Scenario:...and you. - 0225 Day of Goodbye - Chapter 2: ・│・・││││ - Episode 2

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…and you. - 0225_Day of Goodbye - Chapter 2: ・|・・|||| - Episode 2

With the seasoned skyfarer Apollonia and hotshot helmsman Rackam in tow, the crew makes for the Lumacie Archipelago to find Rosetta—a primal beast friend of (Captain)'s father. But because she is currently in core form, a little girl named Io—whom Rosetta once saved—suggests they seek the assistance of a death-snatching primal beast on a certain misty island.

At the Port Breeze Archipelago, (Captain) and friends become acquainted with experienced skyfarer Apollonia.
Vyrn: You've helped us in more ways than I can count, introducin' us to a merchant, a helmsman, and so much more...
Apollonia: Don't worry about it. I'm just following my father's advice of showing kindness to rookies.
Apollonia: What's more, as Rackam's childhood friend I just couldn't stand watching him being stuck here anymore.
Rackam: Heh, you're not gonna get an argument from me about that...
Xing: That giant airship... Did you really repair it all by yourself?
Rackam: Yep. I made a promise to a friend that I'd fix the thing up one day and use it to go see him.
Rackam: I've kept him waiting long enough, so I'm glad I finally get to fulfill that promise.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Phew... I guess that means I can finally move on from my job of makeshift helmsman!
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Phew... I guess that means I can finally move on from my job of makeshift helmsman!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Honestly, my heart was beating double time whenever I had to take the controls, so having a professional around is a real load off.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Honestly, my heart was beating double time whenever I had to take the controls, so having a professional around is a real load off.
Katalina: Considering the best I could do was crash-land, you've done far better than me, Logia.
Katalina: Thank you for piloting the skyskimmer all this time.
Rackam: On longer voyages, I can't possibly be manning the controls the entire way, so I'll still need you to back me up every now and then.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Ugwaah! Well, I suppose it wouldn't be fair to expect you to steer us for days on end without sleep...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Ugwaah! Well, I suppose it wouldn't be fair to expect you to steer us for days on end without sleep...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I don't know if I should be glad that I'm still going to be just as useful, or upset that my heart is still going to skip plenty of beats...
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I don't know if I should be glad that I'm still going to be just as useful, or upset that my heart is still going to skip plenty of beats...
Lyria: Teehee...
Though still struggling to show emotion, Lyria is beginning to smile more and more as things grow increasingly lively.
Everyone now has more leeway to focus on gathering info about the whereabouts of (Captain)'s father.
Vyrn: Shucks, no one seems to know anything about your dad...
Xing: Is it possible he might have contacted someone he traveled with a long time ago?
Xing: Any idea, (Captain)?
Recalling childhood memories, (Captain) mentions the names of a few possible acquaintances.
Katalina: ...
Rackam: You're kidding! Isn't he the captain of the Crew of Enforcers and one of the seven Luminary Knights?
Apollonia: If we're lucky, we may be able to get in contact through one of the Crew of Enforcers' bases.
Apollonia: But as I recall, he's moved his main operations to another skydom.
Xing: Meeting him face to face won't be easy, huh...
Katalina: We could try sending a letter. That way, he might get back to us when he's free.
Vyrn: Then in the meantime... Oh, yeah! (Captain)'s dad mentioned a primal beast friend before!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: I recall hearing that too. I believe she's returned to the Lumacie Archipelago?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: I recall hearing that too. I believe she's returned to the Lumacie Archipelago?
Xing: Sounds like we have our next destination.
Lyria: I can speak to primal beasts... I think I'll be able to help you, (Captain).
Lyria: You've done so much for me. I couldn't be happier to finally have this chance to repay the favor.
Katalina: Lyria...
Katalina: (She's changed so much since we first met her at the research facility. Getting her out of there was definitely the right call...)
The crew sets a course for Lumacie Archipelago in search of leads on (Captain)'s father.
Yggdrasil: ...
Vyrn: You the primal beast we're lookin' for by any chance?
Lyria: She says the one (Captain)'s father traveled with was called Rosetta, who happens to be her friend.
Lyria: Years ago, there was an incident involving an airship crash in Lumacie...
Lyria: Rosetta suffered grave injuries in trying to protect the forest from the resulting fire and reverted to her core form.
Xing: I see...
Yggdrasil: ...
Lyria: (Captain). Yggdrasil would like us to bring Rosetta back from her core form.
Lyria: In return, she'll give us a piece of the Sky Map, which we'll need to traverse through the Grim Basin.
Rackam: Sky Map pieces, huh... Yeah, we're probably gonna need those to get to other skydoms and find (Captain)'s dad.
Katalina: But I've never heard of any way of resurrecting a primal beast. Can we really pay the cost Yggdrasil is expecting?
Xing: Wait.
Vyrn: Yeah, Xing?
Xing: You there. Stop sneaking around and come on out.
???: Urk...
Yggdrasil: ...
Lyria: That's Io, Yggdrasil's friend.
Io: You understand Yggdrasil! I wish I could too...
Io: But more importantly! Can you save Rosetta?
Apollonia: We'd certainly like to, but we don't know how yet.
Io: Um! About that... I just might have an idea!
Io: I'll tell you... if you bring me along.
Katalina: That's... For starters, we would need the approval of your parents.
Io: Mom and Dad are gone. Our airship coming out of Valtz had an accident...
Io: Just when I thought it was all over, Rosetta pulled me out of the burning wreckage.
Rackam: So that's what happened...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: Why not bring her along?
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: Why not bring her along?
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: She's quite talented and a good fit for a skyfarer, if you ask me.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: She's quite talented and a good fit for a skyfarer, if you ask me.
Io: Thanks! Glad to be part of the crew!
Vyrn: Uh, talk about pushy...
Rackam: To be fair, it's not like we have any other clues on how to resurrect a primal beast from a core anyway.
Rackam: Go ahead and tell us what you have in mind, Io.
Io: Waaay east of the Lumacie Archipelago is an island shrouded in fog.
Io: I heard the primal beast there can "snatch away death."
Apollonia: "Snatch away death," you say...
Apollonia: If it can interact with the dead, then even if resurrection is impossible, perhaps it could allow us to communicate with Rosetta.
Xing: The realm of primal beasts is truly something else entirely...
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: They operate by the rules of the Astrals rather than those of the skies after all.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: They operate by the rules of the Astrals rather than those of the skies after all.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Orologia: That's why to us, it seems like they can make the impossible possible.
Gran is the Main Character

Orologia: That's why to us, it seems like they can make the impossible possible.
Katalina: We'll have to gather the Sky Map pieces anyhow if we ever hope to cross the Grim Basin.
Katalina: So either way, meeting the primal beast of the misty island may not be such a bad idea.
Lyria: It would be nice if we can be friends with it, like Yggdrasil.
Xing: I suppose we'll just have to go and find out.
Yggdrasil: ...
Io: Leave it to me, Yggdrasil! Even if the death-snatching primal beast can't do it...
Io: I'll find a way to bring Rosetta back no matter what!
Vyrn: All righty! Off to the misty island then!
Researcher: ...
The stench of death permeates a research facility covered in heavy snowfall. Bodies devoid of breath and pulse are scattered all over.
???: ...
With fumbling movements, the one "thing" moving in this place where light never reaches struggles to get outside.
???: Give me...
???: Give me back my...