
Will: How about I join you guys? Simple and brilliant, right? Just like all the best ideas!
Vyrn: Now hold up just a second! This guy was just talking about mounting me on a wall, like, ten seconds ago!
  1. You can join. But no taxidermy.
  2. We can't very well let you run loose.

Choose: You can join. But no taxidermy.
Katalina: You can't be serious, (Captain)... Do you really want a man like that traveling with us?

Choose: We can't very well let you run loose.
Rackam: Yeah... But this is (Captain) we're talking about here—surely there's a plan.
Continue 1
Will: So glad we could work things out. Well then, would you mind showing me around?
Vyrn: Hey! What's with all the luggage? What exactly are you planning to bring onto our ship?
Will: Oh, this? This is my monster journal, in which I document the beauty of nature's most misunderstood creations.
Will: And of course I have my list of condemned criminals, and my assassination tools, and—
Rackam: Hey, wait! Did you say assassination? Anyone else having second thoughts?
Vyrn: Now that you're one of us, you better let us in on anything you plan to do!
Will: Okay, I get it. Besides, I'd agree to anything for the chance to meet a real-life primal beast.
Will: I'll keep the assassinations to a minimum.
And so, Will, hunter of evil and a man of at least two faces, joins the crew as they set off once again.
It will be a long time yet before the crew knows Will for who he truly is.

The Secret List

Thieves sneak onto the airship and Will's criminal list gets stolen. When the crew finds and confronts the thieves, they send monsters against the party.

Will's criminal list—
A list of names of people in power who have committed crimes not yet known to the public.
Vyrn: Say what? Your criminal list's been stolen? Was it the thieves who snuck onto our ship just now?
Rackam: Hmm... (Captain) defeated them so fast that I didn't think they managed to get away with anything.
Will: It seems like they were actually only after my things.
Rackam: How can you be so calm? What if the contents of that list are leaked?
Will: I guess if the list ever got out, it could be catastrophic. But what's really bothering me is—
Rackam: Save it! We gotta move! Let's go get it back, (Captain)!
Will: Indeed. After all, naughty children who steal from others need to be thoroughly punished.
Vyrn: There they are! The guys who snuck onto our ship! I'd know 'em anywhere!
Thief: Damn it, they found us... Take this!
Monster: Grrrr...
Rackam: As if theft isn't despicable enough! Now they're sending monsters at us!
Will: You deprive monsters of their freedom so you can use them for this? You're less than gutter slime!
Vyrn: Hmm... But we can't keep going if we don't defeat the monsters.
Will: I know... I really hate it, but it seems we have no choice but to fight.
Will: At the very least, make sure the monsters die without suffering, (Captain)!

The Secret List: Scene 2

Will is furious at the thieves for using monsters for selfish reasons. He decides to punish them whether they return his criminal list or not.

Vyrn: All right! We've cornered them!
Will: Get out here, gutter slime! Time for you to experience the consequences of exploiting monsters!
Rackam: Yeah! I sure wouldn't wanna be in your shoes right now. This freak is even scarier when he's mad!
Vyrn: If you don't wanna get hurt, you better give back the criminal list!
Will: Actually, forgive my friend for his ignorance... Giving the list back won't save you from me now!
Thief: Heh... You think we'd give up something this valuable?
Thief: Ha! With this, we can blackmail the people into giving us all the money we want!
Will: How pathetic. You clearly have less brains than monsters.
Will: You're not even worth the trouble of punishing, so I'll just end you. You don't mind, right, (Captain)?
Thief: Hmph... Don't think you can win just because you beat some wimps! We've got something special in store for you next!
Monster: Grrr!
Vyrn: Just great. More monsters to deal with!
Vyrn: And these ones are bigger than last time's! Be careful, (Captain)!

The Secret List: Scene 3

(Captain) and the crew corner the thieves and manage to calm Will down. The criminal list is safely recovered, but Will is more worried about the monster journal that had been stolen with it.

Will: You scum suckers made me fight innocent monsters. Twice. How do you plan on making it up to me?
Thief: Eek, forgive us! We'll give back everything we stole! Please, have mercy!
Rackam: I expected more backbone from these guys. Oh well, at least they've learned their lesson. I doubt they'll ev—
Will: Deplorable fools. You are well beyond redemption.
Will: You shall suffer as the monsters did! Prepare yourselves for justice, you loathsome stains.
Vyrn: Whoa, wait a minute! This is getting way out of hand! (Captain), stop him!
Thus, the criminal list is safely returned to Will.
The thieves manage to escape Will's punishment, but the chilling memory of the brutal priest will haunt them for years to come.
Will: Nope, not here... Or here... Maybe here? Argh, where did it go?
Vyrn: What's wrong? You got the criminal list back, didn't you? What are you scrambling to find now?
Will: Criminal list? There are more important things than that, you know!
Rackam: Huh? What could possibly be more important than the criminal list? Depending on what it is—
Will: It's my monster journal!
Vyrn: Huh?
Will: I've spent long years observing the beautiful and transient lives of monsters, and it's all written in my journal!
Will: Wait a minute... I must have left it in the cave earlier!
Will: (Captain), we have to go find it! Come on, let's go!
Vyrn: I'm really in no mood for this.
Will's obsession with monsters knows no bounds.
And he will only continue to update his journal as his journey continues, filling its pages with tales of ever more fascinating creatures.


Abby and Bobo find themselves relentlessly hunted by assassins, and Will soon discovers that Bobo has been mistaken for a dangerous, rare bear. He hunts down the bear, simultaneously helping his friends and satisfying his craving to meet new monsters.

It's late at night, and all that can be heard throughout the Grandcypher is the sound of quiet footsteps.
Men who have stolen onto the ship smile gleefully down at the sleeping faces of Abby and Bobo.
Assassin 1: Heh... They're sleepin' like babies.
Assassin 2: Heh-heh... Yep. Looks like it's time to get paid... Take this!
Assassin 2: What in the?
Will: Well, well, what do we have here? Attacking people in their sleep, huh? Talk about unsightly filth.
Assassin 1: Damn... You'll pay for gettin' in our way! You're ours now!
Will: Yeah, yeah... It seems that you two need to be taught a lesson. Abby! Bobo!
Abby and Bobo spring out of bed, looking so ready for action that it's almost like they were waiting for the call.
Abby: Choppin' time! Let's split 'em in two!
Bobo: Bobo! (You've got a lot of nerve waking me up at this hour! And I get cranky when I'm tired!)
Will: You losers seriously think you can fight me?
Assassin 1: Ugh!
Assassin 2: Oof!
Suspicious men like these two assassins have recently been attacking Abby and Bobo day and night.
Will, who's sure there's a reason for the attacks, glares at the defeated intruders.
Will: You two will talk, won't you? You know, about why you're after Abby and her friend here. Well?
The two assassins, who sense an unspeakable sort of insanity behind Will's benign smile, quiver as they beg for their lives.
Assassin 1: P-please! Have mercy on us!
Will: Hee-hee. Well, that depends on you two, doesn't it?
Assassin 1: The truth is... Huh?
The moment the assassin begins to speak, he sees the criminal list, which is under Will's arm.
Assassin 1: Ha! So you're an assassin too!
Assassin 2: Ha-ha! Pretendin' to be their friends so you can catch 'em off guard, huh?
Will: What exactly do you mean by that?
Assassin 1: Gotcha!
Will: Oof!
Assassin 2: Not so high-and-mighty now!
After taking advantage of Will's moment of weakness to send him flying, the assassins turn around and flee from the Grandcypher.
Will: Phew... I really should pay more attention. But what were they on about?
Will's face clouds over as he considers the implications of the assassins taking notice of his criminal list.
Will: All right, you guys... Do you have any idea why people are after you?
Abby: Hmm... Nope. Any clue, Bobo?
Bobo: Bobo... (I have no idea either.)
Abby: Bobo says it doesn't matter, 'cause he can beat down any assassin with his blazin' punches inferno-style!
Bobo: Bobo! (I said nothing like that!)
Will: What? You can summon fire from your paws? Hold it. I thought you were a bear, but are you actually some new species of monster?
Bobo: Bobo... (I'm not sure that I like that serious gleam in his eyes. There's something off about this guy.)
Convinced that there's a clue hidden in his criminal list, Will heads out to investigate, and he returns the next day with some new information.
Will: Hee-hee! I found out why assassins have been attacking you guys!
He shows them not his list of criminals but a list of pests.
The list warns that a big bad bear is prowling the area and includes a ferocious-looking drawing of the beast.
Abby: Check it out, Bobo! They made you look crazy wicked!
Will: Yeah, and the list also says that the big bad bear's glossy fur is likely worth a small fortune.
Bobo: Bobo, Bo... (Maybe, but my fur doesn't look like that, so they must have the wrong bear. Besides, I've done nothing wrong...)
Bobo suddenly remembers something that happened the other day.
Bobo: Bobo... Bo! (Oh! That must be what this is about!)
Abby: Oh, Bobo. What do you mean you want to give whoever drew that your autograph? You already think you're a celebrity?
Bobo: Bobo! (I never said that!)
Abby: Oh! Now I remember! Though I can't really be sure...
Will: Huh? Did you think of something?
On a sunny day off, Abby and Bobo are strolling through the forest as usual.
Suddenly a beehive falls from a tree and bops Bobo on the head.
Bobo: Bobo! Bobo! (Ouch! That smarts!)
Abby: Ha-ha! Your head's a sticky mess! And the honey in your fur's all sparkly!
Bobo: Bobo... (Quit guffawing and wipe me off already.)
The ominous sound of buzzing bees behind Bobo sends a shiver down his spine, and he timidly turns to look.
Bobo: Bobo? Bobo! (Huh? No way! You can't be serious!)
Abby: Bobo! Run for it!
Bobo: Bobo! (Let's get outta here!)
Village Soldier: Wha? The big bad bear's at it again! Hey! Get down, kid!
The soldier, who assumes that the bear is attacking Abby, aims his gun at Bobo.
Bobo: Bobo! Bobo! (H-hold it! Can't we talk about this?)
Bobo somehow manages to dodge the sudden enemy fire and flees into the forest.
Bobo: Bobo... Bobo? (That could have been it for me. And I'm still all sticky.)
Bobo wipes off some of the honey running down his head with his paw and gives it a curious taste.
Bobo: Bobo... Bobo! (Say, this honey's great! But wait. Now's no time for that! Get it together, Bobo!)
Bobo cautiously looks back in the direction of his attacker and sees the soldier guarding Abby.
Village Soldier: Damn... I guess the bear got away. Little girl, are you okay? You were being chased just now, right?
Abby: Huh? Oh, I sure was! That's why I ran here!
Village Soldier: I see... That must have been scary. The big bad bear has taken out a bunch of people from this village.
Village Soldier: There won't be anyone left at this rate... No! I have to deal with the bear before that happens!
The soldier weeps as he thinks of the damage done by the bear, but a villager runs up and interrupts him.
Villager: Um... I managed to draw a picture of the big bad bear. You think you could use it to help keep the villagers on guard?
Village Soldier: Oh, this is wonderful! You even captured the glossiness of his fur. I'll make sure everyone in the nearby villages sees this!
Will: I see... So the honey was why the bear's fur seemed so glossy.
Will: Hmm... You know, it's probably nothing more than a rumor, but I've heard of a rare bear with sparkling fur.
Will: It seems that people are thinking that's actually the big bad bear that's been causing trouble around here, and poor Bobo's been framed.
Will: Just let me take care of this, guys. If you wander around with Bobo, it'll probably just cause more problems.
Bobo: Bobo. (He's kinda weird, but he seems like a good enough guy.)
Several hours pass after Will leaves the airship.
He finally comes back to Abby and Bobo, wearing a cheerful expression on his face.
Will: Ha-ha. Everything's fine now. I hunted down the big bad bear and cleared Bobo's name.
Bobo: Bobo. (I see. Thank you so much. Now I can finally get a good night's sleep.)
Abby: Bobo says he was looking forward to beating down more assassins and that you should mind your own business.
Bobo: Bobo! (Hey, you should really thank the man for his hard work!)
Abby: Say, why'd you care enough about Bobo to help him anyway?
Bobo: Bobo! (Praise the skies! She actually asked a question I wanted to!)
Will: Hee-hee... You think I need a reason to help a friend?
Will gallantly returns to his room without another word.
Bobo's heart flutters at the heroic sight of the man walking off.
Bobo: Bobo! (S-so awesome!)
Will: I thank you, my lord. I still can't believe today's little adventure led me to such a rare creature.
Will: Hee-hee... And its fur really was so glossy that it sparkled. This is why I just can't get enough of traveling!
Will smiles as he recalls the rare bear and hums as he gets his monster journal out of his desk.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
魔物を手にかけるのは心が痛むね… It pains me taking out these monsters...
ごめんよ…弔いは必ずするからね Forgive me... We'll play a eulogy for you.
ああ…そんなに怯えないでおくれ What's to be afraid of, child?
ふふふ…愛らしい子達だ Hehehe, what lovely monsters.
魔物を悪用するクズはお仕置きだね Divine retribution to all who exploit monsters!
この僕に魔物を攻撃させるなんて…! How dare you force me to attack monsters!
どうか安らかに… Rest in peace...
ああ…散り際すらも美しいね… Aah... Even your demise is bittersweet.
(主人公)も魔物は好きかい? You too appreciate monsters, (Captain)?
(主人公)も魔物を愛でてみなよ (Captain), try petting these monsters.


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 03.
  2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 最終上限解放!Sレア「ウィル」「リタ」について