Scenario:A Sweltering Eternal Getaway - Chapter 1: To the Levin Hot Springs! - Episode 4

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A Sweltering Eternal Getaway - Chapter 1: To the Levin Hot Springs! - Episode 4

The crew finds Fif, Eahta, and Narmaya enjoying a foot bath in town. Tien and Feower bring back Tweyen and Silva, and all of them soon find Anre and Threo in the middle of town. With news of Niyon having also arrived at Levin, Seofon is overjoyed that all ten Eternals are now gathered in one place.

(Captain) and company head outside to look around the hot spring district for the other Eternals. Soon enough, they spot a familiar trio.
Fif: Hey! Wait a sec, is that Seofon?
Fif: Seofooon! Over here!
Seofon: What're you doing lounging around here?
Eahta, you're here too.
Eahta: Yes.
Fif: Oh no! Did we go past the meeting time?
Fif: Sorry! It was my first time seeing a foot bath and I got so excited...
Seox (Event) is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

Fif is a member of the Eternals who, born with an immense amount of power, is a master of healing magic.
Next to her is Eahta, a disciplined katana-wielder who is traveling with Fif to oversee her growth and journey.

Continue 1

Narmaya: We were planning to soak just for a little bit, but the shop selling the souvenir towels had a lot of people and we lost track of time... I'm sorry.
Narmaya is a crew member

Go to "Continue 2"

Narmaya is a skilled swordswoman who combines magic with her blade.
Narmaya once trained day and night for a long time in hopes of bringing herself closer to Eahta, or Zanba—both her distant relative and the bladesman she revered most.
Through crossing blades with Eahta, Narmaya was finally able to sort out her feelings. Since then, she, Eahta, and Fif have become good friends.

Continue 2

Seofon: Ah well, we're together now so all is well!
Lyria: I didn't know you were here too, Narmaya!
Narmaya: Yep! Fif said they were going on a trip to the hot springs and invited me to come along!
Narmaya: I heard that (Captain) was going to be there too, so I couldn't pass up on the chance!
Seofon: From what I was told about our accommodations, it didn't seem like it would make a difference if we invited one or two more people.
Seofon: Tweyen mentioned something about wanting to invite someone too... Ah, speaking of which.
Tien: Seofon! We found Tweyen.
Seofon: Oh good, you managed to find them!
Tweyen: I'm sorry I'm late.
Silva: Sorry... We were at the shop selling hot springs manju—a kind of jam bun that's popular here—and the owner kept giving us more and more to sample...
Seox (Event) is a crew member

Go to "Continue 3"

Tweyen is a bow-wielder who has eyes capable of seeing across an entire island, allowing her to shoot down any target in the sky with her magic arrows.

Continue 3

Any version of Silva (Light) is a crew member

Go to "Continue 4"

Beside her is Silva, Tweyen's best friend, who is a renowned master sniper.

Continue 4

Seofon: Tweyen! I'm so glad you made it. A warm welcome to you too, Silva. Happy to see you.
Silva: Thank you for having me, and for making all the arrangements for my stay.
Tien: The shop owner was so kind. He even let Feower and I try so many different kinds of buns.
Feower: They tasted great, but he sure was pushy. If I didn't say no, he would've kept going on and on...
Tweyen: Hehe, that's true. I couldn't help but be pulled into the conversation... Thanks for cutting it short for us, Feower.
Tweyen: And again, I apologize for being late. As compensation, I bought manju for everyone, so please have some when we get to the inn.
Fif: Yay, manju! Thanks, Tweyen!
Seofon: All right, so that's seven of us. Now we just need to find Anre, Niyon, and Threo...
???: Get crushed!
Vyrn: Wha? Wasn't that...
Seofon: What in the skies is she doing in the middle of town? Come on, let's go!
Anre: Phew, that was close.
Mena: Oh m-my... Wh-what was that?
Threo: Anre! What're you gettin' in my way for? We're having a battle between the strongest of warriors here!
Anre: So Threo says. Are you also of the same understanding, miss?
Seox (Event) is a crew member

Go to "Continue 5"

Threo, a young warrior who grew up adhering to a strict creed of "survival of the fittest," stands tall after dealing a hit strong enough to blow away an entire building.
Anre, another member of the Eternals, is positioned close by, using his own power to protect the hot spring district from harm.

Continue 5

Mena: I-I'm only the s-s-strongest of my sisters... and I'm the only martial artist out of the three of us, so it doesn't mean much...
Anre: My apologies. Threo here is the strongest axe-wielder in the skies, you see.
Mena: In the skies? And the number one in the skies tried to fight me?
Mina: Mena! What was that loud noise just now?
Mena: Eep! Mina! Mona! Umm, well...
Mona: Hm... This calls for a scolding, doesn't it?
Mena: Nooo! Not a scolding!
Mina: Mena! Do you even know how to pick your opponents? How can you go starting fights so thoughtlessly!
Mena: All I said was that I was the best martial artist out of all my sisters! Then she just came and challenged me to a battle to decide "the strongest of them all"...
Mina: No excuses! Anyway, come here! You're in for a long lecture from me!
Mena: Eeeep! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Threo: Wha... So what's the deal? You're not actually the strongest?
Anre: It appears there was a misunderstanding. No reason for you to grow agitated here, Threo.
Threo: Okay, I'll wait! I'll wait until the next best fighter shows up!
Lyria: Mina! Mona! Mena! Long time no see!
Mina: You're here. I was informed of your arrival by Captain Albert. Thank you for coming to visit.
Seofon: Anre! Threo! There you are.
Anre: Apologies, Seofon. I lost sight of Threo when we were heading to the meeting place together.
Anre: I located her just now. Fortunately, no damage has been made to the town.
Seofon: Aha. I'm glad you came in time, Anre. Who knows what the consequences would've been otherwise...
Vyrn: And that's nine of ya. Now we just gotta find Niyon...
Anre: Niyon came on the same ship as us. She said she would head over to the inn first.
Seofon: Huh? Does that mean we've found everyone?
Feower: Seems so.
Seofon: Oooh, nice! We did it, (Captain)! Our get-together's happening—with all ten Eternals!
Lyria: Hehe. That's wonderful, Seofon!
Anre: Seofon has always said he wanted to gather everyone together for a meal. I'm also glad it is becoming reality.
Seofon: It's haaappening! This is a miracle, I'm telling you! This is the best day ever!
Seofon: Thanks so much for coming, everyone! I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life!
The hot springs trip that had been off to a rough start is finally coming together.
Seofon breaks out into a huge smile, glad that all of his crew was able to make it to the vacation destination.