Scenario:A Ballad of Unbending Chivalry - Chapter 1: Family Reunion - Episode 1

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A Ballad of Unbending Chivalry - Chapter 1: Family Reunion - Episode 1

Being bested by Elea in combat taught Yuisis that she must get stronger to stand a chance against Arrogante, which is why she's training so hard. When a letter from her cousin Elsine arrives, Yuisis is overjoyed to learn that she's alive and goes with the crew to meet her.

On a fine and early afternoon.
Yuisis engages in a mock battle with (Captain) on the deck of the Grandcypher.
Yuisis: Ack!
The force from one of (Captain)'s attacks sends Yuisis's weapon, the Ditoria, flying out of her hands.
Yuisis: Looks like... I've lost.
Any version of Yuisis (Fire) is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

Yuisis strives to revive her former family, the Ditoria Knights, after it was fractured and broken by treachery from within.
She looks up to (Captain) as the ideal form of the boss that she one day aspires to be.
She has joined (Captain)'s crew so that she may continue to learn everything she can about leadership.

Continue 1

Yuisis: Sorry to ask ya, (Captain), but please spar with me one more time—
Before she can finish making her plea, her exhausted body collapses to the floor.
(Captain) rushes over to help.
Vyrn: H-hey! You all right, Crazy Girl?
Yuisis: Y-yeah... Just a little dizzy, that's all...
  1. Let's take a break.

Choose: Let's take a break.

Yuisis: Yes... Let's...
(Captain) has Yuisis sit down in the shade.
Yuisis: Sorry for the trouble, (Captain). And after having you spar with me to boot...
(Captain) smiles with a shake of the head, as if to say that everything is all right.
Vyrn: Say, Crazy Girl. Don'tcha think you've been pushin' yourself a little too hard with all the training you've been doing?
Vyrn: I even saw you swinging around that sword way late the other night.
Yuisis: ...
  1. If something's happened, I'm all ears.

Choose: If something's happened, I'm all ears.

Yuisis: Thanks... Well I guess I can lay it all out.
Yuisis begins to tell them what has been on her mind.
Yuisis: Remember when we fought Elea that one time?
Yuisis (Fire) is a crew member

Go to "Continue 2"

During their time as members of the Ditoria Knights, Yuisis looked up to Elea as an older sister.
Yuisis was unaware of Elea's whereabouts ever since her parents' funeral. She would finally be reunited with the woman, but not as a friend.
Elea had joined forces with Arrogante, the man responsible for the Ditoria Knights' demise.
Shocked and furious at Elea's betrayal, Yuisis crossed blades with the one whom she once considered an older sister.
Beating her would be the only way to learn why she had allied herself with the man who had destroyed their former family.
Yuisis, however, was no match for Elea, who would back off just before dealing the final blow.
Yuisis cried out in protest, but her pleas would fall on deaf ears.

Continue 2

Yuisis: Elea said it herself—that I'd have to beat her if I wanted to find out her true intentions...
Yuisis: That alone will take everything I've got, but to then convince her to come back over to my side? I've got a long way to go.
Yuisis: I was really unprepared back there...
Yuisis: The gap in power between us won't be easily bridged.
Yuisis: So ever since then, I've known that I need to step it up.
Yuisis: And what kind of boss is so powerless that she can't even get a rival to cough up some info?
Yuisis: If I don't do something, then my dream of reviving the family and avenging my parents will remain just that... A dream...
Yuisis: So here I am, doing what I feel I need to do...
Vyrn: Gotcha... But you're runnin' yourself ragged out here...
Vyrn: If you end up hurting yourself real bad, then what're you gonna do?
Yuisis: Yeah... I guess you're right... But still!
  1. Don't worry. Have more faith in your ability.

Choose: Don't worry. Have more faith in your ability.

Yuisis: (Captain)...
Vyrn: (Captain)'s right! And we're right here with ya, so I'm sure things'll work out!
Yuisis: ...
Yuisis: Sigh...
How do you both do it?
Yuisis: Hearin' that from you, my precious family... Really serves to put my mind at ease.
The expression on Yuisis's face changes from that of anxiety to that of inner calm. The girl smiles gently.
(Captain) and Vyrn are also glad to see their companion relax a bit.
Lyria: Oh, Yuisis! So you were out here all along!
Yuisis: Lyria? What's up?
Lyria: Well, I've got a letter for you from someone named Elsine.
Yuisis's hands tremble as she immediately opens the letter and pores over its contents.
Yuisis: Oh, El! I'm glad she's okay...
Tears well up in her eyes.
Lyria: What's wrong... Yuisis?
Yuisis: Ah, sorry 'bout that. This letter here's from my cousin, El. I'm just glad she's okay.
Yuisis: We became separated after Arrogante's rebellion.
Yuisis: I heard nothing about her whereabouts, and I was having no luck contacting her myself. I really thought that she had bitten the dust.
Yuisis: I mean... That wouldn't be too hard to imagine given what went down...
Vyrn: Crazy Girl... Sounds like it was really rough, huh?
Yuisis: Yes. I remember it vividly too. Arrogante... He...
Yuisis gazes off into the distance as she recalls the horrible event.
Yuisis: Arrogante's goons surrounded our house and set it on fire...
Yuisis: I can still hear the desperate cries... I can still see the bodies...
Yuisis: For a time, I would consult with El and her family to see what we could do in the aftermath.
Yuisis: But I wouldn't be able to find her soon after that...
Lyria: Oh, I'm sorry... For making you recall something so painful.
Yuisis: Don't worry about that one bit. It's just that in that situation, it was easy to assume she was dead.
Lyria: But it looks like Elsine is alive after all.
Yuisis: Yep, and I'm super relieved.
Yuisis: (Captain), it looks like El wants to meet up with me again.
Yuisis: So um, would you all consider coming along?
Vyrn: Hm, us too?
Yuisis: Yes. It looks like they heard that I've broken bread with you all, so they insist.
Yuisis: Consider it a formality.
  1. All right, we'll tag along too.

Choose: All right, we'll tag along too.

Lyria: If they're your family, they're our family too!
Vyrn: Yeah, and I can tell that this'll do you a whole lotta good, Crazy Girl.
Yuisis: Thank you. (Captain).
A joyful smile graces the girl's face at (Captain)'s agreement to accompany her.