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Official Profile

Age 29
Height 91 cm
Race Harvin
Hobbies Chatting with people
Likes Justice, fairness, candy
Dislikes Relying on other people
Character Release

Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 29歳
Height 91cm
Race ハーヴィン
Hobbies 人とお喋りをすること
Likes 正義、公正、おかし
Dislikes 他人を頼ること
Character Release

Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday, Captain. I'm glad to have this chance to travel with you.
The road ahead is obscured by mist, even for those who can gaze into the future.
But you won't let that stop you from striding ahead and seizing the day.
I'll be there to seize the day with you every day until your next birthday and beyond.


In life we walk a path shrouded in fog so thick you can barely see your hands in front of you.
There will be times when you find yourself walking that path alone.
You will call for aid and receive no response. You will find yourself in the throes of despair.
But never forget. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.
A place of warmth and light must surely await you.
So happy birthday. I hope my being here can provide some comfort to you during your journey.


To live is to choose.
And to choose means to give up something as well.
Where there's light, a shadow is born. And the brighter the light, the darker the shadow grows.
So if you ever find yourself troubled by the thing you didn't choose... or the shadow growing behind you...
I want you to stop and take a look around you. I'll surely be by your side, and I won't be the only one. Don't be afraid to ask for a shoulder to lean on.
With each passing year, it may get harder to rely on others for help...
But a grown-up who gives in to their heart is still a grown-up...
I wish you blessings on turning another year older!


Happy birthday, (Captain). I'm happy we were able to spend yet another year together.
Yesterday brought us today. And today will bring tomorrow. This goes without saying, of course.
But the promise of tomorrow isn't always guaranteed for everyone.
The skies are filled with an astounding number of risks that could strip tomorrow away from us at any moment.
How was this last year, you ask? There are times where I have to face harsh truths with my readings.
But even so, you should be proud to have come so far despite the future that awaits.
My heart rejoices that you've made it this far as your own.
As long as you keep moving forward with each and every day, I'll do what I can to protect your path toward a brighter future.


You've made so many memories this year... Good and bad, happy and sad...
I'm sure you've had moments where the pain threatened to get the best of you.
Even so, you've bravely put one foot in front of the other, all the way to today. I'm very proud of you, (Captain).
There will be tears ahead, and days when you can't find the motivation to do anything. And that's all right.
On those days, I want you to go easy on yourself, rest, and rebuild the courage you need to try again the next day.
Look back on everything you've accomplished and realize you've earned that leniency.
Happy birthday, (Captain). I'm so happy I'm here to say it.
I want to celebrate this day with you for years and years to come, so make sure you treat my favorite captain with care.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

It's the start of another year, (Captain). What are your resolutions this time around?
Hm? You want me to see if you'll complete them? Hehe, that's cheating, my dear.
Why, not knowing is half the fun. If you see the winner before the race starts, what would motivate you to run?
It's better to live in the present than worry about the future. Enjoy this year for all that it has in store for you. Believe me. You're going to like it.


Happy New Year, (Captain). That face you're making tells me you've made a resolution. And it looks like a good one.
Let me offer you some advice for the new year.
Whether you fulfill your resolution depends on your resolve. What's that? You wanted a fortune?
The future isn't so easily swayed. Which makes hard effort on your part indispensible.
That's what makes everything we do so important.
Remember these words well. They are far more important than any fortune.


This year may have its ups and downs... Ah, but I bet it will be a lively time, (Captain).
Oh, that wasn't a remark about your fortune. Just my own little prediction, you could say.
Many people will cross your path, and their intentions may be good or evil. It's all right if you end up influencing each other, but be careful not to be swept up by them.
And don't lose sight of what you wish to do... as well as what it is you must do.
Oh, listen to me going on and on! Lecturing you at the start of the year... Do forgive me!


Happy New Year, (Captain)! Let's have another good year together.
This year you'll travel even further to new horizons, making even more connections along the way.
A lot may happen, including times of strife and trouble... Let all of it become your wisdom. The important thing is to enjoy the journey.
Hehe, a vision? Not quite. More of a gut feeling.
The steps you'll take today will surely lead to a brighter tomorrow.


Hehe, since I have the pleasure of accompanying you on your first shrine visit of the year, I suppose I'll draw a fortune as well.
Wouldn't it be faster to make a prediction myself, you ask? Haha, not at all.
While it's true that I can glimpse the future, I can't see all the possibilities at once.
When a major incident occurs, for example, it can't be traced back to one single cause.
So it isn't wise to rely on premonitions alone.
Besides, the kind of fortunes we draw at the shrine are less about specific events and more about the state of mind we may require to face them.
Even with experience, there are times when it's difficult for me to accept the reality of my predictions. Sometimes I'd like to rely on these fortunes instead.
At times like those, I should rely on you?
Haha, thank you, (Captain). I promise, you'll be the first to know.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's, (Captain). These chocolates are for you. They're not handmade or anything, but I hope you like them.
I've heard that chocolates are a love drug. Supposedly one bite is all it takes to fall in love.
Hm? What about my chocolates?
Heheh... I wonder. Would it be inconvenient for you if they were? Or perhaps...


Is something bothering you, (Captain)? Don't tell me. You want me to predict the direction of your love life on this special day?
Asking that of me at a time like this is quite tactless, but... I wonder.
Wonder about what? Ah, yes.
Eat these chocolates while you think it over.
Do they taste sweet... or sour? It all depends on you.


Heh-heh, you're especially popular today, (Captain).
Hm? You came here because you thought you might find me? Really? You're like a fortune-teller, (Captain).
Sounds like to you... I'm quite predictable.
But being understood by someone doesn't feel so bad! Of course, that's because you're a special exception.
Now, as for the rest of your prediction... Here you go. Chocolate from me. You'll accept it, won't you?


Hmm? What is it, (Captain)? Ah, yes. Valentine's.
I'm sorry to say, I don't have any chocolate for you.
Yet, that is.
Hehe, aren't you adorable? No need to sulk—I was just about to start making some.
You know... If you'd like, I can have you be my taste-tester. What do you say?
After all, I'll be giving it to you. I want to make sure the flavor is to your liking.


Sigh... Oh, (Captain). I'm sorry, did you hear me sighing?
I had rather a bad dream. Yes, it was premonition. About Valentine's Day.
The table in your room was positively overflowing with Valentine's gifts. It was easy to see that every one had been made with love and care.
You are well-loved by so many people, and, I assure you, nothing could make me happier.
But perhaps because it's Valentine's Day, I have to admit to a certain melancholy...
Well, since I had the premonition anyway, I decided to wrap my gift differently from all the ones I saw in my dream.
I'm going to choose to interpret the fact that I didn't see this gift on that pile as a good thing.
Of course, how you dispose of your presents is up to you. But please, forgive a woman her fantasies.

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Huh? This is for me? Are you sure? On a day like this...
It's precisely because it's today? Thank you. I'm honored. I shall treasure it always.
Heheh... Quite a happy turn of events, this.


Hello there, (Captain). Did something happen? Hee hee... Not that it matters. I'm more than happy to speak to you, regardless.
Hm? Are these... for me?
Oh, no. No. Of course I'm happy.
I mean... It's an honor to get something from you on a day like today. Truly.
It's just... I suppose I need some time to prepare myself emotionally.
Thank you. You've made me a very, very happy fortune teller.


This is a White Day present, right? I'm glad to get one from you, (Captain).
I don't feel as if saying I'm glad is enough to express how happy I feel...
But I don't know the words to convey it to you otherwise.
And that's just how happy I am... and a little embarrassed!


Thank you. I'm really glad you brought me something today.
... Sorry... I mean, I made some cracks at you on Valentine's Day, didn't I?
Despite that, to receive something from you in return... I can't help but feel a little guilty.
I knew it would end up this way, but I wanted to tease you anyway... I'm not exactly a role model, am I?
Use me as an example of what kind of grown-up not to become, hehe.


Hm? Close my eyes and open my mouth? All right. Ahhh...
Munch, munch. Yes, it's delicious. Thank you, (Captain).
Just one question... Why did you ask me to sit on your lap? Not that I'm complaining—I just wondered.
You decided to spoil me because my thoughts run wild when you don't pay enough attention to me?
Oh... You're talking about my dream on Valentine's Day. I apologize. I really shouldn't have mentioned it to you. I wasn't trying to make you feel guilty.
No, I don't object to you spoiling me. In fact, monopolizing you like this makes me so happy I ought to feel guilty.
But rather than feel guilty over your consideration...
I think I'm better off repaying it by enjoying every moment.
And so, (Captain), feed me another bite, please. Ahhh...

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween, (Captain). Trick or treat, which do you prefer?
Choose whichever you like. I really don't mind either one.
Hehe, or perhaps a trick is what you truly want?


Heehee. The ship's become full of surprises, (Captain). You should be careful—
See, I told you. Now who could've put that bucket of water up there to fall on some unsuspecting victim?
Aww, you poor, soaked thing. Let me get you a towel—
This is how you repay me for trying to be nice to you?
Heehee. Well, I guess I did start by pranking you first. I hope you're ready for the next one.


Now, now... You were trying to play a trick on me just now, weren't you?
You really got me last year. But I didn't want to get fooled again this year, so I was on the lookout.
Heh-heh! You look so disappointed! Were you really looking forward to getting me this year?
Maybe... because you really liked pranking me last year?
Goodness... You sure know how to keep things around here exciting. With or without pranks...


Happy Halloween, (Captain). Do you mind waiting a little for your treat? I'm actually preparing it right now.
I went to buy some wrapping, but there were so many adorable ribbons and materials... I ended up losing track of time.
I finally decided on one and brought it back just now.
Just like this... Right here, and... There. That's one wrapped.
This year's first treat goes to you. Enjoy Halloween to your heart's content, (Captain).


What? I could use my powers to avoid whatever tricks people try to play on me? Yes, that's true...
But then I'd be missing out on all the Halloween fun.
If I looked into the future to see the smiles on the faces of the trick-or-treaters...
Or what kinds of pranks they might play, it would be such a waste.
If some great calamity is approaching, I'll end up having a premonitory dream even without intending to.
But I haven't had anything like that this year, so I'm happy to be able to participate in the festivities alongside all of you.
Speaking of which, I believe you'll be my very first customer this year, (Captain).
Go on, then. Say the magic words. Trick or treat!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays, (Captain). Any plans for the night?
Would you mind if I spent the night by your side?
On a silent and holy night like this, there's nothing better than spending it with a good friend and good conversation.


Tonight we celebrate the holiday season with all our precious friends on the ship.
You may have a frigid, wintry fate ahead of you, but we'll overcome it with camaraderie.
Put another way... people can't do much on their own.
I can see the future, and you have a steady, unyielding resolve. But alone... we're nothing.
Heheh... I can tell you want a little more elaboration.
Let me put it this way. There's no better way to spend days like this than with those precious to you.
Heheh... I thought I would be included in that category for you, but perhaps I was mistaken?
Having memories of these quiet times with you is all I need to overcome any challenge the future poses.


Happy holidays, (Captain)! No matter how old I get, the holiday season always makes me giddy with excitement.
The best chefs in our crew have crowded into the kitchen to show off their skills. I just got back from helping out a bit.
And since holiday feasts differ on each island, we'll be sure to see a smorgasbord of dishes and desserts at the party.
A table full of good eats with everyone chatting happily... Heh-heh! I can't wait for tonight!
But I'm afraid I'll have trouble getting a seat right next to you. I have to admit that's a little disappointing...


Cinnamon, cloves, cardamom... I'll need some ginger, too...
Hmm? Oh, (Captain). I was just thinking about making some mulled wine. It's a spiced wine that's served warm.
The warmth from the heat and spices spreads through your body when drinking it—just perfect for winter, don't you think?
With everyone so busy for the holidays, I thought I'd make some. After all, you wouldn't want to catch a cold during this time of year.
Oh, that's right—you can't have any yet, (Captain). It may sound good, but you'll have to wait until you're an adult.
Hehe, don't look so glum.
See, I'll make some chai for you using the same spices.
Sharing a warm drink with your friends for a joyous night and occasion—what could be better?


Oh my, (Captain). What are you doing up so late? You'll run into Santa Claus if you're not careful.
What about me, you ask? Our holiday dinner was so much fun, I can't quite seem to settle down. I thought I'd take the night air to calm down a bit.
I'm so glad we all got to spend such a peaceful night together this year as well.
My only regret is that the seats beside you were so popular, I never had a chance to squeeze in.
But I can't complain. After all, I have you all to myself, now.
If you're in the mood for a little stargazing...
Why don't we shield each other from the night's chill? The night wind won't bite with me by your side.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Fairy Oracle

The crew come across the fortune-teller Arulumaya prophesizing on a street corner. Lyria tries to get her to divine the crew's fate, but she refuses. Later, however, she shows up at the Grandcypher and joins the party to see where (Captain)'s future will take the world.

In a certain town, the crew runs into a crowd on a street corner.
Lyria: Wow! That's quite a crowd! What do you think they're doing? Let's go take a look!
Vyrn: Hey! Don't go off on your own, Lyria! We better follow her, (Captain)!
(Captain) and Vyrn plunge into the crowd behind Lyria to find the source of the people's interest: a lone Harvin woman.
???: According to my premonition, this town will be devastated by a raging inferno soon.
Man: Are you serious? Is there anything we can do to prevent it?
???: The fire itself cannot be prevented, but there's no need for worry.
???: So long as you all cooperate with one another, it is possible to minimize the potential damage. You must face this trial together.
Man: Cooperate... Oh, I think I get it! If we all keep an eye out for any fires, then we could prevent them from getting out of control!
The people discuss how to handle what they've learned. The Harvin woman watches them with apparent satisfaction.
Vyrn: She can read the future? I wonder if she's right.
Man: What are you saying? Mistress Arulumaya's predictions are never wrong!
Man: She was right about the landslide the other day and about the crop failure before that. Nobody on any island around here ever doubts her!
Lyria: She sounds like an amazing fortune-teller! Let's see if she can tell us whether we'll make it to Estalucia!
Vyrn: Lyria! And she's off again... Wait up!
Lyria: Hey, Ms. Fortune-Teller! Will you tell our crew's future as well?
Arulumaya: Ah, you...
Arulumaya: I unfortunately cannot assist you. I use my powers for the people, not individuals.
Lyria: I see...
Arulumaya: Besides, spending your days following prophecies robs you of your ability to think.
Arulumaya: What if I told you there are calamities ahead? Would you give up on your journey?
Lyria: No way! We'll go on no matter how hard it gets!
Arulumaya: In that case, there's really no need for my divination. I wish you the best of luck, Lyria.
Lyria: Thank you! But how do you know my name?
Arulumaya: Ah... Well, I can see the present as well as the future.
Lyria: You're amazing! You must be the real deal!
Vyrn: C'mon, Lyria! Stop botherin' her, and let's get back to the airship!
Lyria: What? But I can't go back yet! Hey! Ms. Fortune-Teller!
Arulumaya: Yes, dear? I'd be happy to talk as long as—
Arulumaya: Wait! Y-you're...
Arulumaya gasps the instant she catches sight of (Captain).
Lyria: What's wrong?
Arulumaya: I apologize for my rudeness. Don't mind me.
Arulumaya: It seems that there's nothing I need to tell you right this second.
Vyrn: Thanks for all your time, Ms. Fortune-Teller! Let's head back, (Captain)!
The crew returns to the Grandcypher, but someone comes to call that night...
???: Excuse me, but may I bother you for a moment?
Lyria: Okay! And who might you—Hey! It's you!
Arulumaya: Ah... You're the girl from earlier. I am Arulumaya, the fortune-teller. I have something I would like to discuss with you.
Vyrn: And what do you want? I sure hope you didn't see some horrible future in store for us...
Arulumaya: I am actually not sure about that. Nothing like this has ever really happened before...
Arulumaya: All that I saw was a turning point in (Captain)'s future that could shake the foundations of the world.
Lyria: Shake... the world...
  1. Surely that's a good thing!
  2. Could that be a bad thing?

Choose: Surely that's a good thing!
Arulumaya: Haha... You really believe in yourself, don't you?
Arulumaya: That strength, that vigor... Those are very admirable traits.

Choose: Could that be a bad thing?
Arulumaya: How wise you are. And I suspect that very depth of thought will be necessary if you wish to reach the mythical land at the end of the sky.
Arulumaya: You know what it is to be truly brave without falling into recklessness... Your character is deserving of praise.
Continue 1
Arulumaya: I could not see whether the turning point that awaits you will lead to good or ill...
Arulumaya: Still, I would like to use my power to lead the world in the right direction.
Arulumaya: And I suspect that I might be able to do so at the turning point that awaits you, (Captain).
Arulumaya: I would like to see what happens at that turning point with my own eyes.
Lyria: Um... It's hard understanding what you mean, but are you trying to say you want to join our crew?
Arulumaya: Simply put, yes. There could be no better way for me to reach this turning point than with you.
  1. You're welcome to come along if you'd like.
  2. Bringing a fortune-teller? Too over-the-top!

Choose: You're welcome to come along if you'd like.
Arulumaya: Such magnanimity... I wonder if there is anything you would be incapable of accepting.
Arulumaya: And yet you're still so fragile... I'll guide you until you become strong.

Choose: Bringing a fortune-teller? Too over-the-top!
Arulumaya: How very amusing. I'd argue that your crew is already way over-the-top.
Arulumaya: A little dragon who has a way with words... A girl who controls primal beasts... A journey to Estalucia...
Arulumaya: There's no doubt in my mind that you're all well beyond extraordinary.
Continue 2
Vyrn: Well, as long as it's okay with (Captain), I don't mind if you join us, Ms. Fortune-Teller.
Arulumaya: Ha-ha. Thank you. Allow me to introduce myself again. I'm Arulumaya, but you can call me Arulu.
Lyria: Wonderful! Welcome aboard, Arulu.
Vyrn: Hey... What's with the sudden change in your tone of voice?
Arulumaya: One's manner of speaking can change the impact of a prophecy on those who hear it.
Arulumaya: I'm always very careful about how I speak when acting as an oracle for the people.
Vyrn: You were putting on an act for them?
Arulumaya: It's like when you talk to your superiors... You have to match your tone to the situation, right?
Arulumaya: I just used the correct oracle voice. Since we're friends now, there's no need to put up walls between us.
Arulumaya: I'm counting on you, (Captain). Whatever path you take, I'll be watching you from close by.
Thus Arulumaya joins the crew, bringing with her frightful sorcery and powers of premonition.
During her travels aboard the Grandcypher, she will go on to encounter things not even she could have predicted.

Wishes Left Unspoken

The crew receives a request from a mayor to find his runaway daughter, but as they prepare to go search for her, the owner of a restaurant tells them to let her go. Arulumaya predicts that the town will fall into turmoil unless the girl returns, so they go after her anyway.

As (Captain) and company take a break at a restaurant, the mayor of the town approaches them in a fluster.
Mayor: Could you be... the renowned fortune-teller, Arulumaya?
Arulumaya: Indeed. You seem quite upset... I see that your daughter has run away.
Mayor: Oh! You knew about my problem before I even told you—so the rumors are true!
Mayor: It's exactly as you say, and I just don't know what to do.
Mayor: I apologize for the sudden request, but... Please find my daughter, skyfarers!
Arulumaya: It seems there will be great turmoil in this town unless the girl returns.
Arulumaya: We must find her quickly. Let's accept his request, (Captain).
Mayor: Oh! Thank you so much! She shouldn't be able to get far on foot. She could even be lost in the mountains...
Arulumaya: I see... And there are a few monsters in the nearby mountains. (Captain), we should hurry.
Restaurant Owner: Excuse me, skyfarers...
Vyrn: Huh? Oh, you're the owner of that restaurant, right? I thought we paid for our food already.
Restaurant Owner: You did, but this isn't about that... I just wanted to ask you not to go after the mayor's daughter.
Lyria: Um... But why wouldn't we?
Restaurant Owner: The mayor arranged for her to marry some influential man from a neighboring town...
Restaurant Owner: She must have been shocked because it was so sudden. I just feel bad for her...
Lyria: I see. What should we do, (Captain)?
Arulumaya: We have to find her, (Captain). If she doesn't return, this town will suffer greatly.
Arulumaya: This might not be what she wants, but she doesn't have the right to inconvenience everyone else with her problems.
Arulumaya: Now let's go. The longer we take, the more likely she is to get attacked.

Wishes Left Unspoken: Scene 2

The crew searches for the mayor's runaway daughter. Arulumaya explains that the girl's marriage will lead two neighboring towns to prosperity. During this explanation, they hear a scream and rush to the source.

Vyrn: Hey, Arulumaya. Why is there gonna be trouble at the town if the mayor's daughter doesn't come back?
Arulumaya: Like that restaurant owner told us, the mayor's daughter is supposed to marry an influential man from another town.
Arulumaya: This will improve the relations between the two towns, and contribute to their mutual prosperity.
Arulumaya: However, if she doesn't return... the relationship between the towns will take a turn for the worse.
Lyria: I see...
Arulumaya: If there is a course we can take that benefits the greatest number of people, we should take that path. I believe that's true justice.
???: Aaaaahh!
Lyria: D-did you hear that? (Captain)! Let's go help!

Wishes Left Unspoken: Scene 3

The crew saves the mayor's daughter. On their way back to town, she listens to stories of the crew's adventures, and says she wishes she could live more freely. As Arulumaya wonders if personal happiness could outweigh the greater good, monsters appear before the crew.

Mayor's Daughter: Thank you! You saved me... I don't know how I can repay you.
Vyrn: Don't worry about it! We're skyfarers here on a request from your father.
Arulumaya: I understand you're opposed to the marriage, but you shouldn't have come to these dangerous mountains alone without so much as a weapon.
Mayor's Daughter: You're right... I'm sorry. I just couldn't sit around as the marriage drew nearer.
Arulumaya: Your father is very worried. Come... Let's go back to town.
Mayor's Daughter: Okay... And I'm sorry for dragging you all into my problems.
Lyria: Are you tired? It's just a little longer until we get there.
Mayor's Daughter: I'm okay, but thank you. Um... If you don't mind, could you tell me about your journeys as skyfarers?
Lyria: Sure! Hmm... Let's see...
Arulumaya: ...
The mayor's daughter happily listens as Lyria recounts stories of her journey.
Lyria: Oh! I feel like I got a little carried away, but what did you think?
Mayor's Daughter: I loved every second of it! It was so exciting. I felt like I was part of your adventures!
Mayor's Daughter: Maybe I can't be like you guys... but I just wish I had more freedom in my life.
Arulumaya: You know, (Captain)...
Arulumaya: I always try to make decisions to help as many people as possible, and the marriage of the mayor's daughter is no exception.
Arulumaya: But when I see her sad like this, I'm not so sure I'm doing the right thing.
Arulumaya: Is it really okay to sacrifice the happiness of one for that of the many?
Mayor's Daughter: Excuse me, Lady Arulumaya. You don't look so well... Is something the matter?
Arulumaya: Oh, no... I'm fine.
Arulumaya: Um... The man you will marry might turn out to be a good husband, so try not to feel too bad.
Mayor's Daughter: Yeah... I was just surprised because it was so sudden. I'll probably be fine.
Arulumaya: You know...
Monster: Groar!
Mayor's Daughter: Eek!
Arulumaya: Ugh! Foul monsters... I won't let you harm the mayor's daughter!

Wishes Left Unspoken: Scene 4

The crew returns the mayor's daughter. Arulumaya sympathizes with her due to the large responsibility she bears. She suggests that the mayor delay his daughter's marriage, but he misinterprets this advice as a prophecy. That night, Arulumaya leans on (Captain) and reveals her self-doubt.

Mayor: Oh! I'm so glad you're back safely... I was so worried! How could you be so selfish?
Mayor's Daughter: Father... I'm so sorry...
Mayor: You might be young, but you're my daughter. You have a responsibility to the people of this town! How could you disregard all of that and run away?
Arulumaya: Mayor, wait. Your daughter just needs a little more time to prepare herself.
Arulumaya: As you say, she's still young.
Arulumaya: Perhaps it would be better to delay her marriage for a little while?
Mayor: Well, if you say so, I would be a fool to do otherwise.
Mayor: Not only have you rescued my daughter, but you've provided a prophecy for me as well... I'm honored.
Arulumaya: Oh, that's not quite what I—
Mayor's Daughter: Lady Arulumaya. Skyfarers. Thank you so much for saving me from the monsters.
Mayor: I'd like to thank you as well... I'll have the reward sent to you shortly. Come, young lady.
Mayor's Daughter: Yes, father.
Arulumaya: Farewell...
Arulumaya: ...
Arulumaya: Ah, it's you. I'm just feeling ashamed of myself...
Arulumaya: That mayor accepted my suggestion because he thought it was a prophecy.
Arulumaya: But it wasn't... I only said it because I felt bad for his daughter.
Arulumaya: And then I wasn't able to tell him that it wasn't a prophecy... I'm such a filthy liar.
Arulumaya: Because I can see the future, I have a greater obligation than most to be fair and just.
  1. You're a good person, Arulu.
  2. I think you did fine.

Choose: You're a good person, Arulu.
Arulumaya: I wonder if that's true. I always talk about fairness and justice as if I know all about it...
Arulumaya: But I often find myself in doubt like this, and I sometimes don't make the best decisions.
Arulumaya: If I truly want to be a good person, I need to become stronger... Not physically, but mentally...

Choose: I think you did fine.
Arulumaya: You really do accept everyone, don't you? You're a leader of great caliber.
Arulumaya: I suppose that having all these doubts is part of my true nature.
Arulumaya: And that means all I can do is accept it and find the best path from there...
Continue 1
Arulumaya: I didn't mean to rant like this. I'm sorry, (Captain).
Arulumaya sits down and leans on (Captain).
Arulumaya: I hope you don't mind if I stay like this for a little while.
Arulumaya: You're the only person I would want to do anything like this with, you know.
Arulumaya laughs playfully, but it seems that her worries run deep.
How will she cope with the doubts arising from her ability to see into the future?
Although she might not see it now, the correct path is sure to present itself during her adventures with (Captain).

She Who Bears the Future

Arulumaya sees a crowd of discontent people in a dream vision, but she's unable to understand the meaning behind the omen. Morphe and Phoebe appear and warn her that if she spends any longer in the dream, she could be consumed by it. Arulumaya chooses not to heed their warning.

It's a peaceful night aboard the Grandcypher. The soft coos and boisterous snores of a sleeping crew can be heard throughout the airship's halls.
Arulumaya's snoozing snuffles are among the slumbering symphony.
Arulumaya: ...
Arulumaya: Where am I?
She awakes mid-dream and takes in her surroundings: a bustling street corner.
As Arulumaya slips through the crowds, she comes to realize that maybe she's still asleep.
Arulumaya: I can feel it... This dream is a vision.
Arulumaya: (My visions always warn me of future calamity.)
Arulumaya: (It's impossible to prevent these disasters, but I can at least spread the word and reduce any casualties.)
Arulumaya: (What will happen next... I must find out!)
With a sense of responsibility weighing heavily in her heart, Arulumaya begins to search the dream for any ill portent of the future.
Arulumaya: (These people... I've never seen such sorrowful expressions... I wonder what's going on.)
Arulumaya: (Anxiety, sadness, hopelessness. Everyone is wearing his or her emotions like a grim mask.)
Arulumaya: ...
She is about to delve deeper into the dream, letting out a deep breath.
???: No.
Arulumaya: ...!
Aren't you...
Phoebe: ...
Morphe and Phoebe (Event) is a crew member

Arulumaya: Phoebe? Why are you here?
Arulumaya: Well, never mind. Of course you would be. You're the primal beast of dreams after all.

Arulumaya: You're, if I remember correctly, that dream reader Phoebe. Right?
Continue 1
Phoebe: Right.
Morphe: Sorry to surprise you, Arulumaya.
Morphe: When you were sleeping, we sensed your presence getting weaker and weaker.
Morphe: So we jumped into this dream to check on you.
Arulumaya: My presence?
Phoebe: Yes. I bet it's because this dream you're having isn't any ordinary dream.
Phoebe: Dreams—well, dream visions—aren't something that people are usually able to handle.
Morphe: Arulumaya, if you continue exploring this dream, you could be trapped here.
Morphe: That means you won't wake up ever again...
Phoebe: So, c'mon. Let's hop out of this dream together.
Phoebe: If anything bad happens to you, (Captain)'ll never forgive you, you know—and I won't either.
To drive home her argument, Phoebe grabs hold of Arulumaya's cloak and gives it a convincing tug.
Arulumaya: Phoebe, Morphe...
Arulumaya: I'm sorry I worried you.
The fortune-teller gives an apologetic smile and guides Phoebe's hand off of her cloak.
Phoebe: Arulumaya?
Arulumaya: Thank you for coming to save me. But I have to know what this dream is trying to tell me about the future.
Phoebe: No! Please, believe me. I'm not lying to you; this place is dangerous!
Arulumaya: It's okay, Phoebe. I do trust you.
Arulumaya: There is no greater dream specialist than you. I would be a fool to do anything but believe every word you say.
Phoebe: Then listen!
Arulumaya: I can't...
Arulumaya: If there's even the slightest hope that what I see here will help people... Then I have to continue on.
Phoebe: ...!
Morphe: Um, Arulumaya... Can't you tell the future even when you're awake?
Morphe: So you don't need this vision. Why don't you just wake up and do your normal fortune-telling?
Arulumaya: Visions conferred by dreams provide more information about the distant future than conscious, intentional precognitions.
Arulumaya: I believe this dream is warning me of a calamity the likes of which has never been seen before.
Arulumaya: The greater the disaster, the more we must prepare to save the greatest number of people. And no matter how much time we have, it still won't be enough to save everyone.
Arulumaya: Even knowing the future beforehand won't be enough to surmount what's coming.
Phoebe: But, but—
Arulumaya: Phoebe... If I can find out what's going to happen, then it will benefit (Captain) too.
Phoebe: ...!
Arulumaya: I've known for a long time that dream visions are a dangerous thing to play with.
Arulumaya: Especially those that unveil the far-off future or immense tragedy.
Arulumaya: But I... I must do something for all of those people... And everyone around me too.
Arulumaya: That goes double for (Captain)...
Arulumaya: And the rest of the crew, including you both, Morphe and Phoebe.
Arulumaya tries to smile at the twins.
Arulumaya: So I'm going to view what this vision needs me to. For everyone's future...
Morphe: Arulumaya...
Arulumaya: If I'm not able to return, I want you two to forewarn (Captain) of the impending crisis.
Arulumaya: Even if I'm not able to discover the exact details, simply cautioning our captain might be enough to change the outcome for the better.
Arulumaya: Good luck. To both of you.
After wishing the twin dream keepers goodbye, Arulumaya walks decisively back into the dejected crowds.
Morphe and Phoebe, reluctant to watch the fortune-teller go, stare at her back until she's completely swallowed among the masses.

She Who Bears the Future: Scene 2

Morphe and Phoebe wake up (Captain), Vyrn, and Lyria, warning them of Arulumaya's predicament. They all rush back to the sleeping Harvin's bedside and use Morphe and Phoebe's powers to enter her dream to save her.

Just before dawn, the panicked pair of Morphe and Phoebe hurry to (Captain)'s room to wake the sleeping captain.
Phoebe: Wake up! Wake up, (Captain)! Bad news!
Vyrn: Wha... What's goin' on... It's so early...
(Captain) and Vyrn, still drunk with morning drowsiness, follow Morphe and Phoebe to first pick up Lyria and then to stop at Arulumaya's room.
Arulumaya: ...
Phoebe: This is my fault... If I could've just stopped her!
Lyria: Um... Is there something going on with Arulu?
Vyrn: I mean, yeah, she's sleepin' like a log, but that's not a problem...
Morphe: You are right about her sleeping...
Morphe: But right now Arulumaya is being consumed by a dream.
Morphe: If this continues much longer, she won't be able to wake up, and her body will waste away...
Lyria: Wh-what!
Morphe: And that's not all. If Arulumaya's soul were to die during this dream—
Vyrn: Just hold it for a second! How did this even happen?
Phoebe: Whimper... A dream vision did it.
Lyria: A dream vision?
Phoebe: Yeah. However Arulumaya can view the future in her dreams, even I'm not sure of the particulars.
Morphe: That's just how special Arulumaya's dreams are. Not even Phoebe knows about them.
Phoebe: You know about the flow of time? Normally it flows toward the future, right?
Phoebe: Well, that's not the case in one of these dreams. It goes way beyond just the future—it's gotta be a lot for Arulumaya to bear.
Phoebe: Up until now, nobody noticed her having these dreams...
Phoebe: But every time she's had a vision in her sleep, she's gotten a little closer to being consumed... And now...
Lyria: That's terrible! Arulu... I'm not sure what to say...
Morphe: Arulumaya said that so long as she can help others, she wants to have these visions despite the risks.
Morphe: We had to stop her... But we failed...
The twins fall into a mournful silence, prompting (Captain) to speak up.
  1. We have to save Arulumaya!

Choose: We have to save Arulumaya!
Lyria: You're right! If Arulu is going to save other people...
Lyria: Then the least we can do is save her!
(Captain) asks Phoebe to guide them into Arulumaya's dream.
Phoebe: I have to warn you: if we're in her dream the moment she's completely consumed by the vision, well...
Phoebe: We'll be consumed along with her, and then nobody's waking up ever again.
Phoebe: Do you still wanna go through with it?
  1. I do!

Choose: I do!
Phoebe: Good. I knew you'd say that, (Captain).
Phoebe: Let's move it. Arulumaya's not going to save herself!
Phoebe focuses her power and guides (Captain), Vyrn, and Lyria into Arulumaya's sleeping consciousness through the Gallery of Dreams.

She Who Bears the Future: Scene 3

Inside Arulumaya's dream, (Captain) and the others discover that her dream form is already fading. They rush to wake her before she disappears completely. Once successfully awoken, Arulumaya warns of a series of calamities that will soon befall the sky realm.

Spurred on by Arulumaya's precarious situation, (Captain) and the others have entered the fortune-teller's sleeping consciousness via the Gallery of Dreams.
Arulumaya: ...
The fortune-teller herself, light-headed and delirious, floats listlessly through the dreamscape.
???: Aru... lu... maya...
Arulumaya: M... Mother?
Amidst the ethereal panorama stretching around her, something familiar comes into view.
Arulumaya: (Oh... How I've missed this place. My hometown.)
Arulumaya: (Once, when I was a little girl, I had a dream where I saw the village livestock get eaten by monsters. It was truly scary.)
Arulumaya's Mom: Arulu, Arulu. It's okay; it was just a dream. It can't hurt you. Okay?
Arulumaya: (I was frightened and crying when I awoke. Mother was there trying to comfort me.)
Arulumaya: (But a few days later, the village animals really were ravaged by monsters.)
Arulumaya: (That was the beginning...)
Arulumaya: (The next one I saw was of an old man in our neighborhood. In the dream he fell seriously ill.)
Arulumaya: (The one after that showed me a lumberjack succumbing to a grave injury.)
Arulumaya: (All of these dreams, they would eventually come true.)
Arulumaya's Mom: What are you saying! Come back home! Just come back home!
Arulumaya's Mom: Oh, Arulumaya... You can't let it tear you apart. None of this is your fault.
Arulumaya: (The villagers began to believe that I was causing the accidents I saw in my dreams. And soon enough they shunned me...)
Arulumaya: (I, too, was scared of my dreams, scared of how they involved other people. I was afraid to go to sleep.)
Arulumaya's Mom: Why... What did my precious daughter do to deserve this?
Arulumaya: (But when I saw my weeping mother, I made a decision.)
Arulumaya: (I decided to prove that I wasn't causing my dreams to become reality—to prove that I was seeing events before they transpired.)
Arulumaya: (That very night I once again had the dream of the village livestock being attacked.)
Arulumaya: (Under cover of night, I snuck into the barn and waited for the monsters to arrive.)
Arulumaya: (One night passed. Two nights passed. And then, on the third night...)
Monster: Groooar!
Arulumaya: (The monsters came to the barn!)
Arulumaya: (I threw open the barn doors and set loose the livestock, yelling to the villagers all the while.)
Arulumaya: (The adults came rushing over and worked together to drive back the monsters.)
Monster: Grr...
Arulumaya: (We saved our herd.)
Arulumaya: (And I was vindicated. Everyone now knew my dreams were just visions of the future.)
Arulumaya: (It was one of the best days of my life...)
Arulumaya: (By seeing the future, I could help others.)
Arulumaya: (I came to believe that I was granted this power for the sake of others.)
Arulumaya: (So... I...)
Arulumaya: (Have to see this future too...)
Arulumaya, her energy spent, attempts to open her eyelids to witness what catastrophe will take place in the coming days.
But the dreamscape continues to drain her, robbing her of her awareness.
Arulumaya: ...
Her body begins to fade into the tenuous reality of the vision.
  1. Arulumaya!

Choose: Arulumaya!
Arulumaya: ...!
Arulumaya: (Captain)?
Her eyes feebly flit open at the sound of (Captain)'s cry.
Lyria: Arulu! Don't give up!
Phoebe: Arulumaya, don't let the dream suck you in!
Arulumaya: E-everyone?
Arulumaya: Where am I? Wh-what was I doing?
Morphe: Whew. Thank goodness you're back to your senses, Arulumaya!
Morphe: You were trying to see the future in this dream vision, but it almost consumed you.
Arulumaya: Then... It turned out just as you predicted. I'm sorry I didn't heed your warning.
Lyria: Seriously, Arulu! Even if you're doing something to protect everyone else, you shouldn't push yourself so hard!
Lyria: Sob... I was so, so worried about you!
Arulumaya: Lyria... I'm sorry. And I must have made you worry too, (Captain).
Arulumaya: I'm not sure how to apologize for causing you anxiety, but I was able to glimpse the future just before I lost consciousness.
Arulumaya: You see...
Phoebe: Wait. We shouldn't dilly-dally in this dream longer than we have to.
Phoebe: First let's all wake up and then listen to what Arulumaya has to say. Sound good, (Captain)?
Pressed by Phoebe, (Captain) and the others depart Arulumaya's dream and return to reality.
Vyrn: So, fill us in already. What kinda stuff did you see in your dream?
Arulumaya: I'll project it on my crystal ball...
Arulumaya: ...!
Lyria: Oh, oh my!
Morphe: The islands... They're falling!
Arulumaya: Yes. I don't know why, but in the distant future, all of the islands floating in the sky will crumble and fall.
Arulumaya: The first to go will be the small islands, but the major ones will soon follow.
Lyria: No, that can't happen!
Arulumaya: I'm not sure how we'll put a stop to this calamity.
Arulumaya: But even so, we can at least spread news of the danger, evacuate the people, and reduce the damage.
Arulumaya: We must do what we can to cope with this awful future!
(Captain) stands mouth agape at Arulumaya's sky-shattering revelation.
The fortune-teller, meanwhile, turns back to the crystal ball and stares at the coming events.
Her eyes burn with a combination of fear and determination—with the dread that she won't be able to save everyone. And the resolve to try anyway.

Facing Tomorrow

The crew learns from Arulumaya's visions that islands will begin falling from the sky. With no time to research a way to prevent this, the crew focuses on evacuating as many islanders as possible.

Arulumaya previously warned her fellow skyfarers of a coming calamity, where the islands of the world would come crumbling down.
(Captain) and the others have since been busy working to prepare for the inevitable catastrophe.
However, they learn that apocalyptic phenomena are not the easiest thing to circumvent.
Vyrn: Islands falling? What in the skies would cause that to happen?
Arulumaya: I would love nothing more than to do some research at the Hall of Knowledge. It's a library with a collection of tomes from all over the skydoms.
Morphe: Oh, that's right. Didn't you put in a request to see some books?
Arulumaya: I did. However, it seems it will take time for them to review my request.
Vyrn: This ain't exactly the time to be worried about all that formal stuff...
Arulumaya: In any case, the only point of departure we have are my dream visions...
Arulumaya: And even still, I'm not sure how much faith we should be putting in them.
Phoebe: Arulumaya, they're your visions though. You don't trust them?
Arulumaya: Buried deep in the Hall of Knowledge's archives, there's all sorts of wisdom that normal people shouldn't ever learn about.
Arulumaya: And because of that, I'm not sure if they would just open their stores to us so lightly.
Vyrn: Geez, c'mon already, Miss Arulu-can't-make-up-her-mind-a.
Arulumaya: Well, furthermore... My proficiency may not be enough for what we're trying to do.
Arulumaya: I've never tried completely preventing one of my visions from occurring.
Lyria: Which means there might not be a way to stop the islands from falling, huh?
As the days go by, so too does the trepidation of the crew. Arulumaya spends her time searching her visions for clues to stop the calamity.
At the same time, (Captain) tasks the other crew members with traveling to other islands to search for any omens that may spell disaster.
Lyria: Thanks to everyone's help, we've learned that earthquakes are on the rise.
Vyrn: Oof, wonder if that's just a coincidence or if it's all connected to Arulumaya's prediction...
Arulumaya: (Captain)! Look at this!
Morphe: What's this?
Arulumaya: I'll now show a fortune I saw just a few moments ago.
Lyria: A small island is shaking?
Lyria: Aaah!
The crystal ball faithfully reproduces the image of a tiny island plummeting through the sky.
Phoebe: It's awful... When will this happen?
Arulumaya: Soon. Four or five days from now at the most. We've got no time to waste!
Arulumaya: We can't stop this island from collapsing, but we can at least try to save its people.
Lyria: You're right. We have to tell them what's going to happen to their island as quickly as possible!
Arulumaya: Well, one thing is fortunate. I've been to this island before.
Arulumaya: I'll navigate us there. (Captain), I'm sorry for the sudden change in plans, but please give the order to lift off.
Wasting no time, (Captain) informs the rest of the crew, and they make haste for the small island.

Facing Tomorrow: Scene 2

Arulumaya guides the crew to one doomed island. The mayor of its only village mentions that the fortune-teller's visions saved the island once before, so he's eager to help see his villagers evacuated.

Arulumaya successfully leads the crew to the small island.
The island is wracked by unyielding earthquakes, causing unmistakable strife among the island's only townspeople.
Phoebe: So what do we do? Tell the people to run away?
Arulumaya: No. If we inform them carelessly, that could create confusion.
Arulumaya: We'll also need to figure out how to evacuate them. First let's talk to the one in charge around here—ahem, I mean the mayor.
Arulumaya: I've met him once actually. I just hope he believes what I have to tell him.
(Captain) agrees with Arulumaya's plan and follows her as she dashes off to see the mayor.
Mayor: Well, well, if it isn't Arulumaya! You're a sight for sore eyes.
Arulumaya: You flatter me, Mayor. In any case, I came to tell you something about the frequent earthquakes happening on the island.
As the fortune-teller delivers the grave news to the mayor, his face contorts into a stiff grimace.
Arulumaya: This is all so sudden. I'm sure it must be hard to believe me, but this is important.
Mayor: ...
Mayor: Back in the old days, you warned us of a disaster much like now.
Mayor: Had we not listened to your prediction, our town would've gone up in flames.
Mayor: Arulumaya, after all that you've told us, how could I not believe you?
Lyria: Oh?
Mayor: However, we have a problem. We're a small island with few resources. How do we get enough airships to evacuate our population?
Vyrn: You just leave that to us! We'll get the Knickknack Shack to loan us a couple of ships!
Mayor: Truly? We'd be thankful to go with that plan. It's a real lifesaver.
Mayor: Well, I suppose we should notify the townspeople.
Arulumaya: Please try to let them know in a way that doesn't spread confusion or misunderstanding.
Arulumaya: The people are already distressed, so I'm sure misguided ideas have begun to sprout.
Arulumaya: We must keep that in mind as well to prevent unnecessary accidents.
Mayor: You're not wrong. I'll bear that in mind.
Their business with the mayor finished, (Captain) and the others leave his estate.
Phoebe: Glad that the mayor listened to you.
Morphe: That's because Arulumaya has always been dedicated to saving those in need!
Lyria: Yeah, he even said your prediction saved this village from a big fire.
Arulumaya: He did, didn't he? I'm glad too. Truly...
Arulumaya: (On one occasion, my words were so ominous that the townspeople chased me away with rocks...)
Arulumaya: (But now they're listening to my warning. It's because I never gave up.)
Arulumaya: (Everything I've been through... It was all worth it!)
(Captain) introduces Sierokarte to the mayor. The merchant agrees to provide the town with a means of evacuation.
Not long after, a fleet of Sierokarte's rescue airships arrive on the scene. The townspeople begin to calmly board the vessels.
Lyria: There are plenty of rescue airships! Take your time boarding; there's no need to rush!
Phoebe: (Captain), there's an old man and woman over there that look like they could use some help.
Morphe: We're going to go see what they need!
Arulumaya: Thanks to their trust in the mayor, the people are staying calm and following instruction.
Arulumaya: (Captain), you and the other crew members also deserve thanks for your assistance in the evacuation.
Lyria: We're just happy to help! Right, (Captain)?
Vyrn: We got trouble!
Arulumaya: Trouble! What's going on?
Vyrn: The people at the back of the line are gettin' attacked by some kinda monster I've never seen before!
Arulumaya: Are you sure!
Arulumaya: Grr... This is the worst timing!
Arulumaya: (Captain), I hate to ask you for more, but please lend them your aid.
Nodding in affirmation to the fortune-teller, (Captain) makes a mad dash for the monsters.

Facing Tomorrow: Scene 3

Soon after the crew resolves the cataclysms destroying the islands, Arulumaya faints, exhausted from helming the evacuation operations. As she's recuperating in bed, (Captain) holds her hand, watching over her as she dreams peacefully.

???: ...
Arulumaya: Whew... We were able to defeat them, but they put up quite the fight...
Lyria: Yeah, what were those things? I get the feeling they were different from ordinary monsters.
Arulumaya: Perhaps they're related to whatever's causing the island to fall.
Arulumaya: Ah, but I suppose anything could seem related right now. Let's get back to evacuating the townsfolk.
Thanks to the collective efforts of (Captain) and the crew, all of the people living on the small island are successfully evacuated.
But as the days pass, the number of islands experiencing violent earthquakes increase, and panic spreads across the skies.
Island Woman: What in blazes is going on? Could the god of the mountain be upset with us?
Island Woman: What did we do to deserve this?
Shaken both literally and figuratively, the various islanders spread rumors as they try to figure out why their homes are coming undone at the seams.
Townsman: All of these new islanders taking advantage of us. Can't do anything for themselves...
Townsman: But don't they know we evacuated here too? We don't know what's going to happen either!
Arulumaya: Everyone, please try to stay calm. I understand how upset you must be from the quakes.
Arulumaya: But that's why we must all come together. It's time to stand united to overcome this trial.
With Arulumaya's premonitions guiding them, the fleet of rescue ships travels to imperiled islands, saving local populations while preaching a message of solidarity.
Vyrn: Hey, we finally got a message from the Hall of Knowledge! Says we can finally get a look-see at their collection!
Lyria: We can finally figure out why the islands are collapsing!
Phoebe: (Captain), you head to the Hall of Knowledge.
Morphe: Phoebe and I will stay behind to give Arulumaya a hand!
Vyrn: That's smart. We don't really got the kinda time to stick everybody in one place.
Lyria: All right! Good luck everyone!
The crew splits up to better suppress the unprecedented disasters.
At long last, (Captain) and the others ascertain that the disasters befalling the islands are caused by a disruption in the balance of the primarchs' power.
The mastermind behind such a cataclysm is the archangel Sandalphon. After a fierce battle, the crew stops his scheme, restoring order to the skies.
The supreme primarch, Lucifer, descends from his heavenly position to personally thank them.
Lucifer: (Captain), I thank you for stopping my fellow archangel before it was too late.
Lucifer: We shall meet again. Until then continue forth on the path you believe is true.
Arulumaya: ...
Arulumaya: (I see... So that's what it was all along...)
Arulumaya: (To be recognized by the supreme primarch Lucifer... That's how powerful (Captain) is.)
Arulumaya: (Then perhaps (Captain) is deeply intertwined to the fate of the world.)
Arulumaya: (It's no wonder that I've never been able to see into (Captain)'s own fate.)
Arulumaya: (Our captain is a truly miraculous existence... Not even my power can penetrate that future...)
Arulumaya: ((Captain), I hope that I can be useful to you some day...)
Phoebe: Arulumaya? What's the matter? You've got a funny look on your face.
Arulumaya: Huh? Oh, sorry. I was just shocked.
Arulumaya: Who would've thought that the supreme primarch himself would come down to an island just to say thanks?
Vyrn: Woo! You can say that again! I had no idea what was gonna happen...
Lyria: Same here... But we're all safe and sound! Thank goodness!
Morphe: Yeah, thank goodness! Anyway, should we head back to the Grandcypher?
(Captain) agrees, and everyone prepares to return to the airship.
But as Arulumaya reaches down to pick up her crystal ball, she begins to feel faint.
Arulumaya: Uh... I think... I should sit down...
Phoebe: Arulumaya!
The fortune-teller tumbles to the floor, while an alarmed (Captain) makes a beeline for the fallen crew member.
Lyria: Oh no! Her face is so pale! (Captain), hurry! We have to get her back to the Grandcypher!
Morphe: I'll go fetch a doctor!
Balancing Arulumaya's unconscious weight between them, they triple their pace back to the airship.
Morphe soon returns with a doctor, who diagnoses Arulumaya with excessive stress from overwork.
Phoebe: She forced herself to have dream visions... Then she read a lot of fortunes. It's no wonder she's tired.
Phoebe: She could've collapsed at any time. But the fact she was able to hold out so long... Whew, what a fighter.
Lyria: Phooey! Arulu, didn't I ask you to not push yourself so hard!
Arulumaya: Sorry, Lyria... I guess after overdoing it for so long, my body just finally snapped...
Arulumaya: Maybe it's because I'm not so young anymore?
Vyrn: Hah. Well, if you can joke around, I guess you're gonna be okay.
Morphe: I'll go brew some herb tea! It's supposed to help you relax!
Lyria: Oh! And I'll grab some snacks!
Phoebe: I'll help too. Arulumaya, you get some rest, okay?
They leave the fortune-teller alone so she can have a chance to focus on healing.
(Captain), the last one in the room, approaches Arulumaya's side and tucks her in.
Arulumaya: Mm...
Arulumaya: It seems I fulfilled my role.
Relaxed into a meditative stupor, Arulumaya begins to whisper to herself.
Arulumaya: Seeing the future, seeing people get hurt or lose their lives, it never gets easier.
Arulumaya: But still...
Arulumaya: If seeing something terrifying is what it takes to save the lives of innocent people, then I am willing to suffer whatever it takes.
Arulumaya grins at (Captain), whose own brow is furrowed in contemplation of the fortune-teller's words.
Arulumaya: The only reason I can give it everything I have is because of you and everyone else.
Arulumaya: If I had been alone, well, my mind might have broken from the trauma.
Arulumaya: I'm so glad we met, (Captain).
Arulumaya: You've done so much for me. If you're ever in danger of a terrible future, then I'll be there for you too.
Arulumaya: Let's just hope that nothing like that ever happens.
Arulumaya: Mmph...
Arulumaya: Yes... I can tell I overdid it a little...
(Captain) urges Arulumaya to go to sleep, but first she extends a petite hand toward her captain.
Arulumaya: If it's okay, would you hold my hand?
Arulumaya: Maybe it'll help me have good dreams.
(Captain) gently grasps Arulumaya's extended palm.
Arulumaya: Hehe. Thank you. Good night.
Among the mysterious powers in the sky, the ability to divine the future is among the most powerful. Lesser skyfarers would certainly use it for evil.
But Arulumaya has always used—and always will use—her gifts to protect the joy and well-being of everyone.
As she sleeps peacefully, (Captain) looks at her placid face and silently prays that the little fortune-teller is finally greeted with happy dreams.

One and Only Sweet

Arulumaya coaches Sara and Lyria for a cooking session. Though the resulting meal isn't quite satisfactory, the girls get to bond over the experience.

(Captain) and company decide to stop in a village and find themselves some lodging for the night.
With their companions going about their own business, Lyria and Sara head to the inn's dining hall and crack open a book.
Sara: So I guess something like this isn't too hard?
Lyria: Wow! That looks good! But wait... this one's really nice too! Oh, and I like that one too...
Arulumaya: What's going on here? You two look like you're having quite a bit of fun. What's this book you're reading?
Lyria: Hehe... it's a dessert recipe book! All of them look so good!
Sara: Um... me and Lyria promised to share a meal together. So we thought we would try to make something.
Arulumaya: Hrm... You'll be cooking it yourselves?
Lyria: Hehe! Well, we figured it should be special since we made a promise!
Arulumaya: Well, that explains it. Sounds like a lark.
Arulumaya: I do love my sweets... But they'd probably taste sweeter if they're homemade, and you have a few friends to share them with.
Sara: Huh? You like sweets, Arulumaya? Maybe we can eat some together later.
Lyria: Yeah! Let's do that, Arulu! Everything is better with good company!
Arulumaya: Thanks. I'd love to join you. I'll be there to make sure everything turns out perfectly.
Lyria: Hehe! You just wait! It'll be the best thing you ever ate!
Lyria: I know! Hey, Sara. Maybe we should invite Katalina just to make sure?
Sara: What? Oh, yeah... I don't think we can manage everything by ourselves...
Arulumaya: But didn't you want to keep this more personal? How about you give it a try, just the two of you? I'll keep a close eye on any fires you need to start.
Arulumaya: (This should prevent the worst possible outcome I saw through the crystall ball!)
Sara: Oh, would you? Thank you so much. I'm, um... I'm not the biggest fan of fire.
Lyria: Thank you so much, Arulu! You and me are going to make the most delicious food ever, Sara!
Sara: For sure! Let's get to it, Lyria!
And so, under Arulumaya's watchful eye, Sara and Lyria decide to do some cooking.
After hearing what they're up to, the innkeeper gladly lends them use of the kitchen.
The two want to start off on a good foot with something foolproof. Pancakes, it is.
Lyria: So, um... How should we start?
Sara: Hmm... We should probably get all the ingredients and utensils out and ready. We need to make sure we have everything we need.
Lyria: Let's see here... The book says we need flour, eggs, and milk...
Arulumaya: How's cooking treating you, Sara? You look a little more comfortable than Lyria, I must say.
Sara: Maybe not comfortable... but Volenna's taught me a lot about how to take care of things. Cooking, laundry...
Arulumaya: Well, that explains it... Oh! Careful there, Sara.
Sara: What?
Sara stumbles over a crack in the floor, the flour almost spilling from her hands.
Lyria: H-hey! Are you all right, Sara?
Sara: Wow... that was scary! But don't worry, Lyria. The flour's okay. Thank you for warning me, Arulumaya.
Arulumaya: Hehe... cooking is tricky work. You need to be careful. I'm quite looking forward to tasting everything.
Sara: I'll do my best! Just you wait, Arulu.
Having gotten all their ingredients and cooking utensils in order, the two start by adding flour to the bowl.
Sara: Hmm... wait. According to the book, we add the milk first...
Sara: Are you ready with the eggs, Lyria?
Lyria: O-okay! So I, um... I just tap the egg against the edge of the bowl!
Arulumaya: Lyria! Be careful not to bang it too hard...
Lyria: Eep! Wh-why is it all gloopy!
Sara: Aah! The shell!
Lyria: Sigh... Sorry, Sara. This is really hard!
Sara: It's okay! All we need to do is take the shell out, Lyria. Like this.
Lyria: Y-yeah... Let me try this again...
Very carefully and with more than a little clumsiness, Sara and Lyria manage to whip up some pancakes.
Lyria: Yay! We did it! We made pancakes!
Sara: Wow! I can't believe they turned out okay! Although they probably should look a little nicer...
Arulumaya: Hehe. Good work, girls.
Sara: Arulumaya... thank you so much. Now let's get to eating!
Lyria: Here goes! Munch, munch...
Sara: Er... Is it just me, or...
Lyria: They, um... don't taste very good...
Sara: I... Well, they're not sweet. More like... salty?
Lyria: Oh... and crunchy. I could've sworn I got all the shells out...
Arulumaya: Well, they do taste... er, special.
Lyria: Sniff... Sara and I were supposed to have a nice snack together. And we ruined it...
Sara: I'm sorry, Lyria... If only I were a better cook...
Sara: And Arulumaya... I'm so sorry. You gave us all that help, and they're still terrible...
Arulumaya: Oh, don't you worry. No one gets it perfect the first time. Mistakes are all a part of the process.
Arulumaya: You'll be fine. Things will go much smoother next time. They'll taste great.
Arulumaya: Besides, I had a blast watching you. And you're not too bad for first-timers. So turn those frowns upside down.
Sara: You're right... It was our first time. I guess we shouldn't have expected perfection.
Sara: Hehe... and just making them was fun enough. Right, Lyria?
Lyria: R-right... Yeah! It was fun!
Arulumaya: Hrm... mind if I try the rest? Nom! Munch, munch...
Sara: Ahaha! Hehe... They aren't very good, are they?
Lyria: Hehe! Yeah, they're pretty bad!
Sara: We'll get it right next time won't we, Lyria!
Lyria: Yeah! Promise!
Sara and Lyria's promise to one another brings a smile to Arulumaya's face.
Though their first attempt doesn't go quite as planned, it will be a nostalgic memory to look back upon.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
君の歩む道、見守らせてもらおう I'll be watching your progress.
私が正義をなすために…… For truth and justice!
この先の障壁、君にとっては小さな物だよ You can overcome any barriers ahead.
やはり立ち向かうか君は強いな I admire your defiance against such odds.
私は誰の幸せを願うべきなのか…… Whose happiness should I strive for?
私は常に公正でなければ I must remain impartial...
人々の幸福のために私は力を使うのだ I use my powers for the happiness of others.
運命の分岐点、近づいてきている The crossroads of fate are approaching.
(主人公)、君はどんな未来を望む? (Captain), how about a prophecy or two?
(主人公)、君の心が私の支えだ (Captain), your strength is what keeps me going.

Other Appearances


Click to reveal card data

Fanfare: Give your leader the following effect - At the end of your turn, if there are at least 6 cards in your hand, spellboost the cards in your hand; if there are 5 cards or less in your hand, draw cards until there are 6 cards in your hand. (This effect is not stackable and lasts for the rest of the match.)

I'm sorry, but I use my powers for the people. I don't divine for individuals. But suppose I told you that calamity awaits you on your journey... Would you give everything up?


Evolve: If there are at least 6 cards in your hand, spellboost the cards in your hand; if there are 5 cards or less in your hand, draw cards until there are 6 cards in your hand.

There is a future I cannot see, one in which the world will tremble as it hurtles toward the crossroads of fate. You, the bearer of this destiny... Which path will you choose? I ask that you let me watch over you as you continue your journey.

Class Runecraft
Card Pack Brigade of the Sky
SV Portal Arulumaya, Mystic Seer
Language Play Attack Evolve Death Enhance Other


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 06.
  2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 最終上限解放!「アルルメイヤ」
  3. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「アルルメイヤ」「セン」
  4. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, レジェンドガチャ更新&新キャラ紹介のお知らせ