Scenario:A Tale of Intersecting Fates - When the Cat's Away... - Episode 2

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A Tale of Intersecting Fates - When the Cat's Away... - Episode 2

(Captain)'s party cleared up the confusion with the thugs, but not before nightfall. The group agreed to continue in the morning, and Eugen invited Yuri to stay the night on the Grandcypher. In a wine-fueled party on the ship's deck, Yuri spoke a little about conditions in the country he serves. The next day, the party resumes their search for Rollo.

After explaining the situation, (Captain)'s party was able to clear up the misunderstanding with the thugs.
But night had fallen, and the party was still no closer to finding Rollo.
Vyrn: I can't imagine we're gonna have much luck finding Rollo in total darkness.
Lyria: That's true. At this point, I'm not even sure I'd notice if he was standing at my feet.
Yuri: Let's call it a night, then. Thanks for your help.
Eugen: Ah, it was nothing. I just wish we'd had more luck.
Eugen: Are you from around here? We could give you a ride on the airship.
Yuri: Huh? Oh... Thanks, but I think I'm pretty far from home.
Eugen: So you got a room somewhere?
Yuri: Nah, I'm not too familiar with the area, and I haven't really seen any inns around.
Yuri: I'll just camp out around here somewhere.
Eugen: The hell you will! Why didn't you say something sooner?
Yuri: Huh...?
Eugen: Ha ha ha! Come on, drink up! You're falling way behind!
Yuri: Yeesh... Guess it doesn't matter where you go—middle-aged men love to drink.
Yuri: Come on, you oughta eat something. All that alcohol's gonna wreck your stomach.
Lyria: You really should! Yuri's cooking is fantastic!
Vyrn: You sure don't look it, but wow, you're a really good cook!
Yuri: I'm nothing special. Just had a lot of practice, is all.
Yuri: When it's a choice between cooking and going hungry, anyone will learn how to rustle up a meal.
With Yuri's cooking to soak up the drinks, the meal continued well into the night.
Lyria: Mmmm...
Vyrn: Snooore...
Yuri: Sigh... Who exactly is the guest here?
Eugen: Hey, kid... You said you were a knight of... where was that, again?
Yuri: Windor. The Kingdom of Windor. Why?
Eugen: It's nothing, I just... I got a daughter, about your age... Well, maybe a little older...
Eugen: She's one too. A knight, I mean… Officially, at least. But she's running a country.
Yuri: She's close to my age and ruling a country? That's quite a feat.
Eugen: Yeah! She's a real impressive lady. Hard to believe she's related to me, ya know?
Eugen: Anyway, just got me wondering... What are knights like in other places?
Yuri: I can't say it's ever been a point of pride for me.
Yuri: Now, ruling a country, on the other hand... I wonder what I'd do if I had power like that?
Eugen: Why the long face? You worried about something?
Eugen: We're all drunk here, kid! Spit it out!
Yuri: I wouldn't say I was worried about it, exactly...
Yuri: But at the moment, my country's in a bit of trouble.
Yuri: I was just fantasizing about having the power to change things.
Eugen: So if you did, what would you do?
Yuri: That's a good question. I... have no idea.
Eugen: Ha ha ha ha! Well, no shame in that.
Eugen: What-ifs are good for drunken conversation, but that's about it.
Eugen: All we can do is the best we can with what we got, am I right?
Yuri: You're probably right. I ought to stick to focusing on what's within my grasp.
Eugen: Man, things got a little dark there. Come on kid, drink up!
Yuri: Hey, ease up on the bottle! I can't drink all that!
And so, the party continued.
In the morning, everyone disembarked to a sunny day on Marco Island, and resumed their search for Rollo.

A Tale of Intersecting Fates - When the Cat's Away... - Episode 2: Scene 2

(Captain)'s party visits a pet shop where cats from the island are sold. There, Yuri courts trouble with some imperial soldiers, and deftly defeats them. But the shopkeeper is just as frightened of Yuri after he identifies himself as a royal knight. Reinforcements arrive to avenge the defeated guards.

Cat: Meow.
Imperial Soldier 1: Look at those round eyes and big soft feet. So adorable!
Imperial Soldier 2: Little cutie's rolling over in its sleep! Oh, look—now it's rolling back! Awwwww!
Yuri: Huh. Is everyone on this island like this? And no one else finds that strange?
Vyrn: Yeah... I can't help you there.
On a tip from Sierokarte, (Captain)'s party is visiting a local pet shop.
The shop sells cats picked up on the island, but...
Cat: Meow?
Imperial Soldier 1: Oh, that fuzzy little belly... That proud, upturned nose...
Imperial Soldier 2: Look, look! It's sitting up! Oh my gosh, it's crossing its legs!
...but the pet shop was full of imperial soldiers who had become entranced by the cats.
Yuri: So we can't get close to the cats because these guys are in the way?
Eugen: This is pretty much the last place I figured we'd run into the imperial army.
Lyria: I guess we'll just have to stay out of sight until they move on?
Yuri: What are you guys talking about? Why don't we just ask them to step aside for a minute?
Vyrn: Yeah... about that.
The party explains to Yuri that they're on the run from the Erste Empire.
Yuri: Huh... Well, after all you've done for me, I sure don't want to cause any trouble for you.
Shop Assistant: Um, excuse me...?
Imperial Soldier 1: Huh? You want something from us?
Shop Assistant: I'm so sorry, but... for the sake of our other customers, we'd rather not have armed soldiers hanging out in the front of the store...
Imperial Soldier 2: Huh? You got some sort of problem with the soldiers of the Erste Empire?
Shop Assistant: N-No! It's just that... you're scaring the other customers.
Shop Assistant: Also, it upsets the cats when you tap on the cages like that...
Imperial Soldier 1: Huh. Sounds to me like you got a whole lot of problems with us.
Imperial Soldier 1: And if you think this is bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Yuri: Just look at you big tough soldiers, ogling cats and threatening store clerks.
Vyrn: Y-Yuri?! What are you—
Imperial Soldier 1: Who the hell are you? Go ahead and say that to my face!
Yuri: You hard of hearing? I said you're big tough men, hassling folk as you hide behind your uniform.
Imperial Soldier 2: You son of a—
Lyria: Yuri!
Yuri: ...
The two imperial soldiers draw their swords and attack Yuri.
But Yuri deftly parries their attacks, sending both men sprawling to the ground.
Yuri: About what I expected.
Imperial Soldier 1: Argghh... Who are you?!
Yuri: Oh, no one all that special. Just a lowly knight.
Shop Assistant: What?! You're a royal knight...?
Shop Assistant: So you're part of some army, too? Just like these guys...
Yuri: Huh? I wouldn't say that. Well, it's true that knights are a part of the military...
Imperial Soldier 2: Ha! Acting like some sorta hero when you're just a soldier too! What's the diff—bwah?!
Eugen: Yeah, and my boot's just a shoe till it's kickin' your butt. Hey kid, don't pay these two no mind.
Yuri: ...
Imperial Soldier 3: Hey, are you two okay?! Oh, these bastards are gonna pay!
Vyrn: Uh-oh! Looks like they had friends nearby... Brace yourself, (Captain)!