Scenario:A Slice of Summer - Chapter 6: To Split a Watermelon - Episode 4

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A Slice of Summer - Chapter 6: To Split a Watermelon - Episode 4

(Captain) is assigned to split the massive watermelon, donning a blindfold and trusting the crew to guide them to the correct location. At the moment (Captain) strikes the watermelon, however, it transforms into a hulking behemoth and attacks.

Jin: Well then, ready to split this watermelon?
After their final dinner on Watermelon Island, Jin leads the crew in a watermelon splitting ritual.
Jin: I would like to call on (Captain) as our representative, to be our agent in splitting this watermelon and casting out evil.
Jin: Close your eyes and take this stick in hand, (Captain).
Jin: We humbly request that you not open your eyes until after you've split the watermelon.
Jin: Listen to us for guidance... You may begin!
At Jin's prompting, (Captain) turns toward the massive watermelon and takes a step forward, eyes closed all the while.
Helnar: Just like that, (Captain), just like that! Straight ahead!
Zeta: You're off! Right! Right! Go right!
Anna: Now you're too far to the right! Take, um... one step to the left? Roughly?
Sara: A little more to the left! About... Hm, how far, exactly?
Volenna: Too far! Take a half-step back and to the right!
Lyria: Yes, just like that! Now walk straight forward, (Captain)!
Vyrn: That's it! Go, (Captain), go!
(Captain) brandishes the stick Jin bequeathed to them.
But at the moment the stick is about to strike the watermelon, (Captain) is overcome with a vicious bloodlust.
(Captain) opens their eyes. The only thing they can see is the massive watermelon in front of them.
Gigamelon: ...!
Lyria: Oh... my gosh...
Jin: This murderous rage I sense... is coming from the watermelon?
The massive watermelon begins to shake violently.
Gigamelon: ...!
???: ...!
Volenna: Wha... What in the world is that?
Narmaya: Oh no! Look out, (Captain)!
Baffled at what they've just witnessed, (Captain) comes under attack by the massive, transforming watermelon.