Arulumaya (Yukata)/Lore

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Official Profile

Age 29
Height 91 cm
Race Harvin
Hobbies Chatting with people
Likes Justice, fairness, candy
Dislikes Relying on other people
Character Release

Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 29歳
Height 91cm
Race ハーヴィン
Hobbies 人とお喋りをすること
Likes 正義、公正、おかし
Dislikes 他人を頼ること
Character Release

Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday, Captain. I'm glad to have this chance to travel with you.
The road ahead is obscured by mist, even for those who can gaze into the future.
But you won't let that stop you from striding ahead and seizing the day.
I'll be there to seize the day with you every day until your next birthday and beyond.


In life we walk a path shrouded in fog so thick you can barely see your hands in front of you.
There will be times when you find yourself walking that path alone.
You will call for aid and receive no response. You will find yourself in the throes of despair.
But never forget. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.
A place of warmth and light must surely await you.
So happy birthday. I hope my being here can provide some comfort to you during your journey.


To live is to choose.
And to choose means to give up something as well.
Where there's light, a shadow is born. And the brighter the light, the darker the shadow grows.
So if you ever find yourself troubled by the thing you didn't choose... or the shadow growing behind you...
I want you to stop and take a look around you. I'll surely be by your side, and I won't be the only one. Don't be afraid to ask for a shoulder to lean on.
With each passing year, it may get harder to rely on others for help...
But a grown-up who gives in to their heart is still a grown-up...
I wish you blessings on turning another year older!


Happy birthday, (Captain). I'm happy we were able to spend yet another year together.
Yesterday brought us today. And today will bring tomorrow. This goes without saying, of course.
But the promise of tomorrow isn't always guaranteed for everyone.
The skies are filled with an astounding number of risks that could strip tomorrow away from us at any moment.
How was this last year, you ask? There are times where I have to face harsh truths with my readings.
But even so, you should be proud to have come so far despite the future that awaits.
My heart rejoices that you've made it this far as your own.
As long as you keep moving forward with each and every day, I'll do what I can to protect your path toward a brighter future.


You've made so many memories this year... Good and bad, happy and sad...
I'm sure you've had moments where the pain threatened to get the best of you.
Even so, you've bravely put one foot in front of the other, all the way to today. I'm very proud of you, (Captain).
There will be tears ahead, and days when you can't find the motivation to do anything. And that's all right.
On those days, I want you to go easy on yourself, rest, and rebuild the courage you need to try again the next day.
Look back on everything you've accomplished and realize you've earned that leniency.
Happy birthday, (Captain). I'm so happy I'm here to say it.
I want to celebrate this day with you for years and years to come, so make sure you treat my favorite captain with care.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

It's the start of another year, (Captain). What are your resolutions this time around?
Hm? You want me to see if you'll complete them? Hehe, that's cheating, my dear.
Why, not knowing is half the fun. If you see the winner before the race starts, what would motivate you to run?
It's better to live in the present than worry about the future. Enjoy this year for all that it has in store for you. Believe me. You're going to like it.


Happy New Year, (Captain). That face you're making tells me you've made a resolution. And it looks like a good one.
Let me offer you some advice for the new year.
Whether you fulfill your resolution depends on your resolve. What's that? You wanted a fortune?
The future isn't so easily swayed. Which makes hard effort on your part indispensible.
That's what makes everything we do so important.
Remember these words well. They are far more important than any fortune.


This year may have its ups and downs... Ah, but I bet it will be a lively time, (Captain).
Oh, that wasn't a remark about your fortune. Just my own little prediction, you could say.
Many people will cross your path, and their intentions may be good or evil. It's all right if you end up influencing each other, but be careful not to be swept up by them.
And don't lose sight of what you wish to do... as well as what it is you must do.
Oh, listen to me going on and on! Lecturing you at the start of the year... Do forgive me!


Happy New Year, (Captain)! Let's have another good year together.
This year you'll travel even further to new horizons, making even more connections along the way.
A lot may happen, including times of strife and trouble... Let all of it become your wisdom. The important thing is to enjoy the journey.
Hehe, a vision? Not quite. More of a gut feeling.
The steps you'll take today will surely lead to a brighter tomorrow.


Hehe, since I have the pleasure of accompanying you on your first shrine visit of the year, I suppose I'll draw a fortune as well.
Wouldn't it be faster to make a prediction myself, you ask? Haha, not at all.
While it's true that I can glimpse the future, I can't see all the possibilities at once.
When a major incident occurs, for example, it can't be traced back to one single cause.
So it isn't wise to rely on premonitions alone.
Besides, the kind of fortunes we draw at the shrine are less about specific events and more about the state of mind we may require to face them.
Even with experience, there are times when it's difficult for me to accept the reality of my predictions. Sometimes I'd like to rely on these fortunes instead.
At times like those, I should rely on you?
Haha, thank you, (Captain). I promise, you'll be the first to know.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Valentine's, (Captain). These chocolates are for you. They're not handmade or anything, but I hope you like them.
I've heard that chocolates are a love drug. Supposedly one bite is all it takes to fall in love.
Hm? What about my chocolates?
Heheh... I wonder. Would it be inconvenient for you if they were? Or perhaps...


Is something bothering you, (Captain)? Don't tell me. You want me to predict the direction of your love life on this special day?
Asking that of me at a time like this is quite tactless, but... I wonder.
Wonder about what? Ah, yes.
Eat these chocolates while you think it over.
Do they taste sweet... or sour? It all depends on you.


Heh-heh, you're especially popular today, (Captain).
Hm? You came here because you thought you might find me? Really? You're like a fortune-teller, (Captain).
Sounds like to you... I'm quite predictable.
But being understood by someone doesn't feel so bad! Of course, that's because you're a special exception.
Now, as for the rest of your prediction... Here you go. Chocolate from me. You'll accept it, won't you?


Hmm? What is it, (Captain)? Ah, yes. Valentine's.
I'm sorry to say, I don't have any chocolate for you.
Yet, that is.
Hehe, aren't you adorable? No need to sulk—I was just about to start making some.
You know... If you'd like, I can have you be my taste-tester. What do you say?
After all, I'll be giving it to you. I want to make sure the flavor is to your liking.


Sigh... Oh, (Captain). I'm sorry, did you hear me sighing?
I had rather a bad dream. Yes, it was premonition. About Valentine's Day.
The table in your room was positively overflowing with Valentine's gifts. It was easy to see that every one had been made with love and care.
You are well-loved by so many people, and, I assure you, nothing could make me happier.
But perhaps because it's Valentine's Day, I have to admit to a certain melancholy...
Well, since I had the premonition anyway, I decided to wrap my gift differently from all the ones I saw in my dream.
I'm going to choose to interpret the fact that I didn't see this gift on that pile as a good thing.
Of course, how you dispose of your presents is up to you. But please, forgive a woman her fantasies.

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Huh? This is for me? Are you sure? On a day like this...
It's precisely because it's today? Thank you. I'm honored. I shall treasure it always.
Heheh... Quite a happy turn of events, this.


Hello there, (Captain). Did something happen? Hee hee... Not that it matters. I'm more than happy to speak to you, regardless.
Hm? Are these... for me?
Oh, no. No. Of course I'm happy.
I mean... It's an honor to get something from you on a day like today. Truly.
It's just... I suppose I need some time to prepare myself emotionally.
Thank you. You've made me a very, very happy fortune teller.


This is a White Day present, right? I'm glad to get one from you, (Captain).
I don't feel as if saying I'm glad is enough to express how happy I feel...
But I don't know the words to convey it to you otherwise.
And that's just how happy I am... and a little embarrassed!


Thank you. I'm really glad you brought me something today.
... Sorry... I mean, I made some cracks at you on Valentine's Day, didn't I?
Despite that, to receive something from you in return... I can't help but feel a little guilty.
I knew it would end up this way, but I wanted to tease you anyway... I'm not exactly a role model, am I?
Use me as an example of what kind of grown-up not to become, hehe.


Hm? Close my eyes and open my mouth? All right. Ahhh...
Munch, munch. Yes, it's delicious. Thank you, (Captain).
Just one question... Why did you ask me to sit on your lap? Not that I'm complaining—I just wondered.
You decided to spoil me because my thoughts run wild when you don't pay enough attention to me?
Oh... You're talking about my dream on Valentine's Day. I apologize. I really shouldn't have mentioned it to you. I wasn't trying to make you feel guilty.
No, I don't object to you spoiling me. In fact, monopolizing you like this makes me so happy I ought to feel guilty.
But rather than feel guilty over your consideration...
I think I'm better off repaying it by enjoying every moment.
And so, (Captain), feed me another bite, please. Ahhh...

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy Halloween, (Captain). Trick or treat, which do you prefer?
Choose whichever you like. I really don't mind either one.
Hehe, or perhaps a trick is what you truly want?


Heehee. The ship's become full of surprises, (Captain). You should be careful—
See, I told you. Now who could've put that bucket of water up there to fall on some unsuspecting victim?
Aww, you poor, soaked thing. Let me get you a towel—
This is how you repay me for trying to be nice to you?
Heehee. Well, I guess I did start by pranking you first. I hope you're ready for the next one.


Now, now... You were trying to play a trick on me just now, weren't you?
You really got me last year. But I didn't want to get fooled again this year, so I was on the lookout.
Heh-heh! You look so disappointed! Were you really looking forward to getting me this year?
Maybe... because you really liked pranking me last year?
Goodness... You sure know how to keep things around here exciting. With or without pranks...


Happy Halloween, (Captain). Do you mind waiting a little for your treat? I'm actually preparing it right now.
I went to buy some wrapping, but there were so many adorable ribbons and materials... I ended up losing track of time.
I finally decided on one and brought it back just now.
Just like this... Right here, and... There. That's one wrapped.
This year's first treat goes to you. Enjoy Halloween to your heart's content, (Captain).


What? I could use my powers to avoid whatever tricks people try to play on me? Yes, that's true...
But then I'd be missing out on all the Halloween fun.
If I looked into the future to see the smiles on the faces of the trick-or-treaters...
Or what kinds of pranks they might play, it would be such a waste.
If some great calamity is approaching, I'll end up having a premonitory dream even without intending to.
But I haven't had anything like that this year, so I'm happy to be able to participate in the festivities alongside all of you.
Speaking of which, I believe you'll be my very first customer this year, (Captain).
Go on, then. Say the magic words. Trick or treat!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays, (Captain). Any plans for the night?
Would you mind if I spent the night by your side?
On a silent and holy night like this, there's nothing better than spending it with a good friend and good conversation.


Tonight we celebrate the holiday season with all our precious friends on the ship.
You may have a frigid, wintry fate ahead of you, but we'll overcome it with camaraderie.
Put another way... people can't do much on their own.
I can see the future, and you have a steady, unyielding resolve. But alone... we're nothing.
Heheh... I can tell you want a little more elaboration.
Let me put it this way. There's no better way to spend days like this than with those precious to you.
Heheh... I thought I would be included in that category for you, but perhaps I was mistaken?
Having memories of these quiet times with you is all I need to overcome any challenge the future poses.


Happy holidays, (Captain)! No matter how old I get, the holiday season always makes me giddy with excitement.
The best chefs in our crew have crowded into the kitchen to show off their skills. I just got back from helping out a bit.
And since holiday feasts differ on each island, we'll be sure to see a smorgasbord of dishes and desserts at the party.
A table full of good eats with everyone chatting happily... Heh-heh! I can't wait for tonight!
But I'm afraid I'll have trouble getting a seat right next to you. I have to admit that's a little disappointing...


Cinnamon, cloves, cardamom... I'll need some ginger, too...
Hmm? Oh, (Captain). I was just thinking about making some mulled wine. It's a spiced wine that's served warm.
The warmth from the heat and spices spreads through your body when drinking it—just perfect for winter, don't you think?
With everyone so busy for the holidays, I thought I'd make some. After all, you wouldn't want to catch a cold during this time of year.
Oh, that's right—you can't have any yet, (Captain). It may sound good, but you'll have to wait until you're an adult.
Hehe, don't look so glum.
See, I'll make some chai for you using the same spices.
Sharing a warm drink with your friends for a joyous night and occasion—what could be better?


Oh my, (Captain). What are you doing up so late? You'll run into Santa Claus if you're not careful.
What about me, you ask? Our holiday dinner was so much fun, I can't quite seem to settle down. I thought I'd take the night air to calm down a bit.
I'm so glad we all got to spend such a peaceful night together this year as well.
My only regret is that the seats beside you were so popular, I never had a chance to squeeze in.
But I can't complain. After all, I have you all to myself, now.
If you're in the mood for a little stargazing...
Why don't we shield each other from the night's chill? The night wind won't bite with me by your side.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Glamorous Wear

The crew visits Auguste some time after Arulumaya's visions of calamity. There they find a summer festival about to be underway and thus invite Arulumaya. Lyria suggests she purchase clothing to fit the occasion, to which she assents.

Arulumaya: It seems things have calmed down around here.
Arulumaya: It looks like repairs to all the buildings are finished. It's almost as if the cataclysms never happened.
Arulumaya: I suppose I can stop worrying.
The crew has been traveling around to assess the damage after the cataclysms that brought islands crashing down from the sky.
They are relieved to find Auguste back to its usual, bustling self.
Vyrn: Geez, just thinking back on that whole ordeal gives me the shivers.
Lyria: Yeah... For a while there, I thought we were done for.
It began with the sudden onset of earthquakes all across the sky. Arulumaya was visited by a prophetic dream foretelling a disaster the likes of which the Sky Realm had never seen.
Led by her visions, (Captain) and the crew traveled to the most vulnerable islands to aid in the evacuations and encourage people to stick together in the face of crisis.
Island Woman: What did we do to deserve this?
With no outlet for their fear and uncertainty, the likelihood of panic and even violence among the evacuees seemed high.
Arulumaya: Everyone, please try to stay calm. I understand how upset you must be from the quakes.
Arulumaya: But that's why we must all come together. It's time to stand united to overcome this trial.
Countless lives were saved thanks to the crew's selfless, decisive action.
The Auguste Isles once again owed their very existence to (Captain) and the crew.
Arulumaya: What a relief to see everyone returning to their normal lives.
Arulumaya: I suppose my vision did some good.
Arulumaya sighs contentedly as she surveys the town.
Her eyes light upon a group of townspeople hammering together wooden planks and beams.
Arulumaya: Oh, what are you up to over here?
Young Man: Oh, this? It's for our summer festival.
Young Man: A lot of people are still hurting after that disaster.
Young Man: We're hoping tonight's festivities will lift everyone's spirits and get them feeling optimistic about the reconstruction.
Lyria: Ooh, that sounds like fun!
Arulumaya: That brings back memories. When I was young, I always looked forward to summer festivals.
  1. Then how about we go together?
  2. I wonder what it'll be like...

Choose: Then how about we go together?
Arulumaya: Oh, an invitation from the captain?
Vyrn: You've earned it for all your hard work! Don'tcha think, (Captain)?
Arulumaya: That's awfully considerate of you. I can't tell you how happy it makes me.

Choose: I wonder what it'll be like...
Arulumaya: Everyone around here certainly seems to be looking forward to it. And it's been a long time since I had the chance to attend one...
(Captain) decides this is the perfect opportunity to take a breather and give the crew's overworked fortune-teller a special treat.
Vyrn: Yeah! I'd say she's more than earned it, wouldn't you, (Captain)?
Arulumaya: A break, hm? Yes... Indulging in some festival food and strolling around the booths might be just what the doctor ordered.
Continue 1
Arulumaya: I think I'll accept your generous offer, (Captain). Letting one's hair down now and again isn't a bad idea.
With that decided, (Captain), Arulumaya, and the others head for the festival grounds.
On their way, they spot many children sporting the colorful yukatas that are a must for any summer festival.
Lyria: Hehe, they all seem so excited about the festival.
Arulumaya: I was just like them as a child.
Arulumaya: I would start pestering my mother to help me into my yukata long before the evening came. She didn't know what to do with me.
Vyrn: Wow, so even our responsible fortune-teller was a regular kid once.
Arulumaya: Does that surprise you?
Vyrn: Nah, it's not that... I just can't really picture it.
Lyria: ...
Lyria's gaze bores into Arulumaya's back as the other two talk. Finally her feet come to a halt.
Arulumaya: What is it, Lyria?
Lyria: Um! I... I wanna see you in a yukata!
Arulumaya: My, my. Whatever for?
Lyria: Well... I... I just think you must look lovely in one.
Lyria: Besides, it's not a festival without a yukata!
Arulumaya: Haha. That's awfully sweet of you.
Arulumaya: I'd like to oblige, but unfortunately I don't have one with me.
Lyria: Aww... That's too bad...
  1. I'd like to see you in one too...
  2. Nothing a shopping trip won't fix!

Choose: I'd like to see you in one too...
Arulumaya: What?
Lyria: Right? (Captain) agrees with me!
Vyrn: Well, why don't we go clothes shopping then?
Lyria: That's a great idea! What do you say, Arulu? (Captain)?
(Captain) sides with Vyrn and Lyria.
Arulumaya: I see. Well, if you insist, (Captain).
Arulumaya: Haha... You seem intent on spoiling me today.

Choose: Nothing a shopping trip won't fix!
Arulumaya: What, now?
Vyrn: Why not? We've got time!
Arulumaya: Haha... You seem intent on spoiling me today.
Continue 2
Vyrn: Hehe, that's right! So let's get movin' already!
The crew find their way to a shop that specializes in yukata. Yukata of every style and color of the rainbow are arrayed on every wall and shelf.
Lyria: Wooow! I never realized how many different kinds there are!
Arulumaya: Hm... These ones here are so large... Clearly made for particularly strapping men.
Arulumaya: Now where are the ladies' yukatas... Ah, here we go. This truly is an impressive selection.
Arulumaya: In my size alone, they offer a wealth of options... Ah, these over here look like they were inspired by Erune fashion.
Arulumaya: Alongside the more traditional designs, there are some open-backed versions too.
Lyria: Ooh, what do you think of this one? Aren't all the flowers adorable?
Arulumaya: Haha, they certainly are. That cheerful pattern is very fetching.
Lyria: Oh... It's too big though... And it was so perfect...
Vyrn: Hey, what about this one? It's got apples printed all over it!
Arulumaya: What an appetizing pattern. I'm quite fond of apples myself.
Vyrn: Ah... This one's way too small though. It might actually fit me. Do they make yukatas for babies?
(Captain), Vyrn, and Lyria split up to find yukatas they think would suit their favorite fortune-teller, offering her option after option.
Arulumaya obligingly tries on every one, but none of them really seem to capture her fancy.
Arulumaya: It's hard to decide when I'm so spoiled for choice...
Lyria: Mmm... I guess none of them have that X factor, huh?
Vyrn: Yeah... It's hard to bite the bullet and choose, isn't it?
As they wander between the shelves, eyes roving over countless fabrics and patterns, one in particular catches Arulumaya's attention.
Arulumaya: ...
Arulumaya: Hm? What is it, (Captain)?
Arulumaya: Oh. Yes, I was rather taken by this yukata here...
Arulumaya: I'm torn though. I think it might be a little too cute for me.
  1. I think it would suit you.
  2. That's adorable.

Choose: I think it would suit you.
Arulumaya: Well, then I suppose I'll put my faith in your fashion sense.

Choose: That's adorable.
Arulumaya: I think so too. I really like the pattern...
Arulumaya: What? You meant me?
Arulumaya: Come now, Captain, teasing isn't nice.
Arulumaya: But... well... If you like it too, then perhaps I will choose this one.
Continue 3
Arulumaya: Opinions?
Lyria: The low neckline in the back is so elegant!
Vyrn: Haha, you look like a whole different person with that hairstyle! Pretty sharp!
  1. You're a vision.
  2. I can't take my eyes off of you.

Choose: You're a vision.
Arulumaya: Hehe. I suppose I made the right choice then. Thank you.

Choose: I can't take my eyes off of you.
Arulumaya: Why should you? We have all night.
Haha, just kidding.
Arulumaya: All these compliments are going to my head.
Continue 4
Arulumaya buys her chosen yukata and returns to (Captain) and the others.
Arulumaya: Thank you all for spending so much time helping me out.
Lyria: Hee hee. No problem! I'm glad we found the perfect one for you!
Arulumaya: Looks like we found it just in time too.
Outside the window, the sun has already set, staining the sky a deep indigo.
Arulumaya: Shall we? I want the whole crew to enjoy this festival to the fullest.
Decked out for the occasion, Arulumaya leads the way to the festival.
Just for a moment, the smile on her face is not that of the fortune-teller carrying the weight of the world, but of the child who once tugged at her mother's sleeve, begging to change into her summer finery.

Candy Apple Memories

Arulumaya spots a customer arguing with a stall owner, and she realizes the customer is being cheated. Through cunning and wit, Arulumaya manages to get the stall owner to accidentally admit that they are up to no good. Little does she know what this will mean for her later on.

Arulumaya, (Captain), and the crew have decided to enjoy a summer festival in the Auguste Isles.
The fortune-teller has a spring in her step at the prospect of enjoying her first festival in many years.
Arulumaya: How long has it been? I feel like a child again.
  1. You look like you're having fun.
  2. I'm so psyched!

Choose: You look like you're having fun.
Arulumaya: Haha, can you tell? There's just so much to do at a festival like this.
Arulumaya: Although more than the stalls themselves, perhaps what I'm anticipating most is visiting them arm-in-arm with you...
Only kidding.

Choose: I'm so psyched!
Arulumaya: Haha... You're always so busy being heroic. It's nice to see you act your age.
Arulumaya: As for myself... I'm not sure whether these butterflies in my stomach have more to do with the festival or my present company...
Haha, what a line.
Continue 1
Lyria: Oooh, so many stalls! I don't know where to start!
Arulumaya: Don't get too excited and wander off though, all right? Haha, I suppose the same goes for me.
Vyrn: Guys! Guys! You know what really makes a summer festival? Candy apples! We gotta get some!
Arulumaya: Candy apples? That really takes me back.
Arulumaya: Just hearing the name gives me quite the craving.
Vyrn: Hehe! Let's find ourselves a stall then!
The crew stroll around the different stalls until they find the booth they're looking for.
Candy Apple Seller: You kids look like you could use some candy apples!
Vyrn: Good eye! Gimme the biggest one!
Lyria: Hmm... I want one with a really thick candy coating!
Arulumaya: A small one will do for me.
(Captain) and the others get their candy apples.
Vyrn: Hehe... I'm gonna scarf this in one chomp!
Vyrn: Mmm! That's the stuff!
Lyria: Nom, nom, nom...
Sooo good!
Arulumaya: Haha... It gleams just like a gem.
Arulumaya: Now, does it taste as good as it looks?
???: Hey! Whaddya think yer tryin' to pull!
Just as Arulumaya brings her candy apple to her lips, angry voices ring out from somewhere among the stalls.
It would appear someone isn't getting into the spirit of things.
Lyria: U-um... What was that about?
Arulumaya: Someone doesn't sound pleased.
Arulumaya: You're right, (Captain). We should take a look.
(Captain) and the others weave their way through the festivalgoers, seeking the source of the shouting.
They find a large group of onlookers clustered around a stall owner and customer in the midst of a heated argument.
Customer 1: I'm telling you, it's impossible to win this raffle!
Raffle Runner: Hey, buddy, gimme a break, wouldja? I'm tryin' to make a livin' here!
Customer 1: Don't try to fob me off! I've drawn dozens of tickets! This game is obviously rigged!
Neither of them seem to be backing down, so the crew push their way through the spectators, hoping to mediate.
Arulumaya: What's all the commotion? Did something happen?
Customer 1: You bet it did! This guy's running a rigged raffle!
Raffle Runner: Listen, chief... Not everyone can win. That's how a raffle works.
Raffle Runner: If everybody won, I'd be out on the street, wouldn't I?
Customer 1: Hrgh...
Raffle Runner: If it bothers ya that much, just don't play! You're botherin' all the other customers!
Customer 2: Heh! Lemme take a crack at it! I'll show ya how it's done!
Customer 1: Forget it, man. This stupid thing never pays out...
Customer 2: Whoa, lookit that! I won!
Customer 1: What!
Raffle Runner: Ohh, Lady Luck is on your side, sir! Enjoy your prize.
Raffle Runner: Now do you get it, buddy? It's not rigged—you're just unlucky.
Customer 1: No way...
Arulumaya: ...
Arulumaya: I see. How ingenious.
Vyrn: What's up, Ms. Fortune-Teller?
Arulumaya: This is quite the scam. There are nothing but losing tickets in that box.
Lyria: Huh? But then how did that man win just now?
Arulumaya: You saw the customer hand his ticket to the booth owner, didn't you? That's when he switched it for a winning ticket he had up his sleeve.
Arulumaya: The "lucky" customer is in league with the man running the game. If customers never saw anyone win, they'd become suspicious.
Lyria: But that... That's cheating!
Arulumaya: Indeed it is. I don't think we can let this pass.
Arulumaya: He needs a lesson about playing fair.
  1. Shall we give them a lecture?
  2. I don't want to bother everyone else.

Choose: Shall we give them a lecture?
Arulumaya: If only they were the type to repent that easily.
Arulumaya: We may have to put more thought into their punishment.

Choose: I don't want to bother everyone else.
Arulumaya: Don't worry—I won't resort to violence. I have something subtler in mind.
Continue 2
Arulumaya skips up to the stall, looking for all the world like an excited festivalgoer.
Arulumaya: Ooh, can I try?
Raffle Runner: Well, of course you can. You wanna draw one ticket?
Arulumaya: Nope. All of 'em.
Raffle Runner: Huh? Whaddya mean, "all of 'em"?
Raffle Runner: Listen, missy, I've had all the weirdo customers I can take today.
Arulumaya: Please rest assured, I have the rupies to pay for them.
Arulumaya: And I can't see any other possible objection.
Raffle Runner: Wha! Y-you gotta be kiddin' me... I mean... Well... What about all the other people who wanna try their luck?
Arulumaya: Ah, you make an excellent point.
Arulumaya: One might also suspect that your hesitance stems from the fact that if I bought all the tickets, everyone would see there wasn't a single winner among them.
Arulumaya: But I'm sure you're an honest fellow who would never dream of running such a scam.
Raffle Runner: Y-yeah! Of course I am! Fine, then! Go ahead and draw them all!
Raffle Runner: (Heh. As long as she hands me the tickets one by one, all I have to do is switch one out for a winner!)
Arulumaya: Here's the money.
Raffle Runner: Th-thanks...
Arulumaya: Oh, and of course, I'll be inspecting each ticket myself.
Raffle Runner: What! No, wait, you—
Arulumaya: You seem flustered. Surely it makes no difference which of us checks them?
Raffle Runner: Ngh!
Raffle Runner: Why're you all bustin' my bunions!
Raffle Runner: If I went and put winning tickets in the box, I'd be outta business! How'm I supposed to make a profit?
Customer 2: Shut it, you idiot!
Arulumaya: Well, well. It certainly saves time when the guilty party confesses on their own.
Customer 1: I knew it! I knew this rotten prize draw was a scam!
Raffle Runner: You little troublemaker! If that's how you wanna play it...
Raffle Runner: Hey! Get her!
Customer 2: Hyahaha! I won't go easy on ya just 'cause you're a kid!
Arulumaya: Dear me... And here I had planned to avoid violence.
Arulumaya: Sorry for the fuss, (Captain), but will you lend me a hand?
Arulumaya: We have some justice to mete out!

Candy Apple Memories: Scene 2

After Arulumaya's discovery, the crew decide to check out the other stalls. Arulumaya spots another one where the odds are stacked against the customer, but she uses those same tactics to outsmart the evildoers. Now that the tables have turned, the baddies come for Arulumaya's head on a plate.

The crew makes short work of the cheaters. The two men confess their crimes and go along quietly with the city guard.
Vyrn: Geez... Did they think they could just go around cheating people?
Arulumaya: Unfortunately, those two are far from unique.
Arulumaya: I want you all to enjoy the festival, but let's keep an eye out for rigged games like that.
Lyria: Okay! We'll be careful!
Arulumaya: Well then, let's get back to the festival, shall we?
Leaving behind the now-abandoned prize draw stall, the crew goes in search of other amusements.
Not too far away, Lyria comes to a halt, her wide-eyed gaze captivated by a host of tiny, gleaming fish flitting to and fro inside a tank.
Lyria: You guys, look! Aren't they pretty? And there are so many!
Arulumaya: Oh, is this your first time seeing this festival game, Lyria?
Arulumaya: If you can scoop a fish out of the tank and into your bowl with one of those little nets there, it's yours to keep.
Lyria: Oooh! I wanna try!
Fishing Stall Owner: Hee hee. Step right up then, little lady.
Lyria takes one of the special nets and carefully selects her target.
Lyria: That one!
Lyria: Aw... It got away...
Vyrn: Don't worry, Lyria! I'll avenge you!
Vyrn: Lemme at 'em!
Vyrn: Ooops... Those fish are trickier than they look.
Arulumaya: Hehe. You nearly caught that one, though.
Arulumaya: There's a trick to this. Let me show you.
Arulumaya: Excuse me. I'd like a turn, please.
Fishing Stall Owner: Tee hee. Here's your net. There's no limit, so catch as many as you like!
Arulumaya takes her net in hand and pushes up her long sleeves.
Just as she's about to try her luck, she suddenly pauses as she notices something. Her eyes narrow as she looks around the stall.
Arulumaya: (Every customer with a blue net has caught at least one or two fish...)
Arulumaya: (But no one with a red net is having any success. In that case...)
Arulumaya: Miss? I don't like red... Could I have a blue net, instead?
Fishing Stall Owner: Huh? O-oh, sure... But it's not like the color makes a difference, you know...
Arulumaya: Oh, I'm just a little superstitious. Blue is my lucky color.
With the blue net in hand, Arulumaya squares up in front of the fish tank like a swordswoman preparing to unleash her ultimate attack.
Arulumaya: Hah!
Lyria: Wooow! You got one!
Fishing Stall Owner: Aha... Yeah... Good job... But anyone can get one.
Arulumaya: Hehe. I'm just getting started.
A confident smile curves Arulumaya's lips. Her net flashes out. With deft flicks of the wrist, she scoops up fish after fish.
(Captain) and the others watch open-mouthed in awe as a school of fish starts to form in Arulumaya's bowl.
Vyrn: Holy fish fingers, Ms. Fortune-Teller! You're a pro!
Arulumaya: They used to call me Arulu the Golden Net in my heyday...
Just kidding.
  1. Impressive!
  2. Nice to meet you, Ms. Golden Net!

Choose: Impressive!
Arulumaya: If you encourage me, it'll just make me want to catch more...

Choose: Nice to meet you, Ms. Golden Net!
Arulumaya: Flatterer. You'll turn my head.
Arulumaya: I like the feeling of you using my nickname though, (Captain).
Continue 1
Fishing Stall Owner: Um... Miss? Don't you think you've caught enough?
Arulumaya: I believe you said there wasn't a limit. I can catch twice this many, and I feel like showing off for my friends.
Fishing Stall Owner: Whaaat!
As good as her word, Arulumaya keeps up her winning streak until fish are practically overflowing from her bowl.
Arulumaya: I suppose that should do it.
Arulumaya: Here's your net back, miss.
Fishing Stall Owner: I don't... believe it...
Arulumaya: It was fun catching all of these, but we certainly can't keep them all.
Arulumaya beckons to the dejected children nearby who have failed to catch any fish of their own.
Arulumaya: Do you think you kids could take care of these fish for me?
Boy: You mean it?
Arulumaya: Of course. Just promise to take good care of them.
Boy and Girl: Yaaay!
Vyrn: You really okay giving away all the fish you caught?
Arulumaya: Yes, it really wouldn't be practical to care for them on a long airship voyage.
Arulumaya: Just seeing those children's faces light up was reward enough for me.
Lyria: Hehe. That's so like you, Arulu.
Arulumaya: Do you think so? Well, anyway... Let's go try another game.
As (Captain) and the others move off, a heated conversation is being held behind the fishing game stall.
Shooting Game Guy: You're a disgrace! How could you let a mark get one over on you like that?
Fishing Stall Owner: It's not my fault! She looked like an ordinary kid!
Shooting Game Guy: At this rate, we're all gonna be in the red!
Shooting Game Guy: That little brat... I'll show her! I'll take her for every rupie she's got!
Oblivious to the schemes being hatched behind their backs, the crew make their way around the other booths.
Lyria: Munch, munch...
Summer festivals have so much great food!
Arulumaya: Haha, Lyria, you don't need to eat in such a hurry. They won't run out!
Arulumaya: (I haven't spotted any other suspicious games. Hopefully that's just because there are none.)
A man calls out to (Captain) and the others as they pass his booth.
Shooting Game Guy: Hey there, little lady! Care to test your skill with a little shootin'?
Arulumaya: Hm? Are you talking to me?
Arulumaya: Shooting, you say? Are you all in the mood for—
Shooting Game Guy: C'mon now, don't be shy! What've you got to lose?
Arulumaya: Hey, now wait just a minute!
Not giving her a chance to consult with the crew, the man hustles Arulumaya toward his booth.
Shooting Game Guy: Hahaha! Give this a shot!
There is an array of prizes of all different sizes on the shelves in the back of the booth. The owner pushes an air gun into Arulumaya's hands and shoves the barrel in the direction of the showier prizes.
Arulumaya sets the gun down with a thoughtful look on her face.
Arulumaya: (I see... This booth is a part of it too.)
Lyria: There you are, Arulu! Are you all right?
Arulumaya: Yes, I'm fine. This man's sales pitch was a little overzealous, is all.
Arulumaya: Since you're here, Lyria, would you like to take a shot instead?
Lyria: Oh, um, are you sure?
Arulumaya: Quite sure. This gun is a little too large for me anyhow.
Arulumaya hands Lyria the air gun.
Lyria: So, should I just aim for that big teddy bear?
As Lyria takes aim, Arulumaya whispers to her in an undertone.
Arulumaya: Lyria, you're better off aiming for the smaller prizes. The large ones are too difficult for novices.
Arulumaya: So try this...
As she speaks, Arulumaya extends a finger and gently guides the muzzle of the gun downward.
Arulumaya: There. Now make sure you support it properly so the recoil doesn't throw off your aim... and then pull the trigger.
Lyria follows her instructions to the letter, pulls the trigger, and knocks a little prize right off the shelf.
Lyria: Yaaay! I did it!
Vyrn: Nice shot, Lyria!
Arulumaya: You've got the idea. Why don't you try for a few more? (Captain), would you like a shot too?
With the soothsayer's guidance, (Captain) and Lyria collect two heaping armfuls of little plushies and toys.
Lyria: Hehehe! We hit the mother lode!
  1. All thanks to you, Arulumaya!
  2. How d'ya like me now!

Choose: All thanks to you, Arulumaya!
Arulumaya: Aren't you sweet. But the credit goes to the two of you having excellent aim.

Choose: How d'ya like me now!
Arulumaya: I quite like the way triumph looks on your face, (Captain).
Continue 2
Vyrn: Haha, man, that was fun! Thanks, mister!
Brimming over with pride and satisfaction, the crew heads out.
The booth owner is left gnashing his teeth in frustration.
Shooting Game Guy: Damn it... It's not like it was a big loss, but... it's the principle of the thing!
Shooting Game Guy: No! No way am I takin' this lyin' down!
Arulumaya: Ahh, this has been a great evening.
Lyria: Yeah, it was so much fun!
Vyrn: Why'd you wanna come down to the beach though? There aren't any more booths around here.
Arulumaya: The fireworks should be starting soon. We don't get the chance to see them very often, so we ought to find the best possible viewing spot.
Arulumaya: I know the perfect place, but we have to hurry.
(Captain) and the others hurry along the beach after Arulumaya. Suddenly their path is blocked by a group of people.
Shooting Game Guy: Hold it right there, brat pack!
Vyrn: Huh? What're you guys doing here?
Fishing Stall Owner: Hehehe... It's the end of the line for you! You're not gonna get away with ruining our business!
Lyria: Um... I don't get it. Why are they so angry at us?
Arulumaya: What a nuisance. They just don't want to learn, do they?
Arulumaya: These two were running scams at their booths, Lyria.
Lyria: Whaaat?
Arulumaya: The red nets at the fishing booth were all made to break under a fish's weight.
Arulumaya: The large prizes at the shooting gallery were nailed down so they couldn't be knocked over.
Arulumaya: They're upset because I saw through their tricks.
Lyria: Really? They were really doing that? I didn't notice at all...
Shooting Game Guy: Hey, don't ignore us, you little punks! You're gonna pay for what you did!
Arulumaya: What we did?
Arulumaya: You ruined everyone's enjoyment of the festival for your own selfish ends. I think you're the ones with a bill due.
Arulumaya: I was hoping you'd see the error of your ways without it coming to this, but it appears I overestimated you.
Arulumaya: (Captain), if you would? It appears our duties as educators are not yet complete.
Shooting Game Guy: Quit yer yappin' and prepare to get stomped!

Candy Apple Memories: Scene 3

Upon defeating the corrupt stall owners, the crew and Arulumaya enjoy beautiful fireworks together. Arulumaya's gaze slips to her hand, and she smiles ever so playfully as she offers (Captain) a bite of her candy apple. These summer memories will not soon be forgotten.

Shooting Game Guy: Eek!
Fishing Stall Owner: Meep!
Arulumaya: You're getting off lightly this time, but if I catch you pulling tricks like this again...
Shooting Game Guy: Nooo, I'm sorryyy!
Appropriately cowed by Arulumaya's threats, the two cheaters take off along the beach at top speed.
Arulumaya: I certainly would like to believe that this will put an end to their scams.
Vyrn: You coulda just told us what was goin' on from the get-go, y'know.
Arulumaya: Some things are better left unsaid. I wanted to focus on enjoying the festival with all of you.
Arulumaya: If you knew what was going on, it would have spoiled the fun.
Arulumaya: But that's just what happened in the end, despite my efforts.
Lyria: That doesn't change any of the great memories we made tonight!
Arulumaya: Haha, I suppose you're right. I truly enjoyed myself today. I'll never forget it.
As if to punctuate Arulumaya's words, fireworks streak up from the beach and burst overhead, filling the night sky with showers of glittering rainbow sparks.
Lyria: Oooh! So pretty!
Arulumaya: They really are. Like bright flowers blooming all across the sky.
Arulumaya gazes up at the fireworks with a soft smile on her lips.
(Captain) glances over and is caught by the shifting colors playing across her upturned face.
Arulumaya: Hm? What is it, (Captain)?
  1. Just beautiful.
  2. That candy apple looks good.

Choose: Just beautiful.
Arulumaya: The fireworks? Or do you mean me?
Arulumaya: Haha, just kidding. Don't make me blush.
Arulumaya: Today was lovely, (Captain). Thank you.
Arulumaya's gaze falls to the candy apple she's been toting around this entire time. She holds it out to (Captain).
Arulumaya: Haha, I'd completely forgotten I bought this. How scatterbrained of me.

Choose: That candy apple looks good.
Arulumaya: The way to your heart is through your stomach, eh?
Arulumaya: Haha, but I suppose that's one of your many endearing traits.
Arulumaya: I'd completely forgotten I had this in my hand.
Arulumaya holds her candy apple out to (Captain).
Continue 1
Arulumaya: You must have worked up an appetite dispensing all that justice with me.
Arulumaya: Here, say "ahh." No need to be shy, Captain.
Arulumaya: Or would you like to feed me?
With a mischievous glint in her eye, Arulumaya lifts the candy apple to (Captain)'s lips.
After all they've been through since Arulumaya joined the crew, (Captain) is grateful for this mostly-peaceful day, and the candy-sweet memories they've made together.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
そうジロジロ見ないでくれ照れてしまうよ Don't stare at me like that... It's embarrassing.
このユカタヴィラ似合っているかな? Do you think this yukata suits me?
祭りには華がないとね Can't attend a festival without a flower in your hair.
(主人公)、一緒に光華を見に行こう Care to join me for the fireworks, (Captain)?
リンゴ飴はいかがかな? Want a bite of my candy apple?
甘いお菓子の香りがするね What a sweet aroma...
不正は許さないよ Cheaters never prosper.
ふふっ、つい童心に返ってしまうよ Haha, I feel like a child again.
ユカタヴィラだとことさら淑やかさが求められるね You have to behave like a lady when wearing a yukata.
(主人公)、彩魚掬いに挑戦しないかい? Care to see who can catch the most fish?

Other Appearances


Click to reveal card data

Fanfare: Give your leader the following effect - At the end of your turn, if there are at least 6 cards in your hand, spellboost the cards in your hand; if there are 5 cards or less in your hand, draw cards until there are 6 cards in your hand. (This effect is not stackable and lasts for the rest of the match.)

I'm sorry, but I use my powers for the people. I don't divine for individuals. But suppose I told you that calamity awaits you on your journey... Would you give everything up?


Evolve: If there are at least 6 cards in your hand, spellboost the cards in your hand; if there are 5 cards or less in your hand, draw cards until there are 6 cards in your hand.

There is a future I cannot see, one in which the world will tremble as it hurtles toward the crossroads of fate. You, the bearer of this destiny... Which path will you choose? I ask that you let me watch over you as you continue your journey.

Class Runecraft
Card Pack Brigade of the Sky
SV Portal Arulumaya, Mystic Seer
Language Play Attack Evolve Death Enhance Other


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 06.
  2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 最終上限解放!「アルルメイヤ」
  3. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「アルルメイヤ」「セン」
  4. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, レジェンドガチャ更新&新キャラ紹介のお知らせ