Scenario:A Sweltering Eternal Getaway - Ending - Episode 2

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A Sweltering Eternal Getaway - Ending - Episode 2

The next morning, the crew head to collect their prizes for the stamps they collected. Audric, Jeno, and Victor arrive to express their gratitude for the crew's help in saving the hot spring town. (Captain) and company take turns drawing the lottery for prizes, and Seofon ends with the grand prize—a replica of the Skyblade. Seofon takes the replica sword's spirit before gifting the replica to Audric, who is overjoyed. After departing from Levin, Seofon stands on the deck of the ship, refreshed from the trip and eager to continue his work in protecting the skies.

The day after the fireworks festival, (Captain) and company finish their preparations and head to the entrance of the hot spring district for their departure.
Vyrn: Three days went by so fast! I kinda wish we could stay longer.
Lyria: Yeah. Let's come back again with everyone, (Captain)!
Anre: Haha. I have a few places I was unable to visit, so I, too, would like to make some time to enjoy the hot spring district again.
Audric: Ah, good! You're still here.
Seofon: Oh my. Are you here to send us off yourself, Your Majesty?
Audric: Yes, since I, um... wasn't able to thank all of you properly yesterday.
Audric: My deepest gratitude goes to the Eternals, (Captain), and everyone here. Thank you.
Victor: Allow me to show my appreciation as well.
Jeno: Thank you for all of your help.
Tien: Not at all. Fighting is our specialty, after all.
Seofon: Will you be heading back as well, Your Majesty?
Audric: Yes, I will be returning to the castle after this.
Audric: By the way, will you be stopping by the lottery center to test your luck with the stamps you collected?
Fif: Yep! I collected the four stamps I need for the lottery!
Threo: Me too! Does the prize include food?
Audric: There are some refreshments included in the prizes, yes. I hope all of you can receive something nice in the lottery!
One by one, (Captain) and company take their stamp sheets to the reception desk and turn the lottery wheel.
Vyrn: Guess we got participation prizes. A souvenir towel's pretty cool!
Tien: Hehe, Feower and I also each received a towel. Now we all have matching towels.
Feower: Should be pretty useful for cleaning.
Fif: Ooh, I got soap! What about you, Narmaya? Grampy?
Narmaya: I received an aromatic sphere for using in the bath. It's supposed to smell really nice.
Eahta: My prize is a multiuse cloth with the traditional crest of Levin on it. Quite the luxurious item.
Niyon: I also received a cloth. This pattern would match a yukata perfectly.
Silva: Hm, I got a small bottle of grape juice. The label's so cute—I think I'll put the bottle somewhere for display when I finish drinking it.
Tweyen: Mine is lightning bath salts. I wonder what these will be like?
Threo: Yaaay, I got raisin cookies!
Seox: Hm, a souvenir towel...
Anre: Is this... a wine glass? A lovely souvenir.
Seofon: Look at all of you, so excited about your prizes! Last is me, I guess. Let's see what I get.
Seofon takes hold of the lottery wheel handle and turns it slowly.
Seofon: Hm? A... gold marble?
Audric: Congratulations! You've won the grand prize!
Seofon: The grand prize! Does that mean I get something really special?
Audric: Certainly! I shall bring it over immediately.
Audric receives the prize from the reception and stands in front of Seofon, hiding the item behind him.
Audric: The grand prize you have won, Seofon, is... this! Ta-da!
Audric: The Skyblade!
Vyrn & Lyria: Wha!
Audric: Or, a replica of it!
Lyria: That surprised me... For a moment, I thought it was Albert's sword...
Threo: By replica, you mean a toy, right? What's that good for?
Anre: The Skyblade is the sword the hero in the Saint Lethan Tales wields, is it not? I read it in one of the descriptions His Majesty wrote.
Audric: Indeed it is! I borrowed the blade from Albert and had it intricately replicated.
Audric: For safety reasons, lightning does not come out of it unfortunately, but anybody who wields this can become the next Sir Foudre!
Victor: You had this made because you wanted to see it, didn't you...
Jeno: A small number of these swords have been made for giving out to regular visitors in the future.
Victor: What're you supposed to do with something like that? Who'd want a replica?
Seofon: Whoa, look at the sharpness in the edge of this blade! What a fantastic present! Are you sure I can take it back with me?
Victor: I spoke too soon...
Audric: Isn't it magnificent? Not to mention its incredibly light weight! With this, even children can swing it without trouble!
Seofon: Ah, excellent point! A real blade would be much too heavy for a child to hold.
Audric: Exactly! Although I had it made for the lottery grand prize, I almost wish I could have one myself!
Seofon: Is that so? Then allow me to present this to you as a gift, Your Majesty.
Audric: Huh? But this was specifically created for the enjoyment of visitors to our town...
Seofon: Ah, but of course I wouldn't do something as uncouth as returning a present I had only just received.
Seofon: I'd like the Skyblade very much for myself, but I also wish to give it to you as a present. In that case... please watch closely.
Seofon puts his hand over the replica sword. A translucent figure of the blade floats out of the toy, as if the blade's soul is being removed, and flies into Seofon's hand.
Audric: You divided the sword!
Seofon: This is called a spirit sword. I collect my swords in this way, you see.
Audric: That's amazing! It's my first time seeing something like this!
Seofon: Now, will you do me the honor of receiving this replica Skyblade as a commemorative souvenir of our encounter, Your Majesty?
Seofon: No need to hold back—it is a present I'm willingly giving to you.
Audric: ...!
Audric: Thank you so much! I shall treat this as an heirloom and treasure it forever!
Victor: Stop that! Don't make a toy a royal treasure!
Jeno: Gahaha!
Victor: It's not funny!
Lyria: Hehe. I'm glad to see that both the king and Seofon are happy!
The needle of the clock at the information center ticks along contently as the crew smile at each other.
Silva: Well, it's about time for me to catch my airship back. I'll be taking my leave here.
Vyrn: Yeah, our ship's waitin' for us too. Guess it's time!
Audric: Very well. Please take care on your way back, everyone!
Audric: We hope you enjoyed your time in Levin! Thank you all very much, and we happily await your next visit.
Lyria: We're looking forward to next time too! Please send our regards to Albert and Yurius!
Audric, Victor, and Jeno wave goodbye as (Captain) and company leave to continue their respective journeys.
Seofon: There're still a lot of areas that need improvement, but Levin sure was a nice place.
Seofon stands on the deck, looking down at the kingdom of Levin from the clouds. He summons the replica of the Skyblade.
Seofon: I've never had a replica spirit sword before. I wonder if I can actually use this in battle.
Seofon swings the blade, as if testing its capability.
Seofon: Glory to Levin!
Haha, not bad.
Seofon: All right! Now that we've had some time to refresh ourselves, we Eternals have work to do!
Seofon raises his arms and stretches, just as the ship sails past the thunderclouds and into clear, blue skies.
The End