Meteon (Event)/Voice

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This page is a Voice stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data.
See Meta:Manual of Style/Character Pages/Voice for more info.
Notes: Missing JP transcriptions for: Most lines in #Holidays and Debuffed in #Outfits.
Missing ENG translations for: Most lines in #Holidays and Debuffed in #Outfits.
Missing .mp3 files for: Many lines for Debuffed and Final Uncap in #General, and all lines in #Outfits.


Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Recruit 俺はミュオン、ミュオン・A・プレスタだ。いくら団長が相手でも、最速の座は譲れねえな Call me Meteon - Meteon A. Presta. No matter how many times you challenge me, I won't hand over my #1 title!
Home Screen 次はどこに向かうんだ? そこでスカイレースがやってたら、参加したいんだけど。  そうだ、団長も一緒に出ないか? 勝負しようぜ! Where are you headed off to next? If they've got a Sky Race over there, I'd love to sign up. Hey, why don't you enter with me, Captain? We can square off on the track!
レース前は少しでもスピードを出すために減量するんだけど、  そこでリンゴを食うのは……まぁ、願掛けみたいなもんだよ I'm trying to lose weight to boost my speed a little before the next race, but if I eat an apple when I get there... well, it's kinda like an offering to the goddess of victory.


I wonder how Fangio and Elly are doing... Elly might not look it, but she's already getting up there in age.

Well, as long as the old man's taking care of her, I don't think there's anything to worry about.

One of these days I oughta drop in for a visit.... Though I'm not looking forward to another scolding from the old man.
Add to Party わかったよ、行こうぜ! Got it. Let's go!
じゃあ……行くか! Alright then... Shall we?
後で勝負してくれるか? Will you race me after this?
Uncap 誰よりも速く飛ぶ、それが俺の本能だ! To fly faster than anyone else... That's my instinct!
Journal 俺はミュオン、ミュオン・A・プレスタだ。いくら団長が相手でも、最速の座は譲れねえな Call me Meteon - Meteon A. Presta. No matter how many times you challenge me, I won't hand over my #1 title!
限界を超えた先にたどり着く、景色があるんだ The view you get when you take it to the limit and beyond..
俺の……! 存在を賭けてでも! 誰よりも速く!! I don't care what it takes! I... will... be... the fastest!
EM Lvl Up もっと… もっと速く、俺は…! Faster...! I can still go even faster...!
EM Perk Lvl Up ありがとな Thanks!
おぉ! Ooh!
飛ばすぞ! Let it rip!
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack どけよ! Move it!
喰らえ! Eat this!
邪魔だっ! Outta the way!
Enemy Defeated やったか? Did that do it?
Skill 1 負けねぇ……ブチ抜いてやる! I won't lose... I'm pushing through!
Skill 2 集中しろ、すべての感覚を研ぎ澄ませ……! Concentrate... Sharpen all senses...!
Skill 3 オラァーッ! Hiyaaaah!
C.A. Ready これ以上構ってられねぇんだよ! I can't keep waiting!
Charge Attack いくぞ、ブルーオービット! メテオライト・ソニック! Let's go, Blue Orbit! Sonic Meteorite!
Skip Charge Attack メテオライト・ソニック! Sonic Meteorite!
Damage Taken ぐうっ! Guh!
Red HP くそっ…! 避けきれなかった…! Damn it...! I couldn't dodge it...!
Knocked Out こんなところで、リタイヤかよ……! Am I going to retire... in a place like this...!?
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed サンキュー Thank you!
Join Battle ほら、さっさと片づけようぜ Come on, let's get this cleaned up already.
Victory よし! じゃあレースの続きと行こうぜ All right! Let the race go on!
Turn Start 振り落とされねえように、しっかり掴まってろよ! Hold on tight so you don't get thrown off!
MC Defeats Enemy やったな! Nice job!
MC C.A. Ready 準備はいいな? Are you ready?
MC Red HP まったく… Good grief...
MC Knocked Out 団長! Captain!

Final Uncap

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 団長、ナイトサイファーの整備、ちゃんとしてるか?

 乗ってても乗ってなくても、あんまり長いこと放っておくのは良くないからな。  俺で良かったら見るけど……ははっ、俺は飛ぶだけじゃなくって、走艇自体も好きだからな。

Captain, have you been keeping up with the Nightcypher's maintenance?

Whether or not you've been driving it, it's not good to neglect it for too long. I could help take a look at it if you'd like... Haha, I'm not just a racer; I like doing my own ship maintenance too.

Don't worry, let me handle it!

 団長! やっぱりお前は凄いよ。

Racing for someone else... racing for something else... Not just shrugging off the responsibility... it's hard.

Captain! You really are something, you know that?

Hahaha! Yeah, I've probably been thinking about it too hard.
最近は別に、ビィとリンゴのことでケンカもしてねえよ? アイツも俺も学んだからな。  それに、誰かと分け合って一緒に食べるってのも、いいもんだよな Lately I haven't been fighting Vyrn for the apples as much. We know better now. Plus, isn't it nice to sit down and share a meal with someone?
Add to Party 俺か? いいぜ! Me? Alright!
お前の頼みなら With you asking, of course!
さっさと行くぞ! Let's hurry it up and get going!
Uncap 新しい強さ……俺は、もっと速く飛ぶ! With this new power... I can fly even faster!
Journal 今なら、最速記録が出せそうだ! At this rate, I'm gonna set a new speed record!
ちょっと新しいセットアップを試してみるか I'm gonna try testing out a new setup.
どんな時も、冷静さを失うな。 Keep a cool head, no matter the situation.
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack 遅いっ! Too slow!
消えろっ! Beat it!
オラッ! Hiyah!
Enemy Defeated お先に! Seeya!
Skill 1 速さじゃ負けねえぞ You can't beat me when it comes to speed!
Skill 2 勝負か? …受けて立つ! A match? You got it!
Skill 3 へっ…面白え! Heh... Now it's getting interesting!
C.A. Ready へっ……これで置き去りにする! Heh... I'm about to leave you in the dust!
Charge Attack 全部背負って…どこまでも飛んでやる! メテオライト・ソニック! Leave everything behind... and keep flying to the bitter end! Sonic Meteorite!
Skip Charge Attack メテオライト・ソニック! Sonic Meteorite!
Damage Taken くっ…… Guh!
Red HP 俺は…諦めねえ! I won't... give up!
Knocked Out 諦めたく…ねえ…… I don't want to... give up here...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under Confuse/Sleep/Sealing Debuffs:
This is one heck of a trial...
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
I gotta do something to get out of this...!
Healed ありがとな! Thanks!
Join Battle よし! やってやるか! Alright! Let's get it done!
Victory よっしゃあ! 一丁あがり! Aw yeah! One victory, comin' right up!
Turn Start 力を貸すぜ! Let me lend a hand!
MC Defeats Enemy やったな! Nice job!
MC C.A. Ready 準備はいいな? You ready to go?
MC Red HP まったく… Good grief...
MC Knocked Out 団長! Captain!

Character Banter


Happy Birthday

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピーバースディ! Happy Birthday!

Happy New Year

Home Page Voice Lines
Japanese EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Valentine's Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

White Day

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play

Trick or Treat

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
ハッピー・ハロウィン Happy Halloween.
トリック・オア・トリート Trick or treat.
何年前だったかなー ハロウィンの時にふざけて、エルに猫の着ぐるみを着せたら、機嫌損ねちまったさ、しばらく無視されたよ。呼んでも来てくれねえし、あれはヘコんだなー。 One Halloween some years back, I was joking around and made Elly wear a cat onesie, but she really didn't like that and ignored me for a while. She wouldn't come when I called her, so that was a real bummer.

Happy Holidays

Home Screen Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play


A Comet's Calm

Menu Voice Lines
JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Home Screen 昔から、オフはちゃんと取ってたぜ。コンディションを落として怪我でもしたら、元も子もないしな。ブルーオービットのメンテにも時間をかけられるし……いや、レース以外のことも考えてたさ。エルと遊んでやったりとか I've always taken days off when I needed to. It's all for naught if I hurt myself due to poor health. I get to spend time upkeeping the Blue Orbit too. Of course I think about things other than racing, okay? I even play with Elly!
団長たちと一緒にいる時間も、オフみたいなものかもしれないな。そりゃ、騎空士として戦う緊張感ってのはあるけどさ。気が休まるっていうのかな。……いつもありがとな I guess spending time with you and your crew is kind of like taking days off too. Sure, there's the pressure of fighting as a skyfarer, but it just gives me some peace of mind. Thank you.
そうだ、ナイトサイファーを見てやろうか。お前ら、レース以外でも結構無茶させてるだろ。大事な時に整備不良なんて笑えねぇかんな。あぁいや、俺のことは気にするなって。これが、俺なりのオフの過ごし方ってヤツだからさ Oh right! Shall I take a look at the Nightcypher? You guys put the fella through a lot of stuff even outside of races, don't you? Wouldn't be good if it went faulty due to a lack of maintenance right when you need it. Nah, it's fine! Don't mind me! This is just how I spend my day off.
Add to Party お前の頼みなら付き合うぜ! Since you requested it, of course I'll tag along!
この格好で戦えっかな…… Can I even fight in this outfit...?
オフの過ごし方、教えてやろうか? Want me to tell you how I spend my days off?
Battle Voice Lines
Action JapaneseThis is an unofficial, amateur transcription. EnglishThis is an unofficial, amateur translation. Notes Play
Normal Attack はっ! Hah!
そこだ! Over there!
邪魔だ! You're in the way!
Enemy Defeated 悪いな、オフなんだ Unfortunately for you, it's my day off today.
Skill 1 隙だらけだぜ You're full of weak spots.
Skill 2 メンテもしておかねえと Got some maintenance to do.
Skill 3 オフだからって、油断したな? You let your guard down just because it's my day off today, huh?
C.A. Ready 一旦、オフはおしまいだ Looks like that's it for my day off for now.
Charge Attack メンテの途中で悪いが出番だ! メテオライト・ソニック! Sorry to have to bring you out in the middle of maintenance. Sonic Meteorite!
Skip Charge Attack メテオライト・ソニック! Sonic Meteorite!
Damage Taken ぐああっ! Oof!
Red HP こういう日に限って…… Of course this has to happen on my day off...
Knocked Out とんでもないオフになっちまったぜ…… What a way to spend my day off...
Debuffed Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under confuse/sleep/sealing debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Under turn-based damage debuffs:
Healed 恩に着るぜ I owe you one.
Join Battle 無事か? You alright there?
Victory お疲れさん。みんなも休憩したらどうだ? Good job! Why don't you all take a break?
Turn Start 休んでもいられねえか This is no time to be taking a break, huh?
MC Defeats Enemy いい調子だ! You're doing great!
MC C.A. Ready 派手に決めてやれ! Finish it off with a bang!
MC Red HP おい!大丈夫か? Hey! Are you alright?
MC Knocked Out お前は休んでな……俺がやる Rest up. I'll take it from here.