Scenario:A Sweltering Eternal Getaway - Chapter 5: Converging Feelings - Episode 2

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A Sweltering Eternal Getaway - Chapter 5: Converging Feelings - Episode 2

Yurius leaves the arena to notify Albert of the king's safety. While comforting the shaken Audric, Jeno explains to the others that, as a rule, a member of Levin's royal family cannot refuse a challenge to a duel. Seeing Audric lament over his own weakness, Niyon plays a melody to give Audric the courage he needs to talk to his brother again.

Audric: Yurius! Are you all right?
Yurius: Yes. His Highness... he's quite strong, isn't he?
Jeno: Luckily I made it in time. I heard from the farsight archer that she saw you heading for the arena, so I came as fast as I could.
Yurius: I apologize for the trouble. Thank you for saving me back there.
Jeno: But how did he get an advantage over you? What happened to the power you had that bound and immobilized me before?
Yurius: The very thing that killed our father... I can't...
Jeno: Hm. Now I understand...
Jeno: However—have you thought about how His Majesty or Albert would feel if something were to happen to you because you restrained yourself like that?
Yurius: ...
Jeno extends a hand and pulls Yurius to his feet, giving him a firm pat on the back.
Jeno: Now go. Tell Albert His Majesty is safe now.
Yurius: Very well.
Yurius bows deeply. He picks up his sword and makes his way out of the arena.
Audric: I'm sorry... that I went out on my own...
Jeno: You can explain later. Here, lean into my fur—it will calm you down.
Audric: Huh?
Jeno shifts closer to Audric and wraps his arms around the king, as if holding a child.
Fif: Um... I don't get it. Why was the king fighting?
Seofon: Hmm. Let's just call it a fight between brothers that went further than expected.
Fif: Brothers wouldn't fight with real swords!
Seofon: Well, each family has its own circumstances.
Vyrn: But Fif's got a point. Why were they fightin' like that anyway?
Jeno: It's not just a simple quarrel. It was a duel.
Lyria: A d-duel?
Jeno: There is an old custom in which any member of the royal family who is challenged to a duel cannot refuse.
Jeno: In the past, there have been those in the royal family who were exiled from refusing to accept challenges over and over again.
Lyria: Exiled? That sounds like a very harsh rule...
Jeno: Levin is a land traditionally led by a glorious hero who unwaveringly guides our people so that our country can become one that is strong.
Jeno: The royal family must serve as a model of how the country should be.
Vyrn: We heard a bit about that yesterday too. But... how do the kings feel about that?
Audric: It's an anachronism. Even when we had no path to pave and no country to make prosper, all we cared about was our power of combat.
Audric: But even if I were to object, someone as weak as myself would only appear to be running away from our customs and traditions.
Audric: I've disappointed Victor many times too... I just want to disappear.
Jeno: Your Majesty...
Niyon: ...
After quietly listening to the conversation, Niyon finally steps forward. Audric looks at her curiously.
Niyon: The people of this land are very grateful to you. So please don't say that about yourself.
Audric: But... are they?
Niyon: I sensed a calming melody flowing through the hot spring district. A melody of the love the people have for their land, and the appreciation they have toward you.
Niyon: The thoughts of the people of Levin are clear, even if you can't hear the melody of their hearts. Isn't that right?
Tweyen: I agree. Everybody at the shops looked so happy. It's obvious to me that the people really love this town.
Silva: And all the visitors are enjoying their time here, from the bottom of their hearts—including us, of course.
Audric: Yes... This is what I had imagined for this place and have worked toward. Everyone in the council also gave their support.
Audric: Still, I found myself unable to face Victor. I know this isn't the Levin that Victor wants to see...
Audric: I'm always scared that he'll criticize my actions, saying that an incompetent weakling like me has no right in making decisions.
Audric: That's why I've been avoiding him all this time... even though I'm supposed to be the king, and his brother.
Niyon: ("Incompetent weakling"... These words are what is tying him down and disturbing his melody.)
Audric: We're brothers, with the same blood running through us... We're supposed to understand and help each other. And yet, I...
Niyon: You can come to understand each other if you take the time to talk it out properly.
Niyon: I don't deny that I hear disappointment and anger in your brother's melody. However, that doesn't mean he despises you.
Niyon: If you can recover your true melody, I'm sure you can make things work.
Audric: My true melody?
Niyon: The words you've been told all this time... The fear they've instilled in you is pulling your strings, tangling and suppressing them.
Niyon: You've been in this state for a very long time. It must have been difficult for you.
Niyon: Tell me. Do you want to talk to your brother?
Audric: Yes... I want to talk to him, and face him.
Niyon: Okay. Then let me help you draw out the courage that you need.
Niyon takes out her instrument and begins to play a lighthearted melody.
Audric: (What a curious song... I feel as if power is surging from within me just by listening to it.)
Audric: (My heart... Somehow, it feels lighter.)
Jeno: (His Majesty's stopped trembling.)
Niyon: (I know. Facing your fears is not something that can be easily done.)
Niyon: (The melody I give to you will serve as the spark you need to face your brother, and to remember the true you.)
Niyon: (Your brother may possess frustration and rage... but in the end, those are emotions born from a melody of worry for you.)
Smiling gently, Niyon continues to strum as she listens to a broken melody slowly piecing itself back to its original form.