Scenario:A Ballad of Unbending Chivalry - Chapter 3: Differing Creeds - Episode 1

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A Ballad of Unbending Chivalry - Chapter 3: Differing Creeds - Episode 1

During a nighttime chat over drinks, Elsine encourages Yuisis to break apart from (Captain), claiming that the crew's naivete is a bad influence on her. She presents an ultimatum: if Yuisis refuses to change her ways, then Elsine will defeat her and take over as the new Ditoria Knights' boss.

Yuisis returns to her room to retire for the night after her conversation with Elsine.
Yuisis: (I thought I would get a better idea as to why Elsine's changed...)
Yuisis: What? They're layin' hands on a civilian! Are you planning to ignore that?
Elsine: That's right. It's got nothing to do with me.
Vyrn: H-hey now, that's crazy talk! They're attacking a defenseless mother and child!
Elsine: And? Seems like it's a problem that's up to them to solve.
Elsine: I saw it with my own two eyes...
Elsine: I saw all manner of betrayal.
Elsine: My very own parents...
Elsine: Other members of the family and countless civilians were so quick to change their allegiances...
Elsine: In seeing that, I finally came to realize that all that talk of chivalry and honor was naivety in the truest sense.
Elsine: The me who clung to those ideals couldn't do anything to stop what would happen...
Yuisis: (To think that she's changed so much...)
Yuisis: (I'm no stranger to betrayal and atrocity, even at the hands of those outside our world...)
Yuisis: (I can understand where she's coming from...)
Yuisis: (But I just can't get on board with the way she's thinking now.)
Yuisis: (She's no longer aligned with the Ditoria way of thinking... No, Ditoria's very way of being...)
Yuisis: (Yet she hopes to one day see to the family's revival?)
Yuisis: (I don't see that ending well...)
Yuisis: Sigh... I won't get any sleep if I keep thinkin' about all this...
Yuisis: Let me go get some fresh air.
Yuisis steps outside of her room.
She makes her way down the hallway toward the front door.
Peering to her side, she spots Elsine on a patio sipping a drink while gazing up at the moon.
Yuisis: El...
Elsine: Oh, Yuisis? Can't sleep?
Yuisis: Y-yeah. The sandman seems to be evadin' me tonight.
Elsine: I see... Care to join me for a drink? It's awfully lonely out here by myself.
Yuisis: If that's the case, I'd be happy to oblige.
Yuisis takes a seat next to Elsine.
Elsine: Let me pour you one.
Yuisis: Thanks...
Yuisis: Ah... That's some good stuff.
Elsine: Heehee. Another, shall we?
Elsine pours another round into Yuisis's empty glass.
Yuisis: Thank you. But my...
Yuisis glances around at the many empty bottles sprawled about and offers up a hesitant smile.
Yuisis: You can really hold your liquor... it seems. Or perhaps you're drinking a bit too much?
Elsine: Yes, yes. You're sounding a lot like Icas right now.
Yuisis: Oh, speaking of Icas... Does he not drink with you?
Elsine: Says he doesn't have a taste for alcohol, so he doesn't oblige me.
Yuisis: Really? That seems unlike him, given how attached he usually is to you...
Elsine: How often do you drink, Yuisis?
Yuisis: I'll occasionally partake when I'm alone in my room, or if I'm invited to do so by one of the crew.
Elsine: Right... (Captain)'s crew.
Elsine: Yuisis, do you mind if I ask you something this time?
Elsine: What have you been doing until now? How did you even come to meet (Captain)?
Yuisis: I don't mind telling the story, but it's a bit on the long side. Is that fine with you?
Elsine: It is. Please tell me.
Yuisis starts from the beginning.
She tells Elsine about how she met (Captain), and about that which would lead her to joining the crew on their journey.
About her meeting with Elea at her parents' graves, and the fight between them that would soon follow.
Elsine: I see. I'm starting to get the picture.
Elsine: You've been leading quite the cushy, sheltered life these past few years. That explains a lot.
Yuisis: El, what are you trying to say?
Elsine: Please, Yuisis. Isn't it about time you faced reality?
Elsine: The world is not so kind that you can get by on platitudes alone. You know that very well, don't you?
Yuisis: ...
Elsine: All of the Ditoria Knights' talk of chivalry only served to make themselves look good in the eyes of others.
Elsine: It was self-satisfactory nonsense.
Elsine: And it is exactly what bred the traitors in our ranks.
Yuisis: El! You of all people!
In a fit of anger, Yuisis grabs Elsine by the collar.
Elsine: Tell me, Yuisis. What good did that chivalry ever do?
Elsine: No matter how much good you do for others... No matter how much you help them...
Elsine: People can easily turn their backs on you. I shouldn't have to remind you.
Yuisis: Th-that's...
Yuisis is at a loss for words once more.
Elsine sighs and removes herself from Yuisis's grasp.
Elsine: Remember this, Yuisis.
Elsine: A boss in the mafia needs to be able to judge friend from foe with a level head.
Elsine: It doesn't matter if that person is a family member, or even a civilian.
Elsine: It's a job that requires a hardened heart.
Elsine: There's certainly no room for the kind of naivety that you exhibit.
Yuisis: ...!
It's the way of Ditoria—
Elsine: What will you do when someone steps up to betray you again, even after rebuilding the family?
Elsine: Would you simply allow a repeat of the crushing despair that would follow?
Yuisis: N-no...
Elsine: I know that you wish to see the return of the family you knew—the one built by the boss and Treia...
Elsine: I understand where you're coming from, and I would have liked to have done the same.
Elsine: But reality is not so kind.
Elsine: Such naive thinking is not going to get us anywhere in this cruel world.
Yuisis: But I've seen it work... (Captain) makes it work...
Elsine: I knew that (Captain)'s merry band was a bad influence on you.
Elsine: Yuisis, I demand that you cut ties with (Captain).
Yuisis: El... There are certain things that I won't allow even you to say.
Gran is the Main Character

Yuisis: (Captain) is the kind of person... The kind of leader that I aspire to be. Moreover, the crew is precious family to me.
Djeeta is the Main Character

Yuisis: (Captain) is the kind of person... The kind of leader that I aspire to be. Moreover, the crew is precious family to me.
Yuisis: Why would you have me cut ties with them?
Yuisis: I urge you to think very carefully about how you are going to answer...
Elsine: You'll never come to grips with reality if you keep going along as you are.
Elsine: (Captain) is entirely to blame.
Elsine: As long as you keep traveling with that crew, nothing will change.
Yuisis: So you would have me cut ties with them completely?
Elsine: Indeed. Yuisis, ours is a world completely separate from theirs.
Elsine: It's not the kind of world where one can get by on niceties alone.
Yuisis: Wh-what are you...
Elsine: It may serve the civilians well, but we're mafia.
Yuisis: ...
Elsine: That civilian way of thinking will just serve to eat away at the family once again.
Yuisis: You don't accept the crew as part of my family, do you?
Elsine: I'm glad you finally realized.
Yuisis: I have. You've been treating them much differently.
Yuisis: I've picked up on how much more distant you are when talkin' with them...
Elsine: Yes, and I choose to place my trust in them because you do.
Elsine: I refuse to acknowledge them as family, however. Their ways will only lead to rot from within.
Elsine: People like that have no place in our family.
Yuisis: ...
Elsine: As it stands, I can't even acknowledge you as the rightful boss of the Ditoria Knights.
Yuisis: ...!
Elsine: As long as you keep up that naive way of thinking...
Elsine: If you were to restore the family, I would come to cut you down myself.
Yuisis: El, please...
Elsine: That's the kind of resolve that I have. I hope you'll remember that.
Yuisis: ...
Elsine: Yuisis... This is a request as family. Please don't make me have to do that...
Elsine stands up, turns her back on Yuisis, and retires to her room for the night.