Scenario:A Ballad of Unbending Chivalry - Chapter 6: Sticking to Your Guns - Episode 5

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A Ballad of Unbending Chivalry - Chapter 6: Sticking to Your Guns - Episode 5

As a child, Arrogante worked for a small gang that was crushed by the Ditoria Knights. Yuisis's parents spared him, an act of mercy which crushed his pride as a mafioso. He later joined the Ditoria Knights and eventually led an insurrection, but Yuisis's parents died before he could deal the finishing blow. He believes offing Yuisis in her prime will be his path to true revenge.

Arrogante: I was a village orphan who got sold off to a gang.
Arrogante: The gang was a cutthroat one—the type that'd take on the dirtiest jobs. They'd even supplant their own bosses.
Arrogante: I did whatever I had to, to survive and make my bones.
Arrogante: Probably 'cause of the gang's unscrupulous nature, the Ditoria Knights sought us out and crushed us.
Yuisis: So that's why you're so bent on revenge...
Yuisis: You want to do right by all the family you lost...
Arrogante: The heck? Family? Me? Nuh-uh, never had any.
Arrogante: Only thing I had were pawns I either could or couldn't use.
Arrogante: I'm not so dumb as to want revenge for worthless goons.
Arrogante: So don't talk that family hogwash with me.
Yuisis: I can't believe you saw your family as pawns...
Arrogante: You and I approach things from completely different perspectives. That's all there is to it.
Yuisis: What do you call your revenge then!
Yuisis: If you consider everyone in your gang a pawn, what reason could you possibly have for revenge—
Arrogante: I was the only one kept alive.
Yuisis: Wha...
Arrogante: They said it wouldn't be right to kill a kid.
Arrogante: Told me to wash myself of mafia ties and go on the straight and narrow.
Arrogante: Can you understand how that felt?
Arrogante: To be spared over such bullcrap in this dog-eat-dog world?
Arrogante: There's no better way to crush a made man's pride.
Elsine: I know the feeling...
Elsine, still wincing in pain, stands up and turns to Arrogante.
Elsine: Because you trampled all over my pride just the same.
Arrogante: Hah! I bet you'd understand!
Arrogante: They denied everything I was, everything I stood for.
Arrogante: They sent me spiraling into self-doubt. Made me miserable.
Arrogante: Left a bad taste in my mouth that never went away...
Arrogante: No matter how strong I got and how much I climbed the ranks... It was like a curse.
Yuisis: ...
Arrogante: I made a decision to free myself of the curse by confronting it at the root.
Arrogante: By getting revenge on Wendt and Treia.
Arrogante: So I joined the Ditoria Knights.
Arrogante: I'd prove all their beliefs, ideals, and dreams to be wrong...
Arrogante: They'd taste the same despair that I did. Only then would I pop them.
Arrogante: I had to prove I was right. That was everything...
Yuisis: So you planned on betrayin' us from the start...
Yuisis: With the intention of shuttin' down our creed of chivalry and teachin' my parents a lesson...
Yuisis: You joined the Ditoria Knights just for that?
Arrogante: Exactly. Things proceeded precisely as I'd planned.
Arrogante: At last my revenge would come to fruition. I'd be freed of my curse...
Arrogante: But my plan fell apart at the last minute...
Arrogante: The top brass frickin' kicked the bucket before I could beat their heads in myself!
Arrogante: That's why I decided to go after you, their successor, instead.
Arrogante: Doing so would finally give me a chance to prove my point.
Arrogante: I was determined to make you all regret your notions of sympathy and compassion.
Arrogante: It'd be my ticket to freedom.
Arrogante: Except it wouldn't have made a difference if you weren't boss of the Ditoria Knights.
Arrogante: So I bided my time, waited for you to take your parents' place.
Yuisis: That explains your reaction when I awakened Ditoria.
Yuisis: Because wieldin' this sword in its awakened state is the real proof of Ditoria leadership.
Yuisis: Arrogante... You and I both lived lives bound to the mafia, to the Ditoria Knights.
Arrogante: ...
Yuisis: We're alike in a way.
Arrogante: Chivalry and violence couldn't be more different, but it's true that revenge motivates us both.
Arrogante: Which is why...
Yuisis: Uh-huh, which is exactly why we'll never be able to accept each other.
Yuisis: It's time we settled the score once and for all.
Arrogante: My thoughts exactly.
In the next instant, Vasuria transforms into twin blades.
Vyrn: Whoa, it changed form!
Arrogante: Yes, my Vasuria can transform just like Ditoria.
Arrogante: This form suits me better.
Arrogante: No one who's ever crossed blades with me when I'm wielding Vasuria in twin-blade form has survived.
Yuisis: No holdin' back, eh...
Arrogante: ...
Yuisis: (Captain), El, stand back.
Elsine: But...
Yuisis: This is my fight. Don't interfere.
  1. Just as long as you don't die.

Choose: Just as long as you don't die.

Yuisis: You can count on it. I'm gonna win and put an end to this for good.
(Captain) and company, placing their faith in Yuisis, do as ordered.
Yuisis: Let's go, Ditoria. It's time we took back our future!
Arrogante: Killing you is gonna liberate me from the curse of Wendt and Treia.
Arrogante: Then I'll be free to carve out my own future!
Arrogante: Grant me strength, Vasuria!
Ditoria and Vasuria shine, obeying the wills of their respective wielders.
And so the two engage in mortal combat.