Scenario:...and you. - 0304 Hello, Worlds - Intermission II - Episode 1

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…and you. - 0304_Hello, Worlds - Intermission II - Episode 1

In the present, a number of Eternals visit the resting (Captain) aboard the Grandcypher. They offer to guard the ship while Katalina and Rackam go off to run some errands. Just then, Wilnas shows up to warn of an impending crisis and takes off with Wamdus and Galleon.

Meanwhile in reality, (Captain) remains sick in bed as the Grandcypher stays grounded.
Two figures above can be seen descending onto the deck.
Tweyen: Hello, everyone.
Anre: Is (Captain) feeling any better?
Katalina: Tweyen, Anre... Unfortunately, no...
Rackam: Fif and Nehan are checking on the captain at the moment.
Tweyen: A high fever lasting this long is definitely concerning...
Rackam: At first I thought it might give (Captain) a nice break from always firing on all cylinders, but I'm not so sure anymore...
Anre: Yes, we're all worried. I dropped by the Knickknack Shack earlier and picked up some goods.
Any version of Albert (Dark) is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

Yurius is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

Levin Sisters is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

Mina is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

Mina not in crew

Go to "Continue 2"

Continue 1

Anre: This Levin grape juice, when heated with spices, is said to work like a miracle for colds.

Continue 2

Anre: Siero herself gave me some rare herbs that are especially effective for fevers.
Katalina: Every bit helps... Thank you.
Anre: I'll hand the herbs over to Nehan.
Tweyen: Are you two on your way out?
Katalina: As much as we'd like to stay by the captain's side, I have to speak to a client about a job we've already accepted.
Rackam: And I need to go ask the dockmaster for an extension on our stay.
Tweyen: Both important tasks...
Tweyen: We'll keep watch here while you're away. Fif isn't the only other Eternal on the way, I assume?
Katalina: Correct. Earlier—
Io's Voice: Way too much power, Threo! You turned the ice into powdered snow!
Threo's Voice: Hrm... Sorry! Let me try again! Make me some more ice!
Tweyen: I hear Threo's already here.
Katalina: Yes, she's been a big help with the more heavy-duty tasks.
Rackam: All right, we're off now. You guys take it easy here.
Anre: Have a safe trip.
Katalina and Rackam leave the airship to tend to their respective tasks.
Niyon: Ah, Anre, Tweyen. You're here too.
Tweyen: Mm-hm. We visited Eugen earlier, and he gave us a letter to deliver.
Niyon: Eugen? I believe he went back to the last island the crew was on to ask about the local diseases?
Tweyen: Yes, he's hoping to find something that might lead to a cure for (Captain)'s condition.
Tweyen: But at the moment, he can't find anything that induces symptoms matching (Captain)'s.
Niyon: I see...
Anre: By the way, what's Seofon doing over there?
Seofon: Burp... This is a lot...
Niyon: He's eating porridge.
Tweyen: Eating porridge? At a time like this?
Seofon: You see, (Captain) has still been down and out, so the porridge surplus has just kept rising.
Any version of Narmaya (Grand) is a crew member

Go to "Continue 3"

No version of Narmaya (Grand) in crew

Go to "Continue 4"

Continue 3

Seofon: Narmaya wanted to make sure (Captain) would have hot porridge to eat immediately after waking up, so she's been making it fresh over and over.

Continue 4

Seofon: I offered to eat the earlier batches for lunch so they wouldn't go to waste, but then it was too good to stop eating...
Tweyen: Really now, Seofon...
Tweyen: Didn't you promise Lyria that you'd keep the Grandcypher safe while (Captain) is unable to move?
Seofon: Y-yeah, and I'm taking the job seriously! Honest!
Anre: (Captain)'s crew is fairly well known throughout all the Sky Realm.
Anre: If word of the captain's illness spreads, some may seek to take advantage of the situation.
Anre: Be on your guard, Seofon.
Seofon: Already am.
Wamdus: You want to do this... like this...
Fif: Hm... Okay, let me try...
In hopes of curing the captain's illness, Wamdus works with Fif to reduce the excessive mana flow entering (Captain) from the boundary.
Vyrn: I sure hope this cure works...
Nehan: Even if we're able to temporarily reduce the cause of the fever, we still need to deal with its effects on the body...
Galleon: Fallacy.
(I believe "cure" is a bit of a misnomer.)
Galleon: Adjustment.
(The spell Wamdus and Fif are casting right now merely redirects the flow of mana from the boundary.)
Galleon: Persistence.
(So that it can be deposited elsewhere. Like water from a tap, the mana continues to flow.)
Lyria: Elsewhere? Where might that be?
Wamdus: Hm... How do I explain this...
Fif: We made a kind of invisible bag that stores mana!
Fif: But if we fill it up too much... Bam! It explodes! So we can only do this for so long...
Galleon: Warning.
(We must resolve the situation before that happens.)
Wamdus: We'll do our best at that, but we might have to ask for some help on some things. Sorry in advance.
Vyrn: No apology needed. We're all here to make sure (Captain) gets better anyway.
Mugen: Mugen help too if need.
Galleon: Gratitude.
(That is most appreciated.)
Wilnas: Coming through! Coming through!
Lyria: Eep! Wilnas! What a surprise...
Vyrn: You guys are gonna give me a heart attack one of these days with how your portals pop up outta thin air...
Wilnas: Apologies, but we've got one heck of a situation on our hands!
Wamdus: Oh... Has it come to that?
Wilnas: Rather, it will very soon come to that! Which is why we need to act at once.
Galleon: Comprehension.
(Understood. I will go with Wamdus and Wilnas.)
Wamdus: I'll leave things here to you, Fif. I know you can do it.
Fif: Okay!
Mugen: Wamdus, good luck.
Wamdus: See you later.
Vyrn: Never seen the Six Dragons in such a big fuss before. Just goes to show how serious this is...
Cat: Meow...
As if (Captain)'s condition weren't enough, Vyrn and company sense something foreboding about the behavior of the Six Dragons.
Despite the uneasiness of the situation, the cat seems to shrug it all off with a casual yawn.